Eleven In a Week

[ Mg(10), cons, ped, rom ]

by Himself


Published: 26-May-2013

Word Count: 8437

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show Story Summary
This story is entirely fiction. I don't know a Jay or Kay Gerwitz with a daughter named Tammy, nor have I ever. I don't live in a trailer park, nor have I ever. Neither did any of this stuff ever happen.

Since the story is entirely a fabrication, it has no historical value, or for that matter, any other value that I can think of. Why are you reading it? These 'disclaimers' are a waste of time, aren't they? The only reason we have to have them is that there are far too many damned lawyers! Please consider all the legalese that I've forgotten to have been included instead of what I wrote.

Today was Saturday and her mom, Kay, and stepdad, Jay, were home. Although it was 10:00 AM, long past the time Tammy was usually up and running about, she was still in bed.

"Where's Tammy? Jay asked Kay.

"Still in bed, I'm gonna go see about her just as soon as I get Billy dressed. He can go out and play with the other kids before it gets too hot even for lizards out there."

"I'll go check on her," Jay offered. "Haven't seen much of her lately with so much of our work being out of town. Sure was nice up in Payson the past few days. Hot, but not like down here in the Valley. Concrete is hot work any place in Arizona, but at least it's a few thousand feet higher elevation up there."

"Yeah, maybe we could all take a ride up into the mountains sometime soon?" Kay thought aloud as Jay nodded his agreement.

"Would be nice," he answered, getting up to go see about his step-daughter.

Opening her door, she was sitting up in bed with a book. She looked fine.

"You, ok, there, Blondie?" Their other kids all had dark hair, so 'Blondie' was his pet name for her. She knew it was meant affectionately and she liked it.

"Yeah, I just don't feel that good today, but I'll get up if you want me to."

"Naw, your mom and I were just wondering if you're ok. What's the matter, tummy?"

She'd been thinking about this. How would she answer their questions when she had to explain why it hurt for her to walk. Her puss wasn't sore where she'd bled so much, a little tender to the touch maybe, but that wasn't the problem. She ached! Deep inside her she really ached when she walked.

"I was messing around over at the elementary school's playground, and kinda hurt myself," she said.

"Are you ok? Do we need to take you to an emergency care clinic, or can you wait until Monday when the doctor's offices are open?"

"I don't need a doctor, I don't think; I just hurt myself on the monkey bars."

"Did you fall?"

"Yeah, a little bit. But it's ok. What's Mom doing?"

"She's getting Billy dressed. You want to see her? Want breakfast?"

"Yeah, when she isn't busy. I'm not hungry, though. I had a bowl of CheeriosĀ® before anyone woke up, so I'm not at all hungry."

"Ok, kiddo; maybe we'll all take a drive up to the mountains next week. That sound fun?"

"Yeah,kinda, it would be a lot cooler there, huh?"

"Yep. We'll see." Turning around and closing her door, he left.

Tammy went back to reading her book. A few minutes later, her mom opened the door. "You ok, Honey?" She came in, closed the door, and sat on the side of the bed near her daughter.

"Yeah, Mom. I hurt myself on the monkey bars yesterday and it hurts to walk."

"Is it your leg, or your back? Did you fall to the ground?" The rapid fire questions were well-meant, but came too quickly for any hope of an answer. This wasn't unusual for Kay, so Tammy answered when there was a bit of an opening.

"Not exactly, Mom, my foot slipped off one of the bars and I hit a bar below me."

A glimmer of understanding . . . "Did the bar hit between your legs?"

"It's ok, Mom."

"Tammy, tell me where the bar hit! Did it hit you between your legs?"


"Oooh, that can really hurt, alright. Did it make you bleed?"


"I think I know what happened to you then, Honey. Do you know what a hymen is?"

"Not exactly, is that like your 'cherry'?"

"Yes, where did you hear that term?"

Moooom, c'mon! Everybody knows what a girl's cherry is. Girls at school talk about it and getting their monthlies, their "periods," or whatever. Ok?"

"Ok, Honey, don't get upset, but I'm your mother and I'm going to ask what I want to know, and you're going to answer me."

Glumly: "Ok, Mom, ok. So whaddya wanta know?"

"Ok, so you fell on the monkey bars and one of the bars hit you between your legs and it made you bleed, right?"

"Yeeeeessss, Mom! Do we have to talk about it; I told you about it already, ok?" "Yes, Honey, we do. I'm taking you to the doctor on Monday."

"Moooooom! NO! I'm not going, ok? I'm not going; I'll be ok by then anyway."

"We'll see, young lady. You'll do whatever I say, though and that's an end of it!"

"Yeah, we'll see," Tammy muttered. She knew her mother would have her way, but she wanted to show that she was still defiant about the idea.

Getting suspicious, since Tammy very rarely argued with her, she asked, "Tammy, are you being honest with me? Is there something you're not telling me? Have you been with anyone or done anything I should know about?"

"Like who? What are you talking about, Mom? I just don't want to go to the doctor, ok?" Mollified, a little bit anyway, Kay said, "Ok, Honey, we'll see, though. Just rest, then. Do you want me to bring you anything?"

"No, Mom. I'm gonna go back to sleep, I think."

"Ok, then." She closed the door and Tammy could hear hear her mom's footsteps recede down the narrow hall of the double wide trailer that was their home.

"Holy shit!" Tammy muttered under her breath. She hadn't expected her mom to be so insightful. She reopened her book, now not caring if anyone saw the title broadly emblazoned on its cover: "Webster's New Collegiate Dictionary."

Having found what she'd been looking for, Tammy knew damn well what a hymen was, and also that she no longer had such a thing.


"But, Mom, I'm ok, I'm fine, it doesn't hurt to walk at all, ok?" That wasn't entirely true. It still ached a little bit inside of her.

"Tammy, that's enough, finish getting ready; you're going and that's not open for argument."


"Hi, Tammy, I'm Dr. Marilyn, how are you?"

"I'm perfectly ok."

Chuckling, "Yes, I'm sure you are; you certainly look and sound ok. Your mom said you hurt yourself on some school playground equipment, is that right?"


"How? Tell me what happened."

Tammy gave her the hastily fabricated tale she'd come up with for her parents consumption." "Well, Tammy, you wouldn't be the first girl that has happened to. Let's get you in the stirrups and see how you're healing up."

"Do, I have to. I really don't want to, Dr. Marilyn."

"Yes, we have to, Kiddo. Let me adjust the height of the stirrup stands. Ok, there!"

After a very embarrassing few minutes of examination: "Ok, Honey, you can get down, now." Gratefully, Tammy removed her legs from the cold steel of the uncomfortable stirrups and hopped down to the floor. She reached behind her to close the airily open, poorly closed hospital gown that exposed her back and her ass to, what seemed like to her, the entire world.

"Have a seat, Tammy." Dr. Marilyn indicated the end of the examination table. Tammy would have preferred one of the regular chairs. She also wanted her clothing back on her.

"Ok, Tammy, tell me what really happened."

"What do you mean? I already told you." Tammy's stomach seemed to drop to the floor with shocked surprise.

"Ok, Tammy, here's the thing. When a girl has damage to her hymen, it can happen in a number of ways. This can happen in some sports activities with extremely wide leg "splits" such as gymnasts, or even dancers often do. Sometimes girls have slipped on their bike pedals and fallen on the bicycle's crossbar, or, as you've indicated happened to you, they've fallen on a bar of some kind. Sometimes they've experimented with putting something up inside of themselves, either from simple curiosity or from the pleasant sensations they get from touching themselves down there. Other times, they've had sex."

This conversation had now taken a turn that was scary as hell to Tammy. She could tell where this was going and she would rather die than get Rick into trouble. She was damned if she was going to admit to anything.

She said nothing, instead she sat there trying not to look scared or nervous. Maybe it would be best to look interested, she thought. She gravely nodded her head as though all this was just the most interesting stuff in the whole world.

"The thing is, Tammy, the hymen can torn to varying degrees. If something hits it a girl in the center of her groin without actually penetrating inside her, there is a less than complete destruction of the hymen; maybe a tear or two. On the other hand, complete penetration with something, such hairbrush handle, a dildo, or a male penis, is more traumatic and more damage results. I can see that your hymen has been injured in multiple locations and it looks very much as though something has quite recently gone up inside of you and that you were a virgin before it happened. I want to know what happened."

Tammy felt like a rabbit in a cage with a hungry coyote, but she had listened carefully to Dr. Marilyn's comments. She wasn't a dumb or slow little girl, by any means, and had immediately seized on an alternative explanation to escape being found out. She didn't know what a 'dildo' was,s but, under the present circumstances, she didn't care to know.

"So, Tammy, since I know that something has been inside of your vagina, why don't you tell me the truth. Ok?"


"Well, Tammy, I suppose we can call your mother in and you'll have to explain it in front of her. Would you prefer that?"

"No, I was playing and it happened."

"Are we staying with the playground nonsense still, then?"

"No, ma'am. I was playing in my bedroom and hurt myself. It hurt and I bled a lot. I didn't want to tell my mom. It's really embarrassing."

"Ok, tell me all about it and maybe we won't have to tell your mom."

I was touching myself and found a little hole in me. It hurt a little bit to push inside, but it really felt good, too. I did that a little bit, but it felt like I wanted to do more." She quit talking.

"So, you used something larger than your finger, then? What was it?"

"My Mickey Mouse hairbrush handle. It's kinda old. It was my mom's when she was a little girl."

"Hmmm, ok. Have you done anything else?"

"Like what?"

"Do you have a boy-friend."

"No, I'm too young and Mom would have a fit if I even asked."

"So you haven't done any experimenting with any men or boys?

"Like who? All the kids I know are too little. Who wants to do that stuff anyway?" "Do you like boys?"

"They're all too silly. Some are kinda cute, but they're just little boys."

"How about anyone older, any men?"


"Do you notice men when they're good looking."

"Yeah, Justin Bieber is really hot! He's good looking."

Laughing, Dr. Marilyn said, "Well, I suppose it's safe to say you haven't been seeing Mr. Bieber, have you?"

"No, unfortunately," Tammy herself laughingly answered.

"But you'd like to, right?"

"You bet! Wouldn't you if you were my age?"

"I suppose I would. Let's get your mom. Go ahead and get dressed."

All three together in Dr. Marilyn's office:

"Mrs. Gerwitz, I think Tammy is going to be just fine. She's not seriously hurt and the healing process is going well. Has she begun her monthly flow?"

"Tammy?" Kay looked at her daughter, "You haven't started bleeding every month have you?...I think I'd know, but I'm asking anyway."

"No, Mom, I'd tell you."

"I know you would, Honey."

"Mrs. Gerwitz, I don't think Tammy has had any experiences that are inappropriate either for her age or maturity levels, but she's normally heterosexual in her orientation and, with the way things are today, you may want to consider some form of hormonal regulation when she begins having her monthly courses." With this comment, Tammy wondered just how completely Dr. Marilyn had been taken in by her story. She looked at her closely, but the Dr. wasn't giving any visible clues that she didn't believe her.

"You mean birth-control, don't you, Dr.?" Kay asked.

"Yes, it's strictly a judgment call on your part. There's no reason medically to initiate that sort of thing, but it's an option should you think it advisable. It's not new medical technology and has many, many years of establishing a safe track record. There are even some studies that indicate certain long-term health benefits."

"Ok, I'll keep it in mind."

Tammy was incredulous, but immensely grateful to Dr. Marilyn for not telling her mother all she'd led to believe in their private conversation. She felt like she'd dodged a fast bus in keeping her love for Rick and what she'd done with him a secret. "God, but that had been scary!"


Rick woke up in his recliner. He'd waited up, sitting in his recliner all night. He had wanted to be somewhere he could easily hear anyone at the door. Sitting right by it seemed to 'fit the bill.' He'd hoped that Tammy would have been able to sneak out and come over. She hadn't come, obviously, and he felt achy from sleeping there.

He didn't fully realize just how sore she still was as a result of her defloration. She was so sore, in fact, that she'd gone to bed early, right after dinner, actually, and had not gotten out of bed except for dire necessities the following day.

Even by Monday, when her mother had taken her to the doctor, she'd felt a stiffness between her legs and in her lower abdomen. It had really hurt, despite the barely realized pleasantness of sex, and it had taken a lot of courage for her to allow Rick to repeat the process of sticking his penis in her time and again. At first, she was sure she was going to die, it hurt so bad.

Now, a couple of days since Tammy had taken his prick up inside her, Rick had begun worrying that Tammy had told her parents what he'd done. He knew that, despite the details, the end results of that entire afternoon constituted felonious behavior, rape, to put a finer point on it, and, if detected and convicted of just half of what he'd done, he'd face years and years of prison time.

It was not a good day for Rick. Not a good day at all.

Monday 3:00 PM:

Rick drove into the front of the mobile park's entry and was getting out of the car when Kay and Tammy drove past on their way to one of the two parking slips next to their double-wide. They both waved to him as they drove by, with Tammy wearing a little smile and Kay not looking a bit upset.

"Thank God!" Rick gratefully thought. "She's ok and she didn't tell anyone anything." In addition to a 12 pack of Coors, he'd also picked up a 6 pack of Cokes and a bottle of Evan Williams Bourbon, which was a fairly decent but inexpensive whiskey.

As usual, after a day's work of digging the trenches around swimming pools, and then plumbing all of the complex piping around the pool, he was filthy. He stank. He was sticky with sweat-caked dirt on him and his eyes burned from the sweat that had soaked his work-ruined baseball cap and then dripped its super-salt ridden sweat into his eyes. Time to throw the damned thing away, he figured. He'd have done so earlier except that he liked the hat which had inscribed above it, "Why are you reading my hat?"

That amused him, but the hat was so old and dirty it was far beyond redemption.

He entered his superheated trailer and hit the thermostat switch down.

Immediately, he went to the small kitchen area, got a glass from a cupboard and some good quality, commercial ice from the small freezer in the refrigerator and mixed himself a stout Bourbon and coke drink.

The refrigerator wasn't very large, but it was large enough to keep some Crystal IceĀ®, his beer and milk for his dry cereal. He'd purchased the whiskey with the idea of getting a buzz on to forget his worries about Tammy, prison, and the oil leak he'd just spotted beneath the engine of his old truck. Now, with the worst of his worries apparently out of the way, he was in a mood to celebrate.

The Bourbon and coke tasted delicious. Still, to celebrate more intensely, he poured a tad more bourbon into the drink and gently swirled a spoon to mix it.

"Yeeeehuhhhh! Strong!" Far too much bourbon, but having gotten used to a strong drink even before he'd added more whiskey, it tasted ok to him. The strong 'bite' of the drink was exactly what he wanted at the moment.

"Delicious!" He took another drink and went immediately into the small shower cubicle in the bedroom area.

After 30 minutes of trailer-park-cold water (translation: lukewarm), while occasionally reaching out to get his drink and sipping it (being extremely careful to avoid diluting it with water dripping either from the shower-head or his hair), he got out of the shower and toweled himself off.

Naked, and somewhat drier, he shivered pleasurably as he walked under the ceiling air vent on his way to the refrigerator to mix up another drink. Tasting it for flavor and approving its even stronger proportions than even the last one, he walked back to the bedroom and slipped on his customary after-work wear . . . boxer shorts and no shirt.

He sat back in his reclining chair and luxuriated in the now deliciously cold air of the trailer, his strong alcoholic drink, and the comfortable knowledge that Tammy hadn't ratted him out.

All that was worrying him now was that damned oil leak! "Wonder if it's just an oil pan gasket?" He thought to himself.

Since his mechanical tools were all at his parent's house up in Prescott, he'd have to give some thought to driving up to get them. "Poor ol' truck, anyway." He'd bought it just after he graduated high school and planned to fix it up as a hot-rod-pickup truck, but lacked time, money, and a place to do the work.

Half way through the drink, he heard footsteps in the gravel outside and then a soft knock at the door. He hoped it was Tammy.

He got up and standing back to conceal his near nakedness from anyone passing by or from anyone in the adjacent trailer, opened the door.

It was Tammy and she swiftly came in, thoughtfully and prudently, the door behind her as quickly as she could.

Rick instantly took her into his arms and kissed her. He picked her up so that her feet dangled, but her little face was placed optimally for receiving his kisses all over her mouth, ears, and neck.

"You taste sweet and smell like some kind of booze," she said with a grin.

"Yeah," he said, I'm drinking some whiskey and coke. You want something to drink?"

"Can I taste yours?" she asked.

"Yeah, I guess, but I don't think you'll like it. I made it pretty strong."

Keeping her in his arms, he back-walked to his recliner then sat down maneuvering her into his lap in their now-preferred position. Her legs were draped over his, with both feet facing to the left side (door side, not sofa side). His right arm was behind her supporting her back and his left free to either reach his drink or stroke her bare legs . . . or whatever other part of her he might want to feel.

Tammy took his partially filled drink and quaffed a fairly substantial gulp...actually a large mouthful that took a couple of swallows to drink it all.

Her look of shocked surprise quickly turned to one of dismay. "Oohh, Rick! That's strong!" Her little shoulders actually shivered as she shuddered from such a strongly spiked beverage."

"See? Rick laughed."

"How can you drink that, stuff, Rick?" She asked, wishing she'd not taken such a huge drink of it.

"Yeah, it's pretty stout. I was sort of celebrating, I guess and mixed it way stronger than I usually do."

"What are you celebrating about?"

Good question, and the perfect answer jumped from brain to tongue without a second's hesitation, "You. I'm celebrating you."


"You bet, you pretty little thing. I'm celebrating you." Rick felt the first signs of an extremely pleasant buzz. The alcohol had reached his brain's cells and the pleasant, and intended, disruption of his thought processes had begun.

"Why me?"

Tammy was pleased that she was the cause of his "celebration," and that he'd called her a "pretty little thing." She had loved his holding her and kissing her; all in all, she couldn't be happier.

Well, maybe she could. Given her relatively small size and the amount of bourbon she'd imbibed in the large gulp she'd swallowed, she was already feeling something from the strong effects of Bourbon and coke.

"Wow, that stuff is strong," she thought licking her faintly buzzy-feeling lips. "Just because," Rick answered. Not being exactly the Lothario type, Rick wasn't really good at romantic repartee.

Lame though his response to her question was, it was good enough because he'd kissed her gently and deeply as soon as he'd said it.

He was amazed at how good at kissing she'd become. Immediately his dick began to harden as a result of the pressure of her firm little body against his and the soft deliciousness of her lips.

"Want to go to bed?" He asked.

"Oh, Rick, I'm way too sore, still. Mom took me to the doctor today."

Rick's heart stopped. He was dead, he just hadn't stopped breathing was the only difference.

"What happened?" He asked.

"It was scary, Rick. I told them I was sore from falling on the monkey bars and it hurt to walk."

"What happened? He asked again.

"She examined me and told me she wanted me to tell her the truth" Rick finished up dying. He was fucked.

"What did you tell her?" With the last beats of his soon to stop beating heart, he waited to hear that she'd ratted him out. He was sure as fuck doomed and he knew it.

"I'm fucked," he thought.

"I told her I put something inside me that made me bleed," she said. She wasn't about to admit to him that the "something" she'd told the doctor about was an old Mickey Mouse hair brush. Even though that was a made-up story, even having that stupid kid's-hair-brush would embarrass her to death. She didn't want to be just a little girl to him. She wanted to be his girlfriend, his woman.

Miraculously, Rick's heart resumed functioning and he didn't fall lifeless to the floor. "Jesus!" He thought to himself. "Jesus fucking fuck!"

Construction work can teach you to cuss in strange and inventive ways. So can the Marine Corps, but Rick wasn't a Marine. He'd have have fit right in, though.

That was a good one; 'Jesus fucking fuck' would have been a company wide favorite within a week in the Corps.

"So, what did the doctor say?"

"Nothing; she did say that maybe mom might consider putting me on birth control pills when I start my period. That's it." She sure as hell wasn't going to tell Rick how close it had been or how scared she was."

"Birth control, hell that'd be great, Honey, but why did that come up?"

"I don't know, Rick, they talked about several things, cramps, health advantages, boys, and stuff. I don't know."

Thinking it over as he stroked her hair, Rick considered each of the things, she'd mentioned. All of them seemed to be contingent upon Tammy having reached an age when she was having periods rather than necessarily having anything to do with anything he and she might be doing.

"Health issues?" As far as Rick knew, and that wasn't a lot, Tammy had no health issues, and he couldn't see what birth control had anything to do with that.

"Cramps?" Well, hell, now, that was different! Maybe he wasn't a pussy doctor, but he knew he'd heard of girls and even women who had cramps and took birth control pills to somehow alleviate that condition. That could be a damn good thing if Tammy used her head.

"Tammy, Honey, you can't get pregnant 'till you start having your period, right?"

"I don't know, I guess so, why?"

"Cause you're too young to be a mommy? You don't want to have a baby yet, do you?"

"Definitely not! That's stupid; in school they tell us all the things in our lives that would be changed and about all the things we'd miss, and that our kids would grow up in poverty without toys or vacations, and living in a dump."

"Yeah, all those things, and lots more, too."

"This place is kind of a dump, isn't it, Rick?"

"You mean my crumby little trailer? Yeah, it is, but it's only temporary."

"No, Rick! Not your trailer! I love it here with you. I mean this whole damn place. It's lousy and doesn't even have a swimming pool in the summer. There's nothing to do here, even to play we have to go somewhere else. There's not even very much grass and nobody even mows it. It's a dump, isn't it?"

"Yeah, Honey, it is. I wish I could put you in someplace really nice."

"Me too. I love you, Rick."

"So, Tam, listen, you're gonna have cramps!"


"When you start having periods, you're gonna get cramps and they're gonna hurt really bad, ok?"

"Rick, what are you talking about? You don't know that, and I don't want cramps. What are you talking about?"

"Honey, I don't want you to have cramps, either, but think about it, if you have cramps, your mom will take you back to the doctor and he...I mean she'll give you a prescription for birth control pills so you won't have cramps, right?"

"Yeah. But not if I don't have cramps."

"Honey, how would they know whether you have cramps or not unless you tell them. If you don't tell them, you won't go on birth control, if you do tell them they'll get you the pills."

"But what if I don't have them, Rick?"

"Tell them you do even if you don't, Honey, that way you'll be on birth control and I can't put a baby into you before we want you to have a baby. Make, sense?"

"Oh, my God, yes! I'm so stupid. That's really smart, Rick!"

"Not smart, Tam, sneaky, just sneaky. Tammy, listen carefully to me. This is important. Hell, I can't even believe I'm talking about shit like this . . .

He paused, shaking his head in astonishment at his entire mind set; "This conversation, a conversation with a 10 year old child about getting her pregnant, absolutely could not ....... NOT ...... be happening."

"What, Rick? I'm listening."

"Tammy, you're so damned young, this whole conversation is insane. There's so many years between us right now, that makes it even crazier. Honey, I'm over twice your age! ........ "

If it's possible to interrupt a pause, Tammy did. Not waiting for Rick to gather his thoughts and formulate how he was going to phrase whatever he was about to say, Tammy precluded that with her own interjection.

"Rick, I don't care, I love you, and I'll always love you!"

"Tammy, that's crazy. Maybe you do love me now, and I think I love you, too. In fact, you're all I can think about anymore. But, Honey, what if your parents decide to move to another town; what if you get into high school and want to date boys your age, and go to dances with them, and other kinds of dates? What about that?"

By now Tammy was crying. "I don't care about that. I love you, Rick. I'll alwa....." She broke out into heavy sobbing, her tears running down her face and his chest and her nose beginning to run from the tears in her eyes dripping into her nasal passages."

Rick picked her up and carried her into his bedroom. Laying her down, he lay beside her and held her until she quit crying. By that time, he'd fallen asleep. Realizing that, Tammy closed her eyes and fell asleep herself.

Several hours later, she woke up. Rick was still sleeping. She wrote a note to him and let herself out quietly.

When he awakened, he went to sit in the recliner and saw her note. "See you tomorrow. I love you. T," she had written.

He got a glass and a can of coke. Putting some ice in the glass, he poured in the coke and sat down to drink it and think.

An hour later, the coke was gone, the ice melted, and he was still thinking. About 8:00 PM, he decided to go to bed. 5:00 AM seemed to come earlier and earlier.

By 5:45 AM he was nearly to the job site. He was the first one there.

Throughout the day, although he kept his attention on his work, his thoughts often strayed to Tammy. What was he doing? Did he really care for her . . . 'care' as in 'love,' or was he just hot for her soft, firm-feeling little body? He knew he really liked her, but how much of his feelings for her were love and how much lust? The idea that she was only 10 years old kept niggling at him. He was thoroughly confused.

Could he actually fall in love with a kid that young? Then, of course, a little over a week ago, the idea that he'd ever have sex with a girl that young, would never have occurred to him. Such a notion would have seemed just as unlikely, no, not just unlikely, preposterous!

"So, how preposterous, then, was the idea of truly falling in love with her?" He wondered. Driving home, he stopped at a grocery store and bought some ice and a few groceries. He continued to ponder the possibilities of a lasting relationship with a girl not quite half his age. Of course, the age difference wouldn't ever change, but the ratio would. The longer they lived, the less the difference in age would matter. It was only a matter of time until the difference wouldn't matter at all.

Of course, that depended on a large number of things, staying out of jail for raping a child, being one of them, maintaining the relationship with all the various things that could intervene to terminate it altogether, for another. Too many imponderables.

He pulled into his parking spot. Tammy was sitting in a nearly worn out wooden garden chair under the shade of a small elm tree. She smiled at him and started to run towards him until he cautioned her to slow down and not make a scene by patting the air with both hands, palms facing down. She caught on immediately.

He had to admit, he was just as happy to see her as she obviously had been to see him. He got the few things from the grocery store in his arms and putting the keys in one hand, a hand already carrying a small bag of stuff, he gestured to her to take them and open the door. She did so, standing back once she'd unlocked and pulled the door open, and then followed him in.

"Whose home?" He asked, and she immediately understood he meant at her folk's trailer. Just me, the kids are down the street playing with Jill's kids. Mom will pick them up when she gets home.

He put the ice in the freezer and set the other stuff on the small counter that served as his kitchen work area. "I stink, Honey," he said kissing her lightly as he headed off to the shower. He quickly stripped off and got into the shower, only turning on the cold water tap, as was usual during the heat of summer. Before he'd really gotten himself sudsed up properly, Tammy hopped in with him, completely naked.

Laughing, he picked her up and held her high enough to kiss her and also to keep her hair from getting wet. "Hey, if your hair gets wet, how are you going to explain that?" He asked.

"The hose," she answered leaving further explanations unstated as her meaning was pretty clear. She'd simply turn the outside hose on her as though she'd wanted to cool off that way. Her clothes, the little that she'd been wearing, that is, wouldn't really matter. They'd be almost completely dry in 30 minutes outside, even though she'd be wearing them.

"Good idea, he said." In the tiny shower, there was hardly room enough for one adult sized person, not to mention the addition of another even as small and slim as Tammy.

This wasn't an insurmountable difficulty as she only weighed about 95 pounds, 'soaking wet,' as the phrase goes, which she was at the moment. There was also a little seat built into the shower that he could stand her on, even though it was a little short for her.

As she was standing on it, by bending her neck, she could kiss him and he could run his hands all over her wet, slick little body enjoying himself (and her) entirely. He reached down to the floor of the shower and got the shampoo. Handing it to her, she put a little on his head and lathered up his hair and scalp.

He took the bar of soap that hung on a string from the shower handles and soaped both himself, and her. Their soapy-slick bodies felt good as their skin glided almost frictionlessly everywhere they touched. It felt very sexy and each of them were quickly becoming very aroused.

He picked her up and held her closely to him as he reached under her left thigh to lift his prick and aim it at her naked center. Without any foreplay, or preliminaries beyond kissing her and feeling her up all over her body, he notched his dick in the opening of her tight little sugar pie and gently lowered her onto him. The water from the shower provided plenty of lubrication for the skin of his cock to slide up inside her with only the friction generated by the youthful narrowness of her tight little pussy. The friction caused by her tightly constricting sheath caused her no pain and gave both of them such pleasure that they gasped into one another's mouths as they kissed and began a very slow, gentle fuck fest.

Tammy let her head roll back with her eyes closed to prevent water from getting in them and said, "Oh, it feels so good, Rick. I can feel you way up inside me. Soooooo, good." As his dick penetrated deeply up inside her belly, she uttered contented little grunts and moans of pleasure.

The tightness of the little girl's soft, warm interior imparted a firm, slick body grip on Rick's iron hard penis and his long strokes into her little tummy felt so good he could hardly believe it. She was so, so, so tight and holding her slim little body next to him as he stroked into her was erotic beyond belief. Slowing down only to shift his grip on her as he lowered his face to suck on her immature little tits, he looked at his dick disappearing underneath her as he thrust inside her.

In their standing position, he couldn't actually see the physical insertion point but the visual variation from that perspective was exciting. He looked at her belly and once again he could see the progress of his dick inside her by looking at the sinuous movement on the surface of her tummy. The little bump on her belly moved up and down with his thrusts into her.

This sight was so unbelievably sexy that, try as he did, and he really tried, he couldn't stop his body from suddenly filling his little lover with the pearly white, sperm laden contents of his lust. The internal compressions on his prostate gland sent thousands and thousands of little baby seeds into her body, each mind numbing shot sending tens of thousands more of the little swimmers to reinforce those already deposited deep up inside her 10 year-old pussy.

Of course, with their body temperatures being virtually identical, she couldn't feel the 7 or 8 injections of cum he pumped into her, but the forceful ramming of his dick as far as it would go into her as he filled her sweet little cunt felt wonderful to her.

Rick was carried away by his lust. The sight of seeing her belly's surface move from the thrusting of his dick moving in and out of her birth canal had not only pushed him beyond his ability to contain his lust, it also triggered in him a strange desire to engage little Tammy in sex beyond anything he'd ever done before. An Idea unlike any he'd ever harbored sprang up in his fevered imagination and without thinking, he shifted the arm he'd placed under her to hold her in place and stuck a finger suddenly and deeply up her ass.

He immediately pushed it towards her front so he could feel his dick move inside her through the tissues that delineated the separate cavities of her colon and her vagina. The pressure his finger exerted on the head of his dick as it moved deep inside his little sweetie, and then out of her, felt so good he could barely stand it.

Tammy shrieked, mostly in surprise as the invading digit surged as deep as he could push it into her asshole. "Rick, what are you doing?" She cried out. Rick's only answer was to press his finger harder towards his dick to increase the already delicious sensations of fucking the tight wet vagina of a little 10 year old.

Eventually, he did answer her, in the only sounds he could make as he started pumping more sperm into her. "Uunnnnhhh! Uunnnhhhhh! Ghhhhhuhhh!" Each gush of semen was accompanied by his grunts and gasps. Finally he was finished and pulled his finger out of her ass, then he lifted her off his barely softening prick and kissed her. Semen gushed out of her.

"Did you cum?" He asked.

"No, but I know you did," she laughed. What the hell were you doing sticking that finger in me back there, Rick? Are you nuts?"

"Yeah, probably," he said as he sudsed up his hands and washed them clean. She took the soap and washed her butt. "Why did you do that?" she asked again, as the semen dripped from inside her.

"I don't know, it just occurred to me and I did it. I could feel my own dick inside of you, Honey! That's wild."

"You mean you're wild," she said laughing as she rinsed off her anus.

"Did it feel good?" He asked.

"Not especially, it surprised me, though. At least it didn't hurt."

"I wish I could have made you cum, Sweetie."

"Yeah, me too, but I like making love to you; it feels really good. What does cumming feel like?"

"Sheesh! For a girl, I don't know. For a guy it feels wonderful, beyond any description. When the cum squirts out of me and up inside of you it's the best, most sexy feeling in the world. Knowing that I put my baby seeds up inside you is a huge turn-on."

She stretched to her 'tip-toes' and kissed him. Well, don't worry about it, if I have one, I'm sure I'll know when it happens." She suddenly laughed, "I mean a cum, not a baby."

Rick thought that was funny and laughed with her. His heart nearly burst with loving her. Smart, funny, and, pretty as she was, and judging from her looks as well as those of her really beautiful mother, she was going to be an absolutely stunningly beautiful woman. Rick was finally coming to the realization that he had struck gold. Losing this pretty little girl would be the very worst thing that could ever happen to him in his entire life. The realization both thrilled him and sent a cold chillness to the marrow of his bones. She was precious to him beyond imagination.

"Yeah," he said, "I'll bet you will." I just wish I could make it happen soon. I want you to feel as good as making love to you always makes me feel, that's all."

He paused, then looking directly into her eyes, said, "Tam, listen to me, for a second, ok?"

"Yeah?" She smiled at him as he looked at her. Getting down on his knees, he said, "Tammy, Sweetheart, I'm going to make something of myself for you, Honey. I'm going to give you all of my love, a real home for our family; we'll have our own children. I'm going to love, take care of you and love you until my last breath. I'm asking you now, and when you're old enough to say 'yes,' I'll ask you again: I want you to be my wife; I want to marry you and be with you as long as God lets us. I hope you want that too."

Tammy stood there, still dripping, forgetting to use the towel to dry herself, and looked at him. Speechless."

She started crying, sobbing, actually, "Yes, oh yes, yes, yes. I love you, Rick. I love you, so much." Further words weren't possible. All she could do was cry as tears streamed from her eyes and mucous from her nose, the latter of which, Rick wiped with his towel and the former, kissed away with his lips. He struggled, not entirely successfully, to keep his own tears from ruining his, up to now, manly performance and assumption of powers and responsibilities as the future head of their married household.

They took towels and dried themselves, and each other. Then, since it was still very early in the afternoon, they got on the bed together, still naked. The air in the trailer was now comfortably cold.

Although cold, since the weather was so hot and hardly anyone enjoys long bouts outside in the hottest part of the day, the frigid air was very enjoyable and the touch of one another's still moist, and very warm body felt really good.

They lay side by side, their faces close together, kissing while their hands gently coursed over the other's body. Gentle caresses, and soft kisses gradually escalated to fingers clinching flesh and tugging one another's body closer. Their tongues went from sweet little lip pettings to invasive, demanding thrusting. Their pelvises each began the motions of intercourse.

Rick was ready to fuck little Tammy again, but he really wanted to blast the little girl into orbit with her first ever orgasm.

He began kissing and nuzzling downwards beginning with a brief onslaught to her ears and neck, then migrating downwards to her titties. Here, he alternated from one to the other not only sucking each entire breast into his mouth, but also taking the time to really give each of her surprisingly prominent nipples more than their share of his tongue's attention.

From there, he moved between her thighs and took her entire sex into his mouth, sucking her unmercifully. There was a slight taste to her that he didn't recognize then realized that he hadn't entirely cleaned all the cum he'd squirted up her belly out of her while they were still in the shower.

Some fellows don't mind this, Rick knew, but he wasn't one of them and he resolved to remember this next time. Anyway, he'd tasted himself, and although the idea rather repelled him, it wasn't going to kill him and the most important objective at the moment was bringing little Tammy to experience her own sexual climax. He kept sucking and licking, eventually forgetting everything but what he was doing to his little girlfriend.

Finally, after a prolonged and determined effort (nearly 20 minutes but no one was keeping track), Tammy began to breathe very rapidly and making a sporadic series of soft, little moans and grunts as well as breathing raggedly as though she was gasping for air. She took hold of his hair with both of her hands and pulled his mouth harder into her pussy.

Finally, she began screaming. At that signal, Rick quickly moved up her body and shoved cunt-wrench-deep into her and as hard as he could. This might have hurt her but, if so, she didn't seem to care. Instead, she wrapped her legs around his waist and began humping up at him so forcefully that her thrusts actually lifted him up. This required a little effort to coordinate before they reached an optimal mutual rhythm.

Rick began ejaculating inside of Tammy and, as he did, he felt the unmistakable love squeezes of a vagina in full orgasm.

A female orgasm involves a more generalized, earth shaking experience than that enjoyed by men. For a man, the pleasure is centered in and emanates from his penis. For a female, it's more difficult to describe because it's more difficult to localize. More specifically, it's not really correct to say that it's in this or that part of her body.

It's much more all-encompassing. It's pretty much throughout a female's body and it's overpowering. Not only is more of her body involved, her sex organs also participate. The vaginal sheath makes rhythmic, wave-like compressions as though to actually milk sperm from the male penis inside her body. The cervix spasmodically pulses up and down which is generally thought to be nature's attempt to dip the cervix and the os (entrance through the cervix into the womb) into whatever semen may have pooled in her vagina. All this, of course, is nature's design so as to enhance the prospect of a pregnancy resulting from insemination.

All of these physical manifestations of the female orgasm are thoroughly pleasurable and can last for some time, 5 10, minutes for example, or even longer in some cases. Orgasm is a nice thing for anyone, for a woman, it's said to be very nice, indeed. And finally, finally, Tammy had had one of her own.

"Well?" Rick asked her as he kissed her closed eyes.

"God!" Said Tammy. Rick chuckled.

"My God, Tammy breathed out after taking a deep breath. "I didn't know anything could feel that good. I felt like I was flying, or in space, or something, and everything around me disappeared except how good it felt."

Being sort of addicted to the idea of possessing his little lover, Rick gave her a few kisses and held her tight before getting up to watch his semen ooze out of her. For some reason, seeing his spunk come out of her made her seem more his, more possessed by him. Seeing his sperm come out of her, sperm that didn't hae to compete with any other man's sperm for her yet to be ovulated egg, gave him a sense of male pride and possession. Maybe this was part of his attraction to such a young girl, an innocent virgin until he inseminated her for the first time.

She was his! His sperm inside of her proclaimed this fact in the most indisputable way, even though there was no one to actually contest that assertion, the knowledge pleased him and added to his sexual satiety.

Without the visual confirmation, and the sheer pleasure the sight gave him, he could still be sexually satisfied, but seeing this made his satisfaction even greater.

Someday, as soon as possible, he wanted to put babies inside his little lover. The very idea was more than delectable. Everything about it appealed to him: seeing her belly bulge with the product of their love, sucking her milk filled breasts, helping her with the baby and, God help him, even changing a nasty fucking diaper. Rick was hooked, well and truly hooked. No fish had ever taken the bait more completely, but then, no fish had ever had such mouthwatering, dick-hardening, loveable bait. He no longer had any doubts: he knew he'd found what he'd not even known he was seeking. Tammy. Tammy. Tammy.

Tammy understood that he liked seeing his jizz run out of her body and she didn't mind. Of course, she didn't know why he enjoyed it but knowing he did was sufficient for her. For Rick, the sight of her freshly fucked, semen filled little body was immensely satisfying and was all he cared about. Self analyzation of his sexual motivations wasn't on his list of things to think about.

A large dollop of creamy, white colored juice came out of her. Rick took his hand and smeared it over her clitoris. She sighed with pleasure.

Rick just smiled and moved up to lay beside her taking her in his arms. He wiped the tip of his finger on one of her firm, smooth little ass cheeks. Another shower for both of them was in order.

Still leaking his sperm, she fell asleep. Rick held her tenderly, stroking her skin, and enjoying her soft, curvy, firmness until, after a short while, he too fell asleep.

In approximately eight more hours and a few minutes, Tammy would officially be eleven years old.

At shortly after midnight that very night, exactly eleven years after her birth, she was destined to be sleeping in her own bed, but with her yet immature uterus and fallopian tubes freshly populated with tens and tens of thousands of little spermatozoa, all desperately swimming inside her as they sought to prolong their existence by finding an egg to fertilize.

Fortunately, given her age, they had no hope. Tammy was still too young to ovulate and she slept deeply and soundly.

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a possible twist idea for the next part would be to have her have a pregnancy scare from all this


great followup! I'm really enjoying reading about their relationship and their sexual romance!


Cleverly done. Love the occasional 'technical' details and the affectionate tone of the story.


A beautiful story!

The reviewing period for this story has ended.