Published: 6-Jun-2012
Word Count:
Jhoon ran down the street, his sneakers slapping the asphalt as he turned between two houses. He slowed down, went through a gate into a back yard, and then to the back door of a house, where he knocked on the door. A special knock: two knocks, a pause, two knocks, a pause, and two knocks. Three doubles.
Jhoon was ten years old. Slender and shapely, a very attractive boy of Korean ancestry, his straight black hair just over his ears, his brown eyes inquisitively searching all around him constantly. Full of energy, but with a controlled discipline he must have inherited from his parents.
Jhoon was wearing a pair of dark green pants and a patterned light green shirt. He unbuttoned the last two buttons, smiling, revealing a flat tummy and a chest that was just starting to take shape.
Karl opened the door. At thirty-five, Karl still looked like a man in his twenties. His soft brown hair, just a bit shaggy for want of a haircut, gave him part of his youthful appearance. Karl was not quite six feet tall. He was slender and lean, with well-defined muscles that were plainly visible since all he was wearing was his white TaeKwonDo pants. He had no body hair to speak of, just a few strands in his armpits. Even his belly was bare. Clean-shaven, in the right light he might pass for a college boy. He didn't even have much pubic hair.
Karl looked down and Jhoon looked up. Karl said "You're early!"
"I can do it," Jhoon said, excited. "I can spend the night! But Mom wants to talk to you before she leaves."
"I'll call her before noon," Karl said.
"Can we play just a bit first? Just one quick game?" Jhoon asked, hopefully.
"No, I have to get ready," Karl replied, and the boy nodded understandingly.
Karl and the boy hugged, affectionately, and the boy ran back home, his shirt flying open, exposing most of his torso. Jhoon stopped for a moment to button the shirt and then went home. Karl went to take a shower.
Jhoon's mother, Soo Lim, ran the Oriental Restaurant downtown, which she had started wtih her husband before Jhoon was born. Jhoon's father had been killed by a drunk driver when the boy was only four. When Jhoon went for Tae Kwon Do lessons, he'd met Karl, who had been practicing the art for almost ten years. They became fast friends even though Soo Lim made it clear she was not interested in a romantic relationship.
Jhoon had spent many an afternoon and several evenings with Karl over the past few years. Soo Lim of course was worried that Jhoon would become a burden, but by then the boy, just turned nine, shared not only Tae Kwon Do (a Korean martial art similar to Karate) but an interest in Korean language and model cars, and the bright and intelligent boy was a delight to Karl. Imaginative, adventurous, and he loved to read.
Karl spoke with Soo Lim on the phone. "No, he's no trouble. Yes, I've been looking foreward to it. Yes, we've rented a couple of videos. No, they aren't too violent or sexy. We're going to build a model car and stay up all night and have fun. No, don't worry about picking him up, we'll probably sleep very late in the morning. Yes, I'm sure he'll be no trouble. Yes, I'll call you if I need anything. Don't worry yourself, go to your meeting and have fun. You work too hard all the time. Yes, I know it's business. He's very excited. Yes, whenever he wants to come over. OK, bye."
Jhoon arrived moments later, with a small cloth bag, similar to the bag he carried his Tae Kwon Do uniform in. Karl knew there was no uniform in that bag tonight.
"Can we do one just for a little bit right now?" Jhoon asked, excited since this was his first time spending a whole night with his friend. Karl hugged the boy.
"OK," Karl said. The boy ran into the bedroom. They'd spent many afternoons together and even a few evenings, but never a whole night. Sometimes they talked about cars or books they'd read. Sometimes they spoke Korean together. But usually they played their special game, Jhoon usually being the instigator. Karl took off his shirt.
Jhoon came out of the bedroom with the bag, wearing only a pair of green bikini-type low-rise briefs, made of some kind of synthetic. Of course, Karl had given them to him, along with socks and a new Tae Kwon Do uniform, for Christmas. Jhoon had developed a liking for this kind of underwear, as they looked a lot like swimming trunks and not like the stupid white baggy briefs American mothers buy for their boys. He put the bag down and opened it. It contained a change of clothes, which his mother expected him to bring, and his collection of ropes, to which Karl had contributed considerably.
Karl picked up a length of plastic coated clothesline and Jhoon, excited, turned around and put his hands behind his back. Karl tied them, carefully and securely, but not tightly, knotting it where the boy's little wiggling fingers wouldn't reach. Jhoon began to walk around the house, in his underwear, hands tied behind him, feeling very helpless and captive ... and he loved it!
The boy finally came and stood before Karl and the man put his arms around the boy, hugging the boy's bare chest to his own smooth chest muscles.
"I've got an idea for our game tonight." he said. "Since you'll be here all night and part of tomorrow."
Jhoon grinned. "You gonna keep me tied up all night?"
"Most of it, in one way or another. But ... to make it really special, I want you to be naked the whole time."
Jhoon had been naked in front of Karl many times, and tied up naked a few times too. "You mean, completely naked? All the time?"
Karl nodded. Jhoon cuddled against the man's chest as well as he could with his hands tied behind him. Jhoon kissed the man's chest once and stepped back.
"If you want 'em, you gotta take 'em," the boy said. Karl stripped off the boy's undies leaving him naked.
Jhoon had a beautiful body, slim, no fat, shapely, just the barest hint of muscle, enough to give it some shape. The boy's pecker, circumsized (unlike most Korean boys), dangled in front of his hairless little balls. He laughed and ran, expecting Karl to chase him.
Karl ran after the boy, staying close but not catching him right away. The boy ran from the kitchen to the living room and was cornered in the dining room, giggling.
"Oh no, now I'm captured. They took away all my clothes! Ugh, ugh!" he said, almost melodramatically as he squirmed with his helpless arms. Jhoon knew from experience that it was almost impossible to get free once Karl tied him up. He wiggled this way and that, as Karl picked him up and carried the naked boy back to the bedroom.
Karl put him on the bed and tied his ankles and the boy rolled around on the bed, careful not to fall off. He sat up when Karl picked up his clothes.
"Now, Jhoon ... let's see if you can really stay naked the whole time you're here. I'm going to take your clothes ... all of them ... and lock them in a drawer in the basement. You are not allowed to wear any clothes while you are here til it's time to go home."
"OK, Karl. I like being naked with you."
Karl put the clothes away and returned to his naked captive. He sat next to the boy, stroking the boy's chest. Jhoon mentioned that they would have to build a model car so his mother would think they'd been busy. Karl had a model car almost built, needing only paint and some chrome accessories. They'd seen the movies he'd rented, though they'd probably watch them again. One of them, a favourite of Jhoon's, was "Lord of the Flies", where a whole group of boys ran around on an island wearing only loincloths or undies.
Jhoon got a "stiffy" and laughed about it, and Karl, of course, teased him. "You can't jack it off with your hands behind you, can you, prisoner?"
"Sure I can," the boy said, rolling over and humping the matress, his hands tied at the small of his back, just over his perfect little boy butt. Karl would have none of it, however, and rolled him onto his back again, holding him there by rubbing his bare chest on the boy's, which both of them loved.
"Nyah ha ha! I got you, naked boy ... NAAAAA-ked and with your hands tied be-HIND you ... and I can get your BALLS!" Karl said, in his best villan voice and accent. The boy laughed and Karl wrapped his fingers around the boy's scrotum, the boy now at the mercy of the man. "And I wont' let you jack off!"
"Please, please let me jack off. Please! I can't stand it anymore!" Jhoon, as Karl had discovered a year ago when they began playing their captured boy tied up games, that Jhoon was severely addicted to masturbation.
"Noooooo! No clothes for you! Nyah ha ha!" Karl said, blowing on the boy's bare tummy, causing him to giggle and squirm delightfully. "You'll NEVER get your clothes back, nyah ha ha ha ha! And you'll never get to take care of that stiffy, either!"
"Please! I need to ... I haven't done it all day!"
Karl wrapped his arms around the boy, and rolled onto his back. The boy, still tied up and naked, lay atop him, the boy's pecker on the man's belly and the man kissing and nibbling on the boy's bare chest. One arm was around the boy's body, across his back, the other across the boy's little butt.
"If I let you jack off, you gotta do something for me," Karl said.
"Anything, just please ..." and the giggling boy, playing the game, started humping the man's upper abdomen, rubbing his stiffy on it until he stiffened and had a dry orgasm. The boy kept humping for a bit and then relaxed, Karl rolling him onto his side and cuddling his naked captive.
"Come on, let's get some food first and then we'll play longer," Karl suggested.
The boy agreed. Karl untied his feet and stood him up but, before he'd untie Jhoon's hands, he opened a drawer and put light chains on the boy's ankles, leaving about 8 or 9 inches between them, fastening them with little padlocks.
"Now you can never put your pants on, captive prisoner," Karl told him. The boy giggled. "In fact, in one way or another, you'll always be tied or chained somehow. All the time you are here."
"And naked," the boy added.
"And naked." Karl replied.
He untied the boy's hands and the boy, walking awkwardly, went naked to the kitchen where they warmed up the pizza and ate it with cokes and breadsticks. Jhoon went to the bathroom and brushed his teeth and Karl tied his hands behind him and removed the chains. Then they watched TV for awhile.
"OK, Jhoon ... time for something really good. I'm gonna tie you up like you never been tied before."
Karl led him to the bedroom, laying him on the bed. The boy, excited, might have gotten a stiffy but didn't at the moment. Karl took a thin piece of string, like a bootlace, and carefully tied it around Jhoon's balls, at the top of the sac, the boy watching in interest (and a little worry), complaining a bit that it was uncomfortable.
"It's gonna get more uncomfortable in a minute," Karl said. "It's like being captured and tortured. It's easy to torture a naked boy when his hands are tied behind his back."
Karl stood the boy up and, using the long piece of string, brought it between the boy's thighs and tied it to the boy's wrist bindings. The boy moved his arms, to test it, and found out, with considerable discomfort, that if he tried to move his arms, he'd yank his own little balls.
"Hey, this is ... it's not ... "
"It's torture, naked prisoner boy. Every time I do something to you you'll try to move your arms. And if you do, you'll pull your own little balls."
"Cool." Jhoon said, not able to think of the word "devious". Of course, when Karl lay the boy on the carpet, the boy couldn't get up. If he tried to sit up, the distance would increase between his hands and his nuts, and the cord would pull his nuts. Karl tied his ankles again and then stood him up again.
Jhoon was standing next to the tall post at the foot of the bed. Jhoon's wrists, elbows (pulled back til they were almost touching), knees, and ankles were tied to the pole. The boy could not bend over, squat, sit, or avoid any attention to the bare front of his body. Karl stroked the boy's chest and then began kissing Jhoon's chest and tummy. Jhoon, of course, was suitably helpless, squirming, trying to free himself without pulling his balls, appreciating his helpless situation ... and the hugging and rubbing he was getting from Karl.
Karl then played another mean trick on him ... He got the boy a stiffy and then just left.
"Karl! Please don't leave me like this! Karl! Come back!" And the boy squeeled in delight when Karl reached in and snapped off the light.
Karl knew the boy was secure ... and that he wouldn't be able to get into any danger for awhile. He went to the bathroom to shave ... Jhoon loved it when he was freshly shaved ... and put on aftershave. He brushed his teeth. He came back into the room.
Jhoon had tears in his eyes, he was getting into it so much. Karl wiped them and kissed the boy's chest. "Want me to untie you, or torture you?"
"Torture!" Jhoon replied immediately. Now, the torture Karl lavished onto his lovely naked boy was not that of pain, but of circumstance ... it was pretend torture ... and the boy of course still had a stiffy. Karl untied the boy, even untying his nuts, leaving his hands still tied behind him, and then put him on the bed on his back, warning him not to move or he'd "get your balls".
Karl blindfolded him. Now, Jhoon had seen Karl naked before, but Karl sort of had a rule that, when they were playing, Karl was in charge and therefore Jhoon couldn't see him naked. Jhoon knew what was coming when Karl blindfolded him with the dark blue cloth.
"Oh no now I can't even see!" Jhoon said, and Karl began kissing and nibbling all over the boy's body, from his neck to his chest to his tummy to his waist to his hips and finally his little pecker, which was hard as a rock by now. Jhoon was desperate to jerk off or hump something but Karl wouldn't let him.
When Karl lay with the boy again, his own seven-inch circumsized cock, very erect now, was rubbing against the boy's thigh. The boy cuddled close and, when the man hugged him to his chest, the boy kissed the man's chest muscles repeatedly. "I love being tied up naked with you," he said. "Please, please let me hump or jerk, I just gotta!"
Karl smiled and kissed the boy. A year ago, the boy had been completely embarassed at the need to jerk off, until Karl had told him that it was natural and everyone did it. "You already got to have one finish," he said to Jhoon, using their own term for the orgasm which, for the boy, was dry. "Now you gotta let me have one ... but I want to have it on you."
Jhoon nodded. Jhoon didn't much care for the man's orgasms since that sticky pee-stuff-that-wasn't-pee came out ... the stuff that makes girls pregnant. But he also knew that if Karl had a real good finish, then he could be tied up real good and struggle and squirm for a long time.
Karl lay the boy on his belly. He slid up under the boy's arms, the boy's wrists still crossed and tied behind him, so that the man's chest was against the boy's back and the boy's wrists were tied not only behind his own back, but behind Karl's, too. Karl's stiff cock was rubbing on the boy's butt now. Jhoon had never done it this way before, and giggled as the man's cock went into the boy's buttcrack, like a hotdog on a bun. Karl, of course, had never put it into the boy's anus; he was saving that for some other time.
"Now you're all naked and I'm gonna hump your butt, you naked helpless boy!" Jhoon grinned and squirmed around, trying to get his own stiffy to rub the matress, but one of Karl's arms went across the boy's chest, rubbing, the boy rubbing his chest against the loving and affectionate arm; the man's right hand went around the boy and grasped his balls gently, threatening him with ball torture ... but instead he began expertly jacking the boy's stiff little pecker. The boy humped the man's hand, rubbed his chest against the man's arm, and the man jacked off between the boy's buttcheeks. The boy had two orgasms before Karl spurted his semen between their bodies, and then teased poor Jhoon that he'd not let him up.
After a few minutes, Karl squirmed out from under the boy's aching arms. He wiped the boy's back off, turned him over and kissed him. Jhoon of course was stil blindfolded but said "Please, tie me up real good."
Karl put his pants on, chained the boy's ankles, then took off the blindfold and untied the boy's hands. Jhoon was allowed to go to the bathroom. He was there for maybe six or seven minutes.
When he came out, Karl ambushed him, taking him back to the bedroom and throwing him face down on the bed. Jhoon giggled and laughed and squirmed but didn't resist.
Karl lay two ropes across Jhoon's upper back. He bent the boy's arms, one at a time, placing the back of one wrist between the boy's shoulder blades, pulling it upward toward the boy's neck as far as it would go, and then the other one, so the boy's wrists were crossed between his smooth young lovely shoulder blades. The wrists were tied, then the ropes brought around the folded arms and tied, and tied to the wrist bindings. When the boy stood up some eleven minutes later, he was "the boy with no arms". His arms were completely immobilized like this, but no rope went across the boy's smooth perfect chest which Karl, taking the opportunity, held against his own smooth muscular chest.
"I can't move my arms at all!" Jhoon said.
"That's right. It's like not having any arms. You're helpless. And you know what? You can't cover your butt or your balls! Nyah ha ha!"
Naked Jhoon walked around the bedroom like that for a minute. It was a bit cramping but not painful, the ropes around his arms holding them together so the wrists wouldn't .. and couldn't ... be lowered. He could not reach anything he tried for, the hands being, on the ends of the helplessly folded arms, in the most useless of positions.
"OK, get back over here ... it's time for more." Karl said. The cord was put around the boy's balls again, uncomfortably and a bit frightening. He then tied the boy's ankles and his legs, just above the knees, and folded the boy's legs, tying the ankles to the thighs, depriving the boy of the use of his legs. A blindfold came next, then the boy's mouth was stuffed full of something and taped securely. The boy moaned into the gag with obvious excitement and, when he was placed on the carpet, began to squirm around and jerk to his heart's content, trying to talk, making a lot of muffled vocalizations.
"Naked. Helpless. Prisoner. You're all mine, boy!" Karl said, deciding not to tie the boy's ball-string to anything since he was going to be unattended for a short time.
Of course, Jhoon never realized that the man was making photographs of him, and had been doing so for months. Oh, Jhoon knew there were a couple of pictures of him, tied up with his shirt off, in a loincloth, in his underwear. He'd even posed for them. And of course, because they had a secret (which Jhoon, up until six months ago, had begged Karl to reassure him would remain secret ... his mom would get real mad if she knew they were playing tie up games), he'd destroyed them (but not their copies) and they had an agreement that they'd never keep the pictures they took, just in case.
Karl had a nice collection now.
Jhoon, pretending to be captured and stripped naked and bound, rolled back and forth, never able really to get onto his back, enjoying the feel of the restraints and the air and carpet on his bare skin, happily played for a long time. He even managed to hump the carpet, his chest and thighs and pecker against it, his arms cramped and his legs even more cramped ... until he had another "finish".
Jhoon was aching to get loose after an hour and, it was about that time that Karl came in to change his position (having checked on him several times before, in between masturbation sessions).
After untying the boy (but not before chaining his neck to the bedpost ... the agreement was that the boy would be restrained in some manner at all times, and at all times naked), and after a rest, the boy spent an hour spread-eagled between two poles in Karl's basement, while Karl kissed and licked and feasted on his naked squirming body.
Later they cuddled on the couch, the boy's hands tied behind his back, and watched some more TV, the boy rubbing the man's chest with his face and kissing him. The boy wanted to suck Karl's cock, he said, because he loved him so much, but Karl had a timetable for such things and declined, saying that it wasn't time yet, even when Jhoon promised not to remove his blindfold.
But, when the boy was tied to the bed, his ankles bound apart to the bedposts, his hands tied behind his back, and his elbows pulled to the sides and tied to the bed frame, the boy, unable to sit up or turn over, his little stiffy raging, Karl playing with the balls that, he reminded poor Jhoon, were his and that he could do mean things to them, finally, Karl decided it was time for the next step, and gave the boy a very nice blowjob. Karl was hard as a rock, too, but this was for Jhoon. He sucked the pecker, licking it, stroking it, occasionally supporting gently the little ball sack, while the boy bucked and squirmed and pretended it was torture and that he didn't want it .... and the boy had the most intense "finish" ever.
After that came a hogtie, with blindfold and gag, for almost an hour. Then the boy was made to stand in strappado, his wrists & arms bound behind him, ankles tied, the rope from his wrists pulled upward toward the floor joist in the basement, bent over, while Karl patted his little butt and made fun of his helplessness.
At each stage, the boy being chained in some way by ankle, ankles, neck, or even once by the waist, his wrists were inspected. Long ago, Jhoon had adopted the habit of keeping multiple rubberbands around his wrists, as if storing them there for when he might need them, never very tight, but it did explain the marks on his wrists from being tied up. His mother, if she noticed, never questioned it, and Jhoon never had to test his lie.
Later, the boy's hands still tied behind his back and his ankles tied, under the covers with Karl (who was wearing his blue briefs and nothing else), the boy kisses Karl's chest again and said "I love you Karl."
"I love you too, Jhoon"
And the man cuddled his naked captive to his chest and they both slept soundly til morning.
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