Two Naughty Japanese Schoolgirls

[ mff, adult/teen, exhib, ped ]


Published: 1-Jul-2011

Word Count:

Author's Profile

Story Summary
This work is Copyrighted to the author. All people and events in this story are entirely fictitious.

After six months of bribing customs officials and shipping clerks, paying off crooked cops and narrowly avoiding jail, I had had enough.

I was working for a fat Australian lowlife named Fritz who ran a sleazy import-export business in Hong Kong. I had been making good money working for him, but I de-cided it wasn't worth risking five years in prison for, and I was waiting in his office to tell him so.

Finally Fritz walked in with a videocassette in his hand. "What's all this I hear about you wanting to leave us? "

"You heard right Fritz. I'm leaving for the States to-morrow. "

"A fellow in Japan just signed a deal with me for a series of porno videos, schoolgirl stuff. I thought you might want to help out." I shook my head.

Fritz popped the videotape he had in his hand into a VCR and sat down behind his desk. "That's too bad," Fritz said, turning on the TV across the room with the remote. "You're a good looking kid... Got a good sized dick on you too."

I looked at him in surprise.

Fritz laughed and pointed at the TV screen. The tape had started playing and to my shock I saw myself and a woman in the bedroom of my apartment. It took me a minute to realize -- there had been a video camera hid-den behind a mirror on the wall. Fritz had arranged the apartment for me, and I figured he had hidden the camera before I had moved in.

"Good stuff, Mate" Chuckled Fritz, watching the TV screen.

The woman I had been with was a cute little Japan Air stewardess I had met on one of my many flights between Hong Kong and Japan. We got to talking on the plane, met later that day for lunch, and wound up that even-ing, well, the tape showed it all. I was laying on my back on the bed and the stewardess, I forget her name, was sitting upright on top of me, bouncing up and down on my dick.

"I'm glad you like my work, Fritz, but I'm leaving. Find someone else."

He hit the fast forward button. "We'll see about that, Chum." He stopped the tape at a different section show-ing me with another girl. She was the daughter of a street vendor who worked outside my building. Young, with long shiny black hair, I had thought she had a crush on me, smiling sweetly at me whenever I passed by. This was confirmed by the videotape, which showed her slowly and gently working her small mouth up and down my big erection.

"You've got a way with the young ladies, Kid " Fritz said.

It dawned on me where he was going with this. "Hey, she was eighteen. If you're thinking of..."

"She's sixteen, lover boy. I checked. If the cops get a hold of this tape, you being a foreigner and all..." He had me.

"Look Fritz, what exactly do you want out of me?"

"My partners want real Japanese schoolgirls. You know the country, the language. I give you a camcorder, you fly to Japan and make a half hour tape. You and two girls, young ones. Send the tape to me and our business dealings will be finished."

Which is how I found myself strolling by an Osaka high school just as classes were letting out. There were plenty to choose from, cute young girls in white blouses, short blue plaid skirts, penny loafers or white tennis shoes and white ankle socks, and I just had to find a couple in a playful mood.

Waiting for a traffic light, two prospects walked up along side me, one about five feet tall, skinny, long gangly arms and legs and long hair half way down her back, the other shorter, with a rounder face and shoulder length hair.

"Are you girls going to the arcade? " I asked.

Surprised momentarily that I could speak Japanese, the taller one finally answered, "No, I wish we could. We both must work after school."

"That's too bad- you have to work to make spending money, but don't have any time to enjoy it." they both nodded, smiling. They were both looking up at me and I had a feeling they liked the way I looked. They both seemed friendly and outgoing, so I decided to make my move.

"Girls as pretty as you two shouldn't be working, you should be models or movie stars or something."

They both enthusiastically talked about how they wanted to be movie stars and how they had considered quitting school and going to Tokyo to try and break into the movie business.

I convinced them to skip work, telling them how much money they could make letting me take a few pictures of them, and telling them about all the movie people I knew in Hollywood. We sat talking in a cafe, and I felt they were taking a liking to me. Like Fritz said, I have a way with the young ladies.

I leaned forward and asked the girls, with a nice smile on my face, "Have either of you ever seen an erotic movie before?" The girls looked at each other and gig-gled.

Finally the taller one, who I learned was named Hiromi, spoke up. "My brother has one, and we watched it once."

Miho, the other girl, said laughing, "It was terrible, the things they made the girl do." They both dissolved into giggles at the memory of it.

"Well, it's not so terrible if you really like the guy, is it?"

They both shrugged shyly and said, "No, I guess not." They were both looking at me when they said it, and I knew I had my two leading ladies.

They took a little convincing; I agreed to pay them both 50,000 Yen, it would just be me and them, no one else, and it would just take half an hour. Miho was a little reluctant, but Hiromi excitedly talked about all the things they could buy with the money, and how they could quit their jobs and have fun for a change, and Miho finally caved in. I could make the tape that afternoon, Fed Ex it to Fritz, and be on a plane to the States the next morning.

We took a taxi to my hotel, and when we were in the room I gave each girl a Coke from the mini bar. Both girls had their hair parted in the center and combed straight down the sides and were wearing light pink lipstick, so, to make them look younger, I asked them to fix each others hair, in two pony tails for Miho's shorter hair and in a single pigtail for Hiromi's longer hair, and to wipe off their lipstick.

I didn't know exactly how old they were, but made up this way, in their school uniforms, they looked four-teen or fifteen.

"OK girls, you'll be sitting on the bed in your uni-forms, reading, and I'll walk out of the shower, naked. You act surprised. I'll walk over to you and show you what to do. OK?" They both nodded obediently, I could see that they were both nervous, but determined to earn their money.

The room was a little dark, so as I got undressed, I told the girls to turn on all the lights and open the curtains a bit. They finished their task and turned around, and when they caught sight of me with my big erection poking out, they looked at each other for a second, then, covering their mouths and noses with both hands, started giggling uncontrollably. I took a sip of Coke and stood there a minute to let them get it out of their system.

"I am sorry," Hiromi finally gasped, "It is just so big! " More giggling.

I set up the cameras, one on the bed and one on the door to the bathroom and Hiromi and Miho, who had finally calmed down, sat on the bed as I had instructed.

I went into the bathroom and then came out, drying my-self with a towel. They looked up from their books, put their hands over their mouths and opened their eyes very wide. I walked over to them and put Hiromi's hand on my dick. Here slim cool fingers felt wonderful touching me like that, I saw her eyes grow very wide as she grasped my cock firmly.

Hiromi was quite a girl- friendly, smiling, flirty, so I decided to start with her. I stood in front of the girls showing them how to stroke my dick, and Hiromi caught on quickly, using long, smooth strokes along the entire length, then giving Miho instruction and en-couragement on how to do it. When I told them how good it felt it really encouraged them- they gripped my erection with more confidence and really got into the effort of pleasuring me.

After a few minutes I said, "It would feel even better if you sucked on it with your mouth, Hiromi." Both girls screamed in giggles when I said that, and looked a little hesitant. But I persisted and took one of her fingers in my mouth and showed her how to do it.

Sitting on the edge of the bed in front of me, her first attempts were rather tentative, bobbing her head up and down on just the very tip of my dick, so I put my hand on the back of her head and gently pushed mouth onto my big erection.

"Just relax your tongue and throat muscles." She grad-ually got more and more of my long shaft in her mouth, and, hearing my groans of pleasure, got more enthusi-astic.

Working her mouth up and down on my dick, she was a little jerky and awkward, but seeing as she was just a young schoolgirl, I figured viewers of the tape would forgive her.

When Hiromi's jaw got tired, she pushed my dick over to Miho, and instructed Miho just as I had instructed her. Hiromi got a little pushy showing Miho how to do it, so I calmed her down and told Miho to take her time, take it little by little. After a few minutes, she could take almost as much dick in her mouth as Hiromi.

I had half an hour of tape to fill, so after about ten minutes of the girls trading blowjob duties I turned the TV to MTV and told Hiromi to dance and do a strip for me. I lay back on the bed and had Miho kick off her shoes and cuddle up next to me, and stroke my dick.

It was a rather obscene sight, Miho's skinny arm, very thin wrist and pale, delicate little hand pumping up and down on my big, throbbing, blue veined erect adult penis. Hiromi danced, shyly and giggly, at the foot of the bed, unbuttoning her blouse, slipping off her shoes, then her socks, unzipping her skirt and letting it fall slowly to the floor, then hooking her thumbs into her white cotton panties, slowly and shyly pulling them off.

Skinny, long legged, with little tits that were already developing nicely, she was gorgeous. Her nipples were a little surprising, big, quarter sized, and lighter pink than most Asian girls.

When Hiromi was totally nude I had her hop up on the bed next to me and told Miho to do a strip for me. Without prompting, and with a devilish grin on her pretty face, Hiromi leaned down and started sucking my dick again, and I moved her pigtail to the other side of her face so the camera would get a better view.

I took a look over at Miho when she had stripped down completely. Shorter and curvier than Hiromi, she still had a very petite and delicate little body, with tits just starting to develop.

"Now you do it to him! " Giggled Hiromi, motioning Miho to join us on the bed, holding the base of my cock as Miho hopped up on the bed and started working her mouth up and down the head and upper part of the shaft. Then the girls started having fun pushing my dick down and seeing it boing back up.

After about twenty minutes of having these two naughty little schoolgirls playing with it, my erection was throbbing and pounding, stiffer and bigger than it had ever been, like a car tire with twice the recommended air pressure in it.

Even though I was far too large for these little girls, I figured Fritz expected me to screw them, and honest-ly, I felt I would go insane if I didn't shove my dick into at least one of them, so I decided to test the girls to see which one would have the best chance at taking at least some of me.

"OK girls, lie back and let's see you poke one of your fingers up inside yourself. " After some bashful shy-ness and giggling resistance, Hiromi complied, squeez-ing her middle finger in her tight little pussy, then encouraging Miho to do the same.

"Can either of you push two fingers in there?" I asked. They looked at each other, bit their lips and attempted the deed. Hiromi managed fairly easily, But little Miho had some difficulty squeezing them both in.

"How about three, Hiromi?" Again, she managed, with only slightly more difficulty.

"You must do that to yourself sometimes, huh?" She blushed and looked down at the bed.

"OK Hiromi, I'll lie on my back and you sit on top of me and see how much of my penis you can get inside of you. Miho, you hold onto it and help guide it into her."

I lay back with my hands behind my head and took in the show. With Miho carefully aiming my dick, Hiromi lowered herself onto it, gasping and squealing as the head penetrated her, the pitch of her voice getting higher as I gently thrust my hips to try and get enough of my erection into her to get a good pumping motion going, but in this position she couldn't take much more than the head.

After about half an hour of these two young girls teas-ing and torturing my dick, I couldn't take any more. I sat up in the bed, clasped Hiromi's naked little body against my own, got up on my knees and laid her on her back in front of me, with her legs in the air.

"Sorry if this hurts a little, Hiromi" I said as I grabbed her hips and lifted them up slightly and spread my knees apart to bring me down to her level.

She was wet from all our horseplay and the head of my cock was slick with pre-cum by now, and when they min-gled in the entrance to Hiromi's innocent little virgin pussy it helped, but only a little. I grabbed hold of her shoulders and squeezed myself in her, pushing harder than I really should have, till I was two or three inches in her. Her eyes were tightly shut and her mouth open, gasping for air.

"Please... I think you are hurting her," Miho said anxiously, but you could have put a gun to my head and I couldn't have stopped. It took longer than I thought it would, but after about two minutes of pumping little Hiromi I felt my orgasm building, so I let go of her shoulders, pulled my dick out of her, and, after a few seconds of stroking it with my hand, unleashed a tor-rent of cum all over the delicate little girl. Jet after jet, long powerful squirts, more than I had ever put out before, coated the poor girl's stomach, chest and face with my slippery, slimy semen.

Both girls watched in shock as I emptied myself all over Hiromi, I don't think that they expected what was happening. They just silently watched as I grunted my hot life's seed in big gobs onto the girls soft naked body.

The assault on Hiromi's virginity was rather brutal, I admit, but it might have actually had a beneficial effect, getting the girls to stay in school and give up their dream of movie stardom. They were good girls, just dreamers and a little naive, and I think Miho, and especially Hiromi, sore and covered in my cum, had had enough of being in front of a camera for a while.

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