Published: 29-Nov-2012
Word Count:
I woke up at 10:00 on a sunny, Saturday morning. I stretched my arms and legs out and sat up so that I could lean up against the white headboard. When I looked to the other side of the bed, I saw my little sister, Kelly, still sleeping with the light blue blanket up to her chest. Carefully, I peeled the blanket off her, picked her up, and held her in my arms. Her head rested on my left forearm and her bare chest moved up and down as she breathed softly.
Kelly was five years old and a little over three feet tall. Her eyes were blue and she had short, blond hair that flowed down to her shoulders. She was wearing a pink T-shirt, with pink panties with rose designs on them. You see, I love Kelly more than anything and our relationship is much more than just sister-sister love. She's the cutest little girl, with the prettiest little eyes and the most beautiful smile.
I have blue eyes and long, dark hair that goes down to my upper back. I'm 13 years old and my name is Christy. My body started to develop when I was 12, but my breasts aren't really noticeable. I was wearing a long, white T-shirt and pair of red panties.
Our bed was against the wall and has pink sheets and pink pillows. The walls in our room were white and the carpet was peach. The TV was against the wall in front of the bed and sat on top of a pink dresser. The closet was on the right side of the bed and had a mirror on the door. Two small, pink lamps sat on two dressers on either side of the bed.
Kelly yawned and smiled up at me with squinted eyes. I grinned back at her and pat her little nose with the tip of my index finger. She giggled when I pat her nose a second time. Then, I leaned down and gave her a long kiss on the lips. With my lips on hers, I rolled us over so she could lay down while I got on my knees and bent over.
My arms were crossed behind her back, and my hands were on her shoulders. Our tongues tangled and we moaned into each other's mouths. I broke the kiss and got off the bed.
"What are you doing?", she asked, disappointedly.
"Let's take a bath", I suggested. I got down on my hands and knees and looked up, at her. "Hop on." She quickly got out of bed and I lowered myself so she could climb onto my back. She placed her legs on either side of me and held some of my hair as if they were reins.
"Giddy up", she giggled.
I arose and crawled through the hallway with my sister on my back. Her feet dangled by my ribs and she gently jiggled the hair that was in her hands. The bathroom door was already open, so I crawled in and closed the door. Kelly let herself down and I stood up.
The bathroom floor was covered by a dark blue carpet and the tiled walls are a lighter blue. The toilet, which was next to the tub, was white with a blue seat and cover. The porcelain sink and tub were white, with silver faucets. I pulled back the blue shower curtain and turned both faucets to make the water warm. Next, I bent over the tub to put in the silver plug.
As I was bending over, I felt Kelly's hands on my hips, trying to pull my panties down. I knelt down further, low enough for her to reach the waistline. When my panties were tugged halfway down my pussy and butt, she looked up and bit my panties, pulling them the rest of the way down with her teeth. I stepped out of my panties and she tossed them aside. A very small patch of black hair is down there.
I knelt down in front of her for a kiss. We put our heads together and I opened my mouth. Her tongue went inside and I sealed my lips on it. She put her arms around my neck while my hand went to her butt. I pulled her panties into her crack so it was like a thong on her. Next, I fondled her cheeks; they were so soft and round. By this time, the tub was about 3/4 full, so I turned the water off. I then poured the white, Dove dish detergent into the water for bubbles.
Putting my hands under her arms, I picked her up and stepped into the tub. I sat down against the wall on the opposite side of the faucet and stood her between my long legs. When I let her go, she leaned in for a quick kiss.
"I like your boobies", complimented Kelly, feeling on my bare chest. "I wish I had some."
"Yours will grow someday", I assured her.
She covered her nipples with the palms of her hands.
"You'll get some when you get older."
She looked down at her flat chest and pouted. I scooped up some suds and patted them on her left nipple; I did the same to her right nipple. Next, I swirled them with my index fingers. The suds sort of pointed out a few inches.
"There", I said, "now we're match."
With her eyes focused on her chest, Kelly puffed out her chest.
"Cool", she squealed, "now I got boobies, just like you."
Her chest quickly deflated when she started laughing.
Slowly, I scooped up a double handful of suds and gently blew them at Kelly. White soap and bubbles flew as if on a guided path, and hit her face and chest. In retaliation, my sister splashed a wave of water at me with both hands. For the next few minutes, waves of water, mixed with suds, were sent back and forth, hitting the walls, the bathroom carpet, and Kelly and I. We squealed and laughed as we had the splash fight.
I got out of the tub, water dripping from my glistening body and my hair, and stepped out of the half-full tub. Kelly got out after me and shook each of her legs to get the water off. Some of the water that was dripping from her was now cascading off the wall next to her. I picked two white towels off the rack and threw one at her. The large (compared to Kelly) towel opened and consumed all but her knees and below.
Her arms emerged from inside the towel and pulled it off. Playfully, I stuck my tongue out at her and rocked my head from side to side, before going back to drying myself off. I dried around my neck, then my developing breasts, my and finally, my legs.
After drying herself off, Kelly bolted out of the bathroom, heading for our room. I poked my head out the doorway just in time to catch a glimpse of her round, but flat, bottom, before she disappeared from sight. I walked into our room. There was a lump in the blanket, small enough to be "someone" who was on their hands and knees. I heard snickers coming from the shaking lump.
"Now where can my baby sister be hiding?", I said out loud. "Is she in here?" I opened the closet door. "No, not there." More giggles came from the bed as I closed the door.
"Maybe... here?" I got on my hands and knees and checked under the bed. "Nope." I stood up and looked at the lump. "Ooh, I know... she's right... here!"
I wiggled my fingers on the sides of the lump. It squirmed wildly and screeched with laughter. I continued to tickle it until Kelly's red face was revealed. She turned over, onto her back, and I climbed into the bed. I pulled the blanket over us, so we were both covered.
As soon as we were under the covers, Kelly's hands went to my ribs. I laughed as her little fingers wiggled on my most ticklish spot. I grabbed her wrists and held them to her chest. She kicked her legs, but I avoided them. I looked down at her smiling face.
"Give me a kiss", I said. She burst out laughing.
"No", was her giggly response.
"Please?" I moved in closer to her face.
"Mmm-mm." She shook her head.
"Please?", I begged. My face was barely inches away from hers. She looked the other way and tightly sealed her lips. "Okay, you asked for it", I grinned at her. Finally releasing her wrists, I resumed tickling her underarms.
Kelly's body uncontrollably twisted back and forth. My hands were all over her fragile body. Under her arms, over her stomach, and around her ribs, my hands went.
"Kiss me and I'll stop", I told her.
"Never!", she squealed, almost unintelligibly.
"Okay", I said casually. I stopped tickling her. Panting, she looked at me with an open mouth grin. Her face was red and her hands were crossed on her chest. Her legs were together and her knees were up.
Swiftly, I lowered my head and landed my puckered lips on her forehead. She just smiled up at me. I bent over again and kissed her nose. Next, I kissed her left cheek, her right cheek, and finally, her pink lips. This time, she kissed me back.
Later that afternoon, we walked into the backyard, wearing yellow aviator sunglasses. Our backyard was grassy, with a tall, brown fence bordering the area. The neighbors wouldn't be able to see our nude bodies as we casually strolled to two white lawn chairs. Kelly climbed into the chair that was closest to the glass back door, and I laid down on the chair next to hers. Between the chairs was a small, white table with a green and white umbrella attached to it.
"Could you please do my back?", Kelly requested.
Before I could answer, she turned over to lay on her stomach. Getting on my knees, next to her, I grabbed the orange tube of sunblock from the table and squeezed some into the palm of my right hand. After placing the tube back on the table, I applied the sunblock to my sister's back with just my right hand. My left hand soon moved in, so both hands were sliding all over Kelly's little back.
The ticklish girl snickered a little when I slowly raked my fingers from her shoulders, down her back, butt, and the backs of her legs. Once more, I did it, this time running my hands even slower down her butt. Both hands gently squeezed a warm cheek and rotated them, lovingly. Kelly burst out laughing and reached back to swat my hands away when I quickly opened her soft baby cheeks, revealing her pink, little pucker. Laughing with her, I stood, then laid on my stomach, in my chair.
"My turn", I announced.
Dutifully, she hopped out of her lawn chair, grabbed the tube of sunblock, and stood beside me. Then, she lifted a leg and straddled the backs of my thighs. I let out a low moan when I felt the cold cream pour onto the middle of my back, in a spiral trail. After putting the tube back, she lean forward and began to roughly massage the sunblock onto my back. Her small hands were all over my back, making sure that it glistened.
When she apparently finished, I heard the tube's cap pop, then the gel squirt out. Kelly then moved a little further down my legs, to the backs of my knees. I heard her rub her hands together, then felt her hands on my bottom. Frantically, she rotated the palms of each hand on each cheek, making them jiggle beneath her.
My cheeks were pulled, separated, and pushed back together. Her thin fingers would sometimes slow down, caressing my butt, softly, before speeding up and rubbing all over at a fast pace. She massaged the sunblock into my skin for a longer time than necessary, but I didn't mind at all.
When it was over, she laid in her chair, on her back. We both laid on our stomachs in silence. Still facing away from her, I closed my eyes and took in the relaxing surroundings. Birds were chirping, the occasional, light wind blew, and the sun bathed us two, loving sisters. I sighed at the incredible feeling of it all.
"Christie? Can we eat?", she asked me, after a long while. I took her hand and we strolled back to the house, into the kitchen.
Our kitchen walls were white and the tiled floor was black. The square, glass dining table was near the middle of the room, surrounded by four silver, vinyl chairs with black seats. The black and white refrigerator was to the left of the table. The stove was adjacent to the refrigerator and had wooden cabinets on either side. The sink was to the right of the stove.
Kelly and I sat across from each other, still in the nude. I was eating a tuna fish sandwich and drinking a clear cup of orange juice. My sister had a peanut butter sandwich and a small, blue, Blue's Clues cup of milk.
After we finished eating, I wanted a refill of my juice. Opening the fridge door gave me an idea. I picked up the white carton of orange juice and filled my cup halfway. I walked over to her and held it out so fast that some juice splashed onto her chin, neck, and chest. She gasped and looked at me in surprise when she felt the cold liquid on her nude body.
"Oh, I'm so sorry", I said, innocently, trying to hold back a laugh. "Let me wash you off." Bending down a little, I licked the juice off her chin. She squealed in delight when I frantically started licking all over her face like a little puppy. "All gone", I grinned.
My sister picked up a straw that she saw in the center of the table. After tearing the white wrapper off, she slurped up some milk through the red-striped straw. Before I could move, she turned in her seat to face me, and blew the milk at me, splashing my stomach. That milk was really cold. Always the silly giggler, Kelly laughed her head off.
In mock surprise, I gasped and left my mouth wide open. Then, I picked up and unwrapped another straw. With a 'What you gonna do about it?' look on her face, Kelly watched as I noisily blew huge bubbles in my cup with the straw. When I was ready, I slurped, then blew a long stream of milk, which landed on her grinning face, making her pull back and bend over backwards in her seat, laughing. I laughed along with her until she grabbed her cup and stood on top of her chair, so we were at eye-to-chest level.
"Take...", she said, cocking her right arm back, "this!" Her arm quickly came up and her muscles stiffened, causing the remaining milk in her 1/3 full cup, which was now a little warm, to splatter all over my torso. My chest was now covered in the white liquid. Milk dripped down my budding breasts, slithered down my flat belly, and settled in my pubic hair. Some of it made a puddle surrounding my feet.
"Okay, you win", I admitted. Turning around, I opened the top cabinet and pulled out a white box of twinkies. There were five, wrapped cakes in the gray-interior box. I then held the open box out to Kelly. "Want one?", I offered.
"Uh-huh." She nodded her head, took one, and ripped the clear wrapper off.
I held the wrapper of mine in both hands and pulled gently, causing the top to slowly slip apart. Kelly snickered at my expression when I bit a piece, tasting a bit too much sweet filling. As if it was a stick of chalk, I rubbed the creamy side of my twinkie onto her chest, surrounding her tiny, pink areolas with creamy circles. I put my mouth on her nipples one at a time and twirled my tongue around them. Moaning in pleasure, she ran her fingers through my black hair.
When I was done, she crushed the remainder of her twinkie and smeared it all over my chest and belly with both of her hands. Kelly then told me to lay down, which I did. She grinned at me and bent down to lick the cream off my tits. She licked all around my stiff nipples, alternating every few seconds. I pulled her head closer and got some of the cream filling on her face.
When she finished tongue-bathing my tits, I sat up and started to lick the cream off her face. 'Somehow', my tongue found its way into her mouth and we started kissing, sharing the cream filling between us. Moving my tongue aside, I allowed hers to enter. It wiggled about, circling the inside of my cheeks, tickling the roof of my mouth, and sliding along my teeth. I pulled my mouth from hers and got on my knees.
Once again, I opened the refrigerator and peered inside. From a lower shelf, I took a red can of whipped cream and sat in a chair.
"Come here, cutie", I said, motioning with a finger, for her to come closer.
She walked over to me and I held my hand out, before pressing the thin, white nozzle. The can fizzed as I sprayed a small spiral of whipped cream into my hand. I patted some onto her left tit and licked it off.
I let her have the can and she sprayed some cream onto my belly button. Her tongue circled my belly button and got all the cream off.
"Lay down on your stomach", she commanded.
I did as I was told and Kelly sprayed whipped cream from the back of my long legs to my round ass, where she sprayed it in a few zig-zag patterns. She put the can aside and started licking the back of my shins. Her tongue was all over the backs of my long legs, alternating from one to the other. Crawling slowly on her hands and knees, she began to work her way up to my left cheek.
Her tongue started at the bottom (no pun intended) of the cheek, then her head moved up to the connection of my back and butt. She stuck her tongue out and moved her head up and down, as if licking a popsicle. After every lick was a short pause, then another long lick. Sometimes, she would kiss the cream off. When she finished, I sat up and took the can from beside her left leg.
"Lay on your back", I said.
She laid down and looked up and me, on my knees. I shook the can and sprayed a line up both of her legs; left leg, then right leg. When I reached her right thigh, I continued that line up to her tummy, where I put a ring around her innie. Still keeping the line, I surrounded her nipples.
"You look so yummy", I told her. "I could just eat you up."
"Well", she said, "What are you waiting for?"
I smiled at her and knelt down, slowly, by her right side. My tongue slipped out and slowly trailed up her left leg. After a few more licks, I had it clean. Kelly looked down with dimming eyes and a wide grin as I did the same to her other leg. Loudly, I smacked my lips together and shifted my position so I could reach her torso better.
Lowering my head, I traced her little belly button with my tongue, whirling it round and round. My sister squealed and her belly heaved when I suddenly blew a raspberry into it. Before moving on, I gave her button a final kiss. My kisses journeyed up to the middle of her chest, nearly touching the thick cream that was around her nipples.
Teasingly, my tongue spun around the right nipple, lapping up the sweet dairy product. It got closer and closer to the tiny, pink nub until it finally brushed against it. Kelly, whose eyes were closer, moaned softly. I gave the areola a kiss when it was clean, and moved over to the left nipple, which was the last creamy spot on her nude body.
I pressed my mouth into her left breast, getting a little cream on my nose, mouth, and chin. I bathed the area with soft kisses and a flickering tongue. Finally, I had her front side clear of any whipped cream. Raising up on my knees, I looked down at her expressionless face. When she noticed that I had stopped touching her, Kelly opened her blue eyes and looked around.
"Wow", she chirped, "the kitchen is all messy."
"Time to clean up", I suggested.
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