Pre-Teen Prostitute Land: An Amusement Park For Pervs

[ Mg, gg, Mdom, bdsm, exhib, inc, pedo, voy, rom, food, anal, bukkake, best, gbang, orgy ]

by Hamster


Published: 13-Jul-2012

Word Count:

show Author's Profile

show Story Summary
All people and events in this story are entirely fictitious.

Chapter 1: The Floor Show...

Tom had arrived at the island by yacht, and he was then picked up by limo and taken to the the Castle. The castle was huge. It had to be since it served as both hotel and playground for the wealthy men that were part of the 'Gold Standard Club'. These men were the ones who patronzied PTP Land. Tom was being recruited into said club. A man in a black buisiness suit waited in the vast castle driveway as the limo pulled up. The man introduced himself as Mr. Erickson, the island's owner.

"You are in time for the floor show Tom, follow me." Erickson said. "Follow me."

Tom was led though the main hall of the castle. The hall was filled with a surprizing number of young girls. It could have been the hall of an all-girls' school. They enetered an auditorium filled with a couple dozen tables. At the tables were several men and even a couple of women. Front and center was a stage was a huge stage.

"I think that you will enjoy the show, we have a special presentation at 11, 1, 3 and 5. We find that it really helps get the juices flowing. Although it's not like most of the guests need it." Erikson said.

The curtain rose and revealed on the stage was a giant crib. The side facing the crowd was open. In the cib was a girl of 10 in a pink night-shirt that just past her crotch. She also wore a some some diapers. In her mouth was an over-sized pacifier. Her blonde hair was tied into some pig-tails with some pink ribbon. Across from her was a giant teddy bear. Tom realized rather quickly that it was actually a person, another girl likely, in a bear costume. The teddy bear had a dildo sprouting from it's mid-section. This dildo was also furr-covered like the rest of the teddie's costume. The girl crawled over to the Teddybear and hugged it. She kissed it on the nose.

"Oh, teddy, I love you so much." Said the girl. "Hmmm my pussy is all tingly."

The girl took her shirt off and then laid down on her back. She reached into her diaper with one hand. Tom watched as she arched her back and began to moan with pleasure as she fingered herself onstage. She was in the middle of fingering herself when the teddie bear took action. It got up and approached the girl. When she saw it coming she pulled hand out of her diaper and then removed the diaper itself to reveal her bald young beaver.

"Come on, Teddy, help me feel all good inside." The girl said.

She got on all fours and the bear came up behind her. It pushed the tip of it's didlo into her and then began to pump it in and out. She started to cry out in pleasure.

"OH yes, teddy, harder, harder. Fuck me, Teddy, fuck me." She cried.

Tom could hardly believe his ears and eyes. As he watched with his eyes glued to the scene before him, Mr. Erickson began to get hard.

"As you can see Tom, this place is full of interesting suprises. And if you have the money then you can make any perveted fantasy you want come true. Our girls are professionals who love their job. They range from 9-12. They are making money the entire that they are here, it's being put away for them so that by the time that they turn 18 and we no longer have any need for them they have ammassed a small fortune." Erickson explained. "For a reasonable annual fee you can come here as often as often as you like, take advantage of our five star fascilities and have all of the pre-teen pussy that you can ever handle. Once the show is over I'll show you some of the Castle's fascilities."

Tom watched the girl get fucked by the Teddy-bear and wondered what else could possibly be in store for him.

The Castle and the little woman...

After the floor show Mr. Erickson escorted Tom through the castle and showed him several very large rooms that were set aside for enetrtainment. The first room resembled a strip club with the young girls performing pole-dances while only wearing g-strings and pair of booths were set aside for lap dances. The next room had girls in school girl uniforms with their heads and wrists in stocks. Guests had the privelaige to spank them. Or if they wanted to shell out extra cash then they could paddle or belt the girls. They came to a third room which was filled with these young girls in a massive orgy! They were all fingering each other, licking each others twats or making out and all the while seemingly oblivious to the men watching them or even masturbating and then slinging their yogurt on them.

The fourth room was one of the more interesting. In the center of the room were several pens with dirt floors. Erickson and Tom appraoched the nearest on and joined the crowd that was watching the show. There was a padded stool in the middle and an 12-year old draped over said stool. A man led a goat into the pen and over to the girl who had her little but raised and her legs spread a bit. The goat, with very little prompting mounted her. Tom and Erickson watched as the goat began to pump his meat ino her while she cried out in pleasure and begged it to keep going.

"YES! GO MR. GOAT FUCK ME!" She cried in a cute southern accent.

"GOAT! GOAT! GOAT!" The crowd chanted.

The crowd cheered her on as she thrust back to meet the goat's wild incusrions into her sweet pussy. Soon she began to cum like crazy while the goat emptied his seed into her pussy. When the goat finally backed off the goat's greyish seed could be seen dripping from her hot cunt.

"Ahh Savanah, she's a real team player. She'll do just about anything to amuse the guests. And just look at that ass!!! She's one of my favorites." Erickson said appreciatively.

They next passed a room that was much smaller, where they saw another cute 12-year-old. This one was taller than average, she had long brown hair and she wore tight blue jeans, and a black Steelers football Jersey. She wore glasses and was sitting down reading a book.

"What's this room?" Asked Tom

"Mallory's bedroom." Erickson replied. "She's on her break."


They made their way down the main hall and a girl of 9 approached Erickson. She haid shoulder length blonde hair and was wearing khaki pants and a green shirt. She had freckles and thin frame. She was beautiful to Tom's eyes. Shockingly, this young girl wore a wedding ring.

"Hi dad," she said the girl.

"Hello Brianna." Replied Erickson.

"Tom this is my daughter and my wife." Explained Erikson.

Tom was shocked by this little announcement. "Uhh it's nice to meet you."

"Nice to meet you too." She said. offering her little hand to be shaken.

Tom shook her hand politely.

"Why don't we all head out to dinner, PTP land has a great restaraunt." Announced Erickson.

Chapter 2: The Dinner...

Tom was once again very surprized. The restaraunt in the PTP Land Castle had nice atmosphere and wonderful food. But it was the waitresses that were so amazing to him. The lot of them were among the older of the girls, the 12-yaer-olds. But they all had large breasts. Many had the type that strippers would only dream of. Erickson noticed the man's reaction to the waitresses as did Brianna.

"It's not nice to stare." Brianna said with a giggle.

"Don't tease the man Bri-Bri." Erickson chastized.

"I'm sorry it's just that, they all seem so developed. And you said that you didn't employ any girl's over 12." Tom said as he ontinued to look around in amazement.

"We generally prefer to keep the girls all natural but by necessity all the waitresses must have breast jobs and be 12." Erickson said.

"Why?" Asked a confused Tom.

"Ask for a dessert special and you will see." Said Erickson.

Their server arrived. She was small and blonde, and had a very impressive set of tits. She, like all the servers, wore red shorts and a white T-shirt with the restaraunts logo on it.

"My name is Raechel, may I take your order?" She said.

"I'll just have the Dessert special." Said Tom.

"Daddy can I please have one too?" Asked Brianna.

"Sure sweetie." Said Erickson.

Raechel smiled. "OK coming up."

Raechel and another server soon returned. When they did Raechel was bare chested and the other server had a tray full of goodies. Raechel lay on a special dessert cart. The other girl took an ice-cream scoop and placed a scoop between Raechel's big tits. She then overed it in whip cream and topped it with a cherry. She also added whip cream to Raechel's boobs. Young Brianna grabbed each of the older girls tits then stuck her head between them and began to eat the icecream from between them. Tom was hypnotized as he watched this erotic scene. Raechel gave a light moan as Brianned licked the cream from her nipple. Once Brianna fifnished her dessert, it was Tom's turn. The process was repeated and another scoop of ice cream was placed between the lovely Raechel's most impressive breasts. The ice cream and her boobs were then covered with the whip cream. First Tom licked the whip cream from her firm young boobis and then spent some time sucking on the hard nipples. He placed his hand on her thigh and felt up her smooth sexy leg as he ate the ice cream up.

"What do you think of our famouse dessert?" Asked Erickson.

"Fabulous." Tom said as he wiped his face clean.

"Daddy, can i make a pussy-pop?" Asked Brianna.

"Of course sweetie." Said Erickson. "I think Tom may very well enjoy watching that."

The other server cleaned Raechel up with a towel, and while Raechel waited, went in the back and returned with a popcicle. She handed it to Brianna and then used a pair of scarves to tie Raechel's wrists to the sides of the dessert cart. Tom watched in mixture fascination and lust as young Brianna licked the sides of the popcicle and then inserted it into Raechel's pussy. Raechel cried out and began to moan and cry as little Brianna pumped the popcicle in and out of her. As she pop-fucked the older girl Brianna grabbed one of her big boobs and squeezed it.

"Oh yes, oh god oh yes, I'm CUUUUMING YES!" Raechel cried as she came all over the popcicle.

Brianna pulled the sloppy wet cum coated treat from her pussy and began to suck and slurp on it. Poor Tom was now sporting a rather massive hard-on and was at a complete and total loss for words.

Chapter 3: The Terminal...

"So would you like a playmate or two for the night Mr. Andrews?" Mr. Erikson asked.

It was a simple question but loaded with possibilities.

"Very much so." Tom replied while trying his best not to sound over-eager.

"Excellant. Follow me and I will show you how to use the terminal." Erikson said.

Hand in hand with his wife he led Tom to a computer terminal. Tom had seen several of them through out the castle. Erikson motioned Tom over to show him the use of the thing. On the terminal was several pages of thumbnails. Clicking on one opened up a page about a girl that was available for the night's 'enetertainment'. The pages all had a head shot, a full-body shot, the girls name, hieght, weight and her age. Erikson showed him how to enter his personal username and password.

"When you see a girl that you like just click on the 'add to cart' button. She will be waiting for you in whatever room you select at 9 pm sharp, she is all yours until 9 the next morning, this is so that the girls can get to work in the morning. The system won't let you choose more than four at a time, you should probably only choose one or two to start." Erikson said. "They will do anything you like."

"Anything?" Asked Tom. "Can I...can I even get a little rough with them?"

"As long as you don't seriously hurt or leave a mark on them, you can do whatever you want." Said Erikson.

After a little searching Tom found two girls that he liked. 10-year old redish-blonde haired Danielle and 9-year old raven haired girl named Emily.

"Nice choices, would you like a regular room or a theme room?" Asked Erickson.

Chapter 4: Date Night...

The room he ended up with was nice and resembled a little girl's room. It had an oversized bed with pink sheets and covers. Stuffed animals filled the room and there was several decorations and art choices that leant themselves to the atmosphere. Danielle and Emily were both waiting. Danielle in a stripped green and white shirt with green skirt and Emily in a white shirt and kahki shorts. Both were totally adorable.

"Umm hello girls." Tom siad nervously as he enetered the room.

"Hello Tom." they said in unison. Apparently they'd been told his name before they were sent to his room.

Tom wasn't sure how to proceed. he had fantasized about this exactly 397 times, including 150 times when he should have been working. But now that he was in a situation to live out his perverted fanbtasies, he was nervous and felt awkward. What if the refused to do what he wanted.

"Ummm what's wrong?" Asked Emily whi was used to much more directness.

"Nothing, nothing. You guys will do anything I want right?" Tom asked.

"Yep." Said Emily.

"Yeah." Said Danielle.

"Good I want to play a little game then." Said Tom.

"Anything you want." Said Danielle.

"Cool let's have fun!" Added Emily.

"Excellant. I want both of you to fight. I want you to wrestle each other as hard as you can, just like on TV, and once one of you pins or forcer the other to submit then I'm going to punish the loser and celebrate with the winner, ok?"

He hardly needed to tell these girls what he had in mind for 'celebration'.

Emily turned to Danielle. "I'm going to kick your butt."

"Yeah right, I'm bigger than you." Danielle said.

Emily was on the petite side.

"No closed fists, scratching or biting." Said Tom. "But please feel free to slap each other as much as you want. Start when I say go. GO."

Emily slapped Danielle across the face as hard as she could. Danielle screamed and then grabbed Emily's wrists and pushed her around. Emily kicked her in the stomach. Danielle quickly let go and doubled over. Emily slapped her hard again and Danielle toppled over. Emily jumped atopp Danielle and tried to grab her shoulders in order to pin her but the older girl had too much of a size advantage. Dnielle pushe the other girl off of her then rolled over and grabbed Emily's two long braids. She pulled back on the hard and made her fall on her back. Danielle sat on Emily's chest but emily grabbed the other girl's nipple through her shirt and twisted hard, Danielle screamed. Danielle released Emily's braids and started slapping her over and over as hard as she could but Emily kept twisting.

"Stop stop I quit I quit.' Screamed poor Daielle with tears streaming down her face.

Emily let her go.

"I win! I win!" She cried.

"You sure did sweety." Tom said. He turned to Danielle. "I'll get to you in a minute. I want you to sit in a corner facing the wall and think about how you failed."

Danielle slunk off to a corner of the room and sobbed quietly.

Tom turned his attention to Emily who was smiling triumphantly. "Hop up on the bed sweety. Lay down on your back."

Emily did as she was told.Tom put his hands on her claves and slid his hands up her smooth, slender legs and up to her shorts. Tom unbottoned them and removed them and then did the same to her yellow 'tweety-bird' panties. He rolled her onto her back then grabbed her ankled and slider her back to the edge of the bed. He grabbed her ankled and lifted her legs up and apart. With hard thrust he drove his cock deep and hard into the girl's sweet smooth pussy. Her legs rested against his chest, he reached forward and grabbed one of her braids in each of his hands. He drove his cock into her again and again as she squeealed. He began to pull back on her hair with each thrust as she screamed for more.

"YES! YES!" She cried as the amazed Tom just continued to plug away at her.

Tom felt renewed burning lust well up inside of him and he started to fuck her harder and faster than ever. He was pounding into her so fast and hard that he was sweating bullets. Finally the pressure within him built up to such a degree that he no longer could hope to contain it. He shot his load into the girl as cmae and she howled like a wolf. Tom panted and slid his cock out of her. He pushed her legs to either side and then pulled her by pig-tails into the sitting position. He looked down at her.

"Lick my cock clean." He ordered.

Emily's cute little tongue began it's duty of slurping away the cum on his cock. He turned his attention to Danielle who had been in her corner the entire time.

"Danielle come here." Ordered Tom. Danielle got up from her spot and approached. Tom Gently pushed away Emily and sat down on the edge of the bed. "Take off your cloths and lay across my lap."

Danielle did as she was instructed. Once the girl was across her lap, Tom paced his hand on her smooth butt and felt the delieghtful young flesh.

"I want you to count as a spank your bottom." Tom instructed. "For losing your catfight you will get ten spankings."

Emily got confortable so that she could watch the show.


"OUCH! One." Danielle sniffled and bet her lip after Tom's hand slapped down across her butt.

SMACK!! cry. Two. SMACK!!! Cry. Three....When he finally got to ten tears were streaming down her face and her ass was nice and red. Emily seemed very amused by her friend's misfortune.

"OK young lady that's enough tears." She got up off his lap and he kissed her in the mouth, their tongues rolled around together. The broke their kiss and he looked over to Emily. "You two make nice with each other."

Emily and Danielle approached each other and kissed their hand rolled all over each other as they made out. Emily's hand roamed down to Danielle's pussy. She began to finger the other girl frantically. Danielle returned the favor and soon both of them were finger-fucking each other while they rubbed their bodies together in desperate lust. Tom was soon very, very hard again.

"Emily, scoot up on the bed, Danielle you can eat her out but keep your crotch at the end of the bed." Tom ordered.

They both did as they were instrcucted.

"Oh yes, oh that feels good." Moaned Emily as Danielle went to town on her pussy.

Tom approached Danielle from behind and spread her nicely rounded butt cheeks. The girl tensed up. Tom smiled, she wasn't used to anal. Tom speared her in the ass with his man-meat and she yelped like a dog. He began to pound her ass as she ate out Emily. He drove his man-sausage into her tight little ass with one punishing thrust after another until he couldn't hold it anymore and he unloaded his seed into her.

This was his best vacation ever.

Chapter 5: Jessica's Tale

Jessica Lopez, 10, entered the strange and hallowed halls of the PTP Land's Castle. The little latina had just arrived and was being escorted by a tall woman in a crisp white blouse and tight black leather pants.

"Welcome to the castle my dear, I'm sure everything has been explained to you but I want to make sure that everything is perfectly clear. You are going to get fucked. Repeatedly, frequently and in all manner and forms. You are going to do everything in your power to please our guests. No matter what they want, you will do it. In exchange you will receive a salary that will be help for you and paid all at once at the end of your employment here. You have been assigned a room and you can go there when you are of duty to relax but before you do that we like to get their girls here working right away so that they get used to things quickly. By the way, my name is Ms. Stern and I'm sort of the den mother here. My job is to make sure that all the girls are doing there jobs and are where they are supposed to be at all times. Mr. Erickson is the boss here but he is usually busy with the guests, so I'm essentially a den-mother/manager/and, if need be, disciplinarian. You ready to get started dear?" Asked Ms. Stern.

"Yes ma'am." Said Jessica shyly.

Jessica was incredibly nervous; she'd never had sex before. But she sensed that the woman talking her didn't have much patience.

"All right my dear, please go inside this room and put on the outfit inside in a timely manner." Said Ms. Stern.

Jessica walked into a plain room with a mirror, chair and table. Jessica was very surprised to find that the outfit she was supposed to wear was something she might have worn to school. It was a simple red t-shirt and a somewhat short and tight jean skirt. The shoes were another story. They wear boots with high-heels that were nearly form fitting and reached her calves. There were a rather large number of gold necklaces as well.

When she stepped out of the room Ms. Stern looked her over appreciatively. The girl had a pretty face, long black hair and absolutely delicious legs.

"Follow me please." Said, "Keep in mind that our gusts work 80-90 hour weeks and slave for their respective companies. It is our sacred duty to help them fulfill their every fantasy. Step through this door and follow all of Kerri's directions."

Jessica stepped through the door and suddenly found herself standing on a large stage with a spotlight on her. There were dozens of tables filled with men and even a few women. Young girls were running around serving guests. The crowd's eyes were glued on Jessica now. Sharing the stage was a girl in her early 20's. This girl had short black hair and huge tits. She was cute and extremely energetic. She was Kerri; she served as the host for the floorshows.

Kerri stepped out from behind her and spoke. "Good afternoon Gentlemen and ladies. Today we have a special floorshow. Virgin Bingo!"

There was enthusiastic applause.

"Our lucky Bingo winner will relieve Young Jessica here of her virginity in the manner of his or her choosing right here on stage. So, I hate wasting time so let's get to it. Jessica pleas remain right there in the center of the stage. I want everyone to see what they are playing for. If everyone has their bingo cards I will begin calling the numbers." Kerri said.

As Kerri began calling out numbers, B2-C4-G8, as she did so Jessica looked out at the crowd. The people gathered there were all frantically stamping their bingo cards. Jessica couldn't believe how desperately all these people wanted the chance to have sex with her! They were all frantic to win one just one prize, her. She stood and looked on and began to grow tired because of the fact that she was wearing high-heeled boots and was standing in one place for so long. Kerri seemed to notice the girl's discomfort. She stopped the Bingo calling for a moment.

"I think you should all see what your playing for don't you?" Asked Kerri.

Loud applause greeted this idea.

"Well then let me just strip the cutie down!" Kerri said.

There was much louder applause. The woman pulled the girls skirt down and off and then did the same to her panties. Last an eager to pleas Jessica removed her own shirt. With all the people staring at her, she felt very nervous and self-conscious. The boots stayed. This annoyed Jessica because they were so uncomfortable.

"Let's have some music." Kerri said. Some music began to play. Kerri leaned over and whispered into Jessica's ear. "I want you to dance, as sexy as you can please, while I call the numbers."

Jessica nodded and began shaking her hips and dancing like the girls in music videos. The crowd was now nearly rabid as the got to stare at the girl's naked gyrating body.

She felt a strange mix of relief and anxiety when somebody finally cried out...

"BINGO!!!" Cried out a somewhat heavyset man in a blue business suit.

"It seems we have a winner." Said Kerri amidst a murmur of disappointment from the other guests.

The man who was holding the winning BINGO card was on his feet and waving it wildly. He rose to his feet and ran to the stage like one of those over-eager contestants on 'The price is right'. Of course he was excited, he was going to pop some pretty sweet looking Cherry. Rest of the guests began to applaud him. Kerri handed him a mic.

"What is your name sir?" Asked Kerri.

"Bob, Bob Irvin."

"Well Bob, how would you like to do young Miss Jessica?" Asked Kerri.

"Uhh can we do 'Ride 'em Cowgirl'?" Asked the now very excited man.

"Of course you can." Said Kerri.

A pair of stagehands brought out a recliner that had no hand rests; the man sat down and leaned back. Next Kerri walked over to Jessica. Jessica was very nervous at this point. Kerri didn't really help matters when she tied Jessica's hands behind her back with some rope.

"HEY!" She protested.

"Shush dear, it's all part of the game." Said Kerri.

She was taken over to the recliner where Bob's pants were now off and his cock was standing at full attention. The girl was lifted up on to the recliner and was made to straddle Bob's thighs. Bob was very quick to put his hands on her lovely, shapely and tanned legs. He felt the smooth and firm legs and Jessica gave him a meek smile. To her complete and total surprise Kerri placed a cowboy hat on her hand.

"Here are the rules." Said Kerri. "In this game Jessica is going to ride Bob's cock like a cowgirl. She needs to keep the hat on at all times though. If the hat falls off of her head then Bob gets to give her a public spanking. Give me a big YEEE HAWW."


Jessica really didn't want a public spanking. And that was on top of the nerves that she was feeling about having her first time in such a public manner and with a complete stranger. But it was well past too late to reconsider and anyways Bob had quickly grabbed Jessica's hips and guided her virgin cunt to his cock. Without ceremony he impaled her little pussy onto his man meat. He pushed her down hard until his cock met her virginity and at this point he slammed into her with authority. There was temporary pain but Jessica kept her wits about her. Making sure her head was not rocking, she began to slide herself up and then down on the sex-meat. Bob was both surprised and pleased and kept a grip on her and helped her move up and down on his cock. She was now being fucked and she was starting to get into it. She was beginning to really beginning to enjoy herself as she felt the big cock invade and fill her over and over.

"YES OH YES! I LOVE IT! YESSSS!!!" She cried to a chorus of Yee-haws.

She was practically thrashing on his cock and was frequently scene arching her back and screaming at the top of her lungs. Pictures were being taken, of course, for the PTP Land web site. Finally the girl rode Bob to an orgasm and he began to cum into her and filled her pussy with sperm. The exhausted panting girl slumped against him but then she jerked back up when she realized her hat was missing. It must have fallen off, she realized, when she was riding cock. This was terrible. She'd messed up on her first day! Little did the poor girl realize that there was not a single person in attendance that didn't actually prefer to watch her get punished. Kerri picked up the fallen hat.

"Oops poor widdle Jessica dwopped her widdle hat. You know what that means right?" Asked Kerri.


Kerri untied the girl's wrists and ordered her to bend over and grab her ankles. Once she was in position Bob was presented with a simple wooden paddle. Jessica bit her lip with anticipation as the man lifted the paddle and then to a mighty cheer from the collected fellow club members brought the paddle crashing against the girl's ass cheeks.


Her cries were nearly drowned out by the thunderous applause of the very appreciative audience. Each strike reddened her lovely curved little ass. Tears welled up with the sting of each strike. Once that was done, Jessica stood and rubbed her poor butt. Bob Irvin took a bow and was given applause by the appreciative crowd.

Jessica's day had only begun though. She was escorted off of the stage and taken to the main hall. From there she was taken to her room so that she could freshen up, she had a very long day ahead of her.

Chapter 6

It was the biggest floorshow of the year. Kerri, Ms. Stern and Mr. Erickson had been working on this event all week. It was considered the island's highest priority. The stage was prepared. There would be an outdoor wedding in the Castle's front courtyard. Mr. Erickson had arranged for an array of live web-cams throughout the courtyard, the cost would be nominal to watch the ceremony but Erickson was fairly confident that there would be a significant number of people watching. He was hoping to turn a profit despite the high copst of this particular wedding. He had hired high-paid wedding planners as well as paying for necessarily custom-made dresses for the girls. The wedding guests included only platinum club members of the island, much to the disappointment of the Gold and the Bronze members. Aside form the lucky Plat clubbers, there were also most of the girls who worked as 'entertainers' at the Castle and some of the staff.

The wedding was being held for Miaki and Miuki, 11, identical twin sisters. The two pretty young girls were both of mixed Japanese and American descent and they were considered a massive bargain when the castle got them. Since their arrival the pair had worked as a pair almost constantly. So many members wanted to fuck twins that Erickson had to reserve the poor overworked girls for the platinum members! The girls were inseparable and shared a room where they indulged in their insatiable lust for each other. It was rumored that they had twice as much sex with each other as they did with club members, a rumor that seemed highly improbable at the very least. Still it was pretty hot to think of the two girls just wanting to fuck each other all the time. That is when Erickson got the idea. He'd bond them in matrimony and their stock would rise significantly. When he presented the idea to the girls they were very enthusiastic. He left the entire thing in Kerri's capable hands. Kerri had worked hard and enthusiastically to make the whole thing happen. She had arranged for the music, catering and several surprises. Just prior to the wedding Kerri visited Ms. Stern.

"So are the girls ready?" Asked Kerri.

"I'd say." Ms. Stern replied. "I've separated them for the last two weeks and kept them off the stage and away from Club members. I do believe they are desperate to get their hands on each other."

"Good job." Said Kerri.

"You're teasing me. My job is easy. As far as these two are concerned the thing is legit and binding and they are all for it. How are things on your end?" Ms. Stern asked.

"I have some great entertainment for the reception." Kerri replied.

Ms. Stern just rolled her eyes. "Why bother? The whole dammed thing is just doing to degenerate into a fucking orgy at the end, why the hell not just get it over with and skip straight to the sex?"

"For the same reason we are doing the wedding in the first place. Because it's not ALL about the sex. It's about fantasies and wish fulfillment." Replied Kerri.

"Whatever." Stern replied.

"I'll catch up with you later." Kerri said as she went to go check on some of the other things she needed to check on.

By noon everyone was seated for the ceremony. All the guests were dressed their very best, and they were all eagerly awaiting the beginning of the ceremony. Mr. Erickson himself was officiating. 'Here comes the Bride' began to play and Miaki was the first to appear from the castle and make her way down the aisle followed by three bridesmaids in peach dresses (they were three of her fellow entertainers). Miaki was led down the aisle by non other than Ms. Stern. The music ceased playing and the first of the two brides stopped in front of Mr. Erickson and then turned to face the crowd. She was wearing a very beautiful White dress, which was slit up each side to her hip. She also wore white leather gloves and white high-heeled boots. She wore a diamond necklace. There was also a veil. The wedding march played again and it was Miuki's turn, she being escorted down the aisle by Kerri. She was dressed identically to her twin sister. Both girls held hands and gazed lovingly at each other.

"Dear friends and honored guests. We are gathered here today to witness the wedding of Miaki and Miuki. May the union of these two beautiful young ladies forever inspire us to greater and greater heights of lust. Do you Miaki and Miumi take each other to have and to hold, to love forever and cherish, so long as you both shall live?" Asked Mr. Erickson.

"I do." Both girls said at once.

"Rings please." Said Mr. Erickson.

Stern handed a ring to Miaki and then Kerri supplied one for Miuki.

"Repeat after me please: With this ring I thee wed." Said Mr. Erickson

"With this ring I thee wed." Said the twins at once.

"Then I now pronounce you wives. You may now kiss the Bride." Said Erickson.

The two girls lifted each other's veils and began to kiss passionately. The guests stood and applauded. The two Brides turned and walked hand in hand to the huge outdoor dining area followed by the gathered guests. In the center of the courtyard was a very large bed that had a rubber mattress and whose purpose there was mystery. At the reception area there were six large circular tables. Each table had a girl strapped to it. Each of these girls was bound spread-eagle to the table and was naked. They each were gagged with and apple held in place with twine and had their tits and tummies smeared with various salad dressings. Surrounding them on the tables were various attractive veggie platters. It took very little time for guests to begin enjoying these salad girls and fucking them with carrot and celery sticks. One man took a pair of cucumber slice and placed them over a salad-girl's eyes, effectively blind-folding her, then he took butter-knife and stuck the handle in a glass of ice-water he stirred it around a few times until it was nice and cold and then removed it. He took the cold hand and thrust it into the girl's pussy. The cute little blonde squealed into her apple-gag and writhed as he twisted and pumped the cold metal handle inside of her, until she came. Several people who had come to over to watch this cheered him and his efforts.

On a stage there was a band. At each corner of the stage was a tall pole. There were also four naked girls pole-dancing. They swung their hips and gyrated with the skill of any adult. In their enthusiasm for the events taking place they were even grinding their succulent young pussies against the poles. Allowing for tradition, the two brides were the first to begin the dance. The band started with something slow and romantic and the girls did their best slow dancing. Soon guests and entertainers began to pair off and dance as well. Erickson was dancing with his adoptive daughter/wife, Kerri was dancing with Savannah (the most popular entertainer at the castle), Ms. Stern simply watched the proceeding with very mild interest. After a couple dances Miaki and Miuki performed a very sexy cha-cha that Kerri had taught them. The girls danced and made out with friends and club members until it was time for the wedding cake. The girls cut a slice for each other and smashed each other in the face.

After cake all of the entertainers lined up for the bouquette toss. All the girls were ready for this and they were instructed not to hold back. Miaki was to do the honor. She turned her back to the crowd and flung the flowers to the crowd behind her. There was mass chaos. The massive sea of young girl flesh surged forward and the girls began to claw and bite and pull each other's hair as well as tear at each other's cloths. The club members in attendance were all enthralled by this mass catfight. Finally, clinging to a slightly tattered bouquet, a slightly thin and tall brunette broke free and emerged from the pack. She held it high as she kicked away a smaller girl making a last desperate lunge. Kerri however quickly stepped in and lifted the girls arm to declare her the winner.

"All right everyone it seems Mallory here has caught the bouquets now if all of the guys will just get together Miuki will be tossing her garter." Said Kerri.

Miaki knelt in front of her twin sister and slid her and up the other girl's leg she lid the garter down and pulled it off. Miaki handed it to Miuki who tossed it back to the awaiting crowd. The man who caught it waved it in the air happily.

"OK Castle rules: You get to fuck the catcher of the bouquets!" Said Kerri.

After some applause Mallory was led to a bench. The girl removed her dress and stood in front of the gathered crowd in all of her naked glory. The garter catcher quickly made his way to her. He leaned forward and kissed her as he grabbed her round little ass and reached up to pinch a nipple. He broke the kiss and unzipped his pants. He bent Mallory over the bench and stopped to look her over, as if trying to make a decision. He then unzipped his pants and took out his cock. It was ready to go. He spread the girl's butt cheeks and guided his dick to the entrance of her ass. Mallory bit her lip. She wasn't really all that into anal, she wasn't partial to it at all. But the rules were the rules and club members got what they wanted. He grabbed her by the hips in one hand and by the hair with the other. He surged forward and began fucking her as she bucked and grunted like a wild animal. Each time his cock drove in he pulled back her hair and she thrust her ass back to meet each stroke.

"YES YES FUCK ME!" She cried to the man who needed nothing in the way of encouragement.

In no time at all he was cumming in her ass and the pain of her anal invasion was at an end. The man pulled out slowly but then replaced his cock with his finger. He swirled it around in her ass a bit then pulled it out and held it to Mallory's mouth. She sucked it like a baby with a pacifier.

It was after this was done that the Kerri stepped on stage and then took the mic to make a little announcement.

"Is everybody having a good time?" She asked. There was a chorus of YEAHs. "AWSOME! Every single wedding I have ever been to has failed to yield me the right to see the one thing I have really wanted to see, the consummation. Which exactly why we have that bed there."

There was, once again, mass applause.

"Now I'd like the brides to undress and hop on the bed..." Kerri ordered. The two young brides did, as they were instructed immediately removing their wedding dresses and hopping up and onto the bed where the pair began to kiss right away. "Excellent I want all the guys out here to crowd around the bed and do what we all know comes naturally."

Miaki and Miuki were rubbing their hot little cunts together while they kissed each other. It wasn't long before their hands found each others pussies and they were frantically fingers fucking each other as they rolled around on the mattress.

"Yes, YES, fuck me sis, oh shit I love you so much!!!" Cried Miaki

"YES, oh yeah fuck me, yes harder, god I love you too." Cried Miuki

All around them the men in attendance had their cocks out and in their hands and were stroking off like crazy. Even the women were pleasuring themselves at the sight. Kerri was fucking Savannah with a carrot while fondling the girl's tits and Erickson was getting a blowjob from his daughter/wife.

"Hey girls I have a special wedding present for you!" Kerri announced as she tossed something onto the bed.

The girls paused in their frantic hand fucking and looked glassy eyed at what had fallen onto their marriage bed. It was a strap-on! Miuki was the first to reach for it. She grabbed it and strapped it into place. Her twin/wife got into the doggy-style position and soon was screaming for sister to make her cum. This was more than the men watching could. Like any storm it started with a trickle as one by one the men began shooting their loads on the bed and on the girls. It soon turned into a torrential downpour as the bed and the girls were being splattered with cum. The two cum soaked brides just continued their relentless fucking of each other as reception did in fact degenerate into a full-blown orgy!

Chapter 7

The 3:00 floor show at the Castle.

"Well I have a special surprise. I hired a very special act to perform here today a wonderful magician named Eva Le Strange. So please give a hand to Eva and her daughter Bunny." Announced Kerri.

There was a puff of smoke and suddenly standing in the center of the stage was a very sexy woman of around 29-10. She had long blond hair and was wearing a silk strapless one-piece that showed off her big breasts quite nicely. Black fishnet stockings and a white bow tie joined a magicians hat and some extremely arched high-heel patent leather pumps completed this outfit that made her look a little like Zatanna from the Justice League. The woman had large breasts and incredibly long sexy legs.

"Thanks Kerri for that very energetic introduction. I'm sure that you'd all like to meet my daughter so how about I bring her out?" She said.

The crowd was rapt with attention as Eva began to assemble a very simple wire cage. She threw a black cloth over the cage.

"ABRA KADABRA!!!" Cried Eva as she tapped with a wand.

She pulled the black cloth away to reveal that the cage now contained a 12-year-old girl. There was applause, and with good reason. Bunny was a blonde. Her costume consisted of a short and thin dildo that was crammed in her but and was topped with a cotton tale to help her resemble her namesake. She was also wearing bunny-ears and a pink bow around her neck. Finally she was wearing pink patent-leather pumps and that was it. Eva opened the cage and the girl stepped out. She was tall for her age due to her long legs and her breasts and butt were definitely beginning to blossom. Bunny stood straight and tall in front of her mom. Her balance was not all that great do to the dildo in her ass and the extreme arch of the heels.

"Great, say hi Bunny." Eva said.

"Hi Bunny." Said Bunny as she waved at the crowd.

"No, NO that's not what I meant at all. Jeez honey you are such a fucking ditz. And you are totally embarrassing me." Said Eva in mock anger. "OK let me perform my first trick. Bunny please stand in front of me with your legs spread."

Quickly the girl did as she was instructed. Eva stood directly behind the girl and held her wand between her daughter's legs.

"Does everyone know what Bunnies deliver every Easter?" Asked Eva.

"EASTER EGGS!" Replied the crowd.

"Yes that's right." Replied Eva. "So how about we have Bunny show you how Easter Eggs are really made?"

There was a chorus of 'yeahs'.

"ABRA KADABRA!!!" Eva tapped the girl's cunt with her magic wand then stepped back.

At first there was nothing. Then Bunny suddenly got a perplexed expression on her face. She began to moan and shift uncomfortably her moaning soon became much more desperate. The girl was now massaging her own tits and leaning forward a little. She clenched her tits and pursed her lip as she squeezed and something pushed it's way out of her pussy. It was a large fully painted Easter egg. The girl was now very sweaty and panting. Applause resounded.

"Lady's and gentlemen my daughter has just produced an Easter egg lets...." Eva was interrupted when Bunny lost her balance and toppled to the floor. Apparently it was difficult to stand in high-heels, with your legs spread, and a dildo up your ass, while giving birth to an egg. "Why do you continue to be such a clumsy girl? Get up now I think you have embarrassed me quite enough, young lady. Would you all like to see Bunny receive a suitable punishment."

The girl was frantically shaking her head but the crowd cheered for the idea. The woman retrieved a cape and held it in front for her daughter. The girl was now completely obscured. Eva whipped it away to reveal a square wooded frame that Bunny was no shackled to by her wrists and her ankles. More applause. Eva gave her wand a good shake and it suddenly extended into a whip. Without remorse or compassion Eva Began whipping her bound daughter's tits. The girls yelped and cried as she writhed in her bonds. She then started to flick the whip at the vulnerable girl's pussy. After giving her tits and her pussy about 7 lashes a piece she stopped. Bunny slumped in her bonds but her mom was not done with her yet! Eva stepped behind Bunny. Eva unstrapped the dildo and slid it out of the girl's ass. She the pushed it up into the girl's pussy. With her free hand she was fondling the girl's boob. The girl's face was a mask of ecstatic joy as her mom fucked her with her dildo.

Chapter 8: Christmas Party

Holly Johnson turned on her computer and saw that she had mail. Her heart was pounding a hole in her chest. She was expecting a very important e-mail she opened up her inbox and waited impatiently for the damm thing to load. And there it was. E-mail from the PTP Land. The exclusive club provided it's members with access to young girl-slaves to pleasure their members in any way, shape or form. Holly had been made to undergo no less than four interviews and was waiting for the club to offer her membership. Holly was a 35-year-old business owner who owned a huge chain of floral shops. She was an attractive woman in great shape; she had a very nice ass and large beautiful breasts. Because of these traits she got a lot of attention from lots of men. She had no interest at all in any of them. She was only attracted to young girls. Joining the club and going to PTP Land was her dream.

"Dear Miss Johnson we are pleased to inform you're membership to the PTP Land Gold Club has been accepted and that you are invited to the annual PTP Land Christmas Party to take place on the weekend prior to December 25th." The e-mail began.

Holly was so excited that she actually squealed. She followed that by covering her mouth in embarrassment. This was by far the greatest Christmas present that she had ever received. She finished reading all of the relevant information and then called her travel agent, it was time to take a trip. The e-mail promised that the Christmas party would be spectacular event. Holly's imagination raced. Stories of what went on there were legends and if even half was true then she was guaranteed to fulfill all of her fantasies.

The limo took her from the luxury ship to the Castle. The castle was decorated for Christmas and there were decorations and fake snow everywhere. A red carpet was out and each of the limo's deposited a club member that arrived board ship onto it. Holly stepped out of the limo and she began to walk towards the entrance of the castle. She was wearing a stunning clack dress for the occasion that showed plenty of cleavage. Mr. Erickson was waiting for her at the door.

"Miss Johnson, I'm so glad that you can make it." Said Mr. Erickson.

"I'm happy to be here. And please call me Holly." She responded.

"Very well Holly. Please let me show you around." Said Mr. Erickson.

Holly followed him inside. The main lobby had a large pedestal in the center. On that pedestal had the most erotic and exotic display Holly had ever seen. There was Christmas tree. And it balanced on a unique tripod. The tri-pods all ended in a dildo that was inserted into the ass of a girl. There was one each 10, 11, and 12, representing the three age groups at the castle. These dildos were held firmly in place by a string if Christmas lights. The girls' mouths were kept shut by unusual ball-gags. The were red and semi-transparent and inside were festive, blinking red lights. The girl's hands were tied behind their backs with Christmas lights and this all forced them to rest on their knees, chest and chin.

"This is spectacular." Said Holly in awe.

"Thank you we all worked very hard on the decorations here." Said Mr. Erickson.

Holly looked into a side room in the long hall and saw a man dressed as Santa Claus. Well except that his front zipper was undone and his cock was standing tall and free. Santa was sitting on a chair similar to the kind that you would find at any mall. There was a line of girls in front of the chair and two elves beside it. But the girl who was with Santa at that moment was definitely not on his lap. There was a girl of ten with long brown hair tied into pigtails who was frantically riding his cock. His two 'elves' were two blonde girls who were kissing and fingering each other underneath their loose, short green skirts.

"That is old man Mc Gee playing Santa." Explained Mr. Erickson. "He has a very unusual talent."

"What's that?" Asked an enthralled Holly.

"He can sustain an erection for up to eight hours at a time." Mr. Erickson announced to a startled Holly.

"What? Are you serious?" She asked.

"Yes I am." Said Erickson.

Sure enough the girl who was riding Santa's 'north pole' began to cum and when she got off, Santa was still fully erect. Another girl, this one an Asian girl replaced the first one and, after removing her cloths and hopping onto Santa's dick, began to bounce up and down on it with her long black hair whipping about.

He led Holly down the hall to her room. Holly's room was also decorated for Christmas and she had a great view of the pool from her window. This was good since there were always at least a half dozen girls in bikinis in that pool at any given time. Her room was filled with boxes of varying sizes in Christmas wrapping. The most important thing however was the girl sitting on her bed. She was 12 with long brown hair and boobs that were starting to come in. She had glasses and was wearing a white sweater and a khaki skirt.

"Her name is Mallory, according to your profile she is exactly your type. There are some interesting things in the packages. Have a good time." Said Mr. Erickson.

Erickson left Holly and Mallory to get acquainted.

"Merry Christmas." Said Mallory cheerfully.

"Getting merrier by the minute." Said Holly.

Holly sat next to Mallory on the bed and put a hand on her leg. She turned and kissed the girl, savoring her sweet warm tongue while rubbing the girl's smooth leg.

"Take your cloths off." ordered Holly.

Mallory stood in front of Holly, facing her. She took off her sweater and then her shirt. Mallory finished off by taking off her skirt. She was wearing underwear that were covered in pandas. Holly smiled.

"That's adorable." Said Holly. Mallory blushed. "Help me with my dress."

Mallory helped unfasten Holly dress and she let it fall to the floor. Holly then took off her underwear. Mallory couldn't help but stare at Holly's enormous knockers. Holly grabbed her by the hips and spun her right onto the bed. They shared a hot, wet kiss before Holly grabbed the girl's panties and pulled them off.

"There's cool stuff in the gifts. You should unwrap them." Said Mallory.

Holly smiled at her and went about unwrapping all of the gifts. After laying out all the gifts she turned to Mallory.

"And you don't mind me using this stuff on you?" Asked Holly.

"That's what they're it's there for." Said Mallory.

One of the gifts was a pair of handcuffs, there was a ring attached to one of the bedposts. Holly quickly handcuffed the girl to this bedpost by one wrist.

"Get in doggy-style." Holly ordered.

Mallory obeyed. Holly recovered an impressive looking paddle from her collection of gifts. She approached Mallory from behind and rubbed the paddle against her bare ass. Mallory was filled with nervous excitement. Holly took the paddle and slid it between Mallory's legs. Holly rubbed the side of the paddle hard against Mallory's pussy. Mallory moaned softly. Holly whipped the paddle out from between the girl's legs and slapped it against her ass.

"YEOW!!!" Cried Mallory.


Mallory cried out with each strike of the paddle. Once her ass was red and swollen Holly went back to her collection of gifts and got a good-sized vibrator and a strap-on dildo. Holly squeezed the big vibrator into Mallory's tight ass making the girl gasp. Holly flicked it on and watched Mallory wiggle her ass. Holly strapped on the dildo and took the head to Mallory's pussy. Holly grabbed Mallory's slender hips and began to pound her pussy with it as hard as she could. Soon the girl was cumming once then twice. Holly slipped out the dildo then pulled out the vibrator. Mallory, who was exhausted at this point, just collapsed on the bed. Holly brushed the girl's hair and kissed her cheek.

"You are amazing." Said Holly.

"Merry Christmas." Said Mallory before falling asleep.

Holly cuddled up next to her and fell asleep.

Chapter 9: The Top 4

There was a good reason that Savannah was the most popular girl at the castle. For her young age she had a slamming body. Nice tits, slim waist, and an absolutely incredible ass combined with a willingness (or even eagerness) to do practically anything a club member wanted. The big exception being that she wasn't really into girl on girl action. Which of course she was still willing to do despite her distaste for it. It was her job and many club members found that reluctance of hers to be a massive turn on.

Savannah was being fucked up the ass by the man on top of her. She also had another man underneath her who was doing his very best to fuck her pussy. She was sucking the cock of the man in front of her and giving a hand job to the men on either side of her. She loved having a cock in her ass and cunt at the same time. She loved the way the both worked in and out of her. All around her were young girls and older men in various combinations fucking like crazy. This room was commonly known as the Romp-Her-Room for a reason. It was an ongoing non-stop orgy. Girls and club members would come and go but there was always at least some fucking going on in the Romp-her-room. She could feel the cock in her ass blow it's cum in her. She also felt the red hot rod stabbing into her pussy over any over but surprisingly, to her at least, he wasn't quite ready to cum. The man she was sucking off suddenly pulled free and blew his goo all over her face. The two men she was giving hand jobs to also spewed their cum all over her face and hair. Finally the man fucking her cunt blew it in her pussy. Once they left her she was ready to take on the next set of cocks but she was tapped in the shoulder by Ms. Stern.

"All right young lady you are done here." Ms. Stern said.

"What? Why, I can stay longer." Savannah whined.

"You are caked in cum, you need a shower." Ms Stern said. Ms Stern stared at the pretty face covered in sperm. "My dear, you look like an obscene glazed doughnut. And I love the obscene AND glazed doughnuts."

Ms Stern leaned forward and licked the side of Savannah's face.

"Delicious. After you finish cleaning up meet me in my room dear."

Savannah went to her room and showered. Once all the dried cum was washed clean and her hair was dry , she dressed in some tiny white shorts, a pink t-shirt and some cute pink boots. She made her way to Ms Stern's room. Ms Stern was wearing knee-high, high-heeled boots and black leather gloves. That was it.

"Come her you sweet little bitch." Said Ms Stern.

She grabbed Savannah's hips and pulled her close then began to kiss her hard. Stern squeezed Savannah's butt, she loved the girl's ass. Stern pushed the girl on her back, onto the bed. She unbuckled her belt then unzipped her shorts and pulled them off. Stern spread Savannah's thighs and started to lick the girl's velvety pussy. Savannah moaned softly as Ms Stern tongued her. She stopped eating the girl out after a few strokes of her tongue. She straddled her face and ground her pussy into her mouth.

"Eat me slut!" Stern ordered.

The hot young blonde obeyed expediently. Stern savored every sensuous lick that touched her hot cunt.

"Yes, yes eat it. EAT IT!" Ordered the woman. She grabbed the back of Savannah's head and pushed it harder into her cunt.

Ms Stern was nearly writhing with pleasure as the girl's tongue trashed within her.

* * *

Shelby was cute. She had pouty lips and was blonde, with very long hair and loved to wear tiny little white shorts. Not that she knew that they were white. She was just told that they were white. The fact was Shelby was completely blind. Shelby was being led by her dog, a golden retriever named Shep, and was moving her cane from side to side as she walked the castle halls. Most people politely got out of her way, a few of the club members pinched her butt as she went by, delighting in her surprised reactions. She had the castle halls memorized and made her way to the room where the club members where waiting for her in surprisingly good time. She entered the room and heard the voices of two club members.

"Cute one." One said.

"Yeah, this is going to be fun." Said the other.

Shelby felt one man snatch her up and kiss her in the mouth. Shelby felt a second man spin her around and give her a kiss as well. She lifted her arms as she felt somebody pull her shirt up and off.

"She's got a cute little butt don't you think?" Asked one of the men.

UHHH-OHHH, thought the little blind girl, she knew what was coming. SMACK!!!! Her cane crashed down painfully across her smooth ass cheeks.

"EEK!!!" Her pain-filled squeal was simply greeted with several more whacks across the ass. "EEEOW it hurts."

"Well in that case little lady, I can definitely think of something else to do with that cute little butt of yours." Said one of the men.

Shelby was forcibly bent over the edge of the bed. One of the men held her arms down as the other one came around behind her. He pushed his cock between her cheeks and hard into her tight little ass. Shelby tensed up and felt the pain of the man-meat driving into her. Each thrust was like a red-hot iron being driven into her. He fucked her ass for a few minutes before he blew his load into her.

"My turn." Said the other man. "I like pussy more than ass."

Shelby actually breathed a sigh of relief.

* * *

Emily was a sweet girl who was a favorite of MANY club members. She was an especial favorite of a married couple, Annie and Brian. The pretty Raven-haired girl was very familiar with the particulars of this couples favorite kinks. That was why she wasn't wearing anything but a diaper and her hair was in pigtails. There was duck wallpaper all over the walls. Emily's bed (in this theme room) even resembled a giant crib. The sides of this 'crib' collapsed do that the club-members could access their girl. She slowly sucked on a baby bottle as she waited for her clients to arrive. Annie and Brian walked in.

"Awww how cute does she look?" Annie said.

"Sweetheart you always say that." Said Brian.

"But it's so true." Said Annie.

Brian collapsed one side of the crib-bed so that they could have fun with the girl.

"What's in the bottle sweetie?" Asked Brian.

Emily popped the bottle out of her mouth so she could respond.

"Cum." She said.

"Mmm that is so sweet." Said Annie.

Annie took off Emily's diaper. She placed her hand on the bare little pussy and rubbed it affectionately.

"Mommy is going to make baby feel very good. But baby needs to make daddy feel good too." Annie said.

Annie leaned over and gave Emily's pussy a long sexy lick. At the lame time Brian pulled the bottle from the girl's mouth and replaced it with his dick. Emily was moaning around the cock as Annie was now sticking two fingers in her cunt and pushing them in and out. Brian stroked her hair affectionately while she sucked his cock like a baby bottle.

"Let's switch baby." Brian said to his wife.

Emily got on the ground in the doggy-style position and Annie got on her back so Emily could eat her out. Brian got behind her and rammed his hard meat into her tight pussy. Brian slid his cock deeper into her and felt the sweet pleasure of pounding the girl hard. While he was doing that Annie had to grab her hair and hold it tight to keep her head from bobbing around too much. Emily was doing her best to eat out Annie while being ridden like a horse.

* * *

Beautiful and perky castle activities director, Kerri, stood on the stage with a big smile.

"Welcome everyone to the stage show. Today we have a big treat for you, Mistress Heidi, her pet jaguar, and our own little Molly!" Kerri announced.

The curtain was pulled aside and behind it was a tall blonde woman. She was wearing tight black leather suit and high-heeled boots. Her hair was pulled back into a single long braid. She held in her hand a whip. Beside her were two cages, one contained a live Jaguar and the other a pretty blonde 10-year old.

Heidi opened Molly's cage and then cracked her whip. Molly quickly crawled out.

Molly noticed the jaguar's large penis. Molly slowly knelt down to the ground and positioned her ass to face the beast. Then things happened very quickly. She felt a rough tongue slap against her ass cheek and the sound of the jaguar moving close. This big jaguar that was sniffing her juicy young cunt. Then she felt heavy beast atop her back and braced herself. Molly felt her moving up over her back. Molly knew what to expect. The beast mounted her and the next thing Molly felt was something slimy pushing against her hole. Molly reached down and felt a long hard shaft and positioned it at her opening. Molly continued to kneel on all fours as the jaguar began to thrust in and out of her painfully. It's length was amazing; it was extremely long and thick. The jaguar was slipping in and out of her faster and faster now, and Molly felt herself getting ready to cum. The beast's rhythm was intense.

"More, more harder!!" Heidi ordered before cracking her whip at Molly and the beast, urging it on to fuck her harder.

Molly thought it was going to drive her into the ground as it humped her faster and faster. Molly could feel her cunt contracting again and again as she came hard on the jaguar's thrusting cock. Molly was not sure if it could tell that she was cumming, but it didn't last much longer either. Before Molly was completely down from her own orgasm, her jaguar mate came. It was shivering and shaking and jerking above her, making growling and whining noises. Then it was over and the beast collapsed on top of her.

R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s


Virgin Bingo is a great idea, but it appears you have never played Bingo! The numbers 'B2-C4-G8' are so ludicrous it is laughable! Pity you really didn't mean it as a joke.

oh yeah, get a dictionary!


Awesome story


Sooooooo many errors in spelling that it boggles the mind! I was surprised at the number of ways you managed to misspell 'surprise'! Then you wrote, 'She also wore a some some diapers.' about the entertainment girl in the crib. What the hell is 'a some some diaper' and why would she wear more than one at a time?

If you can't figure out how to find your own errors then get a good editor to do it for you! Please! Otherwise it just ruins a good story.


From start to finish,wanking all the time ,very erotic excellent story.


Wow! Great story. I really appreciated the inclusion of preten girls in diapers. You've written one great story here.


Damn am I stumped! Just how old is this magician gal since you tell us 'suddenly standing in the center of the stage was a very sexy woman of around 29-10.' For my part, I have never tried to estimate a person's age to the month.

Just one of many things here that made me think 'WTF'.


Your story was VERY LONG and I had to skip some parts but all in all it was HOTTT.


Very imaginative but extremely sloppy. Proofread you work before you upload. You look like an amateur ass without it.

The reviewing period for this story has ended.