Johnny Does a Favor

[ Fb, bg, growth, mast, oral, pedo, reluc ]

by JerseyJ

Published: 24-Nov-2012

Word Count:

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This work is Copyrighted to the author. All people and events in this story are entirely fictitious.

Elm Street was a half-mile from Johnny's house. The boy was heading that way, looking forward to meeting Emma Boswell.

Johnny was wearing an black T-shirt that had white sleeves. The long bulge in his gray sweatpants that was his dick was practically pasted to his limping left leg. His black sneakers had white soles.

That morning -- after getting her brains fucked out and back in by her own 6-year-old son -- Johnny's mother, Sadie, told him that an old friend of hers had recently moved to Happy Valley. The women went through childhood and high school together before moving to different cities. Sadie was eager to show Emma what she had been up to these past six years. Johnny, of course, was more than happy to help.

Eventually, Johnny arrived at a brick house. After walking up the steps, he rang the doorbell.

"Be right there!" a muffled, feminine voice said. The door soon opened, and the boy was amazed at what he saw. "Well, hello there!" the middle-aged woman gushed. She put a hand on one side of the doorway. "So you're Sadie's son -- Johnny, isn't it?"

"Uh-huh..." Johnny eyed her breasts and nodded.

Emma's tits were literally bursting out of her candy-cane-striped bathrobe. Not only were the tops visible, but so were the inner sides! The brown areola were half-hidden by the furry opening of the clothing. The cleavage slightly pressed against one another as she leaned on her supporting hand and crossed her legs.

Johnny looked at her grinning face.

Straight, brown hair surrounded her round head and blocked the sides of her black glasses. Beady, green eyes were each on one side of the long bridge of her nose.

"My goodness, you are a cute little bastard, aren't you? Your mother wasn't kidding! Come in, sweetie, I wanna see if she was telling the truth about your cock!"

Removing her hand from the wall, she gripped Johnny's wrist and led him inside.

The living room floor was made of white marble tiles. In the center, there was a rectangular coffee table, which was on top of a gray, oval-shaped rug with a dark gray border. Against a wall with a framed picture of a sunset, there was a yellow love seat. Across from that was the yellow couch. Sunlight illuminated the room from the large window in the back.

Emma sat on the love seat and let go of her guest's hand. She gazed approvingly at the bulge in his left pant leg that was slowly getting thicker. Shamelessly, she put one hand on the boy's waistband, and the other on the object hidden by the clothing.

"I gotta see how you're hung, darling." Emma gently squeezed the center of Johnny's dick. "Hmmm... looks and feels like a pretty big package, all right." Excitedly, she tugged at the elastic waistband of his gray pants and pulled them down, exposing more and more Johnny.

Before the sweatpants pooled at his feet, Johnny's dick flopped upward and bobbed up and down as if it were nodding in agreement to Emma's earlier comment. It looked to be as thick as an empty toilet paper roll. Hanging between Johnny's knees was a long ball sack. The hairless bag looked like it was carrying a couple of pool balls.

"Oh... my... God! This is incredible!" Emma exclaimed. She crouched down for a better look. "You're bigger than any man I've had! What the fuck has Sadie been feeding her son?" She held his sack and lifted it a bit. "Jesus, no wonder your sack is stretching so low -- these balls weight a ton!" Softly, she set them down. Then she ran her middle fingertips under his dick, causing Johnny to shudder. "A cock like this belongs on a fucking horse!" Emma stood and untied her bathrobe. "And Johnny, my dear," she began as she gripped each side of her open robe, "here's what your mommy's friend has to offer!" The woman pulled her garment open, revealing her nude frontal body in its full glory.

The divorcee's cleavage was nearly wide enough to cover her upper arms.

"Awesome!" commented Johnny.

With a grin, Emma slid her arms out of the long sleeves and let the wooly robe drop behind her. Turning around, she leaned over to pick up the garment. When her fingers gripped the collar, she closed her legs and bent her knees for a crouch. Lightly wiggling her ass, she arose to toss the bathrobe onto the couch.

Johnny watched the breasts jiggle as she approached.

Brushing her inner elbow against the side of her right tit, Emma reached out to take her guest's hand. After waiting for him to step out of his pants, she turned around and led him past the couch.

"Enough of this 'showing each other' shit!" Emma suggested as she and her bottomless guest walked through a fairly dark hall. "To my bedroom, sweetie!"

The bedroom floor was bare, thin rectangles of wood forming it. On the ceiling was a pair of light bulbs. In one corner, beside a screened window, there was a forest green armchair. A king-sized bed stood on brown legs against a tan-colored wall. One wooden dresser was on either side of it. Sitting on the floor in front of the bed was a medium-sized black TV.

Emma let go of Johnny's hand and watched him climb into bed with his balls dragging along the yellow sheet. Before he could rest his head on the white pillow, she was right beside him. Her left hand started at his shin. Slowly, it glided up to his knee, then his thigh, before ending up at his dick.

The woman was amazed and delighted at the utter magnificence of the pubescent boy's full erection and its hardness. It was like hot, hard steel, yet fleshy. Her hand could barely fit around it. Fingers encircled, she went up to the head. The spongy tip was already leaking precum, which dripped onto her thumb.

Bringing her hand to her mouth, Emma licked the liquid off. It tasted no different from that of a man.

Wanting more, she got on her knees and hovered her face over the provider. Then she lowered her mouth over the helmet. Bracing herself, she gobbled down the dick until her lips were well past the head. Her lips were nearly stretched to their limits by the time she gathered half of it.

Quickly, she bobbed her head up and down, inhaling eight inches at a time before letting it back out. Sometimes, she would go further down. Her tongue was on the floor of her mouth, making saliva trails on the underside of Johnny's cock. Sounds of her slurping filled the room, as well as her vocal squeaking.

Johnny sighed in bliss with a smile. He looked down and met Emma's lustful eyes. There, he could see the desire to fuck him stupid in her. Gently, he clutched at her hair.

Emma responded by going even faster. Her left hand went to his balls, and her right hand went to his belly. The left hand carefully grabbed at his sack, rolling the nuts around and massaging the hairless pouch.

"Uugghh... ooohhh shit..." Johnny groaned after a while.

The woman could feel the sperm filling the sack, ready for launch. She pulled herself off and settled for masturbation. With both hands, she rolled the skin of Johnny's meat up and down.

"Cum for me, Johnny!" she begged, slapping herself with it. "Cum all over me, you horse-dicked bastard! Spray it all over my face!"

A long string of semen squirted out of Johnny's pea-sized piss hole and hit the bridge of Emma's nose. From there, it splattered in all directions, landing in her dark bangs, dripping onto her pink bottom lip, and covering her glasses. It was about half the volume of a 25 cent fruit juice. Within the brief pause before the next wad, she directed the dick down to her mouth, filling it almost instantly. When she sealed her lips to gulp it down, her lips were showered by globs of salty, white goo. The sticky substance made it harder for her to open her mouth, but she did to capture most of the soon-to-come cum. Some of it ended up on her tits and neck.

When it was over, Emma swallowed the all of sperm that seeped into her mouth and grinned at Johnny, not bothering to clean the rest of the semen off her face and hair.

"Jesus! That was the biggest load of cum I ever saw, and I've seen thousands! Including all the times my ex-husband and his three friends came all over me!" Johnny just laid there with a smile. She took off her glasses. "I'm horribly near-sighted, but the glasses are smeared with cum. Shit!" She tossed them aside. "I don't need them for this, anyway!" Her eyes met the single eye of his dick, which was now standing at attention. "Well, look what we have here," she purred, running a finger up the underside.

The woman then stood on the bed, hovering over her guest, Standing there, her cunt was just higher than Johnny's dick.

"Oohh... yeah..." Johnny moaned when she rubbed her wet pussy along his precum-stained helmet.

"Okay, you freak-dicked little bastard," Emma announced, "LET'S GET IT ON!"

Gently, the woman bent her knees as if she were sitting down. Slowly, the thick head disappeared inside. She gasped as her labia began to stretch.

Johnny gripped the sheets as he watched his dick sink into the depths of her cunt until she was nearly able to sit on his 6-year-old lap.

When it was all in, Emma wasted no time in fucking him.

"God, that dick feels so fucking big! So fucking huge for your age! Yeah, that's it! Fuck!"

Johnny put his hands on her bouncing ass. His palms caressed her thick backside. He enjoyed feeling like he was steering her around by holding her.

"Oh, yeah! Yes!" he said.

"Yeah! Fuck it hard! Fuck me right in the baby hole and fill it up!" Johnny was fascinated with the cleavage that was in front of him. The shaking tits looked to be bigger than the D-cups he usually stared at. His hands slid up her hips, along her rib cage, and ended up on her tits. They were so smooth and full. "Do you like my boobies?! Hmmm?! You like watching my tits flop around like that?!"

"Yeah," Johnny replied. "They're so big!"

"Suck them!" She held her left tit. "Suck all the milk out 'Auntie' Emma's boobies, you horny fuck!"

Johnny held the soccer-ball-sized breast with both hands and flopped it around. He enjoyed seeing the ripples in the skin as the round body part jiggled up and down.

Emma fucked even harder, causing the lonely tit to shake violently.

The 6-year-old latched onto the nipple of the one that he was holding and sucked it greedily.

The woman tightly grabbed his head and made him sit up. Her hands crossed at the back of his skull. She gasped as he began to kiss the erect nipple and jiggle her full tit.

"Yeah! Suck all that milk while I drain your fucking balls dry!"

Johnny squeezed the tit with two hands and dug his fingertips into the flesh. He sucked it like mad, flicking his tongue over the nipple. Keeping his mouth there, he removed his hands. Then he slapped the other breast on either side with both of them and clawed at it. With a final suck, he bit down on the other nipple.

"Oh, GOD! YOU'RE GONNA MAKE ME CUM LIKE THAT! SUCK MY TITTIES WHILE I CUM!! FUCK IT! " She tore his head from her breasts, squeaking when his teeth tug on a nipple, and looked him straight in the eye. "CUM WITH ME, YOU SON OF A BITCH!!! CUM WITH ME RIGHT THE FUCK NOWWWWWWWW!!!"

Emma's cunt bit down on the base of Johnny's dick. She erupted with a shriek. Still, that didn't stop her from bouncing in his lap. Her tightly-sealed lips rapidly slid up to the halfway mark and down to his balls. It became easier and easier with all the lube that poured out of her.

"Oooh! Ohhh... uhhhhhhhhhh...!!!" Johnny groaned.

Johnny's cock was like a reverse waterfall. Spurt after spurt of his load fired up the woman's pussy. He grabbed the sheets and hissed with both feet in the air.

Emma let out another round of shouts. She touched her belly as if feeling the boy's sperm being fired right there. Then she picked up his hands and planted them in that spot.

"Feel that, you fucker! Feel your cock slime shooting up to my neck!!"

The boy could feel the vibrations of his helmet as it appeared to spout cream right where the woman said it was. His hands stayed there until his climax was over. They then fell to his sides.

Emma stood up, causing the dick to pop out of her. Sperm ran from her hole before she caught it in her hand and laid down beside Johnny. Not missing a beat, she sucked her fingers clean. Then she did the same with his dick and sack.

Soon, Johnny was hard again.

"Since you like my tits so much, you little fucker, why don't you tit-fuck me?"

Without a word, Johnny climbed over Emma and sat on her stomach. He spread the tits and she set his dick in between them. Then she took his hands and helped him sandwich his cock.

The breasts were incredibly soft. They felt almost as good as Emma's cunt.

Johnny thrust into the crack of her tits. The tip of his cock bumped into her chin as she looked at him. Its underside brushed along her neck and navel.

Using their four hands, Emma squeezed her tits, making a tighter passage. Her knees arose to act as a chair back for her guest. Then she moved his hands up to her areola.

"Touch my nipples! See how hard you made them!"

Johnny put each nipple between his thumb and middle finger. They were hard as bullets -- and almost as big. With his thumbs, he repeatedly scratched them.

Emma gasped and grabbed her tits. She kneaded them as if they were dough. Smooth, white spheres of dough.

Feeling Johnny's dick poking her face was driving the woman crazy. Before it could hit her again, she opened her mouth.

It went right inside, so she sucked on it from then on. She didn't bother to move her head; it was already moving fast. She just laid there, a foot-long cock fucking her mouth, while said dick was ramming between her tits.

"Can't hold it in!" Johnny whimpered. "Oh, Emma, I'm gonna cum! I'm gonna cum all over your face!"

"Cum then," Emma demanded after spitting out the dick. "Cum in my mouth and on my tits!" She gave the head a kiss.

As soon as her lips left the piss hole, a wad of sperm was fired onto her sealed lips. She opened her mouth just in time to catch the next blast. Then she spit it back where it came from, getting some on her own cleavage.

"Ssssss!" Johnny hissed.

Johnny leaned in so his chest touched hers. He squeezed her tits when the final two loads left him.

Emma licked her lips and sucked the head of his dick, causing him to twitch. When she let it go, he climbed off of her.

By 10:00AM, the sex was in full swing. The 40-year-old woman and 6-year-old boy rutting more like warthogs in heat than humans. They tried to slake their unquenchable lust with furious thrusting, using each other's bodies as fleshy, hot objects of self-centered animal pleasure.

As the lazy day wore on, the fucking twosome used one position after another, seeking new thrills and sensations. Johnny and Emma fucked and sucked each other, using even more, untried positions, culminating in Johnny.

At 3:00, the pair took a break. They rested their heads on the pillows that were stacked against the headboard. Each had an arm under the other person's body. Emma's clean glasses were on. Johnny's limp, but large, dick laid in a curve.

"Johnny, my dear," Emma began, "any moment now, my daughter, Amy, will be home from school. I want you to fuck her, okay?"

"Sure, Ms. Boswell, no problemo. Is she cute?"

"Yes, she is cute. Amy's twelve years old. Not much in the way of boobs, yet, but pretty. You'll like her."

"Sounds good. Anything special in the way you want her fucked?"

Emma's cunt throbbed at a sudden thought entered her mind. She scooted closer.

"Well, let me tell you: Amy's a bit of a smart-ass, conceited little bitch. She thinks she knows everything their is to know about sex. She's fucked a few high school boys, also, a couple of her male teachers, and her best friend's father. That makes her think she's Happy Valley Middle School's sex queen. She's always saying she's a better fuck than me, her mother!" Emma gripped the 6-year-old's dick and felt a pulse. "I want you to show her what REAL man meat is. I want you to rape that little bitch 'til she screams for mercy." Johnny's dick throbbed at her language. "And, goddamnit, don't show her any mercy, rip her cunt apart!"

"Got it!" Johnny nodded. "I'll fuck the shit out of the little slut for you, Ms. Boswell. My dick's beginning to swell just thinking about it."

Just then, a door slammed.

"Mom!" a female voice rang out. "I'm home!"

Quickly, Emma threw the blanket over herself and Johnny. Understanding what she was doing, the boy held his hard cock down as well as he could.

"In here!" she yelled.

Some footsteps, and a young girl appeared in the doorway.

The girl's dark brown hair was held into a thick ponytail by a white ribbon. An outie bellybutton was exposed between a small, yellow shirt and tight, white capris. Black straps of a light blue bookbag were on her white sleeves. Her small, brown eyes curiously went to her very topless mother, then the boy laying beside her, who was sheeted from the navel down.

"Whoa, Mom!" Amy giggled, entering the room and standing at the foot of the bed. "He's cute... but... isn't he a little young for you? He's more my age."

"No, he's not too young," Emma smirked. Sitting up, she pulled the blanket off Johnny, revealing his fully erect foot-long. "Check this out!"

"Oh, my God!" Amy gasped with a hand over her mouth.

Emma removed the sheet from herself and sat on her heels.

"Amy, this is Johnny. He's the son of a friend of mine. He's been fucking me all day with this monster schlong of his. Now he's gonna fuck YOU! So get undressed, young lady!"

A surge of worry struck the 12-year-old.

"But... Mom! I... I... think he's too big! He'll hurt me! Please, Momma, I promise I won't brag no more!"

Emma put one foot on the floor, on the right side of the bed, and pointed at her daughter.

"Now you're gonna get a REAL fucking, you snotty little bitch!" She hopped forward and gripped the girl's left wrist in one hand. The girl attempted to turn around, but Emma roughly brought her closer and stuck her free hand up the back hem of her shirt. "Quit your bitchin' and get naked!"

Letting Amy's arm go, the woman grabbed the other end of the belly shirt and pulled it up. Amy fell back, into the soft breasts of her mother as her own shirt went over her raised arms and off.

Amy's breasts really weren't much to look at. They were more like the size of knuckles than mountainous like, say, her mother's.

After dropping her daughter's shirt, Emma, positioned in front of the girl so she couldn't run away, crouched down to attack her pants.

Amy turned her head and inhaled when she saw Johnny eying her down while she was being stripped by her mother.

"Momma, please don't! Don't make him fuck me!"

Emma ignored her daughter's pleading and dragged the pants down her legs, not surprised that there was no underwear to be removed. Then she stood and shoved her onto the bed with her capris around her ankles.

Amy landed on her butt with her legs in the air. With a yelp, she fell on her back when her mother grabbed her pants and slid them off her kicking ankles.

"Come here, Johnny!" Emma said, dropping her daughter's capris on the floor.

Johnny hopped out of bed and stood beside the woman.

"Mom! Please, no, no, Mom! He'll rip me open!" She diverted her eyes to Johnny's hard dick, which slanted upwards. "He's too big... oh, my God, no! No!"

"You'll thank me for this later," Emma predicted. "Brace yourself, sweetheart!" She looked at Johnny. "Get on her, you horny son of a bitch! Rape the shit out of the little snot. Fuck her 'til she screams for mercy! And don't stop! Show Little Miss Middle School Sex Queen what damage REAL man meat can do to a little girl's pussy!"

Turned on even more by the mother's dirty talk, Johnny grabbed his thick erection in both hands. When he did, a drop of precum squirted out. The clear fluid was the volume of juice from a couple of simultaneously-crushed grapes.

"Yes, Ma'am," grinned Johnny.

Amy shuddered at the precum that landed on the yellow bed sheet, not wanting know know how much would pour out if he came in her. When she looked up, the first thing she saw was a heavy breast jiggling not a foot in front of her. Her wrists were grabbed and her arms were carried backwards until she fell on her back. Rolling her eyes upward, she saw her smiling mother's hands holding her wrists. Realizing what Emma was doing, she bent her knees and planted her feet in front of her exposed holes.

Now standing at the edge of the bed, Johnny grabbed the 12-year-old's ankles and pulled them toward him. The legs remained tightly sealed. Digging his fingers into the little space between them, Johnny attempted to pry them open.

"No! Stop it, please!" Amy commanded.

Johnny leaned forward and tried to spread her legs that way. Still, he could not open the girl's legs.

Emma was not having that. Her cunt was roasting at the thought of her daughter being fucked by the boy twice her age that had a cock twice the size of her own father's.

The woman got into bed, just beside Amy's head. Scooting over so she was above Amy, she raised her left knee. Quickly, she released the panicking child's right wrist and pinned it down with the knee. It worked, so she did the same.

Amy, who kept her legs closed, tried to no avail to yank and twist her arms out from beneath her mother. She could barely move them.

Without warning, Emma swiftly reached down and attacked her daughter's underarms with her fingers.

Amy's fearful protests turned to occasional giggles, but she knew she had to contain herself. She attempted to block her armpits with her elbows, but her hands were trapped by her mother's knees. Her torso and arms moved about, and her legs weren't too far behind.

"Get her, Johnny!" Emma cheered.

Half of Johnny's right hand slipped into the space that briefly emerged between the older girl's legs. Getting the idea from Emma, he squeezed Amy's left kneecap.

The limb jolted away from the other, and Johnny managed to hold it open long enough to get in the middle.

Finally, Johnny found himself right in front of the cunt that was twice his age. Carrying his dick in both hands, he aimed for it.

"All right, you little whore!" Emma stated. "Now you're gonna get some real dick shoved up that fucking cunt of yours! Enjoy, bitch!"

Johnny pressed the tip of his cock into the opening of Amy's hairless cunt. He could feel the heat radiating to his piss slit. His precum blended in with her juices. With both thumbs, he opened her puffy labia and gently moved his pelvis so he could rub her inner pink with his cock.

"Oh, God, Mama! Stop him! It ain't gonna fit! OH, SHIT!"

"Ram it in there, Johnny!"

"No! Stop it! You're too big!"

But Johnny did not stop. Instead, he ruthlessly rammed a quarter of his 12-inch long, 2-inch wide cock into 12-year-old Amy's cunt.

Amy rolled her head to the side and let out a bone-chilling scream when she felt the sharp pain.

Palms flat on the bed by her hips, Johnny walked closer while sliding three more inches up the girl's slot. He savored the delicious, tight heat of her love channel. Licking his lips, he moved in to the point where his hands could reach the sides of her waist.


"Yeah, baby, ram it!" Emma encouraged. Her cunt was dripping by now. The lust-crazed woman was still on the bed, but now was holding her daughters arms. She was aching to finger herself. "What's the matter, Miss Sex Queen? Don't like dick anymore? You must if you fucked a whole basketball team last night!"

Johnny pushed himself balls-deep in Amy. His sack repeatedly tapped her ass as he climbed into bed. Fists on either side of the girl's puffy chest, he got on top of her.


Tears ran from her squinted eyes and down her cheeks as Johnny bounced on her. She wailed pitifully while kicking her legs.

Johnny just shoved harder, ignoring the screams and pleas.

After a while, Amy's screams quieted down into sobs. Whenever he went in too deep, she would let out a long whine.

Emma closed her legs in an attempt to relieve herself. Her thighs pressed together and she moved her pelvis back and forth to rub her cunt. It barely worked, but it was a start.

Finally, Amy surrendered completely to the rhythmic in-and-out pistoning of sex, emptying herself of all thought. She bent her knees and pressed them into his sides. When Emma let her go, she wrapped her arms around Johnny's neck. A smile formed on her face as she lost herself in wave after wave of sexual pleasure. Her moans became more rampant.

"Oh, oh, oh... fuck me... fuck my pussy!"

Of course, Johnny continued to do as he was told.

This only served to add fuel to the fire in Emma's pussy. She bent down to her daughter's ear and whispered obscenities at the 12-year-old.

"See, Amy? Doesn't it feel good to have a real dick in your overused cunt? I knew you'd like it, you little tramp. Just think, he could come over anytime we want. He can fuck you silly anytime he wants. You'd like that, wouldn't you, bitch? It's a lot bigger than all those teenaged jocks, ain't that right, you whore?"

"Oh, yes!" Amy said. "It's so BIG! So big and deep in my pussy!"

"You want him to stop?"

"No! Don't stop fucking me! Do it to me more! Fuck it harder! HARDER!"

"You heard the bitch! Fuck the living shit out of her pussy!"

Dutifully, Johnny began to fuck her so hard that the bed would hit the wall.

"Oh, yes! YES! You little piece of shit! Fuck! I'm cumming! I'm CUMMING!" Amy exclaimed.

Wrists crossed over the boy's neck, she brought him closer and wrapped her legs around him. She rolled her head back and gasped.

Johnny stopped moving and allowed her to shudder beneath him.

Amy's chest heaved and her fingers extended on his back. She picked her head up and dug her chin into his shoulder.

When Amy finished cumming, Johnny went right back to fucking her.

Emma was lying on the sheets, roughly fingering herself with both hands. Her legs were spread wide open and both index fingers went in and out.

"Oh... I'm about to cum! I'm... cumming!" Johnny said.

"Do it, Johnny!" Emma said as she sat up, but never stopped masturbating. "Cum right up my slutty daughter's fuck box!"

"Yeah! Cum deep in me!"

"Uhh... uhhh... fuck...!"

"Cum in me! Cum for my cunt!"

Johnny stiffened with his pulsing dick halfway inside of the older girl. Cum splattered all over her cervix and painted her walls. He pushed his cock all the way in. When he did, some cum splashed right back out and stained the bed.

When the boy was fully drained, he pulled out. Strings of sperm clung from his helmet to her gaping hole. He laid down beside her to rest.

The girl's cunt was wide open. So much that a man's fist would probably fit inside with no problem. One would expect the 12-year-old to be in a great deal of pain. But this girl only felt lust, and was ready for more.

Amy felt some disappointment when the younger child was out of her. The 6th grader had come to love the 6-year-old's freakishly huge cock. Looking beside her, she noticed that Johnny's flaccid dick was still covered in their combined cum.

As if she were in a trance, Amy moved closer. The girl had an unwritten rule to clean the cocks that she used. Just because she wasn't with a schoolmate did not make this time any different. She licked the center and rolled her tongue back into her mouth. It was a lot stronger than what she was used to, but that was fine.

The girl pursed her lips on the base of the dick and sucked off some sperm as if it were soup. Then she stuck her tongue out and shook her head back and forth, licking from top to bottom.

When Johnny's dick was again slanting to the sky, Amy was ready to fuck. She got on her hands and knees and looked down at him.

Johnny got on his knees and scooted behind her.

"Fuck me in the ass this time," Amy requested. "Shove it right up my asshole now."

Grasping his dick in both hands, Johnny aimed for the girl's back door. The saliva from Amy's blowjob kept it well-lubricated He pushed forward, managing to move past her anal ring and get half of it inside.

Amy set the palms of her hands down and clawed the yellow sheets as she felt a sharp pain in her anus.

"Mmmm..." Johnny moaned as he filled the hole that was even tighter than the first. Grabbing the older girl's shoulders, he began the deed.

The pain in her backside left as quick as it came. Amy banged back into him, yelling out her pleasure as if she wasn't begging him to get off just a few moments ago.

"Oh, fuck, that's it! Fuck me just like you did with my pussy! Fuck my ass good and hard!"

Emma had gotten a second wind, herself. Sitting on her heels, she fingered herself furiously as she watched her daughter and her friend's son wantonly fucking in front of her again.

Johnny hammered away, still holding the 6th grader's shoulders. She rode him for all she was worth, noting that it wasn't as good as being cunt fucked, but it was still better than anything she had in her ass before.

"OH! FUCK ME! Pound the shit out of that ass! God, I love it when your balls hit my clit!" Amy reached down and grasped Johnny's swinging balls. They couldn't fit in her hand, so she scooped the back and held them to her clit. As she slammed her ass into the boy's waist, she rubbed the full sack against herself. "Uhhhh! Oooh! Ohhh!" Putting the side of her head on the pillow, she brought her right hand into play, using two hands to fuck her clit with Johnny's sack. "Awww, FUCK! I'm cumming! I'm gonna cum all over your fat fucking nuts!"

At that second, Amy's pussy gushed her scented juices. She never let go of Johnny's nuts. All through the orgasm, she would slap her clit with it. She wailed into the pillow, feeling orgasm after orgasm.

Johnny came during Amy's fifth climax. He had bumped his pelvis into her ass a final time before releasing a gusher of hot sperm. Amy threw her head back and screamed. After a moment of breathing down the girl's back, he pulled out.

"Uhhh..." Amy sighed as her ass was cock-free again.

The girl's asshole was hanging open just as badly as her cunt was earlier. And it was about as leaky. Now her pussy was almost back to its regular size.

Johnny knee-skated beside her and laid down just after she did, but on his back. Turning his head to look at the clock that hung on the right wall, he saw that it was nearly 6:00.

"I have to go home now," he announced to the oversexed females in bed with him.

Amy opened her eyes and looked at him.

"Wait," Emma said, pulling her moist fingers out of her hole for the first time since Amy came, "I still haven't cum. Fuck me just once more before you go." Gently, she gripped his dick, just in time to feel it pulse. "Please?"

"Okay. One more time, 'cause this is starting to hurt."

Emma half-smiled and jerked the boy's dick.

Amy soon joined in, and easily followed the same pattern as her mother.

Johnny smiled at the ceiling. He enjoyed having his 10-inch, limp dick played with by the mother and daughter. Both of whom he had fucked and came into all day.

When the erection was at its full twelve inches, Emma removed her hand. Amy kept hers there, but stopped moving it.

Emma lifted her right leg and put it on the boy's right. Her cunt was directly above his dick.

Amy's fist went down to the center of Johnny's dick. She held it steady while her mother sunk down on it, moving it progressively lower as it went deeper. The girl then moved her hand and sat up.

"Fuck, I can't believe how hard you are!"

"Fuck him, Mom!" Amy said. "Fuck him like I just did! Fuck that big dick!"

Johnny pumped his dick hard into the adult with great strength. Enough of which to make the bed springs squeak.

"What does it look like I'm doing, you bitch?" She put both hands on his shoulders. "Fuck me, Johnny! Fuck me in the ass!" Emma's hand went to her clit and rolled it around. Even after all the orgasms of the day, she already felt another one rising.

"Cum, Mom! Cum all over his nuts!"

"Oh, God! Oh, God! Oh, fuck! FUCK!" Emma swore as her orgasm died down.

Her thick ass bounced loudly and fiercely on his lap. Both of her arms were raised at the sides of her head. Only her waist and the tool buried deep in her ass were controlling her movements.

Johnny's head went between her breasts. Both of his hands ended up on them. From time to time, he would pinch and pull the nipples. Oftentimes, he would lick and bite the sides.

Emma had her eyes closed and her knees were up. She put both hands on Johnny's back and scratched at it.

"You cum in me, horse boy!" she exclaimed. "Keep fucking me! Give it all to your 'auntie!'"

He mumbled something and laid back on the bed.

"Cum in my mother, Johnny! Shoot it right up her ass!"

Shoving his 12-inch long dick balls-deep into Emma's ass, he dumped hot ropes of cum into the slut's bowels.


Emma's toes curled as she felt another load of cum erupt up her ass.

"God, that was soo good," Emma panted when it was over.

This time, Johnny knew it was the end of their sex games for the moment. The trio dressed themselves and the small family led him to the door. The females said their goodbyes to Johnny, and he walked home, his balls aching from utter depletion of semen.

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