Kayla Becomes a Move Star, Part 3

[ MMM/gg, slow, reluc ]


Published: 15-Mar-2011

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This work is Copyrighted to the author. All people and events in this story are entirely fictitious.

Testing & Molesting

"Are we going to make a movie?" Kayla glanced around at the lights and cameras. She was feeling better after a nice lunch and a nap. They had even given her nice fluffy robe to put on. Now though she didn't need it; it was warm in the room.

"We are." Dan adjusted one of the cameras so it pointed at the funny looking bed. It was just a mattress on wooden box. There were straps dangling from each corner of the box.

"What are they for?" Kayla asked.

"During the test you gotta be tied up," Lisa said gleefully.

"Really? Do I really hafta be tied up, Doctor Dan?" Kayla pouted. In a funny way she sort of liked the idea of being tied up. Especially if she was naked. She was pretty sure she would be naked.

"Afraid so. It's one of the rules we have to follow when we use this," he slapped the machine standing by the bed. It looked a little like one of those round garbage cans, the ones with a plate you shoved in to put the trash in. But instead of a plate it had a panel with a bunch wires stuck in it. A small control pad was next to the wires. Dan did something with the panel and went back to setting up the cameras.

"It will also make the movie more exciting," Lisa added.

"You're weird, Lisa. What's so exciting about seeing me tied up? I can't do anything."

"Some people think that's exciting," Dan said. "But don't think you're just going to lying there. You've seen Lisa having orgasms. I'd be amazed if you didn't have ones just a strong."

"Stronger, I bet." Kayla dodged Lisa's fist and walked over to the machine. "STIMULATOR," she slowly read the sign on its side. "What does that mean?"

"When you stimulate someone it makes them excited. The Stimulator sends special electrical pulses to your nerves, along with some special chemicals, that will get them all excited. These things," Don held up a bunch of wires and pointed to the transparent disks on the ends, "also vibrate a little which makes the feeling even stronger."

"What about this thing?" Kayla reached out and touched a small rod attached to one of the wires. It was about the size of one of her finger and it felt like it was covered in velvet. "What does it do?"

"It'll be easier to show than to tell. Take your robe off and lie down."

"Spread your arms and legs wide apart. Wider!" Lisa pulled Kayla's right wrist toward the bed's corner and put one of the straps around it. "Make sure you don't make it too tight," Don warned, as he tied Kayla's ankles to the lower corners. "She'll need a lot of slack."

Lisa nodded. "Move your arm Kayla." Kayla raised her arm about 20 centimeters off the bed. The strap was like a big rubber band; strong enough to hold her but not strong enough to keep her from stretching it.

"Good. Lisa tie Kayla's other arm the same way. Lift your legs up Kayla. Try to lift them as high as you can. Good, you can move them pretty far." Dan felt Kayla's right leg. "You've got strong legs Kayla. The straps on your legs are a little weaker than the ones on your arms, so you might break them, but don't worry about that. Now for the good part."

He moved the stimulator closer to the bed and started pulling the wires out. There were four of them. He laid them on Kayla's flat chest. "These two," he held a pair with flat round heads, "go on your nipples. If you look real close you see they're lined with little fuzzy points. Those are where the special chemicals come from. They're absorbed directly through your skin, so it's not like getting a shot."

"That's good." After the shot in her vagina, Kayla was in no mood for any more. "How come they're clear?"

"Because the people who watch the movie want to see your nipples. It excites them."

"So why don't they go and look at boys? My nipples look just like theirs."

"Lots of folks do like to look at boys. Among other things," Dan said dryly.

"Oh. Yeah." Kayla remembered he had been molested when he was a little boy."

"In fact, one reason why some men like to look at a little girl's bare chest is because it reminds them o f a boy's. Go figure."

"Grown-ups." Kayla moaned.

"Exactly." Dan stroked her nipples with his thumbs. "Your nipples area little flat; it helps putting these on them when they're a little hard and pointy."

"Like mine," Lisa chimed in. She had taken off her bikini and was rubbing against Dan like a kitten. A hairless blond two legged kitten.

Kayla closed her eyes. Dan's thumbs were making her nipples tingle. "That feels nice," she whispered.

"As they used to say, 'lady you ain't seen nothin' yet." Don pressed the disks on her nipples. They did feel soft; like pussy willows.

"This part obviously won't go fit on your nipples." He showed her a little hood shaped thingy. "Feel how soft it is." He put it on her nose.

Lisa fell on the floor laughing so hard she started to cry. "Oh Kayla! You look like a clown!"

"You're so weird Lisa. It's tickling my nose. I'm going to sneeze."

Don pulled it off. "Can you guess where this really goes?"

Kayla thought for moment. She wanted to use the right word. "My clitoris."

"A plus." Kayla yelped as Dan carefully fitted the hood over her clitoris. "The clit is a very interesting part of the human body. Only girls have it; the closest thing a boy has like it is his penis. But while a penis can be used for, ahem, different things, as far as we know the clitoris has only one job. It's to give the girl pleasure. It's very sensitive; that's why you were a little startled when I put it on"

Kayla nodded. It had actually hurt a little. But now it was feeling good. Her clit was tingling. It seemed to be a little bigger and harder too. She felt something stroking her slit-vulva she thought that's what it was called. It was hard, but it was covered with fur too. So it felt nice on her hairless little slit.

"In a little while I'm going to put this in your vagina. We can't do it right away because it will hurt."

"Because of the skin there."

"Your hymen? Not really. I had to remove most it when I gave you your shot. That's why that might have stung a little. It's mainly because a six-year-old girl's vagina needs be stretched a little before she's comfortable having things put up her vagina. Also the vagina needs to be a little moist. It gets moist when you start getting sexual feelings. The contacts on your nipples and clit will give you those. And Lisa will have her finger up your vagina, so she'll be able tell me when it's time to put this in. Take your position Lisa. When I signal, put your finger in."

The Stimulator started buzzing. Kayla closed her eyes then opened them very wide. She was getting the strangest feelings in her nipples and clit. First it felt like they were being gently tickled with a million tiny feathers. But this soon changed to a slight pressure, as if someone was squeezing them. Not hard like a pinch. More like a little hug, Kayla decided.

Or a kiss. Kayla threw her head back. She moaned. Her head swung from side to side. The kissing feeling as getting stronger. Now it was more like sucking. Suction cups, very soft and very wet suction cup, were gently tugging on her nipples and clitty. Shivers were going down Kayla's tummy and cunny (she still called it that-it sounded way cooler than 'vulva'). The pressure stopped. Little fingers were rubbing her nipples, slowly at first, then faster and faster. More fingers were stroking her clitoris and her vagina.

"Lisa," Kayla moaned. She raised her head and saw her friend pushing her finger in and out of her vagina. Lisa's face was flushed and she had funny look in her eyes. "Lisa, you are so weird," Kayla sighed, laying her head back.

Dan tended to agree. Slowly and carefully he pulled the seven-year-old's moist little paw from the six year-old's even moister vagina. He had seen Kayla's little girl juices seeping around Lisa's finger. She's well lubed up now. He reached out with one hand to turn down the Stimulator; the other went on Lisa's cunny.

"Hey! Don't stop it now. I haven't had any 'norgasms!"

"Orgasms," Dan and Lisa corrected automatically. "Right, but you need to hold still while I put the probe in you."

Kayla closed her eyes and took a deep breath. She was still afraid that this was going to hurt. The probe slipped in easier than Lisa's finger. She sighed out her breath and looked up at Dan.

We're just about ready to start the test now. When you get your first orgasm the Stimulator will tell you-you probably won't be sure, it will just be a really strong feeling-and will ask you if you want more. If you need a rest don't say anything. The stimulator will start up again in five minutes. If you want another orgasm right away just say-"

"Fuck me!" Lisa chirped.

That word again. "Lisa, you are so weird."

"Better not," Don scolded. "Somebody might hear and get the wrong idea. Anyway, the test should run about hour. When it's over you'll get a short rest and then Mr. Ray will take you to another studio. There you'll be making some short movies with him and some of our other friends."

"Doing what?" Kayla really didn't need to ask.

"Being sexually molested. The very best kind," Lisa added.

"Lisa, you are so..."

"Weird." Lisa giggled and tried to undo Dan's pants. He picked her up and swung her upside down over his back. "Well, we got to be going. See you later, Kayla."

"Hey! What are you guys going to be doing?"

"Lisa and I will be playing doctor."

"Lisa, you are so w-AHHHH!" The Stimulator came back on, much stronger than earlier. Now her nipples and clit were being stroked and sucked and rubbed all at once and by millions and zillions of little mouths and fingers. But that wasn't the best part. That came from the rod inside her. It seemed to be moving in and out like Lisa's finger had. Only it seemed bigger than Lisa's finger. Much bigger.

And the feeling surging through her six-year-old body were much bigger too. The rod pulsing in her vagina, the disks sucking her nipples and the hood thing massaging her clit were making her feel better and better. When she touched herself, even when she did it for a long time, she always was afraid when the feelings got too big. She'd stop. Now it was like being on the ocean. Waves of pleasure were carrying her higher, and higher, and higher---

"AHHHHHHHHHHOOOOOOOOOOOOOOH AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!" Kayla's body jerked up from the bed, her arms and legs pulling the straps to their limits. The strap on her left leg broke, as Dan had warned. She screamed again, legs kicking wildly, arms waving, her upper body rocking back and forth.

"Congratulations. You have just had your first orgasm," The Stimulator told her in its funny robot voice. "Would you like some more?"

Kayla was dazed. For a second she thought she was going to die; the feelings were so strong. "M-m-more?" she stammered. It was half a question. The sensations started up, stronger and faster than the first time. The orgasm came quicker too, even stronger than before.

Kayla lay plastered to bed, soaking in sweat, vaginal juices and pee. She could hear her heart pounding in her heaving chest. She hadn't been so out of breath since she won first place in the 7 and under triathlon the summer after finishing kindergarten. She had barely caught her breath when the Stimulator started torturing her again.

And it was torture. Her nipples, clitoris and vagina were being stimulated well past her six-year-old's body's capacity to handle the feelings. She wanted it to stop. She wanted it to go on. And on and on.

This time it did. The instant she got a third orgasm, the machine tortured her to a fourth orgasm. Then fifth orgasm, and sixth orgasm. The relentless machine kept on torturing her to one orgasm after another, stopping only after Kayla's tenth climax in little more than twenty minutes.

It only gave her a five minute break before starting up again. It was slower this time. Gradually the pulsing got more intense. Kayla stirred a little as the feelings in her clit and nipples got stronger and stronger. She closed her eyes waiting for the climax to sweep through her once more. It didn't. The sensations slowed down, almost stopping. Kayla squealed in frustration. Was there something wrong with the stupid machine? Ahh. She smiled blissfully as her nipples and clit started tingling. The tingling got stronger and stronger, and better and better. Her nipples were hard like pebbles, her clit was stiff and pulsing, her vagina was squeezing hard on the probe. Another 'norgasm was coming close. Closer. Closer. Kayla closed her eyes waiting for the wave to hit her again. It didn't. Kayla shrieked in frustration. Again and again the flames raced through her nerves. Only to be doused just as they were going to set her ablaze. "NUUHHH UHH AHHH AHH NUHHH AHH!" Kayla thrashed in agony. "I CAN'T STAND IT! PLEASE! PLEASE!" But the Stimulator wasn't programmed to respond to this. It tortured the six-year-old to the brink of orgasm a half dozen times before Kayla remembered the magic word. "MORE! MORE! MORE! MORE AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!"

Kayla bounced up and down on the bed as the orgasms hit her over and over again. This time there wasn't a second's pause between them. They kept hitting her. Two, three four five. A brief pause, then another set of multiple orgasms. Then another. They kept coming, coming and coming and coming...

R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s


Mmmmm... Also the 6 and 7yo girls should be told to cane Or spank each others little streched out pussys whilst they are tied to the beds It would also be another story of them getting pussy assignments

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