Published: 27-Feb-2013
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I snuck my first beer when I was ten. I'm not sure why - I always saw the adults at my parent's parties liven-up, and I thought it looked like fun. I was home alone, the middle of one day after a party, and there were dozens of beers in the fridge - I knew my parents wouldn't miss one. So I opened it up, and went upstairs to my room - locked my door, and sat back on my bed, and took my first swig. I didn't really like it - but it was cold, and I was thirsty, and I wanted that kick I saw in my parent's friends... It took me an entire half hour to finish the bottle - and my head was racing a little - my stomach didn't feel so good - and I pannicked for a moment, 'cuz I hadn't thought of where to stash the bottle. But I cleared my head a little, decided to get up and go down and place it in the trash - but fell back on my bed, and laughed - sheesh, I was wasted. So I reached over and with vigilance shoved the bottle in a drawer, covering it with underwear and stuff, then laid back down - swimming. I felt great - I was thinking uncontrollably, nonsensically, every once in a while coming with a laugh - and with a permanent smile. I even fingered my pussy - something I only did on occasion.
Well, you know what they say - the lesser drugs lead you to the harder. When I couldn't swipe beers after a party, I'd dig into the well-stocked bar. First time I did that, it was vodka. Not the entire bottle, silly, but a tall glass. And I hadn't thought of ice. It was disgusting. I nearly puked. This warm clear liquid was most certainly venom. Burned me inside out. By the time I'd finished the glass - far more intense than three bottles of beer, which I'd worked my way up to. I paid for it the next morning with the most excrutiating head-ache - I had to stay home from school. My mother phoning every half-hour to see how I was doing. I didn't mention the vomiting.
Vodka was a good one - I could just add a little water to the bottle and they'd never notice. Dark Rum, which I liked better - well, it was difficult to deck - so it was a rare treat. Tequila I couldn't stand - after one sip, rushed down the hallway and flushed it down the toilet. Every chance I got for beer - I took it. I even got so brave one evening, when dad and me were alone, and he was chugging on his beer on the couch watching the news - I asked him if I could taste it. He hesitated for a real long time, then handed me his bottle.
'Go ahead - it'll probably cure you of drinking forever.'
I took a huge swig - realised my mistake - fake gagged - and ran upstairs.
I needed to get my supply elsewhere - my parents could only wreak havoc once they caught me.
But as a ten year old I couldn't use the trick of being a teenager and hanging outside a convenience store and asking some dude to buy me a six-pack - first of all, men who did that favor were 'helping out' kids with what they'd probably done as sixteen year olds themselves; secondly, being ten - I had very little money. And though I'd been stealing my parent's alcohol, that was quaint - and I wasn't ready for a life of crime. Besides, I'm a girl.
I was as alone in my trap as those outsiders in school who cut themselves for pleasure - yeah I knew one - kept my distance.
My drinking alcohol actually made me grow up faster than my peers - I saw it, I felt it - I started looking at them as kids - me, I'd somehow grown. Now, I had my share of friends - I wasn't no weirdo, but no one close enough to share my predicament with. Sometimes, on visits, or sleepovers at some girlfriend's house, I'd come away with some loot - a few beers stuffed in my duffle bag, one time even a bottle of single malt scotch - that was a weird week.
Then there was this kinda crazy girl, Cheryl - we'd always find each other in the playground and smile and stuff, and play - but my sleep-over at her house was a bit different.
Bedtime - she asked me if I'd ever kissed a boy. I laughed no. Well, maybe we should practice kissing a boy, she suggested. And she kissed me - not only kissed me, but fucking jammed her tongue into my mouth, and started rubbing my chest and shit. I wasn't unwilling - her parent's were well-stocked - I could easily get away with a few bottles of the good stuff. So I played along. When she started tooling with my pussy, oh shit - it was like another, a different, alcohol.
It was funny, but after that sleep-over, Cheryl kept away from me - I can only guess her parents discovered four missing bottles and somehow suspected her, and she suspected me - so we never spoke or played together again.
These random heists weren't working. For one thing, it was haphazard - I was getting invited less and less to sleep-overs. I think everyone knew what they couldn't put into words.
So I was a little thief. Lesbian, at that point. I figured I'd cross the line, and see what a boy could do. there is no doubt there is duty to love -missions of life, to hate, for example... meaning is often misspent
His name was Nik, or Nikky - having two names was great 'cuz you could call him out on stuff. We'd French kiss outside the school yard - he was really into my ass - always trying to feel it - and it - not jean cladded, or through the dress - he wanted flesh. When he got particularly fresh with me after school one day, I slapped him away and pronounced 'I need a drink!'
It was so sweet, he thought I meant a soda pop. 'I need a beer - a few.' He was taken aback, but perhaps figured I'd seen what he'd seen all his life - adults drinking. And he was so sweet and innocent, he said 'How do I get some beers?' 'Figure it out, shit-head.' And I mock pushed him away. He wanted my ass, or pussy or kissing me so much, he jumped-up and ran off.
Nik was two or three years older than me - two grades ahead, and it was a bit weird he hung with me - but I guess insecurities are everywhere. He was o.k. looking, taller than me, though short for his age. And though we didn't talk all that much, I could guess from his family descriptions, his life wasn't a bowl of cherries. He did have a sixteen year old brother, so I thought he might get wise there - but after a few more after school rounds of him kissing me, and feeling up my ass and even rubbing my non-existant breasts, I kinda got fed-up, and gave him the cold shoulder. Two weeks later, on my walk home from school, Nik comes rushing up after me. 'Hey, hey, hey' - all excited.
'What, Nikky?'
'Got some!'
'Got some what, Nikky?'
'A six-pack.'
'Don't matter where, I got some.'
'No - I mean, where is the six-pack now?'
'Here, here!' - and he swung his backpack off and opened it up, and pushed away the coverage, then looked around - and it wasn't a good place for a twelve year old to be pulling a six-pack out of his back pack, but I saw it.
We headed into the park halfway to our houses. I even skipped, and flirted, took his arm - this was heaven.
'Fucking shit-head! This is warm!'
'It's been in my pack all day.'
It was disgusting, but I drank it - he sipped his beer. I drank another, and another - him still sipping his one.
Then he fell on me.
'Get the fuck off me!'
'I got you your beers!'
So with that I not only let him pinch my nipples to his hearts content, but let him feel my ass, really feel it - and he eventually worked around to my pussy - and I can't say it didn't feel good...
He left me with two beers - we lived in both directions. I was kinda confused - was it the alcohol I wanted, or some uninteresting boy who happened to produce it?
It was a crisis my mother certainly didn't understand - I became a shrew - she pushed me away, and my dad was simply pitiful - maybe registered through my mom's eyes...
I would only let Nik near me if he had what I needed - it took him a while but he figured it out - we're not lab mice... He was inconsistent - sporatic - he would make me happy one day, then pull the plug the next -
This was worse than deceiving my parents...
I let him go. An ugly scene which had to happen.
How then, by this time an eleven year old, procure alcohol? No doubt you've been in this situation. Need something you can't get. Just fucking with ya.
I thought to flirt with older men of that inclination - you know - pedophiles. But it appears they don't grow on trees - or it's latent - whatever. I got close once with a friend of dad's - almost shook him out of his boxers, as they say - but he galloped away.
I really wanted alcohol - sex was just something - maybe the frustrations were equal. I was a messed-up cunt. 'Love' never entered in to the equation.
The one time I spent in a park, and lured a man - when I came-up with my request, he simply slapped me down, and raped me on the floor of a public restroom - no booze
This, certainly, wasn't working...
How to get fucked-up - that's my life Instead of course why am I always trying to get fucked-up? -it's military
the order is to kill like attacking lice in one's hair with special shampoo remembrance of life too deep - plays to atmosphere
I became 'friendly' with a sixteen year old who lived down the street - I'd known him all my life - we'd of course never connected because of the age difference, but by chance one day I ran into him and point blank asked him if he could scaff me some beers. He smiled this weird smile. 'What's in it for me?' 'Nothing, ya know - anything you want -you can fuck me if you want.'
'You got no tits.'
'Fuck you!' And I stormed off.
Three days later we bumped into each other again. 'I can get your beers, but I want you to suck my cock.'
'It's up to you.'
'I'll need three beers to suck your cock - then three more to rinse my mouth out.'
'A sixer it is.'
He was fast - the next day he presented me with a cold six-pack. We walked like brother and sister into the park, we went to the most secluded part, and even climbed into a bush. 'Can I have one?' I nodded yes. I was a pro and downed three cans before he'd finished his one. I felt swimmingly. Then he unbuckled his belt, unsnapped his pants, and pulled it all down - he had a hard-on, and it was staring at me.
'You took a shower this morning, didn't you?'
'Just fucking suck it til I cum - bathing comes afterwards.'
I'd never done anything like this - I didn't even know it existed as a sexual act - I thought he was just a fucking freak - so I took his boner in my mouth.
It took maybe all of five minutes before he spurted into my mouth - and I tried to jump away, but he had my head in a vice - so all his sticky yucky stuff was lodged in my mouth and halfway down my throat - I had to swallow, though I burped-up some - my mouth and chin a mess.
That's all he said, pulling up his pants and shit and running away.
I had two cold ones - I was happy -
Now, me, and my friend Rob would hook-up at least every other day - he never once wanted to fuck me - well, he fucked me, but only my mouth - and I learned to just swallow the shit - the pay-off was fine.
But then his older brother Ray got interested. I guess the brothers were close, 'cuz Rob had told him everything. He walked up to me out of the blue.
'So, you give head?'
'What?' 'You suck cock.'
'Yeah, you know, for a few beers.'
'What else do you do?'
'You could fuck me if you want - more fun for me than sucking your cock.'
'Tomorrow. This same time - meet me right here.' It was weird, I'd known him all my life but he'd never once even looked in my direction.
The next day I showed-up as promised. He was already there. He showed me a six-pack in a paper sack he was carrying - and off we went to the park.
We sat in a little ravine in the middle of some bushes. We drank. He could definitely keep up with me. After our second beer I wanted to get at it, so I could at least earn the last two remaining. He kissed me real sweet. Shy. Funny. Here he was at least eight years older than me, but it kinda freaked him out when I pushed my tongue into his mouth. I even stuck my hand down and began rubbing his prick thru his pants. He was hard - and it was kinda big.
I unzipped him, and pulled his prick out, reached down and pulled off my panties, lifted the hem of my dress, and sat down on his cock - placing it into my cunnie - he bucked, and wham! - he was all the way in me. I liked this being on top, being in control - he was obviously suffering, pumping real fast and out of control - but I took charge - and though it lasted barely five minutes, it was the best fuck of my life so far.
So I was doing the brother thing - one day Ron would show-up with a six-pack and I'd suck him off and drink his cum, the next day Ray would show up with a six-pack and he'd unload in my cunnie. These were sweet times. It went on until school was out for the summer. I don't know. They must have gone on vacation or something - but I didn't see them for three days in a row - and that was fucked up.
My mom had started hanging out with this neighbor woman who'd just gotten a divorce - they'd drink wine, and their smooshing together was just awful - so I'd just go up to my room. Sometimes I'd hear them laughing, wishing I could join in - I wasn't a wine person (I'd stolen a few bottles in my time - but, yuck!)
Then one Friday Jane showed up - mom was at work for at least three more hours, dad was out of town - she just needed to talk, or at least needed someone to listen - so I opened up. I took a glass out of the pantry and plopped down a bottle of red, then took a glass of water for myself, and we began. It was maybe thirty minutes into the conversation when I walked over to the fridge and took out a bottle of beer.
'Is it o.k. if I have a drink?'
'You're pretty young.'
'Dad lets me pull on his beers all the time. I just thought I could talk with you better.'
'Well, o.k.' After half the bottle I turned our conversation to sex - I asked her if she'd ever kissed a girl before - kinda outlining this mysterious trip with my friend Chrissy. She was stunned, but admitted to doing something similar when she was my age. I didn't like all the innocence in the air, and I was ready for my second beer - but how? So I went the direct route. Playing the complete innocent myself - asked her if she'd kiss me. She hesitated - and in that instant I fetched my second beer.
'This is weird.' 'Only if you want it to be.'
'You're so young.'
'I've sat here for nearly a half hour discussing your divorce and stuff - I'm older than you think.'
'What about your mother?'
'Well, if you want a threesome, think of somebody else.' It took an hour - well, that's an exaggeration - it took a solid five minutes of silence before she leaned across the table, took my face in her hands, and kissed me - nothing serious, until my tongue entered her mouth - then it was a fucking free-for-all.
This was one horny bitch - she'd stripped me down, gotten naked herself - pressed me onto my bed, spread my legs, and lapped and sucked at my little cunny and clit like there was no tomorrow. It was fascinating to me - I had my third bottle in hand, this woman was trying to pleasure me - instead of the ipso facto of males I was aquainted with - I think I had my first orgasm - I shuddered and screamed anyway - maybe it was all performance.
We kissed after that and I tasted my cunt for the first time, from her mouth. I was a little disgusted, but, you know, I tasted great. She left quickly, knowing my mom was coming home soon. I think it turned me on that she felt so guilty.
One afternoon I wandered over to her house - just to get a reaction or something. She was nervous, avoiding, had let me in, but no eye contact. I sat on the couch while she slipped into the kitchen - I'd guess for a glass of wine... she was stiff and weird - I was trying to think how to handle the situation.
She came back in.
'Gotta beer?'
'Um, well, Jim - he kept his beer out in the garage.'
I started to get up.
'No, no, no - I'll find it.'
She came back with a tall one, flicked off the cap and handed it to me - nervous as a teenage girl on her prom night.
'I don't think - '
'Yeah, don't think! - thinking is a form of radiation. I liked when you kissed my cunt. Will you do it again?'
'I don't know...'
'You want to. I want it. What, are you stupid?'
I lifted my dress up - no panties.
She was down there doing her business for five minutes, then I ordered her 'Another beer!'
A good waitress.
Not a bad cunt licker either.
Her mouth was all glossy with my juices - she just couldn't get enough - but I felt my bladder responding. Instead of feeling embarrassed or anything, I just held it in -'Fetch me another beer!' And she did. I had no idea what to do with my bladder problem - I simply hugged this woman's face into my cunt. What could be better than someone endlessly lappy your cunt - for the first time I understood Ron's head - his wanting his cock to be sucked - it's a perfectly wonderful feeling
I had to go - I really had to go - but I couldn't move.
'I'm going to pee in your mouth.'
'uuummm' is all I heard.
I really tried to restrain myself, but little by little, my pee was flooding her mouth - she courageously swallowed instead of spat - actually she drank it all, then tapped at my lips with her tongue wanting more I finished my beer and fell to sleep wrapped in her arms This went on for weeks - she wanted me to piss in her mouth - and I was only glad to oblige. Never really did much to her - played with her big firm tits some, finger-fucked her a few times - when she one day began licking and tonguing my asshole, I wiggled my finger into hers. I really didn't understand what she was getting out of it. She just loved licking me down there, and she was thirsty for my piss.
When the beer ran out, I suggested she buy a new supply, and she did, though kinda hesitantly.
It was funny that she stopped coming over and talking to mom like she'd done before - I guess she was guilty about licking her friend's eleven year old daughter's pussy.
One day, while she was going at it, the doorbell rang. We quickly straightened-up the situation. She wiped my juices off her face, then opened. It was Jim, her ex-husband.
He came in, we said hello - I'd always kinda liked him. He's what you would call a weak man. Short, but that wasn't it. A little effeminate - but not to the extent of gay. He had a charming and calming effect on everyone, but you could tell you could dominate him - and that was the opposite of what my mistress needed. He was a drinker, too - six -pack a day kinda guy - you could just tell. He had some paperwork for his ex to look over and sign - he was quite shy about it all - and he looked at me kinda numb - he couldn't figure-out why his wife, in the middle of the day, was hanging out with his neighbor's eleven year old daughter. Then he saw the beer bottle on the side-table next to me - he knew his wife didn't drink beer - so he kinda figured something out - he became sheepishly excited, and glanced at me weird.
It wasn't a week later that I ran into Jim at the convenience store - he'd only moved a few blocks away after the divorce - a seriously messed-up man. He was sweet, and a little talky.
'You know, Jim - I'd really like a beer or three.' - He was game. He purchased two six-packs and led me to his car, and off we went. A shambles. More like an unkempt motelroom than an apartment. But there was a mini-fridge for the beers, a queen-sized bed - and he was all polite and stuff.
'Are you having an affair with my wife?'
'No. She sucks my cunt and asshole and drinks my pee, I sometimes play with her tits - I wouldn't call it an affair.'
'So, you're lesbian?'
''I actually better like when a guy fucks me - it just makes more sense, there's less drama - she makes me feel real good, you know, down there - but just to have the attention of a guy - even five minutes - it's somehow better.'
'Can I fuck you?'
'You can do anything you want.'
That was a bad statement.
I sucked his cock a little. He flipped me over and started pressing his cock up my asshole.
'Shit! Ow!'
'What are you - fucking gay!'
By this time he'd sunken in - he was actually gentle, I guess - but it hurt like hell. It was like that time I was raped in the men's room at the park - stinging pain - but I was a bit far gone now - relaxing in my relaxing state.
He dropped me off a block from my house. My ass felt like shit. I'd had eight beers, and knew I couldn't go home. I went to the park just to lay down for awhile.
I think I have a nice ass - I must have - a boy wanted to caress it, and a man fucked it - shit, even a woman licked my asshole - it must be a good ass.
We blur after a while it's part of the obduction no one home to take a ride - I was lost in my own pity - I was gone - I didn't feel wonderful but was guessing what that would feel like - I knew I was lost
I didn't care, fuck you, fuck that, fuck the world
I went over to Jim's for a few beers - he had a friend there, maybe even older - I felt free and non chalant - after a few beers I felt open - this guy wanted my cunt - well that was cool - I'd actually not been fucked, really fucked in a long time -
So right there on the couch I sat down on his cock - it felt good going in me - I knew Jim was around here somewhere, but I almost didn't think about it - then he moved up, slotted his cock, and was fucking my asshole like he always did - I felt like a complete slut, a bit hazy after the beers - I loved being double-pounded.
Any time I masturbated again I had two fingers up my cunt and a finger in my ass.
I needed to move on - I sensed it - Jim was a wuss and I let him control me - just ain't right - his wife was desperate to lick my pussy again, by the phonecalls - and the boys were back in town - I felt like a movie star...
Where could I get some beers in peace and quiet?
By the time I turned twelve I had some little titties - I was proud of them. My resume was pretty impressive - not only was I not a virgin - I was an accomplished cock-sucker, who swallowed, perhaps not with glee, but hungrily - I'd eaten cunt, been ass-fucked, been double-fucked - tongue-kissed boys and girls, men and women, equally. I was a whore -and I realised it, and didn't give a fuck - I actually thought it was kinda cool.
I realised at that point, that it was money, not beers - that made the world go round. With money you can buy beers - and a whole lot of other stuff. Even at twelve - though I had the sunglasses on and perhaps a little tissue paper on my chest, I'd approached a man outside the convenience store to buy me a sixer - he did it. I think it gave him some fantasy hard-on - I bet he was thinking sixteen - if he'd only known he would've run.
The drinking age here in my state is 21 - which is fucked up - I hear there are places in Europe the drinking age is 15 - and in parts of Asia there is no age limit. I needed a steady, hassle-free supply - no sucking cock, no dropping my pants - I just wanted to drink in peace. I figured it out, it's money - with money you can get or do anything. I was fucking twelve years old - how do I make money?
I was, as I've stated, mature for my age. I was able to get a few babysitting gigs.
A six year old boy, Matt - and his four year old sister - they just didn't want their parents gone - I could relate to that, but try as I might it was a complete struggle up to bedtime -I wanted them to like me - so once things settled down, they were in bed - I walked into Matt's room, just to see how he was doing... he was a little asleep - not all the way there - I'd maybe sniped two beers only, I swear Boys like having their cocks sucked, so I gave him a little boy blow-job - I mean his thing fit well into my mouth - I even sucked in his balls - it was like nothing he fell asleep
Melissa I guess was just a dope - after all the fucking pain she'd put me thru, she was totally asleep - I rolled down her pajamas and licked her little pea-hole cunt to my delight - she never even twitched
This certainly wasn't going to get me rich, anytime soon - not ever.
Fuck somebody rich or famous... this was it...
How kinky could they get? - I've already pissed directly into a woman's mouth - had a dude not only lick my asshole but fuck it - sucked cock and liked it - maybe it's me who's twisted...
I'd become the Queen of sucking cock - I slurped and fucking lathered - I made noises like I was dying for it - I was pooling, twirling and jerking - I just wanted a big-ass wad of his cum in my mouth - with litttle girl Japanese squirls thrown in for fun - I even tortured him by making it last longer after I'd gotten him down into blasting off in my mouth in under a minute. I learned to buck while she was sucking my cunt, so there was a sense of excitement for her - and I'd pee in her mouth piecemeal - a squirt here and there - later a whole fucking bathful - drowning her, and she'd drink it all with glee. I learned how to rotate my pussy on a cock - and ride it like it were a stallion. I learned that my ass was just fucking incredible - I wanted his cock in my ass - I began sucking his cock after it'd been buried in my ass just to show him how much I loved my own asshole.
I got drunk every day - this was paradise.
o.k. - I had no access to anyone rich or famous - so my next goal was to become famous myself - babysitting wasn't making me rich - and a few parents had already shut me out -who knows what their kids told...
Realisations vary widely.
One night hanging out with a group of high school kids outside a bar - they were drinking cherry wine or some shit - I took one swig and that was that - not only warm, it tasted nasty like cough medicine. And we were standing around, near the entrance but around a corner, when I saw Jim pull up and get out of his car.
'Hey, sweetie, long time.'
'Yeah, hey - think you could score me some beers?'
'I don't know... how old are you now?'
'Nearly a teenager.'
'Oh, shit. Kids grow up so fast these days.'
In that case, thank Christ for hard liquor. Rum, vodka, bourbon... Absinthe is good shit too. I think I need a drink...
Mindy Angel
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