The Uneven Expectations of Fucking Bottom, Part 2

[ Mg, anal ]

by Gesso


Published: 16-May-2012

Word Count:

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Story Summary
This work is Copyrighted to the author. All people and events in this story are entirely fictitious.

That's the other, or another, fetish. Fucking women in the ass - girls, too. I like licking them first. Well, actually, on dates throughout my life I first rubbed around then probed a little bit with my finger - if she didn't scream-out or back-away, easy game - though, stranglely enough, not every female who likes to get fucked in the ass likes to get their ass licked, go figure. Embarrassment is such a large pretention in our minds.

Anyway - since this is a continuation, 8 year old Sarah - across the street neighbor and I, were in her bedroom one day - everyone else in the sprawling overfilled house had gone off and left us alone. I had time to reallly explore her cunt, and she my penis - but just like children, we got bored after maybe 45 minutes.

I lifted her legs from her lying on the bed, and flipped her over - she giggled. Then, and it's mysterious even to me, I lightly pried her ass open and kissed her asshole. She squealed like a stuck pig, but laughingly. So I stuck my tongue in, wiggled it around. Stuck it in as far as it would go.

When I did this with a fifteen year old in high school - she was my best friend's 'girlfriend' -she fell silent, and it took a while, but she began whimpering, then moaning - thrusting her asshole back to meet my tongue-thrusts. She was so ashamed - I was so ashamed. Never happened again.

When I was thirty, I'd fallen in love maybe three times before - there was this waitress I had my eye on - I was working in a huge pizza joint. And we went out to have a bonfire party at the beach. The whole crew. It was the first time I got drunk in my entire life (Yeah! - you say! -thirty, but it's true). I somehow ended up at this waitress's place - I'd been so wasted before I hadn't done anything with her, woke up with searing pain, which she coddled, aspirins, plenty of liquids, and sugar shock, and food, little bit of the hair of the dog that bit me, and anything else she could think of to put life in to me. By nightfall I was clear and feeling frisky. She stripped - I was lying naked in her bed anyway - there was a fireplace in the bedroom so it all seemed, or at least looked, from my blurry eyes, surrealistic. I said, 'I wanna lick your asshole.' 'Cool.' And she placed her asshole on my mouth so I didn't have to do much work. We were together for two months.

More than half the women I've gone out with wouldn't let me touch their assholes. Few and far between. Even when I got married at 39 - she would never state that she wanted to be fucked in the ass - she'd phrase it 'Do whatever you want' - but I didn't think she was really into it, and I'm not the aggressive type. Few times - in the course of a ten year marriage - she always seemed to enjoy it, but never asked for it. I guess the words 'Fuck me in the ass!' are difficult for a woman to express.

Back when in my middle twenties I had a wild one. She loved to suck cock. She lived to suck cock. She was incredible at it. But back then we didn't have internet and stuff. Tell you the truth - I don't know why - I don't like a woman sucking my cock - maybe because I grew up with a single Mom and found it kinda degrading. Of course she would get me off - she'd sometimes swallow, sometimes let it splash on her face or on the pillows. And we fucked until the light of dawn. But her asshole, a no go. In hindsight I think it could have been a trade-off. I had a one-night stand in Chicago. We met at a jazz bar. She was more beautiful than any woman I'd ever been with. She was way into the rodeo - she rode me - I guess thru three orgasms that first night. I said 'one night stand' but just being in the same room after a date like this... next morning I didn't say nothing - I shoved my cock up her ass - she was in tears, then she began to ride - I think her father or an uncle had fucked her in her ass previously... The child stuff is a little more hard. I didn't fuck little 8 year old Sarah up the butt - I had no idea what fucking was.

I was 49 years old - had moved to Europe, bitchen job. And I was sitting in our little train station - and there was this eleven year old girl sitting on a bench waiting for a bus - and I sat down next to her, and started a cigarette.

'Can I bum one of those?'

'You're a little young.'

'I smoke. When I can.'

I passed her a cigarette and lit it for her.

'Where're you headed?'

'Anywhere but here.'

'Naw, don't.'

'My parents are fucking drunks - they don't take care of me or nothing, they don't give a shit about me.'

'Ya got your friends.'

'Yeah, kinda. Not really.'

'Well, you're smoking hot.' I smiled

She broke into laughter as if the cigarette were a joint which hit immediately.

'You're funny.'

'Is life so tough?'

'Naw. Just unbearable.'

I laughed at that.

We were silent for the longest five minutes of my life.

'Adults have it really difficult - especially now.'

'Isn't it Always difficult?'

'My Dad surged Iwo Jima - he saw a lot of blood and glory gory - he came home and drank himself to death.'

'Wish I could.'

'No you don't. You got something to you, chick - or I wouldn't even bother talking to you.'

'I bummed a cigarette - that's why we're here.'

'Can it be so simple?'

She bummed another - actually, I offerred.

'Where are you from-'

'-Don't start all the bullshit!'


'If I'm going to fuck you, then I'm going to fuck you - no pretence, none of us in rolls.'

'I have no intention of fucking you - what are you, eleven?'

'Thereabouts. Ohhh - thee repercussions! - What we on the outside see as a man, on the inside see as a child rapist - Oh My Lord!'

We stay quiet.

This led to a little intimacy.

'Where do you live?'

'Just across the way.'

'Buy us some wine coolers - I got hours.'

I don't know why I did it. Huge jail time and all. But I bought her some coolers and me some beers, another pack of cigarettes, took her hand, and led her down to and the three stories up to my little one-bedroom.

She was way skinny. She attacked me once we entered. I didn't know eleven year olds even knew how to kiss, let alone French. She pushed me back, after a huge swig, and simply, unerotically, undressed. She stood there like a stick.

'Fuck me' - she insisted.

'I'm not going to fuck you - you're eleven years old.'

'Fuck my ass - it's been fucked before.'

I shimmied out of my clothes - she was working on her third cooler - enthralled with free access to cigarettes - she was pale as all hell, no form to her body whatsoever - what have I gotten myself into?

We kissed like two teenagers - her becoming one, me in remembrance.

I felt guilty - but she had a wild tongue.

And I lifted her and took her to my bedroom, where I plopped her down, rolled her over, pried her sweet asscheeks apart, and dove in. It was the nastiest ass I'd ever tasted. I spent at least a half hour tongueing her asshole.

'Fuck me Fuck me Fuck me!'

But I got up, gentleman as I am - popped her a new coooler and me a new beer, and we languished in each other's arms. I tried pushing the parental stuff out of my head - I had two kids older than her.

But then, slowly, and after a long time of cuddling and kissing, I rolled her over again, approached, and then slotted my prick to her asshole - it was wet but stubborn, but went in -tightest ass in the world - tightest asshole in the world.

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