Maiden Voyage

[ Mg, public, 1st ]

by illg

Published: 5-Dec-2012

Word Count:

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This work is Copyrighted to the author. All people and events in this story are entirely fictitious.

Note - The upper deck (premium economy) of a Virgin Atlantic 747-400 has a back row of only two seats, on the right, opposite the stairwell to the main deck. The two lavatories are at the front of the cabin.

* * * *

"Excuse me, sir."

The stewardess looked worried. The plane was busy, damn busy, and I'd seen a crowd of kids at the gate, what looked like a school party. A couple of tarty looking girls among them, but nothing that had stood out. Cute uniforms, though. It looked like the stewardess had one of them behind her.

"I'm terribly sorry, but... Well, I understand that you've paid for both these seats but... Well, the thing is, this young lady is with the rebooked school party and they need to get back to London today, and we're struggling to fit them in, and..." Unusually for a trolley dolly she tailed off in a kind of embarrassed way under my friendly-but-impassive stare. I caught a glimpse of a blonde ponytail behind her. What the hell.

"That's quite alright, I understand," I replied, cracking into a smile. The stewardess visibly relaxed. "It would be churlish of me to refuse to give up an empty seat for a lady." The stewardess thanked me and stepped to one side to allow the girl forward.

Boing! My head performed a little spin, my heart a little lurch. Blonde ponytail wasn't the half of it! What a little doll! A soft, gentle face, perhaps a hint of shyness, rosy lips and blue eyes with chips of mica glittering in them. She glanced at me as she sat down; a lovely smile lit up her already radiant face. "Thanks," she said. A Brit, a lovely little Brit schoolgirl sitting next to me for the whole long haul! Well, perhaps there was a God afterall.

She was wearing the cute school uniform I'd noted at the gate - white blouse, pleated skirt in a dark gray, white knee-socks, sensible shoes. She hung a maroon blazer of some kind on the coat button on the seat in front. I watched her out of the corner of my eye as she bent to shove her little carry-on bag under the seat - a little flash, a little peek into the top of her blouse! Mmm, nice. No boobs to speak of; I reckoned she was eleven or so.

As she straightened up a harassed looking woman came hurrying up the stairs across the aisle from us. That's the neat thing about Virgin Atlantic - they fly 747-400s with just two seats on the back row of the upper deck, nothing but the stairs next to you. Whenever I did this trip (and that was too damn often - I hated the redeye) I always preferred this row - and whenever I could fix it I took both seats so I could spread out with no fellow passenger to bug me. Mind you, some passengers are much less buggy than others.

The woman spotted my new companion and looked relieved - kinda like the stewardess had. Must be a nightmare getting all these kids settled on such a busy flight, I thought. Glad it's not my job.

"There you are Samantha, are you OK? Settled in? Got everything put away? Thank you, sir, for giving up your extra seat." She addessed me in a tone that suggested I had no business taking up two seats in the first place.

"No problem, lady," I replied in full comic-American, just to wind her up. I don't think she noticed.

"Now, Samantha, I'm down near the front here with some of the other girls. Will you be alright here? We could maybe get one of the other passengers to swap - I'm sure this gentleman wouldn't mind." This gentleman was about to tell the interfering sow to go fuck herself, but Samantha, bless her little white socks, spoke up first.

"I'd rather stay here, Mrs Henderson. It'll be quieter, and I'd like to try and sleep."

Good for you, girl! thought I. Hey, perhaps she fancied me! Mrs Henderson looked nonplussed. I hit her with my most brilliant smile.

"It's OK Mrs... Henderson? I'll keep an eye on her. No need to disturb anyone else."

Mrs Henderson hesitated for a minute, then returned my smile. I'm damn irresistable when I turn it on, I tell you. She even managed a "Thank you very much" before turning and hurrying on down towards the front of the upper deck.

Samantha turned and gave me a little smile. I grinned and winked at her. She ducked her head, stifling a tiny giggle, then composed herself and held out a hand.

"Sammy," she said. I took her hand in mock-seriousness. Soft and smooth...

"Jimmy," I replied. "Real nice to have you here. You know," I went on, "if I have to give my extra seat up then there's no-one else on this aircraft I'd rather give it to. Pleasure to meet you, Sammy."

She flushed a little. I grinned inwardly. Boy but she was lovely. I imagined kissing her - that made my grin burst out. I winked again and went back to my newspaper.

The flight finally settled, finally pushed back, finally taxied to the runway. Sammy flicked through the inflight magazine, I made my way methodically throught the Post, Dulles dropped away behind us. As we banked and D.C. wheeled slowly beneath us Sammy looked up and across me toward the window. I lowered my paper.

"You wanna see? Lean over a little, honey. It's OK, you won't squash me, little thing like you." I leaned back as far as my seat allowed and Sammy craned her pretty little neck to watch the Capitol recede as we turned into the north to follow the great circle to London. I can't tell you how much I had to fight my desire to nibble gently on her perfect little earlobe...

Well, after a few moments of me trying not to drool on her neck, Sammy sat back down, plugged herself into her iPod and closed her eyes. I pretended to read while admiring the smooth curves of her lovely little face, the flick and drift of blonde hair that fell across the right side, her softly inviting lips. Lovely girl, I thought. Love to spend time with her. I mean *really* spend time. Naked, you know? Not going to happen on a 747, though.

The Post occupied me for another thirty minutes or so - nothing much new, same old same old really - and I'd just put it down, stretched and yawned a little when I heard a girl's voice raised in shrill accusation further down the plane. I peered over the seat in front of me, and noticed Sammy looking round the edge of the one in front of her. There was some altercation - I heard "Bitch!" quite distinctly - and I noticed Sammy give a big smile and pull her head in. She caught my eye and flexed her brows at me in a conspiratorial way. I smiled back.

"Friends of yours?" I asked, nodding down towards the ruckus which was subsiding with the aid of the teacher and a rather anxious-looking stewardess. Sammy shook her head emphatically.

"No, that's Helen Jones," she replied quietly. "She's a cow." She looked across at me, clearly slightly startled that this had come out, but I grinned at her encouragingly.

"Actually she's a *stupid* cow. Thinks she's so smart, so cool, so grown up. But she's *not*!" There was a flash of real venom in her words; clearly there was some bad blood there. Interesting, thought I. Gently I asked what the problem was. Sammy shook her head a little angrily, but my winning smile and easy, avuncular manner -and my clear interest in hearing the dirt on Helen Jones - won me her confidence. That and the fact I'm irresistible, like I said.

Sammy and the other girls were in second year at high school, UK terms. That made Sammy just about thirteen, which surprised me for starters: she looked younger - eleven had been my guess. Anyway, the Jones girl and some of her cronies teased Sammy about being square, apparently, about not being "cool" and "sophisticated" and "not knowing anything about boys". Helen Jones claimed to have three boyfriends and already to be having sex with one of them. Sammy knew fine well she was bullshitting.

"She doesn't know the first thing about sex, about men, boys," she said fiercely.

"But you do." I made it a statement, not a question. This was a hunch; something in her manner and body language suggested there was something here. No smoke without fire, I always say. Sammy flushed a gorgeous shade of pink. Ah-ha!

It took a little more gentle charming, but... with a defiant little tilt to her chin and a flash in her eyes that just made her look even more gorgeous, out it came. Sammy admitted that she'd met a guy through Facebook, chatted to him online. Amercian guy, older, really sweet, but clearly interested in her from the get-go. Interested in talking dirty, very honest about finding young girls sexually attractive. She sent him a couple of photos, although they weren't of her - some girl called Holly she met on holiday last year who Sammy reckoned was prettier, with bigger boobs, more likely to keep "Dave" interested.

"He didn't check your Facebook photos?" I asked, feeling a little strange. She shook her head. "I don't have any up; I've only just joined this year, just after my birthday. I go by 'Sammsi'," she admitted.

"So you chat on MSN with this guy, and he's sweet but talks real dirty and likes little girls, and you asked him for a picture and he sent you a picture of his penis, and you found that exciting, much more exciting than you were expecting, and his name is Dave B, yes?"

She nodded. It took her a good few seconds to rewind the conversation, then her hand flew to her mouth and her eyes flew open.

"No...!" Her voice was almost a squeak.

"And he told you he wanted to lick you between the legs until you came, again and again and again?" My voice had dropped to a conspiratorial whisper; my heart seemed to drown it out as it hammered in my chest. "And you played with yourself that night, and told him all about it in an email, and he said he so wanted to have sex with you. And you know what?" I went on, gazing intently into her eyes. "He *really* *does* want to have sex with you. You are *way* prettier than those photos you sent. You little tease! You little silly! How could you think I wouldn't like you? You are the most gorgeous little thing I have *ever* seen."

Sammy looked like she might faint. I reached out and took her hand.

"I know you are one hot little vixen, Sammy. So, right here, on this flight, let's play it all out. You are a gorgeous, sweet little girl with a raging vixen waiting to come out and I want you right here and now." Still holding her hand, I raised my other hand and stroked the back of my finger across her chest, smoothing the soft cotton and pausing deliberately over her nipple. No hint of swelling at all there; she was not one of Nature's rapid developers that was for sure. Fantastic!

I slipped the finger inside her blouse and stroked her other nipple in the flesh, all the time holding her hand and gazing into her beautiful blue eyes. She looked nervous as hell, almost scared, but there was a blaze deep in her eyes that told me she was mine. Her nipple hardened under my touch, the smoothness of her little aureole contrasting with the angry little bump in the centre. I smiled.

"Good girl," I whispered. "Let's have some fun."

I leaned back, looked around. These two seats were pretty isolated, but we were on a plane for God's sake. Caution was the watchword. Well, caution, and having as much sex as humanly possible with this gorgeous little Brit schoolgirl with the blonde ponytail and killer eyes.

"Show me your panties," I whispered.

Sammy had recovered herself admirably - clearly a young lady of some willpower - and she glanced around and down the plane. Things were quiet. With a little wriggle of her butt she took hold of the hem of her school skirt and slowly - teaser! - raised it above her knee. Her thighs were pale and smooth, like champagne. Higher it rose, she looking at me all the time to gauge my reaction. My eyes were fixed on her hemline and my dick was hardening by the second. Higher her skirt rose, until I caught my first flash of white, then higher still.

Fantastic! Slowly, deliberately, Sammy drew her skirt up almost to her waist, showing me as much of her white satin panties as she could. Smooth, tight, they clung to her mound as if they'd been sprayed on. No hint of hair, nothing but soft, champagne skin and tight white panties. I leaned over and whispered in her ear.

"Ohhhh, Sammy, that is sweeeet."

I touched her thigh, one finger stroking slowly across her soft, silky skin. I felt her tremble, catch her breath, but her skirt stayed raised. Slowly I circled my finger round, down, dipping inside her thigh. Her legs moved, twitching apart a fraction, a fraction more, and my finger came to rest on her pussy.

Mmm! Soft, warm, lovely! I ran my finger slowly upward, tracing the line of her little cleft. A little sound escaped from her as I traced up and down, stroking her pussy cleft through her tight satin panties, my cock straining inside my suit pants. I sensed the warmth behind the smooth white material. I wanted that warmth. Badly.

Sammy made a noise; her skirt whipped down. I sat back quickly, leaning down to dig into my carry-on bag under the seat in front.

"Everything OK, Samantha?" asked Mrs Henderson. She looked across at me with a hint of suspicion, but Sammy just smiled and said "Yes, thanks, Mrs Henderson. Everything's fine. Is Helen OK?" she added with a perfectly straight face. Mrs Henderson gave a tight little smile back and rolled her eyes. I flashed her my best shit-eating grin. "Sammy was trying to explain this Facebook thing to me," I said cheerily, "but I just don't seem to get it."

Mrs Henderson gave a little laugh. "I know what you mean," she said, "it's rather beyond me, but the girls seem to take to it like ducks to water."

"Don't they just," I replied.

"Try and get some sleep, Samantha." Mrs H, satisfied that Sammy was OK and wasn't disturbing that nice American gentleman, turned and disappeared back toward the front of the cabin. The nice American gentleman, who was, of course, severly disturbed indeed with a massive hardon, leaned over again and whispered in young Samantha's ear: "No sleep for you, my girl, you've got work to do..."

I took hold Sammy's hand and placed it on the bulge in my pants. I pressed it down, held it there, and whispered "That's my cock, honey, hard as a fucking rock for you. You feel me, girl, feel what I want."

She barely needed any encouragement. Her fingers traced out my shape, probing and squeezing slightly. Boy it felt good, her delicate little fingers feeling up my hard dick. I lifted a finger to her lips and mouthed the words "lick it!" Her lovely little tongue darted out and licked the tip of my finger, then again, more slowly, she drew her tongue up the length of my finger and let it linger on the tip. Again she licked, her fingers playing with the bulge in my pants. She kissed the tip of my finger, and slowly took it into her mouth. Her hand cradled my caged erection as she sucked on the tip of my finger.

I slipped my other hand under her skirt again, feeling for her pussy lips in their satin sheath. She was warm, beautifully warm; her panties felt a little damper than before. With one finger still in her mouth, I worked my hand under her skirt, feeling for the hem of her panties. Finding it, I wriggled my finger under the elastic and touched the soft, bare, smooth flesh of her pussy. Sammy's fingers squeezed my cock.

I stroked her pussy, working my finger further under the hem of her panties until I reached the glory of her slit. She was wet. Her little thirteen-year-old slit was wet; what a fabulous feeling that was. I ran my finger up and down, revelling in the sensation of the young-girl juices oozing from her hot little cunt. I smeared her cunt juice across her pussy lips and covered my finger in it. Her thighs trembled, but only a little.

I pulled my finger from her mouth, and in its place raised the other I'd just disengaged from her panties.

"Lick this," I whispered, "taste yourself. You are one wet little hussy." She did. Without a blink, Sammy licked her cunt juices off my finger with slow, deliberate strokes of her gorgeously long tongue. Her hand still massaged my aching cock.

"Good girl..." I breathed. "Good girl. Now, take off your panties."

Reluctantly giving up my cock for now, Sammy sat up and looked around. Then, raising herself from her seat a little, she reached down between her legs and very neatly tugged her panties down round her butt. She sat for a few moments, her panties stretched across her thighs, her skirt raised to give me an eyeful, then she dropped her skirt and worked her panties down over her socks and shoes before kicking them under her carry-on bag. That done, she looked across at me, almost as if to say "OK, what now?"

"Show me your pussy," I mouthed.

Again the hem of her skirt rose slowly. This time her thighs parted steadily as the pleats slid upward. I held my breath. My heart beat, ka-BOOM ka-thud ka-BOOM ka-thud. And there - Sammy's glorious little pussy appeared, displayed to perfection between her open thighs. She looked intently at me; I tore my gaze away from her perfect, glistening slit and looked into her eyes. "Perfect," I mouthed.

All quiet on the plane. I reached out and touched her, fondled her naked pussy, running two fingers over the soft, moist lips, then crooking my index finger and slipping it just that tiny fraction between them, teasing at the outer edges of her wet little slit. I kept my eyes on hers as I worked my finger slowly up and down the short length of her pussy slit. She returned my gaze steadily, tiny flames of girlish desire burning deep in them, little spots of colour on her cheeks. Oo, her wetness was fabulous.

I pushed my finger, penetrating her softly. She shivered. I worked my finger in to the first knuckle, and pressed her undeveloped little clit with my thumb. A tiny sound escaped her and her eyes closed momentarily.

"Honey," I whispered softly, "I think it's time we got under our blankets, don't you?" She nodded. I withdrew my finger, she dropped her skirt. Still holding her gaze, I raised my finger to my mouth and sucked slowly at her delicious flavours. That was me. Nothing was going to stop me plundering that sweet, sweet little cunt now.

As Sammy fumbled for her airline blanket I raised the armrest between us. I tugged my blanket out of its wrapper, hooked it over my far shoulder and draped it across my lap. Then, as Sammy, rather shakily perhaps, did the same with hers I slowly, quietly unzipped my pants and slowly, quietly freed my cock from its confines.

I was excited. My cock was excited - hard, angry hard, the head red and tight and wet with my own secretions. I held the blanket up for Sammy to see. Her eyes widened.

"This is not a picture, sweetie, this is not a recording!" I whispered. "Touch me."

Sammy's pale little hand snaked out from under her blanket, paused briefly, then descended. Her little fingers closed around my cock shaft just below the head, and boy did it feel good. A little smile flickered on her face and she looked up, excitement in her eyes. I felt a glow of pride - mine was the first live cock she'd seen, let alone touched. There's something to tell the grandkids. Hmm, maybe not...!

Sammy held me for a while, trying a few experimental strokes and touches. I lay back, one eye on the aisle and stairway, as she fondled my erection. I guided her fingers to the really sensitive spots - the top ridge, the point of division just under the head, my urethra opening. Her fingers were soft, gentle, and utterly, insanely arousing. My right hand clenched on the armrest, my fingers grinding the plastic as she tickled and stroked my cock head, making use of the secretions my prostate was pumping out as fast as it could work. She was a natural.

She moved to grasp the whole head but I caught her fingers gently. Raising her hand to my mouth I drooled a whole mouthful of saliva onto her palm, then nodded downward. She understood. Carefully she smeared my spit onto my cock then wrapped her little fingers tightly around the head and moved her hand in a gentle up-down motion. Jeez it was so good! Sammy's slimy fingers squishing tightly up and down on my cock head. My right hand ground the armrest again as the muscles in my thighs twitched and I strove to control my facial expression. Any stewardess would be able to see I was in rapture from halfway down the plane!

I leaned across, nuzzling into her delicious blonde hair. "Lift your butt," I whispered into her sweet little ear. Still playing with my cock, she did and I slipped my left hand underneath her, palm up. She sat on my hand, her butt cool and soft, her pussy right where my fingers were. I worked my index finger between her lips and fondled her pussy. She made one of her gorgeous little sounds again, and for several minutes we rubbed and fondled each other's wet genitals. I whispered to her, telling her when she did something particularly fabulous - rubbing her thumb firmly against my urethra opening was one.

"Ohh, Sammy, you are the best. You are one sexy little girl. Ohhhh."

Movement from one row down on the other side of the aisle made us let go. I slipped my hand from under her ass as we sat back and shrugged our blankets round us. I had an idea. Waiting until the ignorant so-and-so across the aisle had returned to their seat, I spoke in a quiet but normal voice.

"Hey, Sammy, I think there's a shipping lane down there. There are lights strung out - it's quite a sight. You want to look?"

I indicated she should squeeze past my left leg and take a look. She looked slightly puzzled, but one look at my face told her there was a good reason. She swung her legs round between mine and half-stood to look through the window. As it happens there *was* a ship down there, but it wasn't half as interesting as what I had in mind. I arranged her skirt and grasped her hips, then pulled her down onto my lap. My cock caught between her thighs, then slowly slipped up between them. Wishing I was naked, I nestled her glorious little butt against my lower belly and gave a slight upthrust of my hips. My cock emerged from between her silk-soft thighs as she sat in my lap.

Oo, I love that position. Almost like fucking, and the visuals of my angry red cock head protruding from between Sammy's champagne-and-silk thighs was outstanding. And she was no passive spectator. Once she twigged the game, she placed her hand in her lap and pushed my cock back, wedging the head against her naked pussy lips so that my ever-so-gentle thrusts rubbed us together in a truly fantastic way. She didn't take her hand away either; the little slut left it there to rub the hot buttons all over my cock head. Jeez I could barely control myself...

Another few glorious minutes we dry humped, Sammy sending rivers of flame down into my balls with the combination of her fingers and her soft, wet pussy lips. Honestly, I was so close to blowing my load all over her when she gave a little cry of alarm. She slid off me quickly and shrugged her way back under her blanket as I too spotted her fucking busybody teacher moving up the aisle toward us. I crammed my dick back into my pants and covered up with the blanket.

"Everything OK?" This woman was beginning to be a real fucking pain, but Sammy was the coolest cat.

"Yes, Mrs Henderson," she replied in a very sleepy-sounding voice. "Jimmy saw a ship out there - it was really kinda cool."

"Sammy reckoned it was a supertanker," I added. "I think she's right - she's a smart cookie." Our combined charm and wisdom clearly convinced Mrs H that I wasn't molesting one of her charges and she turned and went back to her seat through the increasingly sleepy plane. And indeed I wasn't molesting her charge at all - as it happens, her charge was about to molest me!

Almost before Mrs H's back was turned I felt Sammy's hand sliding through my open zip under the blanket. She ambushed my cock, encircled it and began jerking me with short, neat and incredibly arousing strokes. You know when sometimes everything in a handjob just works perfectly - the hand pressure is *right*, the friction on the head, from clothing perhaps, is *right*, the movement itself is just *right* and you feel the cum welling up at an outrageous rate? Well, Sammy got me just like that. The feeling of her hand in my pants, on my cock, was perfect and I felt my balls tightening, that yes-right-now-no-slow-down feeling coursing through me. I murmured a warning as I clenched my favourite armrest, but the little vixen wasn't interested.

Blam! Thirty seconds of fabulous handiwork from little Sammy and I filled my pants. My belly trembled and tensed as I came, my constricted cock jerking and twitching as it soaked my boxers. Jeez I must've been worked up! Gonna be time to get the suit dry cleaned... I lay back in the seat, breathing deeply - OK, gasping a little -as Sammy's invading hand withdrew, mission accomplished.

Recovering a modicum of composure I opened my eyes and looked at my little blonde neighbour. The expression on her face! Her beautiful little mouth was curved in a smirk so self-satisfied it could've been called smug. Her eyes sparkled and glittered. She raised one eyebrow and licked her finger, her tongue flicking off a smear of my cum. Cocky little madam! Right, my girl, I thought, you reckon that's one to you, do you? Game on, then.

Using my left hand I adjusted myself inside my pants, ensuring my fingers were well covered in my slimy cum. As I did I grinned wickedly at Sammy.

"Lift your butt, sweets," I murmured. Looking a little less cocksure than she had been, she raised herself a little way off the seat. I leaned across, slipped my hand under her skirt and under her bare bottom. Her skin was so soft... I manoeuvered my hand into position and, as she sank down, I rammed a cum-slimed finger right up her ass.

Her gasp was audible; her eyes widened most gratifyingly as my finger slid smoothly up into her rectum. Grinning wolfishly I bent to her whisper in her ear.

"Right up your ass, sweetie. Yeah, hot and tight and sweet. Imagine this is my cock, right up your ass. Imagine your ass stretched wide on my cock, pumping cum into you. I want to fuck you up your ass, fuck you in your mouth, fuck you up your cunt. Gonna fuck you Sammy, you little slut. Gonna put my hard dick in all your holes and fuck you. You want that? Sure you do. You wanna be my little fuck slut, I can tell."

My right hand had been busy in my pants gathering more cum. I reached under her blanket, under her skirt and rubbed my cum-smeared fingers on her slippery little cunt as my left hand plundered her asshole. What a gloriously slippery little mess she was gathering between her silk-soft thighs. It was her turn to grasp the armrest as I fingered her mercilessly, asshole and cunt. I watched her face - her eyes closed, her lips parted, her colour rose.

"Your cunt is so wet, you little slut. Hot and wet and tight. Cum to me, baby. Let it go. Cum to me! That's it, honey, let go! Yeah! Come on sweetie! Let me have it! Let me have it! Cum for me now! You're cumming, you're cumming -- ohhh, yes, honey, good girl, good girl!"

Sammy came, her whole body giving a jerk and a shudder. A flood of hot, sweet juice pulsed over my fingers as they rubbed her little pussy, an amazingly wet cum for a young girl. It set the gears whirring in my head. I had to drink it up, had to drink from her hot little cunt right there, right then.

I had a quick look around, amazed that no-one had heard Sammy cum. All quiet still, unless some perv in front was filming us on his cellphone - and good luck to him if he was! I slithered off my seat and squashed myself into the footwell. Taking hold of Sammy's right leg I lifted it, pushing it up onto my seat, splaying her thighs wide, exposing her wet little pussy. I pulled her butt forward a little on the seat, then ducked my head under her skirt.

My mouth found her deliciously wet pussy straight away. Oh, what a fabulous sensation! She was hot and wet, her pussy flushed with blood and the scent of fresh orgasm. I felt her whole body squirm as I squashed my tongue on her clitty - no doubt hypersensitised by her orgasm, but damn that. I guess we were lucky she wasn't a screamer, and neither was I. I lapped my tongue up and into her cunt, eating her delicious girlhood, drinking the musky nectar of her cum juices. Gorgeous, absolutely gorgeous. Sammy wriggled and writhed above me, not with discomfort but with rising hotness. Atta girl! Multiple orgasms for my hot little Brit schoolgirl!

My cock was raging hard again in my wet pants, a slight ache advising my brain that the plumbing wanted a short rest. My brain, however, wasn't interested. Shut the fuck up, it told my cock and balls, and fucking get on with it, 'cos I've got a little girl's cunt in my mouth and you guys need to pay special attention! Blood pounded through my dick, Sammy's scents filled my nostrils, her tastes filled my mouth...

Footsteps on the stairs!

Jeezum! Sammy's legs twitched, the beginnings of panic. As silently as I could I slipped back into my seat, helping Sammy down with her leg. Thank heavens for the blankets! Sammy's skirt was caught up around her waist and my dick had burst out through my zip again. We'd just about arranged ourselves to look like two restless redeye travelers when the irritatingly bright-looking stewardess appeared at the top of the stairs.

She smiled at Sammy, kneeling down to inquire if she was OK, anything she needed? I was on the point of saying no thanks, all she needs is some peace and quiet to take my cock in her mouth, but thought better of it. Sammy, bless her heart, managed that sleepy voice again and assured the stewardess everything was fine. How the trolley dolly missed the high colour in Sammy's cheeks and the smell of sex at our end of the plane I do not know. But she did and duly moved off, down the plane.

I leaned over and kissed Sammy on the cheek, then on the lips as she turned to me. Her mouth was avid, her tongue eager. I slipped my hand under her blanket, found her exposed and dripping pussy and entered her with a finger, my thumb pressing her clitty. My turn for revenge! A few firm, smooth strokes up her cunt, a solid pressure on her clitty and she came again, a fresh wash of hot, sweet juice covering my fingers.

The stewardess passed us again, heading downstairs once more. Sammy and I did excellent impressions of people dropping off to sleep, although Sammy's may have been more of a swoon from the strength of her cumming. No time for sleep yet, my girl. Everyone around us was quiet, Atlantic night pressing against the windows. A few movie screens flickered further down the aircraft, but my cock needed attention from my little blonde fuck slut. I lifted my blanket and rather unceremoniously pulled my little fuck slut's head down to my lap. My cock protruded from my pants - hard, glistening with cum and precum. I pushed Sammy's face toward it.

Sammy opened her sweet lips and took my cock straight into her mouth. Her mouth tight around the base of my head she bobbed gently, her lips working back and forth over the sensitive ridge, her tongue pressed against the underside. Fantastic blowjob technique! I recalled telling her one chat session how to suck a man's dick, and she'd clearly taken notes like the good student she was. Her mouth worked magic on my cock. I held her ponytail tight in my left hand as she sucked me off, and joined in her bobbing rhythm; using her ponytail as a joystick I rocked her head gently and mouthfucked the little slut.

What a sweet cocksucker she was! Cute, blonde, quiet, studious, thirteen and hot as fuck! I closed my eyes...

Suddenly she sat up. Fuck! Some bastard going to the lavatory. Fuck! I was going wild - wound up and ready to play. I ground my teeth for a second, then leaned over to whisper.

"Sweetheart, I want you to suck me til I cum. See the left-hand lavatory up front? Go there now. I'll come along in thirty seconds, knock like this" - I tapped her arm - "You unlock the door, I'll open it. 'K?"

She looked into my eyes, and nodded. I leaned back and she shrugged herself out of her blanket, carefully arranging her skirt first, and stood. She made her way to the front of the cabin without a backward glance. A cool one, our Sammy.

I counted to thirty, arranging my angry cock as best I could back in my damp and slimy-cold boxers, then stood, stretched and sauntered up front. I tapped as agreed, softly so as not to seem obvious, saw the lock slide and opened the door. She was pressed up against the side, straddling the can to give me room.

She was naked. Sensible black shoes, white knee socks pulled right up - and nothing else. Absolutely fucking fabulous!

It was a tight squeeze. I shut and locked the door behind me as we kissed, my hand on her soft, smooth flank, her fingers at my crotch. I unbuckled my pants as she unbuttoned my shirt. I dropped my pants and boxers, she clawed my naked chest. I grabbed her, turned her round to face the mirror, nestled in behind her and slid my aching cock between her thighs. My hands groped her chest, her nipples, my lips nibbled her ear and her neck. Her left hand hugged my head while her right played with the head of my cock as I dry-humped her, both of us watching our faces in the mirror.

My hands caressing her body. Her face contorted with pleasure in the mirror, flushed, wanton. The bright red head of my cock contrasted against the pale champagne of her young thighs... She moaned softly, continuously, a low, deeply arousing sound. I whispered erotic nothings in her ear - "yeah, unh, yeah, baby, yeah, unh".

Mmmm. Oh, my balls were tight and my dick was throbbing with rising tension. I stepped back, turned her around in the cramped space and sat her on the can. I pushed my cock into her mouth; she slurped me in greedily. I placed her hand around my shaft, showed her how to jerk and suck at the same time. I leaned back against the door, my cock fit to bursting in Sammy's delicious little mouth. Her eyes blazed as she sucked me. I took hold of her ponytail again.

Oh, here it comes! I grabbed the base of my cock and pulled it out, just as it erupted. Semen splattered onto Sammy's face - her cheek, across her nose, over her forehead and into her hair. Her mouth took a major spurt, creamy white goo frothing over her rose-red lips. I squeezed my cock hard, squashed the head into her cheek and released another gout, smearing cum right across her gorgeous child's face.

Cum ran down her chin, dripping onto her flat, prepubescent chest. I pulled her closer by the ponytail. "Suck it!" I ordered. She took me in, sucking hard to draw the last drops from deep in my balls. Her cum-splattered face looked utterly divine as she sucked me clean.

When she'd milked my last drops and licked my shaft clean I pulled up my pants, rebuttoned my shirt and let myself out carefully. Wow-ee! That was one of the hottest sex encounters I've ever had. What a girl!

It took Sammy about five minutes before she rejoined me in our seats. She'd cleaned herself up well, although a strand of her hair was glued together in one place by a small splash of cum. There's something about Sammy, I thought, amused, as she sat down beside me. I winked at her. She smiled back - and Jeez the look in her eyes! It seemed we'd got ourselves into a ping-pong kinda thing - a tit-for-tat, cum-for-cum sexual jousting match. From the blazing blue fire in her pretty eyes, I wasn't completely convinced that I was going to win!

Sammy settled down under her blanket again, and snuggled down toward the middle of the seats. Suddenly I felt her hand on my cock once more, her deft fingers unzipping me. Then her hand was inside and playing with my semi-rigid dick. It wasn't semi-rigid for long under the fabulous playing of those wise young fingers.

Some ruse was needed. As Sammy brought me up to another raging, aching hardon I fumbled with the in-flight movie controls. I indicated she should put her headphones on; she managed it one-handed, which was bloody impressive. I found some suitably inane rom-com, put my headphones on, then snaked my hand away under the blankets to find the warm, wet, heavenly place between her lithe young legs.

I rubbed her clit. I stroked her smooth, bald pussy lips. I fingered her hot little cunt. She stroked my dick, fingered my ridge, toyed with my urethra opening. I oozed precum continuously; she smeared it round and round my cock head and wound me up, up, up all over again. A gently flow of girl-juice trickled from her cunt; I dipped my fingers in its warm, sweet river and massaged her soft pussy. I played with her peehole, pinched her little clit hood delicately; she rubbed the hotspot just below my cockhead until the tendons stood out on my neck.

One whole hour we played touchy-feely with each other while pretending to watch whatever dumb film it was. Hidden under our blankets, carefully arranged to display no movement at all, we toyed with each other's wet, slippery genitals. My dick was out of my pants for most of it, her hand squeezing and rubbing me. We whispered little words of encouragement or guidance to each other: Sammy learned the hottest places on my cock to really tighten my balls; I learned that she wanted to feel her cunt filled. For half the time I had two fingers firmly up her tight, wet cunt, pressing her hymen...

The movie came to an end. I don't even remember its title. I nuzzled up to her, smelling her hair, nibbling her ear. "I want to fuck your pussy, Sammy," I whispered. "I want your virginity. I want to take you right now, make you a woman. I want to fuck you."

"Yes," she whispered back. "Yes."

Sammy rose, stretched, gave me a long, long look from her bright blue eyes, and went forward. I counted to something, trying to arrange my dick so I wouldn't have to walk bent double, and followed. Same procedure and I squeezed in. She was naked again, her lean, girlish body making my head spin with desire. She fumbled with my pants as I embraced, kissed her long and deep, our mouths wide open on each others.

I dropped my pants around my ankles and wriggled out of my shirt, Sammy stroking my cock and fingering her own pussy the whole time. This time I sat down, and she straddled my thighs. I rubbed her soft, wet pussy, sliding one, two fingers inside her again. She was wet as fuck, slippery, hot. More than ready for me. I pressed her hip and gently she lowered herself onto me. Her pussy lips slithered gloriously around the head of my cock until I found her opening. I pressed her hips gently. The head of my cock began to disappear.

If you've never watched a young girl's naked, hairless pussy lips descending slowly down your cock, well, you've missed out.

Sammy slipped down. She was tight - hot, wet and tight as only young, fresh pussy can be. She leaned over, hugging my chest. "Go on," she whispered. I felt her hesitate, shiver as my cock nudged her hymen but I held her hips and thrust up. A momentary pause - only a fraction of a second - then a shudder went through her. I pulled her hips down as her hymen parted and my cock slid deep, deep up her glorious cunt. She sank her teeth into my chest but I didn't give a damn. My cock filled Sammy's tight young cunt, and her virginity was mine.

Slowly she rose and fell; slowly I matched her rhythm. The blood sang in my cock as it slid in and out of her fabulous cunt. She clung to me, her face against my chest, occasionally lifting her head to kiss me. The soft scent of her sweet blonde hair filled my nostrils, as my raging cock filled her cunt.

She bit my chest again as she came, her thighs quivering, her vaginal muscles rippling gloriously along the length of my cock. I swear my cock had swollen; I wasn't at all sure I could pull out now even if I'd wanted to. I slowed, feeling the tension building, building. I wanted to time it... just... right...

Sammy's cunt squeezed me tight. I slowed, my strokes long, deliberate, until... with one... last... long... stroke... I stopped...

...And came. Perfectly. That pause, total stillness except for the rushing sensation down in my balls and - whoosh! Again and again I gouted cum deep inside Sammy, deep inside my glorious little blonde Brit schoolgirl; my gentle, demure little schoolgirl, with the soft blue eyes; my total whore of a fuck-slut schoolgirl Sammy. Again and again I came inside her, my face in her hair, my cock buried deep in her cunt. "Oh Sammy oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh honey oh honey oh..."

* * * *

I sat on the can the whole time as she dressed, composed herself. She kissed me long, tenderly, hugged my neck. I hugged her back, kissed her sweet little nose. She'd given me a glorious thing. I loved her for it. My cock wouldn't go down.

She slipped out. I waited, pulled my clothes on slowly. My cock was still erect as I left the lavatory.

Sammy was snuggled under her blanket. I stepped past carefully, trying not to disturb her, and settled down myself. Only about an hour to run. I closed my eyes.

* * * *

I lost her in the well-mannered scrum that was disembarkation but met up with her again at baggage reclaim. She was with her class, chatting away, looking fresh as a daisy. I saw who I took to be the Helen Jones girl looking at her in an odd, sullen way; saw Sammy pass a word with her, a kind, almost patronising word; saw who was top bitch now. That made me feel real good. The smile Sammy gave me when she saw me made me feel even better - warm, brilliant, beautiful, with a hint of something much, much earthier in it. Made my cock twitch.

A farewell kiss would've been nice, but at least we could hook up online - and we'd have a bunch to talk about next time!

The taxi ride to my hotel was, well, a taxi ride through London. My far-from-restful but oh-so-glorious night was creeping up on me as I checked in. Breakfast? No, thanks; a shower and a few hours' sleep before my first meeting that afternoon was what I needed. That, and a change of underwear!

I dumped my case in the corner of the room, threw my jacket onto the bed, inspected my cum-stained pants. Not too bad actually, thank goodness. I rasped a hand over my chin. Right, shave, shower, two hours' nap. Fetching my carry-on bag I rummaged for my electric shaver.

That wasn't mine. Something soft, silky, slightly damp was jammed in the corner. My sleep and sex-fuzzled brain took a good few moments to focus on the object, but when it finally dawned I laughed aloud at the sheer pleasure of life.

I think she'd used them to wipe herself when she got back to the seats. Sammy's soft, white satin panties were still damp, slightly sticky with thick white cream and the faintest hint of virginal blood; and deeply, richly scented with the smell of her, the smell of me, the glorious animal scents of one truly fantastic journey.

R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s


An exciting tale. Reminded me of the 'Girl with Coffee' in the movie AIRPLANE!


Nice !!


Loved the story! Very erotic.


Hot, I loved it


Very nice story. Well written and wonderfully descriptive.


Cracking fantasy brought to life so well - with you all the way!


Great story but he jumped right in too fast feeling her up. A few lines about chatting with some guy on the internet then boom, he's rubing her nipples. I know its not real, but a little buildup and convincing would have given the illusion it was. The way it was presented here would have had her yelling for help even if she was a slut.


i came across the teacher story and read that,i love your style of writing and will be reading all of your work many thanks

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