Published: 2-May-2011
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It's been two days since Henry had his Older brother Jimmy tied up for a whole afternoon. Henry and Jimmy haven't had a chance to discuss the events of that afternoon since it happened, or at least they pretended it never happened. They acted as they normally did, hitting each other and playing around the house as usual. Now it's Saturday and Mom and Dad are driving to Long Island for the day to visit friends and they were allowed to stay home, since their older sister Lilly was home to watch em all day. Mom and Dad picked up a few things, gave all the kids kisses and told em to be careful and not to get into any trouble and they got in the car and left. Within minutes of the car disappearing, Lilly's boyfriend Brad showed up at the door. Lilly let him in and they sat for a while in the living room watching TV. The boys were upstairs and wondering what to do for the day when Lilly barges in and tells them she's going bowling with Brad. She asks Henry and Jimmy if they want to go, but both boys hate hanging around with them on dates and said "NO we'll just stay home and play video games." "Fine!, You 2 brats better not leave this house while we're gone." Lilly tells em. "We'll be back in a few hours ." Both boys nod and wave as their sister leaves the house.
As soon as the door shuts, Henry picks up the phone and calls his 10 year old friend Eric. Eric is in the same class as Henry and they have been friends for the last 2 years. Eric is a gorgeous young blond boy, with shoulder length blond hair. He has the wildest grey/green eyes you've ever seen, Henry finds himself mesmerized at times when he's with Eric. Henry is hypnotized by those eyes and would do almost anything Eric asked him to. So Henry tells Eric "My sister went out, but I can't leave the house." Eric says, "she didn't say you couldn't have company did she?"
" No. " Henry replied.
"Well then it's OK if I come over to hang out then?"
"I Guess, we could play Nintendo or something."
"Cool, I'll be over in 5. Later"
"Later" Henry smiled as he hung up the phone he loves hanging with Eric and this will be cool.
Jimmy says, "I don't care if your friend comes over, just stay away from me." Henry smiles a sly grin and says, "Don't worry, we won't bother you bro." a few minutes later the doorbell rings and Henry runs to answer it. "Hey Dude, Come on in." Eric walks in and Henry shuts the door behind him. Eric looks HOT, He's wearing a baggy white t-shirt with a bands name and logo on it., a on a pair of baggy skater shorts that come down to his knees and white crew socks and black hi top Nike sneakers. Henry say "come on, lets go upstairs and play Nintendo." Eric nods and follows his spunky friend up the stairs to his room. Once in the room, Henry starts to get the controls out for the game and is busily hooking everything up to the TV set on the dresser. In the meantime, Eric is sitting at the computer watching Henry hook everything up. Henry asks "Do you want a soda or something?" Eric says "Sure a cola would be cool." Henry says "OK , I'll run downstairs and get em, then we got all afternoon to play." Henry smiles as he runs out of the bedroom that he and Jimmy share. Jimmy is sitting downstairs in the livingroom watching TV..
While Henry was on his way to get the sodas, Eric started playing around on the computer he was sitting next to. He was good with computers and knew that if you looked in'My Documents' under start, that anything newly viewed would show up there. So being curious he clicked into it and saw something name "pic1" So Eric clicked it and to his amazement, up came a picture of Henry's brother Jimmy. Jimmy was naked laying on a bed and his feet were tied up. He clicked the next one that said "pic2" and a picture of Jimmy close up on the screen. This time you could see his belly and puddles of white fluid on it. Eric wasn't a dummy, he knew what cum was from sex ed and he also knew Jimmy's hands were tied behind his back. As Eric stared at the picture he noticed his own boy dick rising in his pants. Then Henry barged back into the room, he glanced over and saw Eric looking at the pics he downloaded a few days ago and dropped the sodas on the floor.
With his jaw dropped open, Henry stood in silence at Eric and what Eric was looking at. Eric turned when the sodas hit the floor and with an identical shocked look, stared at Henry. Henry had no idea what to say? He wasn't sure what Eric would do or think or say? Eric then smiled at Henry and said,"cool pics of your brother Jimmy." then added "wish I was here when you took em." Henry thought for a moment, Eric's not pissed and he's cool about the pictures, so what to do? "Well I just wanted to get even with him for all the times he's picked on me." Henry explained. So he knows he has to leave me alone and do as I say, or I can print them and post em anywhere." Eric smile and dick both grew larger as he heard this. "Do you think we could make him do that stuff again today?" Henry thought a moment and said "Sure, but he'll be real pissed off that you saw the pics." "Don't tell em I saw em, tell him he's just gotta do whatever you say or you will show em to me." The boys smiled at each other and began to plan a course of action.
Henry called Jimmy from the top of the stairs and waited for his brothers response.
"What do you want twerp?" Jimmy yelled up from downstairs. "I need you to come up here and I need you to come up here NOW!" Henry waited at the top of the stairs. When Jimmy reached the top of the stairs he asked Henry what he needed. Henry said,"I need you to come into our room and strip for me and Eric." "NO WAY!" said Jimmy.
"Oh yeah way brother, or else I have the pictures of you that I can show him instead." Replied Henry with a wry smile.
"You wouldn't do that to me would you Henry?" Jimmy begged.
"I won't if you play along like a good brother." said Henry.
"Ok, I guess I don't have a choice?" Jimmy gave in. Henry led his older brother into their room and Eric was still sitting by the computer, but the pictures had been closed. Jimmy stood frozen next to the bed as he looked nervously at his brother and his brothers little friend. Jimmy noticed that Eric was really cute with his blonde hair and these beautiful green gray eyes staring at him. Jimmy was looking at Eric and could see the boner tenting up in his pants as Eric he stared at back at Jimmy. Jimmy tried to put that thought out of his mind and his brother broke the awkward silence by saying," Come on big bro, time for you to strip for us." Eric and henry both giggled as this just sounded so funny to them. Jimmy however wasn't laughing as he began to pull his tee shirt up over his head. Slowly Jimmy's flat, hairless, smooth stomach came into view and then each rib from the bottom to the top. Henry had taken a seat next to his friend in another office chair and they both stared and absentmindedly stroked their dicks through their pants. Jimmy's next move was to sit on the bed and untie his right sneaker and pull it off. Then he preceded to his left foot and untied the laces and removed that one as well. Then the left sport sock was rolled down his shin and off his left foot, leaving it bare as it dropped to the floor. He did the same slow removal of the right sock, hoping that doing it slowly would somehow manage to stop what was about to happen. He lingered there sitting on the bed side for a moment and Henry wasn't in the mood to wait,"KEEP GOING!" He yelled at his distraught big bro.
Jimmy jump at the sound and stood up and the 2 sitting boys saw the signs of a tent now visible in the front of Jimmy's shorts. Jimmy slowly inserted his fingers into the waste band and lowered them even slower. But even at a slow pace they still lowered over his tented package and slid down his thighs. The outline of Jimmy's semi hard cock was clearly visible against the this white cotton briefs that he wore. He bent over and slid the shorts the rest of the way down his nicely shaped teen legs and when they hit the floor, he stepped out and kicked them away with his right foot. Jimmy again paused, with a pleading look in his eyes e looked at Henry, but Henry was not paying any attention to his face at this point. Jimmy slid his fingers into to sides of his last vestige and slowly began to slid them down. Jimmy noticed that his once semi hard cock had now gone completely rigid. His face flushed a bright red as he pulled the front of the waistband out and over his raging hard on and lowered them some more. He did this so that he could spare himself the embarrassment of having his 5 ½" cock spring up and slap him in the belly. He still could not understand why he become hard at the fact he was being completely humiliated in front of his brother and another young boy. His full hard on in view, jimmy continued lowering the briefs until they slid to his ankles as well and he moved his hands in front of his manhood in an effort to hide it from view. Seeing this feeble attempt, Eric looked at Henry and said, "we should tie him up so he can't hide it." Of course Henry already knew that Eric saw the pictures of Jimmy tied up, but Jimmy had no idea and thought this was an odd request. Henry didn't feel the same, he thought it was a great idea and told Jimmy "Raise your hands and put em behind your head."
Jimmy did as he was told and raised his hands exposing his hard on, twitching with excitement and a small amount of clear fluid escaping the slit at the end of his pinkish colored dick head. Henry stood up and went to the dresser and opened a drawer. He pulled out a few school ties and moved back around toward his naked brother. Henry's cock was at full attention and straining against the shorts that he had on and he looked at Eric a bit excited and handed him a few ties. "Come on." Henry said to Eric as he went to his brothers right side. Eric now stood and moved to Jimmy's left side, holding the ties in his hands. Henry and Jimmy both noticed that Eric hard cock sprang straight out in the loose fitting baggy skater shorts he wore. From the look of it, Eric had a good size package for a pre teen hiding in them shorts. Henry took the lead by grabbing Jimmy's right hand and tying one end of one of the ties around his wrist. Eric watched and repeated exactly the same move on Jimmy's left hand. Jimmy noticed that both knots were very tight and he was panicking a little, he knew in his mind what the boys were going to do and the funny thing was that Jimmy was excited about it. "Lay down on the bed bro." Henry told his brother. And Jimmy did as he was told, first sitting down, then turning and laying down with his head on his pillow. "Now lets tie em off to the bed posts." Henry explained to Eric. Eric just nodded in agreement, too excited for words to be produced. Henry pulled Jimmy's right arm to full extension to the right corner of the bed and tied the loose end of the tie to the wood bed post. Eric agin copied exactly what Henry had done and stretched out Jimmy's left arm to the max and tie it off on his post.
The boys each took a step back to look at their handy work and smiled at it and then at each other. Henry asked Eric kind of shyly "Maybe we should get comfortable too?"
"Hell Yeah!" Eric was quick to reply and even quicker to remover his baggy tee shirt by lifting it over and off his head in one movement. The eagerness of Eric was not lost on henry, who quickly followed suit and slipped his dark tee shirt off as well. Eric was first to drop his Skater shorts to the floor, he was not wearing any underwear and his hard on stuck straight out at a 45 degree angle. Henry was watching his pal strip and didn't notice that he had stopped and was staring at him now completely naked. "See something yo like?" Eric comically asked his gazing friend. Henry shook his head and realized he was staring at Eric's nicely cut and very large cock.
"Yeah" was all that Henry was able to manage.
Neither boy now paying any attention to the tied up naked boy laying before them. Jimmy however was enjoying the scene being played out in front of him. A smile had eased across his face as he looked at how nice Eric looked naked. Jimmy cock was still throbbing and he was excited about whatever was coming his way now.
Henry was finally able to stop staring at Eric's cock long enough to concentrate on removing his shorts and underwear. As he did so in a hurry, he did catch his very hard 3 ½ " boner in his waistband. It sprang up and slapped henry's stomach hard. Eric's eyes now watching his young buddy strip for him. Neither boy had played these types of games before with each other, yet this was happening so easy, so natural, that it seemed as though they had done this before. Henry stepped out of his remaining cloths, pulling off his socks with one hand. While balancing himself on the bed with the other. Henry noticed Eric's eyes roaming his pudgy frame and purple headed boner and slyly asked his friend the same question he was asked.
"See something ya like?" Eric giggled and smiled and said "yeah, so far everything I've seen, I liked."
Eric glanced back down at Jimmy's naked hard body and scooted up close to his side. He slowly reached out and let his fingers trace their way from the base of Jimmy's hard on all the way up to the tip of it's mushroom shaped head. His fingers touched the slit at the end where it was all wet. And let his moistened finger draw circles around the head. Henry watched as his buddy was feeling up his brothers dick and Henry had to help out, so he reached in with his right hand and gently grabbed Jimmy's balls. He gently played with them in their sack and rolled the meatball shaped stones around in his fingers. Jimmy was moaning and cooing lightly as his most private of parts was being manipulated by these 2 much younger boys. Eric grabbed Jimmy's rod in his fist and started to pump it with wild abandon. Jimmy's dick head was hitting him in the stomach and on the legs's, leaving little dollops of Pre cum dabbed where ever it hit. Jimmy's eye's opened up and he yelled, "Watch it there kid. That's not a baseball bat. go easy or your gonna break it." Eric loosened his grip and stopped waving Jimmy's dick all about. He smiled and said, "Coulda fooled me, it sure feels like wood." Eric did release his grip a bit but continued to stroke Jimmy' dick. Jimmy's feet were moving around as Jimmy ground his hips into the bed with the same speed as Eric was pumping his prick Eric smiled at Henry and whispered, "Your brother is really enjoying this." Henry smiled back and said "Yeah, but you know what he likes even better?"
"What?" asked Eric.
"Tickling." henry whispered back At that instant henry started tracing his fingers lightly over Jimmy's hairless ball sack and Eric also lightly traced his fingers about jimmy's shaft. Almost instantly, Jimmy started wiggling and giggling. With his legs free, Jimmy started trying to kick out. Eric and Henry watched as their tracings made Jimmy buck and squirm around on the bed until he was laughing out loud
"Ha ha ha ha, come on guys, Ahh ha ha ohh quit it. Oh ah ha ha ha Pleaaaaaaase stop." Henry and Eric smiled and started giggling as they drove Jimmy into hysterics. Eric said."Your right Henry, just look how hard this gets him, it looks like he grew another inch." With that said Henry stood and picked up a loose tie from the floor and began to wrap it around Jimmy's right ankle. Eric spotted this move and he reached down and picked up a tie and held Jimmy's left foot while he tied the tie onto his ankle. Jimmy tried to struggle and he begged.
"No, Please guys, Please don't tie my legs too." Both boys grabbed their ties and pulled Jimmy's legs apart until his ankles were stretched to the bottom corners of the bed. They tied the loose ends around the legs of the bed and stood together and admired their handiwork.
Jimmy tried to pull his feet in, but these two boys knew their stuff, he was tied tightly and wasn't able to pull or push his arms or legs anywhere. Eric and Henry stood at the foot of the bed side by side looking over the struggling older boy wearing nothing but smiles and raging hard ons. Henry almost jump off his feet when he felt someone's warm fingers lightly grab his purple headed hard on. It was Eric' warm fingers lightly stroking the length of Henry's 4 inch cock. Henry moaned as his knees buckled and his eyes for a second. Then with his eyes still closed Henry reached his right hand over to feel for Eric' boner. Henry figured it was safe to do so, since Eric touched him first. Eric watched his friends hand slowly make it's way toward his prick. Eric adjusted slightly since Henry was missing to the right. Henry fingers finally did find his friends waiting, throbbing cock. Henry wrapped his thumb and 2 fingers around Eric's smooth dick. He started to stroke Eric in unison to the fingers working his own cock. Henry opened his eyes and looked at his best friend who was now smiling at him. Henry didn't think as he moved his head in closer to Eric's. Both boys looking deeply into each others eyes they leaned in and began to kiss softly on the lips. "WOW!" Henry thought to himself, "This feels fantastic." His tongue then pried Eric's lips apart and slid into his buddy's mouth. Eric's tongue met Henry's inside his mouth and they started to tongue wrestle.
Jimmy watched the two small boys kissing passionately and stoking each other and just smiled. His own hard on still stretched to his belly button throbbing as he watched the show going on in front of him. Jimmy coughed and it broke the strange silence that had fallen over the room. Henry pulled his tongue out of Eric's mouth, as he released Eric's dick from his grip and Eric let go of the hold he had on Henry's cock. Both boys stood shocked at what they had just done and Henry broke the awkwardness by saying, "Wow, that was great!" he smiled his cute impish grin that showed his 2 missing teeth. Eric laughed and said, "Yeah that was totally awesome dude." smiling from ear to ear, his Grey green eyes looking lovingly at Henry.
"We seem to have forgotten about our prisoner." Eric added as he moved his gaze back to the stretched out naked frame, tied spread eagle on the bed. Henry also moved his gaze away from his young friend to his older brother. Henry reached out and traced his left index finger up the bare sole of Jimmy's right foot. Jimmy immediately jumped(as much as his binds would allow) to the touch of Henry's fingers. Eric saw this and traced his right finger up then down the length of Jimmy's tied left foot. Both fingers on both feet was too much for Jimmy to take. He busted from a held in giggle to a full blown laugh, "AHHHHHH HA HA HAAAAA please not the feet, pleaaaaase ahhhhhh ha ha ha." Ow what a sweet sound, Jimmy's squeals and laughs were like music to the two both administering the torture. Henry smiled as he glanced over at Eric who was intently watching his own fingers dance over the bare soles of the older boy. Henry said to Eric. "Your looking at the wrong spot." Eric gave Henry a confused look in return. Henry then pointed at his older brothers dick, which was bouncing and dancing all on it's own. "See how much he REALLY likes it?" Henry asked smiling. After seeing the way Jimmy's dick was reacting to the tickling on his feet. Eric replied, "Way Cool Henry, just look at how it's rising and bouncing on it's own." "Yeah dude and check out how much more he leaks when he's laughing." henry said. Eric moved from Jimmy's right foot and sat on the bed right besides Jimmy's naked waist. He looked very closely at Jimmy's dick and began to study it, concentrating as Henry continued to tickled both of Jimmy's feet. Jimmy's dick would touch his belly and leave a small puddle of pre cum everywhere it hit. Eric was looking at the 30 or 40 different puddles located around Jimmy's waist, thighs and belly. Eric focused in on Jimmy's piece of meat. He was in awe of the smooth, perfectly shaped mushroom head. The color was a soft pink, just slightly pinker than the skin bellow it on the shaft. Eric reached out and gently touched the slit again with his finger tips. The cum on the head was velvety smooth and wet. Eric rubbed the juice around the soft smooth head and heard a gargled moan in between the laughing Jimmy was doing.
Jimmy on the other hand was in heaven. He was on a sensory overload. Henry tickling his and Eric massaging the tender head of his cock. He was lost in the 2 different sensations, his moaning and laughing became one sound. AHHHHH,, UMMMMM, Yeah, Ohhh, Ha ha ha , ahhh Oohhhh He he he." Eric's finger were working magic the way they were polishing the head of Jimmy's dick, kinda like polishing an apple. The sensation felt like a tongue licking and swirling it's way around his cock head. At the same time Eric was becoming increasingly aware of the increased throbbing Jimmy's dick was doing. So Eric let his fingers wander slowly down the length of Jimmy's shaft, from the point right under Jimmy's piss slit. Eric felt the throbbing light blue colored vein that protruded slightly on the underside of Jimmy's shaft, which was actually the side that was facing up and clearly in Eric's view. The vein was less wide at the top, maybe the size of a tooth pick, but as Eric's finger followed it to the base of the shaft, it gradually increased in width until the width of a pencil. Eric could swear he could see the blood pumping into the larger darker blue vein base. As he sat his finger on the base, he could feel each pump that in turn made Jimmy's cock move on it's own. Jimmy's cock wasn't super wide around, maybe the width of a small medicine bottle. But it was just so perfectly shaped and colored. The shaft was the exact skin color as Jimmy's thighs, a nice shade of white skin. Eric let his fingers slide under the bottom of Jimmy's cock and lifted the head, stretching the boys unit until it was pointing at Henry, who was still tickling Jimmy's feet. Henry had been enjoying the view of his best friend playing so gentle with his brother's dick. Henry noticed the signs of Jimmy not laughing and moaning more, meaning Jimmy was getting close to cumming.
"Hey, you better stop, or he's gonna blow his load." Henry stated factually. Jimmy hated his little brother at that point, because as soon as he spoke, Eric's fingers stopped playing with his almost ready to blow erection.
"No Please don't stop." Begged Jimmy
"Why? Whatcha gonna do for me if I keep going?" asked Eric, his green grey eyes burning a hole straight through to Jimmy's soul.
"Anything! Anything you say, just please do me." Jimmy gave in. Eric looked back at Henry and Henry said, "It's your call buddy." Smiling back at Eric.
"OK Jimmy, tell ya what I'll do. I'll keep jerking you off and let you blow your load, if you suck my cock." Eric stated Jimmy nodded, desperate to have the hand working on his hard on again. Eric added, "Oh and you also gotta suck Henry's cock too." Jimmy was shaking his head at first, but knew he needed to get off and stammered, "Oh oh OK"
"Cool." replied Eric as he reached for the throbbing boyhood again. Henry stopped Eric from re grabbing Jimmy's prick and he moved to the other side of Jimmy on the bed and said,
"Go ahead and get yours now, I'll keep him on the edge until your done."
"Hey No fair!" exclaimed Jimmy.
"Sounds fair to me jim and your in no position to argue." Eric said smiling as he moved up and straddled the older boys chest, his hard on touching Jimmy's chin.
This was the first chance Jimmy has had to get a close look at Eric's package. Jimmy gazed at the smooth piece of boy meat in front of him. Eric's cock was gorgeous, just like the boy himself. The pinkish head was perfectly shaped, just slightly larger than the shaft. The pinkish hue of the head contrasted to the pale white of the shaft. Jimmy could see the cock twitch and bob up and down with excitement as his breath hit it. The thing that really impressed Jimmy was the size of Eric' cock. It was almost a full 5" and really wide around, almost twice the width of Jimmy's dick. He was a good inch shorter than Jimmy, but Jimmy is almost 4 years older. All the while Eric was moving his dick ever closer to Jimmy lips. Eric finally said to Jimmy.
"Come on big guy, lick my dick." Eric's large cock hovered above Jimmy's face and the boy stuck out his tongue and licked the piece of meat from top to bottom and back again.
Eric's knees buckled under his weight and he fell forward grabbing the headboard of the bed to steady himself. When this happened, his cock slipped up against Jimmy's nose almost going straight in. And Eric's nice sized balls slammed into Jimmy's open mouth. After the initial shock wore off and Eric had re-steadied himself, Jimmy began to suck on the 2 balls for all he was worth. Eric's hips ground into Jimmy's face and the younger boy was cooing and moaning as his boy balls were being licked and sucked inside of Jimmy's warm, wet mouth. Eric had a very nice set of balls, they were about the size if the large marble, about the size of a quarter all the way round. His hairless bag was smooth and velvety in Jimmy's mouth, he could feel a couple of veins and the around the base and the 2 large veins that attached them to the boy. Eric's head swam in pleasure, he had never felt anything like this before and now he knew that he liked it and would want it more. Eric lifted his wet and tingling balls from Jimmy's mouth and replaced them with the head of his nice round cock. Jimmy's mouth still wet and filled with saliva and lust excepted the intruder happily. Jimmy's tongue worked it's way around the perfectly shaped head of Eric's cock. Swilling around the rim of the mushroom head, licking around the shaft as it plunged deeper into his mouth, rubbing the head against the roof of Jimmy's mouth.
Henry was intently watching his best friend get blown by his big brother, his right hand slowly playing with Jimmy's balls. His playing was keeping Jimmy as stiff as a tree and plenty of pre cum was leaking from Jimmy's cock in anticipation. Henry didn't even notice that his left hand had dropped and was slowly stroking his own turgid member. The purple head aching to be in Jimmy's mouth as Eric's is now. Henry also noticed what a nice round white ass his friend had. Henry was watching as Eric's butt checks would move and flex with each thrust of his pelvis. Henry noticed when Eric pulled out of Jimmy's mouth a little, his ass checks opened just enough for Henry to see Eric's pink bud blinking at him. Henry stopped playing with Jimmy's balls and let his hand reach forward to Eric's ass. Henry lightly traced his fingers around the perfectly shaped mounds and he traced the fingers inside the crack of Eric' sass until his fingers ran over the pink hole they were looking for. Eric didn't seem to notice the new sensation of Henry's fingers, he was lost in the wonderful feeling of having his first blow job. Jimmy was doing a great job of sucking and licking Eric's boner and Eric leaned against the headboard with his eyes closed as all these new sensations overwhelmed him.
Henry moved in closer to Eric's ass since he wasn't receiving any kind of signals to stop his exploration. Henry's head was now hovering over Eric's ass and henry eyed the pick nub as his fingers continued to trace over it. Henry let a large glob of spit drop from his mouth directly onto the pick bud of Eric's asshole. Henry worked the spit gently around the pick area and slowly, ever so slowly, let his right index finger work it's way into the opening. This caught Eric's attention, but not in a bad way, Eric's head snapped back and he let out a wild moan as Henry's finger slid deeper into the hole. Eric tried to keep his ass cheeks apart to allow Henry room to play and to keep his raging hard on pressed deeply into Jimmy's mouth. Henry's finger had now slid up into Eric's ass past his second knuckle and Eric was moaning and groaning wildly. Henry felt Eric loosen up his sphincter muscle and Henry took the opportunity to let 2 more fingers slip into Eric's now accepting hole. Eric's eyes opened wide and he let out a primal scream as the most intense feeling he ever felt seemed to race through his body. His knees shook and his ass closed tightly around Henry's probing fingers. Eric shook and moaned as he let loose his first real orgasm. The tingling was rocking him from the tip of his dick through his shaft into the deep insides of his body. Eric lost his grip on the headboard as he spasmed and his body collapsed on top of Jimmy's head. Jimmy of course knowing he had just given Eric his first orgasm had no idea that Henry was helping from behind. Henry's fingers slid out of Eric's ass and Eric's cock began to go limp inside of Jimmy's mouth. Jimmy continued to suck even though Eric was not able to produce any sperm yet. With each light lick of Eric's cock, Eric's whole body twitched in a helpless spasm. Eric began to come out of the fog as some of his senses and strength returned. He slowly lifted himself back up and off of Jimmy's now sweat covered face and smiled down at the flushed faced older boy. "Thanks Jimmy, that was real cool" "I've never felt anything like that before in all my life." Eric stated with a sly grin as beads of sweat run down his face and dripped onto Jimmy's still naked and tied down frame.
Henry helped Eric get up off the bed by holding onto his friends arm. Eric was still stumbling around a bit and Henry knew the fog that his friend was felling.
"Sit down until you feel better" Henry said
"Feel Better?" Eric asked I"I don't think I've ever felt better buddy" he added with a grin.
Henry smiled back at him as they sat side by side, Eric looked deep into Henry's eye's eyes and leant in forward until his lips met Henry's. They kissed for a while, swirling their tongues in each others mouths. When they broke Henry looked at Eric and asked.
"What was that for?"
"For making me feel like I've never felt before Henry." I didn't know that a couple of fingers could make me feel so intense" Eric smiled
"Yeah I didn't know until a few weeks ago myself." henry replied.
Eric's hand fell south and landed onto Henry's raging boner and he looked at Henry and said "It's your turn know buddy." Henry smiled back, but was not prepared as Eric stood up and knelt down in front of him. Eric kneeled right in front of Henry's hard on and he leaned in and let his tongue run ever so gently over the purple knob on top. Henry caught his breath as his friend began to take the entire length of Henry's hard on into his mouth. Jimmy watched the action to his side and his own hard on was still pulsing with pleasure as he watched the scene happening in front of him. Eric lifted his head off of Henry and stood up again looking Henry straight in the face, he leant in again and kissed Henry deeply. As they broke this time Eric said,
"I want to watch your brother do you." Henry nodded and stood up as he moved around and climbed back up onto the bed and straddled his older brother's chest.
Eric got up onto the bed as well, but positioned himself right next to Jimmy's raging hard on. Eric leaned it and let his tongue run over Jimmy's pink mushroomed shaped dick head and he licked up Jimmy's precum on his tongue. Swirling the cum around in his mouth Eric swallowed some and liked how it tasted. Jimmy enjoyed it as well and he opened his mouth to moan out loud, but his little Henry wasted no time, as soon as Jimmy opened up his mouth, Henry drove his large round purple knob deep into it. Slightly shocked, Jimmy went right to work swirling his tongue over and around the large head of Henry's dick. He licked his tongue along the piss slit and around the edges of the head. Slowly he began to work his moist lips up and down the entire length of Henry's 3" pecker.
Eric was still happily doing the same to Jimmy's rock hard 5 ½ " rod and Jimmy was responding by moving his hips in unison to the strokes of Eric's lips. Eric was being careful not to go too fast, he didn't want Jimmy to come until Henry did. Henry let out a few moans as his hips worked his dick in and out of Jimmy's mouth. Eric took a breather and with his spit soaked fingers he stroked Jimmy's cock . Then he removed his spit soaked fingers from Jimmy's rod and moved them up to his best friend henry's ass. Eric watched as Henry's hole opened and closed as he gyrated in his brothers mouth. Eric slowly reached up and slid his fingers along henry's crack, sending a shock wave up Henry's spine. Eric's wet finger worked it's way up and down Henry's crack running lightly over his pink puckered hole, making it spasm. After a few more up and down strokes, Eric let his still wet finger protrude into Henry's tight hole. At first it wouldn't go in at all, but Eric continued to wiggle and press until it began to slid in up to his second knuckle. Henry let out a squeal as Eric's finger went up his hole. All of his senses were on overload, a finger in his as and his cock being sucked by his older broth. Henry relaxed and let the waves of pleasure overcome him. Eric could feel Henry's ass muscle relax and took the opportunity to let another wet finger slid in Henry's hole. Meanwhile, Eric's other hand had found it's way back to Jimmy's raging hard on and was pumping it up and down from the base of Jimmy's cock to the head and over again. Jimmy couldn't say anything since he had his little brothers cock in his mouth, but he was getting close and moved his hips in unison to Eric's pounding little fist. Henry closed his eyes and just let the feeling take control, Eric working his 2 fingers in and around his ass and Jimmy hungrily sucking his cock for all he was worth. Eric pushed his fingers up deeper into Henry's ass and he massaged Henry's prostrate with his finger tips, gently slowly moving around. Henry's head began to spin, he was losing all control as the first wave of orgasm hit him hard. Henry let out a loud moan, he lurched forward plunging his rod all the way into Jimmy's mouth and Henry let loose. He felt something tingling from way down deep inside and it worked it's way up through Henry's balls and through his shaft. Henry had an orgasm like none other before, he could feel something was very different this time. He actually shot his very first seed into his older brothers mouth. It was just a few small droplets, but Jimmy knew right away that his little brother had just popped his cherry. Jimmy tasted the sweet salty taste of his brothers first load and it got him so excited that he let loose as well. Eric's left hand was still pumping full throttle as his right hand was working the fingers around in Henry's tight hole. A long stream of cum shot out of Jimmy's cock like it was being shot out of a gun. A 6" long string of white juice flew through the air and landed square in the top of Henry's ass Crack and oozed it's way down to where Eric's other hand was still keeping 2 fingers deep inside his best friends hole. More streams of cum shot from Jimmy's spasming rod. Eric never let up the pace and continued to pump as he watched Jimmy's love juice spray all over his Jimmy's belly, bed and surrounding vicinity, as well as leaking down and lubing Eric's hand. Henry had shot his 2 small loads and collapsed onto Jimmy's face much the same as Eric did, Henry's legs too weak to hold him up any longer.
Eric let his fingers slowly ease their way out of his friend butt with a "pop." Jimmy still had his lil bro's softening dick in his mouth and he gently sucked it like a pacifier, as Jimmy stopped pumping his own hips, his orgasm now subsiding. Eric knew Jimmy was done, so he slowed the pace on Jimmy's now wilting rod, holding it loosely running a finger slowly over the top of the spent dick. Henry rolled off Jimmy's face and laid beside him facing his best friend. Henry took a minute to let his eyes focus again. All three boys chest were heaving with heavy breathing and smiles on all their faces. Eric lifted his hand from Jimmy's prick and tasted some of the goo that was on his finger tips. Henry saw this and leaned in and licked up a glob onto his tongue off of Jimmy's belly.
Little did the three boys know that there was yet another boy shooting a load at that exact moment. It was Brad, who was watching the three boys from his bedroom window across the alley. Brad had left Lilly at the mall and went home to get some money he forgot, but when he entered his room, he couldn't help but notice what was going on in the bedroom directly across from his. He had watched the action for a while, tempted to go over and get involved. But the action was too hot and Brad let his hand move down and unzip his jeans and let his 7" cock free so he cold take care of his erection right there and then. Brad had no idea that Lilly's little brothers were into these type of games. He saw Jimmy was tied to the bed and wondered why he would let two little boys do that to him, yet he was very excited by it and by the thought of that being him. Brad was busy thinking of how he could blow off Lilly at the mall and go over and make some new friends. Brad still watched the three boys laying on the bed and he began to work on a plan.
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