Published: 6-Jun-2013
Word Count:
The following day was Dad's last day before returning to home and work. After Uncle Max had gone to work, Dad called Brett and me to his side and started playing with our cocks. "Boys, since I am leaving tomorrow and won't have these to play with any more I want to make the most of the day. That means I want the two of you to fuck me as much as possible. Make me cum as many times as you can. Are you willing, ready and able to undertake this assignment?"
I looked at Brett and said, "Ah, geez, Dad, I was planning to go swimming and take a long walk along the shoreline..."
Brett listened gravely and interjected, "Well, Uncle Marc, I have to weed the flower beds out front and then..." He could go no further and burst out laughing, "Gee, weed fucking flower beds or fuck my favourite uncle? That's a hard choice..." He leaned in and kissed Dad passionately on the lips and grabbing Dad's cock, "Decision made!"
I hugged Dad while stage whispering in his ear, "Oh, I guess I could spend a little time fucking my old man!" I pulled Dad out of the chair and pushed him over the table, "No time like the present," and slipped my cock into his inviting ass.
"That's the spirit, son, " he moaned.
Brett knelt and sucked on Dad's cock while tugging on the big balls below.
My first fuck of the morning did not take long to bring me to climax and my load blasted into Dad's ass which, in turn, caused Dad to coat Brett's tonsils with hot, gooey cum.
This began a full eight hours of sex with Dad. By the time Uncle Max returned from work, Brett had blown seven loads into Dad's ass and I had managed nine. Well, the last few loads from both of us were scanty to say the least.
We had brought Dad to climax no less than six times. Not bad for a 49 year old man.
When Uncle Max walked through the door the three of us were draped over various pieces of furniture, thoroughly wiped, unable to rise.
We explained from our prone positions the reason for our exhaustion and Uncle Max groaned in disappointment at having missed all the fun. He quickly striped off his suit, moved behind Dad, drove his cock into his older brother's ass, and asked, "I wonder if I can catch up?"
Dad grunted at the intrusion and feebly urged his brother on, "Give it the old college try, Max."
Uncle Max managed three loads before admitting defeat. He left his cock in Dad after the last fuck. A few moments later he sighed deeply.
Dad also reacted to something Brett and I could not see. We soon realized Uncle Max was pissing in Dad's ass. We positioned ourselves so we could trap any escaping drops.
"You know, that's kinda soothing right now. Thanks, Max."
"Glad I could help, big brother."
The exaggerated politeness caused all four of us to break into laughter.
After we cleaned up, we drove into the nearby small village for a restaurant meal. Being in public we had dressed and the discussion of sex was minimal.
Part way through the meal, Uncle Max received a phone call from Brian letting his father know he would be arriving at the cottage the day after tomorrow and asking if Uncle Max minded if he brought a university friend with him. Apparently, the friend's family were away and his girlfriend was going somewhere with her parents. Since the friend was at loose ends for a few days, could he come, too? Uncle Max was enthusiastic in his welcoming both Brian home and the friend's visit.
Dad was disappointed he would miss Brian. And we talked for a while about what Brian's first year of medical school might be like. When we reached home, we went straight to bed to actually sleep. Dad spooned me and lulled both of us to sleep by gently caressing my body.
Dad rose early the next morning to start his trip home. I managed to grab him before he got out of bed and gave him a farewell blowjob, despite Dad's protests he was still too sensitive from the previous day's sex marathon.
I was saddened by Dad's departure because I had never felt so close to my father and didn't want that to go away. Brett commiserated and offered his ass to distract me. Fucking Brett did help alleviate some of my despair. I still was down as Brett and I cleaned the house in preparation for Brian's return and his friend's visit.
Cleaning up involved a surprising amount of eliminating evidence of all the sex that had happened the last little while. We found sex toys and underwear scattered through out the house. There was also an amazing amount of stray cum on walls, floors and furniture. We also had to air out everything to dissipate the smell of sex which lingered every where.
In the afternoon, we tackled the exterior; cutting the lawn, weeding the flower beds and doing the maintenance Brett had not undertaken since I started fucking his tight ass every chance I got.
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