Power Of The Mind

[ mb, nc, mc ]

by Janus


Published: 24-Dec-2011

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This work is Copyrighted to the author. All people and events in this story are entirely fictitious.


I heard called me as I went flying after being tripped in the school hallway. I hit the floor hard and the books I had been carrying landed all about. The kids in hall laught from the start of it till I had gathered up all my books and left. This was my life, because I was just normal. I was not a jock or some other type, so I was a victim. How I wished I could make them all pay.

After a fun bus ride, one loves to be smacked in the back of the head for the whole trip, I made it home. My folks were not home yet to tell me again to just man up, but my little brother was home. He had changed over the summer. Once an average kid, Brad, he was now B-rad. Pants down, boxers up high, ball caps on crooked, over amount of bling, I thought he looked stupid, but he kept saying how hot he looked. He had rap music blasting and was pretending he was the singer. A young white boy from the subburbs, grabbing himself with one hand and pointing to an imaginary woman, thinking he was some black man raised in the hood.

I went to the bedroom we shared to get away from him. I dumped my backpack onto my bed. With the mixture of school stuff was some thing new. It was a small midnight black book. It was not like a regular book. This was an old book. For a small book the covers were hard not paper. Opening the musty smelling book, I found the aged written on pages were parchment stiched into the binding, not like today's paper glued together books. The ink used to write in the book was a scarlet red, but I could not read it. The words in it were not english. The phone started to ring and ring. I put the book down and went to answer the phone. B-rad was still "dancing" and didn't seem to hear the phone ringing.

"Hello?", I answered the phone.

"Turn back while you can.", a creepy voice told me.



Then all I heard was the regular buzzing from the phone before you call someone. B-rad was still just doing his rap, so I hung up the phone and went back to our room. I picked up the strange book and again studied the pages. After a while, I could swear the inked started to run off the page and come towards me. The red ink was coating my hands! I tossed the book across the room, but the ink was now moving faster up my arms and up more of my body. The last thing I remember, the ink was on both my cheeks. Sort of like two scarlet snake curled back and then struck both of my eyes.

"Get up. Time for dinner.", B-rad was telling me as he kicked me to wake me up. It was now night. The folks were home and dinner was on the table. I had lost all track of time. Nothing happened the rest of the night, and I was glad tomorrow was weekend. After a long sleep, all will be back to normal. B-rad was over in his bed falling asleep to more rap.

"Why cann't you be like you were when you were little running around in cartoon undies.", I just said as I fell asleep.

I heard some strange but familar sounds and woke up. I had to rub my eyes twice to be sure I saw what I saw. B-rad's side of the room had changed or gone back to when he was younger. Posters of rappers and girls in bikins were gone. Now posters of cutie little animals were hung up. Stuffed animals and action figure toys covered his bed. I looked for B-rad and was shocked more when I found him. He was watching Tony the dino on tv. He was singing along with a mouth full of chocolate ceral he was eating and holding a Tony stuffed toy. He waived the toy at me with joy and went back to singing and watching the show. To add to this mess he had on a pair of out grown Tony underpants. The underpants rode up his backside showing his butt and the front was no better one ball or the other along with his prick fell out one side or the other.

It was madness. B-rad or now "Bra", he talked and want to be a little boy along with my parents all acted like nothing weird was happening. I had to know if I had lost it, so I went to the biggest nerd in school.

"I have no time for this.", Dexter talked down to me from behind the just cracked open door. His hair was slicked back and his glasses were falling forward. He wore a bowtie, dress shirt with a new pocket protector full of pens, slacks, dress socks, and polished dress shoes. The door was then slammed in my face.

Mad I let out, "Dare you to come out!"

As if a stage cue, the door opened and Dexter walk right out and stood before me. I wondered.

"Dexter, you have mud on your shoes."

Dexter fumbled around and removed his shoes. He put them aside as if they were filthy and just stood in his socks.

"Is your pen leaking?"

Dexter went to panic mode. He acted like a giant ink stain was spreading across his clean dress shirt. He tore the buttons as he ripped off the shirt. Now Dexter just stood there in a bowtie, dress pants, and dress socks.

"If you have on pants, you are nude."

Dexter face had pure shock on it. To him, he had just became nude. He bent over and placed his hands over his no no spot. After looking from side to side to see if anyone was watching, he undid his pants and stepped out of them. After he stood tall in just his bowtie, dress socks, and small white fashion briefs. How I wished this had happened at school. I would have sent Dexter walking the school halls or into the girls bathroom. Oh, well.

"Dexter will go to the store for your mother?"

Dexter started walking and went right pass me. The last I saw was his butt going back and forth as he headed for town. The fun I was going to have.

I rode my bike to town and spread choas.

Miss Polly's boys dance class was first. All the boys did a live show in girl's see through leotards. The show shocked all. The boys wore nothing under the leotards and they were all sexually stimulated as the newspaper said. High society had to watch boys jump and leap around with hardons, hanging free balls, and full moons.

The town's redneck family was up in arms when they saw the family Christmas card they had done. Instead of pa and his two boys holding shotguns, pa was put out on rug by a fireplace in nothing but a santa's hat and a red thong. One son in a green elf hat and a green thong had his face in his pa's junk and a big smile while his ass was sticking way up covered by just a green string in his ass crack. The other boy also wore a green elf hat and thong, but this boy's junk was rubbing his pa's mouth. To add to the insult, Have A Fucking Good Year was at the bottom of the card. what was granny going to say when she gets her's?

My last prank before heading back home was the school baseball team's car wash. The car wash was letting the team wash cars to raise money for new uniforms. Well people needed to see how bad the team needed uniforms. The team did really well. All the customers loved the boys climbing all over their cars soapy wet, spraying each other in just their jock straps.

I was tired when I got home after my long day. I was about to take a nap when the phone rang and again only I seemed to hear it ring.

"You can still turn back.", the creepy voice warned me, but I was having to much.

The next morning, I woke eager to use my power more. I felt something in my bed. I yanked the covers back. Bra was down there. He had his hands around my waist, sucking on a pacifier, wearing a diaper, sound a sleep. I woke him up and he told me wove woe. He would not leave me alone and had a tantrum when I left the house to getaway from him.

I went to the local Y to find something to do. I did find somethings or some people to do.

Out back a scout master was teaching his troop. He was talking about first aid. While he talked the scouts unzipped their shorts. As the lecture went on, the scout had all their manhood saluting the scout master. He was now talking about sucking a snake bite. The good scouts to try it formed a circle. To help their bitten troop member, each scout took another scout dick in his mouth and sucked. All the scout did their duty and suck every drop out of their fellow troop member's snake bite.

I found two older boys by the pool. They set in their boardies with their feet dangling in the pool. One had a plastic bag with him and talked to the other one.

"We have to do it sometime."

"But it's so freaking strange."

"Coach says we have to wear the team speedos and shaving will make us swim faster."


The two boys went to the changing area and found a private spot. They did their arms, but would help each other with their legs. They were just going to roll up their suits as they shaved their legs, but being best friends and team mates, they shaved nude. Just doing each others legs went up higher. Crotch and butt hair was also shaved off. The boys felt each others dicks and balls for any missed hair. They opened each others asses checked all inside for hair with thier tongues. They finished each other with a blow job to see that no hairs were inside their dicks. After the boys felt great with helping each other shave, and they even like wearing and seeing each other in a speedo.

Except for Bra, I was having a wonderful time. I could not wait to see what I could do at school. The night before I even had a wet dream. Some girl was blowing me. It was incredible. It felt like at first she was inexperinced, but she could not get enough of my dick. Monday I got up, Bra was in my bed again with a big smile and face resting on my crotch. I kicked him out of my bed and my shorts were not even wet from last night.

To my delight the guy who tripped me was in class. Infact the school held a pep rally to give him a trophy. He took the stage with a whoop whoop! While staff praised him, he thought he was at the doctors. He stripped to his tighty whities. The staff did not understand why the students were laughing, but kept talking. The boy gave a urine sample. The wet spot grew and grew infront of his briefs and then ran down his leg. He peeled off the wet briefs and spread his legs apart. Working his dick, he held it up so his balls could be seen swing free. He let go of his hard on, and turned around. Bending over he grabbed his ankles with his hands so that his hole could seen clearly. To bad for the staff, they did catch on till after the boy turned back around and gave a sperm sample onto the stage.

But as school goes he was now a hero. My best friend talked and talked about it. I was sleeping over at his house to get a way from super clingy Bra, but this was making me rethink it. I had enough and told him it was me who made him do it. My friend said I was crazy and went to brush his teeth before bed. After he went into the bathroom the phone rang and no one answered it. I slowly picked up the phone.


"Wease cum wome browther. Bra wants wou."

"No" and I hung up the phone.

It rang again.

"Stop calling!"

"Anymore and you can never go back." It was the creepy voice.

"Who is it?" My friend asked his head sticking out of the bathroom. Tooth paste suds hung from the corner of his mouth and he held an electric tooth brush.

"Just my dumb baby brother."

"Okay. Maybe he would believe your story."

He was going to shut the door and go back to brushing his teeth, but he stopped. He pulled down his pajama bottums showing his privates. He turned on the tooth brush. It hummed as he brushed the length of his shaft, his ball sack, and inside his pucker hole. He held the moving brush under the tip of his dick till it blew. The tooth brush was used to wipe up the cum. My friend then went right back to doing his teeth with no memory of what had happened.

Me and my friend had shared a bed for years with no problems till tonight. I thought it was getting colder, and I could not feel where the blanket was. Then I felt cool air on my nude rear? I must have been having a dream because I felt my rear being opened up. Warm breath tickled my pucker hole. Something was at the outside end. It was firm, wet, and warm. The snake like thing played inside my ass. It was pleasurable but still something new to me. I reach my hand around to see if I could find out what it was. I felt the back of my friend's head. He was working my ass!

I forced him off and told him I was no fag. I went back home and the whole time he was saying how sorry he was. He was not gay, but just had to sample my ass. He could not resist.

I thought I could find safety at home but I was wrong. My folks said they wanted me to see the show Bra had worked hard on for me. Not wanting a fight, I agreed and sat down on the couch. The folks dimmed the lights and played some music. Then Bra ran into the room. He just had on a girl's thong panties with sparkley glitter glued all over it. The lights came up and the music got fast. Bra did a full x-rated male stripper dance. He even gave me a lap dance. Mom and dad just cheered him on.

Now a magic trick, he told me. Bra slipped off his thong and through it at me. He got down on all fours sticking his small rear up as high as he could. The trick was sticking a sword in the box dad said. Mom handed to dad a giant black dildo. Dad pointed the dildo at Bra and forced the whole thing into my little brother. My folks clapped as Bra showed he had taken the whole thing.

"Now be nice to your little brother.", mom said. "Yes champ. Make him happy. Use him as your bitch.", dad told me and mussed my hair.

They had all lost it. I ran out of the house. My folks were calling for me to come back and rape my brother. Bra was crying and working the dildo in his ass to comfort himself.

I don't know where I was when I stopped running. I was trying to catch my breath and figure out what the hell was going on when I was jumped. It was not just one person but a group, a very large group. The group was made up of boys I had used. They were crazy acting wild. My clothes were ripped to shreds and torn off. The group held me with my body wide open. Lips kissed and licked all over my body. Two different boys were sucking my nipples. My fingers and toes were tongue washed and individually being sucked on. They fought each other for my ass. One tongue and then another cleaned my back end. Each of my balls were being sucked long with my dick.

Was this my end? To go out as an object of sex.

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