Jimmy, Grounded For the Afternoon, Part 1

[ celeb, t, b, bond, tick, mast, oral ]


Published: 26-Apr-2011

Word Count:

Author's Profile

Story Summary
The following is a story based loosely on the TV series Grounded for Life. The author states that the events are not true and any resemblance to actual events or persons is totally by chance. The story is a fantasy episode starring Jimmy and Henry the two sons on the show. If you do not like reading stories about boys under 16 year old having sexual experiences or if these type of stories are against the law where you are located, then please read no further.

Jimmy unlocks the front door and walks into the house. Usually his sister Lilly is home before him, but this afternoon she is at the mall shopping with her friends. The house empty for the first time in a long time, Jimmy grabs a soda from the kitchen and runs up the back stairs to his room. He shuts the door and kicks off his school shoes and pulls of his tie. He can't wait to get out of his catholic school uniform, he just hates it. So he unbuttons the white dress shirt and pulls it off, throwing it into the corner. He then unbuckles his belt and unzips his dark gray slacks and steps out of them. Jimmy is very skinny for a kid his age. At 13 he should be filling out but he's not. He looks at himself in the mirror and can see each rib in his chest and absolutely no hair growing there or under his skinny arms. Standing there in his underwear he picks a pair of shorts up off the floor and slips them on. He knows that he has an hour before his pesky brother Henry comes home and wants to enjoy the peace and quite.

Jimmy decides that he wants to go look for his sister diary and see if there is anything in there about him. He has a crush on one of his sisters friends and just knows there has to be something in there about her. So Jimmy cautiously walk out of his room and into his sister's bedroom. He knows that she keeps her diary under her mattress for safe keeping, because he has red it before. He knows he would be dead if she caught him, but she's at the mall and he's home alone, so who's gonna know? Jimmy lays face down on his sisters bed and starts feeling under the mattress near the side of the bed, no book to be found. He continues sliding his hand under the mattress and works his way to the foot of the bed.

As Jimmy is in his own little world on the search for Lilly's diary, he didn't notice the sound of the front door opening and closing. Henry got out of school 45 minutes early and he also knew Lily wasn't home and was going to sneak up on his brother and see what he is up to when he's home alone. Henry quietly walks up the stairs and slowly opens the door to the room he shares with his older brother. Careful not to make any noise, Henry walks slowly in looking all around. All he sees is his brothers school uniform dropped around the room. Henry picks up his brothers tie off the bed and the belt off the ground. Holding them in one hand Henry in his mind is now a hunter on a safari, looking to capture the big game. Being 9 years old, his imagination runs wild. He has always been a bit on the chubby side and he only has about 1 or 2 friends his age. He makes stuff up in his head to occupy the time. He enjoys the games he plays with himself with a childish rush of enthusiasm, never dwells on sad or depressing things. He is the exact opposite of his older brother, who only dwells on the depressing stuff and makes himself sick sometimes from thinking things through too much.

After Henry searched their room for his brother, he decides to take the hunt out to the hallway. Quietly stepping along he hears the sound of bed springs squeaking in his sisters room. But Lily's out, what's the noise in there? Henry opens the door slowly and sees his brother sprawled face down on his sisters bed. Jimmy's socked feet facing Henry and Jimmy busy searching under the bed for something. Just then Jimmy finds what he is looking for and pulls the little red book from under the mattress. Henry sees what his brother is up to and decides that this is the perfect time to attack his prey.

Henry takes 2 steps and jumps up onto his brothers back, knocking the wind out of his skinny big brother. Stunned, Jimmy drops the book from his hand and tries to catch his breath. "What the fuck are you doing?" Are the only words that Jimmy can think of. Henry giggling like crazy pulls his brother's hands behind his back. Jimmy still shocked has no idea what his little brother is up to until he feels his own school tie being tied around his wrists. Henry knows how to tie knots real well, he spent hours in his cub scout troop working on them. So in no time he has Jimmy's hands securely tied behind his back. "So your my prisoner now" Henry exclaimed with glee "Let me go you little twerp" jimmy responded.

"You not going anywhere Jimmy. I just caught you red handed with Lilly's diary. What do you think she would say if she knew that?" "Aw com on Henry, I didn't even look at it, what do you want?" " I want to play a little game Jimmy, a game where I do whatever I want to my prisoner." Jimmy didn't like the sound of this and as Henry spoke it he dug his fingers into Jimmy's bare sides and started to tickle those exposed ribs. Jimmy being extremely ticklish starting laughing immediately. "Oh No! STOP! HA HA HAAAAAAA! Oh That tickles, pleaaase stop, ha ha haaaaaaa!" Jimmy tries rolling from side to side and moving his arms to protect himself, but it's no use Henry's fingers are to fast and the knots too tight.

Henry is big for his age and his weight keep his brother pinned securely beneath him. Henry smiled a cute tooth missing smile as only a nine year old can. A look comes across his freckled face like he just had the brightest idea in the world. "OK Jimmy, we're gonna have some fun." Henry says as he gets off his brothers back. Jimmy panting trying to catch his breath after being tickled so hard is shocked when Henry rolls him over onto his back. Jimmy's arms are now pined underneath him and his brother is smiling at him holding the belt he picked up off the floor. "What do you mean Henry? What kinda fun? Let me go!" But Jimmy's words go unnoticed as Henry pulls Jimmy's socked feet together and wraps the belt around his ankles. In no time Jimmy is laying helpless, tied up by his little brother who is still wearing his school uniform. Henry standing at the foot of the bed, still smiling, begins to run his fingers up and down Jimmy's socked feet. Jimmy again begins to laugh. "Aw come on Henry stop, Please, ha ha ha ha." hearing his older brother giggling like a girl has a strange effect on Henry. He looks down and notices that his little pecker is pointing up and tenting out his school trousers. Jimmy looks to where Henry is looking and also notices his younger brothers predicament. "You little perv!," Jimmy states and then realizes he is in no position to pick on Henry.

"Yah, I'm a perv, Jimmy and your gonna love it." Henry says with an impish grin. Henry is hot and excited now and not even thinking, he begins to take off his uniform. First the Tie, then the shirt comes off, exposing his chubby little belly to his tied up brother. Henry bends down and unties his shoes and kicks them off and pulls each sock off his feet. Another huge smile comes across Henry's face as he takes his socks and ties them together. He then moves up to his brother head and as Jimmy shakes his head back and forth, ties his smelly boy socks around his brother head. Stuffing the knotted toes into Jimmy's mouth. "Murph Yoh Urngh." is the sounds that Henry hears as he backs away and takes a look down at his brother, tied up in shorts and socks, ready and waiting for Henry's next move. Henry also notices that his brothers shorts have a tent in them s well, and he reaches across the bed and grabs a hold of the hard rod that lays twitching underneath. "So I'm not the only Perv in the family then?" Henry says smiling at his brother who is in disbelief that his younger brother is holding his cock in his hand. Jimmy's mind starts to race, Why? What? How? They never did these things before and he is feeling excited about it. How can I be excited when it's my brother holding it?, How can being tied up and defenseless against a smaller kid be turning him on? He couldn't answer any of the questions as they raced through his head. As he was thinking these things, Henry's hand started to slip into the waistband of the shorts and boxers that laid under them. OMG! Skin touching skin, Henry's fingers touch Jimmy's hard cock with nothing between them. Henry is content staring at his hand inside his brothers shorts and the feeling of the hard skin he is groping. Henry has only felt his own cock before, so this was certainly different, his older brothers dick seemed longer and fatter than his own. Henry couldn't wait any longer, without releasing his grip, Henry used his free hand to pull down the front of jimmy's shorts. Jimmy yelled stop but in the gag it sounded more like "OCK!"

Now Jimmy's cock is in full view of Henry and he slides up onto his sisters bed closer to the object of his attention. Of course Henry has seen dicks before, he's even seen Jimmys, (they do share a bedroom!) But he never paid close attention and he NEVER saw it hard and close up like it is now. So Henry begins to examine the piece of hard flesh in his hand, he traces a finger over the pinkish colored mushroom shaped head. As he is doing this he hears a whimper and a moan, the sound wakes him from his daze and he looks at his brothers face. A face flushed red and sweating slightly, eyes closed and seemingly enjoying the attention being paid to his member.

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