Babysitter Bondage

[ mm, bond, nosex ]


Published: 24-Jun-2012

Word Count:

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Story Summary
All people and events in this story are entirely fictitious.

My own Mom let my babysitter tie me up on Saturday. She told him to if I didn't behave myself or gave him a hard time. I guess I was mad because she don't trust me by myself. I am 13 and Paul, the boy upstairs who babysits sometimes when Mom goes out is only 16. I am small for my age but I think I am smart enough to look out for myself. Eveytime time though, she just says that she feels better if someone is here with me. Yeah, right. Istill think she just don't trust me alone and looks at me like I was still 10 years old.

Anyway, I thought she was kidding when she told Paul to "just tie his little butt up" if he gives you any trouble. Paul didn't think she was joking though. We went in to watch some TV and I started gripping at him and interupting his movie and he got real pissed.

He said, "you know what your Mom said?" Then he got up and went to the kitchen. When he came back, he had some rope with him and was grinning at me. He had got the rope from under the sink where Mom throws all kinds of junk. I said, "Hey paul, she didn't mean that yuu could really do it. Come on, don't tie me up. I'll leave you alone, I promise."

But I guess I had already made him mad enough, because he pushed me back down on the couch on my stomach and twisted my arms together behind my back. Then he crossed my wrists and started looping the rope around then. After about five or six turns around them, he went to or three turns in between the wrists and pulled the rope tight. It felt like I had handcuffs on that I couldn't take off.

At first I was jerking around and kicking my legs up trying to hit him in the back with my heels. I was barefoot and just wearing my cut-offs. But after Paul tied a couple of knots where my fingers couldn't reach them, he turned around and caught both legs in the crook of his arrm and threw a loop around my ankles and pulled them togerhre. I quit struggling and he used half of this rope to go around and in between my ankles and tying a couple of more knots.

"Almost finished Jon", he said. He still had two or three feet of rope left from the one on my ankles and he pulled on it to bring my tied feet up to almost touch my hands. He took this rope between the one on my hands then back between my ankles and pulled it tight. He did this again and tied the last knots off somewhere in front of my ankles where I couldn't reach them. I was stuck in a pretty good hog-tie and we both knew there was no way I was going to get loose until he decided to let me go. Paul was laughing at how helpless I looked, and I was too because it was kind of funny. The ropes didn't hurt anywhere and being curled up backwards like that wasn't really uncomfortable. Actually being helpless and unable to move around much felt good. Weird, but OK too. Like everything was not up to me anymore 'cause I couldn't do anything about it anyway. Paul was in charge of me now. I couldn't even go to the bathroom unless he let me.

Paul was looking down at me kind of weird too, and I could tell he was really enjoying himself. He reached down and tickled my ribs, then my tied feet and we both laughed at this, especially me. Then he lifted me up by my arms to the end of the couch and sat back down.

"How do you like it, little guy?" He asked, "Bet you won't give me any problems now, huh Jon? If you're real good, and quiet, I just might let you out of that mess before your Mom gets home. Remember, she said it was OK. You know, if I told her you were a real pain and would't mind me, she might just leave you like that all night. You OK Jon?"

"Yeah, you Bastard!" I wanted him to think I was mad at him so he would leave me tied up for awhile. I was starting to like this because I was having some good feeling down below. I was just glad that I was laying on my stomach and was hopeing Paul didn't turn me over on my side.

"How long ya going to keep me tied up like this?" I asked.

"Well, since you cussed me, you just got an extra hour. You say one more word and I am going to haul your little ass to your bed and let your Mom untie you when she comes home. I'll tell her I couldn't stand your cussin'. Now shut up and let me watch this." He turned up the TV and went back to his movie. What he threatened to do sure scared me enough to make me shut up and leave him alone. The last thing I wanted was to have Mom come home and see me like that. It was embarrassing enough to be tied up helpless like that by Paul, even if he was twice my size and I really couldnt' have stopped him if I had fought back harder.

The good part was that Paul watched another movie that came on, and completely ignored me. Every once in a while he would tell me to stop wiggling around so much. He said I wouldn't be able to get out of the ropes no matter how much I tugged and pulled at them. He would look over and chuckle at my struggles. What he didn't know was that I wasn't really trying to get loose. I was having a great time rubbing myself on the couch cushon I was laying on. I couldn't see, but I know that my little penis was the hardest I ever thought it could be. And the best was every half hour or so it would start to jump four or five times and the greastest feelings in the world came over me, and not just down there. I am not dumb and I knew what was happening to me, but nothing came out. But it still felt great, so after I rested for awhile, I would start to make it happen again. I was sort of sorry when his movie was over and Paul started to untie me. It felt good to stand up and move around again. First thing I did was head to the bathroom to pee. When I came back to the living room, Paul had already put all the ropes back under the sink.

I had been tied up for almost three hours. Paul said he wouldn't tell my Mom about it if I didn't want him too. So I told him not to mention it to Mom, even said "please". Then, like a dork I asked him if we could do this again sometime.

"Why, you little shit, you really like being tied up, did'nt you?" I know I must have turned red. He said maybe, next time he got to babysit, but he wouldn't be so easy on me next time. I know he'll do it. So, if Mom goes out next weekend, I'll let you know what happens.

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Excellent story!!! Please continue!!!

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