Little Lovers, Part 10

[ bg, dry hump, rom ]

by JerseyJ

Published: 21-Mar-2013

Word Count:

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This work is Copyrighted to the author. All people and events in this story are entirely fictitious.

For the next few days, Max and Kimmy spent as much time as they could with each other. The pair was more inseparable than ever. The first to finish their homework would spend the rest of the afternoon and evening at the other's apartment. They had a sleepover at Kimmy's for the first weekend. The next weekend, Max helped Kimmy pack her things.

"Kimmy, where do I put your pictures?" Max asked. He was holding a several photos that were in brown, rectangular frames. Today, he was wearing a long sleeve, yellow and blue horizontal-striped shirt with blue sweatpants and white illuminating sneakers.

"Put them in that box over there," said Kimmy, pointing at a cardboard box with "Misc." written on the side, in black letters. She wore a light green, long sleeve shirt with black sweatpants.

Kimmy's room was full of cardboard boxes. Max walked to the box, which was sitting against a wall by the closet. As he put the photos into the box, he gazed at each of them. The first picture was of Max and Kimmy in his jeep during his birthday party. The next was the two of them on the swings, pushed by their mothers. The last photo was of the two of them, with their arms around each other's neck, smiling for the camera. This picture was a closeup of their faces. Max had a box top hairstyle back then. Today, his hair was cut to the point where it was almost faded.

Max looked at the birthday picture again. Then he realized something. "Remember when I made my birthday wish?" he asked, not looking at Kimmy.

"Um... yeah," said Kimmy, turning her head to him. "Why?"

He spun around so he was facing her. "Do you still wanna know what I wished for?"


"I wished that me and you could get married when we grow up and live happily ever after, like on TV."

Kimmy smiled at him. "I wish we could, too. I hope me and you get married and have kids when we grow up." She sat on a taped cardboard box.

Max walked over to and sat down next to her. His left and her right leg touched from sitting so close. They finished packing everything they could. It was 12:21. Tomorrow was the day that Kimmy would move to Connecticut.

Kimmy looked all over the room. Her bed was absent, revealing a surprising amount of space. All of her clothes were packed, leaving the open closet empty. "I'm gonna miss this house," she stated. "This was the first house I ever lived in."

"I got a idea. Let's make today a Fun Day."

Kimmy looked at him. "Fun day?"

"Yeah. For the rest of the day, we could do whatever you want to do together. Then you can spend the night at my house. You got to leave tomorrow, so let's make today the best day in the world."

"That's a great idea!"

"So what do you wanna do first?" Max asked.

Kimmy pondered for a moment. "Can we drive your jeep to the playground?"


"Would you bring your Frisbee?"

After asking Karen to carry the vehicle down the stairs, Max let Kimmy drive. She drove all the way to the park, careful when she crossed the street. Clad in their jackets, they rode up to an area with four green benches. Two long-haired women, one brunette and one blond, were sitting on one bench. They waved, and Max waved back at them.

At the playground, the jungle gym was deserted. A boy and girl who seemed to be related were using the seesaw. Three boys were using the swings, including one tire. Two more boys and three girls were going up and down the silver sliding board. Kimmy parked the jeep near the jungle gym, where they could keep an eye on it no matter where they were.

Max started to climb the caged box. As she followed, Kimmy thought back to the summertime of that year.


"Could you gimme a boost?" Max requested. He was wearing a white shirt with black vertical stripes and a black collar, a black pair of shorts, and white and black sneakers.

Kimmy was wearing a baby blue sundress with white saltwater sandals. Her dark hair was wrapped into a bun. She cupped her hands together and bent over.

Max stepped into her hands and held a warm metal bar. The girl lifted him until his foot reached one of the lower bars. Next he lifted his left leg and stepped onto an upper bar. He then turned around stood there.

"Come on, Kimmy," suggested Max, "The jungle gym's fine."

Taller than Max at the time, Kimmy stretched her arms and held the bar beside her friend's feet. Her left knee stepped on the lower bar and her right foot landed on the same one. Soon, she was standing right next to Max.

"Could you climb higher?"

"Uh, yeah." Max was a little unsure. He had never went that high up, but wanted to impress his friend.

Kimmy grabbed a higher bar with her right hand and climbed up a line backwards. Max turned around and went up. The jungle gym was a five by four square box. A cage at the top was three by three and was in the center. Kimmy made it to the top with relative ease and sat there.

Max made it to the fourth line of bars. Looking down, he decided not to try to crawl across the big, four-sided holes to get to the uppermost part where Kimmy was sitting.


"Kimmy?" In reality, Max was now sitting at the top of the cage.

"Hmmm?" Kimmy was sitting next to him, their feet dangling.

"The swings are empty, now. Could we ride them?"


The two climbed down the jungle gym and ran to the swings.

"I'll push you first," offered Max.

"Thanks." When Kimmy sat down on a red seat, Max put two hands on her back and pushed with all his strength, running as he did. Kimmy went upwards, stretching her legs out, then came back down. The boy shoved harder, sending her higher. This went on several times. "Wanna swing now?"


Kimmy left the swing and let Max on.



Kimmy pushed Max repeatedly, sending him higher and higher.

"Can we play Frisbee?" Kimmy requested, holding onto Max's shoulders.

"Sure," replied Max.

Max got into the driver's seat of his jeep. Kimmy got in and Max drove them to a large grassy space. There were more people in the area, but they were yards apart. He then pulled his light blue Frisbee from the floor of the jeep.

Kimmy walked several yards away and turned around.

"Ready?" Max called.


Max tossed his Frisbee upwards in his friend's direction.

It went significantly lower when it reached Kimmy, but she caught it with both hands before it could pass her right side. The girl threw it back to Max.

Max tried to catch it with his left hand, but it went about an inch too high for him. He turned to pick it up, then tossed it back.

The couple threw the disc back and forth for a while, catching or missing.

Carrying the disc, Kimmy walked up to her friend. "Wanna look at the clouds?" she asked, giving Max his Frisbee.


The kids laid down. On their backs, they rested their heads in the palms of their hands.

"That one looks like a tug boat," Kimmy noted, pointing at a fairly small cloud that had an arched bottom and a somewhat thin top.

"That looks like a white ice cream," Max said, looking at a large cloud that was round on top and had an arched end. The boy then looked at Kimmy, who was watching the white clouds drift to the sides.


Max was wearing an orange tanktop with khaki shorts and black sneakers. Kimmy was wearing a yellow tanktop with yellow shorts and white saltwater sandals. They dipped their green and yellow wands into their small bottles of soap and water.

First, Max blew into his wand. A fleet of little bubbles raced out of the ridged, green ring. He counted as many as he could before they could burst. In total, he spotted fourteen.

"My go," announced Kimmy. She blew thirteen bubbles, not including the ones that popped too soon.

The two continued to count how many bubbles they could blow until Max won the fifth and final game, 32-30.

"Ha-ha, I win!" Max said in his typical triumphant tone.

Kimmy shrugged, then dipped her wand back into her bubble mix. Then, she pulled it out and gently blew some at Max, hitting his torso and leaving small wet spots in his shirt.

Max giggled and blew a line of bubbles at Kimmy, which rapidly bumped into her chest and chin.

Kimmy then slowly blew into the wand, creating a lone, big one. This bubble wiggled from spherical, to oval, to spherical before them. Max being Max, the boy poked it too hard, making it burst and splash its drops on him and her.


"We've had some really good times together, Max," Kimmy said as if reading the boy's mind.

"Yeah," Max replied, still looking into the sky.

"I wish today didn't have to end. It's been fun so far."

"Me, too."

They laid there for several more minutes.

Max pulled up the sleeve of his jacket, revealing a black watch. The watch was mostly black, with a green, rectangular screen for the black digits.

"It's almost 3:00," noted Max. "Let's go play some games at my house."


Both of them hopped into the jeep and Kimmy drove home.

When they were in Max's room, he stacked up all of his games and laid them on the floor, where they were sitting.

"Let's play Elefun, first," said Kimmy.

Max chose a green net for the game, and Kimmy had the yellow. They ran all over the place, either catching their butterflies in the air or picking them up from the floor.

Next was Connect Four. Max was red, Kimmy was black. Sometimes, they would be interrupted by the bottom being set in the wrong spot, therefore collapsing in mid-game.

The couple had a great time playing even more games, such as Clue Jr. and Mouse Trap. Hours had passed due to the longevity of some games, plus the fact that Max had nine of them.

After playing through all the games, Kimmy decided that she wanted to play with the Legos. Max fetched his bucket from the closet and dumped all of his Legos onto the floor. They hit the wooden floor with a loud sound similar to glass breaking. The couple dug in and began to work on a house.

Eventually, they created a 'brick' house. The house was made of eight horizontal rows of multicolored Lego bricks. Some uneven, square holes were left for windows. The roof and floor was actually several flat black, gray, and red pieces.

"Someday, we'll have our own house like this," Kimmy stated.

"Yeah. One day." He pulled a portion of the roof off.

"Wait! Why don't you leave it like that? You could put it somewhere. So you can remember me with it."

"That's a great idea." He stood then looked around. Next, he walked over to the dresser and raised himself on tip-toes, trying to put it on top.

"Somewhere where it won't break, Max." Kimmy smiled, rolling her eyes.

Max chuckled a little and searched for another space with his eyes. Kneeling down, he put it into the brown TV stand, just below his TV.

"I'll never tear it down," Max said, arising. "I'll keep our house forever."


Like most American children of the 90s, Max and Kimmy loved to watch the Nicktoons lineup, followed by Snick, together. From 5:30 to 8:00, Max and Kimmy sat on the edge of Max's mattress and watched Ren & Stimpy, Rocko's Modern Life, Aaahh!!! Real Monsters, Doug, and Rugrats. They never left each other's side, other than to go to the bathroom. After that, the Snick opening aired.

"I want to watch TV from on that couch," said Max, referring to Snick's orange mascot.

Kenan & Kel aired at 8:00. The kids agreed that it was their favorite Snick show. At 8:30, All That was on. Max and Kimmy sang the theme song together.

"Mr. Bailey from Good Burger is Angus from the Kenan & Kel show we just saw," Kimmy noted when the Good Burger segment was over.

Next, The Mystery Files of Shelby Woo replaced All That. The kids thought it was boring, but watched it so they wouldn't miss the next show. Finally, Kablam! showed. The 'He's super strong... and super naked' narrative for The Flesh in Action League Now! cracked Max up.

When Snick was over, the boy and girl decided to sleep in Max's tent. After changing into his PJs in the bathroom, Max opened the tent and let Kimmy crawl in first. Inside, two green-sheeted pillows laid side to side. She rested her head on the left pillow. He flipped the light switch and felt his way into the tent.

"Can we play that get fresh game again?" Max asked when he entered.

"Yeah." She rolled onto her back.

Max got on top of his girlfriend and laid his elbows by her sides. Rhythmically, he grinded his body against hers. Although he couldn't see her, he could feel her breath on his face. He lowered his head and gave her a kiss; it landed on the nose. Kimmy smiled and kissed his chin. After a long moment, he rolled off of her.

Kimmy could hear several sniffles next to her. Occasionally, a soft gasp or whimper would sound. "This really was a fun day, Max," she declared, now facing her friend. "I had a really good time today. I always have so much fun with you."

"Me, too," Max sniffled. His head was propped onto his hand. "It won't be the same when you leave tomorrow."

"Yeah. You're the bestest friend I ever had."

"You're the coolest girl in the whole wide world. *hic*"

"I'm really scared of moving. You won't fall in love with somebody else, will you?"



"*sniff* Cross my heart."

Kimmy scooted closer until their foreheads touched. Max wrapped his arm around her and they fell asleep on the same pillow.

"I hope Max gets here soon, Mickey," Kimmy told her toy. "We'll be leaving any minute."

It was 3:32 in the afternoon on the big day. Kimmy was standing in the center of her empty room, dangling Mickey by his left wrist with her right hand, and looking at the big difference. Underneath her denim jacket, she was wearing a purple shirt. Also, she had blue jeans and white sneakers. There was nothing left in the room; the bare floor was light brown and the room looked much larger without the furniture or cardboard boxes. Max walked in through the open door, wearing a gray collar shirt with jeans and black Sketchers.

"Hey, Kimmy." Max had his hand behind his back.

"Hey, Max."

"I got you something to remember me by. Mommy brought it."

His right hand appeared from behind his back, holding a foot-tall teddy bear. Its black eyes and nose were shiny, and its fur was light brown. It also had a pair of white paws and ears, and a white snout and stomach. Kimmy's eyes lit up when she saw it.

"Ooh, thank you, Max. It's so cute." She kissed him on the cheek, then hugged the bear tightly. "Here, I want you to have this." By its left arm, she held her Mickey Mouse doll out to him.

Max looked at the toy with an unsure look on his face. "He's your favoritest toy. Are you sure you want me to have his?"

"Yeah, that's why I'm giving him to you. He means a lot to me, just like you, and I want to give something that I really like to the boy I really like. I have something better, now; I have a teddy bear from you that will make me think of you whenever I play with it. That's way better than any toy I could ever, ever have."

Max held the waist of the Mickey Mouse doll with his right hand. "Thank you."

"You're welcome. Does the bear have a name?"

"No. I don't think so."

"Hmm... well, I'll name it... Little Max."

"Little Max?" laughed Max.

"Yeah," Kimmy smirked.

Their laughter slowed to a stop and they gazed into each other's eyes.

"I really, really wish you weren't moving away," he said, smile fading. "I'm gonna miss you so much."

"I'll miss you, too," she said, forcing a smile. Her eyes were getting watery and a tear slowly fell out, leaving a wet trail along her right cheek before splashing on the wooden floor.

Max didn't want her to cry anymore, so he decided to try and humor her. "How much will you miss me?"

"I'll miss you... this much!" She held her arms out as wide as she could.

"And I'll miss you... this much!"

Due to Max's growth to Kimmy's current height, their arms were stretched to the same length.

"I remember that," Kimmy smiled. "That was from the day of our first kiss."

They both leaned forward slowly and kissed each other on the lips. Just then, Karen knocked on the door, making them turn their attention to her.

"Kimmy, our cab's here," she said. She was wearing her leather jacket with a blue pair of jeans and some black boots. "Hi, Max."

"Hi," replied Max.

"Okay, mom," said Kimmy.

Karen walked out of the room and the little lovers walked out afterwards, hand in hand. They followed her outside, to the windy December air. She kept walking toward the green and white cab, but Max and Kimmy stopped at the front door. The two of them stood there, neither wanting to let the other one go.

"I'll call you when I get to my new house," Kimmy said, turning to face Max and hold both of his hands.

"Promise?" asked Max. All of their fingers were laced together in front of them.

"Cross my heart." Their faces leaned forward until her chin was on his left shoulder. Her arms wrapped around him and he hugged her back. "I love you," she sniffled with tears starting to roll down her cheeks.

"I love you, too, Kimmy," he said, in a choked voice. He gave her a long kiss on the lips. "Bye."

"Goodbye, Max." She walked down the path, to the cab and got into the back seat. Looking out the closed window, she blew Max a kiss.

Max responded by blowing her a kiss and waving at her. The cab drove away and Max stood there until it was out of his sight. When the cab left the block, he went back into the building. Sulking, he walked upstairs to Kimmy's old apartment and sat in the spot where she was sitting when he met her. He put his head down the way she had hers. Gently weeping, he thought about all the time they spent together and how much fun they had.

Max thought about everything he could remember from the past year he spent with Kimmy, from the simple things such as the way her eyes enlarged just before she laughed, to events such as their first kiss. He thought about how shy he was when they attempted it and how natural it became when they got used to it. How eager he was for every night to end so he could play with her the next day.

Now miles away from the building, Kimmy was thinking the same things. She stayed quiet through the whole trip to the airport. All she could think about was Max. His silly demeanor. His tendency to 'ha-ha' when he got the upper hand at something. The way he seemed to know exactly how to make a bad day fun. Already, she felt lonely. She reminded herself to call him as soon as the phone lines get connected.

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Sad and sweet! I hope this will continue. I love the two principal characters!

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