Published: 17-May-2013
Word Count:
Rick Brewster was one tired son of a bitch. Phoenix in June was hot, really hot. Phoenix in June at the bottom of a 12 or 13 foot deep hole was pure Hell. He'd started work at 6 AM before the heat of the day had escalated into the three-digit teens, which was damn near where it was right now at 2:15 in the afternoon.
His mind was on two things, both came awfully close to being a little slice of heaven after the hell of digging and plumbing swimming pools in the hard-as-rock Arizona caliche, clay that, over decades...maybe even hundreds and hundreds of years, had hardened to a concrete-like consistency.
The first of these two things was a nice, cold beer and he knew he had a brand new 18 pack of Coors in his refrigerator. There wasn't much else in there, but the beer would do until he went out to grab a burger and some fries somewhere.
The other thing he desperately wanted, even though it was a poor second place behind his need for beer, was a cold shower. Well, at least as cold as he could get it. The pipes in the trailer park he lived in weren't buried all that deep and the heat from the sun penetrated into the ground even below their depth, so the water, even at its coldest, was basically lukewarm. That would do. Too bad the trailer park's swimming pool was undergoing extensive repairs from rust seeping through the re-bar buried beneath the pool's gunnite surface.
He opened the door and stepped back to allow the super-heated air from the trailer's tightly closed confines to gush out, over, and around him. He stepped on the steps and went inside. On his way to the refrigerator, he flipped the lever on the thermostat downwards, not caring how low it was now set. 'Too low' wouldn't be adequate in this heat.
He grabbed a cold beer from the fridge, cracked its tab open, pulled his sweat and dirt-stinky T-shirt over his head and dropped it by the side of his recliner chair, into which, with a groan of tired appreciation, he then dropped himself. After about 6 heavy pulls of beer, he bent over and picked up his nasty shirt. He looked at his well-muscled chest and wiped the sheen of perspiration off with the dirty shirt and finished his beer. He then got up to drop his now even dirtier, stinkier shirt in the basket in his small closet. He wet a towel and wiped himself off more effectively than he'd been able to do with his shirt, and headed back to the refrigerator. Beer time again.
Just as he'd sat down, there was a soft knock at the door. "Come in," he yelled. No one came in. Another knock.
With another groan, he raised himself from his comfortable perch and opened the door. Looking down, standing on the ground below the steps of the trailer was Tammy Gerwitz, daughter of the couple in the double wide trailer one space over from his own space.
"Hi, Tammy, come in." Jay and Kay Gerwitz were a young couple with three smaller kids, their own. Tammy was Kay's daughter. She was the result of either a marriage, or whatever else she'd been doing before she'd met and hooked up with Jay.
Were Jay and Kay married? Rick wondered but didn't know or care. On several occasions he'd sat in the shade with them having a few beers or a wine cooler and with little Tammy keeping them supplied with cold drinks or ice . . . or both, whatever they asked her to get. She was a typically cute little kid of 10, 11, 12, or maybe even 13. Again, Rick didn't know, or care.
She was wearing flip-flop rubber sandals with a thong between the big toes and their neighbors. She had on a pair of blue-jean shorts with the legs cut off very high on the thighs. Not at all unusual in one of the very hottest places in the country. She was wearing a short sleeved blouse with most of the top buttons opened and the bottom ends at the front tied at mid body, just below her rib-cage. Long blond hair completed the little girl ensemble. Rick noticed all this without paying any special attention. The trailer park was full of kids and several of the girls were much like Tammy, differing only in what trailer they lived in, their height, hair color and styles, and their assorted ages.
"You want a coke, Sweetie?" Rick asked as he again settled his ass comfortably in his chair.
"Yeah, thanks, Rick." Tammy went to the refrigerator, she didn't expect Rick to get up to serve her.
Looking into the refrigerator, she saw a couple of cokes but much more beer. "Can I have a beer, Rick?"
"Does your mom let you drink beer at home?" He knew that if either parent was going to object, it would be Kay. He'd seen her drink from Jay's beer before so there wouldn't be any objections from that quarter. Kay may or may not give a damn, actually, Rick didn't care if she had a beer either. As long as there was a beer to replace what he'd just finished, he was a happy camper. Speaking of campers, God did he hate this fuckin' trailer, but it was cheap and he needed to save up for tuition and books at the local campus of the largest junior college in "The Valley."
He didn't want to spend his life digging holes for rich people to build fancy swimming pools and soak their rich asses off while most folks just hunkered down in their homes trying to stay cool.
"They don't care," Tammy answered.
"Me neither," Rick responded, "Go ahead."
Tammy got herself a beer and bounced over to the sofa where she plunked herself down on the end closest to Rick's recliner.
She took a few pulls off the beer can. "It's sure hot, she said." A sure element of any conversation in such weather. "Yeah," Rick said. So much for that thread of conversation.
They sat together quietly drinking their beer. Rick finished his and got up to get another one. "You want another beer?" He asked as he sat down again.
"I still have some. I'll get another one in a minute, if that's ok?"
"Shit, I don't care, just don't get caught, and if you do, don't tell 'em where you got 'em, right?"
"Sure, Rick, I won't get you in any crap."
He nodded. Then he took a sip of beer and looked at Tammy. "So what's up Tam? Where's your folks?"
"Jay's doing a concrete Job up in Payson and won't be home until Friday and Mom is over at her sister's in Tolleson."
"Jeeze, they're spread over half of Arizona, ain't they?" Rick wasn't surprised, a lot of the parents in this trailer park seemed to let their kids run around pretty much unsupervised.
"Where'r the little kids?"
"With Mom."
"Ummm. He took another swig of beer, closed his eyes and leaned back. "After this beer," he decided "I'll catch a shower."
Setting the empty can down a few moments later, he got up and headed into the bedroom to use the shower in that section of the trailer. "Get another beer if you want, Tam. I'm gonna shower some of the nasty shit off me I got from working today. I stink like hell." He closed the accordion style trailer door and finished stripping off. The dirty clothes went into the closet with the dirty shirt he'd already put there.
Tammy grinned. She liked Rick. Actually, she really liked Rick. He didn't treat her like a baby and he was a major 'hunk.' After a minute or two, finishing her beer, she got another one and picked up one of Rick's magazines, some sort of hot-rod-with-girls-in-bikini's kind of magazine.
She felt inadequate looking at the pneumatic looking women draped over a bunch of old cars all fixed up. Rick's old pickup truck wasn't in the same class as these tricked out vehicles. Neither, for that matter, was she in the same class as the females in this stupid magazine, she thought to herself as she tossed it aside with mild disgust.
"Shit. If that's what Rick likes, then she was outa luck.....and what guy didn't? Those damn girls looked like their boobs had been filled up with an air hose!"
Tammy was feeling very inadequate.
Rick got into the shower, adjusted the spray head and turned the tap on using the "Cold" side. It was perfect, cool, but also comfortably warm so there wasn't the shock of cold water on his skin. Actually, some cold water would go good right now, but this was mighty nice." He turned around and sudsed himself over and over, turning again and again to completely lave off all of the sweat and dirt of a very strenuous and very hot work day out in the sun.
Feeling like a new man, Rick stepped out of the shower. He slipped on a pair of boxer underwear and, forgetting that Tammy might still be in the trailer, stepped out while toweling his hair off still. He opened the refrigerator door and got another beer. Removing the towel from his head and eyes, he closed the door and, to his mild surprise, there was Tammy, still sitting there watching him.
"Oh, well. What the hell, he thought, boxer shorts look pretty much like swimming trunks." So, with that idea in mind, he went to his chair and sat down, feeling now 100 percent better. "Aaaahhh," he said as he sipped his beer leaning back into the chair. "Better!"
"You look better, too," said Tammy as she admired his shower moistened, rock hard, sun baked, young man's body.
"Not fully understanding the level of her appreciation of him, he simply said, "Yeah." A pause, silence between them, not uncomfortable, just a silence.
"So, Tam, whatcha been doin' now that school's out?"
"Not much. I heard the swimming pool won't be fixed before school starts. Why didn't they fix it before summer!? So stupid!"
"Yeah, it'd be nice, huh?" Rick absently agreed.
Another comfortable silence. Tammy got up to replace her beer.
"Wow, kiddo, you tryin' t' get hammered, or what?"
"I'm ok," she answered.
"You got any music?"
"Just the radio."
"Yeah, that's what we got, too." She got up to turn it on and, standing there by the small unit, dialed in a soft rock 'n roll station.
"Yeah, tha's good. Tha's the one I listen to if I ain't listnin' 't country," Rick informed her as he teetered on the edge of dropping off to sleep.
"Hey, Rick."
"You want me to dance for you?"
"I don't know. You dance a lot?"
"Sometimes. Me and my friend, Mary, dance over at her house. They got a real fancy stereo and lots 'a music. Sometimes I dance at home, too."
"So, you want me to dance?" She asked again.
Not entirely interested, he sat up a little bit and said, "Sure, go ahead. Let's see whatcha got. Next song, put some moves on." He liked Tammy; she was a cute little kid and very polite. "Why not humor her a bit?" He thought.
Being young, still under-educated, and chronically broke, Rick's typical female companion was usually pretty much in the same boat as him, although some of the chicks he met at school were living at home in Scottsdale or Tempe with their wealthy parents.
That type of girl usually wasn't at all impressed with his decidedly unimpressive living arrangements. And, given his several tattoos, most of these girl's parents weren't all that impressed with Rick, himself. So, when it came to female companionship, he either spent time with girls he didn't particularly fancy, or did without any female companionship at all.
Not that the girls didn't notice him, they did! Let's just say that, although fairly handsome and work-buffed as he was, Rick wasn't exactly a socially adept individual. His favorite girls were all in magazines. His regular date? Well, that old high school favorite, "Rosie Palm and her five sisters."
The next song on the radio began and Tammy began dancing. Surprisingly, she was very lithe and quite well coordinated. She was much better than most of the girls he'd seen in the strip clubs that were sprinkled here and there in the greater metropolitan area, and Rick, to his mild astonishment, found himself watching Tammy dance and enjoying the private show she was putting on for his personal benefit.
Tammy's knotted together shirt displayed an expansive amount of soft skin over her flat little tummy. Her short shorts made from denim jeans were cut high up her thighs and, before they were further whittled down, were of the hip hugger variety that didn't quite reach above the tops of her pelvic bones.
She had a deep little "innie" navel, and her slim hips had begun the widening process that comes with a female body maturing preparatory to the eventual process of giving birth. Her knees, although bifurcating slim, fatless appearing legs, were smooth and pretty rather than coltishly knobby. Her legs were shapely even standing flat on her feet, whereas most women needed raised heals to attain such lovely lines.
She'd taken her flip-flops off and her feet were small and well-formed as were her hands and arms. Her fingernails had a pastel shade of pink polish on them and they were neatly trimmed. Her hair was sleek and shiny as it hung just below shoulder height. She didn't need lipstick to give her lips the healthy shade of pink they had.
Unless viewed through the ever hungry, often predatory eyes of a connoisseur of young girls, she was pretty but not sexy. On the other hand, she was a pretty, nearly nubile female, and she was behaving in a decidedly sexy way with the dance moves she was making.
"You're very good," Rick said. "Where did you learn the dance moves you're doing?"
"Does my dancing look ok?"
"Yeah," he said, thinking just how damn "ok" she really did look.
The song and dance ended. "Honey, grab me another beer, ok?" he asked. She smiled and got him one.
Bringing it to him, she slid onto his lap with both her legs dangling over his left thigh. He took the beer and sipped from it. Reaching to set it on the end table to the left of his chair, Tammy took the can and took a few deep drinks from it. Her skin was warm and moist from dancing. She felt good in his lap.
"What's up with this shit?" he silently wondered if he was becoming a pervert of some kind.
"Could be," he figured. "She sure is a cutie."
She leaned forward and placed the half full can on the end table. Then she leaned back. Rick had his right arm around her and his hand on her bare midriff. His left hand, being free and slightly moist from the condensation of the cold beer can, he placed on her thigh and rubbed it up and down, spreading the can's moisture onto her upper leg. The firm, smooth flesh of the girl's leg was very exciting to him.
All in all, Rick was increasingly aware that this cute little fluff was getting him all hot and bothered. How had he not noticed how sexy she was?
"Whewww!" Tammy said, still a little warm from dancing.
"'Whewww!' is right,'" he said, "You're one hot little chick, Tammy, did you know that?" Although completely pleased at the compliment, Tammy blushed deeply and said, C'mon, Rick, don't tease me, please."
He put a his fingers under her chin and lifted her face, "No, really, Tammy, I'm not kidding, that was a really hot dance. I really liked it."
"Damn right, you're hot; no kidding."
Suddenly, sitting on his lap, she noticed that she was sitting on a stiff dick. "Maybe he really did like it," she thought as she wriggled her firm little ass on his lap as though to get more comfortable. As she did, she noticed he slightly raised his chin and closed his eyes as though enjoying the sensations her movements in his lap gave him. It reminded her of her friend, Mary's, cat when it was petted. She knew it was her sitting on his dick that caused him to remind her of Mary's cat.
"Wow!" Her voice was tremulous and faint.
It was hard to believe, but after months of watching for him, waiting for him to come home and then crying when the construction workers began work on the pool just as Summer was about to begin, she could almost believe he really did think she was hot. All that doubt and disappointment and here she was sitting on his lap with him only wearing shorts . . . was he in his underwear?
"Oh, my God!" She thought, "He's only wearing underwear! His dick was almost directly under her little puss. She nearly jumped up to run out of his trailer, but didn't. She just sat there in simmering little stew of adolescent lust. Her choice of clothing, her shiny, brushed hair, and the dance moves she'd practiced had all been the instinctive posturing and ploys of a human female using her wiles and charms to attract a mate.
Rick, removed the last of her rapidly diminishing sense of doubt when he took his left hand and clasped his right which had been resting on the skin of her midriff. He pulled her closer into an embrace and kissed her cheek, making sure that he also kissed the corner of her lips.
She drew back a little and looked him in the face. With that position seeming to him to be more an invitation than a surprised reaction, he again drew her closer and kissed her full on the lips.
That was nice! She pursed her lips and gave him sort of a smooching kind of kiss. His lips followed her as she felt the slightest bit uncomfortable and began to draw back.
Again he kissed her, this time she felt the tip of his tongue softly trace her upper lip across most of its width. Instinctively, she touched his mouth with her own tongue.
He moved his jaw and was suddenly kissing her with his mouth open. Her child-like kiss no longer felt right to her so she opened her own small little mouth to more evenly match her lips to his. This felt more natural.
There's a theory that men are more aggressive 'French kissers' in an effort to transfer some of their testosterone laden saliva to their female sex partners so as to excite them sexually. Whether this is true or not, the feel of his lips conforming to the shape of hers in an open mouth kiss, their tips of their tongues doing a miniature little mating dance of their own, felt really sexy to Tammy and she was experiencing sexual arousal for the first time in the actual company of a male. It was wonderful, exciting, scary, but she didn't want it to stop. There was a tension in her lower belly that was vaguely ominous as well as exciting, dangerous maybe? She felt a slickness in the lips of her vulva and wondered what was leaking from her. She was tense, excited and she felt very different than she had ever felt before.
For Rick's part, having this firm feeling, soft little fluff in his almost naked lap was an erotic experience that almost tilted his sexual seismic scale. His dick was throbbing so profoundly he was certain that she was bouncing on his lap from the pulse of his heart. He ran his hand up her tummy and underneath the knot in her blouse and felt her underdeveloped little tits. Briefly, he palmed first one nipple, rolling it in the center of his hand, then the other.
Any protest she might have made was stopped by his quick covering of her lips with his and the casual seeming removal of his hand from her chest.
It was time he thought to pull back just a bit.
"Hey, how about doing another dance for me?"
This put Tammy back into an area of behavior that felt safe, still sexy and arousing, but much safer. She was beginning to string together each step in this timeless ritual of increasing levels of excitement between a male and female and the repetition of familiar and comfortable dancing performance was reassuring. She got up and waited, nervously, until the next song began. It was perfect, a semi slow, deep bass line accompanied by a smooth melody by the lead guitar and a male vocalist singing his love to his woman.
Tammy partially withdrew from her surroundings, only the music, Rick, her body and the movements she made to assist the song send its tender message surrounded her now. When it ended, there were beads of perspiration on her brow. She fully opened her eyes, although they'd not been entirely closed before.
Rick had moved forward in his chair and was holding his arms out to her. The alcohol in her blood combined with the first real onslaught of the female hormones breaking down resistance to being penetrated and inseminated were coursing through her veins along with the inhibition stifling alcohol, and she moved into his embrace.
He kissed her, picked her up in his arms and carried her into the bedroom where he gently laid her on his bed. Laying next to her he ran his hand up her left leg, the one farthest from him, over her shorts and up to her firm belly, then without any hesitation up under the knot of her blouse to her suddenly sensitive little breast buds.
Surprised to find the tiny mounds capped with the abrupt rise of little nipples, he took first one, then the other between his thumb and finger and gently twirled them round and round. Placing his palm on her little tit bud, he gently moved his hand in a circular motion. The sensation these movements of his hands on her body sent heavy, dull waves of tension down the muscles of her abdomen towards her groin. The muscles of her upper thighs began to tremble slightly.
Rick kept teasing her nipples with his hand as his mouth nuzzled her neck, nipped at her ear lobe, and blew wet little breaths into her ear all the while telling her how pretty, how sexy she was, and how good her little body felt to him.
Her blouse fully opened now and the knotted ends untied, Rick spread the halves and put his warm and wet mouth over the nearest of her little-girl's titties. Never in her young life had anything felt like that. She felt an unfamiliar tug in her pelvis, it seemed that each time Rick sucked on her nipple, something in her lower belly just behind her pubic bone began smoothly pulsing. She needed something to rub that place, or somehow to be able to squeeze it with her body. It was like an itch that didn't actually itch and the "scratch" needed to take care of it wasn't really a scratch. She felt an empty hungriness in her belly but without the need for food. She felt vaguely empty, unsettled, tense. She also began to feel wetness between her legs.
She noticed that the button on her shorts had become undone somehow. Rick's hand was again stroking her thighs, this time going up their inside surfaces as well as her flanks. His fingers lightly traced little designs on the insides of her legs, behind her knees then back up to her shorts where he smoothly and firmly took the zipper key and pulled it downward. He smoothly ran his open hand into her panties and cupped her mound. He could feel that her soft little mons was hairless.
In shocked surprise, at first, she began to draw her knees upward to fend his invading hand away, but his middle finger had already made its first foraging venture up from the bottom of her slit, carrying with it a covering of her virgin moisture where he gently rubbed it on and around her clitoris especially the lower portion of the clitoral hood. Immediately her legs straightened then spread wider to permit better access.
She hadn't thought to do that, again Ma Nature was in the wheel house navigating her pre-pubescent little body down the ancient river of procreation. She could no more control her passage through the rapids than she could hope to fly. His finger had dipped down and was pressing against the closure to her sex. He was only able to dip the finger in to its first joint before he could feel that further intrusion would stretch the little hole it was exploring?possibly rupturing it and causing her pain before he was ready to cause it.
Getting to his knees, he knelt and straddled her legs. Still smoothly, and now swiftly, he pulled both her shorts and her panties down to her knees. He swung one of his legs aside and lifted the knee farthest from him, removing her foot from both shorts and panties. Then, ignoring the fact that her other foot still protruded through the leg openings of both garments, he opened her legs and, bending his face toward her little honey pit, knelt down so as to be laying prone between her pretty thighs. Her smooth, soft thighs were warm on his cheeks as he mouthed her entire sex, sucking and licking, it seemed to her, everywhere down there at once.
Having reached this stage in the little girl's seduction, Rick embarked on a maximum effort to bring Tammy to her first ever sexual climax. He began with giving her little clit a tongue whipping he intended that she'd never forget. At the same time, he inserted his finger again into her tight little snatch, feeling the slight pressure of her hymen's narrow little opening stretched gently around his finger tip. Careful not to break or tear her, he fingered her while he laved her little bean with his tongue. It was a simple matter for him to covertly begin the transfer of saliva from his mouth to both the clitoris and the opening to her sex tube. She didn't know the source of the wetness, only the result. It made her feel a wet, openness between her legs. She felt open, as though her body had assumed the quality of giving way to any pressure that might be exerted against her. She felt open, no, ... hollow.
Not losing any of his strategic gains as he used his mouth to love her soft, hairless sex, Rick arched his back and ended up with his knees and shins beneath him as he sat on his heels. Mouthing her soft, mildly scented female parts, and taking great pleasure in there being no hairy interference with his enjoyment of the little girl, he decided it was time to fuck her.
Raising up a bit, he lifted both of her thighs and draped them over his own. He transferred a last charge of saliva from his fingers to the still closed opening into her body, the excess of this lubrication, he swabbed around the head and forward end of his meat probe.
Looking into her face he notched his sword into vestibule of the still virgin sheath. A slight wiggle of his hips skidded his knees closer to her ass cheeks, now being partially held above the bed by his strong arms which he'd passed under her thighs and ass so as to allow his hands to grip her waist just where the flare of her girlishly slim hips began.
Suddenly pulling her little body towards him, he thrust his pelvis forward pushing the soft, bulbous knob of his pecker into her. He had a complete view of the entire venue and could tell, despite the intense pressure he was putting into her cunt, that he had not yet achieved actual penetration of her body. Instead, her outer lips were being pushed upwards and inwards because of the durability of what had seemed but a fragile, soft and easily torn little bit of tissue. He was pushing her outer lips inside of her.
Looking at her arms he noticed for the first time that the girth of his dick was actually greater than that of her arms. The head of his dick was at least the size of one of her clinched fists. That amazed him, but did not in any way dissuade him from further sinking his dick more and more deeply into the lower reaches of her little belly.
Without backing off, he again pulled her onto his stiff sex stirrer. "Now the 'ol womb-broom can actually go to work," he thought to himself as he enjoyed the first sight and feel of actual penetration. Drawing back just a tad, he could see the concavity of her opening well up from her torn tissues with fresh virgin blood. Her little vulva, dammed up as it was by the head of his dick pressed up against her and forming sort of a little pooling area, quickly became filled with bright red virgin blood.
Using her blood and the saliva that still covered both of their sex organs as lubricants, he again pushed hard into her. Drawing back, he could now see a bright red circle of blood about two inches behind the glans of his prick.
On the first thrust, Tammy had begun screaming, "Ohhhh! Owww, owww, owww. Oh, Rick, take it out, you're hurting me! Oh, God, Rick, take it out, please! Take it out of me!"
"Hold on, Baby, I'm nearly inside you." There's no doubt that some of the most crass statements hold the most truth, "A stiff dick has no conscience," is certainly one such remark. Neither Rick, nor his rampantly stiff dick had any compunctions about causing a tender little girl whatever pain it took to fuck her. The urge to plant baby seeds in a nubile female is an overwhelmingly dominant instinct in the human male and no exception was to be made for Tammy's painful screams and tears. Rick was intent on fucking her, and that was that!
Looking down at the joining of their bodies, Rick could see that his cock had only penetrated up insideTammy's flat little belly a couple of inches, yet the compression of her body on his shaft was already delicious. Ignoring her continued cries and sobs, paying no attention to her tears, he again withdrew the end of his dick from her pink, bloody hole and pushed further up inside her.
This time, it seemed a little smoother and he gained another inch or so. As he did, he could see her belly, just above her mons venus, the pubic bone, and the progress his invading dick made caused a slight undulation in the surface of her flesh. He could see, from looking at the surface of her belly, just how far he was up inside her. The pressure exerted from the inside was like a mouse moving underneath a cloth, its progress visible by a moving bump. "God! What a sight!" He knew it couldn't get much more erotic than such a vision.
Once more, keeping his eyes on her flat little belly, he withdrew and lunged up inside her even further, this time reaching a point midway between her navel and the top of her pubic arch. And, this time, the sight overcame him. He was inside her as far as he had so far managed to penetrate. Temporarily unable to advance his fuck tool another millimeter, going deeper wasn't a requirement at the moment.
Keeping his dick firmly up her at its furthest point of insertion so far, he began spurting his cum into her. The slick, lubricating qualities of his sperm laden semen squirted up her still virgin passage beyond what the girth of his fairly impressive dick had been able to advance. With each spurt, yet unpenetrated depths of her belly were made more accessible to the invading meat spear and, by the time he'd expended his last rope of baby seeds into her, he was fully able to enjoy the dick-embrace of her tight little cunt.
Still on his knees, he bent over her and tried to kiss her, but she turned her face from him.
"You really hurt me, Rick."
"I know, Baby. I'm sorry, but you felt so good to me, I just couldn't stop. You're beautiful, so pretty, so pretty, Baby Girl."
"Why didn't you stop when I wanted you to?"
"God, Tammy, I should have, but I couldn't think of anything but loving your pretty little body. You're hot, Baby. You turned me on so much that I couldn't have stopped if someone had put a gun to my head."
All the while, Rick had been slowly and gently fucking deeply in and out of little Tammy's sloshy, sperm filled little honey pit. Her crotch was sopping wet from the overflow and wet, squishy sounds emanated from between her legs as Rick's dick stirred up the baby batter he'd injected into her.
"Does it still hurt?" He asked.
"Does it hurt as bad?"
"Yes, I think so. I don't think I want to do this again, Rick."
"I'm sorry, Baby." He leaned forward to kiss and nuzzle her neck. In doing so, his body unconsciously moved closer and his dick advanced again to the bottom of her vagina, then stretched her soft inner tissues even further.
She made a sharp, high-pitched little squeak and thrust out both of her legs, between which he was still positioned. Now her legs were fully extended and he felt how deeply embedded inside her he was and, without warning to either of them, he started cumming inside her again.
His exclamations of pleasure were beyond his ability to control. "Ohhh! Oh, God, Tammy, you're so sweet; you feel so good. Oh, my God, fucking you is heaven! Oh, Jesus you feel so good; you're so wet and tight."
His mouth close to her ear, he bit the ear lobe and grunted out his 3rd spasm of jism, "Oh, God, Tammy, I love you little girl, I love you. Uhhhnnnnnh!." He fell limply on top of her.
She hadn't expected that. His sudden lunges into her body had only caused her to feel a dull ache, but it also had begun to generate a different feeling. Her tits, seemed to tingle whenever his skin brushed either of them. The torn tissue at the entrance to her pussy was still tender, but the friction of his dick as it entered the opening of her pussy no longer felt raw and painful.
Rick's body, with a greater portion of his weight on her felt good, even if it was also uncomfortably heavy and made it harder for her to breathe. She didn't feel as angry with him for hurting her as she had earlier.
Her cunt ached, but it also felt stuffed full and that felt good.
Rick pulled his dick out of her and got to his knees. He looked at her overflowing cunt and told her to "Sit up, Honey, look how much spunk I pumped inside of you."
She did and even more ran out of her. Rick inserted a finger into her, then another one. He swizzled his fingers around inside of her feeling the thrilly-dilly feeling of a sperm soaked little girl's pussy.
He lay down beside her and taking a pillow, pulled the slip off of it. He reached down and stuffed it between her legs to soak up the sperm still draining from her swollen, reddened little pussy. He took her into his arms and began kissing and loving her as he'd started out doing before he finally fucked her.
"God, you're a sweet piece of ass, Tammy. You're the best feeling girl I've ever had." Not that there had been all that terribly many, but that fact notwithstanding, it was certainly the truth.
"Yeah, Honey, 'really'. Rick's hands were caressing her slim little body. He reached down and felt her snatch underneath the now soiled pillow slip he'd placed beneath her pretty thighs. She flinched and uttered a little gasp.
"Did I hurt you, Sweetheart?"
"A little," she said.
Shall I stop touching and loving you, Babe?"
"No, just be careful with me. It still hurts some."
"Ok, Babe, but you know it's almost impossible for me to stop touching you because you feel so damn good. You're so sweet and soft. Your body is so smooth and so firm. I love your little tits and your hard little nipples. God, you're delicious!"
"Do you really love me, Rick?"
"Yeah, Jesus Christ, help me, I think I do. Everytime I start to wonder about it when I touch you again, I know all over again that I do. Tha's nuts, isn't it?"
"I don't know. I've loved you for a while, now."
"C'mon. Really?"
"Yeah, why do you think I came over and danced in front of you?"
"Jesus, Tam, I didn't think about it much. I thought you just liked to dance and, when you did, you turned me on so bad I just had to fuck you. I'm sorry, but I couldn't help myself, especially when I started feeling you and saw you naked. You're so beautiful."
"But I'm still a little girl."
"How old are you?"
"I'll be eleven in two weeks."
I'm sorry, Honey. I didn't know. I feel really bad."
"Don't. I didn't know what would happen when I came over, but I wanted you to make out with me. I didn't know that getting fucked the first time would hurt so bad, though."
"You don't know any other girls who've gotten fucked?"
"Yeah, two of them said it hurt like hell, but not for very long, and one said it didn't hurt at all. She said it was the best feeling ever.
In a couple of days, the next time I fuck you it won't hurt at all."
"God, I hope not. How old are you, Rick."
"Twenty. Talking about this is getting me hot for you again, Baby."
"Be really gentle, ok?
"Yeah." He got between her legs, on his knees again and easily sank his dick deep into her. It took over ten minutes for him to cum inside her this time, but she still hadn't had a complete vaginal orgasm with his dick inside of her.
Rick felt really bad. Tammy was too young to be having sex. Did he feel guilty?
Well, yeah.
"Listen, Tam, do you think you can sneak out later tonight?
A Purvversion
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