Fictional Diary Of A Twelve-Year-Old Girl

[ Mg, rom, 1st ]

by Jasmine


Published: 4-Aug-2012

Word Count:

Author's Profile

Story Summary
All people and events in this story are entirely fictitious.

May 20, 1995

Dear Diary,

I don't know why I did it. The whole thing was so out of character for me, but I can't really say I regret it. It felt good being naughty for a change.

I didn't know anyone at the party except Sue and her boyfriend, Todd. Most everyone else was from one of the three local schools - students and teachers alike, getting together for a last day party. I thought I might see at least a few more familiar faces, but I didn't. It wasn't my usual type of crowd - too rowdy, so I guess I shouldn't be surprised.

It didn't take long for me to get bored with secret beer games and wild dancing. And I hate small talk. Half of it is always lies anyway, told to impress the listener or inflate the ego of the teller.

I decided to take a walk over to the park, which was just across the street. It has a really beautiful water fountain with benches all around it and statues of war heroes surrounding the entire area.

Once I got there, I bypassed the benches and sat on the fountain's edge, so I could trail my hand in the cool water. That's when I heard his voice. Lee or Grant, he asked, and I about jumped out of my skin.

He stepped out of the shadows and casually strolled toward me. I couldn't see his face at first, just the silhouette of his body - he was tall and muscular, but not overly so like those TV wrestlers, just really nice.

As he came into the lighted area around the fountain he asked me again, Lee or Grant, pointing to the statues. I didn't know what he meant until he asked which General I favored. Then I got it.

But still, I just sat there staring at him. He had the sexiest smile I've ever seen. He must have thought I was a total dweeb. I think I mumbled Grant when I finally answered, but I don't remember.

He introduced himself, but I don't remember his name. I'm terrible with names - it's a disease, I'm sure. It's not like I'm stupid or anything. It's just that I don't pay attention, I guess. He said he'd followed me from the party. I got a little scared, until he smiled again. Then I melted.

He sat beside me and didn't say anything more. The strange thing was that the silence didn't feel awkward or uncomfortable. It was actually very nice. Peaceful.

I took the time to study him, covertly of course. He was much older than me, maybe by 20 years or so. He was probably a teacher. I never got around to asking him. My mouth became otherwise occupied before I had the chance to find out any details.

When I was about to ask him about it, he put his fingers to my lips, like he didn't want me to talk. I thought that was strange, until he moved his hand and brushed the back of his fingers down my cheek. Then I stopped thinking. Oh, my! His touch felt heavenly.

He pulled me close and kissed me lightly on the lips. And I let him. I've never done anything like that before - not with a stranger! But he really knew how to kiss. He didn't try to shove his tongue down my throat or slobber all over me. His hand cradled the back of my head, holding me steady as he nibbled my lips.

When he pulled away, I clung to him, and his mouth grazed my cheek. Against my skin, I could feel the small smile on his face. Still he said nothing and neither did I.

His hand gently squeezed my bare thigh. Our school party was casual, so I'd worn shorts. I can't say I was wrong to do so, because his fingers felt great against my skin.

For some reason, and I'm still not sure why, I leaned forward and pressed my lips to the bare skin exposed between the "V" of his shirt. It was like I was compelled to do so. He tasted so nice. And the hair on his chest tickled my nose. He smelled like the woods after a light rain.

His chest began to vibrate, and the sound of his chuckle washed over me. It was a warm, comforting sound, not like he was laughing at me, but really pleased by what I had done. I sat back, feeling my cheeks heat with a blush. I don't know if he noticed or not. If he did, he didn't give any indication.

His fingers started to work on the buttons of my blouse. His gaze and concentration was so totally focused on the task that he didn't even react to my sharp intake of air.

I covered his hand to stop him and get his attention. He looked up at me, cocking an eyebrow as if in question. I didn't know what to say, what to do.

My mind was saying one thing, my body another ... my body won. I reached for his belt, my fingers trembling. I've never trembled like that before with a man. It was an oddly exciting reaction.

I won't go into anymore details, diary, because every time I think about it, I get all hot and wet in secret places, but it was the most explosive night of my life.

June 12, 1995

Dear Diary,

I can't believe what happened to me today. Sue dragged me to a summer lecture at our school. So much for summer vacation, I'd thought.

When we got there, I found out the lecture was on adolescent sexuality. Might be interesting, right?

It was more than interesting!

Sue and I sat right up front. I think we were the youngest girls there. And guess who the lecturer was?

Mr. Make-Me-Scream-Again-Please Major Hottie as I've dubbed him, from the party. Oh, my!

I about peed my pants. He looked right at me and didn't even flinch. I thought he didn't remember me, and man was I mad. After everything we did to each other in front of that fountain.

He handed out some articles for us to read. We had to pass them back to the people behind us, and when he got to me, he winked. Be still my heart! He did recognize me.

Unfortunately, when the lecture was over, he was ushered out by one of the teachers, and I didn't get a chance to talk to him.

June 14, 1995

Dear Diary,

This was the best day of my life!

I was walking across school playground, near the library. I wanted to pick up some books - just leisure stuff, nothing to study.

The area was fairly deserted, since it was early in the morning. When I reached for the door, someone grabbed me around the waist and pulled me into the bushes.

I didn't have time to be scared, because I was spun around, and who did I see? HIM! And he had that sexy smile on his face again. I didn't even have enough steam left to be mad at him after that.

Then before I could say anything, I was in his arms. He was so much bigger than me. His lips took mine, and I stopped thinking - I was too busy enjoying the feel of him.

His hands seemed to be everywhere - up my blouse, under my skirt. I pulled his shirt open, needing to feel his bare skin. He was so hot.

His mouth felt good on my neck - nibbling, licking, sucking. Then my blouse was open, and my training bra was pushed up, and his mouth was on my small breast, doing to my nipple what he'd done to my neck.

I could hardly breathe, it felt so great. Time seemed to rush by in a whirlwind of erotic sensations. Then he was thrusting inside me, and he felt so right.

I climaxed for the first time in my life - hard. His mouth covered mine to muffle my passion. I felt him come inside me, and I spasmed again, crashing over the edge into total fulfillment.

Afterward, his kisses grew gentle, and he helped me dress. Then like the morning mist, he silently drifted away.

I hope I see him again. I need to ask him his name...

The End

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Philip Spencer

This is an excellent example of 'less is more.' The story hints at a lot without revealing. It's erotic without being obscene. I'll definitely look for the next installment.

I do have a minor criticism: write about what you know. Jasmine, since you're a woman, it makes sense for you to write a story from a girl's viewpoint. You've been there; I haven't.

On the other hand, you're Canadian and have no sense of American history. I cannot imagine any place where you can find Grant and Lee statues side-by-side. The two generals are familiar to non-Americans precisely because the Civil War was such a bitter contest--and it still divides the country nearly 150 later.

It's a small point, irrelevant to the story, but it's a dangerous trap you don't want to get into.


The diary format worked well. Allows you to be selective in what you write without it seeming odd. Great realistic perspective from the girl. Would love to read more..

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