Johnny's New Friends

[ b/F, bukkake, growth, ince, pedo, rape ]

by JerseyJ

Published: 20-Nov-2012

Word Count:

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This work is Copyrighted to the author. All people and events in this story are entirely fictitious.

Today started off as a normal day of school for Johnny; the students were chattering away, the sun was shining through the otherwise dark classroom, and kids were eager to leave school and go home. The large room of his class had white walls and a blue tiled floor; the open, brown door with a window in it was to the left of the chalkboard, which was in the middle of the room.

Johnny is a six year old boy with black hair and brown eyes. He was wearing a blue T-shirt with jeans and white sneakers with blue stripes today. Johnny was born with CAH (Congenital Adrenal Hyperplasia), which caused his cock and balls to grow to an enormous size (not that it was a problem for his mother or any other female he knew).

It was 5th period (math class) and the teacher, Ms. Henderson was escorting two boys into the room. Ms. Henderson is a tall, B-cup brunette. Her black hair is wrapped into a bun with a green ribbon. She was wearing a green dress with the skirt going down to her knees. Her hands were on the boys' shoulders and they stood on either side of her, in front of the room.

"Class", said Ms. Henderson, "We have two new students here with us. This is Christopher Dickman and this is Tommy Dickman."

They waved at their new classmates, who greeted and waved back at them.

The Dickman brothers were completely identical, from their faces to their clothes. They had brown eyes and short, black hair. They were wearing white T-shirts with jeans and red and white sneakers. As they were gazing up at Ms. Henderson's cleavage, their poles began to stiffen and throb in their pants legs; they had the same condition as Johnny. Johnny looked around and saw most of the girls staring at the bulges in their pants.

"Wow", whispered one girl to another, "look at those!"

"Mmm, those boys look cute and their things are huge!", giggled her friend.

"Theirs are bigger than my daddy's!", said another girl in a hushed tone.

Johnny was beginning to get jealous of the attention the boys were already getting. He was supposed to be the one with all the girls in the school. Then he realized that a lot could happen if they were to become friends. They could have much more fun if they all "shared" the girls and women that wanted them.

"Alright, boys, take a seat", Ms. Henderson told them.

The desks were arranged in perfect 4x5 rows, but there weren't many empty seats. As the twins were walking around and looking for chairs, girls were staring up at them and smiling. Tommy found a seat in between two boys in the center of the back of the room; Christopher found a seat next to the wall on the right side of the room. Like most students, they would rather stare into blank space or out the window throughout the whole period than pay attention to the teacher's lessons.

"All right, class", said Ms. Henderson. "It's time for roll call. Steven Adams?"

"Here", said Steven.

"Billy Ashton?"

"Here", said Billy.

The girl who was sitting on Christopher's left looked like she was going to faint. She couldn't stop herself from staring and nearly drooling at the outline of his hidden meat. A friend was chuckling at her facial expression. The girl was wearing a pink blouse with a denim skirt and pink sneakers. She had green eyes and long, black hair. Her hair was in pigtails with pink bows in them.

"Bessie Fletcher? Bessie Fletcher?" She looked up at the girl next to Christopher. "Bessie?" The girl, who literally had her face perfectly still with her eyes and mouth wide open, looking at Christopher, snapped out of her trance.

"Yes, miss?", she gasped.

"Bessie, do you want to go to the nurse?" Some students looked at Bessie and laughed.

"No, thank you. I'm fine."

"Okay." The teacher continued with the roll call.

Christopher glanced over to his brother, who was surrounded by boys, and mocked him by repeatedly raising his eyebrows and flashing cheesy smiles. Tommy shrugged his shoulders and looked at the front of the room. The teacher was writing a math problem (51 45) on the board with a piece of yellow chalk. She dropped the chalk and bent over to pick it up. When she bent over, she unwittingly let the class see a glimpse of her milky white (and milk-filled) tits, which nearly hung out of her dress.

Of course, Tommy and Christopher had the urge to fuck... or at least masturbate. They anxiously looked at the clock that was above the chalkboard. It was 11:47, which meant 13 more minutes until lunch. Until then, they had to stay in class and act natural. They uneasily sat through Ms. Henderson's ramblings for the rest of the period.

At 12:00, the bell rang. The boys speedily walked out of the room and into the hallway together. The hallway walls were white and had student drawings all over on them. The floor was made of blue and white checked tiles. The classroom doors looked just like theirs and had the number next to the doorknob.

"There it is", said Tommy."

The boys bathroom was five doors down, straight ahead. The twins nearly ran down the long hall. Johnny, who was watching them since they walked past his desk, slowly followed them. When they got into the vacant, blue bathroom, they immediately stripped and stepped into a black stall.

"Damn!", panted Tommy, fiercely beating his meat with both hands, "did you see the size of those tits?"

"Of course I saw, dummy!", Christopher replied, also jacking off. "I was standing right next to the both of you."

"I'd like to put my dick in between them and make a sandwich."

"Yeah. I'd suck all the milk out of those."

Just then, they heard the door swing open. Johnny walked into the bathroom and looked under the stall doors.

"Christopher, Tommy", he said, "is that you?"

"Who's there?", asked Tommy.

"It's Johnny."

"Johnny? The boy from math class?"

"Yeah. I need to talk to you guys."

"Can it wait", asked Christopher, impatiently.

"No. Guys, I know about the size of your cocks. I have that same thing you have." With that, he took his sneakers off and pulled his jeans and white briefs down. Next, he stepped out of them and pulled his shirt over his head and off. He was now completely naked and standing in front of the stalls.

Tommy and Christopher opened their doors and stood before Johnny. None of them were gay, but they were thrilled to see that their dicks were not only the same size, but were about half as big as their bodies.

"Our parents told us that we have something called CAH", explained Christopher. "I forgot what that means, but we were born with it and it makes our dicks grow."

Johnny's stomach started growling loudly.

"Come on", he said, putting his shirt on. "Let's go to lunch right now."

"Okay", replied both of the brothers. They all got dressed and walked to the cafeteria to eat.

The three boys sat at a round table with four chairs. For lunch, they had fried chicken, fries, and milk.

"Is it true that twins can read each other's minds?", asked Johnny before talking a bite out of his chicken.

"Sometimes", they replied at the same time. Then they both ate three fries and sipped their milk.

"After school, do you guys want to hang out?"


"But we have to see our mom at home, later", added Christopher.

Johnny wondered about that statement.

A few hours later, school was over and it was time to go home. Johnny waited for his new friends outside, by the steps of the yellow school building. The name of the school, Southwood Elementary, was above the gray doors in white letters. Hundreds of students flooded out of the school when they heard that bell. Christopher and Tommy walked out of the school exit and approached Johnny.

"I know a spot we could go to where nobody can see us", he told them.

"Lead the way", the twins both said at once.

"Do you guys have to do that?"

"Do what?"

"Talk at the same time."

"Sorry", they both grinned.

"Let's go", Johnny sighed.

He led them through the grassy yard and around the building. They reached a secluded area behind the building. They were surrounded by grass and nothing else except a few trees in the background. Johnny sat down Indian-style against the wall and the twins sat on either side of him, facing each other.

"Did you guys ever fuck your mom?", asked Johnny.

"Yeah", Christopher responded. "We fuck her every day.

"Five times a day, at least", Tommy added.

"Same here." He whipped his dick out to stroke it. Christopher and Tommy did the same.

"We fuck her at the same time. Usually, I get her pussy and Christopher gets her ass. After a while, we switch positions. This morning, she woke us up and let us fuck her before we left."

"We also fucked our aunts, our older sister, our three cousins, and some schoolgirls and teachers.", said Tommy.

"Wow. I never did any of that yet, except some schoolgirls and teachers", Johnny told them.

"You've got a lot catching up to do, then", remarked Christopher.

"We even got some girls at our old school pregnant", said Tommy.

"Four girls", added Christopher.

"Yeah, I got some girls and teachers pregnant, too", Johnny said. "I fucked almost every teacher in this school. There's this new teacher that I never fucked before, but I want to."

"Is she hot?", Tommy and Christopher asked together.

"Yup. Her name is Mrs. Emerson. I wanted to fuck her ever since the day I first saw her. I mean, her tits are like this!" He stretched his arms out in front of him to illustrate her breast size. As his new friends listened to his description, they stroked their cocks faster.

"She's pretty but she acts kinda shy. She quieter than a lot of teachers I have."

"Good", stated Christopher. "I hate when teachers talk too much."

"Yeah", agreed Tommy. They all shook hands to that.

"Well, we got to go home, now", announced Christopher, putting his dick back into his pants.

"Our mom might be feeling lonely with our needle-dicked dad.", added Tommy, standing and zipping his pants up. Obviously, they just wanted to take their lust out on their mom instead of wasting it on their hands.

"Alright", said Johnny, "see you guys tomorrow."

They walked together through the yard and back to the front of the school. They said goodbye one more time and walked opposite directions; Johnny walked to the right of the school and the Dickman brothers walked to the left. Just then, Johnny had an idea. He ran to the brothers and they turned around to look at him.

"I just thought of a good idea", he panted.

"What", the brothers said in unison.

"You know that teacher I told you about?"


"She's staying after school tomorrow."


"I was thinking that we could stay after school tomorrow and 'play' with her."

"Huh?", asked Christopher.

"Listen, we could tell our parents that we're staying after school to work on a project. After that, we'll find her and gangbang her."

"Good idea", the twins replied in unison. Johnny turned around and they all continued to walk home.

"That kid is really smart", commented Tommy.

"Yeah", agreed Christopher. "Our first day of school and we're already about to have our first foursome, and with a teacher."

The boys walked and talked for the next five minutes before they reached their house. The brick house is two stories high with a gray roof and a satellite dish on top. The lawn was separated by a path leading from the steps to the sidewalk.

Christopher and Tommy walked through the yard and up the steps. The opened the white door and walked into the living room. The living room had white walls and the floor was covered by a green carpet. The TV was against the wall in the middle of the room and two black sofas were on either side of it, facing each other. A black armchair was in front of the TV, against the opposite wall.

Their mother walked down the carpet-covered stairs and hugged the boys. Laura was a tall blonde with C cup breasts and short, curly hair. She was wearing a lacy, red bra with lacy, red panties.

"Are you boys hungry?", she asked them.

"No", they said at the same time.





"Me, too." She walked to the couch, wiggling her hips for her sons. Christopher reached over and slapped her butt. Laura turned around and giggled.

"It was him", they laughed at the same time, pointing at each other.

Laura just sat down and wiggled her index finger, motioning for them to join her. They took off their shirts, jeans, and sneakers and walked over to her. She reached out and fondled their giant genitalia through their white briefs. Tommy and Christopher moaned as Laura put her hands in their underwear to get a better feel.

"Ooh", she cooed, "you boys are getting so hard." Next, she pulled the briefs down to their feet, causing their dicks to spring out and bob up and down. Then, she took one in each hand and lightly masturbated them. Her lips wrapped around Tommy's cock as she continued to masturbate both of them. She pulled harder on their dicks and bobbed her head faster on Tommy, making loud sucking sounds.

"Suck me, too, mom", commanded Christopher. The horny woman obeyed and put Christopher in her mouth. She switched every few seconds while firmly masturbating them. After a few minutes, she looked up at them.

"Tommy, you take my panties. Christopher, you take my bra." She let their dicks go and sat up. Christopher hopped on the couch and reached around her, while Tommy put his fingers inside her panties. Tommy pulled her panties down to her ankles and she lifted her legs so he could take them off.

Laura's moist cunt was completely shaven. She liked to keep it nice and trimmed for its guests. Christopher had just took Laura bra off and was now sucking her heavy tits. She grabbed his dick and put it back in her mouth. Tommy pried her pussy open with one hand and grabbed his dick with the other.

Tommy's dick slid inside her cunt easily, thanks to her juices and the fact that it was so well-used. She lifted her legs up high and he leaned in and kissed her left nipple. He leaned in again and began sucking on it. As Christopher was getting blown, he leaned over and put her right nipple in his mouth. Laura's fist and lips were still clamped onto his dick.

"Yeah, that's it Tom... shove that fucking pole deeper!"

Tommy placed his hands around her waist and kept licking her tit. His tongue twirled all around her nipple. She wrapped her legs around him, urging him to bang her harder. Naturally, he did and she ran her fingers through his hair.

"I want to fuck your ass, mommy", said Christopher.

Laura unwrapped her legs from Tommy and he reluctantly pulled out. She stood up and Tommy sat down in her spot. Then she got on the couch, above his lap with a knee on either side of him. Next, she put her hands on the back of the couch and slowly lowered herself onto his dick.

His dick slid into her soppy pussy with a slurp, which made them yelp. Their stomachs touched and her tits hovered over his head. When she was in a comfortable position, she signaled for Christopher to take her ass. Christopher speedily put his hands on her hips and shoved his dick inside. Laura squealed as she felt her two sons skewer her lower body.

"Yeah! That's it, boys! Fuck your mommy! Fuck, I love it when you fuck me like this!" She began to bounce faster, much to their delight.

"We love fucking you like this, mom!" exclaimed Christopher. "Ain't that right, Tom?

"Oh, yeah!", Tommy told them. He tilted his head up and opened his mouth. Her long and hard nipples were close to his mouth, so he leaned up and sealed his lips on her left nipple. He sucked madly on it and she moaned out loud.

"That's right, boys", she hissed. "fuck me harder! Harder!" Her hands tightened on the couch and her knuckles turned white. She came and her juices streamed on her son's cock and balls.

Laura held her head back and bit her lip as their dicks sloshed in and out of her. Christopher had his hands on her waist and was viciously pounding her ass like a drum. Meanwhile, Tommy was sucking on both of her tits while she sprang up and down his hard pole. Suddenly, the boys started pumping even harder than before.

"I'm gonna cum!", panted Christopher. "I'm gonna fire my load up your ass!" "M-me too, mommy! I-it's cumming!"

"Cum for me, boys! Give mommy that spunk!" Almost as if they were in the same body, sperm from both brothers shot out at the same time. Laura squeezed the back of the couch and screamed as she felt that hot incestuous liquid enter her sweaty body. Her boys moaned and held on to her tightly, trying to squirt their cum as far as possible. She could feel it splashing inside her stomach and pooling deep inside of her.

When Tommy and Christopher stopped cumming, all three of them remained in their position. Their dicks began to soften and eventually slipped out of their mother. Since the cocks were acting as clogs for her holes, cum leaked out onto the couch and the floor. They all laid together on the couch trying to catch their breath. Shortly afterwards, Tommy remembered Johnny's plan for tomorrow.

"Mom", he said, "tomorrow, me and Christopher have to stay after school to do a science project with a kid in our class."

"Oh, that's fine with me", said Laura. She stood up to let Tommy out from underneath her and sat back down. She stayed in that spot and the twins got dressed. They walked upstairs to their room, which the first door they saw. They opened the white door and sat on Christopher's bed.

Their room is covered in the same carpet from downstairs and has the same colored walls. The red bunk bed is against the wall and has white Fairly Oddparents sheets with Cosmo and Wanda in four different poses. The black Zenith TV is right next to the door and it sits on a small, wooden shelf. The closet is on the other side of the door and hangs their clothes separately. The window, which is beside the TV, faces the front yard.

"I feel bad for lying to mom like that", Tommy admitted.

"What for?", Christopher asked. "We didn't hurt anybody and we really are doing something- well, someone- after school tomorrow with Johnny."

"Yeah." Christopher turned on the TV and they watched Drake and Josh. The rest of the day went by like any other.

It was 6:30 in the morning the next day. Johnny's mother, Sadie, had just woke up after one of her usual dreams of Johnny. Sadie is has long, black hair with brown eyes. Her husband, Jim, was sleeping on the left side of the bed with the covers up to his shoulders. Jim is a tall, thin man with black hair.

The walls in their room are yellow and the floor is made of polished wood with no carpet. Her bed is in the middle of the room, against the wall and it faces the TV. The bed had white sheets and white pillows and was covered by a yellow blanket. Sadie crawled out from under the blanket and walked out of the room wearing a purple bra and pair of panties. She opened Johnny's door to find him still sleeping on his right side with the covers up to his underarm.

Johnny's room has light blue walls with a wooden floor. His bed is in the center of the room and has white sheets with a white Sesame Street blanket, featuring the characters standing beside numbers 1 to 10. The TV is in front of the bed and it sits on a gray shelf in front of two windows. The closet was to the right of the bed with the door closed. Sadie walked over to Johnny and gently shook him.

"Johnny", she said, "wake up big boy. Time for a shower." He slowly opened his eyes and woke up. She turned around and bent over. He got out of bed in his underwear and climbed onto her back, his stiff dick rubbing against her.

She carried him to the bathroom and shut the door. The tiled walls were yellow and the tiled floor was white. The sink was white with a silver faucet. The toilet and the rectangular bathtub were white and the shower faucet was silver. Sadie stepped into the tub and let Johnny down.

Sadie wanted to fuck before they washed up. Of course, Johnny was more than happy to. She knelt down and he stood behind her and took her bra off. Her firm tits were a C cup and her nipples were pinkish. Then, she stood up and pulled her panties off, exposing her shaved pussy.

Next, she pulled his underwear off and threw all the clothes out of the tub. She got into the doggystyle position and turned her head to wink at him. Johnny grinned and put his left hand on her hip. He used his right hand to aim his meat and rammed it into the depths of his mother's ass as she screamed out loud. He then put his hands on her hips and thrust it in and out.

"Aaah!! Oh, fuck... that's right!! Oh, fuck it! Fuck me!!! Slam that meat in me!!"

Her hands went onto the wall in front of her so she could push herself back against Johnny's thrusts. The sounds of his pelvis slapping her ass filled the bathroom. Her tits violently shook back and forth, slapping her chin and belly loudly. He tried to reach them so he could play with them, but he couldn't. Instead, he shoved his index and middle fingers in her warm pussy.

"Oh, Johnny, ooooh!! You make mommy feel so gooood!!!! Push those fingers deeper, honey!!! Ooh!! Deeper!!"

Johnny's fingers slipped in and out of her cunt, getting wetter every time they went in. He would slide them in up to his knuckles and bring them back out. Her cunt was slippery and the juices dripped onto the floor.

"Cram those fucking fingers!! Pound my ass, Johnny!! Oh, God, mommy's gonna cum!!! You're gonna make mommy cum all over your fingers!!" Johnny responded by fucking her ass and pussy even harder. Her pussy then tightened on his fingers, trapping them inside.

"Aaaaaaaaaah!!!!" Sadie came at this moment and her juice splashed on Johnny's fingers and on the floor. Her orgasm was starting to trigger Johnny orgasm.

"Uh... uuhhh...aahh... I'm gonna cum, mommy!!" "That's right, baby! You fill mommy up with cum!!! Cum for me, big boy!! Cream up my ass!! Oh, fuck yeah!!!!"

Five hard pushes later, Johnny's load was shot inside her. It felt like an elephant sucked up a quart of water with it's trunk, shoved it up her ass, and shot it inside of her. It filled her up and some cum spilled onto the bathtub floor. When he stopped cumming, she stayed in that position for a while. He pulled out of her and sat down with his back against the wall of the tub.

"We'd better shower now", she said, exhaustedly getting up. They showered together and got dressed. She wore a white blouse with jeans and white sandals. He put on a green shirt with denim shorts and white sneakers. They ate breakfast (pancakes, eggs, and bacon) and she drove him to school.

"Have a nice day at school, Johnny." He got out of the car and waved at her, grinning about how nice his day will really be. As he was walking through the hallway, he spotted the twins. They were wearing red shirts with black shorts and black sneakers. They winked at Johnny as they passed by.

When school was over, Johnny waited in the halls for the boys. He was already horny in anticipation. When they came, he led them through the halls and to the area where he knew Mrs. Emerson would be. They stopped at a corner and peeked around it. Their prey was walking around, wiggling her hips back and forth and making her oversized tits wobble.

Mrs. Emerson had short, brown hair and brown eyes. Her eyes were covered by glasses. Her enormous tits looked like they were at least an FF cup. She was wearing a purple dress with a black belt and purple high heels. She was humming to herself when three heads suddenly poked out of the corner behind her.

"Alright, here's the plan", whispered Johnny, turning to his friends. "We quietly walk up to her, then we grab her and knock her down, then we strip her and fuck her." The twins nodded and they took their clothes off. They all jerked off silently and when they were ready, they started to follow her. They slowly crept up behind her, smiling and raising their hands higher the closer they got.

Before she could turn around, the three boys jumped up and tackled a screaming Mrs. Emerson. She fell down and landed hard on her tits, which mashed on the tiled floor and cushioned her fall. Her glasses fell off and slid across the hallway. Before she could reach out to the glasses, the naked boys turned her over and smiled mischievously. She whimpered in terror at the size of their cocks.

"Relax, Mrs. Emerson", said Johnny stroking his cock. "We just want to give you a best teacher award." Tommy and Christopher, who were also masturbating, nodded together in agreement. She already knew about Johnny's size, but two more of them was like something out of a dream. Suddenly, they all spread out to a different position of her body.

Christopher and Tommy sat on her knees and both put a hand up her skirt. Their fingers went inside her panties and in and out of her cunt as she writhed her head wildly. She moaned loudly and desperately tried to close her legs, but the twins were too heavy and weren't about to get off of her. Johnny was behind her and he grabbed the bottom of her shirt. He then pulled the shirt over her head and tore her white bra off; her nipples were twice the size of pepperoni.

Next, Johnny grabbed both of her arms and forced her down so she was laying on her back. Christopher and Tommy stopped fingering her and grabbed her skirt. Mrs. Emerson rapidly attempted to kick them off and begged for them to stop, but they ignored her and kept pulling the skirt down. She kicked her feet so hard that her purple heels flew off and hit the wall. Finally, the Dickmans yanked the skirt off of her and tossed it aside. She was now naked except for her white panties.

"Please, stop this.", she cried. Johnny bent down and looked at her upside down.

"What's the matter, Mrs. Emerson?", he teased in a sing-song voice. "Don't you want to play with the boys?" She looked up at him while he was still pinning her arms down. Christopher then laid down on top of her and gave her a long kiss on the lips. His tongue flickered her tongue and he licked all over the inside of her mouth; meanwhile, Tommy was holding both of her kicking legs down.

After about eight seconds, he broke the kiss and she gasped for air, her eyes wide open in shock. Next, he buried his face in her tits, with his dick rubbing against her panty-covered pussy. He grinded his hard pole against the woman's cunt while sucking her huge, brown nipples. She moaned and fiercely twisted her arms and legs out of Johnny's and Tommy's grips. They decided to let her go just to see what would happen next.

She then put both hands on Christopher's shoulders and pushed him off, knocking him onto the floor, landing on his back. Now free, or so she thought, she quickly crawled around a corner on her hands and knees. Johnny and Tommy ran after her and each grabbed an ankle and pulled, which made her fall chest first onto the floor. They then stood in front of her, grabbed her hands, and forced her to masturbate them, just as Christopher ran around the corner. He gave Mrs. Emerson's ass a hard slap, making it jiggle, before his hands went into her waistband and roughly began to tug her panties off.

"No! Please don't!", she protested. She spread her legs to try to prevent him from taking them off, but it only made him want her more. The young teacher felt her panties get yanked down to her knees, followed by three more slaps to her ass. She turned around to sit up and grabbed her panties. Christopher and her had a tug-o-war with the panties but she lost her grip when Tommy and Johnny repeated slapped her with their dicks.

She squirmed and yelled as they hit her. They whacked her all over her face and head until she laid her upper body down. Christopher grabbed the underwear from her and pulled it completely off. He stood in front of her and tauntingly held them in her face. The scared teacher reached for them but he then threw it a few yards away.

Tommy and Johnny let her pick herself up and she ran to the panties. When she bent over to pick them up, Tommy's hand went between her legs and pinched her clit. Her legs shivered and Christopher got in front of her. His hands went to either side of her tits and slapped them back and forth. Those tits swung hard from side to side like a couple of church bells.

Tommy then tripped her and she fell on her back. Johnny, Christopher, and Tommy all stared hungrily at the nude, fresh meat that was cowering in front of them. They stood before her- Johnny in the middle and the twins at her sides- surrounding her. She stared into Johnny's lustful eyes as Tommy slowly aimed his dick and rubbed the head up and down her left ear. She flinched and screamed in disgust as the boys laughed at the her.

Johnny carelessly put a hand on her left tit and laughed when she slapped it. Tommy pulled on a nipple and laughed when it popped back into place. Hands went all over her body as she pushed the hands away. The boys then turned her over and put her in the doggystyle position. Christopher spread her ass open and looked at her tight hole.

"I got her ass first", Christopher said.

"Fine with me", replied Tommy.

"Go ahead", said Johnny. She looked up at Johnny and Tommy with pleading eyes. They just smiled wickedly at her. Christopher spit on his hands and masturbated his dick with them. After lubing it up, he aimed it for Mrs. Emerson's asshole and spread her cheeks with both hands. She looked back just in time to see it go inside.

"Eeeeeeeeeeeeeee!! Stop it, please!", she cried, throwing her head back.

"Damn, she's tight! I feel like I'm gonna cum already!", grunted Christopher.

"Don't do that, bro", warned Tommy. "You don't want to wear yourself out before me and Johnny get to her!" She reached back and tried to pry Christopher off, but he grabbed her wrists and fucked her harder. Next, he pulled her arms back, making her rise up. Then he wrapped his arms around hers with his hands at the back of her head, putting her into a sleeper hold.

"Somebody get her pussy", he said.

"Please! No more!", she begged. Tommy took that as a cue and walked up to her. He got on his knees and grabbed his dick. He slid it up and down her clit, making her scream. He then rammed it in and put his head between her tits.

"Uhh... oww... oooh!!!" Her eyes opened as wide as a psychic in a horror movie would. Her body never took two dicks at once, let alone two at this size. She could feel the foot long cocks thrashing into each other inside of her bowels. It felt like the Dickmans were having a sword fight with their dicks in her stomach.

Johnny put his hands on his teacher's shoulders and hopped onto her chest, stepping on her firm, round tits as if they were a step ladder. He then held her head and climbed onto her shoulders. His feet were now on her shoulders and his hands were holding the sides of her head. She tried to scream again, but was interrupted by a fat cock getting shoved into her open mouth. She gagged loudly as Johnny's hard dick stretched her lips out and struck the back of her throat.

Johnny put his hands on the back of her head and pulled it closer. His dick slowly went deeper and deeper until it disappeared completely down her throat. His heavy sack banged hard against her obscenely stretched neck and her chest. The balls were actually hitting his dickhead. Mrs. Emerson was forced to breathe through her nose.

"How's the pleasure up there, Johnny?", asked Tommy.

"Let me ask Mrs. Emerson", Johnny responded. "Mrs. Emerson, do you like getting fucked like this?" He bobbed her head up and down.

"Mmph, mmmph!!" was all she could mumble.

"She says yeah."

"Good", said Christopher. He put both hands on her tits and pinched her nipples. They felt like pebbles, in size and touch. He twisted them and pulled on them. Tommy head was still in between, nearly getting crushed by her balloon sized breasts.

The violated teacher was completely full of meat. She choked on Johnny's stiff meat while her other holes when getting pounded and split open. She started moaning louder and wrapped her arms around Tommy's back. She held him tightly and began to grind roughly against him.

"Mmmph, mmph, mmmmmpphhhh!!", she mumbled loudly.

Suddenly, a big splash of warm liquid poured onto Tommy's dick. More loud moans were muffled by the deepthroat she was giving Johnny. The teacher's eyes opened wide and her entire body went limp.

"She came!", Tommy excited told the others. "She gushed on my dick!"

"Let's keep fucking her until we cum!", shouted Christopher.

Tommy began to pump her lifeless body harder, loving the squishing sound that her juicy cunt was making. After a few seconds of staring blankly at Johnny's pelvis, her eyes rolled into the back of her head and she fell on her back. Johnny, who was still holding her head, fell with her and landed on his hands with his feet on either side of her neck. Tommy was now underneath her unconscious body and Christopher was on top of her.

"She came so hard that she passed out", Tommy observed.

"She'll live", Johnny remarked. "I make women pass out all the time."

"I'm tired of this hole", said Tommy. "Can I get her ass?"

"Johnny, can I get her mouth?"

"Yeah", replied Johnny.

They all pulled out of her to switch. Unfortunately, she was out cold and wasn't able to get away. Johnny laid down on his back while Tommy and Christopher dragged the knocked out teacher to him. They lifted her and sat her on his lap; Johnny held his dick and her pussy slipped on like a wet glove.

He caught her by the tits when she fell forward and almost hit him. Her body bending over like that was a perfect position for Tommy. He held her hips and stuck his dick up her ass. Christopher pried her mouth open with one hand and put it in her mouth with the other hand. They continued to fuck her in their new holes.

After a while, Mrs. Emerson began to stir. She opened her brown eyes and looked at Christopher in with fear in her eyes. She was hoping that what they were doing to her was a nightmare. Just a vision in her head that would end when her alarm clock went off. Those hopes quickly left her mind when Tommy suddenly pulled on her hair and made her look up.

"Have a nice nap, Miss?", laughed Christopher.

"Mmmmph... mmph... mmmphh... mmmmpphh!!!"

Tommy started tickling her stomach. She screeched as he laughed evilly at her humiliation. Johnny reached for her tits and put one in her mouth. He bit the nipple gently, but it was enough to make her squirm.

Long strings of drool seeped out of her mouth and around Christopher's cock. Tears fell from her eyes, from embarrassment and from violation. Her body was no longer hers. It was owned by three horny first graders to use it anytime they wanted. Right now, they were going to use it until they were finished with it.

Her hands were balled into fists on the floor. She was getting a splitting headache from Christopher's hands holding her head so hard. The loud sounds of skin bashing against skin were hurting her ears. Three foot longs were sawing inside of her, tearing her throat, womb, and bowels apart. Six swollen, tennis ball-sized, balls were slapping against her chest, ass, and stomach.

Just then, she felt a familiar tingle in her cunt. She was embarrassed that she came the first time from the rape and she didn't want to cum a second time. Unfortunately, her pussy disagreed with her; it tightened up around Johnny's dick and rained all over his balls and the floor. She tried to scream, but the only thing that came out was a hoarse squeal. If Christopher's meat wasn't so thick, she would have bit it off.

The last thing she needed while she was cumming was to be pinned down and fucked by three cocks, but her attackers didn't pay that any attention. Johnny grabbed her nipples and stretched her tits out about 3 inches toward him, Christopher held the sides of her head and twisted it left and right on his dick, and Tommy fiercely rubbed her clit with his right hand. With this triple simulation, combined with her orgasm, she banged her fists on the floor and shook violently. Her back and hips bucked up and down while her arms and legs quivered. Tommy and Christopher had a hard time holding her as her body shook as if she was having a seizure.

Then, she just stopped moving and the boys stopped fucking her... for now. Slowly, her eyes closed and her breathing steadied. Her arms and legs gave out and the only thing holding her up was Christopher's hands on her head. Her stomach was flat against Johnny's stomach and her soft, right tit was resting on his cheek. Tommy put his hands on her back and his head on top.

"Wow", Tommy said surprised, "she orgasms too hard."

"Any of you guys feel like cumming?", asked Johnny, casually.

"Yeah", the twins said.

"I think we should do it while she's awake, though", said Tommy.

"Let's switch again", suggested Johnny.

Tommy grabbed his dick with one hand and pushed against her ass with the other hand. Christopher pulled his dick out of her throat and then out of her mouth. They then grabbed her legs and pulled her off of Johnny's dick. His dick popped out and wetly slapped his stomach and chest.

The brothers laid her on her stomach and all three of them stood in front of their respective places. Christopher and Johnny stood at her legs and Tommy was at her head. Once again, slap-happy Christopher slapped her ass.

"What are you doing?", asked Johnny, curiously.

"Well, as long as we're cumming this time, we might as well do it while she's awake.", explained Christopher. He slapped her again.

"Good point", said Johnny.

He bent down and slapped her ass hard. Mrs. Emerson's soft ass cheeks jiggled as the two friends abused it. Her usually white ass was quickly turning to a very bright red. It received twenty-three slaps before her eyes shot open and she screamed and looked back.

"No more!! Please don't!! I don't want it!! No!!!", she begged.

"Yes, you do", said Tommy. His voice made her flinch and she turned to him. Her frontal half rose off the floor and she was now on her hands and knees. He roughly picked her chin up and held his cock with his other hand. She tightly closed her lips and turned her head.

Christopher got underneath her and tweaked her nipples. Johnny slapped her ass again and she screamed at the top of her lungs. The sting from her ass's earlier punishment made the impact even worse. Tommy shoved his cock down her throat to quiet her down. He then put his hands on the back of her head.

"Mmmmmpppphhh!! Mmmmpphhh... Mmmppppphhhhh!!" Christopher held his dick while Johnny pushed her body down, making her cunt cover Christopher's dick. "Mmmmpphhh!!! Mmmmmmmmmmppppphhh!!!!" Finally, Johnny held her hips and pushed his meat up her ass.

Mrs. Emerson was right back where she started. To her, it felt like the invading dicks were hitting some internal organs. Her face turned red and her eyes bulged. Her neck was twice its regular size and Christopher and Johnny's dicks were outlined in her stomach and back. They banged her harder than ever, determined to cum.

This was too much for the busty teacher. She came again and moaned loudly. Although not as powerful as the second orgasm, this was her fastest. Listening to her moans and the splashing of cunt juice made the boys have to cum.

"Fuck! I'm cumming!", shouted Christopher, banging Ms. Emerson harder.

"Me, too!", replied Johnny.

"Let's all pull out and cum all over her!", Christopher suggested.

"Good idea!", said Tommy.

Tommy yanked his dick out of her throat, making her gag out loud. Johnny promptly pulled his meat out of her ass. Christopher jerked his dick out from her soggy pussy and slithered out from underneath her. She collapsed onto the floor and laid down on her stomach.

She panted heavily as she laid down with her arms stretched out in front of her and her tits pressing against the cold floor. The side of her sweaty face was laying on the floor and her eyes were half-closed. She had three powerful orgasms and she had passed out twice during the gangbang by three six year olds; she was worn out. All of her violated holes were literally gaping open. Her ass and cunt looked like a baseball bat was shoved end-first inside both of them.

The boys stood before her and began to fiercely jerk off with both hands. She listened to their moans and the audible sounds of hands jerking wet dicks. First Christopher, then Johnny, and then Tommy came, handling their dicks like fire hoses and spraying large amounts of semen all over her back side. She gasped when she felt Johnny's warm, first spurt land on her ass crack. He then aimed higher, leaving a long, liquid trail from her ass to the middle of her back.

Christopher's first spurt landed on her left ass cheek, before he took aim at the back of her legs and her back. Tommy pointed at her back and shot his load, tracing her back and her neck. His juice mixed in with Johnny and Christopher's on the used teacher's body. Slashes and pools of semen covered her back. Ms. Emerson's backside was completely painted white.

The gang then decided to turn her over onto her back so they could cum on her front side. Johnny grabbed her ankles, Christopher grabbed her underarms, and Tommy held her under her stomach. Cum was gushing out of their dicks and staining the clean floor. They easily turned her over and grabbed their dicks for another shower. Ms. Emerson still had a dazed look on her face and could only look up as they aimed their dicks at the front of her exhausted, nude body.

Their moans resumed and the cum shot out all over her clean side. A big gob splattered onto her face, completely covering it. Several drops slid into her mouth, causing her to lick her salty lips. A big load was then sprayed on her spread cunt, making her flinch.

"Yeah! Cover her in it!", exclaimed Christopher.

They jiggled their monstrous dicks, trying to cover her whole body and trying not to miss any spots. Sperm hit not only the teacher, but also hit the walls, the floor, and even the ceiling. Johnny, Tommy, and Christopher came for a full fifteen seconds before the cum simply started to drip out of their pea-sized piss holes. When it was finally over, the boys rested their limp dicks on her spermy body and panted.

Mrs. Emerson twitched, coughed, and sputtered as the boys gave each other high fives. Cum was dripping off of every part of her body, including her nose, ears, and hair; she looked like she bathed in it. The boys' animalistic lust subsided and they started to feel guilty. She wiped the sticky fluid out of her eyes and looked at them. Suddenly, she burst out laughing and sat up on her elbows.

"My husband never did me like that before", smiled the teacher. "I thought you guys were going to split my body in half!" The trio were taken aback by her sudden humor. "That was so good. I counted three orgasms in less than an hour. My husband would have been asleep by now."

"Didn't we hurt you?", asked Tommy.

"Of course not. I loved doing it roughly. I was just pretending to be scared."

"So we're not in trouble?", asked Johnny in a confused voice.

"Of course you boys aren't in trouble. In fact, I'd like to make a deal with you."

"What is it?", asked the Dickmans.

"I want you boys to come to my house and fuck me whenever my husband is away. Deal?"

"Deal!" the trio said in unison.

The reviewing period for this story has ended.