Published: 27-Dec-2011
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Nicky stood outside the station and waited. How long would Tom be? She was beginning to think she had been led on by her internet friend.
"Not another fake friend" she said to herself.
This chubby little girl aged 14 lived on the internet. A shy girl with small pert tits, chubby little bum and long brown hair and eyes. She was a picture. Nicky had few friends. Most of them she had met through internet social networking sites. One such friend was called Tom. Her and Tom lived close by. He lived at the otherside of the Bay. He was her age and seemed to like what she liked. Despite her parents warnings Nicky was determined to meet Tom. He had promised to take her bowling if they met up. Tom was different. He never talked about sex, and was always polite. The very idea the Tom might not exist, and she was being groomed by somebody else never crossed her mind.
"Fancy coming bowling this Saturday"? Tom asked.
Nicky didn't have much money but knew she could just about afford this. But it meant a 30 minute train ride to Tom's home town.
Arriving from the train Nicky looked for Tom. But nobody appeared.
Have I been let down? she wondered.
As she waited she noticed a man who looked to be in his late 50s approach her.
"Hello Nicky, I am Toms dad, Tom is late and he asked if I could come and meet you. I will take you to meet him if you like. He has been delayed by football practise"
Nicky didn't know what to say. She felt powerless to refuse. What would Tom think if she refused or was rude to his dad.? At the same time she felt a sense of unease. She looked him up and down, trying to make a snap decision about this stranger. He looked older than her own dad. quite well built with glasses and at least 6ft 2 tall. But he also had a very friendly smile.
"The car is just over here " Arthur told her. "I am just going to drop a friend off on the way if that is OK young lady".
"Oh OK then"
Approaching the car Nicky could see another man in the front passenger seat watching them. The sense of unease returned. He looked like he was undressing her with his eyes.
"Just jump in the back Nicky and we will be off" said Arthur.
Nicky opened the door climbed in, and fastened her seat belt. As she sat there she looked at the man in the passenger seat. He was also in his 50s which was comforting to Nicky. It made her feel that perhaps these two men were just friends of a similar age. She began to settle back as Arthur climbed in and started the engine. As the car pulled away she heard the click of the doors automatically locking. Nothing to worry about she thought, my dads car does that also. As they sped down the road Arthur looked towards his passenger and gave him a nod.
"This is Terry" said Arthur, Terry is a friend of mine"
"How old are you Nicky" asked Arthur.
"Fourteen " Nicky replied, hardly able to get the words out, she began for some reason to feel a sense of forboding.
"Well Nicky what me and Terry want to do is take you to our little caravan by the coast and make love to you, what do you think of that idea? Would you like to make love?"
Nicky sat in the car in a state of disbelief. Had she heard that right? Making love means having sex she thought. It was the last thing on her mind. She was only fourteen, girls my age don't have sex she thought. Fear began to rise within her. She felt sick and began to tremble.
"Please let me go home" Nicky cried, " I don't want to make love, I am only fourteen, you are grown men, I just want to go home" Pleeease let me go home. Tears began to fill Nicky's eyes.
"You can go home later Nicky, we will take you back to the station this evening. All we want to do first though is give you a good time. You came for a good time, We don't want to disappoint you" Arthur said with a grin on his face.
Terry began to laugh at the sight of the young teenage girl in the back crying and pleading with Arthur. Terry had little empathy with the girls plight. He was enjoying the spectacle.
"We are both going to rape you Nicky" sneered Terry. " So you can cry as much as you want. What do you think of that"?
"Please no" begged the terrified girl. But the two pedophiles in the front were not listening.
"My cock is as hard as a fucking brush handle" Arthur said to his mate.
"Mine also"
"I am going to fuck her up the arse as well" quipped Terry. Nicky began to sob uncontrollably at these words. Being vaginally raped was bad enough, but the thought of being raped anally was too much for the little teen.
"You will be fine once the love making has begun" chipped in Arthur, "All young girls are frightened the first time, but once we get going you will enjoy it"
Nicky began to sob uncontrolably. She looked out of the window at the passing people who were going about their normal business. Yet here she was about to get raped by two men. She felt detached from the world and very scared. For the rest of the journey both men sat in silence listening to the sobs of the frightened girl in the back seat. Neither Arthur or Terry showed any compassion. They had sex on their minds, and sex is what they were going to have. Pulling into the caravan site that was now empty of other holiday makers. The season had ended a week ago. Arthur drove up to a scruffy looking little van in the corner.
"Go unlock the caravan Terry and I will bring her in"
Terry got out and unlocked the caravan as Arthur opened the car door.
"Out" you little slut, he sneared at the frightened girl. "It's fun time"
Arthur grabbed her by the upper arm and frogmarched her towards the open door of the caravan. Nicky was bundled inside and the door was locked behind her.
Arthur went over to the TV in the corner and turned it on.
"Do you want to watch a film"? he asked Nicky.
She didn't answer, but Arthur put the movie on anyway. It was a porn film.
"Oh, oh, oh yes, yes, yes. the woman being fucked in the film was panting. Nicky looked at the screen in horror. She knew that these two old men had this in mind for her and were using the film to get themselves horny.
"Sit down and watch" Arthur demanded.
Nicky sat down and looked at the screen with a blank expression. The porn star was being fucked in the bum by a large black man.
"We are both going to fuck your cunt and bum like that as well Nicky" Arthur told her.
Nicky sat in stunned silence.
Terry pulled the curtains closed before turning to the girl.
"Strip" he ordered.
"No please, i don't want to" Nicky begged. "Why not just watch the film?"
"Fucking strip now or I will beat the shit out of you"
Nicky slowly sat down and took off her shoes and socks, followed by her tee shirt.
"Take you skirt off next" demanded Terry.
Niicky unfasted her skirt buttons and let her skirt fall to the floor before stepping out of it. She felt totally beaten and humiliated standing in front of these two men in just her bra and knickers.
"Bra next" Terry told her.
Unfastening her bra, Nicky let her small teenage breasts pop out into full view of the dirty learing pedo's.
"Ohhhh nice " said Arthur.
"Knickers off" demanded Terry.
Nicky reached for her knicker waistband and slid her fingers inside, pulling them down to her ankles before stepping out of them. The girl was standing naked in front of Terry and Arthur. Instinctively she put her hands in front of her to hide her teenage mound.
"Remove your hands"
Nicky did as she was told as the men stared at the girls mound that was just beginning to grow pubic hair. Arthur felt his cock nearly burst as he looked at the teenage girls fuck passage. She was a pedo's dream.
"Now turn around so we can see your arse as well" demanded Terry.
Nicky slowely turned around to show both men her arse.
"Nice and chubby" laughed Terry. "I like young girls with a chubby arse"
"Pass me her knickers here, I want to smell them". "I love the smell of cunt and arse"
Arthur passed Nicky's underwear to Terry who began to sniff the crotch.
"What a lovely musty fishy smell" He said with a grin.
"Who's going first" asked Arthur".
"I will replied his friend"
Terry began to unbutton his shirt as Arthur stroked the terrified girls bum. Quickly kicking off his shoes and socks, he removed his trousers and stood in front of her in just his undies. She remembered seeing her own daddy in his undies once. He had been wearing the same sort of underpants as Terry was. The horrible thought that she was about to have sex with a man older than her daddy, who wore the same undies made her feel dirty. She also could not help noticing how hairy Terry was, He was covered in chest hair and his legs were hairy also. He looked so masculine and large stood in front of her. She wondered what having sex with a grown man would be like. Terry bent over and removed his underpants. Nicky stood in horror at the sight of this hairy fat pig of a man stood naked in front of her. She tried not to look at his 8 inch cock which was erect and sticking out from his hairy crotch and balls. But she knew that very soon that he was going to force this big cock inside her cunt and arse.
Terry wasted no time and grabbed the girl by the hair and led her into the small bedroom. Nicky was forced onto the bed as Terry climbed on top of her. He was going to open the procedings by fucking her missionary.
"Open your legs" he ordered her.
Nicky slowly opened up her legs wide as Terry positioned himself on top of her. She could feel his cock hard against her belly as Terry pinned her down with his massive weight. She felt him reach down and place his cock against her cunt entrance, Nicky felt her cunt being stretched wide by Terry's invading cock. Pain shot through her vagina as Terry continued to slide his manhood inside. She gasped at the feeling of having a fully grown mans stiff cock inside her. Briefly her thoughts switched from anger and fear of being raped, to one of fascination at finding out just what it felt like to have a hard cock inside her. Her vagina felt full and tingly as well as the burning sensation she was feeling as Terry's manhood slid inside.
"She is fucking tight" Terry shouted to Arthur who was pouring himself a drink.
"Are you inside her" Arthur shouted back.
Terry didn't answer. He didn't need to because the sound of the bed squeeking, coupled with the headboard banging against the wall of the bedroom told Arthur that Terry was indeed inside Nicky, and the girl was being fucked hard. Arthur opened the bedroom door to see Terry completely on top of the terrified teen, her legs on either side of him as he pounded away in her pussy. Arthur looked on as Nicky's little teenage tits bounced up and down with the force of Terry's thrusts. Nicky had stopped crying and had her head was turned to the side, staring at the wall defeated . She was so small compared to Terry's massive frame that her head was level with his chest, and her feet were just below his knees. Arthur felt so fucking horny at the sight of this little 14 year old pinned down underneath his friend, She looked so small and helpless and this turned him on.
Nicky could not move under Terry's weight. She just lay underneath, her little body moving in unison with the force of Terry's thrusting penis. She knew there was no point in trying to resist as this big hairy pedo turned her into a woman.
Terry was just getting into his stride.
"You fucking tight little fuck bag" he sneared at Nicky.
"What does it feel like" asked Arthur.
"Like being in heaven" laughed Terry.
Terry's excitment was rising, he had never felt so horny , he wanted Nicky to talk dirty.
"I want you to call me daddy" do you hear?
Nicky didn't answer.
"Fucking answer me or I will slap you daft" Terry snarled.
"What does it feel like"?
"It's OK" wimpered Nicky.
"It's OK what"?
"It's OK daddy" Nicky replied totally humiliated.
"Do you like daddy fucking your hot little cunt"?
"Yes daddy"
"Yes daddy what"?
I like you fucking my hot little cunt"?
"I will tell you what Arthur" Terry shouted. "She has the most lovely smelling cunt for a 14 year old. I am going to have a nice smelly dick after this" She smells all musty and slightly fishy" Both men howled with laughter at this as Terry continued to pound the girls smelly cunny.
"Why have you got such a nice smelly cunt" Terry demanded.
"Because it is tight and needed shagging daddy" Nicky said hoping that this is what Terry wanted to hear.
"It won't be so fucking little by the time we have finished stretching it" Terry laughed.
Arthur laughed with him as Terry continued the assault on Nicky's sore and beaten cunt.
"I think she is enjoying it,
"Your enjoying this arnt you slut" Terry asked her.
"Yes daddy" Nicky replied.
Terry began to fuck the girl with harder thrusts, each time he pushed up Nicky's gash, the headboard of the bed slammed into the wall, Nicky winced as Terry's cock hit her cervix with every stroke. Arthur left the room and sat outside listening to the events taking place in the bedroom. The whole caravan began to rattle and shake as Terry got into his stride. Terry began to bang her pussy as hard as he could.
"Owww, owww, please no" Nicky cried as Terry's cock hammered into her cervix like a pile driver.
The poor girls vagina felt like it was being rubbed by sandpaper as Terry continued to fuck her as hard as he could. He couldn't care less how much discomfort she was in. He was going to have his way.
Arthur could hear Terry's grunts and heavy breathing as his assault on Nicky's fuck hole continued.
"Do you like being shafted" Terry asked Nicky.
"Have you been shafted before? "
"No daddy"
Terry continued his assault on the girls love passage. Every stroke felt fantastic to the old pedo. It made him glad to be alive. He never felt any remorse at fucking underage girls. He knew that if girls of this age were not mean't to be fucked, then he would never have been able to enter her. But he had entered her passage with ease. All his 8 inches had slid up inside with no resistance.
"Do you have periods" asked Terry, his thoughts swirling around in his head"
Nicky began to cry again as she said yes, She realised that this dirty old man could give her a baby.
"Yes" she answered.
Nicky's answer just made Terry feel better. He didn't care about making her pregnant. If he didn't, then Arthur might. But he was happy with her answer because he knew that when a girl starts her periods she is fertile, that means she is ready for sex. All he was doing was providing her with the sex.
Terry continued fucking Nicky's love hole. His dirty talk continuing as he moved towards his orgasm.
"Ohhh yeh"
"Ohhh that feels good"
"You dirty little slag, you love cock"
Arthur could hear Terry's grunting and heavy breathing getting louder and louder until the familiar "OOHHH YEH" as he emptied his balls into the cunt. Nicky knew instictively that her rapist was filling her cunt with sperm. He forced his cock deep inside and held it still whilst cum shot out and splattered against the girls cervix. She could feel Terry's cock twitching before getting softer as Terry's cum filled her. Terry laid on top of the girl exhausted and satisfied. Nicky on the other hand felt disgusted and dirty. She had lost her virginity to a man older than her own daddy. What made things worse was the thought that Terry may have fertilized her.
Terry withdrew from the girl satisfied. As Terry climbed off her she began to close her legs. She could feel Terry's semen trickling down her vagina and onto her thigh. Terry forced her legs open again and pulled her cunt lips apart. He began to look inside the cunt to see how much cum he had ejaculated. Deep inside the cunt, Terry could see the familiar pearly coloured sticky liquid that had just moments before been inside his balls. He was pleased with his work.
However Nicky's ordeal was far from over. Arthur wanted his turn, and Nicky also had a rather tight anus.
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