Published: 19-Sep-2011
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As Hermione crept from Hagrid's modest home for the third time in a week she could not help but feel that sooner or later someone would find out about her little nocturnal trips.
She began to fear exposure more and more and wondered if she could sneak a few uses of Harry's cloak when he wasn't using it to hide in the girls' dressing room. She couldn't believe he thought he could get away with that old trick. Every girl in Gryphindor knew about it, but rather liked having the attention from the "living legend".
"Miss Granger."
Startled Hermione spun to see Albus Dumbledore standing on the landing above her. "Would you mind coming to my office." Dumbledore said with his customary quiet grace.
"I knew this would happen." The young girl thought to herself.
As the stone griffon finished its journey, Hermione breath was taken away by the sight of the head masters library. Tome after tome beckoned, begging to be read.
"Miss Granger I hate to distract you but I believe there is something we need to discus."
Slowly Hermione turned back to face Dumbledore. Her fear grew in her chest as she tried to figure out how she could avoid the question she knew was coming. As if reading her mind or maybe just her fear Dumbledore looked into her eyes. "Never fear little one. No one is going to harm you. I just want to make sure you are alright and nothing is happening that is, shall we say, "unwanted"."
Slowly it all became very clear to Hermione. Dumbledore was only concerned for her safety not to chastise her. As she looked into his eyes she saw that there was genuine concern there. "I think he is the one who is afraid here. He wanted to protect me from harm, but understands that this is my decision" She thought to herself.
Hermione rose and walked around his desk. As she drew close to him Dumbledore seemed to grow uncomfortable. Hermione could not help herself as she wrapped her arms around the old man and drew him into a loving embrace. "Thank you for your understanding, Sir." She could feel him stiffen at first but slowly he began to soften to her embrace. She could also sense that there was something else developing here.
Slowly she angled her eyes downward and noticed her closeness as having unexpected effects on Dumbledore. A small tent was beginning to form at the front of his robes. To test her suspicions, Hermione gently breathed on the side of his neck and became intrigued by the results. What she took to be his erection tuned out to just be his wand, for when she tickled his neck his true erection showed itself.
Dumbledore felt himself aroused by the young girls actions and preceded to disengage himself from her embrace. "You are very welcome Hermione but you must understand. While I try to let our students some headway here, I must press upon you the danger you are exposing yourself and the school to. If this should become public it would be devastating. I must ask you to keep this a discreet as possible. I have asked you up here to instruct you in ways to do just that. I think the best way is to supply you with the correct equipment."
"I think you have some very nice "equipment" as it is," Hermione quipped as she began to envision what could be hiding under his robes.
"Now Miss Granger that is not what I was talking about," the old wizard said as he began to feel unwanted blood flow. As hard as he tried he couldn't keep the thoughts of what was probably going on in that small house of Hagrid's.
Having the young girl standing before him made the images even more vivid. He shook his head to try to remove the images from his mind, but they would not die. Having her actively being aggressive didn't help either. There she stood before him in her very neat uniform. Clean and fresh as only a young girl can be. Her scent still lingered in his nose. The sweetness of innocence and strawberries filled his mind.
As his lecture went on Hermione could see the weakening begin. She thought it was funny how such a great and powerful man could be at such odds with himself. It gave her a sense of power she was not sure she liked. Why do men have such guilt over giving someone something they knowingly wanted? Why was there so much fear? Was it so bad when compared to the uncaring groping of young lust-filled boys? She had heard the stories from some of the older girls, how pain filled their first time was.
Hermione remembered how loving and gentle Hagrid was. Of course there was that first moment of pain and discomfort, but then there was nothing but bliss. She had never felt the loneliness, or the awkward "now what" afterwards, only love. It was at that moment she decided Dumbledore would be hers before she left his office.
Dumbledore was talking to Hermione and saw something cross the young girls face, a decision in her mind had been made and he began to worry. He could see her eyes change, the innocence drained away and in its place a smoldering sensuality grew. Her posture changed as she tilted her hips and thrust out her chest. Her orange sized breasts stretched out the front of her blouse and Dumbledore began to feel his resolve melting.
The young girl began to disappear and the sexual animal began to emerge. Slowly Hermione reached up and undid her tie, while never loosing eye contact with Dumbledore. He knew he had to stop her before this went any further but he couldn't seem to do anything but watch the scene unfold. Taking his inaction as encouragement, Hermione began to unbutton her blouse.
Feeling the cool air of the office caress her breasts caused her nipples to stiffen and grow crinkly and ache with her arousal. This had the desired effect on the man as she noticed her nipples were not the only thing growing stiff. She shrugged her shoulders and let the garment fall to the floor.
Gradually she let her hands rise and part his robe. Hermione's eyes grew with surprise as she uncovered her goal. Before was a well-sized yet completely hairless shaft. Gently she stroked from tip to base, in awe of its smooth texture. Dumbledore simply put was in complete shock.
Inside his mind raged at the girl's actions, but that's where his activity ended. Even his breath would barely come as he watched her tiny hand grasp him and barley encircle it. Hermione leaned forward and gave the tip a gentle kiss. Her tongue slipped out and made small circles below the head, drawing a deep moan from Albus, thus giving her encouragement to go further.
Easing her head forward she began to engulf as much as she could. As the head hit the back of her throat she decided to attempt something she had only heard about. She took a deep breath, closed her eyes and pushed him even deeper. She could feel her throat actual stretch as he went deeper and deeper till suddenly she felt her nose hit stomach. Hermione's eyes shot open in surprise at her accomplishment.
She had done it! She had swallowed the whole thing! Dumbledore on the other hand had a completely different reaction. Never in his wildest imagination could he ever envision the sight before him. A small curly headed girl had taken him into her throat, and now was proceeding to give him pleasure he could never have hoped to experience.
After the initial difficulty Hermione found taking the whole thing became easier. In fact she found the sensation stimulating. She could feel herself getting more and more exited, and knew she would soon have to use her new toy for its intended purpose.
Meanwhile Dumbledore sat and stared. He could actually see Hermione small throat bulge around his shaft as her chin bumped his scrotum. After a few minutes he could feel his orgasm building, and suddenly Hermione let him go with a loud POP. "Mmmmm... That was delicious but I want to feel this where it will do us both some good."
Dumbledore scarcely heard a word she said, as he was lost in the sensations coursing through his body. The young girl rose to her feet and slid her skirt and panties off her slim hips. Kicking the small bundle away from her, she slid her hands up her body, feeling the tingling follow her fingertips. Dumbledore looked down and for the first time seemed to realize what was happening.
"Wha--what? Oh my goodness. You are so magnificent." Was all he could say as his eyes took in the sight before him. Hermione's satiny skin called out to be stroked he pert small breasts stood out from her form, capped by dainty pink nipples that were slowly crinkling up with arousal. His eyes lowered to take in the flat stomach that ended in an eye-catching dimple just above her pubic bone.
Suddenly his eyes focused on a most striking vision, her small yet still hairless mound lay waiting before him. Dumbledore eased over to his desk and practically dropped into the seat while gently guiding her in front of him.
He set his hands under her arms and lifted Hermione to a sitting position on his desk before him. Gently he pushed the young form down while raising her legs over his shoulders. Her body opened up to him and the smell of her arousal over took any restraint he had left. Albus eased his tongue slowly up her vulva opening her up further, while the flavor of her juices filled his head. When he reached her clit the reaction was unexpected.
Hermione clutched his head and began to direct him where his mouth could do what she wanted. His tongue slid deep into the girl and pulled all that he could into his mouth savoring her tart flavor. The walls of her pussy pulled on his tongue, milking it, urging it deeper in. He slipped out and tried to focus on the hard clit sticking up, begging for attention.
Hermione was in heaven; she now knew why he was called the headmaster. His tongue was hitting places she only hoped she had. The pleasure was quickly building to the point she could no longer control herself, she was slowly leaving reality and was passing into the realm of fantasy.
Dumbledore tilted his head and gently took her clit into his mouth and began to suck. With her clit firmly held between his lips he began to drag his tongue across it. Hermione's moans filled his ears, encouraging him to even greater acts. Slowly he drew circles around her clit with the tip of his tongue causing it to swell with excitement. He took his index finger and wetted it with her juices as they flowed from her and eased it into her. Her reaction to this was as he expected. Her moans increased as he bent his finger to find the one spot he knew would send her over the edge.
He gently began to stroke side to side on the inside of her pelvis stimulating her g-spot, which caused her orgasm to become a climax. Hermione's world exploded into flashes of light, which turned into blackness as she passed out. Dumbledore meanwhile worried that his head might not survive as her legs clenched his head till he could feel his pulse in his ears, suddenly the pressure disappeared and her legs fell away limply. He rose to assure the young girl was alright.
Hermione looked up just as Dumbledore stood, and locked her ankles behind his back. "Dear lord where did you learn to do that?" she asked.
"I take it that you enjoyed yourself?"
"You could say that. I never thought it possible to feel that good."
"I'm glad it was enjoyable. Now what do you have in mind?" he asked as she began to clench and unclench her legs.
"Well I'm sure you would like to put that lovely wand of yours to use, and I have just the place to use it." She reached down and grasped Dumbledore's shaft and began to rub it up and down her slick opening. He felt the tip lodge in her entrance, as she began to pull him to her with her legs.
Suddenly Dumbledore received a shock as her felt something blocking his path. "Are you still a virgin??"
"Of course!" she replied.
"But I thought with your visits to Hagrid's..."
"Oh, he was afraid to do that with me yet. I was supposed to wait till later for him to teach me that, but it seems I'm going to have a more experienced teacher though," she said as she forced him all the way into her. "Ow!! Oh well, I won't have to worry about that anymore. Now if you'll just sit there for a bit while I get used to you."
Dumbledor was in shock. Before he could do anything about it he had deflowered this young girl or more correctly she had used him to do it. He had never meant to go this far, but now that it had he decided to do things right. He had the feeling that he was wrapped in a tight velvet glove. Slowly her body adjusted to his size, and he began to ease himself outward. Her muscles didn't seem to like this because they clamped down and tried to pull him deeper. He let himself be drawn deeper into her body, until he felt another block.
Hermione gasped as she felt his tip push against her cervix, and she knew then that she was full. She wanted more but did not know what to do about it. "Just relax my dear," Dumbledor said gently as he began to withdraw.
With less than an inch left within her he began to slowly thrust back Her body began to adjust to the new sensations. The pleasure began to filter past the pain and Hermione eyes began to widen as a whole new world of pleasure opened up to her. She felt fullness where she never knew she was empty, and all she could do was cry.
Dumbledor looked down and feared he had hurt her so he stopped and began to pull out.
"No! Don't leave me, don't stop," she cried.
"B-but your tears?"
"Oh! Oh... It feels so wonderful please don't ever stop."
With this encouragement all he could do was continue with loving care to fulfill her needs. A fine sweat began to break out across her body as the two lovers found their rhythm. The same rhythm men and women have sought for millennia.
Dumbledor stood, looking down at Hermione and watched as the newly made woman began to satisfy herself, while he began to fall in love. He knew at that moment what Hagrid found so attractive in these young women. While in the beginning they were timid and shy like most women, once you got going, nature was able to burst through and take over.
True passion showed itself, no worry about looks or actions, just nature. Here was a woman in her truest form. As Dumbledor thrust into her, Hermione found that she could no longer control herself. Her body was pulsing, and the sensations were building to an end she both longed for and feared. She didn't want this to ever end. Her eyes locked on to his and she saw the love that existed there. Suddenly a flush began to crawl over her body. She could feel her breast grow hotter and hotter. Soon it reached her face and began to move toward her stomach.
From Dumbledore's position he could tell she was approaching her climax. He reached down between their bodies to find her clit and began to brush it lightly with his thumb. She couldn't feel it but her body reacted just the same. The flush spread even faster and she feared what might be coming next. She had never felt like this. She knew what to expect for an orgasm, but this paled in comparison.
An orgasm felt like a small balloon filling her up then popping, this was all together different. Her body felt like it was going to explode. Her mind was lost amid the bombardment of sensations. Her heart swelled every time she looked into his loving eyes. All she could do was lie there and let nature and this wonderful man take control. He could feel her body nearing its climax as it pulled him deeper and deeper.
He could feel his own body wanting to meet her there. His body surprised him in that he hadn't felt like this in many, many years. His heart grew with love rather than shrink with concern, and for the first time in a decade his cock began to expand to even greater lengths to satisfy this young woman's needs. His scrotum had pulled up tight against his body, and he knew he didn't have much longer to last.
Hermione could feel him swelling inside her as his tip began to push itself even deeper. Her flush seemed to stop where his cock ended as if waiting for some trigger to release it. Suddenly she knew what she needed for her release.
"Cum, cum for me. Come in me," she began to chant.
Dumbledor heard her and could do nothing to deny her. His climax exploded from him. He could feel it flow from his body into hers, and it in turn set hers off as well. She felt him push deeply into her, a hot pulsing feeling hit her bodies' core, and her world blew apart. Light, taste, and touch blended into one. She no longer could feel her body as she floated along in a world of pleasure and safety.
Dumbledor felt his body release deep into her as she began her climax. Her body grasped him and began to milk him. Her muscles pulled his body into hers as came more than he ever had, giving her more than he ever knew he could. Stars exploded before his eyes as her climax reached into him and filled him with a sense of rightness. That his love was for her, and her love was his if only for the here and now.
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