Overstone Village

[ bb, bb/g, M/g, voy, ped ]


Published: 16-Jul-2011

Word Count:

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Author's Note: This story contains fiction of an adult nature. It may contain themes involving Incest, under age sex, rape, bestiality, drugs or alcohol abuse. If these subjects make you uncomfortable please exit now. The story is meant for the entertainment of adults as defined by tour local government or society, if you are below this age please exit now. The author does not condone or encourage anyone to act in real life the way the characters depicted in this story act.

Alderman Lewis Loyd primary school was a very old school, it had been earmarked for demolition twice and closure four or five times but it still ticked along. Even though the village only had some two hundred properties in the parish with only fifty children of primary school age the school managed to attract some one hundred and forty students from the wider community, it had two small classes in each year which suited the headmistress, Emily Walker, as she had some very old-fashioned ideas about primary education.

Mrs Walker had been the head of an all girls primary school in Northampton Town before it closed and she got the vacant post at Alderman Lewis Loyd's school, she was a dinosaur in many ways, she kept the student's strictly segregated as it had been in when it was constructed in 1858 when the school had been built in memory of Lewis by his son, Samuel, Lord Overstone. The building was set out on land at the edge of the Overstone Hall Estate, when the school was built it only educated the sons and daughters of tenants of the estate, typical of the time, boys and girls were strictly separated, Mrs Walker took it back to its roots, the staff car park was turned back into the girls playground so that the children could be separated during breaks as well as during lessons.

When Mrs Walker started at the school it was sensible to separate the sexes at primary school as the children would feed into two 'single sex' secondary schools in other parts of Northamptonshire but during her many years in Overstone the rest of Northamptonshire had moved on, the two, old, single sex schools had been closed down and one co-educational super comprehensive school had been set up.

Rebecca's mother had realised that in year six, when her daughter would have the upheaval of moving from the school at the end of the road or village to the 'Big' school, a minimum of a thirty minute bus ride from home and kids from eleven years old like her up to eighteen year old kids, and to add to that the mixture of boys and girls for the first time would be a little too much for Rebecca to cope with so Maureen had made a conscious effort to get her daughter to mix with boys at every opportunity, even though she knew that most of the other mothers of girls that went to the primary school loved the fact that their daughters were kept well away from boys.

Maureen's decision paid dividends on the first day at the comprehensive school, Rebecca had no problems at all settling in with the boys in class, she still had the problem of going from the primary school to the comprehensive but all the town kids had the same problem there, her friends from school didn't have such an easy time though and most of the girls from Overstone primary school had a lot of time off of school in those first few weeks due to stress or nervous tension.

Rebecca had started out in her first class by sitting at the front, she wanted to do well as the only girl from the village to be at school that first week and the town kids already had a very low opinion of village kids, calling them all names like "Carrot Munchers!" "Hay Seads!" "Hill Billies!" And "In Breeds!" Rebecca tried very hard to answer every question, and she got herself a bad reputation amongst the other students as a 'Teacher's Pet'. After the first few weeks Rebecca realised that she didn't need to prove anything, she could easily answer questions that the other kids had no idea about so she stopped answering, she stopped sitting at the front of the class too, moving steadily from the front row towards the back, she couldn't get on the back row though as two boys sat there every week.

Robert Sykes and Danny McDermott were both local boys to the school, not bright but they seemed to be street wise to the way of the rest of the kids at the school. The desks were in two's but as usual no one wanted to sit next to Rebecca, there were five free desks in each classroom as all of the rooms were set out for class sizes of thirty-four but there were never more than twenty-nine in the class at any one time, Rebecca was the odd one out, she was the only girl left from her small village in the class.

Rebecca got into her stride, she kept her head down, tried to drop off of the teachers radar as well as the other kids to the point that she often felt that she was disappearing altogether. Most of the classrooms were laid out in a simple grid, eight seats by eight seats in a square with the last two seats squeezed into an alcove at the back of each room where one storage cupboard had been removed, just in case the class went up to the maximum allowed of thirty-four kids. Robert and Danny had gotten use to the fact that Rebecca was sitting in the row in front of them, Rebecca sat in the desk to the right of the boys on her own but over time she just disappeared from their consciousness completely.

Rebecca noticed that Robert and Danny often seemed to be engrossed in something, sometimes the teacher spotted something and sent the boys out of the room, sometimes they were split up, but, if they were split up, they became so disruptive that they were soon moved to the back of the room again. It was shortly after one of these enforced partings and repatriations that Rebecca noticed that the boys seemed to be up to something under the cover of their desks. Rebecca kept looking back at them but they didn't seem to notice her interest, the lesson was geography, the teacher was projecting something on the wall in front of the class, the blinds were drawn and half the lights were turned out so Robert and Danny were slightly hidden in the gloom. Rebecca was taking notes from the projections and the teachers commentary when she heard Danny breathing heavily like he had been running, she looked over her shoulder, Danny was sitting back in his chair, his head back, eyes closed and mouth wide open gasping for air. There was a musky smell in the air, Robert seemed to be taking a lot of interest in something in Danny's lap, then Rebecca noticed that Robert's right hand was on Danny's side of the table, and, Robert's right arm was moving slightly, but rapidly up and down.

As Rebecca watched, Danny gasped and his body jerked forward in his seat, Robert stopped moving his arm and smiled as he raised his hand and looked at it, the musky smell intensified for a second before Robert took a tissue from his left pocket with his left hand and used the tissue to wipe his right hand clean. "You'll need to take a note of this, the Canadian Wheat harvest has fallen by three percent each year for the last ten years, watch out for the trick question in the exam, they may ask for the total fall in Wheat production over the ten years, it isn't thirty percent but slightly less. It's a multiple choice so look for an answer around twenty-four percent!" The teacher asked if anyone could explain why, the kind of question that a few weeks earlier Rebecca would have fired her hand in the air to hazard a guess as to why, not anymore.

Rebecca was distracted by a whisper from behind her, "It's my turn now!" Rebecca looked back again, there was a little fumbling and then Danny's left arm was moving rapidly and it was Roberts turn to sit back in his seat and begin the heavy breathing routine. Once again, the strong smell of sweat or musk reached Rebecca, then as Robert suddenly rolled forward and gasped Rebecca thought she had seen some kind of fountain rise up from Roberts lap, it was Danny's turn to wipe his left hand this time, "ROBERT SYKES, DANNY McDERMOTT, out you go, wait outside the headmasters office please!" Rebecca almost jumped out of her seat as the teacher shouted at the top of his voice just a few feet away from her.

At the end of the lesson Rebecca was asked to open the blinds at the back of the room, as the rest of the kids ran from the room Rebecca pulled the chords for each blind to allow the sun to flood into the room, she noticed something glinting on Roberts desktop, she touched it with her index finger, it was thick and sticky, it looked like spit, Rebecca brought her finger to her nose and sniffed it, the same strong musky smell she had detected earlier, this couldn't be spit, she pressed her thumb against the liquid and rubbed the two together. Her finger and thumb slipped effortlessly over each other as if the liquid were oil or grease but when she parted her thumb and finger the liquid strung out like melted cheese strings off of a pizza.

Because of the time taken to open all the blinds at the back of the classroom and then the scientific examination of the liquid from Roberts fountain Rebecca almost missed the school bus back to her village. Robert and Danny were suspended for a week, nothing was actually said about why they had been kicked out of geography or why they had been suspended but when they returned they were on a 'final warning'! The boys were late into class on their first day; Rebecca had spent the week sitting in their seats, alone as usual, when the two boys walked into the room, Rebecca started to gather her things to move back to her usual place, she did, after all, know her place. "Rebecca, would you mind remaining in your seat please, right, Mr. McDermott, you'll take the seat that Rebecca usually sat in, Mr. Sykes, you may return to your usual seat!" "I'm not sitting next to a girl!" "You may return to your home any time you like Mr Sykes, you are, after all, on a final warning!"

Robert flopped down in the seat next to Rebecca, the lesson was humanities, students had to work in two's, Robert made it clear to Rebecca that he didn't like the idea of working with her but there was a flaw in the teacher's plan to separate the boys from the outset, an odd number of students, leaving Robert, Rebecca and Danny to work together. Rebecca had remembered the liquid, she had seen it erupt from Robert, she had touched it and smelled it and she was dying of curiosity to know what it was and why the boys had been suspended from school for a week. About half way through the double period her curiosity got the better of her and she whispered to Robert, "Why did you guys get suspended?" "Just fuck off, you're just a girl!" Rebecca asked again, just before the lesson ended, she was expecting the same answer as before but at least there were only seconds before the lesson ended and they would have a fifteen minute break.

Robert and Danny ignored Rebecca for several seconds, then Robert said, just as the bell rang for morning break, "Come over to the sports field with us and I'll tell you!" Rebecca followed the boys across the football pitch to the fringe of trees and bushes that separated the school from the rest of the Overstone House Estate. The boys looked surprised when they stepped into the trees and found that Rebecca was just a few paces behind them. School rules stated quite clearly that the woods were strictly out of bounds and anyone caught in them during break times would receive at the very least two demerits, for Robert and Danny that could be enough to see them suspended from school and moved out to another school all together.

"OK. Miss country bumpkin, you really want to know what we were doing to get kicked out for a week?" Robert asked in the most threatening way he could, Rebecca just smiled sweetly and nodded her head t9o say yes! "We were giving each other a wank!" "What's that mean?" Danny almost wet himself laughing, then he said, "We always thought you country kids knew everything about sex!" "No, we're just like you but there are less of us that's all!" "You really want to know?" Rebecca nodded her head, Robert tried to stop Danny saying anymore, Robert really didn't like girls, he liked country girls even less, there was a lot of body language going on, the boys squaring up to each other for 'alpha male' dominance. Then Danny broke out on top for a second, "There isn't enough time to explain now, if you're serious, come back here after you've finished eating, we'll be around here someplace!"

The boys made Rebecca leave first, they followed a second or so later, Rebecca heard snippets of conversation as they all walked back to the school building. "Well, you know the next step is a B/J, you don't want to do it do you, well, girls are made for it aren't that?" The bell sounded for third period just as the three hit the playground, double Maths. Robert and Danny went to the back of the maths classroom, Rebecca went to her seat in front of Danny and Robert, the teacher walked in and before starting the lesson he made Robert and Rebecca change places so that she was sitting next to Danny.

The lesson went quite quickly, Rebecca helped Danny out quite a lot with his maths, as the boy's lived close they went home for dinner, Rebecca went to the refectory. Rebecca ate as quickly as she could, lunch break was ninety minutes long, Rebecca finished eating in just ten minutes. There was a teacher standing guard at the edge of the sports field watching the kids in the playground with his back to the woods, he looked like he was set in for the whole break so Rebecca had to go the long way round to get to where Danny had told her to meet them.

Danny and Robert had taken sandwiches to school so they hadn't been home at all, they had left through the main gates like all the other kids who went home for lunch, then they had climbed the fence between the municipal park and the spinney that surrounded the school and walked back to the area of the woods that they had pointed out to Rebecca. "Hey, so you came after all?" The boys were sitting on a fallen tree trunk just finishing their sandwiches as Rebecca approached them. Danny jumped to his feet and pointed Rebecca to the place that he had just vacated, Robert looked very unhappy, "Danny, you do and you know the little cow will go straight to Strickland and tell him everything, you want us to be split up and sent to different schools in different parts of the county?" "No, Beccy's all right, she won't tell on us if we show her what we were doing will you Beccy?" Rebecca shook her head.

Danny beckoned to Robert to join him standing in front of Rebecca, "Fuck off mate; you want to put on a show for 'Cry-baby-bumkin' here but count me out!" Danny shot Robert a 'pissed off' look; you know it feels a lot better if someone else does it for you!" Robert just folded hi arms across his chest and shook his head, "OK! I'll just show you quickly, but remember, Robert did this to me and then I did the same for him!" With that Danny unzipped his trousers, pulled his cock out of the hole and started to rub himself. Danny's cock went from about an inch long and the thickness of a cigarette to three inches long and as fat as a cigar in an instant.

Rebecca couldn't believe what she was seeing, this was the first boy's cock she had seen in her life, the first time she had seen an erection, she had heard school yard gossip from the older girls since moving to the comprehensive school, some of the girls there were eighteen years old and talked like tramps in the playground. Danny could see the intense interest that Rebecca was showing in his cock as he rubbed it, "You want to touch it or anything?" Rebecca's face turned from concentration to a Cheshire cat grin as she nodded her head. Danny stepped in closer to her, then he unfastened his belt and the top button of his trousers and they dropped to the floor. He had no underpants on, just his cock and now his balls were on display, he lifted the front of his shirt too and thrust his lower body towards Rebecca.

Rebecca stretched out a tentative hand and allowed it to cup Danny's cockhead, Danny grew visibly, his foreskin tightened and then in her hand his mushroom head popped out into view and the stench of sweat and musk hit Rebecca's nose. Danny was now four inches long and he gathered Rebecca's hand in his and wrapped her fingers around his cock, Danny had the start of hair growing above his cock and a few hairs on his balls, as Danny started to move Rebecca's hand back and forth along his cock he asked her if she had any hairs yet on her pussy. Rebecca nodded her head, "Are they ginger like the hair on your head?" Again, Rebecca nodded her head, Danny let go of Rebecca's hand now and she carried on stroking his cock for him, just slowly, not serious masturbation at that point, Danny was just loving the soft touch of the young girls hand on his cock, he was, however, leaking precum all over her palm. Rebecca remembered the stickiness from the liquid that she had found on Roberts desk and she looked over at him to see what he was doing, he sat there next to her smiling at her rubbing his best friend off.

While Rebecca was distracted, looking at Robert, Danny took her other hand and pressed her fingers against the sparse patch of hair above his cock, "Is your pussy hair as soft as mine?" Rebecca thought for a moment, and then shook her head, "I have more of it but it feels courser than yours!" "I'd really love to feel it!" Robert sat up right now, this was getting a lot more interesting, if they could get Rebecca to drop her knickers then she wouldn't be able to report them to the headmaster, especially if he took a sneaky photograph of her wanking his mate off on his illegal cell phone or a snap-shot of her ginger snatch!

Just asking Rebecca if he could see her pussy had actually been too much for Danny and even though Rebecca was doing a half hearted job of wanking him off, Danny fired off into her palm. Robert had his mobile phone in his hand as Rebecca suddenly let Danny's cock go and she looked at the palm of her hand and then at Danny's rapidly shrinking cock. "God, sorry, dam, I didn't want to go so quickly!" There was another jerk of Danny's cock and a long string of spunk drizzled from the eye of his cock down to the floor, getting over half way there to his puddle of trousers around his ankles before the string broke and it dropped to the floor, or it would have if Danny's trousers hadn't leaped in the way to catch it.

Robert sensed the moment slipping away from him, Danny had fucked things up by shooting so soon, Robert also started to mentally kick himself for dissing Rebecca and spoiling his chances of fun with her, he knew for sure that if he had gotten his cock into Rebecca's hand it wouldn't have stopped there, he would have broke his duck and his virginity as well as hers.

"Who's there? What are you doing in there?" The voice of Mr. Strickland, the headmaster came booming through the bushes. Danny pushed Rebecca backwards from the fallen tree, she fell back into the soft embrace of an elder bush, as Rebecca hit the floor and the wind was knocked out of her she was glad that it had been Danny and not Robert who had stood up for her when she arrived, Robert was sitting with his back to an blackthorn bush with murderous two inch long spikes at the end of every branch.

Robert and Danny ran off in the direction of the fence that they had climbed to get from the park and into the school's spinney, well Robert ran and Danny hopped, trying desperately to pull his trousers up before they climbed back into the real world. Rebecca froze as the bushes parted, "Did you see anything?" "No Mr Strickland, I'm sure it was Sykes and McDermott though!" "Proof man, I need proof before I can ship those little bastards out to Wellingborough and Kettering, that should be far enough apart to stop them causing any more trouble!" Rebecca could hardly dare breathe as her headmaster and the playground supervisor stood just a foot or so away looking towards the direction that Danny and Robert had run off in.

Rebecca waited a while, the two men had stepped back out onto the school field, they hadn't moved far though, they still hoped to see the boys bluster from the trees a little further away. Eventually Rebecca slipped as carefully and quietly as she could from the bush and back over the tree trunk. She moved back the way she had arrived, along the path through the spinney to the back of the school, using the building to keep her out of sight of the teachers on duty. She stumbled across a similar clearing to the one she had just left, the place that she had tossed a boy off in. Rebecca remembered her hand and looked at her palm, not a trace of the spunk from earlier, then she found it, slap bang in the middle of her school uniform skirt, regulation 'knee length', regulation navy blue too and now with a very non-regulation white palm print on the thigh.

Rebecca looked around carefully, this clearing looked even larger than the one she had been in earlier, it had a fallen tree, just as the other clearing had, but this clearing had two pallets to act as further seating, she remembered how she had been hidden from two teachers by just a simple elder bush, she needed to check the back of her blouse for dirt and didn't want to take it off if there was someone hiding just a few feet away. Rebecca was wearing a regulation white blouse and regulation white bra, not that she really needed the bra, she was a little slow in developing in that area, the bra was non-regulation in just one way, she had pestered her mother into buying her padded bra's for school, padded or she wouldn't wear one at all and it was compulsory in the school uniform code.

Once Rebecca had satisfied herself that she was alone she slipped out of the blouse and dusted off the back of all the leaves and twigs sticking to it, then she brushed her hair, dislodging at least two birds-nests from the wiry mop that she called 'her hair style'. Now that she had time to gather her thoughts, she realised that she had a strange tingle in her lower abdomen, a feeling that she had never felt before. Being in the woods with a boys cock in her hand had worried her at first but now she wished that the headmaster hadn't stepped in and stopped her going on to the next step, where ever that next step would take her, but she knew full well that it would have been Robert who would have taken her on that journey.

Robert and Danny had dropped from the fence and into Silverstone Court and then ran away from the school and into Brands Hatch View, less experienced kids would have just walked back through the school gate and straight into trouble. Robert had convinced Danny that they should wait until the last minute before returning to the playground. Robert had also persuaded Danny to let him sit next to Rebecca during English, the double period straight after lunch, "You've had your fun, it was the noise you were making shooting off that attracted the playground supervisor in the first place!" "I didn't mean to do it so fast, I just got carried away thinking that Rebecca was going to flash her pussy to us in there, I just lost control. Anyway, I told you she would be good as gold didn't I?"

The English teacher read the notes in the front of the class register and looked up, he was about to separate Robert and Danny as per the instructions but was surprised to see Robert sitting next to Rebecca and Danny in Rebecca's old place, he smiled inwardly, 'the boys are starting to learn at last!'

It took Robert about ninety seconds to have his cock out of his trousers; it took Robert a lot longer to persuade Rebecca to put her hand on it though. Just like Danny's cock, Roberts grew rapidly under Rebecca's hand and just like Danny's cock, Roberts mushroom-end popped into view as Roberts cock grew to around four and a half inches in length.

Rebecca was moving her hand slowly as she rubbed Robert off under the desk, Danny deliberately dropped his pencil on the floor so that he could look under the desk and see what Rebecca was doing to his best friend. Robert had sat Rebecca on his right hand side so that she could masturbate him with her left hand and still look like she was taking full part in the eighty minute lesson as she wrote in her book with her right hand. Robert didn't care about looking like he was taking part and every so often his right hand disappeared under the desk and started to 'encourage' it's way under her school skirt.

The lesson was almost over by the time Robert had his hand all the way up Rebecca's skirt and had the gateway to the promised land pulled to one side, Rebecca had been rubbing his cock for over thirty minutes but he had deliberately not got her to speed up to finish him off, he wanted the most pleasure he could get out of this English lesson. Both Robert and Rebecca were scanning the room for any sign that anyone was taking any notice of what they were doing, Danny kept disappearing under the desk to see what Danny and Rebecca were getting up too but neither Rebecca nor Robert cared what Danny was looking at, he was one of them, the two friends had in just a few hours become three.

Robert had Rebecca's knickers pulled to one side but he still couldn't see anything, he dipped a finger of his right hand into her honey pot a few times and then he started to use his left hand to lift her skirt up while his right hand was easing her thighs further apart he was also encouraging her to slip a little further forward in her seat to make it easier for him. The more exposed Robert was making Rebecca the more time Danny was spending on the floor looking up at Rebecca and the view his friend Robert was showing him of Rebecca's lower body.

Danny staid submerged for too long once too often and brought the attention of the teacher who thought it was a simple case of Danny trying to look up Rebecca's skirt under her desk. The teacher's attention was fortunately on Danny rather than Rebecca and Robert giving them time to stop what they were doing and cover themselves up. Danny convinced the teacher he was just searching for his pen top to stop it drying up on him. Being best friends, Robert and Danny had exactly the same pens; Robert dropped his own pes's top on the floor and then pointed it out to the teacher.

The lesson was over before Robert could persuade Rebecca that it was safe to carry on again. They had to move rooms for the final lesson, Robert persuaded Rebecca to go to the toilet and take her knickers off for him so that he would have faster access to her pussy, Rebecca wouldn't usually have given it a thought before that day, the answer would have been an emphatic NO! But Rebecca had felt a boy's finger in her pussy, however fleeting it was in her it had felt great, she had never put a finger in her own body before, her mother's dire warnings 'that it could kill her if anything went in her in there before she was married' had put her off even thinking about tampons when her periods had recently started. Robert and Danny waited back for Rebecca outside the toilet and all the time it took her to remove her panties they argued about who would sit next to Rebecca for the final forty minutes. They needn't have bothered with the posturing though, the final lesson of the day was humanities and humanities was project based and so there would be on odd three and Danny and Robert would have to share with Rebecca as they had earlier.

Once the lesson started, Danny moved to the back row with Robert and Rebecca. Even though there was only really room for two seats behind the desk. Danny and Robert took no time at all in 'exposing' Rebecca, it started in the first second of the lesson, as Rebecca sat down at her desk, Robert quickly flicked her skirt back so that Rebecca was sitting with her bare bum cheeks against the cold seat, and as soon as Danny joined them they had the front of her skirt up and tucked its hem into its waistband. Rebecca was on edge from the outset, the teacher would usually pass around the class looking at the work the students were doing, Rebecca wouldn't have a chance at covering up if he did, she was further handicapped by the fact that not only was she totally exposed to the back of the room, she had a cock in each hand and was jerking the two boys off, much faster this time than she had been doing it earlier.

One of the groups at the front of the class had made a fundamental error in their reading of the assignment and when the teacher realised how far off track they were he had to sit down with them to help them out, as soon as he did that, Robert and Danny moved as one and slid Rebecca forward to the edge of her seat pushing her back against the backrest so that it looked like she was almost lying down on the seat. Danny was given the task of finger fucking Rebecca as she took care of both boys, she was really happy to reciprocate the pleasure that the boys were giving her even when Robert was close to his climax and rolled in his seat so that when he fired off it went all over her bare thighs and pussy, Danny taking great delight in scooping his friends cum up and massaging it into Rebecca's cunt.

Once Robert was satisfied his mind turned once again to his mobile phone, even though the school rules clearly stated that any phones spotted out during school hours would be confiscated, he managed to snap off a perfect picture of Danny's fingers as they disappeared into Rebecca's ginger snatch a she sat there fully on display. As the bell went for the end of school, Rebecca needed to rush off to get the school bus home but the boys wanted her to hang around with them, Robert had felt her pussy with his fingers and now he was desperate to feel it wrapped around his cock. "Danny's parents won't be home until eight o'clock at the earliest, we can have some fun and me and Danny will pay your bus fare home, ypu can phone your mum and tell her you are going to the library or something!"

Rebecca was very tempted and almost missed the bus home because of having to fight the two boys off on her way through to the bus stand. In the end she only got away by promising to meet the boys in the spinney again at lunchtime the next day. On Tuesday Rebecca had told her mother that she had woken up with stomach cramps, it wasn't really time for her to be visited by her monthly period but as she had only recently started them it wasn't unusual for the twenty-eight day cycle to get out of whack a few times. Rebecca got a note from her mother asking for her to be excused games that afternoon due to medical needs, Rebecca had persuaded her mother to say that she had a doctor's appointment instead of menstrual problems as the games teacher was a man and he didn't have any sympathy at all with 'girls' problems.

Tuesday started with double English, Rebecca tossed Robert off during that lesson, twice, then break, she told the boys that she was going home after lunch, she showed them the note from her mother during break, Robert pointed out that Rebecca's mother had taken her daughter literally, she had stated that Rebecca would have to leave school at one thirty in the afternoon instead of just the afternoon, Robert was first to point out the problem, "Now you'll have to actually go into the changing rooms and hand the note into the games teacher, if your mum had just put the afternoon we could have all gone out to Danny's house for dinner and just had fun, me and Danny often bunk off for the afternoon on Tuesday's, we don't like all that running around!" After break it was double maths, Danny sat next to Rebecca during maths and she tossed him off, the teacher was active during that lesson, she kept walking around so Rebecca had to keep stopping and Danny had to keep zipping up and opening again. The upshot of the act was that Danny hadn't actually shot off until the last few minutes of the lesson and he only had one climax. What was worse though, the boys had been very selfish and hadn't actually touched Rebecca at all during the morning, leaving her extremely frustrated by the time the lunch bell went off, Rebecca had just thought that the boys were being selfish or worse, uncaring what she didn't know was that it was all part of Robert's plan, Danny, as always just went along with whatever Robert wanted.

Robert and Danny went to Danny's house as soon as the dinner bell went; Rebecca went in the refectory and spent ten minutes eating lunch before running out of the back of the school building. She checked all around carefully before running across the grass to the back of the spinney. This time Robert and Danny had just arrived, they weren't eating their packed lunch as the previous day. Rebecca had pointed out the other clearing that was further away from where the lunch supervisor would be patrolling. Both boys knew the place but they also knew that the older students often went to that spot at lunchtime to smoke or take drugs or drink alcohol. Rebecca was shocked to see that both boys were already changed into their sports kit, shorts, t-shirt and trainers, they were equipped for anything the teacher had planned, but when he was on his own the teacher always chose cross-country running, so it was a safe bet for the treble period that afternoon.

Robert was carrying a pile of large cardboard boxes, he spread them out over the two pallets which he had also pulled together to make a platform almost six feet long, there were enough flattened out boxes to put several layers of triplex cardboard over the rough wooden pallet boards. Robert and Danny sat on the fallen tree, Rebecca just stood there, she was nervous about being in this clearing, especially since the boys had told her that the older students had been using this area for illicit smoking and everything, Rebecca was so confused, she had been looking after the boys needs all morning and now, she was here, she was desperate, well, this was only the second time in her life that she had been turned on, living in the country, even though Maureen had encouraged her daughter to mix with the local boys, sex just hadn't reared its head, Maureen had tried to be open but she was a product of the same education system, the same separation of the sexes at a young age, Maureen knew that it had stunted her emotional development as well as the emotional development of her husband and she knew that it wasn't the best way to grow up but Maureen just didn't have the skills to help her daughter.

There was no smile on Roberts face, Danny was desperately trying not to laugh, he knew what Robert had in mind, he also knew from experience that when Robert set his mind to something he could be very persuasive. Robert had a computer in his bedroom, he had started out just playing games on it, his father had a Wi-Fi internet connection in the living room because of work so Robert had used his father's computer a few times to access the World wide Web but always in the living room where his parents could see what he was doing. Robert had spent some of his birthday money without his parent's knowledge on a Wi-Fi dongle for his own pc in his room. Because his parents hadn't known that he could get the internet in his room, he was never checked up on in his room.

Robert had found his way into sex sites, he had introduced Danny to it and he had persuaded Danny to let him experiment with him in his bedroom, it wasn't a gay sex thing, t he boys had started out masturbating each other as they watched a man fucking a women. If you get one hundred men in a room and ask them if they have experimented with another boy before they turned thirteen, ninety five would say no and ninety of those would be lying, it was just a boy thing; almost every boy did it as a natural part of heterosexual development. Rebecca was feeling awkward, she didn't know if she should sit on the fallen tree or on the cardboard covered pallet, it had been so much easier the day before when Danny jumped up and told her to sit in his place. Rebecca was even more confused now with the boy's reaction to her, she had spent the morning being on edge as she masturbated both boys, risking getting caught by a teacher for over three hours and now Robert was ignoring her and Danny was looking very uncomfortable, he couldn't even look at her.

What Rebecca didn't know was that after watching more than a thousand men fucking more than a thousand women, Robert had no intention of getting to the end of this lunch break and still be a virgin. Robert and Danny's perception of sex had been slightly skewed by the internet, they had seen staged sex, portrayed by actors and actresses as the real thing, they had seen multiple men with one woman and the other way round and thought that was the normal thing, they had also seen far more than missionary sex and thought that was normal too.

Robert's face was set in stone, "Take your skirt off!" Rebecca almost jumped out of her skin, she had never heard Robert speak so sharply in the few weeks she had known him, he had always seemed so quiet, just him and Danny, keeping themselves to themselves. Rebecca said no as an automatic response rather than really meaning it. She was very confused, so turned on even though she didn't understand that concept but also very worried about getting caught as she had almost been caught several times during the maths lesson. "Well, fuck off back to the playground then if you're not going to do as you are told!"

Rebecca once again jumped, Robert sounded quite spiteful as he told Rebecca to go away, Rebecca just stood there, she knew that what she wasn't in love with Robert or anything, she didn't even have a crush on him but she thought that they had become friends after all she had done for him in the last day and a half. And the fact that Danny was still trying not to laugh and still couldn't look in Rebecca's direction was further adding to her confusion. Rebecca could feel tears welling into her eyes and then another jump as Robert said, "Well, go on, fuck off, get out of my sight you useless hay seed!"

Rebecca turned and walked to the edge of the spinney, Danny was about to call her back but Robert stopped him, Robert was use to getting his own way, he was very skilled at manipulating people. Robert was sure that Rebecca would be back, he hoped that she would be back in a few minutes but he was sure that she would return to him eventually and if he had her, he would pass her on to Danny after, Danny was his best friend after all, they had shared everything since kindergarten.

Rebecca got to the edge of the spinney and stopped, Mr. Harris was trying to fit the hurdles into the shed that the school used as a sports equipment store. The last session before lunch had been year nine, they had the help of an Amateur Athletics Association coach to help develop their field sports skills so Mr. Harris had been forced to do a proper sports lesson for them instead of just sending them off running the track ways that made up the five mile cross country course. There was just an outside chance that he would see Rebecca if she walked back towards the school building, Rebecca knew that Mr. Harris wasn't a conscientious member of staff, all he wanted to do was drift through life, do as little as he had to and collect his fat pay check at the end of the month. Rebecca knew that even if he saw her he would probably just turn and pretend he hadn't seen her at all.

Rebecca returned to the clearing, "Bomber Harris is in the way, I can't go back to the playground!" "Not my fucking problem, get your fucking skirt off now or piss off!" Robert was fighting hard to stop the smile breaking through his stony faced expression, he already knew that he had won, he, just like Rebecca, knew that of all the teachers at the school, the Bomber was the one you just knew would say nothing. Rebecca sniffed back the snot in her nose and wiped her eyes, she did a full three hundred and sixty degree scan around the clearing to make sure that no one else was around, then she placed her hand on the little belt that held her skirt up, Robert allowed a slight smile to cross his lops before pulling it back, "Get on with it!"

Rebecca slipped the thong from the buckle and felt the leather belt relax around her waist, then, wiping her eyes again and looking back towards the school building she unfastened the hook and eye holding her skirt closed and then the little zipper was pulled down. Rebecca's skirt fell to the floor and formed a puddle of material around her feet. Robert shook off the look of victory and excitement from his face and he used his index finger to beckon Rebecca to move closer to him, she took two steps, leaving her skirt on the dirty floor. "Knickers off!" Robert barked his order causing Rebecca to look over her shoulder to see if his increased volume had been noticed by Bomber Harris. She could just make him out as he fought to get the unwieldy hurdles to stay put inside the shed. "Go on; get your fucking knickers off!" Rebecca jumped once again and hooked her thumbs over the elasticicated waistband of her white school knickers, she paused a moment and scanned the area again, she was literally shitting herself that someone might stumble across her, "Oh! For Christ's sake, we've both seen your fucking cunt already yesterday, now stop fucking about and get on with it!" Rebecca pushed her hands down and then bent down to push her knickers all the way to the floor.

R obert snapped his fingers, "Come on, hand them over!" Rebecca handed Robert her panties and as she stood upright again her right hand covered her thin tangle og wiry ginger pubic hair. Robert allowed the smile to fight its way onto his face now that his plan was more than half way through, he snapped his fingers again, "Blouse!" Rebecca managed to fight her frustrations and fears, "What if someone comes and catches us like yesterday?" "Danny, stop fucking sniggering and keep lookout!" Rebecca had expected Danny to move to the edge of the spinney to watch out for teachers but he didn't, instead he just stood up on top of the fallen tree that he had just been sitting on, after all, he didn't want to miss any part of the show that Robert had planned for his lunchtime treat.

Rebecca wasn't overly reassured by Danny's version of keeping lookout; he was looking at her more than the world beyond the bushes of the spinney's clearing. "Come on, get your fucking blouse off!" Rebecca unbuttoned her blouse slowly, as the last button popped open Robert stood up, his patience finally exhausted, he stepped over to Rebecca and pulled the collar of her blouse, t hen forced her shoulder out of her blouse and pulled the sleeve down to her wrist. Robert was handling Rebecca quite roughly as he stripped her blouse from her body. Robert licked his lips as he cupped Rebecca's breast through her bra, Rebecca blushed as Robert grinned, "You cheating fucker, padded bra, Danny has bigger tits than you, come on, get it off!"

Rebecca was very new to the bra thing, she had only owned them for the few weeks since she started at the comprehensive school so she hadn't quite mastered the skill of fastening and unfastening it behind her back, she slipped the shoulder straps off over her arms and turned her bra so that she could slip the fastening hooks open. Robert took the bra from her, Robert now had all of her clothes and Rebecca was totally naked, well, apart from her white knee length socks. Even though Rebecca had very little in the way of breast mass, she was still standing there with her right forearm covering her top and her left hand covering her pussy. "Get your arms at your sides, I want to see you, all of you!"

Robert had seen literally thousands of naked women online, he had seen pictures of girls of Rebecca's age too online, and some even younger but this was his first real, naked girl and out in the school grounds at that. Robert took his phone out of his shorts pocket and took a picture of Rebecca, he was careful to get all of her body in the shot as well as the school buildings behind her, just to prove exactly where she was while she was nude.

Rebecca was very worried about Robert tasking pictures of her in the nude but her inner turmoil had her off tilt, there was a smouldering fire in the pit of her stomach, the day before the boys had put their fingers into her pussy, little more than an exploratory touch but it had lit the fuse and now her pussy was running faster than her brain could keep up, in her head her mother, Maureen's words were playing like a tape loop, 'nothing inside you until you marry' and 'putting things inside could kill you', but both message were playing to an empty house, Rebecca was listening to the voice in her pussy and that was telling her that she was about to have the most fun she had ever had in her entire life.

"Get on the pallet!" Rebecca sat on the edge of the pallet, "No you stupid cow, lay down on it!" Rebecca turned and walked on her hands and knees until she was in the centre of the two pallets before turning and settling down on her back. Robert took her ankles in his hands and spread her legs as wide as he could, Rebecca had been a keen dancer and could easily do the splits so for her, wide apart was really wide. Robert used his mobile phone to snap another picture of her with her legs wide open before kneeling on the pallet bed between her knees. Robert pulled his shorts down, once again there were no underpants, Robert's cock was already hard but his mushroom wasn't out from under his foreskin yet. Robert took his cock in his hand and pulled back to expose its head, "I'm going to do you now, I'm too young to make swimming sperms, even if they can swim, they won't be able to find their way up you for at least two years so you are perfectly safe!" Robert looked over his shoulder at Danny who was paying far too much attention to his friend and the naked Rebecca and far too little attention to keeping lookout, "When it's Danny's turn to do you his spunk is so immature that he could probably fuck you for four years before you needed to worry about him!" Robert laughed heartily at his joke at Danny's expense before falling forward and impaling Rebecca ob his cock.

Rebecca screamed out loud at the pain that shot through her lower body but Danny was ready for it, he had seen 'first time sex' on the internet several times and he had his hand over her mouth as she screamed out, it was still quite loud though, loud enough to make Danny nervous and make him look over towards the sports teacher in the equipment store. "Are you ok now?" Rebecca took a deep breath before nodding her head, "Good!" Robert took his hand from Rebecca's mouth, he had watched the fake sex acts so many times on his computer that he believed were real that he had no doubt in his mind that all he had to do was fall forward and nature would take care of lining everything up, he was fortunate that he hadn't been unlucky in his aim, he could have caused Rebecca a lot more pain or even damaged his own 'equipment' doing something like that.

Robert waited a second before he spoke again, "I've just broken through your hymen, that was what caused you all the p[ain, it will still hurt a little as I do you and it might hurt still when Danny has his turn but it will go away very quickly. You will be bleeding quite a lot too as well at the moment but that is just normal!" Having calmly explained to Rebecca what had happened, a little late it has to be said but if he had told her about the pain and the blood before he dropped on top of her, Maureen's words might have made Rebecca think twice about going through with it.

Rebecca lay there wondering where Robert got all of his information from, she had never heard anything like it before, she was unaware that the town kids did human biology in years four and five while her old headmistress had steadfastly refused to do the same for the village kids, the fact that Robert's information had been very much warped by his perceptions from his online activities and the few facts that he actually had been told he had forgotten didn't matter to him, Robert knew the theory and was now putting it into practice.

Robert began to fuck Rebecca slowly, she was looking at his face, he was looking somewhere above her head, he didn't want to make eye contact with her, he wasn't making love to his girlfriend, he was performing a biological experiment with a mate. Rebecca wondered if she should try to kiss him but again, he wasn't her boyfriend, just a mate. The pain soon wore off for Rebecca and she soon forgot her situation and began to enjoy her first fuck, she even got close to an orgasm before she heard Roberts telltale signs that he was about to shoot. Rebecca wanted to say, 'pull out, don't let it go in me', but she had no idea why, so she didn't, she just concentrated on the moment, the moment that she knew from her limited experience of boys and especially Robert that he was actually shooting.

Rebecca thought it strange that she could feel every twitch of Roberts cock as he fell against her gasping through his orgasm but didn't feel the actual liquid that she knew was spurting into her like a fountain from the eye in his cockhead. As Robert pushed himself off of Rebecca he found her panties and carefully rubbed his cock on the gusset, it turned instantly bright red from Rebecca's blood and suddenly, Rebecca was very worried again. Robert carefully turned Rebecca's knickers inside out and again, used the gusset to wipe between Rebecca's legs, there was even more blood along with a huge quantity of semi clear liquid that was running out of her little cunt.

"Come on Danny, swap places, and get on with it, we only have twenty-five minutes left!" Danny took his place between Rebecca's legs as Robert stood on the tree trunk he had his mobile phone in his hand. Danny took his shorts all the way off and he aimed his cock a little more carefully, he slipped into Rebecca's cunt without any pain, as his cock was slightly smaller that Roberts Rebecca hardly felt him get in her at all. Rebecca did actually feel him fucking her though, it hadn't been very long since Danny shot his last load in the maths lesson and he knew that it would take him much longer to fire off than it had taken him earlier. Danny had a suspicion that Rebecca might not be too keen on repeating the act again anytime soon, if ever so he was desperate not to lose his opportunity to shoot up into a girl.

Rebecca had her first ever climax and it blew her mind, she didn't verbalise but her moaning and groaning was quite loud, she had her eyes closed and really wished that Danny would kiss her to make the act complete, or at least add that extra dimension to the act to turn it from mere sex to loving. Danny finally climaxed, no huge jets of cum, Rebecca knew that, Danny was more a dribbler than a shooter but strangely, his spunk actually registered on Rebecca's body more than Robert's had, it must have been thicker or hotter or something but Rebecca felt it oozing into her as Danny finally climaxed. Rebecca opened her eyes, Robert wasn't looking out of the spinney, he had hi mobile phone in his hand and was photographing his friend as he fucked Rebecca, no, wait, there was no clicking sound, the red light was on constantly to say the camera was in use, it dawned on Rebecca that Robert wasn't photographing them, he was actually filming them. "Danny, wipe your cock on her knickers, make sure it's on the crotch though!"

Danny followed Robert's directions; there was very little extra blood to be deposited on Rebecca's knickers this time. "Now do what I did and wipe her out, use the crotch again and then hold them up for me!" Again Danny followed instructions, Rebecca's knickers were drenched and did little to mop up the combined thin spunk from Robert and the much thicker stuff from Danny, they just spread it around.

Robert checked his watch, "Pity we don't have time for the rest!" Rebecca propped herself up on her elbows, "What 'rest' are you talking about?" "You know, bum fucking, blow jobs, that kind of thing!" Rebecca looked blankly at Robert, she had no idea, she didn't have the internet at home, she didn't have the 'extracurricular' education that Robert and Danny had obtained. Robert explained what the two acts involved and also that he had hoped to do all three acts during their lunch break but that it was Rebecca's fault that they had run out of time because she hadn't done as she was told immediately.

Rebecca just lay there, still totally naked shaking her head, she couldn't believe it possible that a boy could put his cock into a girls bottom hole or even into her mouth, especially not after it had been in her lower body. "You're just a typical hay seed, backwards and thick. Everyone does it, both blow jobs and bum fucking, if you come round to my house I'll prove it to you!" "How?" Robert allowed himself another smile. "Get dressed, go over to the equipment store and give your note to Bomber Harris now, then go and wait at the bus stop on the main road, if a bus comes before me and Danny get to you, just step back, don't ruin things and fuck off home will you?" Rebecca made no commitment either way, she just dressed, leaving her knickers until the end, she wondered if she should throw them away and go without but spunk was already running down her inner thighs, she had no choice, blood stained and skanky as they were, she had to wear her knickers.

'If the bus comes, just get on it, wherever it's going' was running inside Rebecca's head. She watched as a string of her classmates ran from the school and turned right towards the common beyond the park, the last two runners were, as usual, Robert and Danny, they turned left instead of right and jogged over to Rebecca. As Robert took Rebecca's arm and pulled her, forcefully, from the bus stop she noticed the six-one-two bus, that would have dropped her off on the A43, close enough to walk into Overstone village and home.

When Robert and Danny bunked off school, they usually went to Danny's home, his parents both worked in London and so were guaranteed to be out until very late in the evening but Danny didn't have the internet at home and Robert needed to show Rebecca how 'normal' the sex acts were that he wanted her to take part in, so they would have to risk going to Roberts house, there was no certainty that they wouldn't be disturbed there, Robert's father worked locally and often did his office work at home, the main reason they had the internet at home.

Robert only had the backdoor key, so they took the back alleyways, ther were two reasons, there was less chance of the truant officer catching them out of school and less chance of his neighbours spotting him towing a reluctant girl to his house. Robert unlocked his backdoor as quickly as he could and pushed Rebecca ahead of him, then he and Danny ran into the kitchen laughing out loud as they ran. The boys skidded to a halt, t he look of shock clearly evident on both of their faces. "Hello Robert, Danny, and who is this then?" Danny said "Hi Mr. Sykes!" And had an awkward look on his face. Robert looked like he was about to crap himself but not as much as Rebecca felt that she looked. Robert forced himself to recover, "This is our friend from school, her name is Rebecca, we had games this afternoon but old Bomber Harris just sent us out running again, that's so boring!"

Roberts father smiled, "Well then, don't make a mess, keep out of my bedroom, keep out of the drinks cabinet and remember, your mother will be home at four o'clock, don't let her catch either of your friends here when she gets home, open your bedroom window and spray air-freshener around when you finish. Danny, why don't you show Rebecca the way to Robert's room while I have a little chat with him!" Danny took Rebecca's hand and guided her from the kitchen, as they passed through the door Rebecca heard, "Don't get caught playing truant and definitely don't get caught playing with that..." Rebecca looked back and saw that Robert's father was pointing in her direction, "If they catch you doing her, it won't just be expulsion and a new school on the other side of the county, it'll be St. John's school!" St. John's school was the local 'bogey-man', a notorious local approved school where all the bad boys of Northamptonshire ended up, it was one step down from borstal but it was still part of the prison service and they locked you up at night.

It dawned on Rebecca that Robert's father knew exactly what Robert had planned, well, maybe not exactly but he knew that she had been brought there for sexual purposes and all he was concerned about was that Robert's mother and no one else in authority found out about it. As soon as Roberts bedroom door closed he was on her, Robert was snatching at her buttons and fasteners but she fought him off, "No, not with your father in the house, he could become suspicious at any time and come up to see what we are doing!" "Don't be so stupid, he knows exactly what we brought you here for, that's why he was warning me not to get caught doing you, he didn't say not to do you, just not to get caught!"

Rebecca stopped fighting and she was once again stripped totally naked, even her socks this time. Danny also stripped off totally, this was a first time for Rebecca, seeing a boy, totally naked, Danny didn't look too bad naked, what had looked like fat under his school clothes turned out to be muscles. Danny never made a big thing of it but his father had paid a lot of money on soccer schools and outward bound camps, a way to get his son out of the house but also a way to try and separate him from Robert's bad influence and build up his character. Robert had been right about one thing, Danny did have bigger breasts than Rebecca but in his case it wasn't fat, it was well toned muscle.

"I want to fuck you in your arse!" Robert was being course but he was still fully dressed, Danny was stroking his hands all over Rebecca's body, savouring every inch of her little 'girly' body. "Can me and Danny do in your arse?" Rebecca didn't like the sound of that but she didn't say yes, she didn't say no either. "Come on, everybody is doing it, I'll bet your mother and father do it all the time or you'd have a hundred brothers and sisters by now!" Robert turned his old computer on, it took quite a while to load up and log into the wireless network, then Robert proceeded to find the sites with the best pictures and video clips of women getting their anal passageways washed out with men's spunk. Some very fat cocks, very long ones too and the women in each film seemed to not only take it all up her 'dark-side' she seemed, in each case, to be enjoying it too.

"Let me do that to you!" "No, not this time, I mean, well, maybe next or some other time!" Rebecca was trying to phrase her rejection in a way that Robert would accept her rejection and not totally close the doors on a possible replay of the afternoon so far, although, once she had finished her orgasm in the spinney clearing she had regretted it intensely and had vowed to herself not to do it again, but here she was, naked and sitting on Roberts bed with Danny pawing her all over.

"A blow job then, everybody does that as well!" Robert switched his search criteria, he flashed up hundreds of pictures of women sucking men's cock off, huge fat cocks, long to and from the pictures some women could take exceedingly long cocks all the way into their mouths and down into their throats, Rebecca developed a sore throat just looking at the pictures. "Come on, give us a suck Rebecca, if you don't want to, then why did you come with us?" "Look, if you let me off of the bum thing and wash your penises, I'll let you put it in my mouth, is that good enough?" Robert started to take the micky out of Rebecca's choice of words, "Oh! Wash your penises, la-de-da!" then he realised that she was offering to suck his cock and all he had to do was wash his dick.

Suddenly there was a noise outside Roberts bedroom door, Rebecca froze and looked at the door handle, she was expecting to see it turn and the door open with Robert's father on the other side, there was a keyhole in the door but no key so Sid, Roberts father could be watching them right then through the hole in the door. 'Tap-tap', it sounded like the door was being knocked, Robert froze for a second, took a deep breath and called out, "Is that you dad?" There was no response, Rebecca thought that she heard a noise out on the landing and then the stared beyond, Robert waited a while before opening the door, Rebecca and Danny moved so that the opening door would keep them hidden from view if Sid was waiting out there. Rebecca relaxed when she saw a smile cut into Robert's worried expression.

Rebecca relaxed and peeked around the edge of the door, there was a large duffel bag on the landing, right outside of Robert's bedroom door; it definitely hadn't been there when the three kids had gone into the bedroom just thirty minutes earlier. "I think that is my dad's old video equipment, he used to use it to film weddings a few years ago!" Robert looked back at his computer, "I got that from my dad when he stopped making wedding DVD's, the camera and the PC were a package, I think all the software for the camera is still probably on it!"

Robert carried the heavy bag into his bedroom, "Ever since he got his new HD camera he has been promising to give the old equipment to me but he always said that it was buried way at the back of the garage and would take a while to dig it out for me!" Robert pulled a very large camera out of the bag and passed it to the naked Danny to hold while he rooted in the bag again, there was a collapsible tripod in the bag, some films and cables. "See, my dad knew exactly why we came here this afternoon!" Danny had tried to switch the camera on, pressing every button he could, "The battery must be flat!" Robert took the camera from him and looked it over, he popped the battery out of the bottom of the camera and looked at it.

Robert had no idea that his father had taken a few seconds to push a strip of black insulation tape into the battery compartment so that the battery terminals couldn't make contact with the connections inside the camera. "Check the bag to see if there is a charging lead in it!" "No, just a few cables, there is a USB cable; some cameras can be charged from a computer!" Robert snatched the lead from Danny's hand; he pushed the smaller plug into the camera and the larger one into the socket on the PC. The camera lit up, the small screen showed a sign that there was no battery installed even though Robert had just rammed it home. Suddenly the PC started chattering and whirring like a demented chipmunk, messages were flashing on the computer screen, things like 'Camera detected', Software update condensing', 'Webcam detected' and 'Eye-chat room opening'.

Rebecca's image appeared on the screen in all my naked glory, "Well..." Robert said, "It seems to work OK even with a busted battery!" One of the messages that had flashed up too quickly to be read by the three kids was, 'Network server connected', another was, 'Automated backup to external network drive initiated'. All the software was, it seemed, still in the PC and functioning exactly the way that Sid had set it up. When Sid was making wedding DVD's as a money making sideline he had set the PC up to back up to a blank DVD in the DVD writing bay but the software had been written to chose the best option available to make the back up too and now that computers had moved on in specification and dropped in price, for under a hundred pounds you could add a Wi-Fi hard disc drive to any network, Sid had one on his system just so that he never lost any work when he was working from home if his laptop or computer ever crashed.

Robert left Danny to set the camera onto the tripod while he went to the bathroom to wash his cock, Rebecca just sat on the edge of the bed beginning to feel a little self conscious at just sitting there in the nude. Robert returned to the room and he was also naked, Rebecca compared the two boys, she had done it several times before but never in the nude, now that the clothes were all stripped away she had changed her mind about them, in the past she had considered Robert the 'Alpha' and Danny very much the second or inferior article, now, in the nude, Danny was head and shoulders better than Robert, Robert's 'Alpha' status all came from his mouth and his scheming ways. Rebecca hadn't started looking at boys as potential 'boyfriend' material, her mother had forbidden her to have a boyfriend until she was sixteen, Maureen had hoped that by allowing her daughter to get use to boys, to see them as 'normal' and not 'special' her daughter would not experiment with sex out of curiosity.

Robert fussed around the issue of where to stand so that there was enough light for the camera, he didn't want his first movie to be ruined by poor lighting. He even moved Rebecca so that she was sitting in the full sunlight coming in through his bedroom window before standing in front of her and thrusting his hips at her. It wasn't easy, it didn't come naturally at all to Rebecca but as she finally got Roberts cock all the way in her mouth, the tip of her nose rubbing gently against the few hairs that were growing above Roberts cock. Danny just stood there with his mouth wide open, he, like Robert had seen it on Roberts PC but this was real life, this was his friend, his friend getting his cock sucked for the first time, Danny's jaw dropped further when it dawned on him that after Robert was finished it would be his turn.

Danny wasn't needed to run the camera, it was on the tripod and Robert and Rebecca weren't moving about, so he managed to break his eyes away from watching the blowjob and ran for the bathroom, he needed a pee but also, he needed to wash his cock as quickly as he could so that he could get his cock sucked as soon as Robert was finished.

Danny returned to the bedroom just as Rebecca was getting the shock of her life, she had realised that Robert was close to his climax, she was very new to sex but had quickly spotted the telltale signs when both Danny and Robert were about to shoot off, or dribble out in Danny's case. Rebecca was just sitting there with her mouth slightly open, just her lips making contact with Roberts cock, she wasn't actually sucking him off, if Robert had described it as sucking off rather than blowjob she may have been more helpful, Robert may have been at the shooting ground far quicker but Robert had got there in the end and was very happy as he felt his juice starting to boil out of his balls, he did change one thing though, all the time he was using Rebecca's mouth he had stood with his hands at his side, Rebecca had been sitting with her hands on the bed, holding herself upright, but as Robert had slipped from her mouth a few times she had just started using the thumb and forefinger of her right hand to hold his cock steady and that had been the trigger for Robert's orgasm, the additional friction of her fingers on his cock, at the last moment Robert had grabbed Rebecca's head, his arms totally blocking the shot from the camera, his hands pulled her head against his belly hard as he finally boiled over into her mouth.

The shock of the end game and the pain caused by having her nose rammed hard against Robert's pubic bone had caused Rebecca to gasp, just as the freight train delivered Roberts seed into her mouth and as she gasped, directly into her throat and windpipe. The taste had also come as a shock to her, she had just watched several women on the PC take spunk in their mouths, even opening their mouths to show the camera as they drank it all down and from the look on their faces it looked like it tasted good, 'god how wrong they were' ran through her mind as she came close to vomiting.

Rebecca's reaction shocked Robert, he also had no idea that men's semen didn't taste like honey, he'd watched it thousands of times and had no idea how bitter it could be or that it could make a girl retch the way that Rebecca was retching there in front of him. Robert panicked, when he had time to plan things out, he was a confident man, when things went wrong he slipped back into the little boy he really was. In his panic Robert dashed out of his bedroom, he was still naked but all thoughts of that had disappeared from his head, he ran down stairs and into the kitchen, it was only when he found the kitchen empty that he remembered that he was totally naked and he was thankful that his father wasn't still sitting at the table. Robert started to fill a glass with cold water from the tap and as he waited for the glass to fill, he realise that he could hear Danny comforting Rebecca, not from the direction of the stairs but from the dining room where his father had his make-shift office. Once the glass was full, Robert peeked through the serving hatch between the kitchen and the dining room, he could see Danny and Rebecca, sitting on the bed, both still naked, Danny had his arm around Rebecca's shoulder and was trying to soothe her with soft, kind words, Robert could see genuine concern on Danny's face, he could also see a pile of used tissues on the floor at the side of his father's seat, 'Fucking hell, my dad has been whacking off watching Rebecca' ran through Roberts head, then he saw Rebecca's hand shoot to her mouth as she tried to hold back another retch and Robert ran back up to give her the water.

It hadn't even crossed Roberts mind that Sid was actually watching him as well as Rebecca; his father had been masturbating to his own sin fucking a girl's mouth. Rebecca took a huge gulp of water, that caused her to cough violently, Robert noticed that his rubbish bin had signs of Rebecca's vomit as well as the streaks of his semen in the bottom of it, no problem though, it was a a steel bin and would easily wash out. Rebecca took several smaller swallows of her water but stopped drinking when the glass was half empty. Danny was still fussing around Rebecca like an old mother hen, "Have you had enough to drink?" Rebecca managed to make a little smile for him, "I need to keep some for after you finish!" Danny jumped slightly, both his body and, more importantly, his cock, "You mean after all that you are willing to let me try it too?" "Well, you wanted to didn't you?" Danny's face beamed out, he had a silly, schoolboy grin on his face as his head nodded vigorously in the biggest 'YES' he could manage.

Robert smiled too, he had considered telling them that his father was watching everything from his own computer in the dining room but that wasn't Robert's way at all, in fact, Robert was already into planning mode again.

When Rebecca was ready Danny stood in front of her and offered his erect cock for her mouth, "Stop, Don't do it that way, here, Rebecca, just get in the middle of the bed and lay on your back and Danny, you kneel up by her head!" Robert was dismounting the camera from the tripod as Rebecca and Danny got into his suggested positions. Robert opened Rebecca's legs as wide as he could, proving that she could easily do the splits, then Robert began filming his friends as Rebecca sucked Danny's cock but Robert was filming up from between Rebecca's legs.

Danny quickly realised that it would take him ages to climax with just the pressure of Rebecca's lips against his shaft, so he began to give her suggestions to try different things to give himself more pleasure. As Danny and Rebecca tried different things, sucking, licking the cockhead and things Robert was looking around for something to make it more interesting for his father. Robert spotted hi torch, one of those heavy, metal, kind of torch, almost indestructible, he got it and used it to illuminate Rebecca's cunt, drawing his father's eye to Rebecca's pussy, Robert was looking at his own PC screen to gauge the effect, the beam of light made little difference to the picture as Rebecca's body was in the full sunlight, he moved the light closer to Rebecca's cunt, then he just went all the way and pushed the torch all the way in. The picture suddenly went very shaky as Rebecca went wild.

Robert managed to slip the camera back onto the tripod and keep it aimed at Rebecca's cunt then he began to use the torch to drive Rebecca wild as he masturbated her with it. As Rebecca began to climax she also went wild with her mouth, sending Danny over the top in a flash. There wasn't any jets like Robert had fired into her mouth, Danny just dribbled, Rebecca was able to hold Danny's load in her mouth as she milked every last drop from his cock, she remembered the reaction that both boys had when the woman in the films opened her mouth to show the camera that she had a full load in there before swallowing it open mouthed to prove that she had done it and Rebecca decided to do the same for Danny. Robert grabbed the tripod when he realised what Rebecca was doing, he didn't have the time to remove the camera from it. Rebecca wasn't actually playing to the camera, she was doing it for Danny but Robert managed to capture it all as Rebecca showed Danny his semen in her mouth, and considering Danny had already climaxed twice in just a few hours, there was one hell of a load in her mouth, so much so that some of it escaped before she could start to swallow and it dribbled down over her flat chest.

Danny and Robert both almost climaxed again just from watching the show that Rebecca was putting on with the spunk in her mouth before she finally swallowed it. She drank the rest of the water as soon as the spunk had finished slipping down her throat. Robert was so turned on that he put the camera down and pushed Rebecca back onto her back on the bed and got on top of her and fucked her with all of his might, he was throwing himself down on top of her so hard that it caused Danny to tell him to calm down as Danny could see that Robert was hurting Rebecca. Rebecca, on the other hand, was having her mind totally blown out, her little act for Danny, on top of the torch being rammed up her had left her so turned on that she actually welcomed the pounding that Robert was giving her, it was giving her an even better orgasm than she had form the torch.

Robert fired off into Rebecca and rolled away, she propped herself up on her elbows and looked over at Danny, she was drenched in sweat and was gasping from the exertions of her orgasms, watching her fuck Robert had brought Danny back to life and as he stood there looking down ar the stream running out of Rebecca's pussy his cock was like a flagpole waving in the wind, "You want another go before I have to go home?" Rebecca couldn't believe herself, she was actually encouraging Danny to fuck her because he was just standing there looking and not making the move himself.

As Danny aimed his cock and eased it into Rebecca's cunt she had a little conversation with herself, as she was being dragged to Roberts house she had considered that this was not her first time but, rather her last time, now as Danny slowly fucked her to a slow but powerful orgasm, she was wondering when they would be able to repeat the experience.

All hell broke loose, Sid rushed in the bedroom, Rebecca had a heart attack, well almost, after all, she had no idea that Sid had been watching the whole thing on his own PC downstairs, Danny instantly lost his erection as he rolled away from Rebecca. "Get dressed, NOW! Your mother is home early!" Sid was rushing around Robert's room like a mad man, he pulled the plug on the camera and threw it under Roberts bed as the kids were all getting dressed, then he hit the music player on Roberts PC to start loud music playing. Sid straightened the bedding while the three kids finished dressing and he threw some playing cards on the bed to look like the four of them were playing cards.

The four of them sat on Robert's bed quickly, just as Kay, Robert's mother, walked into the room. All four sat there holding cards, Sid looked nervously at the time, it was three thirty-five, the kids could have easily got home from school by then, so one less thing to try and explain away. Kay told Rebecca and Danny that they would have to go home as she needed to clean the house, there was a funny smell coming from somewhere, and she would need to get dinner ready too, she reminded Robert that she didn't allow him to have friends home after school; he was supposed to be doing his homework.

Danny offered to walk Rebecca to the bus stop and wait with her while her bus came but Sid stepped in, even though he had no idea where Rebecca lived, he said that he had to pop into his office to pick up some paperwork, he kissed Kay's cheek, "If I'm not back by the time dinner is finished, just keep mine warm in the oven until I'm back!" Rebecca thought it was a little strange that Sid had said that he knew where she lived, even though he didn't know her from Adam, or should that be Eve? But that aside, she was happy that Sid hadn't made a big deal about catching her on his son's bed, totally naked with his son's best friend between her thighs, fucking her brains out.

But, what Rebecca had no idea about was that Sid had seen everything in glorious Technicolor as it happened and, just like his son, Sid was a planner too. Sid didn't ask Rebecca where she lived until after they were well away from his house. "Overstone village!" Sid got Rebecca's full name and address out of her as they drove along the A43 towards her village, "What's your dad's first name?" "Why?" "I just think I could have been at school with him!" Rebecca told him her father's name, "No, it wasn't him!" Sid pulled off of the A43 and into a lay-by just short of the village, Rebecca knew the lay-by well, some of the busses didn't go into her village and those would drop her off in that same lay-by. Sid pulled to a stop as far from the road and bus stop as he could. Rebecca went to pull the handle to open her door, she had thought, quite reasonably, that Sid was going to drop her off at the bus stop and let her walk the last few hundred yards home to avoide any awkward questions if she were spotted getting out of his car.

Before Rebecca had managed to open the door, Sid had his key out of the ignition and had pressed the lock button twice to deadlock the cars doors. "You aren't in a hurry are you?" Rebecca shrugged her shoulders, "Your school but wouldn't get you home for ages yet would it?" Sid was under the impression that Rebecca had been playing truant all afternoon, just as his son and Danny had been, Rebecca didn't see the point in telling Sid that she was out of school under the cover of a letter from her mother, Rebecca shook her head, she checked the clock in the dashboard, "Not for thirty or forty minutes I suppose!"

"I watched everything!" "What?" "I watched you and my son and you and Danny, I saw the little show you put on with Danny's spunk in your mouth, I loved that bit best, that and my son fucking you with his torch. And now that you have had a little spunk on your tiny titties, they might start to grow a little, they say that a vitamin E rub is great for starting a girls tits growing!"

That was all crap of course, Rebecca's late development issues were all due to her dancing, as most people know, a girl needs a certain level of fatty tissue to convert into breast mass and to widen her hips, Maureen had been fastidious about what she had fed her daughter, mainly a vegetarian diet with a little broiled chicken or poached fish to give her enough energy to complete her dance lessons, this had kept Rebecca elf-like and small, which was another thing that kept her apart from the rest of the kids at her new school. In her village and the surrounding area, every girl of her age did ballet lessons as well as some modern jazz and tap, her primary school even had dance classes for the girls as part of their physical education, Mrs Walker was of the opinion that activities like netball, hockey and la-cross were all far too masculine for her girls. The comprehensive school had no funds or inclination towards dance, they were geared up to producing workers for local factories and as Rebecca had so little time left in her week for danc lessons, she had dropped out of dance all together.

"So, how long have you been sexually active?" The casual way that Sid had asked the question made Rebecca smile to herself. 'Yes, I guess I am sexually active now' went through her mind, "Since yesterday!" What? Who with? Robert and Danny?" It was Sid's turn to look shocked now. Rebecca just nodded her head, "Yes, Robert and Danny!" "And after just one day you are into sucking boys off and being filmed as well as putting on that professional show for the camera?" 'The camera' repeated in Rebecca's head, 'so, Sid wasn't watching through the keyhole like a peeping Tom, he must have rigged the camera somehow to show him what they were seeing on Roberts PC screen'!

"So, did you like sucking cock then?" Rebecca was a little surprised by the question, 'why would Sid want to know that?' Rebecca sat silently mulling over her response, should she just ignore it, should she answer it truthfully or tell him to mind his own business, 'what was the truth?' Rebecca thought it over a little more, it had been a little nasty with Robert but Danny had made up for all of that, the taste of a man's sperm was a little disgusting, a little strong for someone who didn't eat things with strong flavours, mainly boiled or roast vegetables in all of her life but on the whole, "Yes, I did mainly like it the way I did it with Danny!" Slipped out of her mouth before she could stop it.

Sid's left hand slipped down the front of his seat, Rebecca realised that her mouth was drying up, just like it had the day before as she was walking towards Danny and Robert in the woods for that first time, there was a noise and Sid's seat slipped back along the rails in the floor and away from the steering wheel, Rebecca had been looking into Sid's eyes before he slipped towards the back of the car, now Rebecca could see very clearly that Sid's right hand was in his lap, he was rubbing himself through his trousers, and her eyes bugged out of her head slightly as she realised the size of the thing, she had thought that Robert's and Danny's cocks had been huge, especially when they first broke through her hymen, but from the outline of what she could see through Sid's trousers, they were very small indeed.

"It's been a very long time since I had a girl of your age suck my cock for me!" Sid had spent the drive out to Overstone Village making plans, he would try to get Rebecca to agree to sex with him of her own free will, but he had his copy of the film that his son had taken of Rebecca and now he knew her father's name and address, he could blackmail her into doing whatever he wanted if she were even the slightest bit reluctant.

Now that Sid's seat was as far back as it could be, he reached over to stroke the back of her head, the wiriness of her ginger hair taking him by surprise, as he brushed his fingers through her hair he was applying gentle pressure, pulling her head towards him slightly, "Would you like to give my cock a little suck darling?" 'Darling' took Rebecca by surprise, if her door had been unlocked she would have bolted through it, 'darling' was a word that a lover would use, Rebecca had difficulty in associating love with sex, her mother and father loved her, her four grandparents too, she couldn't imagine sex with them, Robert and Danny had shown no love at all, what they were doing was just, well, mates, looking after each other's needs, not lovers, just mates.

Sid was pulling Rebecca a little harder now, she was resisting slightly but she was starting to bend over slightly, her head lowering towards Sid's lap. Sid began to ease his zipper down and eventually managed, with a struggle, to get his cock out through the hole. As soon as Sid's cock hit the fresh air it started to grow even longer, even fatter, the pungent smell was far stronger than Danny and Robert's smells combined. Seeing Sid's cock in the open, seeing it go to another level of magnitude in size, both length and thickness, reduced Rebecca's reluctance and her head shot down, Sid stopped pulling when Rebecca's mouth was so close to Sid's cock that she could feel the heat of the blood, radiated from his cockhead against her lips.

Rebecca seemed to freeze, it seemed to her like she had been hovering over Sid's lap for an eternity, just looking down at his cock, but time in those circumstances was an illusion, it seemed to bend, slip, stretch and shrink, depending on exactly what was happening, the thought passed through her mind that just two days earlier, she hadn't seen a single man/boy's cock in her life, not on TV, not in any books, not in a film or the internet and now, she had seen one man's cock and two boy's cocks in real life and hundreds on Robert's PC.

A gentle press on the back of Rebecca's head, her mouth was already open in anticipation, teeth were suddenly an issue, there had been no problem with Robert's or Danny's cocks but Sid's cock was a monster and he jumped and griped about her scraping her teeth along the length of his cock. It made Rebecca's jaw ache forcing her mouth open so wide to accommodate the sheer girth of Sid's cock but she remembered the lessons that she had learned from Danny and she employed all of them to try and bring Sid off a little faster so that her jaw could relax.

Sid's telltale signs weren't as easy to read as Roberts or Danny's but there was a jet of bitter precum that fired out just before Sid was about to climax into her mouth, Sid suddenly pulled her face away, "fucking hell girl, that was fantastic, you're a real pro at cock sucking!" Rebecca laughed but she was very confused, 'was that it, one tiny jet', the boys fired off a hundred times that amount of juice, even after several climaxes. "I don't have the same recycle rate as the boys, I can only cum once in an hour and I want to put that cum in your tight little pussy!"

Rebecca jumped back slightly at that, Robert had told her that it was totally safe to let him fuck her because his spunk couldn't make her pregnant for at least two years and Danny would probably be more like three years of safe sex but Sid, that was a fish of a different colour, he could definitely make her pregnant. "Don't worry; you can't fall pregnant while you are on your monthlies!" Sid had spotted the bloody crotch in Rebecca's knickers and had assumed that it was from menstrual blood, not from her ruptured maiden head. Rebecca knew deep down inside that she was nowhere close to her period but all it took for a very turned on girl was a little reassurance, especially from an adult to make her think she was safe.

"Can we go into the woods to do it? I don't want to have to stop if a bus comes in or another car!" 'What the hell was it with the Sykes family' she thought, 'why do they all seem to want to fuck in the woods?' Sid led Rebecca through the woods, he didn't realise it but he was taking her ever closer to her own house, her road ran along the other side of the woods, eventually they arrived at the rear of Rebecca's father's garage, a solid brick wall to one side and a wall of bushes to the other, there was only a very narrow path leading to the space behind the garage that had been caused by the builders when they had cleared the land to build the garage.

Sid pushed Rebecca against the wall, he pulled at her blouse, yanking the buttons open, Rebecca knew that the place was just a few feet from her house but so much wanted to feel Sid's massive cock in her cunt that she would have let him do it on her front lawn with her father and mother looking on. "In Robert's bedroom, it looked like you could do the splits, can you?" Sid pulled Rebecca's bra up and over her head still fastened, the blouse and bra were discarded on the ground, Rebecca was shocked by the ferocity of Sid's attack on her but still managed to nod her head that she could in fact do the splits. Sid kissed her on the mouth, as she was so small, he had to bend down quite a long way to kiss her. Rebecca tried to fight off the kiss, letting him put his cock in her was one thing, that was just an act of friendship but kissing, that was reserved for family and for her future boyfriend.

"Can you do that dance move where you stand on one leg and lift the other to do the standing splits?" Rebecca knew the move that Sid was asking about but it was far too advanced for her, she also knew that there was usually a male dancer holding the ballerina as she performed that move. Rebecca shrugged her shoulders, she knew the stance but had never tried it before, "I might be able too!" "Can you show me?" Rebecca had two choices, she could get Sid to hold her waist or use the wall, she chose the latter.

Rebecca pressed her bare back against the rough brickwork, then she took a deep breath and lifted her left foot off of the ground and quickly raised her foot in a kicking motion until g=her foot was higher than her head. There was a quick flash of the dark red crotch of her knickers as her school skirt flew out slightly, Sid's face opened into a wide smile, "That was great, can you keep your foot up longer?" Again, Rebecca shrugged her shoulders, she had no idea, that was the first time she had tried to do it in her life but it was only a matter of strength in her right leg and balance, so she nodded her head. Sid stopped her doing it for a moment; he rolled the top of her skirt over and over to rill her skirt up and out of the way. He also pulled her knickers down and got her to step out of them before throwing them onto her blouse and bra.

"Right, do it now so that I can see everything!" As Rebecca lifted her left foot above her head Sid opened his trouser zip and he stepped into her, he caught her left leg between his chest and her body. He bent his hips to lower himself so that his cock was lined up with Rebecca's cunt and thrust his hips forward. It was uncomfortable for Sid to squat so low, it was uncomfortable for Rebecca too, Sid's massive cock was almost splitting Rebecca's tiny cunt wide open but that pain was very welcome to Rebecca. Sid crouched down as long as he could before standing up, Rebecca's bare back and bottom were dragged up the rough brick wall. Sid pounded his meat into Rebecca without mercy, he was fucking her the way his son had done after using his torch on her.

Rebecca was crying out in pain now, she was dangling on Sid's cock, her back grazed rather than actually bleeding the pain was both torture as well as pleasure and it took Sid scant minutes to fire off and fill her totally. Sid must have shot off a gallon of spunk up into Rebecca's cunt. He kept her forced against the wall as he recaptured his breath and as his cock shrank and fell from her body he allowed her to fall to the ground in a heap of arms and legs. Sid used a handkerchief to clean his cock, his massive size had once again opened the tare inside of her pussy that had been her hymen until a few hours earlier, Sid put the blood streaks he was cleaning off of his cock as, once again, Rebecca's menstrual bleed.

Rebecca lay on the ground in a crumpled heap until she got her breath back and Sid stood there looking down at her lovingly. When Rebecca finally stood up Sid realised that her pain was only partly due to his cock and rough handling but was also due to the grazed skin on her back, Sid rubbed Rebecca's back, he apologised for the roughness then, "The skin is a little grazed but at least it isn't bleeding!" Rebecca had left her bag in Sid's car, so, even though they were standing right at the back of her own garage, she had to walk all the way back to Sid's car to get it.

"Do you like school?" "No!" "Do you like sex?" Rebecca walked along thinking for a while, then, "Yes, very much!" "What? Even when it hurts like just then?" "Well, it did hurt but it was OK really!" "Do you like sex better than school?" "A lot better than school!" Now it was Sid's turn to walk quietly for a while!

At the car, Sid passed Rebecca her school bag, but he didn't let go of it, so he was holding Rebecca there using her bag. "If I could find a way for you to stop having to go to school and have sex every day, not only that but, I could get you lots of lovely presents and a little money too. Would you be interested?" Rebecca nodded her head. "I have a few friends who like to have sex with girls like you, let me have a little chat with a few of them and I'll get back to you, you'll have to go to school for a few more days but I think I have a few ideas!"

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We desperately need more and yet more from this talented writer, who captures the provincial British atmosphere so well.


This is the second story of yours I have read, and again I must compliment you on getting into the head of your young heroine. The way she thinks and behaves is very credible. Your writing style is extremely good and I can only echo Billy's comment that you are a talented writer.


Hell, what a story. I got off 3 times reading it. Are there anymore?

The reviewing period for this story has ended.