By Random Chance

[ bgg, gg, inc, oral ]

by JerseyJ

Published: 30-Nov-2012

Word Count:

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This work is Copyrighted to the author. All people and events in this story are entirely fictitious.

It was a sunny Sunday afternoon. Trennis walked alongside a tall, green fence until he reached an open gate. Beside the gate was a yellow, rectangular sign that read 'Venna Park' in bold white letters.

Trennis was a 10-year-old of average height. He had small, hazel eyes just below a pair of thin, black eyebrows. At the center of his dark-skinned face was a broad, triangular nose with a long tip. His head was round, topped by short hair. He was wearing a red tank top, a pair of black gym shorts, and red, black, and white sneakers.

To the left of the park entrance, there was a tarmac basketball court with four, tall hoops, each with white backboards and nets. Six men dressed in summer attire were playing a fierce game of basketball.

Immediately deciding against playing with them, Trennis turned and headed for the swing set. Along the way, he passed by a play structure that was occupied by two girls.

"Betcha can't do this!" challenged 10-year-old Cynthia, who was hanging from a yellow monkey bar.

Cynthia had brown eyes and a short nose. A mop of curly, brown hair extended down her back. She was wearing a sky blue shirt with a navy blue skirt. A pair of sky blue flip-flops were on her feet.

Swiftly, the girl moved from bar to bar until she could step into the other end of the play structure. Then she turned to watch her sister.

8-year-old Sally was a slightly hefty girl with a baby face. Her brown hair was held into a neat ponytail by a red ribbon.

In competitive mode, Sally crawled up the gray rock mountain stairs and into the fort. From there, she stood on the toes of her white saltwater sandals and reached for the first bar, which was several inches above and away.

Just a few yards away from the girls, Trennis was moving at a fast pace on a red swing, trying to see how high he could go. He was staring straight ahead, at the traffic in the road. When he heard a short, high-pitched squeal accompanied by a soft thud, then a pair of giggles, he turned his head to see Sally, flat on her back with her hair covering her face.

The back of Sally's red shirt was bunched up, causing warm sticks to poke her waist. She helped herself up, brushed sticks off her pink skirt, and climbed the yellow ladder.

Trennis stopped swinging to make sure he wouldn't miss another fall.

Standing in between the support beams of the monkey bars, Cynthia jumped and stuck her hands out. She grabbed the bar when it was within reach, then reached for and grabbed the next bar. In an almost smooth trip, she made it across and ducked into the fort, where Sally was leaning on a support beam.

Impulsively, the younger girl looked at the swing set. Her brown eyes just caught Trennis looking in her direction before he quickly turned his head away and began to push himself back with his feet.

"Cynthia, I think that boy's watching us," she concluded.

"What boy?"

"Him." She pointed at Trennis, who was once again swinging back and forth.

Cynthia followed her finger and watched him for a while. Then she asked, "Wanna have some fun with him?"

Sally just turned her head and looked at her sister with a wicked grin.

Once again, Cynthia grabbed the nearest bar, then the next. The movement of her legs caused her left sandal to fall off and land on the ground, upside-down. While tightly grasping that bar, she just hung there, raising her knees in midair. Slowly, her legs drifted apart. Trennis couldn't see much, due to the sun picking very a bad time to hide behind the clouds and casting the area in a dark shade.

When the sunlight returned, Sally popped out of the red tubular slide that was closest to the monkey bars, crash-landing on her butt. Her skirt rode up to her thighs, giving Trennis a good glimpse of white panties in between thick thighs. She didn't bother to get up, choosing instead to watch her sister. Her knees were in the air and her feet were spread inches apart. Slowly, she lowered the back of her head until she was laying on her back, her knees still up.

Meanwhile, Cynthia carefully placed her heels on the sides of the monkey bars. In doing so, she caused her short skirt to ride up higher and higher. Bit by bit, the hem of her skirt rose as she brought her legs closer to her torso. Hanging on by her hands and heels, she lifted her head, looking at the world upside-down with her curls draping over the top of her head. The skirt was now completely raised, its hem reaching her potbelly.

Trennis looked on in awe. He could actually see the hanging girl's butt, clothed by her red panties, from where he was sitting! Also, Sally, who was still lying on the sticks with her knees up, was giving him a clear view of her white panties.

Seeing her sister's bottom and her sandal on the ground gave Sally an idea. Pushing herself up with her hands, she stood and picked up the ridged-soled footwear.

Upside-down Cynthia was unable to see Sally because she was facing the opposite direction.

Sneaking closer and closer with her eyes locked on her sister's wiggling rear, Sally raised the arm that was holding the sandal. Quickly, she brought it down, slapping Cynthia on the left cheek.

"Yeow!" squealed Cynthia as she dropped her legs, but maintained her grip with her hands.

With her legs swinging back and forth, Cynthia glared at the younger girl, who was holding her belly from giggling so hard. She then let go of the bar, obviously forgetting that she was missing a shoe. The girl cried out and hopped on her protected foot after the bare one stepped on a bunch of pointy sticks.

This, of course, only sent Sally into an even bigger fit of giggles.

Standing on one foot, Cynthia glared at her sister again, prompting her to scream and run away, dropping the sandal. She put it back on and ran after the younger child.

Trennis was having trouble not laughing at that situation himself. He smiled in amusement as a mock angry Cynthia chased a giggling Sally around the play structure twice.

Squealing in excitement, Sally ran toward the swing set with Cynthia in hot pursuit. She ran past Trennis and grabbed the green support beam that was the furthest.

Cynthia stood between the two poles that were on the opposite side.

Both girls feigned from side to side, grinning and ready to run at any given moment. Cynthia faked left, then ran to the right of the pole she was standing next to, stopping at the spot where Sally was. Cynthia was too fast for her, and moved to where her sister was standing before.

Tilting her head to the left, Sally stuck her tongue out. Her expression then went from mischievous to seductive as she opened her mouth and slowly slid the tip of her tongue along her upper lip. Even the grayish underside of her tongue was exposed. She was looking at Cynthia, but they both knew it was meant for Trennis to see.

And Trennis did see. Replaying that image in his head, he blinked dumbly for a moment and turned to Cynthia.

The girl pretended to ignore his open mouth and wandering eyes, mimicked her sister's movement. Her tongue slid over her upper lip and retracted, before she smacked her lips together and returned the girl's sly grin.

Apparently getting a second wind, Sally feigned to her right and ran left, before Sally shifted to that side and ran toward her.

Followed by a pair of simultaneous grunts, the girls collided, Cynthia bumping her forehead on the bridge of her taller sister's nose and fell into the grass.

Trennis turned his red seat to look at the girls, who were just inches away from him.

Cynthia was on top, but Sally soon wrapped her arms around her waist and rolled them over; their legs were pointing toward Trennis. Not one to forget about payback, Cynthia reached around and pulled up Sally's skirt, purposely showing Trennis her white panties, and slapped the left cheek as hard as she could.

"Eeeeeee!" Sally screamed and turned her head, opening her mouth wide and looking up at Trennis in mock horror.

With her hands on either side of Cynthia torso, Sally pushed herself up arching her back, with the hem of her skirt still pulled up to her lower back. Before Sally could get away, Cynthia grabbed the sleeves of her shirt, keeping her in that position. Her butt just barely touched the head of Trennis's dick as she tried to escape. Trennis felt the air leave his lungs as she brushed by him that way.

Still held down by her sister, Sally attempted to sidestep, but tripped over Cynthia's left leg and fell on her side, landing on her own left elbow. The grass served to cool the girl's bare skin somewhat as she and Cynthia stopped wrestling and their laughter slowed to a stop.

Cynthia let go of Sally's sleeves and the two of them just laid there, facing each other and panting. Their faces were covered in sweat.

After a moment, Sally raised her head to look at Trennis, who was still sitting on the swing and watching them. That one glance caused her to break into a flirty smile.

"Hi," she chirped.

"Hi," Trennis smiled back.

Sally rose and sat on the swing that was next to him.

"My name's Sally."

Cynthia moved to the swing next to Sally and sat down.

"I'm Cynthia."

"I'm Trennis."

The trio silently rocked back and forth for several minutes. What started out slow soon turned into an unmentioned, who-can-go-the-highest contest. Then when Cynthia decided to slow back down, the others followed suit. Ever so often, Trennis would peek at the girls' lower bodies, following their bare feet up to the hidden contents of their skirts, hoping to get another look. No luck, as they kept their legs tightly closed.

Sally suddenly looked at Trennis, then down to where he was looking. With a gasp, she looked at him in mock horror with her mouth agape.

Trennis raised his head, then swiftly turned.

"It's okay," she assured, reaching out and touching his right shoulder. "You can look."

Trennis looked at her grinning face again. His gaze soon went down to her legs. Though she gave him her permission to look, Sally kept her legs crossed, teasing him.

Cynthia moved backwards and stood, her butt still on the seat, so Trennis could see her better. After looking around for any unwanted viewers, she grabbed the center of her hem and pulled it up to her waist.

"You like my panties?"

Reluctantly, Trennis pulled his attention from Sally's legs and looked at Cynthia's white underwear. He blinked and let out a silent gasp when he saw it.

"Hee-hee-hee," giggled Sally. "I think he does like them, Cynthia." She pointed at his crotch. The aforementioned girl smirked and sat on the swing. "You know..." the mischief began to show on Sally's tilted face as she smiled, "we could fix that for you."

Trennis's bedroom had four navy blue walls; a closed window was in the west wall. Sky blue, marble tiles made up the floor. A bed with Buzz Lightyear sheets and pillows was against the north wall, facing the door. Beside the door was a black TV.

"Let's sit down," Sally suggested.

The trio sat on the edge of the side of the bed, Trennis in between Cynthia and Sally respectively.

Slowly, Sally reached out and touched the bulge in Trennis's shorts, causing him to moan softly. With her right fingertips, she rubbed it back and forth.

Cynthia slid her hand along Trennis's right arm, before taking his hand and placing it up her shirt. She felt up the bare skin of her flat belly with his hand until he took a hint and did it himself.

Trennis reached around and fondled her sides, feeling her warm, smooth rib cage in his hand. His hand went lower until its side began to brush against the waistband of her skirt. Pausing, he looked at her face for a signal.

With a smile, Cynthia nodded, allowing him to go further.

Trennis dug his fingertips into her waistband, feeling on her right hip. She purred as he shifted to her backside, reaching deeper inside until his palm was resting on her right butt cheek. He gave it a soft squeeze before rubbing circles with his middle and ring fingers.

Taking his hand from inside her skirt, Cynthia stood up. She then held her right sleeve and pulled her right arm out, before doing the same to the opposite sleeve and dropping her blue shirt on the floor. Next, she stuck her thumbs into the elastic waistband of her skirt and pulled it down. Rising, she spread her legs a bit and smiled.

Trennis just stared at the first nude female he had ever seen up close.

"Stand up," Sally commanded.

Looking at Cynthia with his mouth open, Trennis stood.

Sally arose with him and gripped the back hem of his shirt. Cynthia held the front hem and both girls pulled off the shirt. Sally moved to his front and knelt down. Her hands went to the side waistbands of his shorts and slowly pulled them down to his sneakers.

"You have a nice dick, Trennis," complimented Sally.

Trennis's cock was about 3 inches long. His acorn-sized sack held his balls close.

"Thanks." Trennis said, looking at her. He stepped out of the shorts and white briefs.

Now it was Sally's turn to strip. She gripped the hem of her skirt and pulled it down to her ankles. Kicking it aside, she pulled her arms out of her sleeves and lifted her shirt off. Lastly, she pulled her red panties off. Lifting her hands, she did a twirl.

Naked Trennis gawked between the two equally nude girls now standing in his bedroom. His open mouth quivered into a closed smile.

Sally grinned back for a brief moment before she slowly knelt to her knees. Not knowing what she was doing, he followed her lead.

"No, stand up," Sally said. "I'll stay down here."

Gently, she held the underside of his cock in her left hand and leaned forward with her mouth open.

Upon feeling half of his dick enveloped in moist warmth, Trennis sucked in a lot of air and twitched, prompting Cynthia to fall into his bed laughing out loud and Sally to snicker, getting spit drops on his pelvis.

"Chill, Trennis," Cynthia smirked. "She's just gonna suck your dick. It'll feel good." Sally put his cock back into her mouth. Her lips slowly moved back and forth along it as her head slowly leaned forward and backward. Trennis's breathing was ragged as he felt this new sensation. Otherwise, he was completely still. "Pet her," suggested the girl who was standing beside him.

Trennis's right hand reached out and caressed the top of Sally's head. It then slid down and its fingers began to gently run his fingers through her curly hair.

Sally opened her mouth and pulled her head away. Standing up, she moved to the center of the bed and laid her head on a pillow, before reaching out to him with both hands. Trennis crawled between her spread legs and got on his knees. Her fingers traced along his stomach and down to his cock, which she held for a moment. Putting both fists on either side of her waist, he leaned over her and rubbed his cock up her slit.

"Push it in," Sally commanded in a soft voice. Holding himself up with his left hand, Trennis reached below him and pressed his dick against the hole. The lubrication formed from her saliva and pussy juice allowed it to slip in. "Okay, now move it in and out."

Trennis backed his hips up, removing half of his cock from her cunt. Then he gently moved back down until his stomach touched hers. Lips curved into an 'O', he sighed as he felt her warm, narrow walls encase his entire organ. The boy's hips arose and fell again. His eyes rolled down to Sally's, finding that she was smiling at him.

"Could you do that harder?" Cautiously, Trennis pressed his dick as deep into the girl as he could go. She sighed and wrapped her hands around him. "Thanks."

Sitting on the edge of the bed with her back twisted, Cynthia had her right hand between her legs. She watched her sister and their new friend shift into each other.

Trennis was doing pretty good for his first time.

Two of Cynthia's fingers were holding her clit, dragging it into circles. Judging by her moans, she must have been having just as much fun as them. Still, she wanted in.

"Now do that to me," Cynthia said.

Trennis stopped moving and nodded. Reluctantly, he got on his knees and pulled out, making Sally sigh in disappointment.

Cynthia turned around and got on her hands and knees. Trennis walked on his knees, behind Cynthia. He then put his right hand on her hip and held his cock with the other hand.

Suddenly, a car honked its horn.

Trennis lifted his head in surprise and looked around the room with his mouth open.

"My parents!" he clamored. "My parents are home!" He scrambled out of bed and put his shirt on.

Cynthia and Sally quickly rolled out of bed and frantically searched for, then put their clothes on; in all the excitement, they often grabbed the same items and nearly bumped into each other.

"Go out the window," Trennis whispered, wildly motioning toward it with both hands.

Cynthia stuck her left leg out of the window, ducked the top, then pulled her right leg out. Sally did the same. The alley was too narrow for them to run side by side, so Sally followed her sister. The older girl hugged the wall and stuck her head out of the alley.

The dark gray Chevrolet Caprice was abandoned.

Hanging his head out the window, Trennis watched his new friends turn the corner and leave his view. They didn't appear to have been spotted by his parents. He breathed a sigh of relief.

At least, until his mother walked in on him while his underwear was still off.

"You do like him! I knew it!" Sally screeched with joy at her sister.

Giggling, Cynthia smacked the girl in the side with a green pillow.

The girls' bedroom had twin beds that were side by side and had dark green sheets. A white dresser with a red ceramic lamp was between them. The wooden floor was bare and the walls were jade. There was a white double dresser near the jade door.

When the sisters got their giggles under control, Cynthia laid back and stared at the ceiling.

"At least you got to have sex with Trennis. He is so cute. It was hot just watching y'all."

"Yeah. Trennis's dick felt way better than our fingers."

"I wonder what it would be like to do a boy. Have sex with a real dick."

"We could pretend," Sally suggested.

Cynthia sat up. "Pretend how?"

"I could pretend to be a boy and my fingers could be the dick. I'll stick it in your pussy and act like we're having sex."

Still hot from watching her sister have sex with a boy, Cynthia decided to try it. She scooted back, laid her head onto a pillow, and spread her legs.

Sally shifted so she was laying on her side, holding herself up with her elbow. She gave two fingers a suck before rubbing them along her sister's pussy. Her eyes were on her sister as half of her digits were inserted.

"Ooooh... that's nice," Cynthia whispered.

Sally grinned and pulled out, only to push in deeper. When she withdrew again, she looked down to see her fingers becoming moist. Then she crammed her two fingers in up to the knuckles, inciting a long groan from her sister. She repeated with shorter strokes.

"Feels good, huh, Cyn?" Sally was now panting, herself. Listening to her sister moan was getting to her as she fingered the older girl more vigorously. "Hmm? Feels good having a nice, big dick sliding in and out of your coochie, doesn't it?"

"Mmmmph-hmmm..." Cynthia squeaked with a nod.

"Are you thinking about Trennis doing it with you? Can you imagine him humping you really, really hard?"

"Yessss. It's soo good."

Cynthia closed her eyes and imagined that Trennis was there with her. Him laying on top with his dick going in and out of her wet pussy. She felt Sally lean down and kiss her lips. Then the girl's tongue entering her mouth and seeking out hers. In her mind, the boy they just met was doing it.

The younger girl stopped kissing her and continued her dirty talk.

"Yeah. It felt so good when Trennis was humping my little coochie. He went real deep in me. I bet you want him to do that to you. You want it soo bad."

Cynthia's breath soon began to come in heavy pants. Her hands disappeared beneath the pillow and she turned her head to the left.

Sally seized this opportunity to kiss and nibble on her big sister's neck. She fingered the girl's cunt even harder.

With a gasp, Cynthia wildly bucked her hips to meet the other girl's fingers. Her knees bent and her butt rose from the bed to dance in circles. The muscles of her cunt clamped down on her sister's fingers as her orgasm came and came. When it was all over, her body collapsed onto the bed. She rolled onto her side and twitched with the fingers still inside.

Sally withdrew her fingers and rubbed a long streak of moisture from Cynthia's belly to her flat chest. She then put them in her own mouth and watched the older girl sit up.

"That was so cool," Cynthia stated. "I can't wait to try that to Trennis."

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Dave Miyagi

Thanks JJ for the start of what looks to be a hot kid sex series.

Like how you first had the eight year old suck him instead of the ten year old.

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