Published: 14-Apr-2011
Word Count:
Author's Profile
I live in a neighborhood in transition. Unfortunately for me, it is transitioning the "wrong way" at least in financial terms. I inherited my uncle's house, built in the late forties in a small suburban town. As I've lived here, the neighborhood's ethnic mix has changed from mostly blue collar white to mostly blue collar Hispanic. I really don't mind the change as it has been interesting becoming familiar with another culture (and the new restaurants that have popped up are great - try Salvadoran food if you get the chance). I have aprivilegediveledged to witness first hand the struggles my neighbors face as they make a grab for their piece of American dream.
Not long ago, the elderly man across the street died and his family put the house up for sale. I knew people had moved in but didn't get a chance to go across to meet them right away. So, I only met Luna and her four daughters on Halloween night when they stopped at my house for trick or treat. To tell the truth, I didn't recognize them as neighbors until the girls asked where my yellow dog was. I asked how they knew I had a yellow dog and that's when Luna mentioned that they had moved in across the street and that her daughters liked to come to the fence to pet my dog when he was out.
I exclaimed in my broken Spanish, "Ahh, Las hermanas cuatro, esta bien!" which brought laughter from Luna and giggles from all four girls. I shook her hand and welcomed them all to the neighborhood, emptying the last of my candy into the girls' bags. Seizing the opportunity I told Luna that if she or the girls ever needed anything, to call or come by and quickly wrote down my name and phone number on a scrap of paper. I took a good look at the little girls and felt my cock twitch. I hoped that Luna would soon have occasion to call on me.
I turned out the porch light after they left to discourage any additional visitors and settled in front of my big screen HDTV to watch videos from my substantial extreme hardcore kiddy porn collection. An hour or so later the doorbell rang. I decided not to answer it as I did not have any more candy, and I was sporting a huge erection. The doorbell rang again rousting me from my chair to shoo away the persistent trick-or-treaters. I was surprised to see one of Luna's girls on my porch. She told me her mom had sent her over to invite me across the street for a beer. I stepped out to the porch, closed the door and walked down the steps. The little girl stared at my erection for a moment, enigmatic Mona Lisa smile on her face, then she grabbed my hand and we proceeded across the street and into their house. By the time we walked through their door I knew that her name was Maracella. She was eight, the youngest of the four and a real pedophile's wet dream.
The living room was small but tidy and Maracella led me to the couch, motioned for me to sit and disappeared down the hall calling for her mom. Luna appeared with a Mexican beer, Dos Equis, a favorite of mine. I told her it was a favorite and that brought a laugh a smile and a nod. As I took my first sip, all four girls tumbled into the room dragging their loot. They had changed from their costumes and were ready for bed, wearing t-shirts with little girl themes, Barbie, Dora the Explorer, etc. Luna introduced them as they gathered. There was Alita, the eldest at eleven; then Tia who was ten; Elena was nine (and the shyest); then Maracella at eight who had come to get me.
As they sat on the floor sorting through their candy, I was treated to multiple glimpses of their little panties. It was hard not to stare, but I managed to keep my attention on Luna and not be too obvious when I was looking at the girls. I tried to cover my glances with comments about their candy. While I drank my beer, Luna explained in passable English (much better than my Spanish) and a little help from the girls when she would get stuck, that she had bought the house because of the school nearby, even though it was a stretch for her financially.
In the course of our conversation I found out that each girl had a different father (which explained why they all looked so different) and the last "father" had skipped town with all of Luna's money not too long ago. Now she was stuck working two jobs to make her mortgage and try to replace her savings. She was forced to leave the girls at home alone when they got out of school because her sister who had been watching the girls had moved away and she couldn't afford a sitter.
She thanked me for offering to help and asked if I could keep an eye out for the girls when she was gone. She had noticed my car in the drive on her days off. I told her that I often worked from home and would be glad to be available if the girls got in trouble or needed help but made it clear that I couldn't baby sit (although the pedo-voice inside my head was urging me to offer). She was quick to say of course I couldn't sit for them, that Alita; the eldest at 11 years old was doing a good job watching her sisters. This brought a smile to Alita's face as she continued sorting and trading candy with her sisters.
I finished my beer, and really wanted to stay and drink in more of these four little cock teases, but was tired, so, excused myself and headed home. As I got to the door, I tossed over my shoulder, "Hey Las Hermanas Cuatro, you listen to your mother! And you can call me or come over if you need me when she's not home." Little did I know what those words would bring. I went home and to bed, my head full of cute little girl panties, brown legs, dark hair, twinkling eyes and hairless pre-teen pussy.
The next couple of months were mostly uneventful. The girls called me several times for "emergencies" like when their cat got stuck behind the dryer and when the washing machine stopped working. A couple of times Maracella came over to get me because her sisters were "being mean to her" so I walked over to referee. It was fun getting to know them. When Luna was home and they were allowed out and about they often rode by on their bikes yelling "Las hermanas cuatro," almost a war cry, giggling and laughing as they waved.
I wondered what Luna was going to do during the summer months. Latch-key kids for a few hours after school was one thing, but expecting them to stay out of trouble, alone at home during the long days of summer was another. I decided it was none of my business and in reality was not in a position to help anyway, despite the ever-present pedo-voice in my head.
Not long after school let out, I had stopped at the neighborhood convenience store and was at the counter to pay when there was a commotion in the back corner by the magazine rack. I thought I recognized the voices, so walked back to find my "Hermanas Cuatro" cornered by one of the clerks, looking very scared. When I asked what the problem was, he told me he had seen them putting things into their pockets. This was not the first time he had noticed, but had let it go until he got in trouble with his manager for doing so. He explained that he had to turn them in or he could get fired. His announcement was met by sniffles, big scared eyes and little quivering lips.
I was surrounded by four pairs of pleading eyes and felt Maracella's little hand sneak into mine and my heart melted. I explained that I was a neighbor and their defacto guardian when their mom was at work. I grabbed Alita by the hand and led her and Marcella to the front of the store, the other two the girls following obediently behind. I told them in my sternest voice to empty their pockets. They dutifully complied. A surprisingly large mound of candy and trinkets grew on the counter. I was about to see if I could work a deal with the clerk, when I noticed that Maracella's t-shirt looked funny. I told her to take out what ever she was hiding. She looked nervously at her sisters, then broke into tears, clutching at whatever lay hidden inside her shirt.
I dropped to one knee right in front of her and pulled at the hem of her t-shirt. In spite of her grip, two magazines dropped to the floor. When I stood with them in my hand, I was shocked to see they were a Hustler 'Barely Legal - Hardcore Edition', and a 'Live Young Girls'. Unusual magazines for girls to steal, I thought. All four girls looked at the floor, refusing to meet my eye. Somewhere in the deep recesses of my mind, the magazines triggered a thought that grew in to a plan (to match my growing cock).
I told the clerk that I'd pay for everything and make sure the girls were punished; and that they would not be in the store again. He looked skeptical but finally agreed to my terms. I sent the girls home, telling them to come over to my house when they saw my car in the drive; that we'd talk about their punishment then. The all nodded and without a word, made a beeline for the door, hopped on their bikes and pedaled for home.
I thanked the clerk, paid for everything and put it all in a bag, shaking my head as I made my way out the door. I took a circuitous route back to the house, stopping at another store and making a purchase before arriving home. I had barely been inside five minutes when the doorbell rang. I opened the door, and was met by four contrite, tear stained faces. I invited them in, closed the door and walked to the living room without a word. I gestured towards the couch and they lined up oldest to youngest and sat down, feet on the floor, hands in their laps, backs straight, trying their best to look obedient.
Alita jumped in first trying to explain that it was all her idea and that her sisters were not to blame. I let her ramble for a minute or two, then stopped her. She pursed her lips and I could see them trembling, trying to maintain control. She tried again, "Please, don't tell on us, we're not even supposed to be out of the house when mom is at work but we get bored when there is nothing on TV. We'll be in so much trouble and mom'll feel like she has to hire someone to watch us and we'll lose the house because we can barely afford it and it'll be all my fault, and I'm supposed to take care of my sisters..." when she paused to take a breath, I gestured for her to be quiet for a second time.
I took a minute to look at the girls, glancing at each in turn. They were a pitiful sight, all four with trembling lips, eyes brimming with tears, hands clasping and unclasping, each rocking a little. They all looked terribly scared, as if their world was coming to an end. I sat there looking at them for what must have seemed like a long time to them, slowly shaking my head. Then when I couldn't stand seeing them in such a pitiful state anymore (I am not a sadist and a sad little girl twists at my heart, let alone four sad little girls), I started talking in a low voice that sounded almost as if I was speaking to myself. I said, "What am I going to do with you mi hermanas cuatro? I promised your mom I'd look out for you and you've gotten yourselves into some deep trouble. I promised the store manager that I would punish you."
Alita whispered, "We'll do anything you say, just get us out of trouble... and don't tell mom, ... pleeeease," she drew out the last word as if pleading for her life.
I looked at her, then at each girl in turn finally asking, "Anything?" She nodded in reply looking at her sisters as she did so. Soon I had four heads bobbing in agreement.
I explained that I had covered things with the clerk at the store, but I couldn't keep it from their mother because she had entrusted me with their well being. This brought some sobs and a few "Oh no's". I waited for them to gain some control before I continued, "If you confess to me everything you four have done this summer that you could get in trouble for. I might consider keeping your secret. But if I'm going to cover for you on this, I need to know everything. If I ask you questions, you have to answer truthfully. If I think you are holding out on me, I'll just tell your mother and be done with it. I am taking a real big chance not telling her. Understood?" I again had four anxiously nodding heads in response.
Alita started talking with Tia and Elena filling in details. Maracella stayed quiet, nodding her head in agreement as they unfolded their exploits. The girls had been busy, stealing from most of the stores in the neighborhood. They took mostly little things, candy and such. After making sure that they had been thorough in their confession. I told them that they needed to go to their house and gather everything that they still had that was stolen. I explained that if anyone accused them they couldn't have that stuff at the house.
They almost bolted out of the house and came back 15 minutes later with several bags full of loot. With as much ceremony as I could muster, I opened a big trash bag and had them empty their bags into it. I closed the bag, carried it to the garage, with them following and tossed it into the garbage can with a resounding clang. Then we returned to the living room where I had them sit back down. When they were all seated, I turned on the TV. Surprise registered in their eyes when they were greeted by their own faces in a video I had made with the hidden 'nanny-cam' of their entire confession. I explained that I had made the tape as a protection for me, to ensure that they kept their word. If I felt they were lying to me in the future, I would give the video to their mother. The mention of their mom caused their heads to snap from the TV to me.
I turned off the TV and prepared to drop my first bombshell. I reached beside my chair and pulled the magazines they had stolen from under a stack of my other magazines. "Maracella, why don't you tell me about these? Why were little girls stealing hardcore porn magazines with young girls."
There was deafening silence, Alita started to speak. I shushed her and turned my gaze to Maracella. She slowly looked up from the 'Barely Legal' magazine to meet my gaze, her lips moving but no words coming. Then, in a hushed voice, quivering with emotion, she said, "Because she's a Latina," pointing to the nude girl named "Lupe" on the cover. I hadn't even looked at the young woman on the cover until now, but there she was, beautiful, tiny, dark, exotic. She looked to be about 14; although she was at least 18. "We wanted to see what a beautiful Latina looks like naked. Alita dared me to steal it." This brought a protest from Alita, until I reminded her that I had to have the truth. She stopped mid-sentence and admitted that Maracella was telling the truth.
The answer to my question was so innocent, I couldn't help chuckling. As I laughed quietly, I looked at the girls. They looked a bit confused, not understanding the source of my smile. I said, "Girls, this is your lucky day. I know a big secret about you, so in return, I will give you a little secret to keep about me, but you have to promise, no more stealing! It could ruin everything. Right?" I got four serious nods, big brown eyes looking back at me. "OK, here's the secret that we will keep together. I will let you see what a beautiful Latina looks like naked. But, you can't tell anyone that I let you look and you can't take it home. If you mess up I'll get in a bunch of trouble and you don't want me to explain my big secret. Right?" I got instant head nods.
I leaned down, opened the magazine on the floor and gestured to them. They only hesitated a second before all four crawled down to the floor. Alita immediately took charge of the magazine, slowly turning pages as the girls gathered around her. Their heads were close together as she turned from picture to picture. They whispered to each other in Spanish as they got to the photos of the Latina; innocent nudes at first progressing to shots of "Lupe" licking then inserting a large cock-shaped dildo, and finally to a series with the model sucking a large, black cock before being fully impaled with the tool in her tiny pussy and ass. When they got to the centerfold shot of the model, widely spread, cum drizzling from her gaping, freshly fucked asshole onto the still rigid black cock which had just deposited it, Maracella exclaimed, "She's so beautiful, I wish I was pretty like her so I could be a model, too" and sighed as she stared. The others nodded in agreement.
Amazed at the casual way they accepted the strong sexual content of the photos, I sat back in my chair, drinking-in the four cute little butts arrayed in front of me. This time I didn't have to avert my gaze as their shorts gaped, giving me little glimpses of their panties; there was no one to catch me staring and they were too engrossed in the magazine to notice. As they got to the last page of the photo spread, the three youngest sat back on the couch as Alita reverently handed the magazine back to me. She joined them back on the couch and began to say something about getting back home. I put my finger to my lips to stop her.
"I have an assignment for you four. It will help you to keep busy this summer so you won't be bored and get into trouble. It will take a while for me to get ready. Once it is ready I will bring it over after your mom comes home. OK?" They all nodded, looking a little curious. Then, I sent them home. I had work to do.
I spent the rest of the afternoon preparing. As soon as Luna drove up, I walked across the street and invited her and the girls over for dinner. She gratefully accepted noting that it had been a long day at work and she wasn't looking forward to cooking. She explained that normally Alita would make dinner and have it ready when she got home. However, today was different as she had to shop on the way home after getting her paycheck, since there was nothing in the house to cook.
In a little while, they were all gathered around my table, talking excitedly about little girl things while Luna and I chatted. Not a word was said about the girls' recent visit. But, I could tell it was on their minds. It was obvious from their glances at each other that they were on pins and needles wondering if I would spill the beans.
After dinner, I explained to Luna that I had been thinking about them and assumed the girls must be getting bored at home. I said that I wished that I could help take care of them, but that I had to work, too. Luna nodded in agreement. Instead, I had a project planned for the girls but of course, I needed Luna's approval. I excused myself from the table and returned placing a box in front of Alita. "As the leader of the infamous Las Hermanas Cuatro gang, you must read the challenge and with your mom's permission, accept for your sisters," I said with mock ceremony. "You will be in charge of completing this challenge and they will have to help you."
Alita opened the box to reveal a digital video camera and a card. She read it out loud, "Las Hermanas Cuatro are hereby challenged to spend this summer making a video documentary of their lives. Each day, they will present anything that they shoot for transfer and safe keeping and will spend one afternoon a week editing at the "studio" across the street from Casa de Luna. At the end of the summer, we will have a formal cook-out and viewing of the documentary." As she finished, all eyes turned to me.
I explained that as a boy, my friends and I had made a movie one summer (that was in the Super-8mm days) and presented the edited film to our parents at the end of the summer. It kept us busy and started what was a life long obsession with movies. Luna said she thought it was a wonderful idea and thanked me for thinking of her girls. She expressed concern about me giving them such an expensive camera. I assured her it was only a loner and that I trusted the girls to be careful. Alita accepted the challenge and the girls erupted around the table with ideas. We wrapped up dinner shortly afterwards and they headed home bubbling with excitement.
The next morning, after I watched Luna head for work, I waited an hour or so then called the girls. Alita answered the phone. She excitedly told me that they were already working on the project, writing down ideas, making plans. I explained that the project from dinner was only part of what I had planned, that there was a secret project as well. I instructed her to rewind the camera pull out the little screen on the side, then press play on the top of the camera. The instructions for their secret project would scroll by for her to read. I explained that they must follow them exactly or the deal was off. If she had any questions, she was to call me right away.
A few minutes later the phone rang. It was Alita and she was whispering, "Are you serious what you wrote?" I told her I was dead serious. "But we could get into trouble." I reminded her that they had already gotten in trouble, that their mom just didn't know it yet. "But I don't know if they will listen to me." I told her to re-play the tape for her sisters and then remind them of what I had just reminded her. She agreed, but sounded a bit unsure. I hung up the phone and looked the clock on the wall, seven hours to wait and see if my plan would bear fruit."
The doorbell rang at exactly four o'clock, two hours before Luna would arrive home. I answered the door and found four sheepish looking girls waiting for me, video camera in hand. I took the camera, hooked it up to the system and downloaded the contents, erasing what was on the camera in the process.
I am a movie freak and have a massive media system that I built myself from components. The system is built around a very fast PC, built specially for high quality video playback, with a huge amount of disk space. It is like a DVR on steroids. On the system I have hundreds of movies at my fingertips, all legitimate titles, all purchased and licensed. The system is connected to the internet for fast movie downloads and also to access a special web site that provides a large amount of online storage where I can keep movies anonymously. I purchased the web based storage for the movies that I had "stolen" during the witch hunt of the early 2000's when the entertainment industry started prosecuting people who shared movies via the p2p networks that were popular at the time. I also had a seperate PC that could be used to access any movie and edit it. All in all a great system.
I handed the camera back to Alita who was seated with her sisters on the couch, all looking expectantly at me. "I know you chicas told me that you wanted to look at that magazine to see a beautiful Latina model, naked" I started. They blushed and looked at the floor. "What you don't realize is that there are four beautiful Latina models living at Casa de Luna," the mention of their mother made them color more. "I just want try and help you to understand that Las Hermanas Cuatro are beautiful too." With that I hit the play button.
The 65 inch HDTV screen was filled with the image of Maracella standing in their bedroom wearing her sleeping t-shirt, looking a little sheepish, a little unsure of herself. Maracella was about average height for an eight year old. She had an oval face framed by long, wavy, dark brown hair, really almost black. She still hadn't lost all her baby fat but was not what you would call chubby, she had straight hips and a flat chest, no sign of any development visible through her shirt. Her light brown skin glowed with a "year round tan." With some off screen prompting from her sister (Alita, I assumed) she looked directly at the camera and said haltingly, "Hi, I am Maracella and I am eight years old. I am going to show you how beautiful I am."
With that she paused for a minute as if gathering her courage, then pulled her shirt up exposing her panties, plain white, typical for her age, pulled tight showing off the little cleft below her bulging mons. Giggling nervously, she held her shirt up with one hand and with the other she pulled one of the leg bands to the side, exposing a beautiful little bald cunt. She immediately started giggling harder, let go of the panties and her t-shirt dropping it back to cover her panties. You could hear the other girls giggling as well off camera, then Alita shushing them. With more whispered instruction, she reached up under her t-shirt with both hands and pulled her panties down to her knees. The shirt followed her hands as she pulled the panties down, affording a quick glimpse of her sex, then covering it again.
Still giggling, she slowly pulled up her shirt, revealing her cute little light brown vulva, completely hairless. She covered her face with the hem of the shirt and the giggling slowed as the camera zoomed in. There was a very light tan line at her legs, the skin that had been protected from the sun was still a soft brown. Her mons was pudgy, bumping out with a deep cleft that ended in a little dimple at the top. Nothing was visible inside the cleft as she stood, legs together. Under more direction from behind the camera, she slowly turned around, holding the t-shirt up. Her buns were two round globes, perfectly formed with two dimples in the small of her back above them. She stood there for a moment as the camera zoomed back out to show her fully. The sight of her panties at her knees and the t-shirt half way down her back, framing those cheeks was beautiful.
With more direction from Alita, she slowly bent over and put her hands on the bed, then spread her legs as far as the panties would allow, exposing the pucker of her little brown anus with her vagina peaking from between her legs. The camera zoomed in for a close-up as someone, Tia I think, said, "Oooo Maracella," drawing the words out in a playground taunt. Alita shushed Tia, then gave Maracella her next instructions. As the camera zoomed back out, Maracella complied by laying down on the bed on her back. She she sat up and pushed her panties to her ankles, then pulled the t-shirt up to her chin and lay there with her legs pressed together. The camera again zoomed in and panned from her face, covered with her hands, down to her feet then back up, stopping at her vulva.
Alita told Maracella to spread her legs and for the first time she protested, "Oooh, Alita..." Alita responded by telling her to "just do it." Slowly, as the camera focused directly on her vagina, she pulled her knees apart until they were as far as they could go. The effect was like the opening of a flower as her lips spread to reveal a tiny little pinkish brown clitoral bud, almost smooth, looking soft; below were almost non-existent inner labia, just a thin suggestion of what would develop in a few years. Her vaginal opening exposed a dark pink, contrasting with the brown of her inner lips. It was tiny, maybe big enough for a well lubricated pinky. She lay like that for several minutes, fully exposed, then the camera zoomed back out to show her, t-shirt at her neck; tiny brown nipples on a cute flat chest, not board flat, but not showing any signs of development; slightly rounded soft belly; legs spread and feet together with her white panties around her ankles. She looked soft, innocent and inviting. I could feel my cock throb as I looked, remembering her little hand finding its way into mine the day before.
I took a moment to glance at the girls on the couch. They were sitting legs akimbo, watching the video with rapt attention and no apparent embarrassment, except for Maracella who had her hands up covering her eyes, with the fingers parted so she could watch. She caught my glance and surprised me by getting up, walking over and climbing into my lap. Her soft body felt as wonderful as I had just imagined while watching her in the video. She settled those cute buns onto my lap, pressing against the the hardness of my fully erect dick. I leaned the chair back a little pressing up into her as I wrapped my arms around her waist.
My attention turned back to the TV as Alita's disembodied voice told Maracella to take off her panties and t-shirt, then to turn over. Maracella did as she was told laying on her stomach, completely naked, legs slightly apart. This had the effect of making the crack between her buns look like it connected to the crack of her vulva. As I was focused on the TV, I felt Maracella take my hand and move it down her stomach, placing it directly on her vulva, pushing up against it at my first touch. I whispered, "Not right now, honey," and moved my hand back up to hold her. She responded by slowly moving her hips, stimulating me intentionally with her buns.
The effect of feeling her mons, even through her shorts for that short moment as she sat on my lap and watching her on the screen was indescribable. I could feel my throat tighten as I watched. Obviously, at some level this was exciting for her as well, as she moved her hand down to touch herself through her shorts, continuing the slow movement of her hips and little buns on my engorged cock..
On the screen, under direction from Alita, Maracella raised her buns into the air, keeping her chest on the bed, the position causing her cheeks to spread as she pushed back towards the camera. Alita did an excellent job, panning from the side to show her position on the bed, then moving behind her to zoom in. As she watched herself on the screen, Maracella turned her head hiding her eyes against my neck and whispered, "This is t-o-o embarrassing."
I whispered for only her to hear, "You're prettier than the little Latina girl being fucked in that magazine, honey. You should be proud of how sexy you look naked, baby. You are so beautiful. She just nuzzled into my neck and continued to move her hips to match her fingers' progress on her pussy.
Alita finished the video by having Maracella lay on her side, with her knee pulled up, foot on the bed and zoomed in again, then had her lay on her back again, legs fully spread. Under Alita's direction, she reached down with both hands and held her pussy lips open for a final zoom. After holding that position for a minute or so, Alita zoomed out and Maracella sat up, brought her hand to her lips and blew a perfect kiss, giggling again.
She hopped up from the bed, grabbing the t-shirt and panties that lay discarded on the floor and walked out of the camera's view. Alita said, "Elena, your turn!" and the screen went blank for a second. When the camera was turned back on, the screen was filled with Elena, sitting on the bed, looking at her feet. Alita prodded her, "Stand up and say it, you know what to do! Maracella did it and she's the littlest one."
Elena stood up, still looking at her feet, and almost whispered, "I'm Elena. I am nine years old and I want to show you my b-body." At Alita's urging, she slowly raised her eyes to the camera and gave a hesitant smile. It was obvious that she was uncomfortable with what was to come.
Elena was a full head taller than Maracella and a little darker in color. She had a round face with chubby cheeks. Her hair was short, straight and dark brown, falling just below her ears. She was a little bit chubby, not obese, but you could tell that she would probably grow up to be a little round woman. Her chest showed some shape through her Barbie t-shirt, probably not true development, just the little mounds that chubby girls get.
She stood stock still for a while, hands at her side, gazing at the floor. Alita prompted her and she looked up pleading, "I can't." The floor came into view as Alita took the camera away from her eye. I could hear her start to speak harshly to Elena just before she turned it off. The picture returned and Elena was standing as before, sniffing a little bit, trying to stop crying. I paused the video and looked at the couch. Elena looked decidedly uncomfortable. I called her over, gently moving Maracella off my lap.
Elena reluctantly got up and stood in front of me. "Why were you so afraid, mija?" I asked, using the familiar term, "my daughter" to try to make her feel more at ease. She refused to look at me, so I took her hands in mine, pulling her close, "whisper to me, the others don't have to hear."
Elena leaned closer and put her lips to my ear. "I'm not pretty like my sisters, I'm fat." I patted my lap and she shook her head whispering, "I'm too big to sit in laps anymore."
I shook my head and whispered to her, "Not too big for my lap, mija. Don't be afraid." She turned and sat down. I was surprised at how solid she felt in comparison to little Maracella. I reached for the remote and pressed play. The video zoomed onto her face and she repeated herself this time a little louder, still sniffing, "I'm Elena, I'm nine years old and I want to show you my body." The camera zoomed out and she slowly lifted her shirt, just enough to see the bottom of her panties. Elena's panties were white with "Friday" written in red script all over them. She slowly pulled her panties aside, moving her legs apart a little and sliding her fingers down to release the leg band. This exposed a vulva that did not have an obvious mons, just a deep cleft, hiding the treasures inside.
She didn't giggle like her sister had, just stood there silently as the camera zoomed in for a close-up. I couldn't wait for the next part. Elena followed the same poses that Maracella had, the same steps that I had put into their instructions. She took very little prompting from her sister, waiting until she was told to "Ok, now do the next one."
As she pulled her panties down, she tucked the t-shirt under her chin, giving me a good look. Her stomach was fuller, rounder than Maracella's, but not so big that it doubled over her waist. There was a little crease where her stomach met her groin, then the deep cleft of her vulva below. As she turned, she reached behind her, pulling the t-shirt up exposing her cute buns. Her cheeks were not as well defined as Maracella's not as round, but cute all the same. When she bent over the bed and spread her legs not as much was visible, just the hint of her anus, and a little bit of her vagina could be seen between her chubby thighs.
She lay down on the bed and raised her knees to her chest, pushing her panties down and off. Then she put her feet on the bed, keeping her knees bent, finally letting her knees fall to each side, pressing her feet together, her hands slid down her inner thighs, coming to rest on either side of her vulva. The camera zoomed in on Elena's plump outer lips, opening to reveal a tiny little clit, smooth and brown. Her inner lips were more pronounced than her sister's, thin and dark brown, framing the opening of her vagina, no larger than Maracella's but looking deeper because of her darker color and the thickness of her outer lips. The anus that I knew was directly below remained hidden between her ample cheeks. Her hands framed her sex, moving down her thighs a little then back up to touch her outer lips, her index fingers trailing from the bottom to the top.
After being told it was ok, she rolled over. The camera panned from her head which was turned away towards the wall, down her body as she raised her hips and pushed back. As the picture on the TV moved around and zoomed in to reveal her, open and on display, Elena leaned back and whispered, "Why do you want to see us naked?"
I put my arm around her waist, pulling her a little tighter and whispered in her ear, "The same reason you wanted to see the magazine, I've never seen beautiful little chicas like you, naked before, and you are so pretty that you make my dick get hard. The way you looked at the magazine gave me the idea. Does it feel good, sitting in my lap on my hard dick, mija?" She nodded and my eyes were drawn back to the TV.
Elena's anus was a darker brown than her buns and almost smooth, a little pucker buried deep between her cheeks. I wondered how it would feel to rub her starting between those cheeks, feeling them press against my finger as I teased her little pucker. Her vagina gaped open slightly, pudgy lips framing the opening, her clit barely visible. I had to check myself to keep from sliding my hands down to sample what I was seeing on the screen. I looked down and noticed her hands tracing up and down her inner thighs.
The next position revealed her completely naked, laying on her side, one knee raised. Her chest was rounded with little boobs, not developing breasts really, just baby fat. Her nipples were little inverted creases inside of brown areolas. Her stomach looked round and soft, her lips full and supple seemed to beg to be explored by a willing finger or tongue. She rolled onto her back and spread her legs, running her hands down her side and across her hips.
She slid her fingers down her lips as far as she could reach, then back up, pulling them apart to expose her tiny clit. She held herself open for a little bit, then repeated the motion, letting her lips close, sliding her fingers up and down the sides of her lips, pulling herself open. It was obvious that she was feeling a little arousal. On the third time as she opened her lips, the inside of her vulva glistened with moisture. This time she held herself open longer, kind of massaging the outer lips, never touching inside.
I whispered, "You did very good, mija. Your pretty little pussy looks good enough to eat" as Alita's voice on the TV told Elena that she could get up. Elena turned in my lap and hugged my neck as the TV showed her picking up the panties and t-shirt that she had dropped beside her on the bed.
Without any prompting, Tia appeared next to Elena and gave her a hug. It was erotic to see the sisters embrace, one naked the other clothed, filling my head with ideas and desires. Elena walked off camera as Tia turned to face it, cocking her hip. "I'm Tia and I just turned 10. I want you to see how pretty I am," she said with a confident smile. She was wearing a pink cotton babydoll style top, maybe a size too small, her flower covered panties peeking out from below the hem.
Tia was very thin, almost painfully so, giving her an elfin look. She was a little taller than Elena, with the lightest complexion of the four. She had her straight dark brown hair pulled back into ponytail that fell below her shoulders, bobbing as she moved her head. Her legs looked long and thin, accentuated by the shortness of her babydoll top.
She started an impromptu dance, swaying her skinny hips as she moved to the music in her head. As I was drinking in her image, anticipating what was to come, I felt a tap on my shoulder. I looked and there she was in the flesh. "Don't I get the lap treatment now?" she asked with an impish grin. I hugged Elena, pressing my cheek against hers and she slid off my lap. Tia nearly jumped to take her place, making a big show of wiggling around as she settled into my lap. I wrapped my arms around her to calm her down, and was surprised at how thin and light she felt after Elena. She immediately put her hand behind her legs, touching my dick, kind of rubbing at it. "Your thing is hard" she said. "Yes, my 'Cock' is hard" I corrected her as I pulled her hand out and held it in mine as I put my arms around her. This girl had spunk!, I thought; and I could hardly wait to give her a big load of mine
Tia finally calmed down, seemingly content to sit and watch the screen. While she was getting settled in my lap, her video counterpart stopped swaying and reached down, slipping her hand into the top of her panties and rubbed. Her fingers obvious under the thin fabric as she ran them between her legs. Then she pulled her hand out and reached in front of her panties, pulling the leg band far to the side. Her vulva was a thin slit with a wrinkled clit peeking out. I wondered as I watched if it was always that way or if her touch caused it to enlarge and stick out. As she held her panties to the side, she reached a finger over and gave her clit a couple of strokes, a big smile growing on her face as she looked straight into the camera.
Without any prompting, she slid her panties down to mid-thigh and pulled her top up, exposing a tight, flat stomach with a cute "inny" navel. Her hips were just starting to show some curves, making her look delightful. Her vulva was flat, no mons to speak of, thin outer lips making a line where they joined. She swayed a little, moving her hips as she turned. The camera zoomed in on her tiny bottom , two little round buns at the top of her legs. As she bent over the bed, her bottom opened, showing a rosebud pucker that was almost the same color as her buns. Her vulva stayed tightly closed, until two fingers appeared between her legs, spreading her lips, showing a dark pink interior. Her move, erotic to me and making my hard cock pulsate, elicited giggles from somewhere off camera.
As she watched the TV, Tia leaned back against me and whispered, "Maracella's daddy taught me that when I was five. I was his favorite of course, cause I liked sitting in his lap on his hard cock while he drank his cerveza."
After a minute bent over the bed, Tia pushed herself forward onto the bed, laying on her stomach. The camera zoomed out to capture the erotic pose, babydoll top midway up her back, panties pushed down to mid thigh, buns thrust slightly into the air making room for her arm to disappear under her hips, which were moving slightly up and down as her fingers stroked her tiny clit. Her eyes were closed softly, her lips parted. Alita's voice from off camera broke the magic and caused Tia's eyes to flutter open, "Come on, do it right Tia!"
Tia flipped onto her back with a disgruntled huff. As she turned over, she slipped her panties to her ankles with the hand that had been underneath her moments before. She drew her knees apart causing her thin lips to part revealing small, dark pink inner labia, glistening with abee-stingsture. Her inner lips were joined at the wrinkled hood that had been peeking out moments ago. As the camera zoomed in, she ran her hands up from her knees to frame her wide open vagina, a couple of dark hairs were visible near the opening, the start of puberty in evidence. Inside the opening a little pearl of white moisture signaled her excitement at what she had been watching and doing. Her hips moved enticingly as her hands massaged the flesh on either side of her vagina. Her anus was just visible peaking out from between her little buns as she moved her hands.
The camera zoomed back out as she sat up, pulling her top off over her head revealing a skinny chest with two little beesting bumps under dark pink areola, tiny erect nipples in the center. As she rolled back onto her stomach, she used her feet to kick her panties off, leaving them crumpled at the foot of the bed. Everything this girl did oozed sexuality and she seemed to know it, and revel in it. As the camera centered on her from the side, she slowly, almost languidly raised her hips off the bed, pushing back. I could almost picture myself behind her with my hands on her hips, pulling her to me as I slid my raging erection into that tiny wet cunt. As she raised her hips, she arched her back, accentuating the erotic position and looked directly at the camera and smiled.
Alita moved behind Tia, zooming in. In this position, her little buns had all but disappeared, they were spread so wide. She lay on the bed, baring all she had to the camera. Her anus was spread, almost smooth, a ring of slightly darker flesh marking it. Below it, her vulva was wide open, the sheen of her arousal inviting, welcoming a closer look as a single droplet released to run down her inner thigh. This tiny little 10 year old was so fucking wet and aroused that she was dripping.
As the video played, Tia had escaped my arms again, spreading her legs across mine, she leaned forward placing her hands on the front of the chair. She pushed back, and began grinding into me. I don't think she was really stimulating herself as much as trying to stimulate me. Unfortunately, she was only succeeding in crushing my balls. I reached up grabbing her shoulders, and pulled her back against my chest, whispering, "Tia, thanks baby. You already have my cock hard, but just sit with me for right now. We'll have time for that later, OK?" She nodded, and sighed, looking a little deflated.
The TV screen showed her lying on her side, one knee pushed up, stretching her pussy wide open. At this angle, her clit pushed out, begging to be licked. She slid her hand down her stomach and across her pubis, running her middle finger down the middle of her lips, teasing her opening, then past it to press in on her anus to the second finger joint, then out and rubbing in a little circle. Someone had taught her those moves, I was sure of it. "Did you learn that from Maracella's daddy?" I whispered. She smiled big and nodded in reply. "Did he teach your three sisters, too?"
Tia shook her head, "He never touched Maracella, she was too little and he said that Alita and Elena didn't like to play the games he wanted them to play. I was the only one who liked to play. They used to get mad at me when he brought me special presents. I'm going to like you even better now that I know I can play games with you, too. I miss being his special chica." My head was spinning with possibilities and my dick throbbed with desire as I re-focused on the TV.
On the screen, Tia had rolled onto her back, hands sliding down to hold herself open. She spread her lips gently, holding them partially open. As she held herself open, she snaked a finger down and slipped it into her vagina, disappearing to the second knuckle. Then she traced back up her hips and across her stomach as she sat up, finishing theatrically by sucking the finger that had just been in her wet little cunt and then with a coy smile blowing a kiss with both hands. Off screen voices said "Ooo, Tia, you are so naughty!" On my lap, Tia placed her hand on my cock turned her head and whispered, "Was I good?" I was barely able to nod, answering with an almost inaudible whisper "Oh, fuck yes" I replied as I softly rubbed her pussy mound, to her soft giggle of response. On the screen, she hopped up and started chanting, "Alita, Alita, now you gotta do it." The others joined in.
The camera shook showing the floor, then the ceiling finally a little of Alita's face as she found the stop button. The screen went blank for a second, then after some more jostling and an angry "I know how to do it, let go!" from a voice that I identified as Tia's, the camera was focused on Alita standing in front of the bed with a shy smile on her face.
I paused the video while Tia slipped forward on my lap. Almost as an afterthought it seemed, she leaned back, twisting to press her body against mine, put her arms around my neck and gave me a kiss, just a peck on the cheek and whispered, "mi amor." I could smell sweet bubble gum as she whispered and started to kiss her cheek. But, before I could respond to those soft lips, she unwrapped her arms from around my neck and pushed her hands against my chest to right herself and jumped off my lap. She covered the space between my chair and the couch in what seemed like a single bound and plopped down next to her sisters.
She pushed at Alita with both hands. "Your turn, Chica," she chirped with a sly smile. Alita shoved her hands away, daggers shooting from her eyes as she stood up. It was obvious that this scenario was not new, that Tia liked challenging her older sister's authority. Alita stepped over to my chair, looking a bit uncertain.
I took her hands in mine and leaned forward, placing my lips next to her ear and said softly, "I understand if you feel too old to sit in my lap. You are welcome to sit here if you want, but you don't have to." A shy smile spread on her lips at my acknowledgement of her status as the eldest. She looked over her shoulder at Tia as if to say, "Ha! I won!" Then she turned and lowered herself into my lap sideways, her back to the couch, closing out her sisters, leaned back against me, put her head on my shoulder, one arm around my neck and turned to look at the screen.
I could feel her small breast pushing against my chest as she nestled against me. I ran my arm down her back rubbing a little then brought my hand to rest on her waist, just above her hip. I pressed play on the remote, then reached up and took her other hand in mine and felt her fingers twine with mine, pleased that she returned my clasp, enjoying the feel of her slender fingers in mine. She let out a soft sigh as I returned my gaze to the screen.
Alita was the only sister who had dressed for the day. She was bare foot and wore a pair of jeans topped by a tight pink t-shirt with "Diva" splashed across the chest in sequins. She was obviously at the age where she didn't think about her bra color when getting dressed, just picked one that appealed to her. The lines of the bra cradling her budding breasts were clearly visible under her shirt accentuated by its dark color. Alita was the tallest of the girls, maybe a head taller than Tia, although none of them was over five feet. She was slender but not skinny, her hair a lighter brown and kinky, was pulled loosely together in a pink scrunchie on one side of her head, the gathered hair resting on her left shoulder.
She looked directly at the camera and in a soft but confident voice said, "Hi, I'm Alita. I'm the oldest of Las Hermanas Cuatro and I'm going to show you how pretty I am." She finished speaking and reached up to release her hair from the scrunchie. It fell sideways around her shoulders as she shook her head, framing her face in a halo of curls. I thought to myself as I watched, "There are girls who spend big money to get hair like that, I hope she appreciates what she has."
She slipped her hand to her jeans, slowly unsnapped them and slid the zipper down. She pushed the waist open once it was unzipped, revealing brown skin above a small triangle of white bikini briefs and a pink lacy waist band. I was mesmerized by the scene unfolding on the TV, but could feel her turn her head to look up at me. Without taking my eyes off the screen, I squeezed her hand and whispered, "Alita, you are sexy and beautiful" She lay her head back on my shoulder, satisfied that I approved.
On the screen, Alita hooked her thumbs into the waist band of the jeans and slid them down, wiggling her hips a little to free them from the tight jeans. She left them half way to her knees effectively framing her panties and stood up, pulling the t-shirt up as she straightened, revealing the bottom of an emerald green bra. She stood for a moment or two, staring at the camera.
The bikini panties below her flat, soft stomach accentuated the fact that her hips were beginning to gain a womanly curve. Her light brown legs, held softly together drew my attention to the v-shape of her mound, framed by the jeans her legs and the pink piping on the leg bands. The mons pushing out the fabric of her briefs accentuating the contours of her pussy lips disappearing between her legs. Her jeans, crumpled above her knees, made me want to see more skin revealed.
As if on queue, she slid one hand down the front of her briefs and across to the elastic on her leg. The camera zoomed in, bouncing slightly in Tia's less experienced hands, as Alita slipped her fingers under the elastic and pulled it aside, spreading her legs as far as the jeans would allow to free the fabric from between. As she pulled her panties aside, she revealed a pair of puffy lips, the wrinkled hood of her clit, prominent, her inner labia just visible. A few thin dark hairs completed the picture of budding womanhood beautifully. She held the elastic to the side, then leisurely pulled it back across, hiding her womanhood, smoothing the leg band with her fingers before releasing it.
The camera zoomed out as she hooked her fingers into the waistband of her bikinis, sliding them down on top of her jeans, again pulling up her t-shirt as she straightened. She stood legs slightly apart, looking straight at the camera, seemingly at ease, the hint of a smile playing on her lips. Her vulva, now revealed in full had just a dusting of dark hair on the pubis, leaving the lips that I had seen a moment ago looking smooth and hairless. Her stance accentuated the soft curve of her hips and I found myself wishing for another zoom in so that I could look closer, but Tia was intent on being in control.
"You have to..." she started, only to be cut off by Alita.
"I know what to do, you just take care of the camera Tia," she admonished.
With that, she reached up under her t-shirt and released the hook in the middle of her bra, pushing the cups aside. She took a deep breath, seeming to gather courage before pulling her t-shirt up to reveal two perfectly formed little breasts. I thought to myself how interesting it was that she seemed more reluctant to show her breasts than her vagina. I guessed it was because they were something new and unfamiliar to her; something she had that her sisters did not.
Her breasts stood out proudly from her chest, still too small and too new for gravity to have any effect on them. They were soft and rounded, two little mounds not much larger than a half tennis ball or oranges. Her areola were dark brown circles, the size of quarters, each with a very erect nipple in the center attesting to her arousal or the coolness of the air, I couldn't be sure which. It was all I could do to keep my hand on her waist, I desperately wanted to sample the softness of her breasts, feel the contrast between the soft skin and the hardness of her nipples. Instead, I squeezed her waist gently affirming that I liked what I saw. She moved slightly with my touch, settling against me.
The magical moment was over way too soon, as Alita turned her back to the camera. She bent over to place her hands on the bed, releasing her t-shirt, allowing it to slip down and partially cover her breasts. As she bent over the bed, she spread her legs as far as the jeans would allow. The camera angle was from behind, but slightly to the side, affording an alluring view of her breast and side, the bare skin between her t-shirt and jeans inviting the eyes to trace from breast to bottom and back again.
Her buns were perfect, round and firm, spread slightly by her position, partially revealing a dark brown pucker. Below that, her legs framed her sex, smooth light brown lips, puffy, firm, with the inner labia, thin and dark brown, pressed tightly between, glistening slightly as they peeked out from their hiding place.
Tia zoomed in until the screen was filled with those lips, again revealing a few stray hairs. I caught myself thinking that it wouldn't be too long before Alita would have to decide if she wanted to maintain her smooth look or go natural, letting the hair grow in. I wondered if she even thought about such things at eleven.
After a minute or two, Alita stood up and turned, her leg filling the screen as Tia zoomed out. Alita sat demurely on the edge of the bed and bent to push her jeans and briefs down and off. Something about the white and pink bikinis crumpled inside the jeans as she pulled her feet out of them seemed especially erotic. She sat up and pulled her t-shirt and bra off together, her breasts jiggling a little as they came free. She finished by shaking her hair out as she pulled her head free, dropping the shirt and bra next to her jeans. I don't think she had any idea how beautiful she was at that moment. She glanced up at the camera, almost as if checking to make sure Tia was still filming, then lay back on the bed, swinging her legs up as she reclined.
I could feel my heart pounding in my chest as I anticipated what was to come. I wondered if Alita could hear it, it seemed so loud. On the screen, Alita spread her legs wide, placing her feet at either edge of the bed. The camera zoomed in on her left foot, then traced slowly up and past the promised land between her legs, giving the briefest glimpse as it traced along her slightly rounded hip, across her flat stomach to her breasts.
Her breasts were just small soft mounds now that she was on her back. The nipples were standing out stiffly from the middle of her slightly wrinkled brown areola. They were just beginning to grow, each no larger than a pea. As the camera stayed focused, Alita brought her arms up on either side of her breasts, squeezing them closer together, giving them more definition. Pressing with her arms accentuated how soft the little breasts were, increasing my desire to test them for myself.
The camara panned back down, tracing across her stomach and finally stopping on her vulva. On the screen, it was so close that it was almost larger than life. The mons was covered in downy black hair that looked like it would be silky to the touch. The outer lips were puffy, slightly wrinkled and a little darker than the surrounding skin. They were pulled slightly open, revealing the dark brown inner labia, still pressed together like the petals of a flower not yet fully open. Her clit, hidden in its wrinkled hood topped the inner labia, round and soft.
The camera zoomed out a little bit, bringing her thighs and stomach into view. As it did, she slid her feet up the bend and together pressing her knees out, spreading her legs to the maximum. This opened her cunt lips a little more, revealing her perinum and the hint of a dark pucker below. Her inner labia remained closed until she reached down and gently pulled them open with her fingers, exposing the dark pink opening of her vagina; the inner labia and opening glistened, slick with her excitement. On my lap, Alita brought her hand up and covered her eyes, seemingly embarrassed by the revelation of her most personal places.
On the TV, the camera zoomed out to reveal her whole body, beautiful, showing slight curves as she lay with her hands holding her vulva open. She slowly moved her hands away, slipping them up her belly and across her breasts, stopping to caress them and pinch her nipples as she closed her legs and rolled over on the bed. She raised her hips and spread her legs, pushing back towards the camera. The view of her rounded buns and slender legs framing her anus and vulva was amazing. She held her position for a little while as the camera zoomed in. Her hands appeared between her legs and she again opened the petals of her inner labia wide, inviting the viewer into the depths they had hidden.
She lowered her hips and rolled to her side, raising her knee, smiling at the camera as the position naturally spread her lips. The inner labia, very moist with her excitement stuck together making a ridge down the middle of her vulva. She put one hand on her raised knee and paused for a moment, before bringing it to her mouth to blow a kiss at the camera.
As she was blowing the kiss on the screen, I leaned down and whispered with a smile, "Gorgeous, Alita. You are the most beautiful model of Las Hermanas Cuatro, but don't tell your sisters; we don't want to hurt their feelings."
She uncovered her eyes and looked up at me, "Do you really think so?" she asked. Her breath smelled of spearmint as she whispered.
I nodded my head and put my finger to my lips, silently reminding her that it was our secret. I whispered "Just feel how hard you made me". "I did that?" she replied "Wow, just like the man in the magazine?" "Yes, baby. And you make me want to fuck you, too. Just like he fucked that little latina girl" I whispered. Alita smiled widely as she looked into my eyes and nodded.
The view shook as Tia looked for the off button amid giggles, laughter and a few words in Spanish from off camera that were not in my limited vocabulary. The screen went dark and I turned off the TV. Alita unwrapped herself from my embrace, and returned to sit next to her sisters on the couch.
I moved to sit on the edge of my chair, facing the girls, aware that they were all focused on me, waiting to hear what I would say. I was also painfully aware of my raging erection, trapped in the leg of my pants, out of sight but very evident to the girls.
"You all did a most excellent job with your secret assignment," I started enthusiastically. "I hope you really believe me that I gave you this assignment after watching you look at the magazine because I want you all to realize that each of you is a beautiful Latina in your own way." As I paused, I saw smiles start on all of their faces. "I am so happy with your video that I consider us even, for the little incident at the store. As far as I'm concerned, it never happened." This produced even wider smiles and they looked at each other in turn. I smiled back at them, then continued, "You still need to work on the video that we will show your Mom at the end of the summer and you can't break any more rules or steal anything else. Understood?" Four heads nodded in agreement, all four with serious looks on all their faces.
I finished with a challenge, "If you would like, I can give you some more secret video assignments. The next assignment I have in mind is not any harder than this one was. If you decide to do it, you can even make a little spending money. But, you all must agree to take the next assignment, I can't have just one or two agree. Las Hermanas Cuatro must be united. Got it?"
With their heads nodding in agreement, I sent them home to begin working on the "real" video assignment. I pulled Alita aside and told her that she should wait a day or two, then ask her sisters if they wanted to take on the next secret assignment. I made sure to emphasize that it was not ok to force or pressure anyone to agree. She assured me she understood, giving me a hug before following her sisters. I watched as the four cutest girls in the world made their way out the door and across the street. As they closed the door to their house, Maracella turned and seeing me still watching, waved, a big smile on her face then wiggled her butt sexily.
As I closed my door, I found myself dreaming excitedly about the next assignment, hoping they would be curious enough to take it on, but worried that I may have pushed them too far with the first one. Replaying their reactions both on the screen and in my lap watching themselves, I tried to guess how they really felt, wishing I could listen in as they talked, wishing I could hear their thoughts.
As I pondered their reactions, I was pretty sure I'd be getting a private visit from Tia at some point in the near future, and anticipated that she would be the first of the four who would soon be viewing some of my more extreme hard kiddy porn videos with me as she lay naked in my arms, my hard dick sampling all of her tight little holes. While the thought of picking up where Maracella's father had left off with her sounded exciting, I wondered if accepting her advances would drive a wedge between me and her sisters. I couldn't afford to have any one feel neglected or slighted and decide to "tell on Tia" to the others, stimulating their natural competition to my advantage. I mused on my options, trying to guess what the future would hold.
As I mused, I was sure of one thing, the next couple of days would pass very slowly as I waited. Of course, I had some "raw footage" to review and edit. The beauty of the digital video is that the camera captured everything in high definition, allowing me to add zooms and pans allowing me to accentuate things where I wanted. I sat down at the computer to begin creating four intro masterpieces to the pleasures which were soon to follow with each of these little girls. Each intro focused on one of Las Hermanas Cuatro.
Wants More
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