Family Photo Shoot 2000

[ FFff, inc, bdsm, mast, oral ]

by Herman


Published: 7-Feb-2011

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This work is Copyrighted to the author. All people and events in this story are entirely fictitious.

After my father died, mom sold the house and moved into a high-rise for seniors. When she was done paying all the medical bills, she had a small nest egg to go along with dad's social security. She wasn't eating cold pet food and she had full cable and air conditioning, but she wasn't dining out very much, or going to movies, or making casino trips either. She would allow us to take her to dinner occasionally and to places with the kids, but wouldn't accept any money from us.

A few months ago she called me and said that one of her neighbors had told her about a photographer who was doing a book on mothers and daughters. Her friend didn't have any daughters in the area, so she didn't bother to check it out. Mom looked into it and called me. She said that he paid 40 dollars an hour plus a bonus for referrals. Well, I thought that this would be a good way for mom to get a little extra money. Mom made all the arrangements. My two daughters and I picked her up and we drove to the studio. I should have known something funny was going on when the studio turned out to be a suite of offices in a small building. It was nicely furnished, not sleazy or anything, but it was obviously an office-type setup. The receptionist had us fill out what she said were standard model releases, but other than saying that he was taking pictures to be used in a book about mothers and daughters, didn't give us any other info.

We met with the photographer and he explained more. He made it very clear that the majority of his models were over 18. My 16 and 14 year olds gave me such pitiful looks that I agreed to sign for them. To his credit, he said that maybe I should wait until I knew exactly what kind of pictures would be taken. He explained that he was one of several photographers in various cities working for anonymous collectors. Their passion was photos and videos of mothers and daughters tied up at the same time. We were all a little taken back at that. Again to his credit, he said that if we wished to leave he would understand and pay us each for one hour. He admitted that only about 10 percent of those who came in actually posed.

Mom asked him what kind of pictures exactly. He smiled and produced a large photo album. We all looked through it. Most of the poses were basic TV and movie type stuff. There were some lingerie and swimsuit ones. It was a little strange seeing a woman obviously in her mid 50s and another in her late 20s, quietly laying on the floor tied in their underwear. I was ready to end the meeting, but mom suddenly said she wanted to do it. My daughters had that 'wow kewl' look in their eyes, so I took a deep breath and told him that I would sign the papers for my daughters. He said that just to make sure we knew what we were getting into, he gave us a list of specifics. It spelled out exactly what was covered by the 40 dollar fee and how much for 'extras'.

A ballgag was an extra 10 dollar per hour, hogtie an extra 10, open blouse an extra 20, bra and panties an extra 20, topless an extra 40, full nudity an extra 50. I had no idea what a ballgag or hogtie was and said so. He showed us several pictures in the album to illustrate them. I recognized the hogtie from TV and movies, but wasn't too sure about that ballgag. But then again, just about every set had a few pictures of everyone involved hogtied and ballgagged. So, I basically just mentally shrugged my shoulders and figured to give it a try. I decided that bra and panties was as far as I would go. Mom said that the money was really tempting, but agreed with me. Mom and I had to gang up on the girls to shut them up about going nude or topless.

The photographer was very charming about it and said that his client would be very pleased if mom and I went topless. Money and flattery, but we demurred. A few minutes later his receptionist brought in more papers, spelling out exactly what we had agreed on. I was surprised that we would be paid the full rate for four hours, regardless of how long we actually spent wearing ballgags or bra and panties. As we were signing all the paper work, the photographer said that he would give us a couple of days to make sure we wanted to go through with it. He would rather lose a bonus than have problems during the shoot or after.

He also gave us a list of acceptable clothes and said that he could advance money if we needed to buy things. The list was pretty much standard office-type clothing, warm weather shorts and tops, and normal mainstream lingerie. He made it very clear that his client wanted normal people in normal clothes in normal situations. No problem, but said I wasn't really clear exactly where ballgags were considered a normal occurrence. He just smiled and said that the client provided ballgags in a very wide range of sizes. His receptionist gave us copies of everything, the pay for this first visit, and the date and time for the actual shoot. The next day we had a great time buying new shoes, pantyhose, and few pieces of 'special clothing'.

All in all, the girls and I would each clear about 400 dollar for only 4 hours of our time. Mom would get 50 more for bringing me and the girls. The thing that really convinced me to go along with it was the album. The ages, 12 to 82, and just plain normalness of the models is what did it. They were not movie starlet glamorous, they were just everyday women and girls. Plus, they just looked like they were having fun. I was sure our family would fit in perfectly. Me being 40, my daughters 16 and 14, and mom 62 but still looking great. There was a cover sheet giving first names, ages, and relationships with each section of the album. I was a little surprised that there were quite a few 3 generation groups, and even a couple of 4 generation groups. What really caught my eye though was one 'family group' picture. It was just like those old Victorian pictures with the matriarch sitting on the special center chair, her adult daughters and granddaughters seated around her, with the younger granddaughters and great granddaughters seated on the ground. Except in this case they were all tied, ballgagged, and smiling.

The shoot took place the following week. To our surprise, the studio in the office building looked a lot like an ordinary living room. With the exception of spotlights hanging from the ceiling, there was hardly any difference. The photographer told us again that his client wanted everything to be as normal as possible. Then he called the receptionist and introduced her as his assistant for the session. She told us that she had been into this kind of work for the last 15 years. Because of her experience, she usually handled the bondage and also the positions the models would be tied in.

After some coffee and refreshments, the man explained to us the procedure. The first hour of the shoot would focus on standard bondage and normal clothes. In the second hour mom and I would be in panties and bra, while the kids would be in their swimsuits. In the third hour we would all be in our underwear. The last hour would be more or less the same, except for some Japanese-style bondage.

The receptionist turned out to be a genuine rope expert. She had us bound and gagged in no time. Despite her speedy work, the ropes were tight and very real. We were sitting on plain kitchen chairs, hands bound behind our backs and feet bound together. Our elbows and knees were bound at the same time. With my limited knowledge of the bondage genre, I ask if it wasn't enough to just have our hands and feet tied. The man told us that it would look so much better on film this way. Moreover, they were simply following the client's orders, he stated. Next our wrists and ankles were linked together via extra ropes under the seats of the chairs. I noticed that my feet were no longer touching the ground. Just when I found the courage for another question, my mouth was filled with a big ballgag. The room went suddenly very quiet and it hit me that we were now truly helpless. The man started taking a lot of pictures. We found ourselves bound and gagged in several positions: sitting together at the table, sitting near each other facing the window, sitting in the middle of the room, etc. It was a strange sensation being moved through the room without being able to do anything about it.

In the second hour things got a bit more spicy. Mom and I were now in panties and bra. We were sitting on the ground, bound to each other back-to-back. My two daughters were crawling on the floor near us. They were in their new bathing suits and bound in the so-called 'hogtie' position. Their hands and feet were almost touching. I noticed they had to bend their backs because of the tight ropes. We were all gagged with the same type of ballgags as before. After some time, the kids were lifted and moved closer to us. The youngest one was placed on my upper legs, while the other one landed in mom's lap. Again, a lot of pictures were taken before the photographer was satisfied.

After a short brake we entered the third hour of the session. The whole family was now in their underwear and hogtied on the floor. Some thirty minutes went by while the man was taking pictures from all angles. Then he asked everyone to move around for more fun and action. This was easier said than done because of the strict bondage we were in. I tried the best I could, but suddenly felt my bare breasts touching the carpet. Due to the squirming, my bra had slipped off and left me topless. I felt my face reddening when I looked around for some help. I saw the man and his assistant sitting on the floor next to mom. When I took a closer look, I saw that she was topless too. It seemed we were both in the same kind of trouble. Then I noticed something else: the assistant was gently stroking and massaging mom's big breasts. Even from a distance I could see her hard and erect nipples. The man had his camera close to the ground and was taking one picture after another. I was surprised about mom's lack of protest or demur. Her face was as red as mine and there was a strange look in her eyes. As best as I could I turned away not to embarrass her or myself any further. Not long after that incident, the third hour was up and everybody was released by the assistent.

The fourth hour found us in what the man had referred to as 'Japanese' bondage. Our hands were tied behind our backs, but not in the way we were used to. They were pulled up high between the shoulder blades. The kids had no problem with that, but mom and I needed some help to get there. Then extra ropes were added around the shoulders and arms to prevent our hands from shifting. This was really a weird position to be tied in. The only thing I could move were my useless fingers. I wasn't in any pain or discomfort, but it felt just like having no arms at all. The rest of the bondage was more or less the same as before. We were standing in the middle of the room while our knees and feet were tied together. After the ballgags were applied, we waited patiently for things to come.

The man ordered us over to one of the corners of the room and left us there. With our faces to the wall, we heard some unfamiliar sounds behind us. After a couple of minutes we were told to turn around and hop to the center of the room. Then we saw the reason for the noises we heard. There was a wide noose hanging from the ceiling. Before we knew what happened, the assistant had taken the loop and placed it around mom's neck. After adjusting the knot, she took the other end of the rope and pulled it tight. She didn't stop until mom had fully raised herself and was standing on her toes.

Then a lot of strange things happened. First our bras were removed and everyone had to stand around mom. Next I had to kneel in front of her with my face close to her panties. Then the kids were ordered to stand side by side with her. Their ballgags were taken out and replaced by mom's big nipples. They were told to suck hard. It seems that the session had turned us into a certain mood, because nobody made any real attempt to protest. The photographer explained that there would an extra fee of 50 dollar for 'specials'. No rough or extreme stuff - just some girl/girl contact, whipping, spanking, etc. He also stated that everything was spelled out in the fine print of the contracts. I knew for sure that none of us had taken the trouble to actually read all the paper work.

For the rest of the afternoon we were introduced to the more sexual and sometimes stringent sides of bondage. The kids had to focus on taking care of mom's big breasts. Meanwhile there were small crocodile clips biting into their tender nipples. I did my part of suffering too. A spiked collar was placed around my neck and pulled tight. My tits were clamped and every ten minutes or so the assistant took the hard whip and let it fly across my back and butt. We were completely undressed and thoroughly bound in the Japanese way. The room was very quiet except for the sound of the lash and the clicking of the camera. It was a very strange and unreal situation. Here we where fully naked in some studio, bound and disciplined, while at the same time we could hear phones ringing in the other offices.

At the end of the session we had to gather around mom for a sort of family portrait. A pair of metal clips were placed on her nipples to match the ones the kids and I were already wearing. The assistant stood next to us and was holding a whip in one hand and some rope in the other. Nothing happened so I figured she was only there for decoration and contrast. Probably to make it even more bizarre, the man ordered us to look straight into the camera and smile the best we could. The same setting was repeated a couple of times throughout the room. However, with every new scene some attributes were added. First there were leather blindfolds for everyone. Then the assistant took (what we thought to be) a paintbrush and wrote some text on our bellies and bottoms. After another dozen or so pictures, our bodies were cleaned up and the man told us that the session had come to an end.

Some thirty minutes later everything was back to normal. We were sitting in the office discussing the events that had taken place. The man told that he had taken a lot of good and artistic pictures. He was convinced that his client would be fully satisfied by our performance. The pain I had in my nipples and buttocks was soon forgotten after receiving an envelop containing our fee. During the session there had been some distressing moments, but in the end the photographer turned out to be as bona fide as we thought he would be. Mom was speaking for all of us when she told him we would be willing to do this again. The man smiled and showed us a large file containing all the offers he had received during the last three months. Until now we never did hear from him again, but I know we're secretly hoping for another invitation to his office...

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