Busman's Party

[ light bdsm, toys, con ]


Published: 23-Jun-2012

Word Count: 1275

Author's Profile

Story Summary
All people and events in this story are entirely fictitious.

"(Sniff) Thank you, Nurse Nancy." Little Patty tried to be brave as the school nurse finished bandaging her scrape. Then she got to what had really upset her. "Does this mean I can't do stuff... tonight?"

Nancy looked around to make sure no one was near the office. "We'll see. You and your partner come see me before you do much of anything with that arm. I'll see you tonight." After giving the sweet young redhead a hug, and then a hall pass, she started getting ready to shut down the office for the day. She was sure she would get a few last minute drop ins, when the kids streamed out the doors for the weekend, but she wanted to be ready to leave as soon as possible.

She had a party to get ready for.

She looked at a bottle on her desk, a souvenir from one of the monthly meetings. With a picture of a broken sucker and the legend "Lolibond" on the label, the glue bottle was a sign to the kids "in the know" that they could come to her with the secret problems. To anyone else that asked, she truthfully said that it was a gift from some grateful kids and their parents, and now she was prepared to fix broken lollipops if the need ever came up.

Once she was home and showered, she changed into her other uniform. One more suited to her once a month moonlighting. It was a parody of an old fashioned nurse's uniform, heavily starched and short and open in the usual strategic places.

She generally enjoyed the parties. While she was theoretically there to handle minor mishaps and their associated injuries, she usually had plenty of time to play. Despite the way it might look to an outsider, the club members knew what they were doing. She was more likely to have to treat a kitchen accident or the results of a fall than any problem from the fun.

Knowing there would be plenty of food at the party, she just had a light snack before heading out.

As usual, the first thing she did when she got there was check the supplies. They were doing ok on bandages, ice packs, ointments, and the usual medicines, but running a little low on splints. They should do for the night, but she made a note to mention it to the hosts.

As she was checking her supplies, others were checking the equipment and party supplies. Which led to her first customer.

"Ooow! Dammit!" That baritone could only be David, the previous month's host and the current month's steward. He came in clutching a bruised and somewhat torn hand.

"The swing again, David?" Nancy asked, with a sympathetic smile. This was the third time that year he had pinched himself assembling the framework.

From that point on, she was busier than she remembered having been at any of these parties. Her next patient was Patty, with her father and two boys in tow. Nancy checked the scrape and gave them the news. "You should be able to do most things, but don't tie this arm up with too much stress on the elbow. Also, don't keep it tied for more than half an hour, or do anything to the injury. Other than that, have fun!"

"Thanks, Nurse Nancy" the kids chorused, then rushed off to play.

She treated the usual assortment of rug burns, partially torn piercings, welts, cuts, burns, and pulled muscles. In some cases, the slaves and subs were brought in still tied for checks and treatment. In others, they had been released first. The injuries were mostly the same old thing, but they all seemed to be happening at once rather than spread out over the course of the party.

Little Mistress Jenny, a classmate of Patty's, had caught a backlash from her flail in her eye. There was no damage from the impact of the soft leather itself, but it had driven a couple of eyelashes into her eye, the pain frightening her and her playmates. Nancy irrigated the eye, checked for long term damage, and pronounced her fit. She did reminder to be more careful around her face, however.

Jimmy, a year younger than the girls, came in with a bleeding mouth. He had fallen after being fitted with a ball gag, and cut the inside of his upper lip on his teeth. More routine treatment, and the usual warning to both sides to be more careful.

One part of her job was triage. As usual, none of the night's injuries would require outside treatment, and any of the marks on the kids should be faded before they returned to school on Monday. But in the few cases where the rug burns and the like would take longer to heal, she would be the one examining the kids at the school. And treating the reinjuries of insufficiently healed muscle pulls and the like.

When the steady flow of minor emergencies stopped, she was startled to realize that it had been two hours, without break. Grateful for the breather, She was just about to relax with a drink before joining the party when Mistress Jenny came back in.

"They told me to come get you. Something about not moving something." Nancy sighed, and grabbed her kit. She stepped out of the bedroom, and hurried down the short hall.

"SURPRIZE!" chorused the voices of adults and children alike. The main room was decorated with streamers and a banner saying "Thank You, Nurse Nancy!". There were presents on a table, a decorated cake, and best of all, a half dozen naked children chained to a framework along one wall.

John, the host for the month, came up and handed her a quiver with a variety of familiar implements in it. "Just our way of saying thank you for all your hard work all these years. This club could not have done one tenth the things we have without you. And now," he gestured at the chained kids, "Enjoy yourself!"

Penny, the blond haired daughter of John and Mindy, turned from where she was changed to look at Nancy. "She's too old and worn out to do anything. I bet she couldn't even warm my butt before she falls over!" With that she smiled, stuck out her tongue, and wiggled her naked little bottom for emphasis.

Nancy rose to the challenge, and then some. After enjoying the first couple of kids, she took a break for some food and drink, before turning back to her chained presents. Mindy handed her a prelubricated, black rubber item, a tube of lubricant, and pointed at his daughter with a twinkle in her eyes.

After quickly finishing her food, Nancy advanced on Penny. Penny didn't notice her approach until she felt the cold lube against her butthole. She turned, and her eyes got wide when she saw the plug.

"You wouldn't!" She saw the look in Nancy's eyes, and beyond her, the looks on her parents faces, and changed her estimation. "Oh, shit! I'm doomed!" she wailed, theatrically. There was a somewhat more realistic tone to her reaction to the discomfort of the gigantic (to her) thing pushing past her well lubed rosebud.

With the exception of treating two genuine (but very minor) injuries among the other partygoers, she spent the rest of the evening enjoying her little presents, as well as some of the gifts from the table.

By the end of the night, she really was exhausted. But she had to admit that it was the most fun she had had in years.

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Great concept. Just wish you had described the action in a lot more detail. Take the time to show us more of what everyone is doing together. Example, one phrase from the story 'After enjoying the first couple of kids'

That could have been expanded into a couple of pages of hot action.

Just my opinion. Lots of potential there.

The reviewing period for this story has ended.