Published: 2-May-2013
Word Count:
Later that night, mom and I were on the couch. We were naked, of course, cuddled and watching movies. It was late, and I was a bit tired, and I lay there with my head in her lap. She rested her hand on my shoulder and the softest smell of her sex greeted my nostrils as I rested, and we enjoyed a movie. Our favorites have always been bad scary movies; I think because there's such a wonderful mix of bad acting, horror violence, and somebody getting naked for no apparent reason.
We had reached a point in the film where a beautiful blonde lady (Sarah somebody...) was bent over a table with her dress up really getting it from behind. Between watching the action on the screen, and the scent in my head, I could only think of one thing: that beautiful vagina that was just inches from my face! I turned up to look at her.
"Mom," I asked.
"Yes, baby?" Mom looked me in the eyes.
"Um, may I... do something?" I tried to tell her with my eyes what I was thinking and she read them just perfectly.
"Oh, baby!" She parted her legs as I sat up. "You can do that anytime!"
She turned her back against the arm of the couch, and opened her legs toward me. God, what a beautiful sight! Her lips were so soft, with just a hint of dampness, and I couldn't wait to taste them. I didn't want to go too fast, though. I wanted to take my time, and make my mom cum hard!
First I lay a gentle kiss directly on her lips, as though I were kissing her mouth. It was a soft and sensual kiss. I then licked up and down her slit, getting a good taste of those sweet juices! Going up, I licked hard against her clit before wrapping my lips around it and sucking hard. Mom moaned and grabbed my head with both hands, pulling me gently in.
"Mmm, baby, that's good! Suck momma's pussy," she purred.
I reached down and stroked my dick while I was sucking on her pussy. I was already so hard I thought I would explode. I moaned with satisfaction and sucked harder on her clit. Then, I backed off just a bit, pulled my head back against her hands to get room enough to lightly flick my tongue up and down across her soft spot. I just barely touched her, licking up and down as fast as I could. Mom's breathing increased and she pulled harder against my head, making it more difficult to keep far enough back.
"Oh! Baby! Oh, honey! Just like that! Oh, God! Don't stop!" Mom's hips were shaking in my hands, and her juices were pouring down my chin. I stroked my dick faster and faster. "Oh, fuck," she cried out! "I'm cumming!" She bucked hard against my mouth when she did.
I didn't stop. I stuck my tongue as far inside her as I could, and drank her juice. I brushed my face across her pussy, and got her wetness all over it. I went back down and took her clit into my mouth, sucking hard and rolling my tongue across it. I was nursing on her clitoris as hard as I might, and pulled her hips toward my face. Mom spoke up.
"Oh, you evil little boy! You're gonna make mommy cum again, aren't you? Oh, God, yes! Suck it! Oh, God!" Soon mom was shaking and bucking against my mouth. I was lost in a heaven of her juices! I couldn't hold back much longer.
I pulled my face up and put my knees between her legs. "Mommy? I need to cum, mommy!" (Somehow "mommy" sounded so much dirtier than "mom".) I held my dick just above her vagina, poised to squirt across her stomach.
"Oh, baby boy, let it go! Cum for mommy!"
God, did I cum! I felt seven hard squirts of cum fly out of my balls, and across my mother's belly and breasts! The last few drops pooled in her pubic hair. I was spent. I fell down across her chest and she pulled me in tight, spreading my cum between us.
"That was nice, baby-boy! That was nice!" I looked up, smiling into her glossy eyes. We lay there several minutes in silence. The movie had ended and the dvd player shut itself off. "I hate to do this, baby, but I've got to go lay down. I've got to be in (to work) an hour early tomorrow," she looked into my eyes and brushed her hand through my hair before continuing, "as much as I would love to stay right here!"
I blushed at her acknowledgement of our intimacy, and hopped up off the couch. I stood there and just looked at her for a moment. She was beautiful sitting there, wet with sex and sweat, and a satisfied grin across her face. I stood still for a second with my hands at my sides, smiling, as though I were waiting for her approval. She leaned over and gave me a soft kiss on the lips. "I love you, baby," she said.
"I love you, too, mom! G'night!" I turned to go back toward my room. I stopped at the bathroom for a moment, hoping to get a cloth to wipe the cum off my chest. I looked and saw a pair of mom's panties on top of the laundry, and forgot all about the wash cloth. I held them up to my nose. They were black satin, and I'm sure she'd been wearing them all day. The aroma filled my sinuses and fogged my brain! I took another deep breath, and then used them to wipe the cum off me. I smelled them one more time and put them back. I was going to sleep like the dead!
I woke up early- well, early for me- and sat up in bed. The house was silent, and morning's light was spilling across my bed. My sheets were up across my knees, and the lightest smell of sex reached my nostrils. I smiled with the memory of the night before. I hopped out of bed and started toward the kitchen; hungry would only stay quiet for so long.
Mom was already at work, and I had the house to myself. No matter how many times I had done it, just the act of walking through the house naked still excited me. It wasn't like being a nudist, were everyone's naked all the time, and sex really isn't an issue- it was more forbidden somehow. Walking by windows always excited me because we all we had up were sheer curtains! Now, we have a big back yard, so there wasn't much of a chance of someone walking by close enough to see me directly, but the idea that someone could thrilled me! We also had a large picture window in the living room. Now I could avoid being in the living room easily enough, but the hallway and the family room were on either side of it, and being seen coming or going was a real possibility. I loved it!
Another thing, nudists don't generally walk around with erections half the time, which I did. Behind it all, whenever I was nude, I remembered the only reason I was free to be nude in the house was because mom and I had decided to live with no secrets- nothing hidden. So, when I was naked, all I could think about was her letting me stay naked, of her wanting me to stay naked.
I was putting pop tarts in the toaster when the phone rang. I walked over to the table (Right by the kitchen window!) and picked it up- the ID said it was Brent.
"Hello," I said, smiling.
"Hey, man, are you coming over today? Mom and the girls are gone! They've gone up to Richmond to shop all fuckin' day." It's always exciting when you've got the house to yourself; something I had been enjoying all morning.
"Sure! Gimme 10 and I'll be right over." I was little let down that Tracy wasn't going to be there, but hanging out and having the run of the house was pretty okay! I grabbed my pop-tarts and went back to my room. Once there, I pulled on some jeans and my "Beatles" t-shirt, ran a quick brush through my hair, grabbed the house keys and ran over to Brent's. I pecked on the door and let myself in, which was pretty much standard procedure for us, and hollered up the stairs toward his room.
"Hey! What's a guy have to do to get a Coke around here?"
"Probably go to the fuckin' fridge to get one," his voice answered back. I laughed. I was already going that direction. Brent and I were pretty comfortable in each other's houses, and after a while you're not a guest- you're family. Family gets their own drinks from the refrigerator.
"Hey, man!" Brent popped around the corner about the time I popped the Coke tab. Come on upstairs. I want to show you what I found online!" Brent's smile was devious.
"Oh, shit! What have you come across?"
"Nothing, yet!" He laughed and we both ran up to his room.
Brent, of course, was up first and sitting at his computer desk when I came in. We had left the door open, something we never did when someone else was home. His desk was a heavy wire frame, enameled in black, and it had a two tier wooden top. Across the desk sat a large flat-monitor and it shared the wood surface with only the mouse. Splashed across the screen, however, was something that would prove to be much more exciting. Brent had just popped a video up full-screen. All I could see was a paused blur.
"Are you ready? You may want to pull up a chair for this one." He sat there with his hand on the mouse. I pulled a chair up tight next to him, so I could see things clearly. I saw for the first time, that he was tenting his shorts just a bit.
"I see you've watched this already," I said, gesturing toward his crotch.
"Oh, yes, and I'm gonna watch it again!" He fiddled with his shorts as he hit "play".
The video started out with a woman, probably in her 50's, walking through her living room naked. She had short blonde hair, maybe 5' 6", and a medium build. Her breasts were large, with wide pink nipples, and they had just enough sag to show her age. She kept her pubic hair shaved. For about a minute or so, she just vacuumed the floor.
"Here we go. It's about to get good," he whispered.
I kept watching the screen, and the lady sat down on her couch. The camera must've been on a bookshelf or something, because the camera angle didn't move, but because of where it was placed, you could see everything very clearly. She was off center to the left, next to a large picture window. She leaned back and opened her knees just wide enough so she could fit her hand between her legs. As she rubbed her pussy, you could see when she really started to feel it. She tilted her head back and started to moan.
Soon she was rubbing faster and reached up with one hand and started pinching a nipple. Her moans became louder. After a few moments she crossed her legs back together tightly, squeezing her hand. She was moaning quite loud at this point, and her breathing was deep. I looked over at Brent, and he had his shorts pulled down to his knees, and was stroking his dick. Brent's penis was not quite an inch longer than mine and curved out and up. He was hard as stone.
I was getting pretty horny myself, so I unbuckled my jeans and pulled them down past my knees, so I could play with myself unobstructed. By this time, the lady was really crying out, twisting her nipples, and rubbing her clit furiously. The feeling in my dick was really beginning to build, when Brent pointed something out in the video.
"Now watch the window!" As he said that, you could clearly see a man walk by the window. I hadn't noticed before, but she had her curtains completely open! The guy walks past without seeing, because he didn't pause, but he was there long enough for her to see him. As he walks by, she gets louder and cums, swearing up a storm!
"Dude, that was hot! She totally got off on almost getting caught!" I was still very slowly stroking my dick. Brent was doing the same, glistening with pre-cum.
Brent gave me a glazed look. He nodded toward the door. "You want to do that? You want to get off by an open window?" He was grinning ear to ear.
"Are you serious? What about your mom and them?" I was more than a little surprised.
"Why not? They won't be home for hours, and besides, we'd hear them pulling into the driveway." I sent the idea through my head. Sitting out where we could conceivably get caught masturbating together? "Come on," he continued, "I'm pretty sure we both walk around naked when our moms aren't home. Let's go get off like she did!"
I sent the idea through my head again. It sounded dirty- to masturbate in someone else's living room while they weren't there. "Let's do it! Let's leave all our clothes here and go downstairs!" We finished getting naked right there, and looked each other. We were both as hard as steel.
"After you," Brent said, reaching his arm toward the door and bowing slightly. I let my penis lead the way and ran down the hall and halfway down the steps, with Brent just behind me. Halfway down, I paused and slowed down. From here I would be in full view of the door if someone chose now to come home. No one did, and we moved quickly into the living room. We each walked up, almost to the window and looked out. No one close enough to see anything, at least not yet.
We looked at each other and hopped back. Brent sat in the easy chair, and I sat on a cushioned stool at the foot of it, facing him. I didn't really think about where I sat, I just sat there. Here we were, just two kids being a little dirty, getting off together; we were as excited about what we were doing as we were about where we were doing it. As we stroked, we would glance out the window, give a quick scan and look back at each other smiling and shaking our heads, as though we were saying, "Nobody yet!"
After a couple of minutes, we were both getting really close. I had my eyes closed and my head back, and started breathing really fast. "Oh, man, I'm gonna cum!"
"Oh, God, so am I," Brent grunted. "Yes!"
I stood halfway up and shot my load! Five or six shots emptied out, but when I opened my eyes, I realized I had cum all over my best friend! He was staring at me wild eyed, and I thought he must be furious, until he stood up, too. He stared at me as he continued to stroke, leaned forward, and finally erupted in orgasm! He kept squirted his load all over my chest and stomach.
Suddenly the silence was deafening. My heart was in my throat, and my mouth was completely dry. I couldn't speak. We stared at each other in silence. That's when I realized we were both still stroking our softening cocks, milking out the last few drops. Brent's flat expression eased into a tiny grin, and that's when I knew what I wanted to do.
I reached over to the coffee table and picked up a couple of tissues, and reached over and began wiping the cum off his chest. We never broke eye contact as I wiped down his chest to his stomach. He reached over and grabbed a handful of tissues, and handed me two more. Then he started wiping the mess off my chest as well. We stared until our hands got as low as our pubes, which were full of sperm. I looked down at his dick, and kept on wiping the cum out of his pubic hair, and then all around his dick. The feel of another boy's penis was surreal; so similar to mine, yet so different. My heart threatened to stop, but somehow kept on pumping.
Brent did the same to me- wiping the mess out of my pubes, and then going on to wipe my penis and testicles. We stood there for a couple of minutes cleaning and handling each other's genitals. When we were done, we were both still half erect. Brent spoke first, "Man, I don't know that I can right now, but," he paused, "we really ought to do that again sometime." We leaned forward and pushed our foreheads together.
"Yes," I offered, out of breath. "We really do!"
We finished cleaning up, and went on about the rest of our day like normal. We stayed naked for the next couple of hours, enjoying the freedom, but we finally got dressed out of fear of his mom getting home. We didn't touch any in that time, but the awkwardness that I feared would rear it's ugly head never showed. We were just as comfortable around each other as we always had been.
It was getting to be around 3 or 4 in the afternoon, and I decided to get home, and maybe think about supper. Mom would be home soon, if she wasn't already, and hopefully, she was thinking supper thoughts as well. We said a quick goodbye, and I was turning to leave his bedroom when he stopped me.
"Uh, Jack?" He held a thoughtful look on his face.
"Yeah, man?"
"We ought to have a sleepover this weekend!" He was grinning ear to ear.
I thought about it for just an instant, wondering if it was a good idea. I looked him in the eye and said, "Absolutely!"
I ran on downstairs, and was reaching for the front door, when it opened before I could reach it! (Obviously, his mom was home, and we just hadn't heard her car.) I was just a little startled, and stepping in as quickly as I'd been stepping out was Tracy! In an instant we were nose to nose. A sudden start quickly melted into a pair of smiles, and we both laughed. Things got real quiet for just a moment.
"Hi," I eventually offered.
"Hi." We didn't break eye contact. Her brown eyes looked at me, and they seemed to be ready to answer a question I hadn't yet asked.
I didn't want to let myself think before going ahead with the question I had only just realized I was going to ask, so I just blurted it out. "Would you like to come over and watch movies at my house tomorrow night?" I was gripped by a hopeful fear that made my palms sweat. She was silent for what must have been a split second, but, to me, it felt like a thousand years. I was more nervous than I felt I could hide for very long, when she finally answered me.
"Yes!" Her answer was quick but not loud. Her eyes jumped into a smile, and a grin rolled across her pink, glossy lips. I swallowed hard. She started to move around me into the house, because it had not yet occurred to me to move to respond, then the surprise came; she reached over and gave me a quick kiss on the cheek! I'm sure I blushed, because I could feel it across my entire face! She seemed just as nervous and excited as I did, and I'm not sure which of us was smiling more. She turned and walked toward the kitchen with that stiff bodied shuffle a person does when they don't want you to know how nervous they are.
I looked around the room. Brent's mom and sister were grinning in the doorway, and Brent was poised at the top of the stairs, looking down at us. It would seem I had just asked Tracy out in front of the whole household! I hollered back to her in the kitchen, "Cool! So, I'll see you tomorrow!" I turned as casually as I could, which was exactly as casual as Tracy had, and walked between Brent's mom and sister (who, miraculously, had remained silent during this exchange) and out the door.
I had a date with Tracy! What's more, I couldn't wait to tell mom about it!
Mom was home when I got there, sitting at the desk in her bedroom. She was typing away at something she seemed happy to be distracted from. "What 'cha doin'?" I leaned just around the door.
"Homework," she stated sadly. She was still dressed from work, in grey dress pants and a white top. Her hair was mussed and her eyes were tired.
"Wow. That sucks."
"Yes," she replied. "That sucks." She shook off the thought and turned to face me. "How was your day, baby?"
I walked across the room and sat on the foot of her bed. I looked up and bit my lip just a bit. "I've got a date with Tracy," I said, excitedly! As excited as I was, I still reserved a little nervousness about saying it. I suppose I didn't want mom to feel she was any less special, if that makes any sense.
"No way," she cried, "that's great, honey! When?"
"Tomorrow night. I've asked her over to watch some movies." I thought about it for a moment. "Oh, is it ok if Tracy comes over tomorrow night to watch movies?" It occurred to me that I never did ask permission.
"Of course, silly! What time is she coming over?"
Wow. That was a good question. "We didn't get that far. I'm not real sure." I smiled at my uncertainty.
"Well, honey, that is great! You guys will have fun." She paused for just a moment, putting something together. "Didn't you say she's only going to be her until Monday?"
"Monday morning," I said, resigned. "But," I added, "Those could be three really fun days! I'd like to find out, anyway."
Mom's smile told me she understood. "So, what else did you do with your day?" She turned back toward her "homework". Silently, I held a very nervous grin. Mom quickly noticed the quiet if not the grin, and turned back around. "What did you do?" Her tone was harmlessly accusatory.
"Well," I started, "I was just over at Brent's." I rolled my eyes at the floor, not in shame, but in embarrassment.
"And," she prompted.
"And, we were watching a video," I slowly added. "And Brent had an idea..."
"Brent had an idea?" Mom was genuinely interested.
"Yes, Brent had the idea. Of course, I went right along with it! I think it turned out to be a pretty good idea."
"Do tell! What was Brent's idea?"
"Well, the woman in the video was 'jilling-off in her living room with the window blind open. Then, this guy walked past the window- he didn't see her, but, she really got off when she saw him. We thought it might be neat to do the same thing." I looked at her to gauge whether she thought it was a silly idea or not. "The girls were out shopping, so we figured 'what the hell?'." Mom looked enthralled.
"So, you guys thought you'd masturbate in his living room? That's so hot!" Mom loved to hear my masturbation stories. She had already unsnapped and unzipped her pants.
"Oh, mom, we got completely naked before going downstairs!" I was getting more excited as I related the story. "We looked out the window, ya know, just to see if there was anyone there that could see us. Then, he sat down on the easy chair, and I sat on the stool." Mom's hand was in her panties, rubbing as she listened. "We started stroking, looking back and forth between each other and the window to see if someone might be watching, and...well...I realized too late that I was cumming on him!"
"Oh, my God, honey! How did he take it?" Mom's face was flushed and she had a hand in her blouse now.
"Mom, he came on me, too," I confessed. My heart was beating in my ears as I told her. Reliving it had me flushed and excited, too.
"Oh, my!" Mom was rubbing furiously now, and was looking at me with glassy eyes. "What did you do then?"
My eyes were on my mom, but my focus was on that remarkable moment earlier this morning. I spoke very matter-of-factly. "We cleaned each other off. I took a tissue and wiped off his penis and testicles." Mom's face was red and her eyes were closed. "We cleaned and handled each other's cock and balls for probably three or four minutes. It was amazing." My voice was even, but my pulse was racing and I was breathing hard.
"Oh, shit! Oh, fuck!" Mom cried out loud as she came! "God! Damn!" She was the most fantastic sight: sitting in her chair facing me, one hand in her panties rubbing away, one hand in her top gripping hard on her breast, and her hair fallen down around her deep-red face. When she finally came down from her high, she looked up and said, "Honey, that was fantastic! Now stand right there for just a minute. I'm going to do something. Don't you move."
I wasn't going anywhere. I sat, my arms beside me, on the foot of her bed, while she stood up and took off her pants, and then her panties. She set her panties beside me on the bed, and kicked her jeans aside. She left her shirt on, though it was open most of the way. Without speaking, she unsnapped and pulled down my jeans. I was already hard as a rock, and she yanked my underwear down to the floor as well, not giving me a chance to step out of them.
She reached over and grabbed her panties and wrapped them around my dick. She squeezed and stroked me back and forth and I could feel the dampness in the cloth rub me up and down. She cupped my balls tightly and increased her pace, trying to make me cum hard and fast- she was doing a good job! The story with Brent, watching mom masturbate, her warm panties around my dick- it was all too much, and I came hard, spraying my sperm across her shirt and face!
Mom licked a small spot across her lips, and smiled. "Well. That was nice! Now, I'm going to go take a shower, and when I get back, you're going to tell me that story again, only slower, and with more detail!"
I couldn't wait!
Mom's Encouragement: Chapter 8 Fb bb inc voy I woke up early Friday morning with a terrible need to pee. I hopped out of bed, ran out my bedroom door and into the bath. I had the unavoidable morning erection, so I had to get on my knees and bend over the bowl to pee. That was always a strange process. By the time I'd finished, my erection had very slowly started to go down. The smell and sound of sausage frying greeted me in the hallway, so I decided against going back to bed and went on into the kitchen.
Mom was just sitting down with a plate when I walked in. "Well, good morning, early riser!" Mom gestured at my penis, which was still half hard.
"Good morning," I offered and walked behind her and hugged her shoulders over the back of the chair. She patted my arm and I went down and sat across from her.
"What has you up this early?"
"Call of nature."
"That'll do it," she said as she sipped her coffee. "Are you up for the day, or is this just a drive-by?"
"Oh, I'm sure I'm up. I'm a little too awake now to go back to sleep."
"Mmm. That's right! You've got a date tonight!" Mom was all smiles.
"Yeah, I guess I do!" I blushed just a little at the thought.
"Did you have anything planned?" Mom looked at me over the rim of her cup.
"I don't know. I thought we might just pop popcorn and watch movies. Carla said she's into 'weird movies' just like we are, so I figured I'd try one old and one new- maybe a Hammer Dracula and then that wonderfully creepy Ethan Hawke thing!" I'd given the nights movies a lot of thought. The first film should be a relaxer; it should be something we'll both like that puts her at ease. I figured the second movie should be the "let's-get-her-to-pull-in-tight" movie.
"Sounds fun. I'll be taking off for a couple of hours around 10- We're having a girl's night out!"
"Cool," then I thought about what she had just said. "You don't mind leaving us alone?"
"Oh, hell, honey. I'm sure Tracy's a good girl, and you know enough not to take advantage. Enjoy your date. I would!"
The room seemed very quiet for a moment and I decided to say something that had been on my mind. "Mom, you ought to go out on a date. You know, a real date, with a guy."
"With a guy," she asked, chuckling at my attempt to convey my meaning. "What brought this on?"
"Well, I'd been thinking about it since I asked Tracy over. I know she's not really my "girlfriend" exactly, but she's kind of like a girlfriend. I think you should have a boyfriend."
"Say I got a boyfriend, how would you feel about that?" Mom's eyes were questioning.
"I've thought about that, mom. I know in my heart, that we could never lose "this": all our special times together- our mornings like this, our talks when you're in the bath, and, well, our time together-together. As long as we don't give this up, I want you to have a boyfriend."
Mom took the last drink from her coffee. Apparently she'd been expecting this conversation, because she had the next question ready. "And what about when mommy's spending some "special time" with this date?"
I twitched. I'd been thinking about that, too. How was I going to feel when mom's having sex with someone else? It was bound to happen eventually, but how would I react when it did? Then, the more I thought about it, the more I realized I was actually getting aroused at the idea! I knew how I'd react. "I think I'd like that, too."
Mom looked at me with a raised eyebrow, and then looked around the side of the table at where I sat. My real feelings were plain to see: I was hard as a rock!
"Ok then. Now I don't know that I'm on the market for a full time boyfriend right now, Jack, but I may well in the future. For now, though, I'm glad we talked about it. Now, I need to get ready for work, and you need to lie around the house all day and obsess about your date tonight!"
"Mom!" Of course, she had me there; that's exactly what I was going to do.
Mom stood up and walked past me toward her room, then stopped and looked down at my erection. "Maybe we'll make some us time tomorrow. I'm off work, and Brent isn't going to be here until after dinner..."
"Oh, mom! That sounds fantastic!"
Mom went on to work, and I spent the morning naked, of course. Between our conversation, my date tonight, and the prospect Brent coming to spend the night tomorrow, I was in a near constant state of arousal! I kept myself that way, stroking myself for a few minutes, then stopping when I got close to cumming. Whenever my erection started to wilt, I took a second to play with it, and think about the next two days.
By noon, I decided I'd had enough of lazing around and went to have a shower. I thought I'd give my poor balls a rest for a bit, and just get cleaned up and dressed. I went into the bathroom, and looked down at the laundry hamper just inside the door. I reflected back, for just a moment, at that first time I found mom's panties on the top of the pile and masturbated into them. Just knowing where they had been- what they had hidden. The image of those panties- the memory of their smell and feel- the smell of my mother's pussy! I couldn't resist! I dug down into the hamper looking for another pair!
I found a pair that was pink cotton. I picked them up and held them close to my face, just drinking in the sight. They were wrinkled with just a hint of stain in the crotch from wear. I held them up to my nose and breathed in deep. Oh, my God, what a smell! The scent of that woman's pussy drove me insane!
I started stroking my dick without ever taking her panties away from my nose. Breathing deep, like it was the only scent in the world, I gripped tighter and stroked faster. It didn't take long for a foam of pre-cum to build between my hand and my dick! My balls started churning, and that familiar burn started to build. I pulled the panties down from my face, and wrapped them around my dick. Stroking with both hands, I felt the sperm building in my balls until it finally exploded into that warm cotton crotch!
I held them tightly against me and filled them with cum. I stood there for just a moment, coming down from that orgasmic high. I took mom's panties and shoved them back down into the laundry, not to hide them from mom, by to keep them out of sight of Tracy. Her finding mom's underwear full of my cum would be impossible to explain.
I took my shower, and got ready for the night.
Let's skip ahead just a bit. Mom came home just after midnight. Tracy had been gone maybe ten minutes. I was sitting in the living room flipping through channels when she walked through the door. "Hey, lady," I greeted her as she came in.
"Hey, yourself," mom offered. "How did the date go?"
"It went well. It went really well." I smiled broadly.
"'Really well'?" That sounds promising!" Mom took off her coat, laid it over the back of the easy chair, and sat down beside me on the couch. She reached over and kissed me on the cheek.
"Well, we made out." I grinned with the memory.
"Nice! What else? I want to hear all about it!" Mom was getting interested.
"Not a lot." I blushed as I started my confession. "We didn't do 'it'." Then I spoke with the tiniest bit of "brag" in my voice. "I did get my hands in her pants." I smiled sharing my exploit.
Mom bent in close. "Under panty?"
"Under jeans, over panty," I declared. "Does that count as third base?"
"I think so. Did you feel her pussy?"
"Yes." I felt like I was swapping sex stories in the locker room.
"Then, yeah, you got to third base." You could see her think about her next question before she asked it. "How was that?"
"Oh, mom, that was so cool! She was so hot!" I got flushed just thinking about it. "She's leaving in a day or two, so I know we can't be boyfriend/girlfriend, but tonight was fun, and maybe," I paused to find or invent the right words, "maybe I have a summertime girlfriend." I liked that- a summertime girlfriend.
I decided to turn things around. "What about you? How did 'girl's night' go?"
Mom leaned back and started unbuttoning her shirt. "It was fun." She tried, unsuccessfully, to hide a wicked grin.
"What?" I had to know! "What did you do?"
Mom rolled her head shyly. "Well, we went to the male review at 'Brads', right?" Mom slipped off her shirt and unfastened her bra. "I went to stuff a g-string, and may have gotten a bit carried away..." She looked with a mischievous grin. "I don't think he complained, though." She dropped her shirt and bra to the cushions, and sat there topless. We stared at each other in silence for a moment. Mom didn't take her eyes off mine. "Are you as worked up as I am?"
I nodded. "Oh, yes. I've been about to burst for the last hour!"
"Then we need to go work this off! Get naked and meet me in the bedroom!" Mom jumped up and ran out of the room laughing! I think we were both giddy from the night's activities. I hopped up and left a line of clothes from the living room, down the hall, and to her bedroom door! Mom was already naked, and lying on the bed. I stood in the doorway, hard as a rock, drinking in the sight.
She sat propped with pillows, staring at me. Her voice was soft and sultry. "Come get between mommy's legs."
I wasted no time! I ran straight over and crawled across the mattress, until I was kneeling between her thighs. She reached around my waist and pulled me down on top of her. I kissed her hard and pushed my tongue into her mouth. I pulled her even closer, and felt her breasts pressed against my chest. Mom reached down and guided me straight into her vagina.
The feeling was incredible! Her pussy was burning hot and dripping wet! I slid all the way in on the stroke, and held there for a second. Mother wrapped her legs around me and pulled me even deeper inside. Her muscles gripped my tight, and squeezed me as I pulled back. I paused just a moment, and slammed back down as hard as I could! Mom bucked and we built a rhythm, fast and hard! We both wanted this badly, and we wasted no time.
We fucked hard and twisted tongues for the longest time, and I got lost in the fury of it all. Mom was hot, and we were both beyond horny! I felt her tunnel tighten, and her pussy began to spasm around my cock. She shook and her juices gushed, and she screamed into my mouth. I couldn't hold back another instant, and I emptied my load into her pussy!
We both lay there panting and shaking as our orgasms subsided. I rested my head on her chest. She petted my hair and looked at me. "I think it's safe to say we needed that!"
I nodded. "Oh, yes," I panted. "Needed is a good word! Mom, that was incredible!"
"That, my dear, is what we call, 'fucking'!" We both laughed.
I lay there for a moment resting. "I love you, mom."
She kissed my forehead. "I love you, too, baby." I don't remember much after that, and didn't wake until morning.
Sunday morning was slow and lazy, and I thought about the day ahead. Tracy was leaving Monday morning, and I thought seriously about trying to spend the day with her. It occurred to me, though, that she would probably rather spend her last day with her family. I figured it would be better for me to hang out around the house, and maybe say goodbye before Brent came over later, as opposed to spending the day hovering over her like she was a girlfriend I was about to lose.
We were on the same page about our relationship. We enjoyed the night together, but we both knew it wouldn't be a good idea to fall too hard. She was leaving, and it's hard to be a couple when you only see each other once or twice a year. I was going to miss her, though. I couldn't deny that.
I was sitting at the kitchen table having lunch, and I suppose the look on my face gave away my moping. I was holding my sandwich and just staring off into space when mom sat down across from me. Of course, she read me like a book. "Pining for your girl?"
I snapped back into reality and processed the question. "Maybe a little. I told myself I wouldn't, but..."
"But, you can't help it. Of course you are, honey. That's to be expected. I know you, though. You'll pull through it like a trooper." Her smile was warm and her eyes were sympathetic.
"Thanks, mom. I'll be alright, really. It's just in the front of my head right now."
"Well," she paused for a moment, "You know, I think I know something that will take your mind off things."
All thoughts of sadness instantly evaporated! "That's the best idea I've heard all day!"
"Get your clothes off, and go sit on the edge of the couch. I've got something I think you'll like!" She winked, and I hopped up immediately and took off my shirt on the way to the living room. I shucked my pants and shorts and sat down. My penis was already beginning to stiffen. As mom came over she explained, "I want to try something a little different, so just close your eyes and relax."
I was intrigued and nervous at her tone. I wasn't sure what else we could try. I did as she said, and shut my eyes. I felt her hand on my balls. "Now scoot forward," she said, and I pushed my hips until I was barely on the cushion. "That's it!" She lifted up my balls, and reached down under them and touched my ass! She rubbed her finger around and around my sphincter and pressed only slightly. I jerked with the unexpected pleasure. "Just relax, honey, and let it happen."
I felt her withdraw her finger and heard a sucking noise as she wet it by putting it in her mouth. Again, I felt her finger press up against me, this time lubricated with her saliva. She pressed gently until the end of her finger began to press pass the muscle. I braced and then tried to relax at the invasion. I found myself very aroused at what she was doing, and relaxed my grip even more, and allowed her finger to slide all the way inside!
Oh. My. God! I don't know what I was expecting it to feel like, but it wasn't like this! It was electric- I felt the sensation from my balls to the tip of my dick. Mom started wiggling her finger around inside me. A long low moan escaped my lips. "That's it, baby. Just enjoy it." I rolled my head back and kept my eyes closed, focusing on the new sensations. Mom took my dick into her mouth. I thought I was going to die!
I felt her finger press up against something inside me, and the familiar burn of approaching orgasm started to build. This time, it was a bit different- instead of feeling it just in the head of my dick, I could feel this all over and around my dick! I could feel the pressure build. All I could do was moan; speech seemed unlikely at this point. The wiggling pressure of her finger, and the warm wet suction around my penis had me shaking!
"Ahh, ahhh, ahhhh! Mom! I'm gonna..." She shoved her finger in hard, and sunk her lips down until they rested on my pubes. I came as hard as I ever had! Squirt after squirt of semen shot into my mother's mouth like it was being pulled out of my cock. I sat there as she drank it all, and then slowly pulled her finger out of me. I think I came just a little more when she did, then she pulled up off my cock and I looked up at her and smiled. "Oh, my God, mom! That was fantastic!"
She grinned at my reaction, and wiped her lips of saliva and cream. "I thought you might like that. Now go get cleaned up. Maybe you'll feel a little better about the day."
She was right! Any sad thoughts seemed to fall into perspective. I had afternoon in front of me, and a sleepover with my best friend tonight. Life was good.
Brent came over around 7pm, and mom and I had just finished supper. The three of us hung out watching television for about an hour, until Brent and I went on back to my room. We started up a computer game for potential cover, and then opened up a web browser and surfed porn. (Not that mom would have cared for me surfing porn!) Brent had pulled a chair up tight and I brought up a page that I had bookmarked the day before. It was the exhibitionist video we had watched together.
Brent looked at me with a toothy grin. "You don't waste time, do you?"
I laughed. "Why? We've both been thinking about it since it happened. Am I right?"
"Yes, you're right," he conceded. His eyes went to the computer screen. "Oh, here's the good part!"
I looked over to the video. I watched as the woman in the video bucked in orgasm after watching the man walk past her. My dick was hard in an instant, and I glanced over at Brent, and he was playing with himself through his shorts. Once the video ended he looked at me and spoke. "Let's get completely naked and watch some more!"
I shot a quick glance at the bedroom door. "What about my mom?"
He shot a quick glance at the woman in the video and said, "Didn't that make it better?"
I answered by standing up and taking off my shirt. Very soon we were both naked and staring at each other; neither of us seemed in a hurry to move. I couldn't take my eyes off his dick. It was so stiff- curved back toward his stomach, the slightest hint of wetness on its tip. My mouth went dry and my heart beat fast. We looked up at each other at the same time. "We could watch videos later," I suggested.
He smiled. "Yeah." He looked back down and stepped in very close. He grasped my penis, and I reached and took his. He was so warm and hard. It felt good in my hand. We stroked each other slowly as though we were just learning how to do it. I could feel his breath on my face, and we were both breathing hard. After a couple minutes, I felt that familiar feeling rise. I let go of his penis and grasped his hips.
"Wait just a second. I'm getting close."
He let go like I did and I looked at him. His face was pale, and a nervous question sat in his eyes. "Do you want to get on the bed?"
I felt the same pallor wash over me, and I swallowed hard. "Yeah."
We lay down facing each other and pulled in close enough to touch. Without asking, we set ourselves cheek to cheek, so as not to be kissing. Neither of us was sure where sexual exploration stopped and being gay began, and we weren't yet sure if cared or not. Looking back, I can see we were both just sexual, and not just gay or straight. We pressed out penises together.
I grasped his hips again, and pulled him in as I pushed my cock against his. He returned my thrust and we tried to build a rhythm, but we kept slipping away and rubbing against our stomachs. Brent reached down between us and took both our cocks in one hand. We looked at each other, forehead to forehead as he began to stroke us both. I held his hips tight as the fire started to build again.
"I'm getting ready to cum," I said quietly. "Are you close?"
He answered me with a grunted, "Yes!" and started shooting! As soon as I felt the first hot string of cum splash across my dick, I erupted! We were both shaking as we came, and our orgasms seemed to come in waves, splashing over each of us. As we lay there coming down, Brent looked at me with a mischievous grin. "Do you have any tissue?"
I laughed, and then went silent as I thought about how I wanted this to go. Brent sat up, and I lifted my head to see what he was doing. He met my gaze and smiled. He said, "Me, too," and lay down the other direction, and pulled my hips to his face. God! He read my mind! Ever since we cleaned each other up the first time, I had wondered what this would be like. I mean, it's the only natural progression, right?
I felt his tongue push up against my pubes as he started licking our cum out of the tangled hair. I reciprocated, licking at his pubic hair, his prick pressed up against my face. I felt the wetness of it wiping across me as I cleaned him as best I could. We pulled ourselves up just a bit, and started cleaning the mess from our stomachs. Neither of us had gone completely limp, and after a minute or so, we were both fully erect.
Soon, we were both more or less clean, and I grasped his penis in my hand and just looked at it. It was hard and throbbing, and was still wet from orgasm. I stared at its shape and at the tiny drop of pre-cum that was already dripping. I took the head of my friend's penis into my mouth. I sucked the cum from his head and licked my lips before taking it in my mouth again. It was an amazing feeling! The soft/hard smoothness I had felt and squeezed in my hand was now in my mouth! I rolled my tongue around the smoothness of it before trying to take more of his dick into my mouth.
Brent pulled my hips and sucked my penis deeply. I moaned around his cock at the feeling! I bobbed my head up and down, trying to take more and more of him each time. He was mirroring my movements and soon found myself getting close. I pressed my hand gently against the back of his head to let him know I was close. That was all the prompting he needed! He reached around and took my ass cheeks on his hands, and pulled me hard against his face! I started bucking as he drew another orgasm out of me! Again, I came hard and felt him swallowing after each shot.
I slammed myself down against his pelvis and in seconds, he was cumming, too! I wrapped my arms around his waist and held tight as he filled my mouth with cum! I love the feel of each spurt splash across my tongue. The heat of his orgasm made my face flush, and I held him in my mouth until I was satisfied I had drunk all he had to give me. We both rolled onto our backs, satisfied in our orgasms.
I just happened to look up, and watched as a tiny crack in my bedroom door slowly shut.
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