Trisha: The Making of "Adventures in the Grand Canyon", Part 4

[ g(8), oral, beast ]

Published: 10-Feb-2013

Word Count: 6280

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show Story Summary
This work is Copyrighted to the author. All people and events in this story are entirely fictitious.

Prior to embarking on her trip to film what would be her first feature kiddie-porn flick, 8 year old blonde Trisha received some coaching from her neighborhood friend (and fellow child porn performer) Julie, who at age 10 had a bit more experience working for Jim Phillips over the years. Of the small group of little girls in this secretive neighborhood social circle, only Julie had previously performed in big budget features. Her first took place somewhere in the Smoky Mountains of North Carolina. The plot for that movie centered around a family of backwoods people where Julie was the only girl with 8 much older brothers who all make her submit to their various twisted sexual needs. It was Julie's big "coming-out" release to the online pedophile community, and since then she has consistently remained one of Jim Phillips' most in-demand child stars (only the Kessler sisters and perhaps one or two others outranked her in terms of internet popularity).

"Just remember Trisha, uncle Jim's gonna ask you to do certain things that you've never tried before at any of his house parties." - said Julie.

"Like what? I already know how to have sex with more than one man at a time. I know how to have sex with women too."

"It's more than that. Remember when I showed you my movie that was about witches and cults and at the end of it they sacrificed me at the altar and took turns peeing all over me?" - the older girl asked.

"Oh yeah! That movie had real cool special effects! So they're gonna wanna pee on me? Yuck, P.U!"

"Well, maybe, but what I'm trying to say is uncle Jim likes to have the girls try new exciting things that they haven't done around the neighborhood. They're called 'fetishes.' Like, when I had sex with uncle Jim's black Labrador retriever, "Buster" (credit to author: Littlejoe). That's called animal fetish, or bestiality the grown ups call it. So you might end up doing either of those fetishes, or even something else I can't think of. Are you okay with that?"

"Sure, as long as it's sex it's supposed to feel good, right? Everything sex I did so far felt good."

"That's the right attitude! It's the kind of stuff he's looking for in girls who want to star in features, like me."

"Julie, can I ask you a question?"

"Sure, what is it?"

"When you had sex with Buster, did it feel way different than doing it with your dad? Or other men?"

"LOL, are you asking me did it hurt? Not at all! I'm so used to fucking my dad's cock which is so huge that Buster's was actually smaller than his. You've seen my dad's cock, right? At Jen's 9th birthday party last month?"

"LOL, yeah, your dad's dick looks like a small baseball bat! So no real difference?" - asked the eager-but-somewhat-anxious blonde.

"Actually, there is a difference when you fuck dogs. Once they're inside your pussy they make something called a 'knot', which means the end of their cocks get super fat and wide so the whole cock is stuck inside you for awhile, and the knot won't get skinny again until the dog finishes cumming inside you, and only then can he pull it out of you. That reminds me, another difference is the taste of their cum - "

"Pfffft, I know what cum tastes like!" - interrupted Trisha.

"I wasn't finished. The flavor of doggie cum is a bit different. Also it's clearer and more water-y too, not thick and creamy like a man's. But to me it's just different; both are good. It's how I like Oreos and chocolate chip cookies at the same time. Both are different, but yummy. You'll see."

"LOL, well if I have to fuck a doggie I hope it's a cute little Yorkie. They're my favorites!"

"Umm, it probably won't be a Yorkie because they're too small. Uncle Jim likes his girls to fuck big cocks, so it'll be a different kind of dog."

"Oooh, dalmatians then! They're my second favorites! Yeah, I hope I get to fuck a dalmatian! I've been wanting one ever since I saw '101 Dalmatians' on video!"

"That'll be so hot Trisha! Man, I hope he writes up stuff like that for MY next feature!" - confessed Julie, with a tinge of jealousy in her voice.

"What other kinds of animals can girls have sex with?"

"Oh, a bunch. Like, I've done it with a horse before when mom and dad took me and Jennifer for riding lessons at farmer O'Donnell's place. Dad said the only thing hotter than me wearing tight riding pants with knee-high black boots would be if I had the horse's cock stuffed down my throat, so I did it because he dared me, LOL!"

"LOL, I bet you made your dad AND your horse happy!"

"Yeah, him and BOTH horses were happy. I was sucking mine and Jen was sucking the one she was riding, and we were having a competition to see which one of us could make our horse cum more. So we kept spitting their cum into the empty paper cups that mom and dad drank their coffee in, and in the end my horse came more than Jen's, AS IF THAT'S A BIG SURPRISE!" - boasted the 10 year old semen-drinking specialist.

"Did you end up drinking the horsey cum?"

"Well, duh. Like have you ever seen our family throw cum away? Mom took pictures, I'll ask her to show us later. Just so you know though, if it's horses or donkeys you end up sucking at the Grand Canyon, their cum is saltier than a person's. Again, it's not bad tasting, but just be ready for the difference, okay?"

"Okay! Man I can't believe I'm leaving on an airplane tomorrow. This trip is gonna be so cool!"

"And one last thing. You asked me what other animals I fucked? I can't remember the whole list off the top of my head but I'll tell you about fishes and snakes. Unlike dogs that fuck you like how a man fucks you, with fishes and snakes you don't fuck their cocks. I don't even know where a cock is on a boy fish, or even if the fish I fucked was a boy. Instead I put the whole thing ... well, almost the whole thing .. into my pussy with just a tip of them hanging outside so you can grip it to pull them back out."


"Oh you don't have to worry about that. The grown ups that watch you do it love you too much to let you get hurt. Either we use a garden snake that isn't poisonous and don't bite, or if it's a poisonous snake like the rattlesnake that I fucked once, you leave the snake in the refrigerator for awhile. Snakes are cold-blooded. Don't worry, they'll teach you what that means in science class once you get up to my grade. Anyways, they're cold-blooded so when you put them somewhere cold, their bodies become all stiff and they can't move at all, like they're frozen. So you don't have to worry about them biting you. Just be sure not to leave them in your pussy for too long, because once their bodies warm up again they're ready to bite!"

"Oh man. There's so much more about sex that you know than me, Julie."

"Aww, I'm just older than you. You'll find out about all these things eventually too. Anyways, that's it. So if you're asked to do any kind of fetish stuff in your movie, just remember that it's a different kind of sex, but that all sex feels good, and we're so much luckier than other girls for getting to try these things at our age, so just have fun and enjoy it, okay?"

"I will!" - answered the always-perky blonde, before the two girls returned to role-playing with Trisha's Ken and Barbie dolls. But these being sexually active preteen girls, their doll-play was a bit different from their elementary school peers.

"Ken needs to eat Barbie's pussy more if he wants a blowjob from her!" - demanded Julie, who was holding Barbie in her hands.

"Okay, my darling. Slurp slurp slurp." - said Trisha, rubbing the head of her naked Ken doll into the crotch of the sexless Barbie.

"Hey, when are you two gonna be done playing dolls?! Julie, you promised the three of us could start a game of Candy Land (a popular children's board game) soon!" - interrupted Julie's impatient 9 year old younger sister Jennifer, who had been reading a book from across the room.

"In a minute! Since Trisha's gonna be gone for days she gets to pick whatever toys she wants today, and if she wants to play dolls, we're gonna play dolls!" - scolded Jennifer's older sister.

"Fine, but hurry up then. Mom said Trisha has to go home early tonight so she can get extra sleep before her big trip. And for the record, you did NOT beat me at the horse sucking. WE WERE TIED!" - corrected the competitive younger sister, displaying her fierce sibling rivalry.

Little did the younger sister know, that while Trisha was away in Arizona getting her holes filled with numerous adult penises and tasting donkey semen for the first time, Julie and Jennifer themselves would be taking part in a most unique sex competition to be held throughout the summer (see Julie and Jennifer - Sibling Rivalry); one which could give the younger sister a chance to best her sibling at being the most talented child sex performer in the world!

Day 3 of Filming - The Donkey Show

When Trisha laid her eyes on what would be her 9th different sex partner during her trip out to Arizona (and her first non-human partner), she saw an animal that was a bit different-looking than the cute Donkey character from the 'Shrek' cartoons she imagined. Instead, what she saw was a scruffy-looking beast with dirty, matted fur and flies buzzing around its smelly tail. She could smell the animal even standing from 30 feet away. Although definitely smaller than a horse, the donkey still stood almost as tall as a man, so it wouldn't be too difficult for the 3 feet, 10 inch tall 3rd grader to stoop down under its belly and access its cock and balls.

This particular donkey was a seasoned veteran of the infamous donkey sex shows of Tijuana, Mexico, and so was thoroughly conditioned to letting human females suck on its cock and massage its big, furry testicles. This scene would be a first for both donkey and girl alike however, as the donkey has never performed with anyone other than adult Mexican women.

Trisha was busy doing some quick math in her head. On the trip so far she's had vaginal and anal intercourse with 6 adult men, 1 boy child, as well as lesbian sex with another preteen girl (Kelly McClarry). Her tally didn't include getting molested (but not fucked) by Jim Phillips (she did swallow his cum after giving him a blowjob at their hotel) and the mothers of the two other children, Chastity McClarry and Elise Jacobs; nor did it include the roughly half dozen male extras for the film who collectively ejaculated their semen onto her pussy and into her mouth. So altogether she's had 7 different penises in her various holes, swallowed the semen of 10 different men, and tasted the pussy and asshole of one 8-year old little girl. Even without the upcoming bestiality, the pretty blonde had just set a new personal record for the most number of sex partners over a few days' span! As was the plan, she was the true star of "Adventures in the Grand Canyon", as her co-star Kelly had only been fucked by 3 adult men, 1 boy child, and only tasted the semen of 7 different men.

During the car ride and subsequent hike down to their filming location deep within the Grand Canyon, Trisha was prepped on how her scene was to go. She was to give the animal a slow, sloppy blowjob, fit as much of its cock into her mouth as she can, and lick all up and down its dark shaft. While there would be no fucking (the animal's thick girth would rip her pussy to pieces), she was also to grind her pussy back and forth along the length of its shaft much like the way a witch would sit on a broomstick. Finally, she was to be filmed giving the animal's testicles its share of preteen tongue attention. Trisha was relieved to know that she wouldn't have to lick the animal's ass (as she had to for the men, boy, and girl she's had sex with so far) because she didn't want to get anywhere near those pesky flies.

With all the cameras set, Jim Phillips got into position and yelled "action."

The 5 "bandit" characters were off in the corner of the frame hiding from Trisha behind a large boulder. Their eyes peaked around the rock to get a better view of the blonde child whom they gangfucked not too long ago, only this time she returned with a donkey and absent her brother and adult guardian Steve.

Trisha was leading the donkey by a rope tied around the animal's neck. Once the two got to the center of the frame, the donkey's handler made a bird-like noise off screen which the animal was trained to interpret as the command to stop. So all of a sudden viewers at home would be treated to the sight of a small girl tugging on a rope while the animal attached to its other end stubbornly refused to move another inch.

"What's the matter you silly donkey? Why won't you move? Are you scared? There's nothing to be scared of; there's no one here but us! C'mon, we have to hurry! We have to go find my papa so he can rescue Connor from that mean saloon owner! C'mon!" - commanded a frustrated Trisha to the obstinate beast.

still the animal refused to move.

"Are you hurt? Hmmm. Maybe I should try something to make you feel better. It seems all the men out here in the west get way more helpful when kids touch and suck on their private parts. I wonder if that's also true for you? You're a boy too, right donkey?" - she asked.

"Well, there's no one around to see what I'm about to do, so let me see if this might work" - she muttered to herself as she removed her bonnet, prairie dress, stockings, and shoes. Since the beast was trained to associate the sight of a naked female with mating, the animal's penile sheath stirred awake upon seeing Trisha's white, fully-naked form. Already about 5 inches of its eventual 20 inch erection descended from out of its protective skin sheath and the thick, dark brown piece of meat hung between its hind legs like some wet tree branch.

"Oh my! You're so dark down there, and thick! You look nothing like a grown man's, but it should still feel the same, right?" - she said, as she used her index finger to give its boner a curious poke. The touch awakened its penis further and another 4 inches of cock descended from its sheath. Now the erection hung as large as the biggest human erection Trisha had ever seen.

Just as her character stooped underneath its belly to to give the penis head a lick, an unexpected surprise hit the little girl, literally, in her left eye as the huge hard-on extended another 3 inches down.

"Ouch!" - recoiled the surprised blonde, as she tried to recover from both the heavy weight of the penis and the sting in her eye from the droplets of precum which fell off its piss hole and directly into her open eye.

Now with one eye shut, Trisha used her remaining functioning eye to relocate the penis head. But once she did, the large organ continued to shift in size. Again and again it gradually descended, and the little girl's lone open eye itself grew wider and wider at the sheer wonder of viewing a massive cock that was growing exponentially in size a mere inches away from her nose!

"Oh my God, when are you gonna stop growing? Is it gonna touch the ground?!" - she gasped in amazement and shock.

Finally, when the male animal reached its full erection of 20 inches, the beast prick swayed before her hanging by its own massive weight and bent in a slight curvature. A thick, hideous, leathery elephant trunk; that's what it resembled, thought the little girl.

Still, a penis is still just a penis, and the 3rd grader had already placed more of those in her mouth during her 8 years on Earth than some women did in their entire lifetimes. So little Trisha bravely opened her jaws as wide as she could to accept the thick head of the penis into her mouth. While jerking the underside of its shaft with one hand she applied some initial suction to the wet, leathery surface of its penis tip. Though her jaws felt like they would lock or split open any second, she could still only get about half of the enormous cockhead inside her. But the portion in her mouth was the critical part including the animal's urethra, and upon feeling the intensely pleasurable sensation of a girl child's warm mouth on its sensitive prick, the beast spurted out its first squirt of animal cum.

"Uuuurrrmmmmpphh!" - moaned Trisha as she felt the salty gunk hit her tongue and coat the roof of her mouth and tonsils. Instinctually she swallowed the spunk to keep it from overfilling her small oral cavity. But she was not ready for its sharp, bitter flavor. She only managed to swallow half of what was inside her mouth when she became alarmed as the penis head continued to inflate in size, pushing against the inner walls of her mouth and her gums. When she reactively let go of the penis, the remaining cum began oozing out of the corners of her mouth and dribbled down her chin.

Though the sight of cum on a little girl's chin made for an erotic visual display, Jim Phillips did not want to lose any of the precious semen to the ground; he wanted for Trisha to drink as much of the semen as possible. So he quickly placed a stainless steel medical tray underneath her body that would catch all of the spillage. Since the tray would not absorb any of the semen, all the cum on it could easily be transferred to a transparent container afterwards which the little girl can drink out of much more easily.

Despite her extensive experience in drinking human cum, Trisha simply could not keep up with the continued blasts of cum that erupted from the animal's piss hole with no end in sight. Again and again it spurted its baby juice; completely coating the upper roof of the girl's mouth as well as her teeth and splashing her lips and nostrils. Trisha did the best she could and swallowed some of which entered her mouth, all while wincing in response to its pungent smell and flavor.

Even after ejaculating over 4 fluid ounces of its smelly spooge, the beast kept cumming. Sprays of its cum were now falling on the little girl's cheeks, eyebrows, and forehead. To better control the direction of its spurts Trisha reached both her hands out to grab the thick cock about midway along its shaft, and aimed the piss hole directly toward the center of her mouth. This seemed to reduce the splashings on her face, but did not reduce her difficulty in swallowing all of the spunk, as more of the jizz leaked out of her mouth and onto the tray below.

A near scare came when a small spurt entered one of her nostrils, causing her to breathe through her mouth right before a swallow and resulting in some semen going down the wrong pipe into her lungs. She reacted by choking and coughing which launched spittles of cum already in her esophagus directly back out at the thick meat hose spurting the cum. Now the donkey's lower shaft was covered in a mixture of its own semen and child throat mucus that was coughed onto it. But Trisha, perhaps as a foreshadow of her future kiddie porn stardom, did not break out of character once during all this and once her coughing subsided, courageously continued to try and swallow what she could.

After what seemed like forever, it seemed that the donkey had sufficiently drained its balls after squirting out nearly 8 ounces of its slimy, runny jizz, and Trisha had managed to swallow about 3 ounces of it; leaving 5 ounces pooling under her pussy in the center of her drip tray.

During this highly erotic and obscene display, our 5 bandits were furiously masturbating from behind the boulder. They were whispering amongst each other that they should personally escort the girl to California themselves so that they could continue having wild sex with her and find out just what her sexual limits were, if any.

As for Trisha, once her lone open eye saw that no additional cum was oozing out of the animal's urethra, she proceeded to consume the remainder of the semen that she coughed up onto its shaft by licking up and down its length with her tongue extended fully out. Jim Phillips liked the imagery so much that he directed her to lick completely up and down its entire 20 inches, which she dutifully obeyed. As the girl's head traveled from the bottom of its penile tip all the way up to the base where the last of the erection was exposed out of its protective sheath, her long, blonde ponytail swayed back and forth alongside the nearly equally long donkey shaft, providing all in attendance (and later, the viewing audience at home) with one great, raunchy sight.

With the animal's shaft thoroughly tongue-cleaned by the little girl, it next received an equally pleasurable round of ball licking and sucking by her expert mouth. To the amusement of everyone, including the other two child sex stars watching in attendance, Trisha had to stop sucking on the donkey balls at times to finger pick the individual scrotum hairs from the animal that got stuck in her mouth.

As a last act, she stood up and bent forward in front of the donkey dong, pushing her rear out in the direction of the cock. She grabbed its shaft and slid it forward until it was between her legs; shortly afterwards trapping it there by squeezing her legs shut. She slid back and forth, feeling the rough texture of the meat against her sensitive clit, pussy lips, and buttcheeks. Jim Phillips moved his camera directly under the pair of inter-species lovers to record an extreme close-up of the thick, dark branch of shaft spreading her white, hairless pussy lips apart with each forward motion of her little body. She did this for awhile until her pussy began to chafe from all of her saliva on the animal's shaft having dried up.

Finally, she released the beast's sex organ from its restraint to meet it again from an oral point of view. While staring lovingly into its piss hole with both open eyes now (her shut eye sufficiently recovered from the cum sting), she pouted her lips to land a gentle kiss on the animal's cocktip.

"Feel better now? Ready to keep moving again, donkey? Please help me, we need to reach higher ground before the sun sets!" - pleaded the young girl to her new animal lover.

"... AND CUT!!!" - announced the extremely turned-on Jim Phillips, his camera lens lingering on the child's cum-drenched face.

Every one of the cast and crew gave the 8 year old blonde the longest extended ovation yet during the 3 days of filming. Men, women, and children whistled, howled, and cheered the little girl for what will likely be remembered as one of her masterpiece performances; forever captured on high-definition film to be jerked off to by countless pedophiles globally on the web.

* * *

"Wow Trisha! You've done it! You're officially a STAR!" - congratulated Phillips, as naked Trisha remained seated under the donkey with her cheeks blushing a rose color from all the positive attention she was getting. The animal semen covering her forehead and chin was quickly drying and crusting under the intense Arizona heat.

"I did it, didn't I?! Wait till I tell uncle Dave all about this trip and everything I've done; oh, and Julie and Jennifer back home too, who gave me lots of good advice before I came here!" - shouted the animated 8 year old.

"You may not have to wait until you get back to Maryland. Why don't you call the sisters from my ipad once we're back in the car on our way to the hotel?!" - suggested Phillips.

"Can I really uncle Jim?! Wow, you're the best! I love you!!!!!! Thank you for bringing me on this trip and thinking that I deserved to be your next movie star!"

"You bet! And after this trust me, you'll be starring in A LOT MORE of my movies from now on! And that includes you adorable kids too." - Jim Phillips said pointing toward Kelly McClarry and Connor Jacobs.

"Thank you uncle Jim!" - piped 8 year old Kelly and 7 year old Connor in unison.

"Now, we just have one more mop up scene to shoot, where the 5 bandits jump out from behind the rocks and ask Trisha if they can escort her to California. After that, let's go get a fucking bite to eat, I'm starving!"

"We are too!" - said all three children.

"Really, even you Trisha, after all that cum? Heehee" - joked Phillips. He added, "Actually there's still something for Trisha to enjoy. Hey Chastity, can you bring the drip tray over here?"

With that, Kelly's mother Chastity brought the medical tray over containing the 5 ounces of donkey semen that was saved from spilling onto the dirt. After carefully using a spoon to pour its contents into a clear glass jar, Jim Phillips offered each child a small sip so they could all know what Trisha just went through.

Even though Kelly and Connor weren't very eager to drink animal sperm, they also knew that their "uncle Jim" wasn't so much making a suggestion as he was giving a command, so they each took turns taking small sips from the jar to taste the same salty goop that Trisha had swallowed.

Just before Trisha brought the remainder of the semen up to her lips to take her last swallow, one of the men playing the bandits stopped her.

"Wait Trisha! Before you swallow that I have a question to ask. Do you think that after making this movie you're an expert now in telling apart donkey cum from people cum?"

"Of course uncle Harry! They taste so different!"

"Oh yeah? Prove it! I don't think we believe you." - yelled out a second man.

"I will! I'll bet 5 dollars I can tell apart the different cums!" - asserted the insulted 8 year old.

With the wager accepted, each of the 5 bandits ejaculated into 5 shotglasses, while the donkey semen was carefully poured into 5 other shotglasses.

After blindfolding Trisha, they made her do blind taste tests by taking shots out of each of the 10 glasses and having her guess whether its' contents were human or animal. Not surprisingly, Trisha guessed all 10/10 correct, strutting with pride afterwards thinking how 5 grown men who were supposed to be smarter than a little girl could all make such a foolish bet. She waved the $25 in their faces to emphasize her point. The perverted men of course had no desires of winning any bet; they just wanted to watch the little girl drink more semen!

Once all the semen, man's or beast's, was properly consumed by the adorable little girl, the cast finished filming the final non-sex scene of the movie, and after the long hike back up out of the canyon returned to their transports to head out of the national park for the last time.

Once they were in their vans Jim Phillips gave Trisha his ipad as promised so she could video call the two sisters using the apple tablet's facetime application. Once Julie picked up her phone on the other end, Trisha could tell that the 10 year old girl was in the back seat of their family car. Jennifer was seated next to her and as Julie panned her phone in a 360 degree motion, Trisha could tell that the girls' mother Evelyn was seated in the front passenger's seat and their father John was driving.

"Hi Trisha!" greeted Julie. "Are you guys filming right now? I bet you are! I can see the dried cum on your chin from where I'm sitting, LOL!"

"Oh my God Julie, do I have lots of things to tell you! Do you know what I did on my trip? I ate grapes out of a boy's butt, got fucked by a real gun, learned something called ass-to-mouth, and ....."

"Whoa whoa whoa! Hold on, slow down!"

"LOL, sorry. I'm just excited, that's why. Julie, you were right. About me having to do fetishes for this movie! It wasn't peeing though. And it wasn't dogs that I had to do it with. Guess what I had to do!" - said Trisha.

"Ummm, I don't know. Bondage? Scat?"

"Huh? Scat? what's that? Um, nevermind. No, actually - I SUCKED A DONKEY!!!"

From the other end both sisters could be heard yelling together, "A donkey?! Whoa!!!"

"That means you're a member of the animal club now Trisha, just like me and Jennifer! They're pretty huge huh? Their cocks I mean." - asked Julie.

"Uh huh. I was so surprised when it kept growing and growing and looked like it would never stop!" - added Trisha.

"And what about when it came? Was it different?"

"Totally! It was way smellier and saltier!"

"I told ya it would be salty!", cracked Julie.

"It was, and not only that he can shoot way more than a man, even your dad Julie!", Trisha yelled back. She continued, "Julie, I couldn't really suck the penis because it was so thick, so uncle Jim mostly had me suck on the tip where the sperm comes out like a milk bottle and lick the sides up and down. And when the scene ended the guys asked me if I was an expert cum taster. I said 'yes', and one of them yelled 'prove it' and brought out tiny glasses. You know those little ones grown ups put their whiskey in? So these guys cum into the glasses and other glasses are filled with leftover donkey cum that collected on a tray uncle Jim put under me while I was sucking it off, so any that dribbled off my face dripped onto the tray. Then they blindfolded me and had me drink from the glasses and guess which came from a person and which from a donkey. SO EASSSSY!!! I guessed right and all the guys, plus uncle Jim, gave me a big ovation!"

"I'm so proud of you Trisha! That's actually a game where I'm the current champion. The grownups blindfold you and make you drink either cum from different guys, or from one guy and all these different animals. The little girl has to correctly guess which sperm they're drinking. Human and donkey is pretty easy, but wait till you try goat and bull semen! That's where past experience matters a lot if you wanna win! Anyways, looks like with a little more practice and you and I could go head to head. Can't wait!"

"What time is it over there?" Trisha asked. "It looks all dark. The sun's still up in Arizona and we're gonna go get dinner soon."

"It's past 9 over here. Mommy and daddy are driving us to a 'surprise' but it's somewhere we've never been." - Jennifer butted into the conversation from the seat next to her sister. (Neither sister is aware yet that they are being driven to the start of the Ms. Kiddie Fuck Princess Pageant)

"Well, I hope you have as much fun as I had today! Bye Julie and Jennifer! I miss you guys and wanna play with you when I get back!"

"We miss you too Trisha! Make lots of sexy scenes out there and we can't wait to watch them. Jelly!! (preteen language for 'Jealous!!')" - yelled Julie.

With that, the girls hung up after promising to share all the sexy details once Trisha returned to their Maryland neighborhood.

"All right kids, we're going to that diner that's close to the hotel. What y'all wanna eat?" - asked Jim Phillips.

"Mac and cheese!" - yelled Trisha.

"Spaghetti and meatballs!" - answered Kelly.

"Tacos!" - said Connor.

"Hey Connor, if you're craving tacos there's some delicious pink tacos sitting right next to you!" - joked one of the men from the cast.

"Huh?" wondered Connor, not understanding the euphemism 'pink taco.'

"Actually tacos might be good for you Connor." - added Phillips. "If you get the taco shits afterwards maybe you can squeeze out the last of those grapes that were hiding up your ass all afternoon!"

Everyone in the van laughed at Connor following Jim's remark, even his own mother Elise who was seated directly behind him.

* * *

After a very full dinner, cast and crew returned to their hotel to kick off the "wrap party" after another successful Jim Phillips feature kiddie porn shoot. They stopped by at a liquor store on their way back and had an ice cooler full of Corona beers and even some Jack Daniels whiskey and vodka for anyone who was craving mixed cocktails later. Elise Jacobs and her son excused themselves to go to their own room for a short while (Connor was unsuccessful in shitting out the rest of his grapes after dinner and so now Elise wanted to take matters into her own hands) while the rest of the cast and crew crammed their way into Jim Phillips' room.

"Remember Elise, knock three times, then twice, then once. That way we'll know it's you guys when you get back, got it?" - Phillips instructed.

Not everyone could stick around for the party. The extras from scene 4 had already departed since their only privilege was getting to be on set and jacking off all over the children. The actor who played the saloon owner and two of the men who played the bandits also had to leave early. Each of those men had to return home to their wives and children, who were unaware that their husbands and fathers led secret lives as kiddie porn actors. But for the rest - which included Phillips, the two mothers, the actor Steve, all three actors who gangfucked Kelly, and three of the men who played the bandits, the party was yet another fortunate opportunity to see the children fully naked and to molest their bodies to their hearts' content!

"All right everybody! We seem to be a bit overdressed at the moment. Let's get comfortable!" - suggested the boss man, and with that - shirts, pants, and underwear began flying in all directions all over the room. Kelly's mother Chastity got fully undressed as well, and the former white trash party-girl kicked off the celebration by distributing open beers to all adults in the room.

The two little girls, Trisha and Kelly, kicked off all their clothes in a heartbeat and were making their rounds going from man-to-man to be groped and kissed and fondled. Even as they were very sexually rough with the children during the past several days' filming, once the cameras were off these same pedophiles returned to being the "fun uncles" that they tended to be when around the kids. For instance, the same man whose big cock nearly caused Kelly to have a meltdown when he tried to force it up her ass (while another cock was already buried in her pussy), was now gently giving her a loving shoulder massage and planting kisses on her neck. The man Steve, who just the other day attacked Trisha's asshole with his cock and fingers with such carnal brutality, was now rocking her naked body up and down on one of his knees like any loving grandfather would.

While this collective molestation of the little girls was taking place, there was one man in the room however that seemed somewhat detached from it all and instead was fixated on something on his computer. It was Jim Phillips himself, whose eyes were glued to the start of the live webcast of the East Coast Piss Gokkun, starring Julie, Jennifer, Melissa Rhodes, and Katie Chapel.

The night has simultaneously brought an end to one of his greatest kiddie fuck flicks to date, and heralded the birth of his next greatest project. He truly was one who lived a blessed life.

The End

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I normally don't get off on these type of stories but I sure did on this one. Well done! Got me to taste my own cum to see how it was.


Oh please tell the story of the girls taking a snake inside , that would be sooo hot

The reviewing period for this story has ended.