Published: 12-Jul-2011
Word Count:
This story is about the corruption of my young daughter, we all live in a small village on the outskirts of Bedford, I'm Isabella, 30 years old, very little education, James, my husband is 37, he has a Masters in business studies and administration, we have Amy, a very sparky 6 year old, Laura, a more introspective 4 year old and William, a very confused 2 year old.
I've known that Amy has had a penis fascination since she was 3 years old, every boy that she could get into a private place would be undressed so that she could fully inspect his cock, or 'Winky' as she has been taught to call it, she is always fair, if she got to undress a boy and see his winky, she would undress herself and show him her tiggy. At that age she was into looking, and occasionally touching but it was all very, well almost, innocent. When poor old William was born he suffered all the time from Amy's inquisitive nature and her proclivity for inspecting boy's equipment. I still classed Amy as innocent at that time, even though she had seen around 30 boy's cocks, touched quite a few of them, and shown off her own body to most of them too but it was all just innocent infantile curiosity that was until.....
It was my mother's birthday on Sunday, my father had arranged a party for her, a surprise party at that, we were going over for lunch, I was cooking it as it was her birthday, then people would just turn up during the afternoon, my father had arranged for caterers to put together the whole party in the village hall and then we would all go for a walk in the afternoon and bingo, surprise!
By Saturday I still hadn't found a fitting present for my mother and needed to go into the city to try larger shops than we have in town, it's funny how things twist and turn go from bad to worse then suddenly look up. I had asked James to look after the children but he was working, the thought of dragging three children into the city and around all the shops filled me with dread, then James said out of the blue, "I'll take William with me, he won't get in the way and I can get his hair cut at the same time!" That was better in one way, a trip into town would be slightly easier with just the two girls and no buggy but I would miss my son's first hair cut and that was terrible. Then out of the blue, one of Laura's classmate's parents called, inviting Laura to her daughter's birthday party at Play Land, now while a last minute invitation to the party may seem like an insult to you and me, to Laura it meant fun in Play Land, party food and five or six hours away from the house and getting out of a boring trip shopping with me and her sister., suddenly things were looking up, it would be almost a pleasure to take just Amy shopping. Then, "Mum, can I ask if I can play at Robin's house with him please?" I hadn't caught Amy stripping any boys in a while; I had guessed that having a house-boy on hand to inspect every day had slated that interest or just bored her into not bothering anymore, usually I would have said no if I and James were going to be out, someone needed to be there for when she got caught stripping her playmate so that she could be sent home! I thought about it for a while, Robin's family hadn't lived in the area long, they probably hadn't heard about Amy's little ways, she had never invited Robin over to play even though Robin had joined her class, he was a year older than Amy but by a quirk of fate Amy was the youngest child in her school year, Robin was the oldest, their birthdays were 363 days apart with the term start date falling between them.
Amy asked if she could phone Robin to see if she could play at his house, I looked through the window, Robin's house was directly across the road from ours and it was the kind of road that didn't take too much traffic as it was a cul-de-sac, but I still nodded my head. Amy picked up the phone and dialled Robin's number from memory, "Oh hi, I was wondering if it was OK for me to come over and play with Robin while my mother goes into the city?" I moved in closer, I had expected Amy to ask for Robin, I was about to take the phone and apologised when I heard the voice on the other end of the phone, it was Mark, Robin's father, "OK, no problem, Robin would love some company, he gets very bored at the weekends, come over when you like!" And the phone was put down before I could take it.
Well, that was a result, my trip into the city would be far easier and quicker on my own and I would definitely find it easier to find something for my mother without the children distracting me.
James had taken William to work with him at nine o'clock, I did the girls and myself an early lunch, Laura was picked up and taken to Bedford by the mother of one of the other guests at play land at noon, Amy ran over to Robin's house at the same time and I rushed out five minutes later to catch the mid day bus into Northampton.
I found the perfect gift for my mother in double quick time and was home again by three o'clock, I phoned Robin's house as soon as I got in, it took forever for the phone to be answered, I was about to hang up in case I was calling the wrong number, Mark picked up the phone out of breath, "Sorry, I took so long, I was in the back garden, how can I help you?" I told him that I was home and he could send Amy over any time he wanted a little peace, Mark was silent for a while, then he said, "We had asked Amy to stay for dinner, I hope that was OK, oh, and we have a new DVD that we were going to watch that Amy would like to see, I know that you usually send her to bed at 7:30 but if it's OK for her to stay with us I'll see her homed at around 8:15!" I told him that Amy could stay; I was a little reluctant as Amy would be having a late night on Sunday.
James brought William home at 6 o'clock, I burst into tears at the sight of my son with short hair, his hair had been long, blond and curly, his short hair was straight and already looked darker, James had an envelope full of his curls so that I could keep them in some way. Laura arrived home at 6:15, she was impersonating a zombie, walking heavy footed, she had been bouncing off the walls at Play Land for five hours with 100 other kids without resting and now I had to undress her quickly before she fell asleep standing up, she was hot and sweaty but I let her fall into bed, she was sleeping before I left the room. When Mark brought Amy home I thanked him for looking after her all day, then I sent Amy to bed also without a bath, I had to tell her to be as quiet as she could be so she didn't wake Laura as they shared a bedroom together.
Sunday was very busy, the girls didn't want to wake up but I had to get them both bathed and totally strip their beds and wash everything in sight before going to my mothers to cook lunch for my family, the party was a great success but unfortunately the guests were still arriving at 8 o'clock so we couldn't leave until 9 which meant that the kids had a late night, Amy's second late night in two days. We got home very late but I still had to give all the kids a quick bath, no point putting dirty children into clean beds. I put Amy and Laura to bed while James dealt with William, James and I followed to bed after just a few minutes, we had crossed the divide from condom weeks into safe weeks and I expected an early night to turn into a frustration relieving shag but I was wrong.
I couldn't sleep, I could almost hear the buzzing between my thighs caused by my frustration, then I heard Laura laughing and talking, Amy had to go to school early in the morning, Laura had nursery school too but if she was too sleepy I could easily keep her home. The reason I heard Laura so easily was because at night I left all the bedroom doors open slightly so that I would be woken if there were any problem with the children. I decided to go and tell Laura to go to sleep in case she woke her sister. Something stopped me just opening the girl's bedroom door and walking in, I eased the door open a few more inches, there was an orange glow from the streetlights in the room giving enough light so that I could see everything that was going on, Laura's duvet was on the floor and there were two night dresses on top of it, Laura was on her back with her knees in the air, I spotted a movement between her legs, Amy was face down between Laura's thighs, at the moment I eased the door open Amy lifted her face "Do you like that?" Laura giggled again and said, "Yes!"
I froze, part of me wanted to throw the bedroom door open, turn the light on and chastise Amy for what she was doing to her sister, I actually tried to move my hand to push the door but I was frozen, my inner voices were shouting at me that I was about to do exactly what my mother would have done to me as a child and we all agreed that my mother's thoughts on a child's body exploration etc. Was probably the reason that I would never show my body, even to James or my children, it was eventually agreed that if my mother would have responded one way, then that was exactly the wrong way to respond and between them my inner voices managed to lift my feet one at a time and move me back to my own bedroom. As I started to move I watched Amy slide her body up her sisters, she straddled her sisters raised thigh and began to kiss Laura passionately, Amy's left hand was over Laura's pussy and as Amy rubbed her own crotch up and down on Laura's thigh her fingers rubbed her little sisters vagina.
In my bedroom I could still hear sounds coming from my daughter's bedroom, not the giggling and talking of earlier, now the sounds were of heavy breathing and purring and the occasional squeak of a bedspring as Amy fucked herself against her sisters thigh, for the first time in over six years I closed my bedroom door and turned the sounds that were torturing me off!
I was frustrated within minutes of getting into bed with my husband, after watching my daughters playing together I was doubly so, I even slipped out of my knickers and began to rub myself off but that disturbed James so I had to stop. Before going to sleep I held a conference with my inner voices, we all agreed that after James left for work and before Amy went to school we would have to try and find out where Amy had learnt to do what she was doing, one of my voices pointed out that it would have to be done carefully, we didn't want to make Amy think that exploring her body was bad, just exploring her sisters body wasn't quite the done thing. I was also reminded that we had often talked about the way that we brought the children up, not to make the mistakes that my mother had made with me and that James's mother had made with him.
James left early, he had a long drive to his first appointment, I struggled to find the right way to start the conversation with Amy, fortunately William had decided to put the cartoons on the TV which attracted Laura from the dining room to watch, Monday was one of Laura's Nursery school days so she and Amy would be travelling on the school bus together in a short while, so I was forced to start my inquisition. I had my back to Amy making toast; I positioned myself so that I could see the reflection of Amy's face in the toaster, "I walked past your bedroom last night when you and Laura should have been sleeping!" Amy looked up slowly, there was a totally shocked look on her face, a voice in my head told me to be careful, "I saw what you were doing to Laura that made her laugh so much!" Amy's face started to redden slightly and a look of horror replaced the look of shock. "I was wondering where you learned to do that thing with your mouth!" I was now spreading the toast, I cut it into 4 and turned to face Amy, her face was totally red now, she had a startled look on her face like a rabbit caught in car headlights, "Well?" I had a stern look on my face, my inner voice warned me to back off a little so I smiled and softened my stance, then I turned my back again to start washing the dished in the sink, "I saw it on a film!" "Really, where?" "At Robin's house!" "Oh, OK, that must have been on Saturday then!" "Yes!"
I was reasonably satisfied with Amy's answer but when I looked at her reflection again the voices in my head all agreed that there was more, "So all you did at Robin's house was watch a film?" Amy looked away, she didn't want to say anymore, the voice in my head told me to change tack, "What kind of film was it?" Amy looked back towards me, "What do you mean?" "Well was it the kind of film that they show at the cinema?" "No!" "What was the film then?" "It was Mark and Angie!" "The film was of Robin's mum and dad doing what you were doing to Laura?" "Yes Mark was doing it to Angie!" Amy looked less embarrassed now, the voice returned in my head, ask her again now, quickly while she is open! "And all you did was watch the film?" Amy blushed deeper red, "No me and Robin did....." The voice in my head reminded me that my mother would have corrected me with 'Robin and I' and I would have thought to myself, 'I didn't even know you knew Robin well enough to do that with him' but thoughts and conversation were stopped by Laura rushing in with her father's old wristwatch around her upper thigh, "Does this hand on the 7 and that hand on the 11 mean that the school bus will be here in five minutes?" "Yes dear, you're getting very good at telling the time!" "We're not going to make it!" Laura replied. I broke the 4 minute mile, "Right girls, shoes and coats on, quickly please!" I pushed the girls sandwiches into their lunch boxes, boxes into school bags, fruit-shoot and an apple followed and we were all at the front door in 4 ½ minutes flat.
William had been awake, as usual, since five am, so he was hungry; I gave him a bottle of warm milk to drink and stood watching as Amy and Laura ran to the corner of the street where all the other kids in the area waited for the school bus, Amy was running as fast as she could, leaving Laura in her dust, complaining about being left behind. Amy was like a guided missile, she caught Robin's arm and pulled him away from the other kids, she talked fast, Robin's face suddenly changed from a smiley, 'pleased to see you' look to an 'oh fuck' look instantly, as Amy talked Robin looked nervously from my house to his own, as soon as Amy took a breath Robin searched in his school bag and took out a cell phone, a voice in my head said, "He's not supposed to take a mobile phone to school, they have rules you know!" Robin was talking on the phone as he paced up and down at the side of the road, he was the last one on the bus and was talking until his foot touched the platform on the bus, then he flipped the phone shut and popped it in his school bag.
William's eye lids looked very heavy, the milk was making him drowsy so I took him up to his bedroom, I wound up his musical mobile that hung above his cot, then I switched on the wireless baby alarm and took the receiver off of the charger and clipped it to my belt. I went into the girls bedroom and started hunting for dirty clothes, I noticed Mark leave his house, he walked to the gate but stopped short, then he returned to his front door, he stood thinking and drumming his fingers against the door, then he repeated the walk to the gate and stopped again, 'he's a very troubled man' a voice said gloatingly. I took the dirty clothes down to the utility room; I noticed that Mark had made it to my garden gate as I passed the front door. I had started the washing machine before the front door was knocked, 'leave him to stew', 'rush and open the door', my inner voices were now in open revolt with each other, I had to have a stern word with all of them, 'if you can't say anything helpful just keep quiet'. The tune playing cheerfully from my belt was slowing down and I could hear the sounds of a sleeping child, I opened the door, "Oh, hi Mark, what can I do for you?" "I think we need to talk!"
I led Mark into the living room, the tune on my hip had stopped and all that could be heard was the sound of William breathing, I turned the 'squelch' up slightly until there was silence, any noise in the room, even slightly louder than William's sleeping sound would 'burst' through the squelch and let me know if there was a problem. Mark sat on one of the comfortable chairs while I remained standing, I was about to say something like children will be children but my inner voice told me to stop, 'there's more to this, look how worried he is'. My inner voice had something, if a 7 year old boy and a 6 year old girl experimented with each other, even if the boy raped the girl, the police wouldn't even be interested because of Robin's age, the police wouldn't be interested until one of the children was over 10. There had been a long silence, me standing, on the high ground looking down at Mark, trying for eye contact to see if I could spot any signs, Mark sitting, desperately avoiding eye contact, 'you need to push him', 'how', 'tell him you're still not sure what you're going to do'.
I cleared my throat which caused Mark to look up at me, there was a flash of real fear in his eyes, "Well Mark, I think that you had better start, give me a reason not to get the authorities involved!" Mark stiffened in his seat, 'nice one, that hit him where it hurt'. "Nothing was planned!" Mark fell silent again, my brain was whizzing and whirring trying to form a plan, "Well, as Robin obviously told you on the phone, Amy has told me everything, I was only waiting until 9 o'clock for the offices to open to get the ball rolling!" Mark stiffened further, there was definitely panic written on his face, "Come on Mark, you have 20 minutes to try and convince me not to make that call!" "As I said, nothing was planned, Robin found our 'home movie' on our file server, he and Amy watched it and started acting out what they saw me and Angie doing on the screen!" Mark was looking at his feet, his face was red now, he looked like a cornered animal, trying to spot the way out, "Go on!" We were still at the point of 2 innocent children playing doctors and nurses, Mark should have told me to make the call, no one would have done anything. "I stumbled in on them!" Mark looked up at me for a second; I used body language to encourage him on further, "I took a few pictures of them!" "Are they on your PC?" Mark nodded his head, "Well, I think I need to see them!" Mark didn't look shocked enough at my request, he was even prepared it seemed to my inner voices, 'don't trust him'.
I left William in bed, in Marks living room I checked that I could still hear William breathing over the baby alarm, Mark sat on his sofa, there was a laptop on a trolley that Mark pulled in front of him, I had to sit next to Mark to see the screen which meant that I couldn't see his face, Mark started his computer, the log-in screen had 4 users listed, Mark, Angie, Robin and guest. Mark chose guest and the laptop took a few seconds to open its guest desk top. He selected 'My Pictures' there was only 1 folder, named 'RandA' in the 'My Pictures' directory. The voices were all shouting in my head, they all smelled a rat, each voice had picked up on a different point and each one wanted their reason to get through to me, 'would you log in to guest on your own pc?' 'You don't even have a digital camera and you have a hundred pictures in your 'my Pictures' folder not a subfolder'.
Mark opened the folder, there were 10 pictures in the folder, mark began to open them, they were pictures of Robin and Amy naked, playing with each other, kissing, touching and that kind of thing. 'Look at the names of the files, why aren't the numbers consecutive?' I checked, the file name appeared to show the year, month and day, the file names started with a 'P', the first picture's name was 'P200905020015.jpg', the second 'P200905020030.jpg' and the last was 'P200905020095.jpg'. 'I'll bet that there are nearly 100 photographs somewhere!' "Mark, please humour me, log out and back in as Mark please!" Mark stiffened; his face looked even more worried than he had when he was in my living room.
This time there was a lot more in his 'my Pictures' folder, there was about 50 folders and hundreds of files, I took over the keyboard, I found the folder 'RandA', opened it, there were 3 sub folders, 1 again called 'RandA' then 'RandA2' and 'RandA3', 'RandA' had a picture of a hand under it, that indicated that the folder had shared properties set, I opened it, the same 10 pictures were in it, then I opened 'RandA2' this time there was over 150 pictures, 'P200905020001.jpg' was a photograph of Amy and Robin walking into Robin's bedroom taken from behind, 'P200905020002.jpg' was a picture taken from the open bedroom door, Robin was turning his computer on and Amy sitting on Robin's bed fully dressed. 'P200905020003.jpg' was Robin sitting by Amy's side on the bed, this photograph was taken from further inside the room, the computer screen could be seen, a little distorted but you could tell that the 2 naked bodies on the screen were actually Mark and Angie, Mark's wife. 'P200905020004.jpg' showed Robin lifting Amy's t-shirt up; Amy was looking at the camera and smiling. Picture 'P200905020005.jpg' was Amy and Robin kissing as Robin was helping Amy to get one of her arms out of her t-shirt. I could see from the thumbnails that the rest of the pictures up to 'P200905020099.jpg' were of Amy and Robin in various stages of dress and rubbing, touching, kissing and biting each other, 'P200905020100.jpg' had Mark in it as well, Mark was totally nude, then the last 50 photographs were like the first 99, pictures of naked bodies engaged in sexually fondling, including several pictures of Amy sucking Mark's cock, 'P200905020150.jpg' was Mark, standing at the foot of the bed, Amy's bottom was right on the edge of the mattress with her legs in the air, Mark's cock was fully erect and the head was nestled against Amy's pussy lips. 'Who do you think took the last 50 photographs?' Oh my god, that was a question I hadn't wanted my inner voices to ask me, also I should have been absolutely furious with Mark for what he had done to and with my innocent daughter, I had to slap down one inner voice for saying 'Ha!' At my daughter's innocence, I knew that she had been intent at finding out as much as she could about the male body but this was totally different. I convinced myself that the photographer was probably Robin's mother, Angie!
I opened the folder RandA3, this time there were no photographs, just 3 videos, the first video seemed to start where the last photograph ended, but the camera now seemed to be positioned directly above Amy's head, pointing down her body toward Mark, Mark was rubbing his cock up and down Amy's slit, a gruff voice barked out, come on pussy, push it in her. The camera now panned along Amy's body, Robin was kneeling at the side of Amy's head masturbating himself as he watched his father rubbing his cock against Amy, then the camera pointed straight down, Amy's head was facing away from Robin and her mouth was clamped onto the cameraman's cock. The camera returned to Mark, "Come on sissy boy fuck that pussy!" The camera man said, Mark pushed forward, Amy squealed and her feet pushed against Mark's stomach and she slid away from him along the bed. "You're fucking useless, Robin, you fuck her first!" Mark pulled Amy back to the foot of the bed; he found two thick books to raise Robin's height a little as he stood at the foot of the bed, Amy gave Robin a sweet smile as he stood on the books and pointed his cock at her pussy, the camera moved slightly to show Robin's cock actually slide into Amy unopposed, Amy gave out a little giggle before Mark pushed his cock into her mouth, the film went on for three more minutes, the camera moving from Robin fucking Amy to Amy sucking Mark, back to Robin again, then to Amy sucking the camera man's cock. Robin started grunting and the camera flicked to his face showing the strain that climaxing was having on robin's face and body, "Did you cum that time?" The gruff voice asked, "I think so!" "Yes I saw that but was it another dry hump?" Robin stepped back and bent down to inspect between Amy's legs, "No, not dry this time!" There was a look of triumph on Robin's face; the camera started bouncing slightly as the camera man moved to the foot of the bed to film the thin, milky, fluid trickling out of Amy's pussy. The camera then flew quickly to the other end of the bed, Mark was now holding the camera, there was a quick shot down at Amy sucking Mark's cock before the camera panned back down the bed to Amy's pussy, Mark was careful not to show the other man's face on the camera, the other man had no such compunctions and had happily shown Mark, Amy and Robin's faces as he filmed the whole thing.
"You sure you want me to do it?" "Yes!" "It's going to hurt the first time!" "I don't care!" I saw as the head of the man's cock was pressed against Amy's slit, he was rubbing his cockhead up and down, picking up some of the leaking semen left behind by Robin, Mark zoomed in to fill the computer screen with cock and pussy, the cock suddenly thrust forward, then total confusion, Amy cried out in pain and then her legs filled the screen, Mark zoomed out, Amy had pressed her feet against the man's abdomen and pushed herself along the bed again. "I'm only going to try this once more, you sure you want me to do it or not?" Amy was pulled back to the foot of the bed again as she told the man that she did want him to do her.
The video ended at that point so I selected the second and double clicked t start the video, the camera could have only been turned off for a few seconds. "Robin, kneel above her, put your knees right against her shoulders and let her put her head on your lap so that she can see me fuck her, and Mark, don't fuck this up, a girl only turns into a woman once in her life!" There was a few seconds of inactivity as Robin lifted Amy's head and slipped under her so that he was blocking her escape route, Mark filmed on as the man between Amy's legs lifted her left leg and hand her ankle to Robin. Then her right leg and passed that ankle back to Robin, Amy was making sounds like she was uncomfortable at being bent double, then the guy stepped onto the books to give him better height, he began to rub the head of his cock against Amy's pussy slit again, it was pointing almost straight down now, he lifted slightly then allowed his body weight to fall slightly, the cock suddenly jerked an inch into Amy's body and she gasped in pain, the man didn't stop, he just slowly forced his cock into her body, as the second inch slipped inside Amy cried out in agony, the cock still carried on in. At the angle the man was in he was pushing Amy mostly downward into the mattress he held himself as deeply inside her as he could go, even lifting his weight off of his feet to force himself even deeper.
"I hope you're getting all of this fuck up!" The man slowly backed out, his cock had a thin sheen of Robin's spunk mixed in with Amy's maidenhead blood and Amy's own lubricant could be clearly seen on the close-up that mark had zoomed the camera into. Amy was sobbing gently, "You want me to stop girl?" Amy said no between sobs, then the man told Robin to let her legs go and he stepped off of the books, as soon as Amy's legs were in a more comfortable position the man began fucking her as hard as he could, hard and fast, the man groaned and stiffened and he filled her up with his seed, "Pass me the camera fast!" The picture broke up a little then it was pointing straight down at Amy, close up on the man's cock as it slipped out of Amy and a flood of semen, blood and lubricant flooded down over the edge of Robin's bed.
Until that morning I had never seen a man naked, well an adult man, I had seen dozens of boys that Amy had stripped naked and of course William who I had bathed hundreds of times and even had to skin his cock back to wash under the foreskin, he loved that. Now, all of a sudden I had been introduced to men, not only naked but a man having sex, even more arousing for me was watching men fucking Amy.
"I take it that the third video is you fucking my daughter too?" Mark looked away but he nodded his head in agreement, "I think you better go and make a pot of tea while I think about what I'm going to do!" Mark seemed keen to escape from my stare for a while and jumped at the chance to get out of his living room. I had noticed a brand new 8 Gb USB memory stick on the shelf below the computer, still attached to the display card from the shop, I clicked on the highest level of the RandA folder, checked on its properties to see how big the folder and its subfolders were, it was ½ a gig so it would fit on the memory stick easily, as I opened the packaging I asked the same question of the My Pictures folder, that came in at 7 ½ gig, I pushed the memory stick into the side of the laptop and dragged the whole of Mark's My Pictures directory over to the memory stick. By the time Mark came back into the room I had copied more than half of Marks data into the memory stick, I lowered the lid on the laptop so that Mark couldn't see what I was doing on it, we chatted for a few moments, I kept looking at what I could see of the screen, waiting for the copy box to disappear.
"So Mark, who was the other man?" "There is no way that I can tell you that, he'd kill both of us if I did!" "Why?" "You know that I work at Kempstome Hall Bail Hostel?" "No!" "Well I do, that guy is one of the men waiting to be released, he's there so he can get a job and then a flat or house of his own before he is finally released!" "Well, he's not violent, when the council conned us into that place opening they promised that there would be no violent prisoners there!" "No one knows how violent he is; he pleaded guilty to a bank robbery because he knew that he would get a shorter sentence than the actual crime he committed that happened to take place at the same time as the bank robbery in a different town!" "What crime?" "I'm not telling you that but it would have got him life and stopped him getting his automatic early release for good behaviour!" "How do you know what he's done?" "He took great delight in telling me as he raped Angie!" "He raped her or she let him fuck her?" "Angie didn't know anything about him, I had to let him rape her because he was blackmailing me!" "What did he have on you to blackmail you with?" "Angie and I have done a little swinging, taken pictures of each other, made videos, as you have seen. I was chatting to what I thought were a couple of swingers in Wales, we exchanged pictures, swapped our home movies, I had no idea that anyone in Kempstone Hall had access to a laptop and the internet, anyway, it wasn't a couple of swingers, it was this guy that I'm supposed to be looking after in the hostel. He had some still's that he had taken off of the video, he showed me and ever since I've had to do whatever he wants, he made me take Angie to the woods behind the hall, she was setting up a picnic and I told her that I had to go back to the car for the wine, it was only 100 yards away so she stopped and kept putting out the food, she was raped while I was gone, I got back before he had finished and had to wait just outside the clearing for him to finish with her. She doesn't have any idea that I know him, I managed to persuade her not to go to the police, we just left everything there and I brought her home and put her in the bath to make sure that there was no evidence left!"
I saw the box close on the laptop to say that the copying had finished, I turned Mark's laptop off so that he couldn't see what I had copied off of his laptop, then I pulled the memory stick out and put it in my pocket, "I'm confiscating this, if you have a problem with that you'd better just call the police!" I stood up and headed for the door, "I don't think I should let you do that, my friend at Kempstone Hall wouldn't like me letting you take it!" "If you take it from me I'll tell Angie that you set her up to be raped, how do you think he would like that?" "Does your friend know about William and Laura?" "No, what do you take me for?"
I left the house on a high, a sexual high and a power high, I had been jousting with a man who could have easily overpowered me and I beat him with my will and my mind. Fortunately William didn't wake up when I got home as I needed to seriously sort out an itch between my knees, well a little higher up actually, when I took of my panties I was dripping wet and managed to masturbate myself even though I felt very guilty about doing it.
I popped the memory stick in my pc, there were video clips and photographs of half the girls in the village with a permutation of Robin, Mark or the unnamed man performing with them. I thought that Mark was particularly spineless, that he was allowing and helping that monster to pray on local children, he needed to be stopped and the new me should be the woman to bring the man down.
I waited a few days for James to be working away for a few days, then I packed the children off to my mother for the night, then I set about dressing up to make myself look like a teenager, I phoned Mark and told him to let his friend know about William and Laura, "Tell him that they never usually get left alone but James and I were going out to a gala lunch and that the only babysitter we could get was a dizzy teenager who was also very hot!" Then I called the local police anonymously and told them that I thought that some of the men at the hostel were coming into the village to burgle the houses, I noticed two very clean cut young men sitting at the end of my road in a new high powered car, if they had police painted on the doors they wouldn't have stood out so much. I left the curtains open but dimmed the lights, I was trying to act as much like a teenager as I could, I had the music up too loud and was dancing around with a wine bottle filled with water against my lips.
Right on cue I spotted a shadowy figure outside the window in the moonlight, there was a slight click as the man picked the lock, just in case he had unforeseen problems he left the door open to help his escape. He pounced on me, ripped my clothes off in seconds, I was screaming my lungs out but I was actually helping the man as much as I could without making it too obvious. I was fucked extremely hard, punched and slapped a lot, just as the man climaxed into me he was pulled off of me by the two clean cut young men, fortunately I had managed to reach my orgasm before he was pulled away. I was taken to hospital, samples were taken and a few days later it came to light that the guy's samples matched a crime some years earlier, where a young girl was raped and murdered.
While I was talking to the detective dealing with my case, I innocently suggested that he may have admitted to the one crime to take him out of the picture for the other and that made his ears prick up, eventually I told him that I wouldn't go to court, they didn't need my testimony and one rape and murder was enough to see that the beast would be caged for the rest of his life.
My sex life with my husband had been extremely vanilla; I went to his bed on my wedding night a virgin, because of our upbringings we never saw each other naked in the 8 years we had been married. The feeling of being raped by a monster, a man who could definitely not be described as vanilla has ruined me for my husband, he sees me as damaged goods now, and I am, in 1 night I had gone from mouse to tiger, from a woman who had never been see naked even by her husband to a woman who after being viciously raped by one man was perfectly happy to be seen naked by the two detectives who rushed in to my rescue, and the 5 doctors at the hospital who examined me and photographed my cuts and bruises, and oh boy did I get a kick out of being photographed!
As for Mark, the next day he rushed over to thank me for ridding him and his family of their blackmailer, I looked down on him, you're not rid of your blackmailer, you're just under new management, you're my property now!
I hope you have enjoyed reading this story as much as I enjoyed writing it, This is the first piece of creative writing I've tried my hand at since leaving school 14 years ago. I apologise for grammar and spelling mistakes, but if they didn't get in the way of your enjoyment of the story then I'm sure you can forgive me!
Do please continue!
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