Summer Vacation

[ mf, bond ]

by GB


Published: 28-May-2012

Word Count:

Author's Profile

Story Summary
This work is Copyrighted to the author. All people and events in this story are entirely fictitious.

After reading the other personal adventures in bondage on these pages I wanted to tell my experience in bondage. It took place in the summer of '82 when I was 14. I spent 2 weeks of my summer vacation with my cousin at her summer country place in eastern Ontario. We were only 3 months apart in age so we got along really well together. We were the only girls in the small group of kids 13 - 15 or so who stayed at this small country vacation spot around a small lake. We ignored the kids younger than us and the few older than us tended to ignore us. There were about 5 or 6 boys, so together we were a group of around 8.

The game the boys loved to play was "Capture" which was pretty simple: the boys captured the girls and tied them up. My cousin and I didn?t really like the game itself but we loved the attention we got. We played this game almost every afternoon during my stay. I usually got caught first and was tied up and left while they went after my cousin. But I developed this ability of escaping every time. It never seemed to occur to them to leave someone back to watch me. They started out by tying my hands in front and my legs together so I could not run away, but I would just use my teeth to untie the knots. Then they figured that I was using my teeth so they gagged me, but it wasn?t hard to reach the knot for the gag and then chewed my way through the knots again.

The not-too-bright boys tried a different scheme each day. I was almost always tied up in the loft of my cousin?s shed so that I would not be noticed by anyone while they hunted down my cousin. The loft was a low second floor on her shed accessible only by a ladder through the floor or through a door in the end wall - it looked a lot like a miniature hayloft. After they tied me up they headed off after my cousin and once they caught her they usually took her into the woods and tied her to a tree and played out there for most of the afternoon. Sometimes I thought they tied me up in the loft just to get rid of me, so they could have fun with my cousin without me to bother them. Sometimes I was able to find them and secretly watch them. I was amazed at some of the ways my cousin let them tie her up, but that will have to wait for another time.

Anyway the boys kept trying different ties to hold me, but I always escaped. They always came back to the shed at the end of the afternoon expecting to find me but every day I was gone. It didn?t occur to me until the last day that they were really leaving me 3 to 4 hours alone and tied up. It didn?t click with me because I never spent more than 20 or 30 minutes tied up before I escaped. Once they tried tying my hands to the rafters above my head but I was able to reach a box and stand on that to untie myself. I got nicknamed Houdini. Then one day they came up with the idea of tying my hands behind my back, but, being so flexible I managed to squirm my bound wrists under my feet to get them in front and chew the knots again.

This became my own personal game and I loved it. Frustrating boys and showing them up on a daily basis was great fun. The boys were pretty good about it but after a while it began to hit on their pride and each day it got harder and harder to release myself. On the second-to-last day that I was there they got the smart idea to tie my arms together at the elbows behind my back. I think that was the first time they realized how flexible I was because with little effort they got my elbows to touch. Five years of gymnastics makes you pretty flexible! Tying my wrists and ankles finished the job and they were sure they had me this time. To be honest, they really did, but I managed to open the door in the end wall of the loft and jump to the ground. From there I hopped away around the back of a nearby cottage and, by chance, found my cousin hiding there. She untied me and together we vowed to keep it a secret from the boys. My reputation as Houdini survived and the boys were further frustrated by their inability to hold me.

The last day I was there, the boys as usual caught me first and took me to the loft. This time they knew this was my last day there and they were determined to hold me this time. With me 'caught' in the middle of their circle they discussed my plight. One of the 15 year olds twisted one of my arms up my back and discovered that I could actually touch the back of my neck that way and from that suggested that they tie my wrists together between my shoulder blades. I quickly realized this was going to be very strict bondage and took a moment to stretch my arms a bit before they started. Well they bound my wrists, palms facing out, and then proceeded to wrap the rope tightly around my arms down to my elbows. By the time they had finished this part my arms were encased in rope from wrists to elbows with my fingers close to my neck and my elbows tight together. Then they wrapped rope tightly around my chest pinning my immobilized arms to my back and squishing my breasts at the same time. The tightly wound ropes were pinching little bits of my breasts and I asked them to be a little more gentler because they were hurting me, but they made some snide comment about finally beating Houdini. Soon after that I was gagged which put an end to any pleas.

They proceeded to tie my legs at the ankles and knees tighter than they ever had before and then sat around wondering what they could do next. Apparently there was perhaps 8 feet of rope left after knotting the rope around my chest and they came up with the brilliant idea of tying it around my ankles. Well they started to pull that rope tight and my legs bent up behind me and my back started to arch. Remember I was a very flexible gymnast and before they were finished my feet were almost touching the back of my head and I was in the strictest hog tie you could imagine. The only thing I could do at this point was move my head around a bit and they moved to stop that too. Somehow they managed to tie a rope or string into my long ponytail and used it to pull my head back. They tied that cord to the ropes around my ankles or knees and pulled on it until my head touched the soles of my feet.

I was trussed up tighter than I had ever imagined was possible. As they were leaving I mumbled into my gag and wiggled my toes, the only part of my body that I could move, in a desperate attempt to plea for release, but all they noticed was that my toes were loose and proceeded to tie my big toes together! My feet were so close to my head that they weaved the cord through my hair and essentially tied my toes to my head! They left me there unable to move at all. I was left lying on my side unable to move anything. There was no way for me to make any noise either to try to get help. My only hope was if my cousin got a chance to get into the shed before she was captured, but that hope was quickly shattered when I heard a little scream from her as she was caught. She told me after that she had stayed close by because she was worried about what they might do to me on that last day. She had stayed too close and was quickly caught.

Once during the afternoon my cousin?s father came into the shed looking for a tool or something, but he didn?t hear my muffled screams. It sounded like he might have been wearing a Walkman or something.

Finally at about 4:30 the gang came back to see if I had escaped. Of course I hadn?t moved an inch during the three hours that I had been bound. I was numb all over from the incredibly strict bondage and all the boys could do was yell out in victory, they had finally trapped Houdini! They called my cousin up into the loft to show off their trophy. She was the one who first noticed the dried tears on my face and realized I was in such pain. She went berserk screaming about how stupid they were to have done this. The first thing she did was remove the gag. I had no energy to scream. I could only tell her that I couldn?t feel my hands (the way I was tied she couldn?t even see my hands!), my legs were numb, my big toes were throbbing, my neck was stiff, my hair hurt and I desperately wanted release.

She kicked all the guys out calling them idiots and thugs and spared no time in releasing me choosing to use her penknife to cut the ropes instead of untie them. She first cut the rope that tied my ankles to my back but that put all the tension on the cord tied into my hair and on my toes tied to my hair. I screamed as it felt like my hair was being pulled out and there was still no relief for any part of my body. My cousin jumped back at the scream and banged her head on the roof of the loft. I told her that she had to cut my toes free first then my hair and release my legs slowly because the muscles would be so stiff. Gymnastics had taught me a few things about muscles. When my legs were finally freed from the hog tie she slowly unfolded me to groans from me.

She had to untie the knots on most of the other ropes because she was afraid to cut me along with the ropes so I had to patiently wait for her to untie the rope binding my chest before she could start work on my arms. It took another 15 or 20 minutes before I was completely freed and another half-hour to massage feeling back into my extremities. We debated about blowing the whistle on the boys for what they had done, but I was leaving the next morning and figured it would only make things difficult for my cousin. Besides the summer would be over in a few more days anyway. That was the last year my cousin went up there too since she landed a summer baby-sitting job the next year.

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