Published: 5-Nov-2012
Word Count:
It had been raining outside since we woke up. Though it was 9:32AM, the cloudy sky made it seem like it was about 7:32PM. Carrying a paper plate of two syrup-covered waffles, scrambled eggs, and three thin, dark brown, beef sausages, I entered the living room and sat on the couch, beside Shantay, who had the same breakfast, but with syrup on everything. We were then joined by Sasha, who was wearing a long, red T-shirt that covered her knees, and carrying her plate with one hand. She sat on the couch in the back of the room.
"So... Jimmy," Sasha said, just as I sliced two pieces of waffle with the side of my silver fork, "Shantay told me about last night."
Shocked, I held my fork in midair, which was holding one piece of each waffle. Turning my head, I looked at Shantay. She was looking back at me with half smile. Did she really tell Sasha what we did? "Oh?" I nervously replied out loud, looking at Sasha.
"Yeah. She told me that you said you liked her after she told you the same."
My surprised state slowly wore off. "Did you know she liked me?"
"I always knew that. Shantay has the biggest crush on you. She even named an imaginary boyfriend after you."
"Really?" I asked Shantay.
Shantay offered no reply. She just looked down, trying to hide a smile with her glass of orange juice.
"Uh-huh," Sasha continued as I looked at her. "When she was six, she always used to say, -- she began to speak in a shrill, little girl's voice -- 'Mommy, me and Jimmy had a tea party! Mommy, me and Jimmy saw a movie! Mommy, Jimmy gave me a kiss!'"
"Mo-om!" Shantay whined, blushing and turning her head away from Sasha and I. Her sudden outburst made Sasha laugh, while I snickered.
A few minutes later, there were a few knocks on the door. Sasha walked out of the living room to answer it. The door creaked open nosily, followed by the sounds of Sasha and my mother greeting each other, which were equally as loud.
Trailing behind Sasha, my mother walked into the room. She was wearing a long-sleeved, dark green shirt with a yellow 'Garden State Parkway' label, which was surrounded by a yellow circle on the left breast. Below the shirt were a pair of tan pants and black boots. My mother was an inch above my height, with large, brown eyes, a small, wide nose, and short, curly, black hair.
After I finished my breakfast, I put my plate in the kitchen's half-full garbage can and my fork in the otherwise empty sink.
"Ready to go?" my mother asked me when I returned to the living room.
"Yeah." Turning around, I fetched my cold trick-or-treat bag from the refrigerator, before returning to the living room and grabbing my hoody, which was draped over the back of the couch that I was sitting in earlier.
"Bye, Jimmy," said Sasha.
"Bye," said Shantay.
I waved at both of them and followed my mother to the car.
"Hello?" I said, picking up the black, cordless phone. It was 3:43PM.
"Hi, Jimmy," said a familiar voice.
"Hey, Shantay."
"Are you doing anything today?"
"I was thinking... can I come over your house?"
"How do you plan to get here?"
"I asked my mother if she could take me."
"Oh. Well, yeah, you can come over."
"Okay. Thanks."
About 15 minutes later, I heard a car horn honking outside of my house. I left the living room and opened the front door. Rain was pouring from the darkened sky, hitting the lawn and sidewalk in loud, rapid drops. Sasha's car was sitting in the driveway. Through the windshield, I could see the two of them talking and laughing. Shantay seemed to be debating whether to step out of the car now or wait until the rain stopped, if ever.
Finally, Shantay opened the passenger door and, after a very long moment of hesitation, ran out of the car and past me, without closing her mother's door. I waved to Sasha and closed my door.
Shantay had her hands on her knees and was panting and laughing. Several areas of her long sleeve, canary yellow blouse were stained with water. She also wore light blue jeans and white sneakers. I leaned on the door and waited for her to settle down. "Hi," she snickered.
"Hey, Shantay," I greeted her. I was wearing a gray T-shirt that read, 'Paco Jeans', in red letters, a pair of dark blue jeans, and black socks. "What do you wanna do?"
She walked into the wooden-floored hallway with me and asked, "Can we watch a movie?"
"Yeah. What kind of movie?"
"You can pick. I'll watch anything."
When I entered the living room with a VHS tape in my left hand, Shantay was sitting on the white love seat that was against the left wall.
"What movie are we watching?" she asked as I put the tape into the black VCR that sat on top of the 3-foot-tall, light gray TV.
"Just a romance movie," I smiled, sitting next to her and pressing the play button on the light gray, rectangular remote control.
The movie ended two hours later.
"Can we do... it again?"
"Right now?"
She looked at me nervously. "Y-you didn't like it last night?"
"I did, but I was just making sure that you're sure about this."
The uneasiness left her face. "Uh-huh." She smiled.
"First, I'll go to the store and get some condoms. Be right back."
My room had white walls and a wooden floor. The king-sized bed, which was pushed against the wall on the right, had red sheets and black pillows. The closet door was right beside the door. A black TV sat on a black stand in front of the bed.
Still holding hands, I sat on the bed and Shantay sat beside me. Brushing the hair out of her brown eyes, I leaned in and softly kissed her lips. Passionately, she returned the favor and we engaged in a deep kiss. My right arm went under her left and around her back. Her right arm did the same to me.
Shantay broke the kiss and smiled at me. She then grabbed her right sleeve and pulled her arm out, before taking the shirt off. Her yellow bra was soon undone and on the floor. Small, dark brown areolas topped her average-sized breasts.
Holding onto the waistline of her jeans, Shantay stood and pulled them down to her ankles. After kicking out of them, there was only one thing left. She lowered her white panties to her feet and pulled them off with her hands. Her dark-skinned labia was tightly closed. Just above it was a square patch of black hair.
I looked her frontal body up and down. "You're beautiful," I told her.
Shantay blushed a little and sat down. I stood and pulled my shirt off in the same way she did. Next, I lowered my jeans and stepped out of them. My red boxers were also set aside. I let her have a look while I tore open the black condom wrapper.
"You can go on top this time."
As Shantay laid down, I put the latex on my stiff cock. Then I climbed into bed, kneeling between her spread legs. She smiled dreamily at me when I began to aim my cock at her hole. First, the head went in, then half of its length. Finally, I sunk the whole thing inside her.
I sucked in some air and we stared at each other for a moment. Shantay slowly rose, then kissed my lips. My lower body arose, then gently went back down. It repeated the motion again and again. Occasionally, her head would turn from side to side.
Shantay's cunt actually felt tighter than last night. It grabbed and pulled with its fiery interior. My palms were on either side of her head. Her thrusts matched mine, often making our torsos touch.
My hips moved faster as the heat went up in my sack. Shantay's arms wrapped around me. I kissed on her neck as my orgasm came. Spurt after spurt of my seed was fired against the latex walls that encased me.
I shuddered and stiffened as my final wad entered the condom. Looking down, I could see Shantay's eyes closed. Leaning forward, I kissed her forehead and rolled off of her. The girl's eyes opened and focused on me. With a smile, she leaned over and planted her lips on mine. I raised my head to press my lips harder into hers.
Then when he and Shantay are getting ready to play he says he'll go to the store for some condoms then they're in his room. Fill the gap a bit. Then he says she can be on top--ok, fine. HAVE her be on top.
Story has much promise, but you need to put more effort in, even if you're just trying to write a stroke story, make it a GOOD stroke story.
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