Published: 30-Dec-2012
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The little blond was wearing blue shorts, a pink top, and a pair of white sneakers. She looked at the man siting on his front porch for a moment. Then she climbed the three steps to ask the man, "Mister Man, can you tell me the way to New York?"
"New York is awful far away."
"But which way is it?"
"It about two thousand miles north-east of here."
"Can you point, please."
The man stood. Then he knelt down by the child, and pointed. "I guess it would be on the other side of that green house, but why do you want to know about New York?"
"I'm running away from home, and I thought I would go to New York."
"Honey, what's your name?"
"Patricia Elizabeth Allen."
"That's a pretty name. How old are you, Patricia Elizabeth Allen?"
The girl held up one hand, "This many."
"How many is that?"
The girl lowered her hand. "I don't know. Maybe a hundred."
"I think it's five."
"Oh. Well, maybe I'm not five yet. Maybe I'll be five next time."
"On your next birthday?"
"I guess so."
"It's a long way to New York; why don't you sit and rest before starting that long trip."
"Okay. But I gotta hurry, because I have to get back home by suppertime or Mom will be mad at me."
"It's only two o'clock you should have plenty of time. Why don't you sit here on the swing next to me."
"Okay. You have a pretty house."
"Thank you. So why are you running away from home, Patricia Elizabeth Allen?"
"Because my Mommy laughed at me, and said I was silly."
"You can call me Pat if you want to. Most people call me Pat. The only time they call me Patricia Elizabeth is when I"m in trouble."
"Okay Pat, what happened?"
"I had three dollies, Judy, Margaret, and Golden Girl, and they're feeling horny so I wanted Mom to get me a G.I. Joe so he could sleep with my dollies and make them feel better."
"I see. What make you think your dollies would like to sleep with G. I. Joe."
"Well, Mom always says she gets horny around the end of the month. Sometimes when that happens, she brings a guy home and sleeps with him and that makes her feel better. But I'm not sure they sleep. They make lots of noise. But anyway, I figured if my dolls are horny, sleeping with a guy like G.I. Joe would make them feel better, but Mom said I was talking silly. Am I silly?"
"No Sweetheart, you're not silly, but having your dolls sleeping with G.I. Joe may not make them feel better. You see dollies aren't usually anatomically correct."
"What does ana . . . ana . . .what does that mean?"
"It means dolls don't have everything that real girls have, and G.I. Joe doesn't have what real men have."
"My dollies have everything: hair and clothes and all kinds of stuff."
"I know, Sweetheart, but let's go inside and I'll show you something."
The man took the girl's hand and led her through the front door. Then he carefully closed and lock the door. He seated himself on the livingroom couch with little Pat standing in front of him.
"Now I'm going to put down your shorts and panties, okay."
"Okay, but it's not my bath-time yet; you're not going to give me a bath, are you?"
"No Sweetheart, I just want you to look at this little slit between your legs?"
"You mean my pee pee?"
"Um hum. Do your dollies have a pee pee."
"Now, I'm going to show you something else."
The man stood, unzipped his fly and pulled out his cock. "Wow. What's that thing?"
"This is my pee pee. You see men don't have the same kind of pee pees girls have."
"Golly, it's sure big."
"Yes. Give me your hand and I'll show you how to pet my pee pee."
The man guided the child's small hand up and down the length of his member.
"Does your pee pee like to be petted?"
"Oh, it just loves to be petted, particularly by a sweet girl like you."
"It feels funny. It's so warm and smooth, but it's sticks out all by itself. How does it fit inside your pants?"
"It only sticks out when it sees a pretty girl like you.
"Really? Am I pretty?"
"Patricia Elizabeth Allen is beautiful girl with a beautiful name."
"Mister, can I use both hands? I think maybe I can pet it better that way."
"Sure. And while your doing that I'll pet your pee pee and that way you'll know just how good it feels to have your pee pee petted."
"Oh wow, that feels nice . . .You pet my pee pee real good . . . Oh I like it . . . Oh wow, yes, right up there . . .Oh that feels gooder . . . Oh boy, it feels kind of hot in here."
"Sweetheart, If you're warm, we better take off your t-shirt."
"Oh it's nice to have you pet my pee pee and rub my butt at the same time . . . Oh golly, I like that, but I still feel hot, and I feel kind of funny all over."
"Honey, what's the way you feel when you get horny."
"Am I horny?"
"I'm not sure let me check to see if you're wet."
"Wow, I didn't know you could get a finger in there."
"Does that hunt?"
"No it feels kind of nice."
"Honey, you're real wet inside which means you're awful horny."
"I am? Wow, I didn't know how horny felt, but does that mean I should sleep with a man?"
"Yes Sweetheart, that's what it means."
"Mister Man, can I sleep with you?"
"Sure, but first you have to promise not to tell anybody. You can't tell your mother or your girlfriends or anybody."
"Can I tell my dollies?"
"You better not, they might tell somebody else."
"But they can't talk."
"Well, maybe you could whisper to just one of them"
"I'll whisper to Golden Girl."
"Can she keep a secret?"
"I think so because she real good doll."
Then it should be okay."
"Mister, are we really going to sleep?"
"No Sweetheart, first we're going make love, and then I'll show you how to fuck.
"What does fuck mean."
It means I'm going to pet your pee pee by rubbing it with my pee pee;"
"Wow that sound like fun; will that make me feel better?"
"I'm sure it will."
"Then maybe I don't want to go to New York after all."
"Honey, lets go upstairs and see just how far we can go."
That afternoon, Patricia Elizabeth Allen went all the way, and still she didn't make it to New York. She found out that when her pee pee got wet, she was horny and needed to have her pee pee petted. This happened quite often. She also learned that Mister Man could make her feel real good by petting her pee pee from inside with his pee pee. After that, anytime she got wet between her legs, she would visit Mister Man so he could push his pee pee into her pee pee and make her feel gooder than ever.
Pat always told Golden Girl about her adventures with Mister Man. Golden Girl was a good doll, and never told a soul about the secrets Pat shared with her.
Uncle Bob
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