Published: 8-Aug-2012
Word Count:
Across a dimly lit desert plane rode a dark figure only outlined by the bright light of the Moon in its last quarter. Riding alone, the Sheik rode fast with his cape snapping in the wind as the horses' hoof clapped on the flat dry dirt surface. Nocturnal animals scattered as the lone rider and his fine Arab charger approached closer to their domain.
Meanwhile, there was a little ten-year-old girl dressed scantly as a harem princess waiting alone in a huge pitched tent that was the Sheik's quarters while he was on campaign. She wondered if the cloaked rider would keep her here before the day was over. Her head was filled with many disturbing thoughts.
Beautiful child was taken captive from her castle high in the Northern mountains during a siege of a nearby kingdom. She did not know what would become of her kingdom now, her father the King, or, even more immediately, her, as she stood in the middle of the tent, both tiny wirsts bound to two poles with long silk scarves that outstretched her little arms.
She had been specially prepared for the Sheik. The servants took extra care to be sure they followed the Shiek's strict orders. She was allowed to nap, and was bathed and prepared to every detail and instruction of the Sheik. The instructions given through his other servants were explicit so the servants took great care to be sure everything was perfect. Behind her ears, on her budding pink nipples, and on her tummy she was perfumed with an expensive and rare oils, as these were the regions that the Sheik's tongue liked to explore. She was be dressed in the finest of silks in the traditional harem outfit which was scant, with a long sarong, and midriff showing, and a silk top, but no veil since girl-children as young as her did not require veils.
He should have been there before midnight, but she knew he was far and still taking inventory of her kingdom which he conquered. Little girl's anxiousness and anger got the better of her. When she burst from the tent in protest to try and mount a horse, the guards had no choice but to bound her small hands and bare feet to stakes inside the tent. They used fine silk scarves so not to leave marks on her pale wrists, but they were strong enough to hold the child there until the Sheik arrived. It was his strict order that she is to be retained and tied to the stakes if she tries to escape, but not harmed in any way.
The desert heat was making her sleepy even though it was closer to Midnight now and the sands were starting to cool off a bit. Little girl's arms started to tire and she yelled for the guards to come and untie her wrists so she could at least lie down and go to sleep, since she did not think the Sheik would arrive tonight. She continued to yell on and off, but her pleas were ignored.
As she began to fall asleep, her little half-naked body fell limp, but she would suddenly wake when the weight of her body tugged at her outstretched and bound arms. It was then the tent tarp was flung open and a dark figure stood in its entrance. In black shining silk, head dress and a sheathed silver sword, there stood a figure not so tall, as most Arabian men were not, but it put her in awe to see such a man, rather attractive, but not so great to command and conquer the worlds greatest armies.
"I see you have tried to escape. I had very strict and firm instruction for my men to not harm you, or even bound you, unless it was absolutely necessary."
"Where is my father!" the child demanded to know.
"I just left him," he replied and continued, "he is fine... he has never been better actually, his worries are over... he will rule his kingdom with my supervision without fear or worry of neighboring empires trying to take it over as it has been for the last two decades."
"Then untie me and let me go! I'm a Princess! You can't treat me this way! My father will not stand for this!" she yelled back in her sweet, tiny voice. He looked at her small, almost naked body tied with silk ropes and explained what she obviously did not know.
"Your father and I have an agreement. I am to leave him installed on the throne until his death in exchange for you, my beautiful child. At the time of his death... I will return you to that kingdom to rule it since he has no male heir -- I would say that is a pretty fair deal... wouldn't you? Or... would you rather have nothing at all but war, hunger and destruction of your empire? You are really quite lucky, child, that I got to it before some of the other conquerors. They... they would not have been so kind to you... your father would be dead and you would be a mere prisoner at best!"
"And what am I now?" the little girl snarled, quite angry that all these decisions were made without her knowing or consent.
"What you are, my dear, is a little spoilt Princess with a great future ahead of her if you decide to follow me as your teacher. Admit it or not, but you need to be groomed for such a role and responsibility. Become my little lover, and I will groom you for your rightful throne when your father's time has come... Then you and I will rule the two biggest empires in the world!"
The child looked at him with her big blue eyes and stubbornly remarked, "If I had just stayed where I was, my father would have taught me just fine... I need no help of a savage beast like you... and I certainly could find a husband by myself when I grow up!"
He looked at her, smiling at her arrogance and pride as he unbound her thin wrists by cutting them free with a sterling silver dagger he pulled from his hip sash. He listened to her go on and then replied to all her comments.
"Apparently you do have much to learn," he sighed. "Your father's ways obviously do not work... that is why he was conquered by someone half his age... it would only have been a matter of time that the destruction of that bankrupt empire was dissolved by rebels, civil war, or even on its own. As for your husband... he would have either turned on you and your father or been a weak man to just sit and watch the two of you run it into the ground. Here you have a young, powerful teacher that will preserve your family, throne and kingdom... I will leave you here to think about it for now...." he exited before he would allow her to make him lose his temper.
The little pale Princess slumped down in the pillows and thought about what she had heard. Just sitting in the satin pillows she knew that he was right. That these luxuries she could no longer enjoy due to the bankrupcy of her father's kingdom. Most of the palace's luxury items were sold off in order to pay the soldiers to protect the kingdom that was constantly under attack these days.
She realized the truth and finally got up to go and talk to the Sheik. As soon as she was about to exit the tent she was approached by two guards and was told to go back into the tent. She asked to see the Sheik, but they only told her to go back into the tent and wait for his return.
Frustrated, and feeling like a captive again, she tried to burst through their arms to go to the main tent where she knew he was. They picked her up like a tiny doll and brought her back into the tent, tossing her onto the sunken bed of pillows and warned her that they would tie her up again if they had to.
"Sheik's orders!"
"You tell that Sheik that I want to see him now!" the Princess yelled. The two guards looked at each other, spoke in a foreign tongue, laughed and exited. She flung a pillow at the two, but it only hit the tarp of the tent's entrance way. The silk pillow, so soft and filled with the finest duck's down, could not harm a fly on a camel's back.
A short while later the Sheik entered her tent somewhat curiously.
"The guards told me you were ready to talk?"
The beautiful child looked up at him, still angered, but happy that he returned so quickly.
"Well, for one, I do not like being treated like a prisoner!"
He looked at her with a smile and retored calmly, "Well then my dear, stop acting like a bratty little child and I won't have to tie your hands and feet to the stakes.".
He continued to approach her as she sat up in the pillows where she was starting to doze off. He calmly sat down beside her and touched the soft and long blonde hair on the side of her beautiful face and slowly moved to kiss her lips. It was all so sudden for her -- for him to take such liberties before he had even heard her out. He broke the soft kiss and looked at her big eyes which looked surprised in a shocked way.
"Let us not fight any more tonight, my dear... We shall talk tomorrow when I bring you to the palace". With that he moved to kiss the little girl again, his hand now on her exposed left hip, pulling her into the passionate kiss.
After a breathless silence he whispered into her seashell ear, "They told me you had eyes so blue that they had to be seen to be believed, but it is quite understatement. I have been through many lands... I have never seen eyes so beautiful." He caught his breath and told her, "If you wish to return to your kingdom... I shall let you... but I can not take responsibility in protecting you or your family should you fall under attack again."
"No!" the small girl said desperately. "Please... you were right, I was not thinking... your ideas are correct, and what is best for me... for us."
Somewhat surprised, the Sheik's eyes were still fixed on hers, taken in by their imense beauty and innocence and the little captive Princess shily smiling at her new teacher.
"Very well," he said and kissed her again.
"And... you are also right... let us talk when we reach the palace tomorrow," she fell onto him, kissing him with her soft pink lips more passionately than he would have expected from a ten-year-old child.
With her small pre-teen body leaning onto his, he placed his hands on her spread open little legs and pulled them to his chest as he fell onto his back with her. The little Princess made a grimace and pulled out the dagger from his belt. The Sheik looked at her with more curiosity than fear as she held it in front of him.
"This was poking in my bare ribs..."
He smiled and said, "Let me see if it left any marks."
She pushed herself off of him and he took a closer look by placing his mouth to the child's rib and kissing her with a tiny bite, sucking her smooth, firm flesh inbetween his teeth and lips to leave a tiny red mark.
"You are right", he said teasingly. "It left a small mark. I am terribly sorry, my Princess."
His mouth continued to travel down her ribcage and onto her tummy. He rolled the little girl on her back and kissed wherever his servants had spread the fine rare fragrat oils, which was practically everywhere. His tongue fell into her navel as she took great pleasure in guiding his head there with her hands. When he plunged his tongue into the navel of her perfectly soft, ticklish tummy, it flinched as he continued to lick and kiss it. It stimulated her so much her tummy began to undulate - no one had ever kissed her there, not even her father the King, and she never knew it was such a sensitive spot until now.
Her hands and fingernails dug into his shoulders as she pushed him down further to remove her sarong. She tossed the pillows out from under them as they began to strip off their garb and toss it about the sunken bed. Her legs wrapped around his neck and pulled him into her.
He finally broke free from his little child lover, pushing down on the top of her thighs and lying on top of her for his mouth to meet her open lips. Their touching skin burned more than the desert sun as the passion began to devour both their souls with sexual energy.
His mouth was everywhere, her neck, her chest and budding nipples, her thighs, and his tongue probed her pink hairless and moist genitals as her little hands encouraged his every liberty with her feverish body.
The passionate pursual continued until they both satisfied their innermost desires. As soon as she felt him inside of her all her worries were over... she knew that she had found the place she wanted to be... in the arms of a passionate, powerful Prince who would preserve her own power, and keep her and her royal family safe for a lifetime to come...
She knew this all because he had chosen her to be his Princess, from all the lands he had been through even though she was only a ten-year-old child... and she actually did find it flattering that he took her as his prisoner and tied her up with silk scarves in his tent. Now, for the first time, she knew his motives were not as strategic as they were strong in his love for her. The passionate lovemaking that continued throughout the night until dawn was a simple proof of that very fact.
By dawn, the little Princess woke in her teacher's strong arms, happier than she had ever been before in her life.
The End
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