Published: 25-Nov-2012
Word Count:
6-year-old Johnny walked through the white gates of the park. He was wearing a long-sleeved brown shirt with a pair of baggy, blue sweatpants and white sneakers. His dick put a thick bulge in his left pants leg that ended near his shin. His ball sack could not fit into his underwear, so he elected not to wear any.
His father was at work, and his mother was visiting some friends. As he often did when he was alone, he decided to go for a walk and hopefully find someone to "play with". As he strolled down the tarmac path, he received the usual comments and stares.
"Mommy, look at his pants!" a younger redhead exclaimed with a finger point as she walked by.
"Bethany!" the short-haired woman holding her hand scolded.
Johnny looked back to see the girl trying to turn her body around while her mother kept walking. After a brief smile at her, he continued his stroll.
A middle-aged couple were jogging in his direction. Stepping onto the grass, they opened a path for him.
The ponytailed woman turned her head nearly 180 degrees and dropped her jaw. As a result, she nearly bumped into the man beside her.
Johnny continued to walk toward the playground.
Reactions on the playground were no different. Girls of all ages eyed Johnny as he sailed back and forth on the swings, his cock leading the way. Even the parents watched him, their eyes on his oversized flesh. Husbands and boyfriends gave him dirty looks.
When Johnny was done, he slowed to a stop and stood up. He headed for the sliding board when he noticed the girl sitting on the wooden bench in the park.
The redhead was wearing a yellow shirt with a white skirt. The hem of the skirt ended at her kneecaps. Her pale legs were kicking slowly, occasionally scraping the soles of her yellow sandals along the grass.
What mainly caught Johnny's eye was the girl's upper body. The top of her shirt was bulging forth and around the sides as if she was hiding something inside. Something like a short barbell.
Johnny blinked in disbelief as a thought of what that "something" may be ran laps through his mind. Curiously, he approached the girl. By the time he got halfway there, his suspicions were confirmed.
"Hi," he smiled, subtly looking down the neck of her dress.
"Ha..." The girl gawked at the thick bulge in her visitor's sweatpants and let her mouth hang open. Skillfully regaining her composure, she looked at his face. "Heey," she greeted excitedly. "Her eyes drifted downward. "Is that really your...?"
"Yeah. Are those," he pointed at each breast in turn. "real?"
"Uh-huh." With a boastful smirk, the girl stood and mashed her mammaries together, then leaned forth. Johnny enjoyed the view of even more upper skin through her drawn-out collar. Next, she stuck her tongue into the opening of her shirt and licked the top of her left tit. She then straightened up and let her tits jiggle back into their round shape. "My name's Amanda."
"I'm Johnny," he replied with an eager smile.
"Johnny, wanna go someplace quieter?"
The two of them looked for somewhere to go. From where they were located, they could see several short hills. Without mentioning it, they headed that way.
Amanda's breasts bounced with every step she took. Her shirt outlined them impressively, forming a pair of spheres the size of small volleyballs. The yellow garment looked like it would burst open at any moment.
They made it to a grassy slope, which had a tree on top. Its leaves provided much shade. The handful of people who were there were laying in the grass several yards away, where they most likely wouldn't disturb the kids.
Amanda leaned against the tree and slid down. The massive flesh of her round tits jiggled heavily when she fell on her butt. She then sat Indian-style, allowing her tits to rest on her lap.
Johnny palmed the tree and stretched his left pant leg out so it could carry his dick that way. Bending his right knee, he carefully sunk down until he could sit with both legs straight out.
"Whoa," Amanda commented. "It must be rough having to do that whenever you gotta sit down."
"Yeah," Johnny replied with a nod. "It really hurts my balls sometimes."
They laughed.
"Let me see your dick."
Propping himself against the tree, Johnny stood up. Looking down at his new friend, he pulled down his sweatpants. Raising his legs one at a time, he pushed the pants down to his ankles and stepped out. There he stood with only a shirt covering him in a public park.
With a smile of approval, the girl took in every detail of her new friend's dick. The way the veins pulsed along the sides. The mushroom-shaped head that was already wet. The fact that the whole thing was almost as big as her. And the hairless sack that drooped mere inches from the ground.
Gripping the hem, Amanda lifted her shirt, unintentionally raising her breasts as she did. Her left tit plopped down to her exposed belly. Following its twin, the right tit sprung free, making it easier for the girl to get the shirt over her head and off.
Each mammary was roughly the size of a little balloon. They reached down to where her outie belly button was between them. The pink areola had the diameter of checkers and long, hard nipples that were more like screws. It was a wonder how the skinny 6-year-old body could hold them, let alone have them.
Hands on her hips, Amanda grinned confidently at her tits, then at Johnny.
"You like?" she asked.
Johnny eyed each breast in turn as if trying to decide which he should choose.
The girl put an end to his stalling by grabbing both of his hands and clapping them onto her breasts. A gasp came from her when he touched her nipples. She then let him go to do his own exploring.
And explore, Johnny did. He started off by squeezing the titties. They were incredibly soft, in contrast to the stony nipples he brushed by with his palms. Next, he repeatedly lifted the tits as if he was trying to guess their weight.
"You don't wear a bra?" he wondered.
"No. I like it better this way. Besides, it's hard to put a bra on and take it off again."
Johnny continued to fondle the girl in silence as she watched and relished the attention. Without warning, he moved one to his mouth and circled the nipple with his tongue.
"Mmmmm... do that again, Johnny!"
The boy did as he was told. His little tongue was a cyclone to the stiff, pink nub on her breast.
Soon enough, Amanda felt something stiff caressing upward on her leg. Because her mounds were too big, she couldn't see it properly. She stopped Johnny and looked down to see that his dick was at full length. The girl also noted that if he was a normal boy standing at that distance, his dick would be nowhere near her. She ran a finger along it and felt surprisingly sturdy flesh. Bending her knees, she took it in two hands.
The cock was as thick as her arm. Its head was coated with precum, which got on her hands and wrists as she began to masturbate him.
Johnny sighed and went back to licking his friend's titties.
For several minutes, the kids stood on the hill and fondled each other's massive genitalia. He was nude from the waist down, save for his shoes and socks, and she was bare from the waist up.
"So, do you fuck grownups?" Johnny asked.
"Yeah. I like boys, too, but grownups are a lot sexier. And their dicks feel even gooder than boys's."
"Same here. I fuck my mommy everyday. I make my daddy jealous."
Amanda tittered and backed into the tree, taking Johnny with her. The two resumed what they were doing.
Johnny stuck the right nipple into his mouth and sucked it like a newborn. Then he knelt down and reached under her skirt. The girl's panties were soaked. He looked at Amanda to see that her eyes were closed. Her lips were moving, but no words came out. The back of her head was practically stuck to the tree. Her breath came in rapid pants and her moans increased in volume.
"Ooh, yeah... suck it. Suck on my titty, Johnny! Play with my clit!"
Amanda's body abruptly spasmed against the tree and she threw her head back. Her hands shakily held Johnny's head in a vice grip. One leg stuck straight out, nearly hitting him. She screamed at the pleasure coming from her sensitive nipple that her partner was still sucking on, and her clit, which he was caressing just right. Her body continued to buck until her orgasm died down. Then she slowly let his head go.
Johnny stood up and watched Amanda fall on her bottom, her titties wobbling excitedly. Incredibly turned on by the girl's moans, he got closer and let his dick rest on her shoulder.
The child took the hint and proceeded to jerk him off with two hands. Using the stiff meat as support, she staggered to her feet. Then she picked up the pace.
"Amanda... you're... you're gonna make me..."
Quickly, Amanda moved out of range, not wanting to get a mess on her clothes. Aiming Johnny's dick at the tree, she frenziedly masturbated the massive dick.
"Cum, Johnny! Let me see you cum all over the tree! Cum for me, Johnny!"
With a gasp, Johnny stood on his tiptoes and let loose a spurt of cum that hit its target with a vengeance. That one shot lasted for nearly five seconds before another burst out. Amanda raised the boy's member, drawing a white line of semen up the tree trunk. The sight must have looked similar to a firefighter hosing down a burning tree. Wad after wad flew into the target. The girl didn't let go until it was all gone.
"Wow!" Amanda bubbled, admiring her "artwork," a plant covered in seed. "You shoot a lot of cum!"
"Yeah," Johnny panted.
The girl stared at his dick and noticed that it wasn't getting much softer.
"Do you still feel horny?" she asked.
"Yeah. Wanna fuck?"
"Sure. We could do it at my house. It isn't that far from here."
"Okay. Come on."
The kids stood up and descended the summit. From there, they headed down the tarmac path.
A teenaged boy riding on a black skateboard rode up to an intersection that they were nearing. He stopped so Johnny and Amanda could cross him. As they intersected his path, he got a good look at the springy outline of her right tit. One glance at the right leg of the boy's pants, which held his dick, made him snicker in envy.
An elderly woman was approaching. When the kids got close enough, her eyes looked as if they would smash through her glasses. She stopped in her tracks and placed her left hand on her heart. Her eyes followed the Congenital Adrenal Hyperplasia stricken kids until they left her sight.
The walls of Amanda's living room were yellow. There was a wooden coffee table placed in the center of the room on a small, white rug. A red, three-cushion sofa was against the wall closest to the white door. It faced an HD TV that was attached to the wall. Beside that sofa, there was a matching love seat near a wall with an abstract painting.
Amanda launched herself toward the longer couch, before spinning round and landing on her butt. She bounded in her seat, showing off the jumpiness of her huge tits. Then she stood up to take her shirt off and toss it aside, as well as kick off her sandals. Her tits swung like pendulums as she bent over to pull her skirt down. She looked up to see naked Johnny sit next to her.
"Wow," Amanda said as she held his solid cock in her right hand. "I wonder if this could even fit in me."
"I hope so," Johnny grinned, looking at the naked, abnormally-built child.
Amanda returned the smile and stood on the sofa.
"Lay down," she commanded.
The boy rolled into the seat and laid his head on the armrest. His dick stood up straight like a soldier.
Amanda covered the head with her palm and kept it there for a while, feeling the hot precum bubbling out of Johnny's piss hole. The dick measured almost up to her waist. She soon removed her hand and watched a string of the fluid link it to the head. Then she spread her legs and guided the huge cock to her cunt. When it was directly below her, she gently sat on it.
The girl could have sworn she felt it pulse between her clamping walls. She grit her teeth as the entire head was swallowed.
"My gosh, it's really, really big!" she grimaced.
Johnny held her thighs by their undersides and supported her. A sharp breath came from his nose as one of the tightest little pussies he'd ever had suddenly went down another notch. His knees rose for her to grab onto.
Amanda couldn't sink any further. She could literally feel the cock in her tummy. If that wasn't enough, the protuberance in her skin that blocked the view of her own pussy affirmed that the dick had indeed gone that far. Leaning back with her hands on Johnny's kneecaps, she began to rise and fall on what she had.
Johnny, on the other hand, had a great view of Amanda's cunt. The thick, red folds dragged along his meat with every stroke. He watched in glee as more and more of his oversized dick vanished in the 6-year-old girl's body and swelled up her belly.
To alleviate the pain, Amanda lifted a baby soft tit and sucked on the hard nipple. She looked into Johnny's eyes as she sucked that jug. In the meantime, she rotated her hips on his lap.
"Mmmpphhh!" She dropped the tit. "Oh, fuck, that feels good! So GOOD!"
Amanda did all the work. Her heavy melons flopped up and down, going all the way up to her chin and dropping down with a series of thuds. She looked to the ceiling and wailed in delight.
Suddenly, the girl snatched up Johnny's hands and put them on her tits.
"Play with them, Johnny!" she demanded. "Play really rough with my titties, please!"
Strengthened by the sensations coming from his tightly-packed cock, Johnny squeezed both tits harder than he meant to. This didn't seem to matter to Amanda, who squealed in what he first thought was pain.
"AW, FUCK, keep doing that! I like when you grab my titties! No, do that to my nipples!"
Licking his lips, the boy clawed the mammaries and let his hands close until he was ensnaring her nipples. He tweaked them between his fingernails and pulled them forward, before letting them snap back into place.
"Oh, my... GODDDDD!!"
Johnny pinched the nipples so hard he thought they would bleed.
Amanda reached her climax then. She almost burst into tears from its intensity. Her tits bucked uncontrollably as she bounded hard on the dick that was encased in most of her body.
The sudden clenches of Amanda's pussy were too much for Johnny to handle.
"Oh... oh, shit! I'm cumming! I'm gonna cum!"
Amanda's eyes dilated as she felt a strong torrent of hot liquid flood her 6-year-old body all at once. Her reaction barely lasted a second before she was suddenly ejected straight up into the air like 4th of July fireworks, a discharge of cum trailing out of her gaping cunt. The top of her head actually grazed the ceiling before gravity yanked her back down and she belly-flopped right onto Johnny.
The boy coughed when he felt what seemed like a pair of sandbags slamming into his face and chest. Because he was mashed to the couch with his head turned, his line of vision was restricted to his right side. He could feel warm liquid excessively falling on his legs and arms. He could only lay there and watch a white substance occasionally raining on the glass table.
Neither child could see it, but Johnny's dick continually gushed its cum in a way that couldn't be labeled as spurts. Still pointing rigidly at the ceiling in between Amanda's splayed legs, the foot-long organ erupted in proportions akin to those of an adult horse. The ceiling took much of the punishment, gaining a sticky puddle just above the disoriented kids.
Amanda had been staring blankly ahead with her mouth agape. Her insides were so drenched she couldn't think straight. She snapped out of her trance when her senses acknowledged that her hair was getting wet. The girl looked over her shoulder to see small, inconsistent bursts of semen flying up and matting her backside. She rolled off Johnny and onto the floor.
Most males would freak out at seminal backfire... and Johnny was no exception. The moment his friend left the couch, he sat up and aimed his dick forward so he wouldn't squirt himself. By this time, he was nearly empty.
Amanda stroked the back of her head and felt a gummy fluid. When she looked at her hand, she found a glob of sperm with little red hairs mixed in. She swiped it with her tongue and let it blend in with her saliva. She pursed her lips as she tasted a bit more saltiness than what she was used to.
"Cool!" Amanda exclaimed as the final sperm oozed out of Johnny. She looked around and dropped her smile a bit. She looked at him and figured they were thinking the same thing.
The small living room was a mess. The semen that clung to the ceiling steadily dripped down to the floor and couch.
"Let's at least take a shower first," suggested Amanda.
The kids took turns spraying each other with the shower head. Johnny got clean almost instantly. Amanda had her back turned to the waterfall the whole time, mainly washing the goop out of her hair. When the duo was clean, they turned the water off but decided to stay in the tub.
Amanda picked up a white bar of soap and lathered Johnny's droopy cock. She had to get on her knees to get it all. Then she used her hands to make the dick nice and sudsy. The slippery hunk of meat grow in her hands. Satisfied, she laid on her back.
"You could clean my titties like that," she said while parting the aforementioned body parts.
Johnny crouched and stuck his cock through the gap in Amanda's mounds. His hairless sack tapped and slid up the girl's gaping pussy as he moved. When his friend pushed her melons together, he began to thrust into her. Not forgetting what his partner liked, he grabbed her nipples and pulled them in circles.
"Oooh... Johnny, that hurts so good!"
Holding the sides, Amanda squeezed her tits together with all her might. It was a thrill to see that thick foot-long ramming back and forth. She could almost taste it, but the suds terminated that thought.
Johnny went back to fondling her nipples. He pinched them between his fingernails and yanked on them. He got a kick out of the girl's shrieks of pain and pleasure that bounced off the shower walls. The boy gripped her nipples and pulled them up, stretching them so hard it looked like they would tear off. He tit-fucked her that way, using the nipples as reins.
"SSSSS...! Owwww! Owowowowowowow!"
Amanda let Johnny take over her tits while she reached down to play with her cunt. Two of her fingers were stuffed inside her heated box. She raised her knees and curled her toes as shockwaves vibrated from her delicate nipples to her cunt. The girl was in ecstasy. A boy was hovering above with his 12-inch dick fucking her large tits and pinching her nipples while she fondled herself.
Johnny bolted to his feet and furiously jacked off with two hands, pointing right at Amanda's face.
In response, the girl jiggled her tits in her hands and egged him on.
"Yes, Johnny! Cum on my tits! Cum all over my titties! And then shoot it on my face! I wanna drink your cum!"
The first grader closed his eyes and blew his first load on Amanda's tits.
Amanda held her slimy titties together and licked some goo off. She couldn't get enough before one spurt after another paid her cleaning services back ten times each. When she saw Johnny aiming higher, she opened her mouth and resumed fingering herself.
Naturally, Amanda's 6-year-old mouth overflowed in a hurry. The cum that went into her mouth started seeping out before the wad was even halfway done. The blast was stronger than she expected and left her coughing throughout the remainder of the facial.
This only turned Amanda on even more. With her left hand, she fiddled her clit. The index and middle fingers on her right hand jammed themselves back into her pussy. Her feet kicked all over the bathtub as she came.
Amanda laid on the tub floor, facing the ceiling. Her face was so plastered in baby-making cream that she could barely see it. Red hair clung to her forehead and cheeks. Both nostrils were flooded. Her mouth looked like it was spermed shut. Her giant mammaries were also coated.
Another shower was in order.
When the twosome got downstairs, clean and dressed, they realized that the spermy mess they left in the living room was still there and partially dried up. They groaned at the long cleaning task that was ahead of them.
Dave Miyagi
Cheers JJ
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