Deanna had never been in a powerboat before! Can you imagine! Eight years old and no more nautical experience than a pedalo!
We were making up for that now. The Cap Camarat bounced lightly across a placid corner of the Ionian, the sun warm, the sky an azure dome above. The rocky headland racing past to starboard was all that broke the calm blue disk of the sea, seabirds overhead the only sound beyond the muted roar of the engine.
Deanna was lying in the bows on the open deck, gazing over the side, her dark hair whipped back in a lustrous halo, a look of sheer pleasure on her beautiful, spray-dampened face. I'd warned to stay back from the rail, but, well, she was a child, and children don't always do what they're told, do they? Her face made a beautiful figurehead as she drank in the sheer exhilaration of a fast boat on a calm sea. I kept a careful eye on her as we rounded the headland and turned into the sheltered little cove that was the venue for our lunch date.
I killed the engine, letting the boat drift in as far as we could safely go before dropping the anchor. We stopped, gently rocking some 30 feet from the lapping waves at the foot of the perfect semicircle of soft yellow sand enclosed by its wall of faded red sandstone. We'd arrived here by the only means possible, and had only the birds for company.
Deanna seemed surprised that we'd stopped. "How do we get to the beach?" she asked, somewhat doubtfully?
"Swim, of course," I replied. "You can swim, can't you?"
She nodded, a little nervously perhaps. "Don't worry, hon, I'll be with you. It's not far, and there're no bad currents here and very little tide - this is the Mediterranean, it's quite safe that way."
"Yeah, OK... but I don't have my swimming costume," she continued. I pretended to collapse in horror.
"You come on a boat trip and you don't bring your bathing suit? You big banana! What are you like?"
She poked out her tongue at me. I love it when she does that; it's such a deliciously lovely little tongue.
"No sense in getting your clothes wet," I said briskly. "Off you strip."
"But! But what if someone sees me?" she cried, looking around the curve of the little bay. I shaded my eyes and looked around carefully with mock seriousness.
"Yeah, I see what you mean. All these people will see your little tushy. What will we - ow!"
Deanna has quite a slap sometimes; my upper arm hurt.
I tugged off my shirt, leaving just my swim shorts. "Come on, hon, it's only me."
With a slightly shy glance, she wriggled out of her t-shirt. As with every time, the sight of her smooth, tanned skin and slightly raised nipples made my breath catch. I held out a hand to support her as she unsnapped her shorts, stepped carefully out, then, with the tiniest hint of self-consciousness, tugged down her cute pink panties.
I tried not to stare, but I failed. I can never help it, she is just so beautiful naked. Her tummy has just the right curve, her belly button is gloriously broad and deep, and the soft mound of her cute little pussy has a shape that makes my head swim. She caught me staring at her and cocked a little fist against her hip, a reproving look on her face. I felt colour rise in my face! Hers to command, that was me.
With a slightly sheepish grin I slid over the side. She peered after me, a little hesitant. I took a moment - well, a few - OK a lot - to admire her glorious nakedness framed against the pure Ionian sky, then held my arms out.
"Just jump, honey, you'll be fine."
She jumped. I caught her to me, not that she was in difficulty - it was just a nice excuse to hug her soft nakedness to my chest. I released her slowly and swam with her to the shore. I watched her step ashore and run in sheer delight out across the warm sand and back again. She kick-sprayed water after me but I'd already struck out for the boat. I loaded the chilled picnic containers into a little inflatable and towed lunch slowly back to the beach, watching Deanna playing naked in the gentle surf. I could never grow tired of watching her play naked.
I hauled lunch up to a shaded spot near the right-hand cliff, then sat in the sun and watched her again. How beautiful she, I thought. She seemed to be a perfect fit with the eastern Mediterranean - the sun splintering through the highlights in her already-drying hair, her laughter echoing from the cliffs, her naked beauty calling to mind a young nereid frolicking in perfect innocence on this far Greek strand.
She looked up, saw that I was sitting quietly, and advised me that I was a lazy lump and would not be allowed any lunch if I didn't get up and play. I leaped up with a roar, chasing after her. She squealed loudly, turned and ran through the shallow waves but I caught her, swept her up and threw her wailing into the warm sea. She splashed me. I splashed back, then said I would count to five and she had to reach that far rock before I caught her, but no leaving the water.
She ran off, giggling loudly. "Onetwothreefourfive," I said, leaping after her and catching her easily. I scooped her up again, a laughing bundle of glorious softness, and tipped her easily into the sea. She emerged laughing. "Cheat!"
"Whaddya mean, cheat? I counted to five! Right, your turn. Catch me if you can!"
I set off across the cove, running slowly with a great show of pumping arms and flailing legs. She caught me, grappling me and trying to trip me up. I tripped back and we tumbled into the surf, giggling uncontrollably. She half pinned me, kneeling astride me with her hands on my arms, giggling into my face. I stopped struggling, since I really had no desire to try to escape from my gorgeous little captor. No desire to escape at all. Desire, yes, but not for escape.
I gazed into her soft blue eyes for... for some time, conscious of her knees either side of my hips, her chest and belly heaving gently as she caught her breath. Mmmm, Deanna... I reached up, kissed her nose, then flipped her sideways, caught her and stood, a warm, wet giggling girl in my arms. I hugged her to me as I carried her up the beach. She snuggled into my chest. There was nothing else at all in the entire world. Nothing but her and me.
I lay her down on one of the big flowery beach towels. She sighed and shaded her eyes with her arm, drinking in the sun as I went to unpack lunch. She was made for this place, I thought, made to run free over warm sand, naked, sunlight in her hair.
Lunch was still nicely chilled. I had fresh-baked bread from the little bakery just off the harbour, nice cheeses, the little sausages I knew she adored, baby tomato and cucumber salads, hummus, tzatziki, lovely little stuffed vine leaves, olives; a selection of sweet, sticky honey-covered Greek pastries to follow; and strawberries with the richest chocolate dipping sauce I'd ever come across.
We ate quietly for a little while, she propped on her elbows, stretched out in the sun, me reclining beside her, drinking her in. I helped her try a little of everything: tzatziki yes, hummus maybe not. She wasn't sure about the big black kalamata olives, but she nibbled one of the smaller green ones as I fed one to her. Mm, not bad.
I offered her another, reaching out to pop it directly between her delicately poised lips. She smiled, my fingers slipped and the olive fell, rolling slowly, straight down the centre of her chest and dropping neatly into her beautiful belly button.
We'd both watched it roll. We both looked up at the same time, shared the same glance and burst out giggling. The olive shook in its little nest of perfect golden skin. Deanna reached for it but I stayed her hand. I leaned over and kissed her belly button, sucking the olive into my mouth and letting my lips linger on her smooth, warm skin. Her skin tasted of sea salt. I kissed her belly button again, and sat up.
"Bet you can't do that again," I laughed, and we tried, rolling olives down her perfect tummy, aiming for her belly button. Only one out of six went home, the others rolling off to the side.
"You're rubbish!" she exclaimed as the sixth tumbled onto the towel.
"You're too giggly!" I replied. "Look! Your tummy's shaking them off! No fair!"
She took a deep breath in mock seriousness, stilling her giggles. "Mm-hm," she nodded, demanding I prove my aim was not, after all, complete rubbish. I rolled number seven; dead straight it went, bouncing neatly into her belly button - and out! Too fast! It rolled away, over the glorious curve of her abdomen and came to rest nestled on the very lips of her little pussy. We both looked at it; I looked up at her. Her lips parted ever so slightly. I dipped my head.
Her legs were crossed at the ankles, demurely together. The olive rested at the inverted apex of her perfect little-girl geometry, a meeting of four straight, softly shaded lines, a pale, hypnotic triangle caught between the tanned gold of her legs and belly. The faint remains of the sea lingered on her skin - single sand grains, traces of salt. The olive trembled as my lips got closer. I dipped my tongue, licking under the olive to scoop it carefully into my mouth. Deanna gave the tiniest of gasps. I waited, my lips poised above her, almost touching her. Then I licked her.
Softly, slowly I ran my tongue along the tiny cleft between her pussy lips. She gasped again, a little louder. Her ankles uncrossed themseslves. I tasted sea salt on my tongue; with my mind I tasted much more. I licked her pussy again, as if savouring the most exquisite dish on earth.
It was the most exquisite dish on earth.
Her legs shifted, her thighs parting. Not too much, just a little, just giving me that little bit more room to reach lower and lick from the bottom of her pussy cleft to the top, my tongue pressing a little more firmly. The tip of my tongue traced a path between her lips; the sensation of her sweet young flesh on the tip of my tongue sent torrents raging through my groin, turning my cock from politely interested to achingly hard in a matter of seconds.
I kissed her little pussy and, with a great effort, sat up. I cleared my throat.
"Mm. Yes, I do like olives."
Her eyes glowed softly, echoes of the deepest indigo flashing in their depths. Her soft lips were parted; her belly heaved slightly once more, though not, I fancied, with laughter this time.
"Dessert," I said. "We'll save the baklava and such, but you have to try these strawberries - and 'specially this chocolate sauce. This is the chocolatiest chocolate sauce in the history of, erm, well, chocolatey-ness."
Deanna brushed a strand of hair from her eyes, looking steadily at me as I skooshed some of the truly excellent sauce from its chilled bottle into a little bowl, and dipped in one of the large, sweet strawberries that were the pride of the market at the moment.
Instead of offering it to her I took it between my teeth, holding it half-in, half-out of my mouth. I leaned toward her. She understood. Perfectly. She leaned over, head tilting slightly, her gorgeous little mouth opening just so. She took the strawberry into her mouth. Our lips met, an electrically charged flash of rich chocolate, sweet strawberry and something else entirely. I bit down, strawberry juice flowing across our lips. We held ourselves there, savouring the tastes... then parted slowly.
We gazed into each other's eyes as we ate our half-strawberry. A smear of chocolate sauce decorated her lower lip.
The next one was hers. She held it in her mouth and I leaned in to kiss-taste it. Her lips were so soft, so sweet. I found my fingers touching her belly, no memory of moving my hand at all. Our kiss lingered, strawberry, chocolate, desire.
Another from me to her, and her hand was stroking my chest, pulling me towards her. I let my fingers wander across her beautifully raised nipples - her breath gasped in my mouth. I sucked gently on her lower lip, soft, delicate but oh-so sensual.
Another strawberry, juice and chocolate sauce dribbling down our chins, our kisses so soft, so gentle but oh-so fevered, our touches increasingly intimate. I stroked her bottom; her fingers played at the waistband of my shorts. She touched my erection through the thin cotton, once, then again. Her small hand pressed against me. My cock pressed back.
I licked a dribble of chocolate from the corner of her mouth, and reached for another strawberry. Three smalls drips of rich, dark brown spotted the right side of her chest, just above her glorious nipple. I caught them just before they started to run, licking them carefully off her warm, smooth, salty skin. Mmm. She smelled and tasted so good: of sun, sea and young beauty... I licked her chest again, and encircled her nipple briefly with my lips.
She cried out, an incredibly sensual little sound. My hand fumbled for the bottle of sauce. I looked at her archly, a wicked grin on my face, and slowly, deliberately I dripped warm chocolate sauce onto her right nipple. She gave a little grunt and lay back as I drizzled a line across her gently heaving chest to her left nipple. Putting the bottle down, I began to lick.
The tiny point at the centre of her nipple was erect, firm and hard in contrast to the sinking-softness of her aureole. My tongue played with the contrast, slowly lapping up the rich sauce, gently teasing her nipple. I nibbled her softly with my lips, feeling a tiny swell from her girlish nipple. Her hand, lying between us on the towel, clenched.
I worked my way slowly across her chest, leaning over her beautiful, naked body as I traced the path to her left nipple. Again I circled, nibbled, licked it clean. Again she grunted, gasped in a soft undertone. Her hand groped for the angry bulge in my shorts, found it, held it. With the warm sun on my back and the soft little girl beneath me I gorged on her glorious little nipples.
After a little while I moved back, kneeling up and reaching for the bottle again. I drizzled a trail down the centre of her chest, creating a little pool in her belly button, then further, following the faint guide of her linea negra. I paused, then dribbled a thin stream right onto the beautiful bulge of her mound, letting it trickle into the soft fold of her pussy cleft. A tiny "Oh!" escaped her.
Bending low I began to lick up the trail of sauce, down across her upper belly, my fingers softly stroking her thigh. I licked her belly button clear, tickling my tongue into every little fold and ridge, and moved on to her lower belly. I could feel a tremor in her whole body, a soft, deep shudder beneath the smooth gold-and-pale skin. I stopped just above her pussy mound. Deanna gave a little moan.
I moved around, gently pushing her legs apart so I could lie between them. I looked at her, reassuring, but I need not have worried. Her face was set in a mask of desire; she opened her legs for me without a murmur. Trembling, I lay down and began to eat.
To begin with I licked around the edges of her pussy mound, the beautifully-shaped creases where her thighs met her pussy. Right side, then left, I carefully licked the chocolate sauce, working inwards with infinite care, the glorious texture of her soft pussy lips under my tongue. She twitched; her thighs shook. She lifted her knees, opening them a little farther.
Delicately I reached up. Delicately I opened the sweet butterfly wings of her pussy and licked chocolate from the warm pink inside. She tasted unbelievably lovely, the chocolate mingling with a hint of sea, and the light, musky flavour of her little-girl cunt. I shifted on the towel, my cock jabbing uncomfortably beneath me. She was gorgeous. I licked her pussy, sucked gently on her firm, undeveloped little clit, delved into the warm glory of her cunt.
"Oh Deanna, sweetheart, you taste so good," I murmured. "Honey and cinnamon and a million sweet summer's days."
I could feel her wetness now, the sweet little-girl nectar flowing inside her, sweeter and richer than the finest chocolae sauce. I lapped hungrily at her cunt, my tongue deep inside her. She moaned continually now, a soft, incredibly arousing "Un... un... un... un..." sound. Her bottom rose and fell ever so slightly as she pushed her crotch into my face, unconsciously, un-self-consciously, her whole body given over to the pleasure I was giving her.
Then she gave a little cry - "Ohh!" - and she grabbed the sides of my head. Her bottom tensed, shuddered, and relaxed. She'd cum! A beautiful little-girl orgasm! I kept my tongue working inside her slippery cunt. Her hands held my head in place, pressing me to her.
Very soon afterwards she clenched again - "Ohhhh!" I looked up. She was looking down, our eyes meeting over the gentle curved of her little body. Her tongue was poking from between her lips, her face was flushed, her eyes bright with desire. I covered her pussy with my mouth and ate and ate.
After a third sweet "Ohh!" I pulled back, adjusting my angry cock again and looking at Deanna's sweet trembling form lying gloriously, wantonly naked and open in front of me. My cock spasmed.
Deanna sat up, leaned over and grabbed my round the neck. Firecely she kissed me, her lips squashing mine, her young body pressing me back. I lay down beneath her. She detached one hand, clawing at the waistband of my shorts. I lay back; she sat up, her fingers making quick work of my shorts, unbuttoning, unzipping. She gave a little mew as my rigid cock came free, her hands twitching at the sight. I lifted my butt and she pulled down my shorts in a single movement, leaving my desire for her with no place to hide.
It was my turn to tremble as I watched her scoop up the bottle of chocolate sauce. She gave me a look as she popped the top, unreadable, almost animal, and then switched her attention. With no fanfare she squirted the now-warm sauce in three great blasts all over my cock, and bent to lick me.
Her tongue was fierce, her mouth eager. She licked my shaft and head once, twice, sending a thrill through my entire body, then took the end of my cock right into her mouth.
Oh my God! The memory of Deanna's soft, beautiful face caught in her nest of deep brown hair, framed by the blue of the Ionian sky, her tender lips closed around my cock will live with me forever. She sucked and licked and gobbled chocolate off me, pulling me vertical to fit more of me in her mouth. I raised my hips, wanting her to take all of me in. Wanting her. Wanting her so badly.
The chocolate sauce was long since gone, but she sucked feverishly on my cock, driving me wild with her hungry lips and eager tongue. Leaning up I brushed her hair aside, cupping her cheek.
"Turn around, honey," I panted. "Keep sucking me but turn your bottom round. Here, swing your knee over..."
Deanna straddled my, her thighs either side of my chest, her glorious bottom in my face, her neat, sweet pussy right in front of my questing tongue. I held her buttocks, pressing my face between them, licking her perineum as she moaned and gasped around my cock. I licked her pussy, licked the sweet, pink rosebud that was her asshole as she sucked my hard red cock.
The shadow of the cliff crept over us, but the air was still warm and besides, we didn't care, locked in our intimate embrace of mutual oral pleasure. My balls felt heavy, tight. My prostate was working overtime. Her pussy was wet, her asshole tasted of rich, dark delights.
"Oh Deanna baby..." I heard myself murmur, several times. "Oh sweetie. I love you baby. Ah honey..." Several times I heard her "Ohh!", felt her clench and tense, tasted the small flood of juice as she came again and again. Soon I would join her. I was so wound up, the sensations in my cock, in my mouth, in all my senses getting close to overwhelming me... Getting close...
"Oh sweetie I'm gonna cum baby you're gonna make me oh baby I'm gonna."
Ah. Ahhh!
She sat back, pressing her butt onto my face. I buried my face in her soft, wet scents as my cock erupted. A good yard it was, Deanna told me afterwards, straight up in a big white fountain, five, six big spurts and lots of smaller ones. I certainly didn't stop to count or measure at the time. All that filled my senses was a rolling, crashing orgasm and a beautiful little girl's bottom, sweet pussy filling my mouth. Sweet Deanna's pussy, and orgasm...
She rolled off. I sat up, surveyed the mess. My cum was everywhere -over me, over the towel, in her hair. There were splashes on her face, a face glowing with pride at what she'd done for me, with a deep flush from what I'd done to her. She was utterly, unequivocally the most gorgeous female creature in the world. I reached up and kissed her lips. She kissed back. Fiercely.
"Let's take a swim, honey, clean up a little," I said. "Then I think we've earned some dessert. We have some of those little pastries you like - honey, nuts. And we have all afternoon..."
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