Summer Of Love

[ Mg, rom ]

by Jessica


Published: 6-Aug-2012

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All people and events in this story are entirely fictitious.

I walked down my grandmother's street, holding hands with the only boy I thought I'd ever love! He was twelve and I only ten, but I would find out that summer that Luke wasn't the only guy out there.

Every summer I would beg my parents to send me to grandma's house. They, of course, thought this was wonderful, but I was barely ever at my grandma's.

All day Luke and I would walk and talk about how school was, and what happened while we didn't talk. I thought we told each other everything, but I was young. That next summer at my grandmothers I was eleven and Luke and I were walking when he said, "I can't see you anymore. I... I'm seeing someone else."

I stopped and looked coldly but puzzled at him.

"What?" I sighed. "Would this girl happen, just happen to be... uh let me think, Danielle?"

Luke turned to me and nodded ever so slightly. Then turned back away.

"Nothin' but friends huh? Is that all you two are? Oh, I think I hear my grandma calling for lunch! Gotta go." I turned and walked hurriedly away.

He didn't come back that summer or half of the next. The same summer that I saw Luke again, I met someone else. I had gone to a carnival. I watched Danielle hold onto Luke as he single-handedly threw darts and popped every balloon in order to win a HUGE teddy bear. Then I bumped into a guy much older than Luke. He was 25.

"Sorry!" We both said at once.

I blushed and looked down at my tennis shoes. When I looked up, he was still standing there. Our eyes met. He was so cute, no, he was so gorgeous!

"I'm Simon, and you?" he said.

"Oh, I'm Kim. So sorry I wasn't paying any attention," I smiled my best little girl smile.

"No problem, I wasn't either. Uh... would you like to have an icecream?"

"Sure, Thanks!" I giggled mischievously.

I never believed in love at first sight, but now I could start. As Simon and I sat eating our icecreams I noticed that every couple of minutes he glanced at me, looking at my bare legs or my chest where my tiny budding breasts pushed against T-shirt.

"Simon, thanks for the icecream." I said staring hard at him.

"Oh, you're very welcome, sweetie. So Kimmy, are you seeing anyone?" he asked suddenly.

I blushed, but told him no, my parents think I'm too young. He glanced at me and seemed to make up his mind. "I love little girls. Will you go out with me tonight Kimmy?"

"I... I guess!" I answered. "I'll meet you here at seven tonight, okay?"

I nodded once more and got up to leave. He waved as I walked away. I walked past Luke, and he quickly glanced at me. I just turned away. That night when I arrived back at my grandmother's I raced up to my closet. Quickly, I sorted through all the clothes I had brought with me. Finally I chose a halter top and a pair of jeans, in case it got chilly. After I put on my makeup, I ate a hurried dinner and brushed my teeth.

As I was ready to go, my grandmother called me, "Kim honey, where are you off to?" she asked. "Don't forget your curfew, 11 o'clock."

I walked over to her and smiled, "Grandma, a 12 year old young lady would not be able to forget her extremely early curfew! And also, I'm off on a date with a young gentleman," I answered, giggling all the while.

She chuckled. "Yes Kim, but you know it's parents' orders. It can't be the young boy you were seeing just last time I saw you, is it?"

I smiled "No, it's not Luke. It is a much older and nicer looking young man, and I must go!"

She nodded and shooed me away. I took my chance and scooted out the door.

Ten minutes later I was standing at the place where Simon had bought me the icecream. I glanced quickly at my watch, 6:59. I had confidence that he would be there any minute. I saw someone walking toward me and my hopes soared.

Then I saw who it was, Luke! I gasped, he was coming right at me. I side-stepped but he stopped right beside me.

"Kim, how are you? Pretty as usual!" he smirked "Well, well, well. Why are you here? Would you like to go into the Haunted House with me? I promise you won't get scared, just like before..."

"What's up Luke? Did Danielle dump you? For your information I'm here for a date! No, I will not go into the Haunted House with you!" I said sharply.

At that minute Simon walked up. He looked at me and we walked briskly away.

"I have a feeling you know that little boy. What did he say?"

"Yes, I know him. He... nothing," I said back.

At that we stopped at the first ride. The "Tilt a' Whirl". He glanced at me and I nodded. He took my little hand and we raced up to the ride.

Two hours later, with two teddy bears and a free lunch at Taco Bell, Simon and I arrived at my grandmothers front doorstep. I opened the door and set the animals inside and then closed the door.

"Thanks for taking me out tonight. I really enjoyed it!" I said.

He bent his head down and we kissed. When we pulled apart I was trembling with joy and excitement. No one before kissed me like Simon did that night.

"I love you..." I said quietly in his ear, hoping my grandmother won't hear us.

He smiled and touched my cheek. "I love you too, Kimmy. But you must go home now, it's your bed time. I'll see you tomorrow again," he whispered and waved as he left, leaving me with tears in my eyes and bright smile on my face.

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A very nice beginning of a very promising series. I love the detail you've managed to pack into your story and look forward to seeing more of your work.


Love this story Jess. I see it has promise. Looking forward to the next chapter.


I love this story. I really hope for a sequel.

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