Published: 15-Mar-2011
Word Count:
Kayla swung her legs nervously in the "waiting room." She didn't much like going to the doctors, but Mr. Dan said she needed to get a check up before she could be in a movie.
"Am I going to get shots?"
"A couple. Don't worry about it. We use a special needle that doesn't hurt.
Much, Kayla mouthed silently. That's what they always told her and it never was true. What did he take her for, a four year old? Grown-ups. She sighed and wondered where Lisa was. They told her that Lisa was going to be her co-star. But what was part was she going to play? Kayla guessed she'd be another "patient."
The door opened. Kayla walked in to the examining room. There was Lisa! She was wearing a little nurse's cap and holding a tray with doctor stuff on it.
"Hey! I thought I was getting a real check up! Lisa's not a really nurse!"
"How do you know dummy? You haven't seen me in two months. Maybe I was in nurse school." Lisa stuck her tongue out."
"You're too little to go to nurse school. Besides, nurses don't go around dressed like that." Undressed would be better, Kayla thought. Lisa was wearing a tiny string bikini, even smaller than Kayla's. The top part was so narrow you could see her nipples peeking out and the bottom part hardly covered her slit.
"And you're not a real doctor, are you?" Kayla asked Mr. Dan who had on white doctor's jacket with a stethoscope hung around his neck."
"As a matter of fact I am. A very special kind of doctor."
"He's a pedo pediatrician," Lisa said solemnly, then burst into a giggling fit.
Kayla made a face. What was so funny? Really Lisa could be as weird as a grown-up sometimes.
There was a cracking sound. "Hey we don't got all fucking day," a man's voice came out of a ceiling speaker. "Get rolling."
"Yeah, let's get the fucking show on the road!" Lisa shouted.
Kayla was shocked. The last time she heard Lisa use that word her mom had dragged her back into their house. Kayla waited outside for Lisa, thinking her mom would wop her couple of time and let her come back out to play. Instead Lisa started screaming. Really loud, louder than Kayla had ever heard her scream. She kept screaming and screaming until Kayla couldn't stand it. She ran up to the house to see. The door was open so she went inside.
She didn't see anyone. Then she heard Lisa scream again, even louder than before. It was coming from their basement. Kayla knew where this was; she had been in the house many times. She crept down the stairs.
Lisa was hanging by her feet from a beam. She was naked. There red lines crisscrossing her legs and tummy and two big red splotches on her chest, the top part where her nipples were. Her mom was holding something. It was plugged into an electric card. She put it between Lisa's legs. Lisa shrieked and her whole body jerked and swung. Kayla saw what it was. It was an iron. She screamed, afraid that Lisa's mom was going to put that hot thing on her too!
Just then someone grabbed her from behind, which made her scream even louder. But it was just Mr. Ray. He carried her out of the house and sat and hugged her real tight. A few minutes later two policemen came out with Lisa's mom. She was in handcuffs. They put her in their police car and drove away. Then and ambulance came and took Lisa to the hospital. She was there for long time. After she went to live with Mr. Ray.
"That's a bad word, Lisa," she said quietly.
"It's ok," Dan patted her head. "We can say it here."
"And we can also do it!" Lisa grinned like a little wolf. "Here it's the bestest word in whole world."
Kayla crinkled up her face. How can the same word be bad in one place and good in another? She sighed. Grown-ups.
"Yes, Boss." Mr.-no Dr.-Dan said. "Get undressed Kayla. Take off everything but your panties."
Kayla kicked off her sandals and put them under the chair behind her. She pulled her shorts off and put them on the chair. She turned around, knowing it really wouldn't make a difference-they'd see her chest in just a second-and took her shirt off. She put over the chair's back and turned to face them. She knew by now not to cover her little chest. She stood with her hands down by her sides waiting to be told what to do.
"First we need to see how much you weigh. Get on the scale." Kayla stood on the scale. It was the old fashioned kind with little weights that you slid across the top and ruler and stick to measure how tall you were. Dr. Dan used this, even though he already knew how big she was.
"Fifty one inches," he said, speaking into his recorder thingy. He moved the little weights till the beams were balanced. "Forty-eight pounds," he announced again using the old fashioned word. "You're a little too skinny," he patted her shoulder, "but we'll soon change that, right Lisa?"
Lisa grinned. "That's for sure." Kayla looked at her friend. Lisa's ribs weren't sticking out as much as they used to.
"Ah, I think you want to go to the bathroom, Kayla." The little girl was nervously rubbing her feet together and hopping up and down a little."
Kayla nodded. They hadn't stopped on the way here and she had last gone right after breakfast.
"That's good. We can get a urine specimen right now. Nurse Lisa will help you."
Lisa took Kayla's hand. "Come with me, miss. I'll show you."
Kayla jerked her hand away. "I think I know how," she said coldly. "Thank you very much." The two girls walked into the small bathroom.
"Take your panties off, Kayla," Lisa told her. "You might make a mess."
"I'm not a baby, Lisa!"
"You're supposed to," Lisa whispered. Kayla made a face. "Oh all right." She slid her panties off and gave them to Lisa. Lisa put them on the counter and picked up a little plastic jar.
"I gotta hold this under you to get the specimen," she explained.
Kayla squatted on the toilet, opening her legs to let Lisa get the cup in place.
"I'm set."
Kayla closed her eyes. The cup's edges pressed into her thighs. She felt a little trickle coming out of her pee-pee hole. Her tummy relaxed and more came out. Lisa took the cup out and put a lid on it. Some more pee came out. A lot more. When she finished wiping herself Lisa gave her panties back. "You can put your panties back on now, Kayla."
Lisa opened the door and gave Dr. Dan the jar. He went outside for a minute. When he came he said, "Your urine sample was fine, Kayla. No problems. Now I need to take a little blood sample. Go sit down over there," he pointed to a small stool with a little desk attached. It was like the chairs they had in school, only it was a little higher.
"Put your arm down on the table and make fist. Hold it tight!" He wrapped an elastic band around Kayla's upper arm. He swabbed something cold on it with a bit of cotton. "Hold still," he warned, "this may sting a little."
Kayla closed her eyes. "Ow!" Dr. Dan had pricked her arm with a needle. She looked at her arm, and then quickly turned away. Blood was rushing out her arm into a small tube attached to the needle. Dr. Dan took the tube out and put another one in. He replaced that with third one and then with a fourth one.
A little blood? Kayla stared at the samples. Each tube twice as long as her pointing finger and filled to the brim with blood. Grown-ups.
Dr. Dan took the needle out. He pressed a pad on the place where the blood. After an awhile he took it away. Lisa came and helped him put a bandage on Kayla's arm.
"Go and lie down on the examination table," he told Kayla. "I need to drop the blood samples off at the lab."
Kayla lay down and closed her eyes. She was getting sleepy. And hungry too. It was well past lunch time. The door opened. Kayla opened her eyes and sat up. Dr. Dan was back. He was smiling. "You're a very healthy little girl, Kayla."
"Does that mean I don't need to get a shot?" She asked hopefully. It was something she always asked at the doctor's, since they always told her she was a healthy little girl. If she was healthy, she'd ask, why did she need a shot? So far this had never worked. Grown-ups.
This time it did. At least partly. "No, you won't need any of your regular shots. I will need to give you one very special one. But first we need to finish the check up. Sit up and take deep breaths." Dr. Dan put his stethoscope on different spots on her back to listen to her lungs. He put it on her chest to listen to her heart. He did this while she was sitting up and when he told her to lie down.
He put his fingers on her tummy. Kayla tensed up. This part always tickled. Sure enough, she was soon giggling and squirming as Dr. Dan fingered her tummy.
"You've got a nice strong tummy, Kayla; I could feel your muscles. Do you swim or do gymnastics?"
"Both. I'm the second best in the whole first grade."
"And who's the best?"
"Me! Me!" Lisa shouted.
"Oh that's interesting. One day we'll need to have a contest between you two." He went to the end of the table and pulled two rods out of it. He bent the rods backward so their ends were facing Kayla. There were two little round things on each. They looked like half a sandal.
"I need to take a look at your girl parts-"
"Vulva," Lisa said sternly. "We're supposed to use grown-up words, Doctor."
"Yes, Nurse," Dan replied meekly. "I need to check your vulva, that the part of your body you may call your pussy or your cunny, or your down below place. So I need to take your panties off. Do you mind?"
Kayla shrugged. Did she have a choice? Besides he already taken pictures of her naked. "It's all right. I suppose." Grown-ups.
Dan slipped his fingers over the elastic waist band and pulled Kayla's panties off. "Slide down a little." He took her ankles and pulled her further down table. He lifted her legs and put her feet in the rods. He fastened straps across the top of each foot.
Kayla felt cool air flow over her cunny. She realized it was wide open, like it when Dan took his final pictures of her this morning. She was getting a little used to this, but still didn't like it very much. She closed her eyes. There was a soft rumbling sound. Something was being moved near the examination table.
"Kayla, open your eyes please. You need to see this."
Kayla looked up. Above her was a flat screen TV. It was showing her cunny all spread out. Her first reaction was "Gross." But then she got interested. She had never really seen those parts of her body, at least not like this.
A small hand appeared on the screen. Lisa.
"Nurse, please open the patient's labia." Lisa took hold of the folds and pulled them back. Kayla winced a little. Lisa's touch was gentle, but no one else's fingers had ever been down there.
"A little wide please. I need to inspect the vagina." A thin tube appeared on the screen. Fascinated Kayla watched as it went into that mysterious hole below her pee-pee. The hole she was supposed to keep her fingers out of.
"Her vaginal opening is normal for a child of six. The hymen is intact."
"What's a hymen?" Kayla was getting curious.
"It's a piece of skin at the entry of your vagina," Lisa explained. "This means you haven't been fucked yet."
That word again. "What does that mean?" Kayla finally wanted to know.
"It's when a man sticks his-"
"We'll talk about this later, Lisa. Remember Kayla is new here. She hasn't had her special yet."
"What's that?" Kayla screwed her face up.
"Later. We'll talk about this later."
Kayla sighed. Grown-ups. "We will now inspect the clitoris. Nurse please prepares the patient."
Clitoris, clitoris Kayla silently mouthed the unfamiliar word. She had heard it before-yes Lisa told her about one day-it was---"No!" she yelled. "Don't touch my kitty! OH!"
"It's your clitty!" Lisa groaned in exasperation as she continued fondling Kayla's clit. "Gawd Kayla! Sometimes you're so dumb I can't understand how you're able to tie your shoes."
"They got Velcro," Kayla moaned, closing her eyes. Her fear about having her clitty touched was gone. Lisa's sensitive fingers were making feelings that she had never really felt before. It was much better than when she did this herself. Much, much better.
"OH AHHHH!" Something warm and wet was tickling her clit, sending weird but wonderful pulses through her tummy. Her nipples were getting tingly too now. She got her hands on her chest and started rubbing them.
"That's enough. Nurse. Nurse!" He pulled Lisa off Kayla. Both little girls groaned in frustration. "It's time for Kayla's injection. Please hold her firm. Yes, Kayla, Lisa will play with your nipples if you like." Dan switched of the TV.
"You're a bright girl, Kayla, so I think it will help if I explain what I'm going to do. I'm going to give injection in your vagina. It will take about two minutes, so I'm first going to give you something that will numb the area a little.
"What's it for?" Kayla had never heard of a shot in that part of the body before. But then, there's a whole bunch of things six year old don't get told about. Grown-ups."
"Basically it helps with three things. There's a very serious sickness that some girls get when they grow-up; this will help prevent this. There are also some other sicknesses which girls sometimes get; it will also help prevent them or make them easier to cure. Finally it will make your vagina and insides stronger to keep them from being hurt."
Kayla was tired about being clueless. "How can my insides get hurt?" she demanded loudly.
"Shush, baby," Lisa cooed. "You'll find out. After-"
"'The Special'" Kayla moaned. Her moans changed tone as Lisa's soft lips and tongue caressed her tiny nipples. "Uh. Uh. Ah. That feels so goo-OW!"
"Just a second, Kayla. The pain will go away in just second." It did, followed by an intense pressure. It felt cold. At first it wasn't too bad. The spot where it pressed in her insides, her vagina, Kayla corrected herself, felt like it had fallen asleep. But then the cold got worse, pushing against her like a pointed icicle. Kayla gritted her teeth. Something hard was boring into to her. Not something sharp like a knife, but something dull and hard. The numbness was starting to go away. Dan probably hadn't given her enough of the numbing stuff. Grown-ups. Now it really was hurting. Like a toothache.
"Ow. Ow. Ow. Ow. Take it out! Take it out. It hurts."
"Just a few more seconds, a few more seconds." Dan reached over and took Kayla's wrist. Her pulse was pretty high, but within safe limits. "It will be over in just a second. Count to ten and it will done. One."
Lisa wiped the sweat from Kayla's forehead. "Two," she said encouragingly.
Kayla closed her eyes. "Three!" she stammered. "F-f-four." And suddenly the pressure was gone.
"You may feel just a little sore for a few minutes." Dan helped her sit up. "We can take a little break before the big O test."
"Shit!" Kayla was getting cranky. "Will you guys please tell me what that is?" "We need to find out if you can have orgasms, Kayla," Lisa sniggered. "And how many and for how long. I think you'll like this kind of test."
Kayla glared at Lisa. That might be so, but first things first. "I'm hungry. And I'm COLD. Can I put my clothes back on?"
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