Kayla Becomes a Move Star, Part 1

[ MMM/gg, slow, reluc ]


Published: 15-Mar-2011

Word Count:

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This work is Copyrighted to the author. All people and events in this story are entirely fictitious.

Taking Pictures and Playing Naughty Games

Kayla and her mommy had to move into a trailer park right after her daddy left them a few months after her sixth birthday. At first things were okay. Mommy had a job in one of the stores and Kayla made some friends at school.

But then Mommy got sick. Not really sick, like when you had to go to the doctor. At least that's what Mommy said. Kayla had asked her about this when Mommy was taking her special medicine. Some of the medicine came in pills, Kayla understood about that. Others were less easy to understand. There was this powder that Mommy sniffed. It didn't come from the drug store. One of Mommy's new boyfriends got it for her. Then there was the yellow liquid that came from those big brown bottles. The funny thing was the medicines didn't seem to make Mommy feel better. Most of the time it just seemed to make her very sleepy. Because Mommy was sick she couldn't work very much, so they didn't have much money. Mommy got real upset about this. That made her sick and she had to take more of her medicines. Kayla wished her daddy would come back to help them. She also wished there was something she could to do to help Mommy. But she was only six. What could she do?

The answer came a few days after the end of school. It was very hot even early in the morning and Kayla was just wearing her panties. "Mommy can I go out and play? It's too hot in here," she asked right after breakfast. Mommy was feeling grouchy and tired, so the idea of a little girl keeping herself busy outdoors was not without its attractions. "All right, but first put something on. I don't want you prancing around outside half naked."

Kayla knew this meant not going outside in her panties, something she never dream of doing. Her schoolmate Lisa East did that once and her mommy gave her real hard whipping. That was before Lisa moved in with their teacher, Mr. Ray. Still it was too hot for her regular play clothes. Besides most of them were in plastic bags waiting to go to the laundry. And that wouldn't happen till Mommy got enough money to put in the washing machines. That left one choice.

"Okay, Mommy, I'll go put my bikini on. The one that Uncle Frank gave me." Kayla waited for Mommy to say no. She didn't like Kayla wearing, saying it was "too revealing." And in fact it covered fewer square inches of little girl than her panties. It was a white string bikini with two little triangles covering her slit and rear end and two even smaller triangles covering her nipples. That was the important part. Kayla often wondered about that. Boys didn't have to cover their chests, and she her friends all looked like boys. At least from the waist up.

Mummy just shrugged and tottered back to bed. Taking that as a yes, Kayla struggled into her bikini. She had a bit of trouble getting the bows tied, but managed to get it done after a few minutes. When she got outside she found that someone had left a garden hose attached to a faucet near their mobile home. Kayla turned the water on and set the hose up on a chair so she could run through the spray. After a few minutes though the hose fell on the ground. Kayla picked up, thinking about another game she could play with it. Carefully she looked around. There was no one else outside. Coast being clear, Kayla stuck the hose inside her bikini bottom. At first the water was too cold. But it got warmer after a couple of minutes. Kayla moved the nozzle so water would run over the front of her little slit. Her friend Lisa had told her about it one day. That was before Lisa moved in with their teacher, Mr. Ray.

The water was pulsing against her little button thingy. It had a funny name. Kitty, she thought Lisa had called it. That made sense, since she knew that some people called a girl's private parts her pussy. Anyway, whatever it was, it felt nice. Kayla moved the nozzle so it played more on the spot. "Ohh." She took a deep breath. "Ohh." She was getting a funny feeling down in her tummy. No, not quite. Lower down. She pressed her hand against the front of her bikini bottom. The funny feeling got stronger. It was making her a little dizzy.

Kayla lay down on the grass. It felt scratchy, because it hadn't rained for a while. Kayla sat and shifted the hole again. As she did she felt her nipples rub against her bikini top. For some reason they had gotten hard. They felt a little tingly. Kayla knew she couldn't take her top off outside. So instead she slipped one hand under her top. She put the other one in her bottom to keep the water flowing on the right spot. The dizzy feeling was coming back. She closed her eyes.

"Click-click. Click-click. Click-click. Buzz." Kayla opened her blue grey eyes. Then she opened her mouth real wide, too scared to make a sound. A strange man was standing right over her! He was holding a little camera, the real expensive kind that took real good pictures. Mr. Ray had one. He brought to class one day and took pictures of all the kids. The man pointed the camera at her and took another picture.

"Hello, Kayla, is your mommy home?"

Kayla pulled the hose from her bikini and sat up. She put her hands on her knees and looked down. "I'm not suppose' to talk to strangers."

"But I know your name. So how can I be a stranger?" Kayla just looked at him. "My name is Dan." He put his hand out. "I'm a very good friend of Mr. Ray. Your teacher."

That's how come he knows my name, Kayla thought. Cautiously she gave the man her little paw. They shook hands.

"Now, Kayla is your mommy home?" Mr. Dan asked again. I need to talk to her. It's real important."

Kayla stood up. "I'll tell her. She started walking toward their unit. "Wait a second, Kayla. I thought you were in first grade. How old are you?'

"Six and a half."

"You look older. At least eight. I really thought you were a third grader."

Kayla giggled. "No. I'm going to be in second grade next fall. I'm the tallest kid in my class," she bragged. Mr. Ray said I'm in the ninety fifth percentill for girls my age."

"Percent-tile." Mr. Dan corrected. He took out his smart phone. "Go stand against the wall. Let's see how big you are now."

Kayla stood very still as the man pointed his phone at her. She knew he was using a laser beam to measure her.

Dan whistled. "130 centimeters]. You've grown some. You're now in the 97th percentile. And you're very pretty too."

Kayla blushed. She was pretty with curly blonde hair and cute round face. "Aunty Bee says I'm too skinny." "Aunty Bee says I'm too skinny." Bee was an old lady who sometimes babysat her.

"I don't think so. I think you're just right." Dan looked at his watch. "Kayla, I really do need to talk to your mother. It's real important."

Kayla shrugged. She was going to do that when Mr. Dan stopped her. Grown-ups.

Kayla went into their mobile home. Mommy had just gotten up and was pretty grouchy. "Mommy, there's a man outside. He wants to talk with you. Kayla paused. "He took my picture."

"He did what?" Mommy looked mad. "What were you doing?"

"Nothin'" Kayla stepped back a little scared. "I was just playing and he came up and took my picture. He wants to talk to do," she reminded. Mommy looked mad for a moment, and then she got off the couch. "Tell him to come in. Wait outside."

Mr. Dan patted Kayla on the shoulder and went inside. He was carrying a square case with flat sides.

After a few minutes Mommy told her come inside. She looked really excited and happy. That made Kayla glad.

"Kayla, dear," Mommy stroked Kayla's dark blond curls, "this nice man wants to take some more pictures of you. Very special pictures. It's all right. Mommy will be here to watch. Just be a good girl and do whatever he tells you.

Mr. Dan reached into his pocket and pulled out a candy bar. "I'm sure Kayla will be a perfect angel." He gave her the candy. He looked around. "Where's her bedroom? That's probably the best spot."

"I'll show him!" Kayla scampered to her room. The adults followed. She opened her closet to show Mr. Dan her clothes. She thought he would want her to change. She was wrong.

"You're fine just as you are, Kayla. Now stand real straight. Put your arms down at your sides. That's great! A very good picture. Now put your hands on top of your head. Big smile. Perfect! All right, now I want to take a picture of your pretty back. Turn around. Thank you. Now touch your toes."

Kayla hesitated. "But my rear end will show!"

"It's all right. Do what Mr. Dan says or I'll do something else to your rear end." Mommy pretended she was joking, but Kayla knew she wasn't. She bent over and touched her toes. She could feel the fabric scrunch up around her poop crack. She sure hoped it wouldn't split! She heard the camera whiz and click. She looked between her legs saw Mr. Dan's shoes real near. He was taking close-ups of her rear end! Kayla was starting to get scared.

"That's good, Kayla. Now stand up and face me. Cross one arm over your chest and put your other hand over your front," Dan pointed to her crotch. We're pretending you've got no clothes on and someone is looking at you. Try to look a little scared."

Kayla didn't need to pretend. She didn't like the way the grown-ups were looking at her. Mr. Dan looked like he wanted to eat her. Mommy was scarier. She had the same look she had when Kayla had done that really naughty thing right after school started. She didn't want to think about that!

Mr. Dan put another cartridge into his camera. "Ok, now it's time for the most important shots. Kayla, I want you to untie your bikini top and hold it over your chest for moment." Kayla started to cry. "Mommy! I don't wanna do that! He'll see my nipples!"

"Do it!" Mommy was really mad now. "Or do I have to take the crop to you." Mr. Dan looked hard at Mommy. He started to say something when Kayla reached back and untied her top. She pasted it to her flat chest with both hands.

"That's really good, Kayla. You're doing just great." Mr. Dan took two pictures of her standing like that. He gave her a real serious look. "Now, this is real important. You need to do just what I tell you. I want you to drop the top and stand with your hands by your sides. Do it Kayla. Right now!"

Kayla knew she had to this. She didn't want to, but that didn't matter. She was a kid and kids had to do what they're told. She let go of the tiny fabric scrap and stood very still. Mr. Dan took three pictures of her with her hands down at her sides. He then made her put her hands on top of her head. He took two pictures, and then twisted the front part of camera. He crouched down and aimed it right at her chest. His head was nearly in line with her nipples.

Kayla thought she couldn't be more embarrassed. Mr. Dan put his camera down and opened his case. He took a folding stand out and set it up. Next he took another camera out and attached to the stand. It was a camcorder. He placed it at the end of Kayla's bed. He picked his other camera back up.

"We're nearly to shoot our special movie."

"A movie?" That got Kayla interested. "What kind of movie?"

"A real special one." Dan smiled at the nearly naked six year old girl. "I think you can be movie star, Kayla. In fact, right after we're down here I'm going to take you to our studio in Orlando for a screen test; you've done so well so far."

Kayla totally forgot about being embarrassed. Every kid in the known universe knew what was at Orlando. "You mean like Tanya Dakota and Lindsey and Hailey?"

"Even better. Real soon you and your mommy are going to be real rich."

"Really! Really, really!" She looked at Mommy. Mommy smiled at her. "Yes, darling, you're going to make us lots and lots of money. But first you've got to do what Mr. Dan says. Right?"

Kayla nodded. Now she knew why Mommy got so mad at her when she didn't want Mr. Dan taking pictures of her bare naked chest.

Mr. Dan looked at Kayla. He seemed to being most attention to her bikini bottom. "Can't take that off slowly," he muttered. He took another piece of candy out his pocket and gave it to Kayla. It had some liquid in it. This tasted a little funny.

"We're just about ready now," Mr. Dan said at last. "Kayla, you need to take your bottom off now. You got to be completely naked for the movie."

Kayla looked at Mommy who just smiled and nodded. Kayla took a deep breath. For some reason she wasn't feeling as scared as she had earlier. She undid the first string, the one on her right. Mr. Dan took a picture. She untied the other string. Mr. Dan took another picture. She held on to the strings for a moment. Mr. Dan photographed her. She let the string go. The bikini fell on the floor. Mr. Dan told her to step out of it. She had to put her hands on top of her head. "Whiz-click. Whiz-click." The camera panned up and down her naked body. "Turn around." "Whiz-click." Now it didn't matter if Mr. Dan took picture of her bare rear. Not after he took so many pictures of her front!"

Dan put down his camera and took a deep breath. Time for the money shot, he thought. Figuratively speaking, of course. Kayla looked relaxed, mostly because of the mild tranquilizer in the candy. But possibly, just possibly, she was getting interested in the proceedings. She was a sensual child. Don Ray thought she might be an even bigger kiddy sex bomb than even little Lisa East.

"Listen carefully Kayla. We're going to make a movie of you doing something naughty. But don't worry; you aren't going to be punished for doing this. Right?" Mr. Dan looked at Mommy.

"Not unless she doesn't do what she's told," Mommy sounded a little angry.

Mr. Dan looked at Mommy again. He turned back to the little girl. "Go sit on your bed, right next to the pillows. Scrunch down a little. That's good. Now listen carefully. Grab hold of your legs and hold them wide apart."

Kayla was horrified. "Bu-but that'll show all my private places!"

"Do it girl!" Mommy shouted her face red. "Or I'll give those places a good whipping. Just like last time!"

Choking back a sob, Kayla obeyed. Dan picked up his camera and took a couple of shots of the wide open child. Kayla's clit was plainly visible. Like the rest of her it was bigger than average. Well let's see what sort of movie we're going to make. He'd rather not do a torture flick. He was not a sadist, but if it had to be, it had to be. Besides, they already had something like that in Kayla's file already, thanks to Ray's sneaking in a video bug during one his home visits. That was one of the reasons the mother was being so cooperative. The prospect of getting 150k per year for letting her daughter star in kiddy porn productions was infinitely more appealing than serving a decade for extreme child abuse.

He sat down by the bed and stroked her head and shoulders. "This may seem a little strange, but it's something you're going to have to get used to. I want you to put her hand down here." He reached down and placed Kayla's right hand over her vulva. "Move it up just a bit." Kayla's hand was posed just above her clitoral area. "Good. Now start rubbing yourself right there."

Kayla froze for a second. Mr. Dan leaned over her and whispered in her ear. "I know you like to do this, Kayla. Mr. Ray told me." "But he said this was private," Kayla whispered back in shock. Dan patted her tummy. "It's okay. We keep each others' secrets." He took her hand started moving it against her vulva. "Like this. Yes, you're doing fine. Keep rubbing. A little faster."

Dan watched the child masturbate for a minute. "Now take one finger and push it in and out of this little hole. That feels nice doesn't it?"

Kayla didn't answer. The tingly feeling around her kitty was getting stronger now. Her pinky in her little hole felt wet. That didn't worry her. Mr. Ray had explained that was normal. She closed her eyes, trying to give herself the feeling Mr. Ray had talked about.

It was during recess. She was feeling a little bored, so she went off and found a nice hiding place. She took her sandals off and dug her toes in the nice cool earth. She played with the doll she had taken from the toy chest. After a while it got hot and she took her t-shirt off. After all, no one could see. For some reason she touched her nipples. Maybe it was because the cool air made them get hard. While this made her get that funny feeling in her pussy. She took her shorts and panties off to check.

That's when Mr. Ray, her first grade teacher found her. He told her she shouldn't take off her clothes in public and that she shouldn't touch herself like that in public too. He was very nice when he told her and promised not to tell Mommy. "Just be sure you do this in a private place, like your bedroom. Not in the school." Kayla promised she would do that. Only that promise was hard to keep. Sometimes when Kayla played with herself she got so excited that she would yell. Real loud sometimes. Loud enough to wake Mommy who would give her a spanking. So she still did it in school sometimes.

Then one day another teacher caught her doing it. Again she was very nice about this. Only this time she called and told Mommy about it.

"You filthy little slut!" Mommy screamed the moment Kayla got home from school. Before Kayla could say anything Mommy slapped her hard across the face and dragged her into the kitchen. She picked her up and slammed her on to the kitchen table. Hard. Kayla's breath was knocked out of her. Mommy yanked her arms to the sides of the table and tied them down. She then pulled her legs apart. Really hard. For a second Kayla thought she was going to tear her apart. Mommy slipped cords around her ankles and tied them really tight to the table corners. Slapping a big piece of tape over Kayla's mouth, she glared at her daughter, tapping a riding crop against her palm. "I'll teach you to keep your filthy fingers away from your filthy parts," she hissed. She hooked her fingers around the neck of Kayla's blouse and began stripping her. She ripped Kayla's blouse off, then grabbed a pair of scissors and cut off her undershirt. Next she pulled Kayla's skirt and panties down to her knees and cut them to ribbons. Kayla's sandals had already fallen off. Her bare feet were dangling over the edge of the table.

"WHAP!" Mommy hit the bottom of Kayla's foot real hard with the crop. Kayla thought she was going to die, it hurt so bad! "WHAP! Mommy hit her foot again. Then she hit Kayla's other foot. Everything went black. Kayla smelled something really bad. It made her open her eyes. She screamed and closed them again. Mommy was standing over her with the crop. There was a little bottle in her other hand. "You gonnna keep awake for this," Mommy said swinging the crop down on Kayla's bare chest. Kayla shrieked. Mommy had hit her nipple! "WHAP! WHAP!" Kayla thought a red hot spike was being driven into her chest. "WHAP! WHAP!" Mommy whipped her other nipple. Kayla's throat was all sore from all the screaming she had done. She knew she couldn't make another sound. She was wrong! "AYIEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!" Even with the tape over her mouth Kayla's shriek could have been heard outside; if anyone had been outside to hear it. Mommy whipped her little pussy and kitty. Again and again. Mommy woke Kayla up two more time with the stink bottle before she decided she had whipped Kayla enough. But that wasn't the end of the punishment. She put clothespins of Kayla's sore little nipples and even sorer kitty and pussy. Kayla had to stay tied to the table until supper time. Needless to say she was sent to her room without supper. Also needless to say, she had to stay home from school for a few days.

When she came back she had note saying she had hurt herself playing on a teeter-totter. Nobody believed this of course. But given the hopeless incompetence of the local child protection services an official report would have been pointless. And, as Ray pointed out to his cohorts, that might foreclose more enjoyable possibilities.

His expectations about Kayla's potential were confirmed a month later when he noticed that she was spending a little more time than normal in the little girl's room. On her next visit he quietly followed her. Faint, but unmistakable sounds were filtering through the door. He opened the door a crack. Kayla was moaning. Good, he thought. If someone asks why I didn't get a woman staff member I'll tell them I thought the girl was in pain. He went in. Kayla was sprawled out on bench. She was completely naked. She was holding her pussy lips open with one and fingering herself with the other.

"Kayla, I thought I told you not to touch yourself like that in school."

"You said to do it in a private place. And the bathroom's private." The six year old was feisty.

"Besides," Kayla went on, "I wasn't touching myself. At least not that way." A less than white lie, Ray thought. Kayla had been moaning like a twenty dollar whore doing a hundred dollar trick. "My pussy was feeling sore, and I wanted to check it." Ray didn't bother to ask why this required Kayla to take all her clothes off. Then Kayla knocked Ray's socks off. In the figurative sense of course. "Mr. Ray my pussy feels real sore. Can you kiss it an' make feel better?"

Ray's jaw dropped. In fifteen years of molesting little girls he could count the number of times the child really took the initiative on the fingers of one hand. And he wasn't quite sure this was one of them. "I don't think that would be good idea."

Kayla shrugged. "My daddy used to kiss my hurty places to make 'em feel better when I was little." Kayla was referring to when she was three and four.

Ray swallowed. "Did you daddy kiss you down there?" He pointed to her pussy.

Kayla shook her head. "No, he mainly did it on my knees. That's where I used to hurt myself a lot."

Further discussion was closed by the school bell. Ray helped Kayla get dressed and started laying plans.

And it's just about time to start put the plan in action. Dan thought. Kayla was moaning softly now, her little mouth twisted open. She was getting close to an orgasm, or as close as naïve six year old could come to one. Every time her body started to tense up her hand would freeze. She was either trying to prolong her pleasure, or the powerful feelings were starting to scare her. Probably a combination of both. Dan glanced at his watch and suppressed a curse. Rush hour would be starting in an hour. By the time they cleared downtown they'd be in the thick of it.

"That's excellent Kayla. You can stop now. He gently pulled the child's hands away from her crotch. "Help me get some clothes on her."

"Well, are you going to take her?" Dan looked at the woman. "We'll be on our away in fifteen minutes. There's no need to pack clothes and such. Kayla can take her favorite toys and stuffed animals, but we'll provide the rest." Dan removed a small card from the smart phone. "The bill of sale and custody relinquishment papers are on this disk. Make sure you file them with the Family court within 30 days. Otherwise Kayla could end up in a very bad place."

Mommy silently put the data card in her purse. Mr. Dan took Kayla by the hand and led her to his SUV. He buckled Kayla into the front passenger seat and slowly backed out. Mommy didn't wave good bye.

"Mr. Dan, can I ask you a question?" They had just turned out of the mobile home park.

"Sure. And I bet I know what it is. Shoot!"

Kayla grimaced. How could he know? Grown-ups. She took a deep breath and squared her shoulders. "What kind of movies am I going to be in? I never saw Tanya Dakota or Lindsey and Hailey in a movie with no clothes on."

Give them time, give them time. Dan switched on the DVD player. "You're going to be in the same kind of movies your friend Lisa has been making for the past few months. Here's a quick sample. Watch."

The movie opened with a little girl about Kayla's age riding her bike. She was wearing a one piece bathing suit and was barefoot. Her hair was light blonde and shoulder length, like Lisa's. But you couldn't see her face.

Words crawled across the top of the screen. Kayla slowly sounded them out. "Mr. Ray Gives Little Lisa Some Special Lessons." Kayla blinked. Was he just helping Lisa with her homework? She was a poor reader and bad at math.

The little girl walked up to a house and knocked on the door. She turned around for moment. Sure enough it was Lisa. The door opened. Mr. Ray smiled down at her.

"Well hello Lisa," the teacher smiled, stroking her lovely blonde hair, "are you ready for your lesson?"

Lisa smiled up at the handsome young teacher. "Oh yes, Mr. Ray. I want to be ready for the party next week."

Kayla made a face. That made no sense. You didn't need to do homework in order to go to a party. But maybe Lisa was going to put on a show or something. She asked Mr. Dan about this.

"Yes indeed. You might want to ask Lisa to show you the movie we made at the party. You're going to be roommates."

That made Kayla happy. She liked Lisa a lot. She looked back at the screen.

They were in a bedroom. Kayla couldn't see any school stuff, like desks or books or paper. What sort of lessons could Mr. Ray give without any of that stuff?

Lisa was standing in the middle of the floor. Her eyes were closed and she was breathing hard. Mr. Ray walked up to her. He was in a bathing suit, one of those really tiny ones. It had a bulge in front. A really big one.

"Are they going to go swimming? Lisa's a real good swimmer. Better than me." Kayla admitted.

"Hard to believe. Keep your eye on the screen," Mr. Dan told her as he eased the SUV on to the interstate.

Mr. Ray was standing behind her. He stroked her hair and rubbed her shoulders. Lisa snuggled up to him. He kissed the top of her head and squeezed her shoulders. It was the kind thing daddies did to their little girls. Kayla remembered that Mr. Ray was Lisa's daddy, sort of. That was after Lisa's mommy was sent away for doing that bad thing to Lisa

What Mr. Ray did next was something that Kayla had never seen a daddy to. Not ever! He was rubbing Lisa really hard on her chest, right on top were her nipples where. The camera moved in real close so you could see Lisa's nipple pressing against the tight fabric. The camera drew back. Now you could see Lisa's face. She was looking up at Mr. Ray with a dreamy smile. "Oh that feels so nice. Mr. Ray! Rub harder!" She closed her eyes and moaned.

Kayla thought she knew what was happening. She put her hands on her chest and rubbed her nipples through her t-shirt. It felt tingly, but only just a little.

Lisa moaned again, much louder. The camera pulled back to show Mr. Ray with his other hand between her legs. He was rubbing her privates! That was something grown-ups weren't supposed to do to little girls! Lisa should tell him to stop. Of course, it probably feels good. Kayla looked at Mr. Dan. He was watching to road. She slipped her hand inside her shorts. While he made a movie of her doing this, she didn't think he'd like if she did this without asking.

Mr. Ray had taken his hands away. Maybe Lisa told him to stop touching her. "Did you like that, Lisa, did you like the way I just touched you? Would you like me to do it some more?"

Lisa nodded. She shook her silky blonde hair back. "Yes Mr. Ray, I really liked that. Please do it some more."

Mr. Ray raised his finger. It was the same thing he did in class when he asked important questions. "First though, Lisa I want you to tell me what this called? What do you call it when someone touches you like that?"

"Molesting. When a man touches a little girl on her nipples and privates, he's molesting her."

"And you want me to molest you some more. Is this right?"

Lisa nodded. Mr. Ray looked at her and waited. "Yes, Mr. Ray I want you to molest me. Please molest me."

Kayla was too amazed even to think.

"Now when a man molests a little girl, does he usually do when she's wearing clothes or when she is naked?"

"She has to be naked."

Mr. Ray kissed Lisa on the forehead. "Do you want to be naked now, Lisa? Does it feel better being molested when you're naked?"

The small blonde head bobbed again. "Yeah, it feels much nicer when you're touching on my bare body

Mr. Ray put his hands on Lisa's small shoulders. "Do you want to take your bathing suit of, or would you like me to strip you?"

Lisa thought for a moment. "I'd like you to strip me."

Mr. Ray grinned. He pulled the straps off Lisa's shoulders and helped her pull her arms through. The suit's front was now part way down her chest. Mr. Ray slowly pulled it down to Lisa's waist. "I want to play with your nipples for a bit, Lisa. Is that ok?"

Lisa squeezed her eyes shut and squealed, hopping with excitement.

"Put your hand s on top of your head and hold still." Mr. Ray sounded stern, but he was smiling like he did in class when he pretended to be mad.

Lisa put her hands on top of her head. The picture got close again. You could see she was trying hard to stay still, but she was still trembling a little.

Maybe she's really sacred, Kayla thought. After all she only six. No, she remembered, Lisa's birthday was last month. She was seven now.

The camera shifted down to Lisa's bare chest. You could see the tips of Lisa's nipples really clear, but then you always could. The circles around them were bit broader than Kayla and were pink red.

Mr. Ray put his fingers on Lisa's nipples and slowly rubbed them. Lisa shuddered and leaned back against him. She looked up with a dreamy smile. Mr. Ray smiled back. He gently pinched her nipples between his thumb and finger. Lisa screwed her face up and moaned. Mr. Ray whispered again. Lisa nodded and he pulled on her nipple again. Mr. Ray massaged her nipples with his thumbs. Lisa arched back making little mewling noises. Her slender body was shaking. Kayla wondered why she couldn't get that feeling when she played with nipples. Maybe I don't rub them hard enough.

But what happened next was something Kayla could never do.

Mr. Ray was kneeling in front of Lisa now. Grabbing her back he put his mouth over her chest, right where her nipples were. The view shifted to the side and got real close. Mr. Ray darted his tongue on Lisa's nipple, then he put his mouth on her chest and sucked it. Lisa gave a really loud moan and arched forward. Mr. Ray then kissed and sucked Lisa's other nipple. Lisa had her little hands on his head. It seemed like she was trying to push him deeper into her.

Kayla played with her own nipples some more. She wanted to take her shirt off so she could do this better. But the air conditioning was on too high.

Mr. Ray was starting to pull Lisa's bathing suit completely off. He was doing this real slow. Right now you could just see the top of her private zone, the part just below her tummy. He'd stop and rub her nipples some more. Lisa said something. Mr. Ray leaned forward and kissed her nipples real hard. Lisa moaned real loud and put her hands back on his head. Mr. Ray moved his head away and continued to strip her.

The upper part of Lisa's slit was visible now. Mr. Ray was stroking it. He was doing it very softly. Kayla saw his finger was right on her kitty bump. He was rubbing it up and down. Lisa was swaying now. Mr. Ray had to hold her up. She was breathing really hard and there were little sweat beads on her head and body. He pulled her bathing all the way down and gently lifted her feet out of it. He pulled her feet apart. This partly opened Lisa's slit. Mr. Ray put his finger inside it. Lisa screamed.

"He's hurting her! He's hurting her!" Kayla started crying. "I don't want watch anymore!"

"Look again," Mr. Dan grabbed her head and held her face to the screen. "Does this look like he's hurting her?"

Lisa's head was jerking back and forth. Her whole body was shaking. Mr. Ray had one hand on her back to keep her standing. His other hand was on her private zone. One finger was on her kitty and the other was still inside the fold. But he wasn't moving them. Lisa was slowly trying to sit on Mr. Ray's finger. At least that's how it looked to Kayla. Her little hips were grinding her cunny into his hand and she was yelling, "Rub me harder, rub me harder, rub me HARDER!" And "Good, Good, GOOD, OH FEELS SO GOOOOD!" when Ray did.

Lisa's legs started bending. Mr. Ray lowered her to the floor. He got down with her and pulled her legs wide apart. You could now see inside Lisa's privates. Kayla could something sticking out near the top of Lisa's pussy. She put her hand down her panties and touched the same part on her own body. Yes, that must be her kitty. But how come it's so stiff.

The picture got close again. Mr. Ray had put Lisa's legs over his arms. His face was real close to her privates. He pulled the lips apart and was moving his finger in and out of that little hole Mommy and Mr. Dan made Kayla touch this morning. He rubbed his thumb across her kitty while doing this.

Lisa was moaning real loud now. "Uhh-ahh, Uh-ahh, Uh-ahh, Uhh, Uhhhh Ohh." Her arms and legs were waving and tummy and hips were going up and down, up and down. All of a sudden Lisa opened her eyes real wide. They weren't looking at anything: they just were real wild. She threw her head back and screamed real loud. Then her chest and tummy body snapped up like she was a big rubber band. She fell backwards her legs kicking out like a frog. Then she lay still.

Mr. Ray sat up and looked at her. When she stopped breathing real hard he stroked her cunny. "That was quite a big orgasm, you just had, Lisa. Would you like another one?"

Kayla screwed up her face. "What's a 'norgasm?"

"It's the special feeling Lisa just got. Watch. Ray is going to give her another one."

Ray picked Lisa up and put her on the bed with her legs dangling over the edge. He spread her leg wide apart. He got down and put his head close to her pussy, much closer than last time.

Ohmigod! Ohmigod! He's going to kiss her pee-pee. How gross! Pretty soon she saw that Lisa didn't think this was gross at all. She was moaning and twisting like she had before, but now even faster and louder. She curled her legs around Mr. Ray's head trying to lock him into her. The view changed to show Mr. Ray's mouth right over Lisa's cunny. He was sticking his tongue in and out her vagina and planting kisses all over her vulva, especially on her clit. When he kissed it he did it really long. This made Lisa go totally crazy. She was screaming weird things like "I'm COMING! I'M COMING" which was strange since she was already there. After a few minutes the blonde seven year old spasmed in her second orgasm of the afternoon.

The screen went blank. They were pulling into an exit ramp. "There's a lot more to that movie," Dan explained. "It will show how Lisa does all kinds of nice things to Mr. Ray. But you'll get a chance to watch that later. We're almost at our studio."

Kayla pulled her hand out her shorts. She had gotten another one of those oozy feelings in her cunny while watching the last part of the movie. It felt nice, but it wasn't anything like what Lisa had. Well maybe she was pretending. It was a movie, after all. That might explain something else. But she wasn't sure and decided to find out. "Mr. Dan, can I ask you question?"

"Shoot," he laughed.

Kayla frowned. It was a funny sort of laugh, the type some grown-ups made when they thought they said something funny. "Isn't molesting," she said the big word slowly, "something bad? So why did Mr. Ray make Lisa ask him to molest her?"

Mr. Dan was quiet for a moment. "Well, mainly because the people who watch our movies like having little girls say things like that. And being molested isn't always a bad thing. It depends on how it's done. It can be really exciting. Better than being raped." He said the last part very softly, like he was talking to himself. But Kayla's young ears caught it. She also heard something not said something sad.

"Mr. Dan, were you raped when you were a little kid?" She was exactly sure what 'rape' was but she bet it was something very nasty. Like a really bad spanking. Or the mean thing Lisa's mom did to her.

Mr. Dan took a deep breath. "Yes." The words came out like stones hitting a wall. "When I was five. By my step-father." He took another deep breath. "It really was my fault. If I hadn't made such a fuss about him molesting me he wouldn't have done it. In fact," his voice got happier, "when my uncle molested me when I was seven it was the best thing that ever happened to me. That's something you're about to find all about."

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that was good any more

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