Peter and Jane, Part 2

[ gbM, cons, pedo, nostalgia, spoof ]

Published: 13-Jul-2012

Word Count: 11968

Author's Profile

show Story Summary
The characters and scenes are inspired by illustrations to the Ladybird Key Words Reading Scheme books, featuring brother and sister Peter and Jane. This story has no connection with the scenes or stories portrayed in the text of the books.

5. Jane On Holiday

It was the third week of the summer holidays, and Jane was looking forward to going to stay with her uncle the following week. Her friend Peter was going to stay too. She was helping her mummy in the kitchen and talking about what fun it would be to stay at her uncle's as he lived at the seaside.

"Uncle Roger is really looking forward to having you to stay" said her mummy. "He remembers how much fun it was having you to stay two years ago. He still talks about it."

Susan could barely remember that visit. She had only been eight, and had forgotten most of it. "Do you remember playing with Uncle Roger in the bath two years ago?" asked Jane's mummy.

"No, I don't remember that at all" said Jane.

"Uncle Roger does, he told me how much fun it was!" said her mummy.

"You mean - we were in the bath together and I was naked - and he was naked too?" asked Jane.

"Well of course! That's how you usually have a bath, isn't it?" smiled her mummy.

Jane was surprised - how could she not remember sitting naked with Uncle Roger, able to see his penis and letting him see her body too. She must have been a silly girl back then not to have realised!

"Uncle Roger might want to play with you in the bath again" said her mummy.

"Do you really think so?" Jane's heart missed a beat.

"You don't have to if you don't want to" said her mummy, but you seemed to like it last time!"

Jane knew that it would be different this time. Now Jane knew how special her uncle's penis was, and what it was made to do, and she knew how to make it do it... and then she was aware of her own body, how much her uncle might enjoy touching her... "It might be nice" said Jane.

"I'm sure it will be" said her mummy. "Uncle Roger would never do anything to hurt you, you must remember that Jane" she said.

"I know that" said Jane. "It would be fun to play with him in the bath, we could wash each other all over..." said Jane, slyly.

"Where do you think you would like to wash him?" smiled mummy. Jane did not answer.

"You are starting to grow up, Jane, and it is time you learned all about how boys and girls can play with each other. Uncle Roger likes you, and he might be only too happy to teach you all about it!"

"I see..." said Jane. "I think that would be very nice!"

"You already know some things about it don't you?? smiled mummy. "You don't have to keep it a secret from me - I was once a growing girl like you, remember!"

So when Jane and Peter met her uncle at the bus stop where they got off, Jane was wondering just what exciting things they might get up to in the next two weeks! Uncle Bob was waiting at the bus station when their bus pulled in, and waved out to them when they got off. He hugged both of them and Jane looked up into his face to see if he was giving her a special look, but she didn't notice anything in his face. So they all got into his car, and he drove them to his home. They met Auntie Janice and had tea together, and then Uncle Bob took the children out for a walk along the sea. When they got to where the path reached the top of the cliff, the children could sea right along the sea front to the harbour and along the wide, sandy beach. Peter ran off with the dog, Jim, while Jane looked out at the boats. She felt her uncle's arm around her waist, and then felt her hand slide over her bottom and give it a squeeze.

"Hmmmm..." grinned Jane to herself. "I think Uncle likes my bottom!"

"When we get back to the house and have had supper, would you like a bath?" asked Uncle Bob.

"Hmmmm..." thought Jane. "That would be nice" said Jane.

"I want to have a bath too. Do you remember how we used to play together in the bath the last time you came?" he asked Jane.

"I don't remember much about it, but mummy reminded me yesterday" said Jane.

"You enjoyed playing with me in the bath. you enjoyed it a lot. I still remember it" said Uncle Bob.

"Did you enjoy it?" Jane asked.

"Of course, I always enjoyed playing with you."

"I'm older now then when I last visited. I've grown up more" said Jane, turning to look at her uncle. "But I still think it would be nice to play in the bath with you. In fact, it might be even more fun..."

"I think so too" smiled her uncle.

Jane had told Peter all about how her uncle wanted to get her into the bath with him. "I think we will have some fun together!" she giggled. "I'm sure you will! Does Uncle Bob know how you've played with me, or with Susan's friend?"

Jane had told Peter all about the fun she had had with their former teacher. "Of course he doesn't! That's the best part of it!" she giggled. "Uncle Bob thinks I don't know any more about boys than I did the last time we sat in the bath together!"

So Jane stood in the bathroom and watched her uncle turn on the taps and start to fill the bath. He turned to her and said "come on, let me help you get undressed."

He pulled Jane's jumper off over her head, and then her shirt.

"Oh... Jane, you've started to develop! I didn't know that!"

"That's what girls do! Didn't you know that?" smiled Jane.

"Of course... but most girls don't start until they are a bit older than you are now" said her uncle.

"Well, I've started already, and I can't stop it now" smiled Jane. "You don't mind, do you? I thought you might like to wash them for me when we are in the bath!"

"Of course I don't mind... You have a lovely figure, Jane. You have always been very pretty, but you are growing up very nicely."

"Thank you" said Jane. "Don't let the bath get too full!"

Her uncle turned off the taps, and knelt down in front of Jane and unzipped her trousers. Jane realised that she had not ever taken off her knickers when she was with Susan and Peter. This was going to be a new part of the game! Sure enough, her uncle pulled off her trousers and then very gently slid her white knickers down to her feet. His head was almost level with her tight little fold, and he stopped still to stare at it for what seemed like a long time.

"Now it's my turn to get undressed" said Uncle Bob, and he stood up and took his clothes off. When he had taken his pants off, Jane could see his thick, dangling penis, surrounded by black hairs. She could not stop herself from staring at it just as much as he could not stop himself from staring at her crease. When he climbed into the bath, as he lifted one leg across the side Jane saw his penis dangling loosely under his body. She remembered how hard Peter had stared at her as she had climbed over the sty on their way to the river, trying to see between her open thighs. Her uncle sat himself down in the bath, and invited Jane in. She stepped in and sat opposite him, in between his open legs. She looked down into the water at his penis, and she knew that he was staring at her breasts, then between her thighs, then at her breasts again... Jane saw his penis starting to stand up and point at her from between her uncle's legs.

"Your penis is standing up by itself!" said Jane.

"Yes, I know it is. You don't have to be worried about it" he replied.

"Why should I be worried about it?" asked Jane.

"Some girls get a bit scared when they see it happen for the first time" he explained.

"Does that mean other girls have seen your penis?" grinned Jane, noticing that by now, the penis was standing straight and pointing up at her.

"Well... it might..." said her uncle.

"It didn't frighten me the first time I saw it" grinned Jane. But then, I had seen pictures of it so I knew what would happen."

"Does that mean you've seen other men's..." said her uncle.

"Well... it might..." grinned Jane.

"Do you know why it does it?" he asked.

"I might..." said Jane. "Can I feel it?"

"Yes, if you want to. Just be careful."

"Don't worry, I'll be careful" said Jane, and she leaned forward and grasped the shaft of the penis in her hand. Then she started moving her hand up and down, up and down, quickly and firmly. Her uncle let out a gasp of surprise and shock, and pleasure.

"You've done this before, haven't you?" he asked her.

"Hmmm... I might have!" she replied. "You like it though, don't you?"

"oh, yes... you know that. I think you know a lot!"

"I know what will happen if I do this well enough. You want it to happen, don't you?" smiled Jane, keeping her hand moving in fast, firm strokes. She soon realised that it was quite hard work to do it for a while. She remembered that Susan has kept doing this to their former teacher for several minutes, and that she had to change hands when one hand got tired. Jane swapped hands. The penis felt strangely different in the hand that she did not normally use.

"Here, this will make it easier" said Uncle Roger, and he reached to the side of the bath and picked up a bottle of baby oil.

"I had this ready for us to put on each other and have fun, but it is just what we need now" he said. "Take your hand off for a second."

Uncle Roger flipped open the cap on the plastic bottle, turned it upside down and squeezed it hard, forcing a jet of clear oil onto the head of his penis and running down the sides.

"Hold your hands out flat" he told Jane, and she offered him her open palms, and let him squirt a generous helping of baby oil over both of them. Then he put the plastic bottle on the side of the bath. "Now you can carry on, Jane. It'll be much more exciting now!"

When Jane got to work again on his penis, she found that her hand slid down it in an instant. "You can put your hand right over the head of the penis now, and rub it just as hard as the rest of it - because it is slippery, you won't hurt it" said Uncle Roger, and Jane got back to work with her hand, this time sliding it right to the top of the now shiny, wet head and down to her uncle's pubic hairs and up again, working faster than ever, and he started gasping out loud, and then... Jane grinned all over her face with excitement and satisfaction as a jet of thick semen burst into the air, followed by more. The creamy liquid fell over Jane's hand and her uncle's pubic hair, and in the soapy water.

"Was that good?" asked Jane.

"Oh baby, that was the best ever!" smiled her uncle, and he leaned forward and embraced her, pulling Jane towards him. She felt his face touching her hair, and his breath moving warmly through it. He ran a hand down her back, and up again. Then he pushed Jane away from him and ran his hands down her shoulders, her arms, and took hold of her hands.

"Oh, baby, my baby... my beautiful baby..." he whispered. "You are soooo good!"

Jane smiled, squeezing his fingers inside hers.

"You've done it that way before?"

Jane shook her head.

"So I've taught you a new trick then... Good!"

"I only held a penis for the first time a few weeks ago" said Jane. "I never thought I'd learn so many things so quickly."

"You held a penis long before that" smiled uncle Roger.

"No I hadn't!"

"You just don't remember, do you... You've held this one here before. When you were only five and we played in the bath together, you loved squeezing it. You didn't realise what you were doing, of course, but you enjoyed it. And you enjoyed having me stroke you you-know-where too."

"Did I make you shoot semen out of your penis?" asked Jane.

"No, it would have taken you too long and be too much work, and it might have frightened you. But you made me feel very good."

"I'm not frightened of a penis!" said Jane.

"No, but you might have been before you were old enough to understand what they do" said her uncle. "But you are clearly old enough now! So, would you like to learn some more new things?"

"Oh yes please!" said Jane.

"Come here then! Sit on top of my lap, with your legs astride me."

Jane's uncle lifted her up so that she could climb onto the top of his hips. As Jane squatted down onto him, she realised that his penis was now directly underneath her own open legs.

"Oh my little darling, I've dreamed of having you on top of me like this!" whispered her uncle, and he lifted his hand up to her head, and stroked her hair and then her cheek. "You have always been such a beautiful little girl" he told her.

Jane felt his penis harden and press into her body, as her uncle stroked her neck and then ran his fingers around her nipples. Jane felt her nipples tingle and she grinned at her uncle's face. He put his hands around her hips and adjusted her a little.

"Let my penis press right into the middle of your crease" he told her. "You'll like that."

Jane got the idea and shuffled her hips until she could press her crease right onto the penis. Her uncle took hold of the bottle of baby oil and poured it liberally over both their thighs.

"This will help a bit" he said. Then he pulled Jane's hips gently towards him.

"Just rock yourself on top of me, let it feel good for you and move how you want to. Try to move yourself all the way up and down my penis, especially the head."

With the baby oil having made her slippery, Jane found that she could slide herself along the penis easily, and by pressing herself down onto it, send waves of pleasure though her own sex. As she slid herself forward, she felt the ridge of the head of the penis and got a special thrill as she rubbed herself over it. Jane tried to keep her body right there and rock herself against it.

"Oh Jane! That's good, that's just how I like it my baby!" smiled her uncle. "You learn your lessons very quickly, don't you? Well, here's one more you will like..."

Jane felt her uncle put his hand in the middle of her bottom, and then slide his fingers down the fold in the middle until he found the opening behind her there. He pressed a finger onto the tight little ring of flesh and gently ran his finger around it in little circles.

"Ooooh!" Grinned Jane, "that is nice!" I didn't know that part of me could feel good too."

"You like that then? I thought you would. It helps make the pleasure you feel under your legs more intense when you do that."

Jane put her hands onto her uncle's chest to support herself as she rocked her hips over his penis. Her fingers found his flat nipples and she experimented with tickling them.

"Very good!" said her uncle. "One more thing you have learned."

Jane felt as though the warmth growing from under her thighs was flowing through her whole body. This was so much more powerful than using hands, now that their sexes were working together, male pleasuring female pleasuring male, excitement given and taken together, flowing flesh to flesh and flesh from flesh.

"Now let's go all he way, do it harder, hard as you can, and fast." Her uncle began pulling her arms forward and back, and Jane found that she could move herself really fast. Her uncle began pushing his hips under her, opposing and synchronising with her rocking motion, making the water in the bath splash and form waves up and down the length of the bath. So forceful were their motions that water started splashing over the top of the bath, but neither of them could stop now, forcing their bodies against the other and feeling the thrill grow and grow, and then without warning, Jane's uncle moaned out loud and Jane felt his penis jerking under her. She looked down and saw semen shooting towards his stomach, as if coming from out of the space between her thighs, and landing on his skin.

"Oh Jane, Jane Jane, darling Jane, lovely little Jane, that was amazing!" Her uncle pulled her body onto his chest and hugged her tight and kissed her hair and her cheeks. "And this is your first day of the holidays! How much fun are we going to have by the end of the week?" he asked.

"Lots and lots and lots I hope!" giggled Jane.

"So do I, darling, but I think bath time is over. Lets' get out and dry ourselves.

After tea, Peter went into Jane's bedroom. "What were you doing in the bath this afternoon?" he asked her.

"Just playing" said Jane, smiling at him.

"Was Uncle Roger in the bath with you?"

"Yes, as it happens. So what? We played in the bath together the last time we cam to visit!"

"So what? Now you know why it is such a big deal to be with a man and both of you are naked! So did you get a good look at his penis?"

"Of course I did!" grinned Jane. "It was impressive, too! Uncle Roger is a big man!"

"I bet you liked looking at his penis!" said Peter.

"Of course I did!"

"And I bet he was looking at your naked body the whole time, even though he pretended that he wasn't bothered by having you naked in the bath with him!"

"Well that's where you are wrong!" said Jane. "He didn't pretend anything - he told me how much he liked looking at my body! He was madly in love with me and he said I was really pretty and he loved my breasts and my legs and my bottom and my face! And you should know that he couldn't have kept it a secret from me because his penis grow HUGE and stood up out of the water where I could see it!"

"You're making that up!" said Peter.

"No I'm not!" said Jane. "You wanted to know what we did in the bath so I'm telling you what we did in the bath!"

"So you had a good look at his huge penis and he looked at you all that time?" asked Peter.

"No, of course not, we were playing, stupid! Just like we play together, but it's more fun with a grown up."

"You mean, you touched each other?" asked Peter.

"Of course! What do you think I'd do, with a lovely big penis right in front of me, how could I keep my hands off it? And he loved to touch me and he made me feel so good when he touched me!"

"Where did he touch you?"

"EVERYWHERE! And it was goooood!" said Jane.

"And you touched him?"

"Of course, it would have been very selfish not to! I know how to touch a penis the way a man likes it. And that's not all I did, he showed me how to sit on top of him so that I am pressing myself right onto his penis, so that when I pushed my hips I rubbed myself over it and that made us both feel good, and that's the way I made him shoot his sperm."

"You actually did that? I mean, he did that? Where did the sperm go? Did it get into your vagina?"

"No, silly, the penis wasn't inside me, it's too big! The sperm just shot out over his tummy."

"Didn't it make a mess?"

"No, we were in the bath, weren't we, so he just washed it away. And there isn't that much sperm, only a handful, so it's easy to clear up."

"So I suppose you won't want to play with me in that way if you can have a man to play with now?" said Peter.

"Don't be silly!" said Jane. "I still like you, don't I? And I didn't give up playing with you when Susan introduced me... anyway, you can go right inside me and that's nice. Here, lie on your back, I want to show you how I sat on top of Uncle Roger and see how it feels."

Peter lay down, and Jane pulled off his pyjama trousers. Then she kneeled astride his hips and lowered herself onto him. She was surprised to see his penis already firm - their conversation had already excited him - and she took it between her fingers and guided him into her. Then she began rocking herself on top of him, and then lifted her hips up and down to draw his penis in and out of her. Jane leaned forward and put her hands onto the bed either side of Peter, and smiled at him.

"This is good, I don't have to do anything, just lie here!" said Peter.

"Typical boy!" said Jane. "Let me do all the work! But does it feel good? I like it, I can get you deeper inside me this way."

"Yes, that is good!" said Peter. "It feels like you are really squeezing me tight! Oh go on..."

Jane thrust herself down onto Peter faster, as fast as she could, and felt the pleasure build up in her pelvis stronger than she had ever felt before. Peter was in rapture too, and both children began panting out loud in time with each thrust. Then Peter stiffened, opened his mouth wide in a long silent "O......" and then went limp on the bed. Jane wanted to carry on, but she could feel Peter's penis shrinking and softening inside her. Peter obviously had decided that the game was over. She stopped.

"Don't you want to carry on? I was really enjoying that. I want more!" said Jane."

"But it's over for me. Once I get such a big thrill, I have to stop."

Jane climbed off Peter. She knew that he would not now be interested in doing that again for some time.

"Jane..." began Peter. "You said earlier that when you got in the bath with Uncle Roger, you already knew how to handle a man's penis! Did you really?"

"Did I say that... what I meant was I knew how to play with yours" said Jane.

"But you said Man's... and you said something about when Susan did something. What was that?"

"Oh... Nothing. Susan and I talk about boys and things. She knows quite a lot and she tells me things, she told me how you hold a man's penis."

"Has she done it then?" asked Peter.

"I wouldn't tell you even if I knew" said Jane. "That sort of thing is private."

"So... if you had done it with a man, you wouldn't tell me?"

"I might... I've told you about Uncle Roger. Now you wouldn't like it if I told other people about what I do with you, would you?" asked Jane.

"Well no... I suppose not" said Peter. "And Uncle Roger knows both of us. Did you tell him what we do together?"

"I think he's guessed" said Jane. "He can sort of tell things like that. Like the way he could tell I would like to play with him in the bath."

"I think grown-ups can probably tell when girls - or boys know about things that show they are growing up, it's a bit like a secret society that you can only tell who is a member of once you have joined, so you know the signs" said Peter.

"Yes, I think you are right" said Jane. "Since I've learned about all this, I can sort of tell which other girls at school know as well, just by the way they loo, and I think they can tell it about me too!"

"Funny you should mention that, because I think boys can tell too" said Peter. "Not boys in my class so much, but some older ones... David's brother told him that he thinks you look like the sort of girl who would get into bed with him if he asked!"

"Oh really? How old is he?" asked Jane.

"He's in the third year of high school... so he must be thirteen..."

"Thirteen! And he knows I'm ten! Aren't I a bit young for him?" asked Jane.

"You can talk - How old do you think Uncle Roger is? Thirty at least! And you don't think you are too young for him!" laughed Peter.

"Yes, well... I mean it's different if it's a proper grown-up, then they treat you differently, they know they have to look after you" explained Jane.

"Well, you certainly seem to like being looked after!" laughed Peter.

Jane stayed with Peter because she was hoping that he might want to play their special game once more. She looked at his penis, and it was as small and limp as it usually was, so she could tell that he just wasn't interested. Jane wondered if it would be worth playing with his penis and making him interested, but she figured that he had probably lost interest. Anyhow, they would do it again tomorrow, Jane thought, but she would like to play it now! She didn't want to have to wait.

Jane slid into bed, but found it difficult to get to sleep. She lay on her back with her eyes closed, and tried to imagine David's older brother... She had not seen him very often, but she could picture him standing in front of her... smiling... he was undoing his trousers, letting them fall to the floor... then pulling down his pants... what would a thirteen year old boy's look like? Jane wondered as she tried to imagine it. It would have hair wound it - yes, it would be big, but not too big... she imagined him getting on top of her, his face next to hers, and his almost-man size penis sliding into her,,. Oh yes! So big - so much bigger than Peter's, but just small enough to fit into her, only just, it is a tight fit, he has to push hard, really hard to get it all the way in but when it is in, it fills me right up! In her imagination, spurt after spurt of semen, big long jets of it, slowed inside her, filling her up. What about his little brother David? He is quite nice, though Jane. She would let him have a go, after his older brother, on he gets, pushes his cute little penis inside me, oh yes, he likes that a lot, he has a big smile all over his face! Which other boys would like it? One by one, Jane pictured the boys she knew at school, Tony, Sam, Alan, some she did not like at all and didn't want to let them touch her even in her imagination, but it would be nice to let most them... She could picture them standing around her bed, patiently waiting their turn, their clothes off and their little penises standing up ready to do just what they were made to do! One at a time, they got onto the bed, knelt between her open thighs and let themselves in for an extra-special treat, and once they had got it, they climbed off the bed and moved out of the way for the next boy!

What about their teacher? Would he like to play with Jane? Her last teacher liked it a lot, but maybe teacher's didn't like to do it with girls in their own class! What other men did she know? There was Susan's daddy... he was very nice, but Susan had said that he didn't seem to be interested in girls - you never knew, though! Or Peter's daddy? He could be a bit strict, but Jane always though that he quite liked her... hmm... like father, like son maybe? Jane thought? Maybe Peter had let on to his daddy about what he and Jane did together - who knows? And what about my daddy? Wondered Jane? She had seen him naked, but not for quite a long time... Would he, if he asked him to? Who knows? What would it be like? Oh daddy, my daddy...

When Jane opened her eyes, it was dark. She thought that she had not been asleep, but she must have been, and now she did not feel in the least bit tired. She could not stay in bed, she felt wide awake, so she went downstairs to get a drink. It was so dark, Jane knew that it must be the middle of the night, and she thought that Uncle Roger would be in bed. But as she walked across the hall to the kitchen, she could see light under the closed living room door. Jane tiptoed into the kitchen hoping that she would not be heard, but as she opened the fridge door, filling the room with light from inside the fridge, the main room light flicked on and Uncle Roger stood behind her.

Jane stood up and turned around. "I'm sorry, Uncle, I couldn't sleep... I just came downstairs for a drink" said Jane.

"That's alright, you can come down any time you like! Oh Jane, that is such a pretty nightie you have on! It is so short, I can see all of your bare legs! Does Peter like you in that nightie?"

"I suppose he does!" said Jane, realising that she would not be going to sleep for some time. "Here I'll get you a drink" said Uncle Roger, "I'll get you a nice grown-up drink, while I get myself one. Follow me, it's in the living room."

Jane walked into the living room, where music was playing from the radio, and watched her uncle make two drinks at the bar in the same way that daddy did when he made a drink for himself and mummy, and for any grown-ups who were visiting. He put some clear liquid from one of the bottles into two glasses, and then poured coca-cola into both glasses, but he poured much more into one glass than another.

"Here you, come and sit down on the sofa!" Uncle Roger gave Jane the fuller glass. Jane tasted it. It tasted almost exactly like ordinary Coca-Cola, but there was a slightly different taste to, something that almost burnt her mouth but not too much. Jane decided that it tasted nice! Mummy says it is naught to drink too much alcohol because it makes you do thinks you don't want to do" said Jane.

"Oh no, your mummy has got it wrong! Grown up drinks let you do things that you DO want to do!" grinned Uncle Roger. That's the whole point." He clinked his glass against Jane's, in the way that grown-ups do. Jane took another gulp.

"Your legs are so smooth!" said her uncle in a soft voice, and he lifted up the edge of her nightie, nice and slow... "Oh! Jane, you are not even wearing any panties!"

"You sound disappointed! I wouldn't have thought that you had minded!" giggled Jane.

"Only because I would have liked to pull them off!" said Roger. "That is a nice game! You could pretend to want to stop me from pulling them off and I try to force them off, so you struggled and pull and roll around and push me away, but of course in the end I get them right off!"

"That does sound fun!" said Jane. "Shall I go and put some panties on for you?"

"Oh no, we can play that another time! Here, do you like ice?" Roger pulled a half-melted ice cube out of his glass with two fingers, and held it in front of Jane. Then he lifted her nightie to show off her tummy and placed the ice onto her skin just below her belly-button. Jane squealed and flexed her muscles, but let the ice cube stay on her skin, for the few minutes that Roger held it there.

"Ice is nice, isn't it?" whispered Roger, as he lifted her nightie higher, up to her neck and slowly and guided the ice towards Jane's left nipple. He placed it right onto the nipple and pressed it there. Jane gasped with shock, and then felt her uncle make little circling moves with the ice over her nipple.

"Your little buds are so sweet!" he whispered, as her transferred the ice to her right nipple. When he lifted the ice again, Jane could feel that her nipples were unusually hard, the points in the middle standing out more than usual. Her uncle leaned over her and kissed each one, running the tip of his tongue over the point. His tongue felt really hot after the ice, and Jane felt slivers of delight shoot through what was becoming her breasts. Roger moved the ice cube down to her hips, and with his free hand opened her thighs, and then pressed the ice right onto the top of her little fold and slid it downwards... for a split second, and then Jane shrieked at the top of her voice and her hips jolted forward, her body writhing, the shock of the cold so intense. The ice dropped down on to the carpet.

"Oh! I'm sorry, I didn't mean to do that!" gasped Jane, still in shock.

"That's alright, it's all part of the game" her uncle reassured her.

"But I was so loud! Suppose I woke up Peter?" she giggled.

"So what? He can come down and join in the fun! It would be nicer with two boys to play with, wouldn't it?"

Jane wondered if he was being serious. Well, it would be more fun, she supposed. She felt the unusual hotness of her uncle's hand slide down between her legs and begin to massage her inside her fold in the way that she was now quite familiar with. She leaned her head against her uncle and smiled at him as she felt the pleasure of her special girlness grow and spread through her.

Her uncle stroked her head gently as he pleased her. "You are such a lovely girl, Jane!" he whispered, and he leaned forward and kissed the top of her head. When he lifted his hand, Jane assumed that the game was over and sat up.

"You don't want to get to the end of the game?" he asked.

"What end? We've done it, haven't we?" she asked.

"Well, no.... is that as far as you've ever got, Jane?"

"What do you mean? It feels good, and that's it. There isn't any more."

"Oh, Jane, there is more. There is a lot more. Peter has been very selfish when he plays with you, hasn't he? Still, I guess he doesn't realise!"

"What do you mean?" asked Jane.

"There's a lot more to this game, little girl. A whole lot more, you've only played the beginning... Well, I suppose I should have taught you how to get to the end by now.... Open your legs, really wide..."

"Jane stared at him for a second, her eyes wide in panic. "You're not going to... I'm too little, really!" she gasped.

"Oh, don't worry, I'd never do that before you wanted me to, silly! There are other ways of getting into the right part of you...." Jane's uncle slide off the sofa and knelt down between her open legs, and then he gently pulled her closer to the edge of the sofa. "Now lie right back, get nice and comfortable - leave me to do the work" he said.

He put his hands onto her thighs and pushed his head right in between them, and then Jane felt the end of his tongue touch the top of her crease and then slide down, gently, parting her fold and pushing into her. It felt warm and wet, so different to her uncle's fingers, it tried to get into her in the way that Peter pushed himself into her, but the tongue could twist and bend and explore like a snake, in ways that a penis couldn't do. As the tongue began to slide up and down in a way similar to her uncle's fingers, Jane felt the familiar pleasure. The tongue's tip pressed into the fold just above the opening, and concentrated on that one place, and the pleasure changed in a way that was not so familiar... the pleasure centred on the one place, and it grew hotter and sweeter. Jane's uncle moved his hands around her hips so that he could hold her bottom and push it towards his tongue. The tongued moved faster and pressed harder, and the hotness and sweetness grew. Jane started to gasp out loud, in the same way that Peter did when his body tried to release his semen, and still her uncle didn't stop and still the pleasure grew, and then it swelled up inside her and made Jane lean her head back and open her mouth and "Oh......." Still it grew, and her uncle put one hand into the fold of her bottom behind her and pushed a finger against her anus which seemed to make the pressure on her clitoris even stronger, and then it happened.... It couldn't grow any more, it just couldn't it was a wonderful as anything could ever be, and the only thing that could happen now was that it was over....

When Jane sat up, she realised that her pubes and the inside of her thighs were not only hot and flushed, but wet too.

"That's how the game is meant to end!" smiled her uncle. Now you know!"

"Oh wow!" grinned Jane. I don't think I could get to the end too often!"

"Don't worry, you'll soon be wanting it all the time" said her uncle.

"So.... When a boy... when you, I mean a man, he does it enough to make his sperm come out - that is what he feels like?"

"That's right, that's the whole point!"

"OH WOW!" exclaimed Jane. "So EVERY TIME Peter got to the end... when he had to stop - he felt something like that! I had no idea!"

"Well, you do now! You had better start making sure that when you get to play with boys, they are as nice to you as you are to them, or they will get all the fun and you won't!" explained her uncle.

"I don't think I want to bother with boys at all" said Jane. "They just want to have all the fun, but you and... you, I know you really want me to have fun too!"

"Of course I do, Jane. I really love you. And you give me a lot of pleasure too, you know!"

"I haven't tonight, not yet" said Jane. "It seems only fair that I let you get to the end of the game too... she hesitated, and then said "Using your tongue is a really good way to do it, isn't it? I've seen my... I've heard about how to put a penis in your mouth and suck and lick it! That must make it feel really good, mustn't it?"

"It certainly does! Are you saying you would like to have a go at doing it?"

"well... I don't know. I want to make it nice for you, but it must taste so weird..."

"If that's all that worries you, I think we can solve the problem..." Jane's uncle reached over to a drawer in a unit at the edge of the sofa and opened it, and then took out a little flat packet.

"Do you know about condoms, Jane?" he asked.

"Are the things that stop you having a baby?" asked Jane.

"Yes, they do that. They also stop you getting some diseases from a penis. But they are fun to play with even if you don't need to do either of those things" said Roger. He handed Jane one of the little shiny packets. "Here you, undo it carefully, and unwrap what's inside" he said.

Jane carefully tore open the top of the packet and then pulled out the condom. She held it up and examined it carefully, squeezing it to make it an oval shape. The feel of it made Jane excited, knowing that it was designed for one purpose only, and that was for a man's penis! She remembered some of Susan's pictures which were of a man's penis with a condom over it, and in one of them the semen was collected at the top of it where it had just all come shooting out, making the condom look as if it was about to burst open! Roger put the condom on the top of his penis and told Jane to gently unroll it until it reached all the way down to the bottom.

"Don't worry if you tear it" he said. "That sometimes happens. We can just get another one!"

Jane was almost too careful in unrolling the condom down the length of the shaft, and took quite a long time.

"Good girl! Now, this condom is orange flavour. Do you like orange? If you don't you can pick another one."

"No, I like orange," said Jane. "So.... You want me to taste it, don't you?"

"If you want to, I think you'll like it."

"Hmm.... I think you will too!" giggled Jane, and she leaned right over until her head was in the middle of her Uncle's lap and ran her tongue over the penis.

"Not bad" said Jane, smacking her lips.

"Why don't you kneel down on the carpet in front of me, then it will be easier for you" said uncle.

Jane slid down between her uncles' open knees to find that she was looking eye-level at his organ. She took it in her hand and licked the end, feeling the little floppy bit on the top of the condom flick over her tongue. Then she licked it down the sides, exploring the sharp rather artificial taste of orange. She stopped and looked up at her uncle, who was smiling back at her.

"What do I do now?" asked Jane.

"Just do what you want to... as long as you don't bite it" replied her uncle.

Jane giggled, and then slowly pressed her teeth onto the penis head in a playful pretend bite. "Shall I eat it up?"

"You can try, but it might be rather too big for a little girl!"

"Well, let's see!" and Jane put the head into her mouth and closed her lips around it.

"That's the best way to do it. Now try sucking it into your mouth and letting it out, so that your lips run over it."

The simple movement came naturally to Jane, as did using her tongue to please the penis while it was in her mouth.

"Is that nice?" she asked after a while.

"Yes, you are doing very well!"

"Shall I do it until you orgasm?"

"It might take a lot of hard work, remember I've already climaxed once this evening, so it will take a while.... Even though you are very sweet!" Uncle Roger gently ran his fingers through the child's fine blonde hair, and then ran a finger along the edge of her ear and down her neck.

"Shall I do it some more?"

"Do whatever you like, Jane, just try out what you like... I'll enjoy letting you do that more."

Jane's complete innocence in the way that she moved her mouth around the head of his penis excited Uncle Roger far more than if she had been an experienced girl. Indeed, Jane's movements were too gentle to give him any strong feelings of pleasure, but that did not matter, the feather light stroking by her lips was a delight in itself, as was watching her head move from side to side and strands of her hair brush over his pubic hair. It would be impossible for Jane to bring him to orgasm, and it was now past midnight and way past bedtime for little girls. Suddenly, Jane opened her mouth wide and Roger thought she was about to engorge his penis into her throat, but it turned out to be a yawn.

"Oh, I'm sorry!" said Jane.

"That's alright, I think it's time for bed, and I mean for sleeping in. come on, little miss!"

Roger leaned over and picked Jane up in his arms and carried her up to bed. As they passed Peter's door, there was a muffled sound, and they realised that Peter had been staying up trying to listen out for what had been going on downstairs. In fact, he had been standing at the top of the stairs for some time. He was feeling somewhat jealous for not being able to join in and have some of the fun with Jane. As Jane was carried into her bedroom, she thought that it might have been fun to have let Peter join in with their games that evening, she was sure that their Uncle would be able to give Peter some good advice as to how best to use his penis, and let it be used by others. She did not know it, but her uncle at that moment was having exactly the same idea. But that would have to wait for another day.

6. Jane On The Beach

Jane and Peter went down to the beach the next morning, just as they had done every other time that they had been on holiday at the seaside. Jane still wanted to splash in the sea and make sand castles with Peter, but she soon realised that now there was something else that made being on the beach that little bit more fun... Jane had on her favourite green swimming costume, and now it was not only Peter who had the benefit of being able to look at her bare legs, her tight little bottom and her swelling breasts - breasts were already just that bit rounder and plumper than they had been when Peter had first enjoyed admiring them. It was all the other boys playing on the beach, and all the men too. Jane kept looking around her to see if anyone was watching her the way that she now knew boys or men might. She was hoping that some would... little boys wouldn't bother, and older boys did not even go near her and Peter, they stayed with boys and girls their own age, but there were so many other children with their daddies. It was not long before Jane caught the eye of some of the men sitting in a deckchair close to their own children watching Jane build sand castles. They looked away as soon as Jane caught their eye - what a giveaway, though Jane. It was quite fun catching the eye of a man close by and making him turn his head suddenly to pretend that he did not know Jane was there. Then there was one who did not look away, he carried on looking at her, and then smiled at, so Jane smiled back. Jane sensed his eyes moving their gaze over her body, remaining on her breasts and her thighs - but perhaps that was just her imagination!

When Peter started digging into the sand, Jane discovered just what a perfect opportunity to show herself off that the bucket and spade gave her! She had done this every summer almost every year of her life, and for how many of those years had she been admired by the men on the beach? She kneeled down and helped Peter dig out a hole, leaning forward, her knees apart and her bottom pushed up in the air behind her! Well, that is a fine sight, she thought, almost expecting to feel a pair of hands grab hold of her bottom and make use of the opportunity. After all, Jane looked as though she was offering her bottom to any passing man who was interested. Later on, she sat next to Peter, and made sure that her thighs were apart and that she was leaning forwards, just enough to let the front of her swimsuit fall forward so that someone walking past could look down inside it.

In the afternoon, the children walked along the beach to look at the fishing boats. One of them was being repainted, and Peter recognised the man in charge of the boat as Sam, who had talked to their uncle the day before. Sam recognised them and waved. The children went over to him and took a closer look at his boat.

"I am going to have some tea and cake. Would you like some too?" Sam asked them.

"Oh, yes please!" said the children.

So Sam brought out some mugs of tea and slices of fruit cake and the three of them sat down on the beach and chatted. Sam told them about his work as a fisherman. He went out in his boat most days of the week and caught fish in his net, and then sold them to the local shopkeepers and restaurants. Sam perched himself on the edge of a little upturned boat on the beach, and he looked down at the children. Jane sensed that he was looking especially at her.

She stretched out her legs so that Sam could see right into her open crotch, and sure enough, his eyes looked lower. Jane gave him a smile and looked back. She checked the crotch of his trousers, but they are far too thick for her to be able to see any sign of an erection.

Peter started talking about boats, and Jane lost interest. Boys were interested in such silly things, she thought to herself, although she didn't really mean it.

"Do you think that Jane is pretty?" Peter asked Sam. Jane was surprised, it wasn't the sort of thing that she expected Peter to say.

"I certainly do!" said Sam, and he smiled at her. Jane smiled back. This conversation was getting more interesting now, she thought. Jane would never have dared to ask Sam such a question out loud, but it was quite exciting to let Peter ask on her behalf!

"I think that Jane is very pretty. Lots of boys in our school think that Jane is the prettiest girl in her year group" said Peter.

"Yes, I'm sure that she is" replied Sam. Jane wondered if he was just saying that to be nice, or whether he meant it.

"What do you like most about her?" asked Peter.

"Well... she had lovely blonde hair, don't you Jane!" said Sam, "and pretty blue eyes too."

"Do you like Jane's swimsuit?" asked Peter. "She bought it especially for this holiday, because she wants to show off her body.

"Yes, it is a very nice swimsuit" said Sam.

"It is tight enough to show off Jane's breasts! Have you noticed that her breasts are showing under her swimsuit?" asked Peter.

"Oh yes, you are growing up, Jane! I can see that!"

Jane wondered just how many more questions Peter was planning on asking Sam! But Sam told them that he had to go back to his boat, so the conversation ended there. Perhaps Sam was getting a little too embarrassed by Peter's questions, Jane thought. But before the children left, Sam asked them if they would like to come back the next day. He was going to finish painting his boat, and they could help him! Peter and Jane promised to return the next morning.

"Why did you ask Sam whether he thought I was pretty?" Jane asked Peter.

"Well, you wanted to know, didn't you?" laughed Peter. "All I asked was what you wanted to know!"

"I just wondered what you might ask next!" said Jane.

"Well, you can ask him yourself tomorrow" replied Peter. "I'm sure that if Sam likes you, he'll let you know tomorrow."

"Do you think that he does?" asked Jane. "I'm still not sure.

"Could be, but I'm sure that he won't be able to resist your charms for too long."

The next morning, the children couldn't wait to set off to the beach. With practical work to do, Peter and Jane had put on their old clothes, and both were dressed in only shirts and shorts. As they left the house, their uncle winked at Jane.

"Those shorts are nice and tight, Jane. They certainly show off your legs very nicely!" he said.

"We are only off to help Sam paint his boat" said Jane. "I just don't want to get paint splashed onto my good clothes.

"Ah, sailor Sam!" grinned their uncle. You never know what you might get spilt on your clothes when he gets close to you!"

"Oh really?" asked Jane. "Do you know him?"

"You could say that we get on quite well" said Roger. "He paints his boat every summer, and he always asks some children to help him. They really enjoy helping him, I'm sure you will have a lot of fun!"

"So he likes boys and girls?" asked Peter.

"Sometimes boys, if they like him enough, but he usually likes girls. He is very selective, though. He only ever picks one special girl to be his friend each Summer, so if he has picked you Jane, it is something of an honour" said Roger.

"He hasn't done anything to show that he likes me yet" said Jane. "But I think he will!"

The children ran down to the beach. arrived on the beach early, and saw Sam getting his pots of paint and brushes ready. They were soon painting the side of the boat, and Jane stretched up to paint the top part. She was aware that she was making her shorts pull up tight against her bottom, and that Same kept looking at her. Every time she caught his eyes, he smiled at her. It wasn't long before Sam went over to her and put his hand over hers and showed her how to slide the brush over the boat. At the same time, Jane felt his hand press onto one side of her shorts and give her bottom a squeeze.

"You are a really nice girl, Jane" he said.

"Thank you!" replied Jane.

"Those shorts are very tight, aren't they?" asked Sam, sliding his hand over her bottom. "Are they comfortable?"

"Oh yes, they feel fine" said Jane. "You seem to like them!"

"They show off your bottom very nicely! You will have lots of boys following you home if you are not careful." Jane felt Sam's fingers slide under the hem of her shorts and feel for the hem of her knickers. It was as far as he could get his hand in, the shorts were so tight. Jane felt Sam's hot breath against her cheek and knew that she was exciting him.

"Your top is loose, though" said Sam. "I can't see your breasts under it like I can when you wear your swimsuit."

"My breasts are still there, though" smiled Jane.

Sam put his hand over the front of Jane's top and pressed it into her breasts.

"So they are!" said Sam. "And very nice breasts they are too!" Jane felt his fingers enclose her tight breast, squeezing it, and then his fingers slide over her nipple. Sam was now being far bolder than she had ever expected. She was aware that there were other people all over the beach, and they could see what Same was doing. But could they? Unless someone came and stood right next to them, it would look as if Sam was simply showing her to help to paint his boat.

"I will be taking the boat out for a sail tomorrow. Would you like to come with me? I'm sure that we can have lots of fun together" he said, whispering loudly into Jane's ear, his mouth so close that she felt the bristles on his chin scratch her cheek.

"Oh yes, that would be very nice!" whispered Jane. "I'll look forward to it."

After lunch on the beach, the children went back to Sam's boat, but he was nowhere to be seen.

"Let's look into the portholes in his boat, he might be inside" said Peter.

"Alright, but be careful. Don't let him notice us, we might be able to spy on him" said Peter. They climbed onto an oil drum and peered into the darkness of the cabin. They were looking directly over Sam's bunk and Sam was lying in it, but his face was out of sight so the children knew that he could not see them. They could see the rest of his body, and saw that he had his trousers pulled down to his knees and his underpants pulled down too, and his hand was holding his penis tightly and moving up and down.

"Oh wow!" whispered Jane. "You know what he is doing, don't you Peter?"

"Of course I know! He is doing it very hard, isn't he!" said Peter.

"He is getting a big thrill from it, you know what will happen if he keeps doing that, don't you?" asked Jane.

"He will make himself ejaculate, won't he?" said Peter. "I've never seen a penis do that!"

"Keep looking, you will any second now" giggled Jane.

Jane was surprised to see that Peter was as curious about what Sam was doing as she was. Peter had never seen a man's penis when it was erect before, and the sight of one so close fascinated him. He had often played with his friends and joined in games in which they showed off their penises and touched them, but this was different.

"My penis will be that big when I grow up!" he whispered.

"That's right!" said Jane. She stared at the penis too, imagining that it was her hand gasping it so tightly, as she was certain she would be the next day. Sam was quite a lot older than Roger, and Jane could see the pubic hair at the base, which was as grey as the hair on Sam's head, and the wrinkled skin around it.

"I bet he is thinking about you," whispered Peter. "He is imagining that you are with him and he's got his penis inside you, and he's saying 'Oh Jane, oh Jane, I love you so much, I want to - Wow!"

Without any warning, the first shot of semen flew up into the air, followed by another, and another.

"That's a lot of semen, more than Roger's" whispered Jane.

"You are obviously an expert on the subject" said Peter. "Just wait until I grow up, I'll be able to make just as much semen as that!"

Now that she had seen Sam's penis, Jane was unable to think of anything except the next day when she would be able to take it in her hands and have it to herself. Jane wondered whether it was her body that Sam had thought about while he masturbated, but realised that she would probably never know. As she walked home, she felt as if she could not get the sight of that ejaculation out of her imagination. She was also excited by the fact that Peter had watched it too, and had obviously been interested in it.

When the children had had tea and it was time for bed, Jane felt almost desperate to go downstairs and be with her uncle so that she could please him and let him please her. She was also curious to know how much more he knew about Sam.

When Jane and her uncle were sitting together on the sofa, cuddled close together, Jane told him that Sam had invited her out on his boat the next day.

"So it seems as if you are his special girl for this summer!" Roger told her. "I'm not surprised. You are worth it! Is Peter going with you?"

"I don't think so, why should he?" replied Jane.

"It might be a good idea to let him, Jane" said Roger. "If Sam takes you onto his boat by yourself, people might get suspicious if Peter is left behind. They will think you and Sam might be up to something. Besides, I'm sure that you can trust Peter to be discreet!"

"Of course" said Jane. "Do you want me to please you tonight?"

"Yes, if you want to" replied Roger. "Do you want to stroke my penis again?"

"What else can I do? I want to learn to do something new, that I haven't done before. What else can you teach me?" asked Jane.

"Well... There are not that many things you can do..."

"What about sucking your penis - without a condom, so that I taste it?" asked Jane. "I did it yesterday while you had a condom on your penis, but I could do it without, and so it until I make you ejaculate. Would you like that?"

"Of course, if you want to try it!" said Roger. You want my semen to go into your mouth?"

"Yes, I do. There is never that much of it, is there, and I tasted a little bit of your semen before and it doesn't taste nasty.

"Well, alright then little Jane, if you really want to, And when you've done that, I'll use my tongue on you!"

Roger pulled open his dressing gown and unbuttoned his pyjama trousers. Jane slid down to the floor and knelt between his open legs. Jane took hold of his penis, and felt that it was still only partly hard. She pulled back his foreskin and closed her lips over the swollen purple head, which seemed to fill up as it entered her mouth.

"You know how long it can take for a man to reach orgasm, don't you?" asked Roger. It can be quite a long time, and it can be hard work. Stop for a rest if you want, and I can masturbate myself to help you along if you want me to, and use your hands to cover the shaft."

Jane wrapped her hands around the shaft and began pumping away at it, as hard as she could, while working her tongue around the head. Her efforts quickly produced results, and she could hear her uncle start to breathe harder. He put his hands over her head and ruffled her hair, and then stroked her cheek.

"Oh my little baby, my lovely Jane... you are so good, aren't you..." Jane found out that her uncle was right, her hands started to get tired, and she had to stop.

"That's alright, take a rest, darling, I'll help" her uncle told her, and he pumped his hand along his own penis, so fast that Jane could hardly see his hand. "I'm nearly there now, are you ready?"

Jane nodded and took his penis into her mouth. He moaned aloud, louder than Jane had ever heard him before, and ran his hands over her head, caressing her neck and shoulders. His hands pressed against her more firmly, almost roughly. "Go on, do it baby, I'm nearly there, I'm nearly there, do it, do it..."

Jane continued to suck on the penis as hard and fast as she could, and still she didn't seem to bring her uncle to a climax, and then - semen shot into the back of her mouth, and for a moment Jane felt herself gagging. Her uncle's hand was pressing onto the back of her head, and she realised that she couldn't get the penis out of her mouth if she wanted to. Semen flowed over her tongue, and what had looked like only a spoonful when she had watched her uncle ejaculate seemed like a cupful in her mouth, but then the flow subsided, and her uncle removed his hand from her head.

"Are you alright? You can spit it out" he told her. Jane leaned back and opened her mouth to let the semen flow out into the tissues that her uncle was holding under her chin. She spat out the rest, but her mouth still seemed to be covered with the slimy stuff, which tasted more salty and bitter than she had imagined it would.

"Oh wow, you are good, you are really good!" her uncle panted. "If your school gave out awards for having sex, you would win every prize!" Jane laughed as she got her breath back. "Are you sure you are OK? It didn't shock you too much? Do you want a drink?"

Jane nodded and wiped her mouth. Her uncle got up and made her a drink of lemonade in the kitchen, adding some vodka at the same time, and walked in and gave it to Jane, who quickly drank it down.

"Now lie down on the sofa and relax, it's my turn to please you!" When Jane had laid back on the sofa, her uncle lifted her nightie up to her shoulders, and began to caress her, starting with her neck, and moving over her nipples. Then he leaned forward and kissed her nipples, and then ran his tongue over her chest. It was now Jane's turn to stroke his head. Then he lifted her knees up and put his hands between her thighs and pressed them apart. He put his head between her legs and began to run the tip of his tongue along the inside of her fold. Jane felt the first thrill instantly and her mouth gave out a loud "Oh!" The pleasure grew rapidly, and Jane began pushing her hips up against her uncle's tongue and digging her fingers into his hair. The pleasure in her hips swelled into a full orgasm almost before Jane realised that it was happening, and she was unable to stop herself from yelling out loud "Oh, oh, aaaah...." And the thrill subsided.

"Oh uncle, you are so nice to me" Jane laughed.

"There is more to come. I've bought you a little present" her uncle told her. Her picked up a little box that had been on the table by the sofa, and opened it. Then he took out what looked like a very fat big pen, silver and smooth, with little ridges around the sides and a round end. Jane realised instantly that it had the same shape as a penis.

"Do you know what this is?" Roger asked Jane, as he held it in front of her. Jane shook her head. Roger twisted the base and it started to make a buzzing sound. "It is called a vibrator, and it is designed to make little girls happy!"

Jane's uncle put the tip of the object onto Jane's nose, and the tingling made her giggle. The he ran the tip of the toy over her cheek and down to her throat, and down inside the front of her nightie and over her nipples.

"That is nice!" said Jane. Susan had told her about how she sometimes pressed her electric toothbrush into her fold to give herself pleasure, and some of the girls at school had talked about finding similar toys in their mother's bedroom. "It's like a pretend penis, isn't it?" she asked.

"That's right! Do you want to find out how good it is?" Her uncle lifted up her nightie again. Jane wondered if she could enjoy it so soon after having had a climax from her uncle's tongue, but why not, she thought. She certainly wanted to.

"Can I have sex again so soon? Don't I need a rest?" she asked.

"No, girl's don't. If you feel you want to carry on, we will. And I do if you want to!" smiled Uncle Roger.

"Then I do too!" giggled Jane. "I don't want to ever stop!"

"Well, it's easy for you, just lying back and enjoying it! You won't have to tire yourself out, will you?" Roger told her. Then he lifted her knees up to open her thighs really wide and reveal the pink opening of her vagina, and got to work on the girl with her new toy. He teased and played with Jane for what seemed like hours, running the vibrating tip along each side of her mound, down onto her bottom, along her thighs, in little circles over her stomach, and then into her fold where the pleasure became intense. He spoke to her softly all the time, and using his other hand to massage her thighs, then her stomach, then her breasts. Jane lay back and felt the ripples of sensual pleasure pass from one part of her body to another, changing in intensity and depth and novelty. She felt as if she could have lay there all night, and wondered how long her Uncle would be prepared to go on giving her so much attention and love, but he was beginning to give her sexual organs more attention and the experience between her legs grew from one of warm, relaxing pleasure to deep intensity, and Jane wanted more, she wanted another orgasm and nothing else would do. Roger's gentle words became more intimate, telling her that he knew she wanted to feel another climax, she wanted it so badly that she would do anything for it. Jane knew that he was right, and the lips between her legs grew slippery and she felt the vibrating toy go deeper into her, so deep that if she was not feeling so excited, it would have hurt her, but Jane was now so powerfully aroused that she did not mind. In fact, the experience of pain made her feel even more excited. She felt the toy pushing so deeply into her that it was stretching her vagina more than it ever had been before. Jane knew that this was what it would feel like if a man tried to force his penis inside her, and that it might hurt a great deal more. Did her uncle want to do that? Was he going to? And then Jane felt the orgasm pulse through her clitoris, before she was aware that it was going to start. It felt almost disappointing, a different sort of sensation to when her uncle had used his tongue, but still lovely. But there would be lots of time to experiment with her new toy another day!

The reviewing period for this story has ended.