The Photographer

[ M/g, M/F, nc, interrac, anal, voy, exhib ]

Published: 14-Jul-2011

Word Count:

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This story contains fiction of an adult nature. It may contain themes involving Incest, under age sex, rape, bestiality, drugs or alcohol abuse. If these subjects make you uncomfortable please exit now. The story is meant for the entertainment of adults as defined by tour local government or society, if you are below this age please exit now. The author does not condone or encourage anyone to act in real life the way the characters depicted in this story act.

There's a photographers shop at the side of the bus stand where we catch the bus home, we often end up standing outside the shop for thirty minutes at a time. Recently the photographer put a large photograph of a young girl performing a ballet move, the edges of the girl's tutu were slightly blurred giving the impression of movement in a still photograph, Amy has taken to copying the girls stance and twirling around in the street as if she knew what to do properly. I noticed that each time Amy danced outside the shop the owner would stop what he was doing and watch Amy 'goofing off'.

One hot summer's day we had been standing longer than usual, Amy had gotten fed up dancing around and was sitting on the footrest of William's buggy, William was starting to moan that he was thirsty, I was also fractious, there was a man waiting, should have been waiting, to install a new telephone connection box at home so that we could use the Internet, James had brought me a PC because I had decided to return to education to get a qualification for when the kids were all out at school and didn't need my undivided attention, and I was already late. I heard the bell ring, the bell connected to the small photographers shop door, Jason Wrightam came out into the street, Jason was well known around the town, he photographed almost every wedding in the villages around the North of Bedfordshire, "I hope you don't mind me coming out here but I haven't seen a bus going your way for two hours!" I said, "Shit!" Under my breath which suddenly echoed out of Laura's mouth several times before Amy chastised her, and me, "Mummy, you should say 'poo' not the naughty word!" I nodded my head, "Problem?" Jason seemed genuinely concerned, "I should have been home to let the telephone guy in!" I looked at my watch, "Ten minutes ago!" "Is there anyone who you could ring to let him in if he's still there?" It only took a moment for me to think about it, one of James's friend's from church had a key to our house and we had one for his, just in case of emergencies. "You can use the phone in the shop to ring if you like!"

I took up Jason's kind offer and the four of us followed Jason into his tiny shop, I had to go into an even smaller room, which Jason used as his office, to use the phone, the office was at the side of a very small area used for taking passport photographs and pictures of small groups, I could see all three children and the bus stop through the window, I managed to get in touch with James's friend and he could see the workman standing on our drive looking like he was about to go back to his van and leave, so I sent him off to let the guy in and stay with him while he did the small job.

When I left the office all three children were eating iced lollypops and I was offered a cold coke, I made an excuse about the bus, "There are fifteen people there now, if a bus comes now it will take longer to get the passengers on than it will take you to finish one small drink!" I once again, accepted Jason's kind offer, and as I drank Amy stopped sucking on her lollypop long enough to ask if we would have the Internet tonight. Jason's ear's pricked up, "Are you going on the internet for the first time?" Amy shook her head, "No we use it at school all the time but it will be the first time at home, the first time my mum has been on it!"

Jason took one of his business cards and wrote a web address on it, "This is a chat room called Free six, if you do get online please give it a try, if you use the name 'UK-Mum-30-b2g4and6' then I'll know it's you and I can chat to you!" "What's your name?" "I use different names all the time, but if you use this name!" Jason wrote the name down on the back of the card as well as the web address and a few other instructions, "I'll know it's you, you had better wait until the kids are in bed and you are on your own!" "Why?" "You don't want your husband to think you are going to be spending all of your time chatting in chat rooms do you?" "Good point!" We sat in the shop chatting as the queue for the bus grew and grew and time ran away with us, Jason was showing Amy and Laura examples of his work, dozens of youngsters dressed in all sorts of costumes and in the end he asked all three of my children if they would like him to take pictures of them dressed up in special clothes, Amy was up for it in a flash, Laura was less enthusiastic and William just asked for another lollypop.

In the end James had to come out to pick us up in the car after he finished work, there was a queue waiting for the bus that would have filled three standard busses, there had been a problem in one of the villages and the bus from Northampton couldn't get into Bedford and so couldn't take us to our village on its way back to Northampton.

I put the kids to bed after a very late dinner, James went to his little office to sort out his figures for the day and check through his emails on his works laptop, I sat at my new PC and tried a search on '' just to see if it worked and if I could actually find a site I was looking for. I took James a coffee and asked him how long he would be; he shrugged his shoulders, "One hour, two, no longer I'm sure!" I went to my new PC again and typed in the web address that Jason Wrightam had given me earlier. I followed Jason's instructions and set up the site as Jason had written on the card:

Type name - Mum-30-b2g4and6
Check the female box
Press the log in button
Accept the report abuse box
Check the private only box
Select teen room
Wait for message and enjoy the chat
Try and be the only one in the place who is honest!

I received a message from 'Midlands-pervert', I asked if he was Jason, "The point of these rooms is that we are all anonymous, no one ever uses their real name in here!" There was a lot of talk around families, how many children, what makes and models, ages, husband or not, married or not, happily married or not. In just fifteen minutes I would guess that 'Midlands-pervert' knew more about me that James knew after eight years of marriage, he even managed to wheedle out of me that I had been a virgin on my wedding night.

I chatted to four men in the time James was in his office, none of my partners admitted to being Jason, I had been asked for pictures of me, of the kids, of my house, all received the same response, "I'm sorry, I have a new computer and don't have any electronic pictures to show!" I was talked into setting up a hotmail address so that some of the men could 'keep in touch' and that made me scratch my head as I hadn't used a computer very much in my life before, I knew that Amy's teacher at school had taught all of the children in Amy's class how to set up hotmail's and MSN addresses after the school decided that they couldn't afford the secure chat facility that the teacher had wanted to set up to encourage the students to work with their classmates collaboratively and email in their homework for him to mark at home before he went into class.

I turned the PC off when James came down stairs, the next morning William woke at five AM as usual, I got up with him, as usual, I put on Monsters Inc. DVD for him to watch, not quite as usual, sometimes he watched Madagasca or Ice Age, but always a cartoon on TV to keep him quiet. Usually, as soon as I settled William down in front of the TV with a drink of juice or water, I would try and sleep for ninety minutes on the sofa, now I could try out the Internet again instead. I logged into Free six following Jason's instructions again, early in the morning Free six was a very different place, there were only a quarter of the users on for a start and so everything was running much faster.

I got a call from 'Love-bald', he asked me a few questions, didn't ask if I was married or not, didn't ask how many children, but he did send me a very nice family group photograph, far too professional to be an amateur picture. "Would you like to see your children in a picture like this?" That question came a little out of the blue as we hadn't mentioned my children up to that point, "Are they your children?" "No I took the photograph!" I asked if he was Jason, he just returned a smiley face. Then he sent me a picture of a woman, she was sitting sideways on to the camera, the photograph showed her from the waist up and she was naked, a young boy was standing in front of her or even on her knee, it was hard to tell, what was clear was that the photograph showed the boy had an erection and the tip of his little cock seemed to be touching the woman's erect nipple. I was a little shocked, nudity didn't play a big part in my life, neither James nor I were comfortable with the thought of being nude in front of each other and so we just didn't do it, I did however allow my children to be free to dress as they wished when there was just the four of us at home, they all seemed to readily accept that when it was time for daddy to come home they all take a bath and put their nighties or pyjamas on.

Jason must have sensed that my conversation had cooled somewhat after his pornographic photograph, he sent me an email to my hotmail account with a link to a stories website with a note that the woman who wrote the stories would be online in Free six during the day and her name was '-ooOOOoo-'.

I spent the next few weeks reading the erotic fantasy stories from Rose's website and chatting to various men who could have been Jason or not, all I knew was that as the weeks went on I was becoming more and more turned on by the stories and the chatting, then came the photographs, much too hardcore really but I had been desensitised over the weeks and began to really look forward to reading the stories and looking at the inappropriate photographs, on top of that, every time we went near the bus stop in town Amy would ask if we could pop in and see if Jason wanted to take their pictures, Laura was almost as insistent that she didn't want her photograph taken, William didn't care so long as the man gave him another lollypop.

Amy worked on her younger sister to get her to agree to being photographed over a period of a few weeks while Jason and men like him worked on me to convince me that there was nothing wrong with 'Children' wanting to be photographed, I had obviously been very wrong all my life before I got the Internet because I always thought that it was the 'Men' who wanted to take photographs of girls, not the other way round!

James had to work away for a few days, his job often meant driving two or three hundred miles a day because his area was so large but sometime, like this time, he would have to stop overnight in a hotel as he had several calls to make right on the northern edge of his area, he dropped a bit of a bombshell on me when he phoned on Friday night, he wasn't as he should have been, driving down the A1, he was stuck in Newcastle, a problem in the Gateshead store meant that he was going to have to spend two days as a store manager instead of spending two days at home relaxing with his family, there was another reason for his call, he needed two suites taking to the cleaners ready for meeting the following week. I wasn't happy, three kids and two suites to get all the way into town on the bus wasn't going to be easy, I would also have to bring some shopping back on the bus too. All the way into Bedford on the bus Amy kept digging her sister in the ribs until Laura suddenly asked, "Can we go to see that man and have our pictures taken today mummy?" Then Amy chirped in, "Please mummy, please!" "Jason will probably be photographing a wedding today as it's Saturday!" Amy looked very disappointed, "Please mummy, let's go and see!"

I dropped the suites off at the drycleaners and went into the supermarket, then I realised that I could take vegetables home but they would have been very heavy, anything fresh or frozen would spoil in the summer heat long before I got home, so I put everything back on the shelf and left the store empty handed. At the bus stop Amy asked again if she could have her photographs taken, I shook my head but Amy decided to ignore me and she went into the shop on her own but she came out very quickly, "He's not there, he has a day off today!"

I checked the times of the busses, we had almost an hour to wait and I had two daughters moaning that they couldn't have their photograph taken. A car pulled up after fifteen minutes, it was an American people carrier, Jason appeared out of the front passenger seat, "So, Anyone want to come to a Bar-B-Q?" Amy looked very excited, Laura didn't seem to care, William asked if he could have a lollypop and I almost crapped myself. Amy and Laura were in the car before I could decline, Jason took William out of his buggy and passed him into the rear row of seats to sit between his sisters, I was still standing open mouthed as Jason folded the buggy down and popped it into the area behind the rear row of seats. Jason was about to close the rear door of the car with me still standing in the street open mouthed, then he stopped with the door half closed, "Are you coming too or do I have the children to myself for a few hours while you go and do a little shopping?" I was jolted into action and squeezed through the half closed door. I was alone on the middle row of seats, Jason jumped into the front again, "This is Leo!" I looked at the driver for the first time; all I saw were two huge white eyes and a row of gleaming white teeth that looked about a foot wide, as my eyes grew accustomed to the darkness of the interior of the car Leo's coal black face came into focus.

Leo drove far too fast, he took the road that lead to the village that I and my children lived in, about a half a mile from our turning he took the road to the village that was our nearest neighbour. I thought that we were being taken to Jason's house but I was wrong, we were taken to a pop-star styled mansion of a house, hidden behind a tall hedge of Cyprus leylandii trees. We all got out of the car and were lead to the back of the house, Leo was a hell of a handsome man when he was out in the sunlight, the back of the house looked like a park, swings, climbing frames, slides and even a small swimming pool, which, as it was an extremely hot day, the girls and I were eyeing up enviously. Jason waseted no time in getting his photographic equipment out and started taking pictures of the three children playing on all the equipment. I asked Leo how many children he had, he smiled, "I've had hundreds!" Then he winked at me, Leo went into the house to get drinks for everyone, Jason told me that Leo didn't have any children of his own but the place attracted lots of children most of the time.

Leo returned with a tray full of glasses filled with coke and ice, there was also a bottle of white rum on the tray, he poured about a half a pint of rum into my glass before handing it to me, the same in Jason's glass, he also poured large measures of rum into the children's glasses too. I drank my drink as I watched Jason position Amy and Laura so that lots of their legs were showing, even a little panty too, at one point Amy even pointed out to Jason that he had just touched her knickers, "I'm sorry Amy, should I stop?" "No, it's OK, I don't mind!"

Leo called out to Jason that he was about to go for a swim, I looked over towards him, he had on a pair of white 'Speedo' trunks that did little to hide the fact that he was half erect. "Hey Leo, that's not fair, none of us have swimmers with is!" Jason called back, "You guys can swim in pants or the nude if you like!" Jason put on a shocked face and looked at Amy and Laura, "That's not fair is it girls, if we have to swim in the nude then Leo should do it too, don't you think?" I could see that Jason had used just enough child psychology against my daughters to spur them into action. "I think you girls should go and make him take those trunks off, don't you girls?" Amy and Laura screamed out a loud and prolonged "Yes!" as they ran after Leo and he was pretending to get out of the girl's way, finally he allowed them to catch him and Amy began tugging at his trunks, then Laura helped from the other side and suddenly Leo was naked, my mouth went very dry and I took a huge swallow of my drink finishing it off in one gulp. Jason was taking hundreds of photographs as Leo rolled around on the ground with Amy and Laura, it took him ten minutes but eventually he had Laura and Amy naked too. All I could hear was the girls giggling and the 'click-whir' of Jason's camera. "Hey girls I think your mummy is trying to get out of going in the pool, my naked daughters chased after me, I wasn't playing at trying to escape my daughters, I was really running around the garden trying to escape their evil clutches. Unfortunately I had already drunk too much of Leo's rum and was caught in the corner of the garden, trapped by the climbing frame, then Leo joined in and helped Amy and Laura strip me naked.

Jason spent ages photographing me and the girls as we fought on the grass, then he made me undress William as he photographed every detail as I stripped my son while Leo encouraged Amy and Laura to drink their cocktails. With the exception of Jason we all fooled about in the pool for two hours, for the hole of that time Leo had a raging erection, I saw Jason whisper something to Amy as he was taking photographs, up close of her open legs, then Amy came at me like a torpedo, she did an almost professional dive into the pool and swam directly to me, she pulled me to the side of the pool where the water was shallow, then she and Laura jumped out of the pool and took an arm each and pulled me against the side of the pool, I thought that they were trying to pull me out of the pool but they weren't, Leo sneaked up behind me and suddenly thrust his abdomen against my buttocks, there was a sudden pain as Leo found his mark like a guided missile, his cock went straight into my vagina from behind, I tried to straighten up but Amy and Laura were preventing that, then Leo took over, forcing my head down against the path around the pool so that Laura and Amy could come back into the pool and get a close up view of what Leo was doing to me as the ever present 'click whir' of Jason's camera repeated over and over again.

Leo dragged me out of the water and pushed me on the grass on my back, then he began to pound into me as Laura and Amy watched up close and personal. I lost track of my head and my eldest daughter, Laura was still watching as the coal black bum of my African stallion pumped up and down, I was concerned about where Amy had got too but not half as worried as I was when I realised that the noise of the camera was missing! I was worried, but not enough to stop what I was allowing Leo to do to me, I had calculated that I was still in my safe period, just! After William was borne, well fifteen months after to be precise, I had asked my husband not to have sex with me during my fertile period without using a condom; I thought that was a perfectly reasonable request to make as I had three children under the age of six at the time. James had other plans though, at fifteen months he wanted to try for a fourth child, hoping to make it two boys and two girls, anyway, as I didn't want his bare cock in me during my fertile period, he wasn't going to put it in me when I was in my safe period. Normally I would have run a mile from the prospect of being unfaithful to James, a few weeks earlier I would have run a mile from being naked at home, let alone let alone in someone else's back garden. All that disappeared with the feeling ripping through my body, Leo was at least three inches longer than James, his cock was a little thinner but he knew exactly what to do with it, and after climaxing under the hot sun for close to an hour, Leo had fifty-seven minutes more staying power than James ever had.

I felt Leo's seed flowing into my body, it was scalding hot and came out of his cock with the force of a jet wash, if I had been in my fertile period I would have been instantly pregnant with the sheer force and quantity of his seed. As soon as Leo had finished with me I went looking for Amy, eventually I found Amy and Jason in a converted stable, there were five video cameras in different positions at one end of the room and lighting arrays all pointing towards a king-sized bed at the other end of the stable, Amy and a now naked Jason were lying on the bed kissing passionately, Amy's hand was massaging Jason's cock and he was rubbing the outside of her vagina, "Can I try again to put it in you darling" "No, it hurt too much last time!" "I need to fuck someone and I'd rather it were you than Laura, after all you are my girlfriend now!" then Jason spotted me standing there with a river of black man's cum running down the inside of both legs, "I'm sorry Jason, you can't touch Laura and if Amy say's no then you can't try to do her again until she says yes!

Jason slipped off of the bed, as his cock slipped from Amy's fingers it suddenly popped into view, it wasn't long but it was extremely fat, I doubted that I could take it without pain even being full of Leo's and my love juice. I was pushed onto the bed face down and Jason climbed on top of my back, he was kissing Amy as he started to drag the head of his cock through the slime left in my vaginal lips from Leo's fucking, then came a huge surprise to me, instead of forcing his huge bulbous cockhead into my vagina he pulled it up slightly and forced it against my anal muscle, I was screaming in pain as he forced himself into me and screamed even louder as he fucked in and out of that hole, all the time he was kissing Amy and sweet talking her.

After he left his hot cum in my arse he told Amy that next time he would have a younger, smaller man there for her to start out with, then he turned to me and said, "Don't ever try and stop me fucking anyone ever again or I'll have the greatest delight in sending close-up photographs of you and Leo banging away with your three kids inspecting the action closely. Make sure that you bring all three kids next week, bring them here, don't make the mistake of making me come looking for you!"

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suite should be suit and hole sb whole good story


Another nice one but it conflicts with your 'Amy's Corruption' story. The same characters but both could not happen, cannot have the first time 2 different times.


SnakeEater: each story is fantasy fiction and stands on its own, in a fantasy a girl can have her forst time a million times. thanks for reading my stories though


loved the story, made me hard as a rock and shoot like a cannon. surprised at the turn of Jasons character at the end, but loved that he took mom hard.

The reviewing period for this story has ended.