Starving, Part 2

[ Mf, Mg, fg, bond, cons, nud ]


Published: 8-Jun-2012

Word Count: 7796

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show Story Summary
NOTE: The usual warnings apply: this is only a work of fiction and fantasy.

Teelee and Kallie awakened the next morning to what sounded like an organized ruckus. In fact, the family was about to break camp.

The woman, walking up from the stream, her hair wet, had apparently bathed. One of her sons was drying his long hair with a brush by hanging it over a small fire. And the smell of food--something was cooking--made the bellies of both girls rumble.

The girls said nothing to each other. Naked, wrists and arms tied behind them, always behind them, their ankles tied to their wrists, immobile, laying on their sides in the small tent. Cramped. Kallie thought of their hands. She could not feel them. They were numb from her arms having been tied. She thought for a horrid moment: what would happen if their hands were permanantly damaged?

The boy Gandor came in first. He went first to Kallie and untied her ankles, and while she was straightening her legs and working out the cramps, he did the same for her little sister. He sat back and looked them over.

Kallie, the older one. Thirteen. An Eastern girl, dark black hair cut very short. Slim, skinny actually, tiny sparse fluff for pubic hair, little breasts the size of large apples, or a boy's wooden ball, just big enough to get one's fingers around. Small pink nipples. Big brown eyes, with a frightened look to them. Flat tummy. Slim hips. Pretty in her own way.

Teelee, the younger one. Eleven. Eastern. Sister to the other one. Black hair, longer. Skinnier than the other, no body hair at all, not even any pubic fluff. Breasts, round but very small, like a small apple cut in half and each half put on her chest. Little nipples, like her sister's. Thinner hips and thighs.

He untied their elbows but not their wrists, leaving them behind them. He fed them a small amount of fresh cold water. Then he tied a rope around each girl's neck and, carrying a cloth sack, led them outside into the cool morning air, down to the stream, where, stripping to a pair of short trousers, he tied Teelee to a tree limb by her neck and took Kallie into the cold water. Kallie shreiked and shivered and made vocalizations, but did not resist. The boy, probably about 15, slim, rather attractive, not even shaving yet, carefully washed Kallie. Kallie took the opportunity to release her bladder and, then, hoping no one could see, the water being over waist deep, released her bowels.

The boy was gentle and thorough. She could tell he had an erection. She decided to speak but, the water was so cold, her teeth chattered ...

"PPpplease ... un ttttie my hands, please? I'm .... hungry .... brrrrrr.... ppplease ...some food pppplease ...."

The boy spoke with his northern accent: "Don't speak. Save your strength. Releave yourself in the water if you need to ... shhhhh that's right, don't talk. I'll get you nice and clean."

The boy washed her, using the soap, and even washed her short hair. When he was done he led her to the tree and swapped for her sister. Teelee screamed at the cold water but, even moreso than Kallie, wanted to get clean. She had pissed on herself during the night and it was uncomfortable. Both girls were used to being clean, bathing frequently when they were the property of the slaver Maximus.

The girls were cleaned and dried with cloths from the bag. They were not, despite Teelee's begging, allowed to wrap the clothes around them. They were naked but clean.

The boy led them back to a tent, the larger one which hadn't been taken down, and had them kneel on some soft rugs made thick cloth of some kind. They were shivering; both would have done anything for some food.

The woman entered. She began speaking matter of factly, a stern glance silencing the girls when they looked like they might speak.

"You're both too weak and sick for my boys to fuck. But you can mouth-love them," she said, using the Northern term for sucking cock. "I hope you know how to do it because that is how they will be relieved this morning, before we go."

The girls wept silently. Kallie had, of course, sucked a cock, more than once, while a slave. Teelee, like Kallie, had heard all about the techniques from the other, older slave girls, some of whom seemed to have been experts. Teelee had never sucked one, but had offered to suck Hammer, because she liked him. Hammer had declined, wisely, knowing it was torture or death to molest a female slave, even a little girl slave. But she had given him a handjob once and let him feel her little breasts.

Kallie knew they would be raped soon, but, at least, not right away.

The woman's first two sons came in, one of them complaining that the girls were too skinny, the other leering at Kallie. The girls, naked, kneeling, hands tied behind them, were forced to suck the two men, gagging frequently and swallowing their semen. To the delight of the men, they cried the whole time, and they weren't beaten.

These were followed by two more, and the process was repeated. Kallie's little pussy was fondled and penetrated by rough fingers, and the woman would occasionally tell one of the men to lighten up, not to damage the girls.

Teelee retched but didn't vomit. Finally, the men left and the boy, Gandor, came in. The woman told him to take his pick and sat back to watch. Gandor, blushing, undressed completely and shoved his cock into Kallie's face. She sucked obediently while the boy fondled her breasts. The woman told him that the breasts of a young girl were very sensitive and that he could hurt her easily by being too rough with her little nipples, should she not please him. Surprisingly, the boy lightened his touch to a caress that actually felt rather pleasant to Kallie. He came quickly and the girls were put in a bag, still naked, hands still tied. They were loaded on a wagon.

* * *

At sunset, the girls were unloaded. Their wrists were untied and they were allowed to wash themselves with cold water from a bucket. They were begging for food. They didn't get any. The woman appeared to be quite amused that they were begging so much.

Naked, they were led into an old but sturdy house. They were thrown to the wooden floor, a real wooden floor, which Gandor had swept clean. Their wrists and arms were again tied behind them, always behind, and their ankles tied.

The smell of food was overpowering to the starving girls. And for the next hour, the girls begged and cried and squirmed and cried and promised to do anything for food, while the woman and her sons teased them, eating big bowls of stew and holding small morsels of food over their mouths, watching them try to get their lips around something to eat. There was much laughter among the women and the men, and even the boy, Gandor, her youngest, giggled when Kallie rolled over and stuck her little buns in the air, promising herself to anyone who would even give her sister a full bite of food.

The girls could do nothing but cry when, after the meal, the family rose and gave the bowls to Gandor to wash. Neither girl had gotten more than a few drops of gravy on their lips. There were a few drops on Kallie's tummy which, she insisted, Teelee lick off her. Teelee was glad to get it, sorry for Kallie who couldn't lick it off herself. Teelee had not gotten any food dripped onto her, unfortunately.

"What will become of us?" Teelee asked the woman.

"I don't know yet. Maybe we'll just torture you. Or maybe we'll sell you. We might get a few coins for the both of you. Bah! Easterners!"

"Please, please give us food, please?" Kallie begged.

"Please, please give us food, give us food," the woman mocked them. "You're not worth feeding."

But the girls were fed, again, with the sperm of the woman's sons, forced to kneel naked with their hands tied behind them, each man using the girl he didn't use that morning. Gandor, last as usual, had apparently pleased his mother and was given his choice again, and again he picked Kallie. He spent a lot of time playing with her nipples and breasts, very gently, and after she sucked him he kissed her breasts and left, one of the other bearded men coming in to tie them up for the night.

Kallie was bound first, her wrists still tied behind her; her ankles were tied to her wrists and a rope, tied to the junction of her wrists and ankles, pulled upward to the ceiling beam, so only her tummy was touching the floor. Her back ached and she cried, begging to be tied up a different way, but the man slapped her little butt and told her she'd stay like that tonight.

Then Teelee was tied, standing, her arms pulled back and tied to a pole, her knees tied to the pole, and a large collar buckled around her neck holding her head to the pole. The entire front of her body was exposed, and she squirmed, unable to lean her head back due to the pole behind her.

The small room where the girls were kept was little more than a large closet, and it was not warm. The girls shivered, moreso because they were starving. But Gandor came in late that night and, whispering, fed them little bits of bread and meat, a bit at a time, rewarding them for kisses. He untied Kallie's rope, leaving her hogtied, and he lay down next to her, shirtless, and then went to Teelee who was bound to the pole. They kissed him eagerly for the bread, especially Kallie, who was instructed to kiss his chest, his bare smooth boy-chest. He rubbed her breasts on his chest too, as he gave her bits of food, and fed Teelee more to reward Kallie than to reward Teelee. He kissed her too, some, but was obviously more interested in the older, more developed girl.

The girls had each received the equivilant of half-a-cup of food by the time the boy was finished. He told them not to tell anyone what had happened, and of course the girls were ready to marry the boy if he asked. He re-tied Kallie as before, and she didn't protest.

The girls whispered a bit throughout the night and eventually managed to sleep a bit, having terrible dreams but at least with some food in their thin little tummies.

* * *

The next day the girls were untied, only the second time they'd had their hands freed since being taken by the family. Naked, they were put to work, cleaning mostly, doing a good job when they learned where everything went. The men were gone all day, somewhere, and even Gandor the boy was seldom seen, except when he was carrying firewood. He went to his mother's room, in the early afternoon, and came out with a distinctly unpleasant look on his face. Kallie could tell from the moaning that the boy had been required to service the woman, either with his pecker or his mouth. Teelee, who listened to naughty talk more than Kallie, speculated he'd been required to use his mouth and tongue on his own mother's cunny.

The girls were still not allowed to eat, though they were given water to drink. The woman told them that what they got last night was enough, and for one moment Kallie thought that she found out that Gandor had fed them. But she realized that the woman was referring to the teasing of the previous evening. Apparently, each thought that the other was actually letting the girls get some morsels.

But the girls were still starving. After their chores, they were allowed to wash with cold water from buckets, soaping and rinsing and drying on cloths they were not allowed to wrap around their bodies.

Teelee wrapped one cloth around her and it was taken away. She covered herself with her hands only to have them pulled back and locked behind her with some light metallic bracelets. Kallie was, a few moments later, similarly secured. To prevent them from getting their hands in front of them, similar bracelets were put on their arms, just above their elbows, but these were slightly larger and had a longer chain, so their arms weren't pulled back as painfully. When standing, it was almost comfortable.

That afternoon, the men returned. The girls were brought out in front of the house, to a clearing in front of the house. The men were asking their mother, as boys might ask for a piece of pie, when they might be allowed to fuck the girls. The woman merely said "I told you, each of you may have a girl after you do something for me."

Teela shuddered at what that might mean.

The men were sent to care for the animals and the woman looked at the girls again. Naked. Helpless with their arms chained, unable to untie each other. Any escape attempt would be futile. She grabbed Teela by her longer hair and took her to one of the clothesline poles where laundry was hanged to dry. She tied the wrist bracelets to a rope and, pulling the rope up to the top of the pole, forced the girl to stand, bent over, her arms pulled up. She secured poor Kallie similarly to the opposite pole and returned to the house.

The girls, out of whispering range, didn't attempt to communicate, standing uncomfortably, their shoulders aching.

After an hour, the men, bringing a wagon with two horses, untied the girls' ropes (but not their bracelets) and put the naked girls on the wagon. They got on, too, leaving the woman home with the boy Gandor. Laughing, passing a bottle around, they began driving toward town.

The girls cried and put up token resistance as the men fondled them roughly, the oldest one, the one with the long beard, warning his brothers: "Remember what Mother said!" But the girls were forced to suck the men, one at a time, the driver trading with a brother when it was his turn. They had semen for supper, and not all that much of it.

* * *

The girls lay in the wagon, in the darkness. The men had left hours ago. The wagon was parked in the darkness.

The wrist and elbow bracelets were still on, the girls' arms behind them, always behind them, chains holding their necks to the floor of the wagon. They talked as if they were still at the slave facility of Maximus. They tried to forget their hunger.

They had been allowed to pee, in full view of two of the men. They had been taken back to the wagon. They had been given a little water. Now they were alone.

"When we get out of here, I'm going to find a nice family with a nice house and move in with them," Kallie said.

"And I'm going to find me a Ranger and marry him!" Teelee said, giggling.

"There you go with that ranger stuff again. You know there's no such thing."

"Yes there are! Belinda saw one once. They wear green robes and carry a magic staff and they have lots of powers ...."

Kallie had had this conversation before. The Rangers, a mysterious group of men whose members roamed the countryside, enforcing the Justice of the King. But that was an old legend, and the good King Walther died two hundred years ago.

Teelee was fascinated by the tales she heard of the Rangers, their powers, that they rescued people who were innocent and were rich and powerful.

"Rangers don't get married, Teelee," Kallie teased.

"Not rule says they can't. Besides, I'll be his slave if I have to!" Teelee argued, quite serious in her belief.

Kallie sighed. "We're going to starve to death."

Teelee sighed. "I know. No one wants to feed us. They just want to be mean to us. If Maximus hadn't won us in some gambling game, we'd probably be dead already, fed to the Kroan-dogs," she said, refering to the shepherding, perimeter patrol dogs employed by farmers and ranchers.

"I love you, Teelee. I would have cut off my own leg to feed you, you know."

"I love you, Kallie, my sister. And I never would have let you suffer."

The girls scooted closer to each other, as the chains allowed, and, belly-to-belly, they tried to keep warm, crying softly.

* * *

It was long after midnight when the men returned, just a little intoxicated. They could not find the man their mother had told them to find, one who might actually pay a reasonable price for two very young Eastern girls.

They were therefore in a sour mood. They got the wagon back onto the road and began to head, by moonlight, toward their home; occasionally one would reach over and smack one of the girls. The girls were more frightened than they had been before. And when Teelee began complaining that she was cold and hurting and hungry, the men stopped the wagon and brought the girls out.

"We ain't never getting' nothin for you," the number two son said. The eldest, surprisingly, agreed. "Mother has sent us on a fool's errand," he said. The others agreed, unhooking the neck chains from the wagon and bringing the crying naked girls onto the dry dirt road. The collars were removed. The girls' wrists and arms were, of course, still braceleted behind them, making them helpless.

"We should leave them here to die", one said.

"No, please, not that!" Kallie begged. "Take the chains off us at least!" Kallie knew about how long they'd live in the woods, along the road, naked without the use of their arms.

"Maybe we should just kill them now!" teased another of the men, taking a drink from a long bottle.

"Let's tie them up and leave them here to tie ...."

"Chain them to a tree by their collars ...."

"No! Chain them to the wagon and make them run behind us!" said the one with the red beard. The others agreed, gleefully, and in a moment, the girls were standing behind the wagon, their collars attached to long ropes, which were tied to the back of the wagon. The girls were crying and pleading and Kallie was even offering them sex.

But the men would have their fun, more interested in harming the girls than in raping them.

"Let's make it more of a challenge for the brave girls from the East," the oldest said.


"Let's ... do something to their feet. Yes, each girl gets the bottoms of her feet burned!"

The men laughed, and one of them got a torch and lit it on the wagon's lamp. The girls squirmed, as if their arms would somehow break free from the steel that held them, crying, frightened, huddling toward each other as much as they could.

And the men stopped. Walking toward them, in the same direction they were going, was a man. They hadn't seen him, but must have passed him along the way. His long robes came short of brushing the ground, the figure gray in the moonlight.

"I'll get rid of this one," the red-bearded man said. He drew his sword and brandished it. "You, go back the way you came if you want to live," he threatened.

The stranger made no reply, walking with a long staff. Teelee nudged her sister and whispered, "a Ranger."

As the man got closer, in the light of the moon and of the torch, a glinting shining green was seen from the top of his staff, like a large piece of glass imbedded in the wood like an emerald mounted on a ring. The man's robes were green, his boots black, trousers under the first robe, the other robe open, the hood down the man's back.

He could have been fourty ... or thirty or fifty ... his brown hair flecked with gray, his face clean-shaven. He was of only average height, and was certainly not heavy; in fact, he appeared almost skinny until he got close enough to see his form.

"See? A Ranger," Teelee whispered to her big sister, who stared and said nothing. Everyone knew there were no Rangers, or dragons or blood-sucking demons or faries granting wishes to purehearted boys and girls.

The red-bearded man raised his short sword. "I said turn around, fool!"

The stranger spoke, quietly, though his voice carried easily in the night air. "But I am going the same direction as you. Would you not like . . ."

The red-bearded man swung his sword, intending to split the man's skull, but the man had raised his staff and swept the sword aside. The red-bearded man, well trained, kept the sword in motion, returning for another strike and two cuts, each being deflected by the staff, the stranger becomming irritated.

"You'll die, stranger," Red-beard said, but what Teela heard was "You'll die, Ranger."

The Ranger lowered his staff, the end close to the Red-beard's face. Redbeard screamed, dropping his sword, clutching his face, falling to the ground, writhing, unable to speak, his brothers rushing to his side.

The Ranger moved more swiftly than it seemed possible, taking twice or three times the distance with each step than his stride would have seemed to allow. Two of the brothers were drawing their swords, but the oldest, and tallest, was holding them back. They had never seen their oldest brother shy from any fight. Red-beard's face, below the eyes, was a mass of blood and damaged tissue.

Kallie leaned against the wagon, weak. Teelee jumped with delight, her hands still behind her, the rope on her neck. The Ranger stood his ground.

"We'll leave," the eldest said, stern looks at his brothers, who, at his signal, picked up the red-bearded man and carried him, still moaning, to the wagon.

The Ranger turned, looking at the girls. "Slaves?" he asked.

"Yeah, just Eastern girls, only children," one of the men replied. "We'll let you have them cheap!"

"I wasn't asking you," the Ranger said calmly and turned back to the girls.

"Slaves?" he asked again.

Kallie took a deep breath. "We were slaves but had to be sold because of the new law. So Maximus, the dealer, had to set us free, so he just took us into the forest and abandoned us."

"So, you are NOT slaves."

Kallie thought but Teelee, tearfully, sobbing, interjected, "No, not any more, not according to the rules." Technically, they were freed then abandoned.

The Ranger picked up Red-beard's sword and cut the ropes from their necks just as the men began to drive the wagon away, the eldest whispering something urgently to his brothers.

The Ranger walked swiftly alongside the wagon, overtaking it, and laying a hand on one of the horses, stopped it. He pointed his staff to the now-terrified men and said:

"You and your whore of a mother be quit of this district by the time of the new moon. If I see you after that you will all perish."

And the wagon drove on. The ranger walked after it, resuming his journey. The girls looked at each other and, embarassed with their nakedness for the first time, after a short hesitation, ran after the Ranger.

"You're a Ranger," Teelee said, trying to hide behind Kallie.

"Yes," the Ranger replied.

"Please help us," Kallie said, trying to avoid the urge to hide behind her sister.

The Ranger stopped and looked at the girls. Kallie continued:

"Listen, we'll do anything ... anything. I'll sleep with you. I'll mouth-love you. Just please take us with you and give us a little food. We don't eat much, because we are small. Please, my poor sister is starving to death."

The Ranger paused, turned, looked at them again. "Follow me," he said softly, and began to walk.

"Oh thank you, thank you, Sir ... Sir Ranger," Teelee said, "we'll be good girls for you. You can keep us naked, we'll stay naked for you. We'll do all your work for you. Just please give us some food."

The ranger had no intention of making these girls watch each other starve to death.

The girls did not complain that he didn't clothe them or unlock their bracelets. Besides, Teelee whispered, he didn't have the keys. They were with the men in the wagon. The naked girls followed, eagerly, naked, arms locked behind them, always behind them.

* * *

They came to a path that broke away from the road, following the Ranger. Strangely, there were no briars or stickers to scratch their skin as they followed him down the path to a small house, not much larger than a hut by the size of it, made of stone with a large wooden door. He opened the door and stepped inside, followed closely by the girls, and the door shut behind them.

The girls gasped. There were no windows, but there were lamps burning all around, as if they had been burning all along. The floor was covered with some kind of rugs. And there were doorways ... the place was much larger on the inside than the outside. The Ranger put his staff on the floor, standing it on it's foot end, as if he'd stuck it into soft ground. It did not fall over. He slipped off his outer, hooded robe, revealing a two-handed sword in a scabbard at his side. He slid the scabbard from his belt and hung it on the wall over a small table.

"Please, please can you free our arms?" Kallie begged, turning her back to him, showing him her cute little butt.

"That would require a key," he said.

"Use your magic!" Teelee suggested, almost gleefully.

The Ranger just smiled and led them through a door into a room with a smal pond, like a backyard pond, stones around it, sunken in the smooth stone floor. It was perhaps as deep as a man's waist. The water steamed from it, warm.

"You are hungry," the man said. The girls nodded and Kallie said "We're starving. Please, we'll do anything. I'll sleep with you right now if you give my sister something to eat."

"You should not make promises you can't keep," the man said.

"I'm not lying," Kallie said, her sister wide-mouthed with surprise. "I'll sleep with you. You can do anything you want with me. You can even ... keep me chained up."

"I can do those things anyway," the Ranger said. "But I wasn't talking about the use of your body. You said you'd do anything."

"Anything," replied Kallie

"Anything," replied Teelee. "Just let us have some food."

The Ranger brought them into his kitchen. The floor was of a very dark and dense wood. There were shelves and cabinets. And a pot on a stove. The man opened the lid and, laying it aside, took some of the contents and put it into a large bowl. He looked at the girls, whose eyes were bright, their nudity forgotten, their bound arms only a minor concern as they smelled real food!

Moments later, the girls were kneeling, one on each side of the Ranger's chair, which he'd pulled back from the table. The girls were muchly facing each other. They were kneeling in the Eastern fashion, sitting on their heels. They still wore the bracelets on their wrists and arms, preventing them from at any time getting their hands in front of them. They were not struggling.

"MMmmmm hmmmm mmmm!" Teelee said, taking, with her lips, a piece of meat from the fingers of the Ranger. "MMmmmmmm ymmmm mmm!" Kallie replied, receiving the same. The girls were being fed from the Ranger's fingers, particularly significant to Teelee as she was in love with every Ranger in the Kingdom before she ever saw one. Also, the girls could not feed themselves with their arms locked in the bracelets.

Chunks of vegetables and meat, and pieces of bread. No begging. No teasing. No reaching up only to have it snatched away. Drinks of a sweet juice of some sort from a cup. The Ranger, drinking a dark hot liquid from a much larger cup, fed them with the care that a man might feed his pet dog.

He had warned them repeatedly to eat slowly and, reminding them of their promise, fed them slowly, so they wouldn't get sick. He limited the amount of food, to their initial disappointment, explaining that the starving girls could not eat a full meal their first time. But by the time he led them to another room, they realized they felt quite full indeed.

The room was strange. A floor of polished stones, almost perfectly level, like bricks except brown. A ring of dark stones around a circular pond-like arrangement, filled with warm water. Warm water! They'd never had a warm water bath.

The man walked behind them. He fingered their shackles ... and they were open. He removed them and told them to use the toilet behind the small door, to wash their bodies and hair with the two kinds of soap there, to dry themselves on towels, dry their hair over the heater (which had no visible fire but there must have been something burning in there), and to find him when they were finished.

They splashed around in the water after a short time, washing and soaping and rinsing over and over again. The girls were used to baths, but had never had one in warm water. They giggled.

"He didn't free our hands til he'd fed us," Kallie said.

"I got to kiss his fingers," Teelee replied.

The girls giggled and finished their bath, realizing how full they felt already, and talking about it.

* * *

"Do you want us to wear clothes?" Teelee asked, standing in the kitchen, naked, with her older sister.

"You said you're remain naked," the Ranger reminded them calmly.

"Sir Ranger, thank you for the food, for the warm place, for ... for everything!" Teelee said.

As if on cue, both girls ran to the man, who by now had removed his other robe. He stood in his black shoes, green trousers, and a green short jacket tied with a black sash around the waist, open somewhat in the front revealing his smooth bare muscular chest. They threw their arms around him, Kallie on his left, Teelee on his right, and he stroked their hair and shoulders for a moment before stepping back.

* * *

"Do Rangers have names?" asked Teelee, inquisitively, as if a child asking her teacher where birds go in the winter.

"Yes," the man replied softly, matter of factly."

Kallie nudged her sister as if to say, "Don't you dare ask his name. Just call him 'Sir Ranger' like you said is proper. Teelee swallowed her curiosity.

They were sitting in the front room, cozy and warm, the two girls still naked and wishing the man would give them something to wear. But they had answered all his questions, telling him about Maximus, their former owner, their parents before that, and the fire that destroyed their eastern village when they were both very young. Kallie had more memory of those days than did Teelee. He knew their names and ages and that they could both read and write, which seemed to please him greatly, the first time they saw him smile.

"It is time now for you to fulfil your promises," the Ranger said, laying down his pen and laying his papers aside. The girls sat up straighter and nodded.

He led them, they following, through two more doors and into another room. How many rooms does this place have, anyway, they thought to themselves.

"You will do anything?"

"Anything" they both replied.

He opened a drawer. He brought out several lengths of ropes, not thick, but not thin either. A bright blue color. The girls just watched.

"Kallie, you will tie up your sister. She must not get loose. You must tie her up so she can not get across the room." he instructed.

"But, Sir, please ..."

"You promised." he said.

Kallie knew that, naked, no clothes or shoes or money, and with winter on the way, they would not get more than a few miles, much less find permanant homes. And the brothers were still in the area. Also, she had made a promise and he had fed them. She looked sadly at her little sister who said:

"We promised. You have to tie me up good."

The man left, saying he'd be back in half an hour. Now, Kallie had tied up other children, as part of a game, a few times. But she knew she must really think.

"How do you want to be tied?" she asked.

"I don't know ... just tie me up the way Maximus used to ... or like Hammer did. Poor Hammer. I liked him."

After awhile, Teelee's hands and arms were bound behind her back. Always behind. Her ankles were tied. She was kneeling with her ankles tied to her wrists and ropes around her folded legs and thighs, like she saw a slave boy tied up once. Teelee could not, of course, move. Except to fall over, which she endeavored not to do.

The Ranger came in just then.

Hmmmm not bad. Very well, Kallie, now it's Teelee's turn. Teelee, I want you to try to get free. Do anything you can to free yourself. If you get free, I'll give you two bowls of soup tomorrow instead of just one.

Teelee wasted no time. She squirmed, falling over after the first few minutes. She rolled back and forth. She pulled this way and that, trying to straighten her legs. She was held fast. After about 10 minutes, the man smiles and said:

"Kallie, leave her here to play and come with me."

Kallie, with a glance over her shoulder, complied, walking naked behind the man. They went into another room, apparently a sleeping chamber, with one very large bed. A real bed! It was off the ground so far she wondered how you'd get into it without climbing.

The Ranger hands her a pair of bracelets, the very ones he took from her wrists before her bath.

"Put your hands behind you and lock them into the bracelets."

The girl hesitated, looking at them, clearly not wanting her hands behind her again.

"You're thinking, why?"

The girl nodded.

"I want you to give yourself to me. That's the token of your giving yourself to me."

The girl got a ring on one wrist, fumbling then behind her, knowing she'd never get them off or even over her butt to get them in front (like Teelee could). She hesitated and then clicked the ring shut. She was naked with her hands behind her, always behind her.

The man looked her over, again. Slim. Eastern. Her heritage showed in her facial features, and in her bone structure, and in her eyes, as if it were written down each arm, down each leg, acros her chest, tummy, back, and buttocks. Buttocks. No whip marks. She's malnourished. She's bright.

The man untied his sash and slipped off his jacket/tunic. His chest was bare and smooth, smooth as a boy's muscled like a man's ... not like one of those blacksmith guys or metal workers or sword makers, no, like a fighter from the East, like a fisherman, except without the sunburn. Kallie stared; she'd never thought that a grown man could be so ... so pretty.

The man approached her. She stood still, fighting the impulse to step back. Her fingers twitched a few times, her arms instinctively trying to cover herself, but she didn't struggle. Good. He put his arms around her and hugged to to his bare chest, feeling her breasts against his abdomen, her sweet slim waist against his forearm.

She put her cheek against his chest and then looked up at him.

"Will I sleep with you tonight, Sir Ranger?" she asked, using the term her little sister had said was the proper way to address a Ranger.

"You promised to," he said. "But I will set the parameters."

Kallie didn't know what that meant.

At his indication, Kallie crawled into the bed, under the covers which were sooooo soft and smooth on her naked body, she snuggled in even with her hands locked behind her back. The Ranger entered behind her, wearing only a pair of loose-fitting green trousers. He put his arms around her, hugging her to him. She found herself pressing her small breasts against his chest muscles, working her hands because she wanted to hug him.

"I want to put my arms around you," she said, surprising herself.

"But you will stay like that tonight," the Ranger replied softly.

"Will you ... use me?"

"I will test you."

The Ranger then began to caress and kiss her body, all over, her shoulders, neck, throat, breasts, nipples, belly, waist, thighs, buttocks, rubbing his hands and body over her while she first allowed, then squirmed, then begged for more. She became wet, knowing that she was aroused, knowing what it meant: that her body was ready for a big cock. She was more than ready.

Kallie was no virgin, but she'd only had one orgasm, and that through masturbation. She had listened to the "naughty" talk among the other slaves, talk in which her younger sister eagerly participated.

"Please, Sir Ranger, please let me mouth-love you. Please. Let me have my hands so I can .. so I can hug you and love you."

The Ranger just continued to kiss and hug her and cuddle her naked body, and finally when she was begging for sex, he slipped off his trousers.

He wasn't very hairy at all. He was circumsized. Kallie had seen circumsized cocks before; about half of the men in the Kingdom were circumsized, for one reason or another. With some it was preference of their parents. Some was for health reasons. A few for personal preference. It averaged out to half. Kallie looked at the cock, average in size, very erect, and moved to put her mouth around it, whimpering when he held her back. She wanted it ... she wanted it inside her. She had never wanted one before.

With her hands behind her, she could do nothing to move matters along and had to be patient. When he finally entered her, after an initial resistance, he slipped in rather easily, she thought, as she was prepared for the usual pain when being "fucked", as it was called in this part of the world.

It didn't hurt her hands much at all. She wanted to put her arms around the big muscled man. Big compared to her. He went slowly, tenderly, and she had three orgasms by the time he was finished with her. She felt his seed gush into her as she had her third orgasm, screaming. He stayed inside her, slowing his thrusts, bringing her down from the climax gently, slowly, gradually.

Finally, she lay on her side, face against his chest, his arms cuddled around her.

"I love you," was all she could say.

* * *

He unlocked her bracelets and allowed her to clean up. She was amazed that the water was always so warm in the washing room. He told her that there are places where the earth heats the water before sending it up to the surface, but he had not said that this is the way he heated his water.

She came out, naked, later, feeling just a little bit strange walking around completely naked all the time. But she had made a promise.

She walked into the room where Teelee was. Teelee, of course, naked, still tied up, had not been able to free herself.

"Did he ... did he ... use you?" Teelee asked, rolling around, unable to get back to her knees.

"Yes. It was wonderful," Kallie replied, beginning to untie her little sister.

Teelee looked sad and said nothing and, after a few moments, when her legs were free and Kallie was untying her elbows, Kallie asked, "What's wrong, sister? Did I tie you too much?"

Teelee thought and then giggled.

"I just thought I would be the one to marry a Ranger. I guess I'm not old enough yet."

"Hey!" Kallie said, smacking Teelee's butt playfully, "I ought to not untie you! You're JEALOUS!" Both girls laughed.

"Come on, untie my hands." Kallie untied her sis and they cuddled, and Kallie told her sister about every detail. Teelee was envious of her sister. She felt her little breasts in the darkness, assuring herself that they would grow soon and she might still get a chance to marry a Ranger.

* * *

The next day the two naked girls were put to work. Light tasks, such as cleaning dishes and dusting furniture. They were getting stronger and being allowed to eat, but only at the Ranger's discretion. Small light meals. He told them he didn't want them to get fat, as if there were a chance of it. They were still thin, but regaining strength already.

The Ranger spent much time in his Library, yet another room in the house that was so small on the outside and so large on the inside. Teelee said it was part of his magic. Kallie shook her head, as if disbelieving, but was not entirely convinced that her little sister was completely wrong.

That night, the Ranger announced it was Teela's turn to tie up Kallie. "Just make sure she's helpless and can't get out of the room," he told Teela, and said he'd give her an hour. Teela looked at her sis and grinned. "Well, we promised to do whatever he said." Kallie stuck her tongue out, knowing full well Teelee was going to enjoy this, and put her hands behind her.

Teela thought for a few minutes, then grinned.

"No, I got a better idea."

Teelee tied one rope very tightly around each of Kallie's wrists, knotting it very well and checking to be sure they couldn't slip off her skinny wrists. Kallie didn't resist at all, thinking Teelee was silly for not tying her hands behind her, like everyone else did.

Teelee put Kallie against one wall, told her to raise her arms, and then stood on a chair. Kallie, looking right at her sister's hips, butt, and pussy, as the girl stood on the chair, looked up and saw that Teelee was tying the ropes to the beams in the ceiling, one rope to each beam. She pulled and tied the rope from her left wrist, then from her right wrist, and then knotted the two ends together between the beams. Kallie's fingers would not, of course, reach any of the knots. Teelee worked slowly, not having to re-tie anything. She finally climbed down the chair and looked at the ticking clock on the chest of drawers, one of many clocks the Ranger kept around. He must have been rich to own so many clocks.

Kallie looked at her sis and giggled. "Now your boobies aren't bigger than mine!" she laughed. It was true, the breasts, stretched over the thirteen-year-old's chest, were just like little mounds, flat sake cups with nipples. Both girls giggled.

"Now what, Teela?" Kallie asked. "I can still kick around."

Teelee smacked Kallie on the butt, reaching behind the girl to do it. "I told you don't call me Teela! It's Teelee!" One of the assistants to Maximus the slave seller called her Teela all the time, and she hated it. Kallie just grinned, wanting to see how much Teelee had learned over the years about tying up.

Teelee took tw more pieces of rope. She tied one to the rope leading from Kallie's left wrist to the ceiling, about halfway up; the other to the other rope. Standing on a chair, first on one side, then on the other, she pulled the ropes to two more ceiling beams, forcing Kallie's arms a little more apart, and of course decreasing the distance to the floor, so Kallie was almost on tiptoe. Kallie, wisely, had not stood on tiptoe, so Teelee's meager strength would not pull her up that far.

Teelee stepped down and the rest was easy. A rope around each ankle. One ankle rope across the floor to the leg of the heavy dresser, the other across the floor in the opposite direction to a metal rod that ran from floor to ceiling. Teelee didn't know it was a pipe of some sort. But it was sturdy and would not move.

"Spread your legs apart" Teelee instructed.

"No! I'm not gonna!" Kallie replied, not wanting to spread her legs like that. But Teelee figured something out, after trying to pull one leg away and then the other. She brought the two long ropes around in front of her sister and pulled and pulled, forcing her legs apart. When they were spread a little wider than her shoulders, Kallie trying to kick and giggling and then begging, Teelee had but to tie the two ends together between Kallie's spread feet.

After a few adjustments, naked Kallie was standing naked with her arms and legs spread. Teelee added a blindfold and then hugged her sister's naked body to her own.

"I love you, Kallie."

"I love you, Teelee."

The Ranger came in some minutes later, inspected the work, and removed the blindfold. "She doesn't need this," he said. The tied Teelee's wrists, crossed, behind her back and Kallie watched him lead her naked sister from the room.

Kallie struggled, more to test the binding than to attempt to escape. She was helpless and exposed like this, and it was embarassing and exciting at the same time. She noted, with a little concern, that her arms would probably begin to ache after a long time. She had never been tied like this. Her hands had always been tied behind her, to keep her helpless while being taken from here to there.

It was five hours later that Teelee, naked but untied, came into the room.

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