Maternal Attraction

[ F-solo, ejac, inc, mast, pedo ]

by JerseyJ

Published: 15-Nov-2012

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This work is Copyrighted to the author. All people and events in this story are entirely fictitious.

"Just one sniff," I said to myself, "one sniff, and I'll be out of here."

I was standing in my daughter's room. Specifically, I was hovering over my daughter's dirty clothes hamper. At the top was a pair of her white panties. Same ones that she discarded before getting in the tub a bit earlier.

With my ears cocked for her arrival, I picked up the underwear. Carefully, I brought it up to my nose.


My senses filled with the faint, yet sweet scent of my own daughter's pussy. With a sigh, I could feel myself blush. It was like a high. My heart thumped rapidly in my chest. Covering my face with the underwear, I sniffed again.

*Snifffff* *Sigh*

Once more, I sniffed it. This time, I also gave the crotch a little lick. Shocked, I tossed the underwear back into the hamper. Shaking my head in disgust, I flipped the lid back on.

I never did that before. What gives?

I was just outside the room when the bathroom door opened. Still riding my adrenaline rush, I froze right in front of it.

Out stepped Jaleesa, my daughter, rapidly drying her hair with a white towel. Because it was just the two of us living together, we would occasionally leave a bath with nothing on.

Jaleesa's face was covered by the towel, so she bumped right into me. She pulled the towel off. Wet, blond hair messily covered her round, freckled face before she shook it out. Blue eyes looked at me in surprise, then amusement.

My beautiful daughter was now standing right in front of me, completely naked. Her tan-lined body was one that would make me jealous if I knew her when I was 12. I found myself gawking at it more than once. Her blooming tits were about as small as sliced oranges, but looked as appetizing as full-sized breasts. Curvy hips led the way down to a long pair of smooth legs.

I smiled at the girl, pretending to find it funny that we ran into each other. Actually, I was thinking of what I would give to taste that wet, tanned body of hers. Just to tackle the little girl and bury my face in that cunt, and let the girl know how I feel. At least in between the legs.

Clearing my throat, I asked, "Are you done in there?"

"Yeah, my clothes are in my room."

"Good. I'll be in the tub."

I allowed her to move past me and went into the bathroom. Leaning against the door, I palmed my chest. I could feel it quaking with excited heartbeat. My knees bent and I slid against the door and sat on the floor. When I did, I noticed the moisture in my purple panties. Looking down, I saw a small, wet spot near the bottom.

Not wanting to waste too much time, I quickly turned the shower on, skinned my bra and panties, and stepped into the shower.

As soon as I shut the glass door, two fingers on my right hand dug into my pussy like they had minds of their own. I raised my left foot onto the side of the tub. My thumb found my clit and drew circles with it.

Even with the shower running, I could almost smell the 12-year-old's panties. With such a sweet scent, I can only imagine how her pussy would smell. Or better yet, taste.

I gripped the top of the door and moaned. I wish I could have gave her a shower. My hands would be sliding all over her smooth tan skin. Caressing her underdeveloped tits. Palming her hard nipples. Running over her lathered pussy. My fingers slipping inside and "cleaning" it out.

"Oh, God! Ummm... Ooooohhhh!" I thrust forward and looked at the foggy ceiling.

My legs felt like jelly, but my fingers wouldn't stop playing with my clit. I pressed my back into the wall and slid down until I was on my back.

The shower poured on my pussy, adding to the pleasure my fingers were giving me. I hit my head on the tub wall, but my orgasm quickly made me forget it.

"Ummm! Mmmmmmm... MMMMMMMMM!!!"

My legs shot open and cum shot out like a fountain. I mumbled like a madwoman and twitched as my squirt erupted toward the ceiling, mixing with water. I wildly rubbed my clit with my teeth clenched. With my other hand, I squeezed and pulled hard on a tit.

When it was all over, I just sat there, letting water run over my overheated body.

"I'm ready, mom," Jaleesa said, holding a dark green towel in her right hand.

She sported a two-piece bikini, which had vertical lime green and yellow stripes. Also, she wore yellow sandals. She looked absolutely beautiful, and I found my mouth gaping at her appearance.

"Great, let's go," I said as nonchalant as I could, opening the front door and walking out.

A white towel was in my right hand.

Jaleesa followed me out and closed the door.

The driveway was on the left side of the front yard. The lawn was a neat, four-sided patch of grass. Our house was made of bricks and had a flat, black roof. I unlocked the doors of my red Chevrolet Cobalt and we hopped in together.

"Ssss!" Jaleesa hissed, arching her back.

Apparently, she had burned her bottom and bare legs on the seat.

I grinned as she put her folded towel beneath her and sat back down. After she put her seatbelt on, I pulled out of the driveway.

It was a sunny day, the glare shining off the metal pool rails. Certainly was hot enough to go swimming.

The large pool was plentiful of children and teenagers. A few adults were sitting in the white plastic chairs.

I leaned back in a chair under the shade of an umbrella, which was propped on a table. Jaleesa was next to me, putting her hair in a bun.

"I'm going swimming," she said, handing me her towel.

She then turned, sprinted, and jumped into the air. In mid-air, her knees went to her chest and her arms went up. She hit the water with a big splash that splattered the pool's edges.

Jaleesa's arms shot out of the water and grabbed the metal rails. Hair clinging to her face and back, she climbed the steps and out of the water. Her bikini bottom sunk into her butt as she walked to the diving board.

My eyes were all over it. What I wouldn't give to trade places with that piece of cloth. My cunt throbbed at the thought, prompting me to close my legs. I shuddered and tore my attention away.

It was then I noticed that a few chairs down, three boys close to Jaleesa's age looking at her and whispering to each other. One made it a little too obvious by nearly twisting his own neck to look behind himself. Who could blame him?

Jaleesa was in the pool, swimming all the way across to the opposite diving board.

I took this time to look around. People of all ages were here. Girls and women alike were clad in skimpy and simple swimwear. There were some handsome men in the area, too. Oddly, no one was of any interest to me.

Looking at my the pool again, I saw a sight to see.

Jaleesa was out of the pool, sitting on the edge right in front of me. The waistband of her bikini bottom was slumping, showing off part of her butt crack.

I could feel my heart leap in my chest. My cunt ached so much I publicly crossed my legs tightly and ran a hand over my thighs. The only thing I could suppress was a whimper.

Then I looked over to the boys. The trio chattered wildly, but not loud enough for me to hear. They openly pointed fingers and looked back and forth amongst each other. Once again, who could blame them?

Jaleesa continued to sit there while at least four people gawked at her butt. She didn't seem to notice. Motherly instincts told me to tell her to pull the bikini up. My pussy told me to let her be. Guess who won that debate?

I couldn't take it anymore, I had to cum! Sitting up, I turned my head left, then right. A few feet away from the pool, there was a fairly short, white building with two navy blue bathroom doors. Trying not to look too anxious, I speed-walked to the bathroom and entered.

The floor was made of large, gray tiles. A line of three white sinks hung below a long mirror that stretched across the white wall. Three gray stalls were on the opposite side.

Ducking my head, I walked past the stalls.

No one else was with me. Good.

Quickly, I yanked the door of the furthest stall open, got inside, and closed and locked it. I pulled my bikini bottom down and sat on the white toilet. After giving a final listen, I leaned back and rubbed my pussy.

Images of my daughter flashed before my eyes. Her camel toe poking out of her swimsuit. The way her bikini bottom dug into the crease of her butt. Water dripping from every inch of her smooth, tan skin. Her clingy bottom exposing her butt.

"Umm... uhhh... uhh... ummm... mmmpphhh..."

My fingers sloshed in and out of my cunt. I was gonna cum, and it felt like a big one!

"Mmmph.. mmmpphh... uhhh...!"

Just then, a long arch of clear fluid was fired out of my cunt. It splattered all over the door, most of the drops backfiring onto my legs. I clapped my left hand over my mouth to keep from screaming my head off. My eyes widened and rolled backwards.

As quickly as I could, I pulled my panties up and left the stall.

That night, I still couldn't get the image of my bikini-clad daughter out of my head. I turned over to look at the clock on my cell phone.

2:42. It was 2:42AM, and here I was, covered in sweat and cunt juice over my own daughter!

By this time, she had to be asleep. That thought awakened an urge in me. The urge to see my daughter. To cum while watching the object of my fantasy.

Running entirely on the will of my pussy, I got out of bed and went to Jaleesa's room.

Fortunately, the door was open. Peeking through the doorway, I could see Jaleesa's sleeping form perfectly.

The girl was laying on her back with her right leg curled and her left leg straight out. Her head was turned to her right, away from the door.

I silently snuck into the room, eyes on her. I stopped in front of the bed and took in the sight.

Gently, I gripped the hem of her white T-shirt. That didn't seem to stir her. I waited for what felt like hours for her to move. Not even a snort. Carefully, I pulled the shirt up to the middle of her torso. The garment peeled off her, exposing the tanned tummy beneath, as well as her white panties.

My God, she has such a beautiful body. At that moment, I wanted nothing more than to bathe it with my tongue. Just caress both of those tiny hills and swish my tongue back and forth over the brown nipples. Sink my tongue down her tan belly and slither it inside of her sweet cunny. Slurp the nectar right out of that little flower.

For a moment, I just stood there watching Jaleesa's breasts rise and fall with every snore. Before I could stop myself, I leaned forth and swiped her belly button with my tongue. Then I slowly planted a kiss on her stomach. Her skin was warm. I could smell the soap that remained after her nightly bath.

Reaching into the shirt, which I was still holding up, I felt her breasts. The tit I held was soft and round. Her nipple felt as tiny as it looked.

With my free hand, I felt my own plump tit. My nipple was definitely harder than hers.

Then I set my sights on Jaleesa's panties. My fingers went down there and tapped where her clit would be. When I didn't get a reaction from her, I began to rub it.

This was getting me so hot, I reached into my own underwear. It was soaked down there and I hadn't even noticed. I rocked my hips as I fingered myself beside my daughter's bed while touching her panties. All the while, I kept checking to make sure she was asleep.

Just then, Jaleesa moaned.

I froze with one hand in my pussy and the other between my daughter's legs.

Fortunately, Jaleesa didn't make another move, either.

I clearly forgot where I was. Jaleesa proved to be a heavy sleeper so far, but a scream from me would definitely get her attention.

I carefully pulled her underwear up and her shirt back down. Then I hastily made my way back to my room.

After closing the door, I literally jumped into bed and let my fingers work magic on my hungry cunt.

"Oh! J-Jaleesa! Oh! Oh! Uhhhhhh...!"

Cum erupted into the air and landed on the floor and sheets. I sat up, shaking uncontrollably. My legs also lifted, but remained spread wide open. I wasn't even touching myself anymore, but the cum just kept squirting out onto the bed like a water gun.

I turned over to bury my face in the pillow to keep the noise down. Of course, that didn't stop me from screaming. I arched my back and gripped the sheets in my left hand. My right hand was going crazy on my cunt, getting my juices everywhere.

My face still in the pillow, I calmed down. My shoulders went back down as I exhaled. I could feel my heart pounding against the mattress. With my hand still between my legs, I rolled over to lay on my back.

Not bothering to pull my panties up, I covered myself in blanket and turned over. Sleep came almost as quickly as I did.

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Love the way this story starts out, hope it continues. Keep up the good work.

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