An Eventful Summer, Part 3

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by gustav

Published: 2-Jun-2013

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This work is Copyrighted to the author. All people and events in this story are entirely fictitious.

Once Aunt Mildred and cousin Angela arrived to prepare for my birthday celebration all the fun stopped. We spent our time cleaning the house, changing linen and general gofer work. The following day the influx of relatives began.

The first to arrive were my parents. Both Mom and Dad enveloped me in bear hugs, wished me Happy Birthday and enquired as to how my summer was going. I told them the summer was going great and that Uncle Max and Brett were doing their best to keep me entertained.

My sex partners were thanked by my parents for their efforts to make my summer a good time. Uncle Max replied, "Oh, I think I can speak for Brett and say it has been as much fun for us as for James." And then he winked at me. Brett chuckled and nodded vigorously.

When Dad asked, "What's up?" Uncle Max redirected the conversation quickly to other matters entirely. Brett slapped me on the ass as soon as my parents had turned around.

Shortly thereafter Uncle Matt and Aunt Gertrude arrived with their three daughters all of whom had things for Brett so he was busy fending off the three 'harpies' as he called them.

Aunt Hermione and Uncle Seymour, Mom's sister and brother-in-law, came with their four kids, two daughters and two sons. The girls added to Brett's woes and the boys were foisted on me. Darren was also 14 and David was 12 so it was assumed by the adults we had a lot in common.

Sleeping arrangements were shuffled about to accommodate everyone. I lost my bed to my parents and was given an air mattress on the floor. The girls were all given space in Angela's room. Uncle Matt and Aunt Gertrude took Brian's room and Aunt Hermione and Uncle Seymour and their boys shared the guest bedroom.

Even though it was my birthday, I recognized most were here to take advantage of a couple of days by the sea on the generosity of a wealthy relative. Since Uncle Max and Aunt Mildred enjoyed entertaining there was no issue with people taking advantage. Except that, Brett, Max and I could not find time alone with each other, although there were a couple of times when Brett grabbed my ass in passing even though he was invariably followed by his gaggle of female admirers.

That evening, after the congratulatory phone calls from my grandparents none of whom could attend, I was presented with my favourite meal followed by birthday cake and then presents. The presents were mostly what I expected: underwear and socks from Hermione and Seymour and their kids, books from Matt and Gertrude and their kids. My parents supplied a couple of computer games and apps; Aunt Mildred and Uncle Max gift certificates. Basically the same haul as every year. As Brett was gathering the gift-wrap he leaned into my ear and whispered, "Dad and I got you some presents we'll show you later." Instantly I got a hardon which I hid behind Hermione's underwear and socks.

As we went though the family rituals of cake and party games, I kept glancing at Brett and Uncle Max trying to imagine what gifts they got that they could not show everyone. My imagination ran wild.

Once there was an opportunity for the three of us to be alone, hidden away in a storage closet in the basement, Uncle Max and Brett presented me with their gift to me. It was a beautifully wrapped rather large box. I started unwrapping carefully as my mother had taught me, in order to save the paper, but Brett grabbed the other end of the box and ripped the paper. I followed suit and was pleased I had. The plain brown box revealed a collection of small gifts within. Most of the small gifts were long and cylindrical. Each turned out to be a dildo or a vibrator. There were also leather handcuffs, a leather covered paddle and other sexual playthings.

I hugged Uncle Max and Brett each tightly, pressing my hard cock against them. We told each other we couldn't wait to try these out but unfortunately we had to wait for the house numbers to thin out.

During the course of the evening, I overheard Mom tell Aunt Mildred that she and Aunt Hermione and the girls would be leaving in the morning to attend bridal and baby showers for some relatives. Aunt Mildred said she and Angela would be leaving in the morning as well as there was a charity function they wanted to attend. It seemed Uncle Matt and Aunt Gertrude and their brood could not stay either.

This meant the party would be whittled down to Uncle Max, Brett, me, Dad, Uncle Seymour and Darren and David. I was very disappointed the latter three would be staying as Uncle Seymour was a stick in the mud, boring accountant and I felt Darren and David would just hamper any activities Brett and Uncle Max might have planned.

Dad's remaining affected me differently. I was both excited and scared. Excited that he might be encouraged to join our special games; scared he might not tolerate his brother using his son sexually.

Part of the dilemma solved itself the next morning as Uncle Seymour discovered David had left some medication behind so the three of them had to return early. That left Dad.

Uncle Max, Brett and I had a quick confab and decided we had best not push our luck. Since Dad was only staying four days we would hold off. That meant a whole week without indulging in the carnal pleasures we had enjoyed together.

But I was as horny as hell. I had become accustomed to getting off many times a day, and having a partner, or two, with which to do that. Once every one had left, Dad was shifted to the guest bedroom which meant I had privacy again. That first night alone I crept into Brett's bedroom and awoke him.

"Come to my room. Please, Brett," I pleaded to my drowsy cousin.

"What about your dad?" he asked, wiping the sleep from his eyes.

"Please, Brett, I am so horny I gotta get off or I will die," I begged. "Or we can do it here?" Brett's room was not actually a viable option as Dad was sleeping right next door and any noise might wake him.

"Ok, sex maniac you, I'm coming."

"Not yet but you will," I punned.

Brett groaned. "Very funny." He stumbled from bed, grabbed his robe and followed me to my room. I chuckled at the robe, only three days before we paraded proudly about the house naked and sometimes even hard.

I closed the door and wrapped my arms around Brett's waist. "Oh, god, I need to fuck you so bad right now." I opened his robe from behind and pulled it from his shoulders. He wore only boxers beneath. These also dropped as I stripped my big cousin in order to get at his ass. I pushed him onto the bed and then flipped him onto his back. Taking up a tube of hand cream I lubricated his ass and my cock and sank into him deeply. We both sighed. I leaned into him to kiss him as I began to fuck him forcefully. His cock rubbed between our bellies slicking us with his pre-cum.

The sensation of his hot ass walls against my fevered cock meant I could not last long and within five minutes I exploded powerfully into his gut. Brett followed almost instantly. We continued to kiss, Brett continued to squeeze and manipulate my cock with his agile ass muscles. Soon I was hard again and fell into a slow, gentle rhythm. I asked Brett to roll onto his side so we could fuck side-saddle. This allowed my hands to rove over his body, playing with his cock and his nipples, sucking his armpit, kissing his shoulders. It was a long, slow, wonderful fuck for both of us.

Neither of us came but we both drifted to sleep, my cock still in his ass. Me spooning him.

Dawn came and the birds twittering outside the window wakened me. Brett and I were still linked by my softened cock in his ass. The feel and smell of Brett turned me on as it always did and I began pumping his ass. My cock hardened. I thrust faster. Brett moaned and pushed back against me, welcoming my early morning fuck.

He turned his head and we kissed over his shoulder and he whispered, "Fuck me, fuck me hard, James, make me feel it. Pound me. I've missed your cock up my ass. Make up for lost time, stud."

His words stimulated me to drive more forcefully into his warm inviting hole. It did not take long before I approached climax. I stroked Brett's cock vigorously trying to bring him off at the same time. My timing was a little off as I came first with Brett a short time behind me. I extracted my cock, and rolled Brett onto his back, I licked every morsel of his cum from his body and suckled his cock to get all I could from the source.

Brett stroked my head gently and then drifted back to sleep, as did I. The sex had relaxed both of us after our 'prolonged' drought without.

My Dad knocking on the bedroom door awakened us. Brett grabbed his discarded clothing and ran out the French doors. I pulled on some briefs and told Dad to come in.

Dad sat on the bed, tousled my hair and said, "well, sleepy-head, do you plan to stay in bed all day? Rise and shine!" and he pulled back the bedding uncovering me completely. He had done this morning greeting since I was a little kid so I was expecting it. What I didn't expect was Dad taking in a great whiff of air. I knew he could smell the smell of sex. I panicked. Dad merely smiled and left the room, telling me to come down for breakfast, asap.

I padded downstairs in briefs and robe to be greeted by my three favourite relatives. Dad was whipping up breakfast in his sweats and t-shirt; Brett was setting the table in running shorts and t; and Uncle Max was chatting with Dad while wearing khaki shorts and golf shirt. There was so much masculinity in the room I sprang a hardon just looking them.

Uncle Max noticed my erection and smiled, "So, James, now that you are 14 years and 1 day old, what are your plans for the day?"

Dad interrupted before I could speak, "Oh, he and I are going to spend some time together. It has been so long since we spent time together, right, son?"

"Sounds great, Dad." I said and I meant it. He and I never got to be together, between his work hours and my school.

Uncle Max looked at Brett and commented, "So, you and I will have to find something to do out of their way." Brett smiled and winked. I was instantly jealous because I knew what that meant.

After breakfast, I dressed in sweats and a t-shirt and joined Dad for a stroll around the property. We talked of inconsequential things and matters of import. It was great having Dad to myself to bond in this way. It was well after lunch when we made our way back to the house. Uncle Max and Brett were nowhere to be seen but I did spy Brett's t-shirt draped on the banister leading upstairs. No points for guessing what they've been doing I thought to myself.

We began pulling together some lunch when Uncle Max appeared followed five minutes later by Brett who came into the kitchen putting on his shirt. I managed to position myself behind Brett and, unseen by Dad, rub his ass crack through his shorts. When I hit his ass hole I could feel some moisture - most likely his father's cum. I swatted his ass attracting Dad's attention.

"What was that for?" he asked.

"Oh, Brett had gone swimming. Without me." I pouted.

"Well, let's us go swimming after lunch."

"Ok, Dad, remembering we have to wait 12 hours after eating to avoid cramps."

"One hour, doufus," said Brett.

"Not according to my mom," I replied.

"Well, what mom doesn't know won't hurt her. Let's risk waiting only one hour," joked Dad.

Ours was a light lunch so barely half an hour later we headed down to the cove. Uncle Max said to Dad before we left the house, "Since it is just us guys, we've been in the habit of swimming au naturel, ok with you?" Dad looked at us all for a moment and then agreed. So we trooped down to the water, towels over our shoulders. As soon as we reached the beach, Brett stripped out of his clothes and plunged into the water, I followed right behind. Uncle Max took his time waiting for Dad. Dad hesitated before taking off his sweats and t.

I had said earlier Brett looked more like my Dad than his father but I wasn't aware of how true this was until I saw Dad on the beach naked. Dad was an inch shorter at 6' but was just as hairy and muscular. Dad was broader and more solidly built than Brett.

Good thing I was in waist deep water as I popped a hardon just looking at Dad. Brett, of course, noticed and purposely lifted me up and tossed me in the air. I flew up, flailing and yelling, attracting Dad's attention and I'm sure he saw my stiff cock.

That began a general melee of roughhousing as the four of us attempted to dunk, splash and/or toss the others. Every time I approached Dad I had to make sure I stood back a bit so my hard cock didn't touch him. With Uncle Max and Brett I did not take the same care and our hard cocks often brushed against each other. I didn't think Dad noticed.

But, on the beach as we lay on our towels, Dad suddenly said to me, "Son, I noticed you were uncomfortable having a hardon around me but not so much with your uncle and cousin. What's up with that?"

Max, Brett and I froze. "What do you mean, Dad?"

"James, I may be old but I can still see an erection and I could see all three of you sporting hardons. You tried so hard to keep your hardon away from me but not from your uncle and cousin. In fact, there were times when you actually tried to touch each other." He looked at each of us in turn.

"Dad, ... uh... I... we..." I floundered.

Uncle Max jumped in, "Marc, uh... it isn't... it's not..."

"Come on, Max, the three of you have been doing... playing..."

"Uncle Marc," Brett interjected, "James told you he has been having a great summer. One reason for this is that we have been having sex together for the past couple of weeks. There I said it."

Dad looked at me intently, "Is this true, son? Have you been having sex with Brett and your Uncle Max? Did they force you or..."

"No, Dad, honest, no one forced anyone. If anything I forced them. Well, I didn't force them but I was the one who ... uh... made them."

"Say what?"

"Marc," Uncle Max said calmly, "what began as exploration between Brett and James developed into more when James discovered his own nature. His true nature, if you will. ..."

"His true nature?!?!" demanded Dad.

"His true nature," Uncle Max continued, "James likes to dominate. He likes to control sex and people. Brett and I have been allowing him to express this with us."

Dad stared at his brother as though seeing him for the first time. "You and Brett? He's only 14."

I moved over to Dad and put my hand on his, "Dad, Uncle Max and Brett did not make me do anything I didn't want to do, if that is what you're worried about. In fact, if anything it's the other way 'round. I would make them do things. And like Uncle Max says they would let me. No one got hurt, well, not really."

"But, James, baby, you're just a kid, you aren't..."

"Dad, I'm 14 and I know what I am doing. I am not a baby any more. I'm big enough to have sex and I'm big enough to know what I'm doing. And, I'm big enough to enjoy what I'm doing."

Dad let out a big sigh. He and I looked at each other, studying each other's reaction. After many minutes, he asked, "They would let you do things?"

Before I could respond, Brett jumped in, "Uncle Marc, you have raised a sex maniac. He loves to ... well, fuck guys' asses. Lots. And hard."

"Sex maniac?!? Fuck guys'... what are you saying?"

"He's saying, Dad, that I discovered I like screwing guys in their asses. And Brett and Uncle Max discovered they like being screwed in their asses so it has worked out nicely. And I like being in charge when I screw guys." Dad still looked puzzled.

Uncle Max stepped in, "Marc, your little boy has been screwing us, fucking us, for the past few weeks. Any time. Any where. He will come up behind us and without warning shove his cock into us. And we let him because, well, he is in charge. Any time he gets a hardon he is off. Sometimes he gets oral, a blow job, but mostly it's our asses that get a work out."

Brett decided an example was in order, "This morning James woke me up and summoned me into his bedroom, stripped me and rammed his hard cock in my ass. Like this..." Brett turned his back to me and sat back on my crotch. My cock was hard in an instance and Brett impaled himself on it. I hesitated for a moment but then began ramming into his hot ass.

Dad's jaw dropped. His son was fucking his nephew right in front of him. It dropped further when Uncle Max dropped to his knees in front of Brett and began sucking the latter's cock.

For a moment I thought Dad would have a heart attack but I noticed his cock was rising nicely. It reached its full 7" very quickly. Demonstrating my control, I ordered Uncle Max to suck his brother. Dad pulled back a little but then allowed Max to go to work on him.

A couple of minutes later I said, "Uncle Max, sit on Dad." Max spun around and positioned his ass above Dad's cock. While Dad watched in amazement, his younger brother sank down, Dad's cock entering Max's ass. Max started fucking himself in earnest. At first Dad just sat there but he then began to get into it and met Max's movements with movements of his own. Soon Dad was slamming into Uncle Max full force.

"Alright, Dad!" I yelled speeding my thrusts into Brett to match Dad's into Uncle Max. Brett and Uncle Max knelt on the sand kissing each other as they got reamed. The excitement was too much for Dad and he blasted his load deeply into Uncle Max. I followed a few moments later, excited by watching my Dad in action.

Brett and Uncle Max got into a 69 position and sucked each other off. Brett rose off his father and went up to Dad kissing him full on the mouth. Dad resisted at first and then opened his lips to accept Brett's tongue and, on it, Max's cum.

I moved up next to Dad and lay by his side. Brett lay on his other side and Max next to him. "So, Dad, how are you feeling?"

Dad looked at me, pondering my question, before answering, "I feel good, son, but... I'm a little confused. I always thought I was straight."

"Dad, just 'cause you have sex with men doesn't mean you're gay. It means you are having sex with men. Being gay is more complex than that. Brett and Uncle Max aren't gay, bisexual probably, because females are still on their sexual menu. So, relax and don't try to figure that out right now."

"How did you get so smart?" he asked.

"I actually pay attention in class, even Health class where they talked about this stuff. Lots of guys have sex with other guys and aren't gay and lots of guys have sex with women and aren't straight. It has to do with humans being hardwired the way they are. We humans like having sex. Labels are just a way for society to put us into compartments. Ignore all that. Did you like what just happened?"

Again he hesitated before answering, "Yes, son, I really enjoyed what just happened. I'm not sure what happened but I liked it."

"Good, then, for the rest of your stay, you are fair game."

"Fair game?"

Uncle Max chuckled, "This, brother mine, is where you learn about your son the sex maniac. What he means is that until you leave sex is always on the menu. Like Brett said a while ago, whenever your cute little son gets an erection, or even thinks about getting an erection, he will pounce on any of us and fuck us or make us suck him or introduce other playthings into the mix."

"Other playthings?"

"Yes, Brett and I gave James a birthday present of dildos, vibrators, paddles, handcuffs and the like. And now that he is free to use them I suspect we will be seeing a lot of them. Right, James?"

"You bet, Uncle Max."

"You gave my son sex toys for his 14th birthday?"

"Of course, having kitchen utensils up my ass was a bit much..."

"Kitchen utensils? Up your butt?" Dad was astonished.

Brett explained, "Just the handles, Uncle Marc. Not the business ends."

The look on Dad's face was priceless and the three of us roared with laughter at his dumbfounded expression.

I pulled Dad to his feet and summoned the others, "Let's show him." I led our merry band of naked men into the house stopping in the kitchen. Grabbing our favourite kitchen utensils, I buttered the handles and instructed Brett and Max to assume the position. They obediently bent over the kitchen island and I introduced the utensils into their asses. Dad was fascinated and watched intently as I did so. I had Dad replace me, put his hands on the utensils, and told him to fuck them good, as I left the room.

When I returned with the box of sex toys, Dad was giving it to Brett and Max with enthusiasm; and they were encouraging him enthusiastically.

Laughing, I said, "Another perv is born or rather created. Like that, Dad?" He nodded. "Well, lets go into the family room and play with my new birthday toys." All three followed me into the other room. Dad noticed Brett and Max were still stuffed. "They will leave those in until I tell them otherwise. That's what they mean by my being in charge." Brett and Max smiled. "Ok, Dad, take those out, slowly." He did so seemingly fascinated with his action and the reaction of his brother and nephew. Throughout all of this, Dad's cock was hard and leaking pre-cum.

I laid out the toys across the coffee table like I was laying out a new train set. Dad was intrigued, especially with the variety of sizes in the dildos and vibrators. I picked up the smallest. A neat little thin 5" dildo. I brought it to the head of Dad's cock and smeared his pre-cum all over the head of the dildo. He moaned at the sensation. Once the dildo was wet I distracted Dad by telling Brett and Max to pick out dildos they would like to try and fuck each other with them.

Dad watched as they did so. As he watched, I reached under him and rubbed the little dildo along his ass crack. He looked at me and made as though to stop me. I shook my head at him and located his hole with the toy. I slowly slid the dildo into his asshole. He grunted and squeezed his sphincter tight. I whispered in his ear, "Relax, Dad, it's going in. The more you relax the better it will feel."

He shook his head and mouthed no but he also loosened up without knowing it. At that moment I pushed and the head of the dildo entered his tight ass. "Aaargh," he bellowed. I pushed harder and most of the dildo entered. I held it there.

Uncle Max and Brett, dildos in their asses, came over to offer Dad support. Stroking his softening cock, playing with his ball, licking a nipple and whispering encouragement in his ear.

Once he had relaxed a bit, I began the fucking motion, slowly pulling out and pushing in. "Imagine this is my cock in your ass, Dad. My cock moving in and out. Making you feel good. Making you feel better each time it goes in and out. Just like you were doing in the kitchen fucking Max and Brett with those utensils."

Dad groaned. Despite himself he was beginning to enjoy the sensations in his ass. The sensations his son was causing. At that moment, I pulled the dildo out, bent Dad over the coffee table and rammed my 5" into his ass. He grunted and moaned. I fucked with a purpose. I wanted him to feel my cock in his ass. I wanted him used to the experience of being fucked by his teenage son.

"Like it, Dad? Like the feel of your baby boy fucking your macho ass? Your little boy in your ass. Your ass feels great to me, Dad. I'm going to like fucking you, just like I fuck Brett and Uncle Max. You like this, don't you, Dad?"

Brett announced, "He's hard as a rock and leaking buckets."

Uncle Max said simultaneously, "His balls are hard as rocks. He's going to shoot."

"Alright, Daddy, you are going to blow your load for me. Shoot your wad as I fuck you. Your baby boy fucks you." And he did, the first shot flew across the room, the rest into Brett's mouth. Dad shook and shuddered as he experienced this very powerful orgasm. His ass squeezed my cock. It took all my effort to not shoot into his ass.

Dad came down slowly from his orgasm. I continued to gently rub my cock inside his ass. As his breathing returned to normal, I leaned across his back and said into his ear, "You enjoyed that, didn't you? You like the feel of cock in your ass, don't ya, Daddy? You enjoy the feel of your son's cock in your ass, don't ya, Daddy?" He was nodding vigorously. I thrust forcefully into his ass. Pulled out until only the head remained and rammed in all the way. I continued, energized by his grunts and groans. Finally I pulled out and positioned myself at his face and thrust into his mouth. Once in, I shot my load deep into his gullet.

Dad swallowed manfully, getting every drop. Brett moved to replace me and shot his wad into Dad; followed closely my Uncle Max.

Dad shot his second load into my hand as I jerked his cock while he performed his second and third blowjobs of his life. When Uncle Max withdrew I fed Dad his own cum. He lapped it up energetically.

Dad collapsed to the floor, Brett and Max on either side. I knelt at his head and announced, "So, Dad, this means you are now one of us. As such you will go naked at all times. You will be ready to be used sexually by your fellows at all times. You will perform sexually for me when I ask, command, whatever. You will enjoy being one of us. Do you understand and agree to these rules which I just made up? Dad? Brett? Uncle Max?" Each person agreed as I called their names.

I laid full length over my dad, hugging him closely, and whispering, "I love you, Dad."

He replied gently, "I love you, James. I love you, my little sex maniac."

"That's me!" I proclaimed reaching for his softened cock.

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