Photo Shoot

[ Ff, rom ]

by Funfla


Published: 25-Apr-2011

Word Count:

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This work is Copyrighted to the author. All people and events in this story are entirely fictitious.

I couldn't believe that I was sitting in the modeling office. I had always thought about modeling and when that bitch, Eliza, from school told the entire school she was a model; I knew I could model. Of course, Eliza was a rich bitch and my family was poor. My mom's friend knew of this modeling agency that wouldn't cost a lot of money. So, here my mom and I sat in the waiting room of a small private office building just outside town.

Ms. Richards finally brought us into an office. She was very formal and business-like making me even more nervous than I already was. My mom did the talking and filled out a bio sheet.

Ms. Richards repeated everything that my mom said... I guess to make sure she got everything right.

"Age: 13; Height: 5' 0"; weight: 100lbs; Eyes: brown; Hair: shoulder length, sandy blonde; Body Stature: Slim; Breast size: budding..."

My mom and Ms. Richards talked for 15-20 minutes about me and my background. I stared around the room looking at the pictures on the wall. Everything stopped when a door behind Ms. Richards opened and this tall beautiful woman walked in. Her demeanor was business-like, yet very mesmerizing. I just stared at her as she approached and whispered to Ms. Richards. I looked past the two women into the room that this woman came out of and saw two beautiful girls that I thought were totally undressed. Both smiled at me and hid behind the door. I looked back at this mystery woman and she looked up at me and smiled. That smile was soft and warm... I returned the smile as she returned to her work. "Well, Ms. Kathy..." Ms. Richards said to me. "It looks like Laura has taken a shine to you."

My mom and I were not sure what that meant and that was obvious by our expression.

"Laura is our foremost photographer and only takes very exclusive models. She was able to see you from her private photo room and decided that she wants a quick photo shoot with you right now."

I was stunned. I wasn't ready since I thought I was only doing an interview. I was wearing a nice dress (which I don't wear normally). My mom was excited, yet reserved since she wasn't sure we could afford it. A few minutes later the same door opened and Laura beckoned me in. My mom was going to join us but Ms. Richards told her to sit since Laura only did one-on-one meetings. I walked in and Laura greeted me with a huge smile and had me sit down on a small chair/table. The two other girls must have left out the other door since we were the only two in the room.

Laura changed from her business-like mode to a real friendly, almost sisterly, attitude. She asked me a bunch of questions and then decided she wanted to do a quick photo-shoot. She had me stand next the chair/table while she took two pictures. Smiling she said that I had 'that' look (whatever 'that' look meant).

In a move that I didn't expect, but wasn't afraid, Laura told me that I needed to remove my clothes for a few more pictures. Not waiting for me to undress myself, she proceeded to help me with my dress. I stopped at that but Laura didn't, removing my panties. I was naked in a flash standing in front of this woman I never met before and I wasn't self-conscious. A few "Ooohs" & "Aaahhh" came from Laura's mouth as she stared at me with a...different look. Waking out of a stare, she proceeded to take several pictures of me from all views. She even had me sit on the table folding my legs Indian-style. When Laura spoke to me finally, she sounded like she was purring.

"I'm sorry honey, but you need to get dressed now since I have another appointment," she said staring intently at me, "I will definitely see you later."

I dressed and met my mom in the other office with Ms. Richards. My mom was staring in space like she was shocked beyond belief. We left the agency and headed home. My mom was so quiet. I told her about the photo shoot and being undressed and she just smiled at me. We drove for a while before my mom spoke. "Kathy..." she started, "Laura wants you to do a special photo-shoot for a big specialty retailer from France."

I was surprised.

"Honey... next weekend, you will be going with Laura to Jamaica for the weekend for this shoot."

"Jamaica?!?" I said shocked.

In the most excited voice I ever heard from my mom, she practically screamed at me. "Yes... the two of you will do this photo shoot.... And you get paid... And... and... they gave me a $5,000.00 retainer fee to have you work for them."

"What?!?! Are you serious?" I screamed back at my mom.

My mom explained her meeting with Ms. Richards and the forms she signed. It was so much for me... I was getting dizzy, and excited, at the same time. We got home and my mom went over the list of clothes that I needed to bring. It was very basic stuff but it was really shocking to see that I couldn't bring any make-up or undergarments whatsoever. And my mom didn't even care. Normally she wanted me to wear a bra, even though my breasts had barely started forming. We talked more and my mom was so animated about everything. I went to my room to do homework until dinner.

Just before dinner I heard my dad come in and my mom was screaming excitement at him.

"$5,000.00!" My dad screamed.

I went out and my parents were beaming at me. I smiled at them and they hugged me like never before. After a little while and talking to my dad, I found out why. The money I was making for doing this modeling was far more than both my parents made in two months together. Being poor, this gave my parents a new hope for me.

The next week was slow and painful. I was so excited to go on this photo shoot. When Friday finally crawled in, I was up at 4:00 am ready to go. Our flight was for 7:00 am and we needed to meet Laura at the airport by 6:00 am. My mom dropped me off at the airport. I walked in and headed to the place that I was instructed to meet up with Laura. I wasn't even waiting a minute when she arrived. I don't normally find women attractive, but Laura was absolutely stunning. Her long chestnut brown hair was smooth as silk and feathered over her shoulders covering the straps of her satin white half-shirt. Her firm tan midsection was exposed. The jeans she was wearing were extremely low-rise that left plenty of beautiful soft skin exposed underneath her bellybutton. Her eyes beckoned me without a word and I fell into her stare. My mouth was so parched that I was licking my lips trying to find any moisture. There were parts of my body that had weird sensations developing and I felt myself getting a little excited, but not sure why.

With little verbal discussion we made it to our plane. I couldn't help but stare into her hazel-green eyes whenever it was possible. When Laura did talk to me, her pouting lips moved so slowly. We chatted a lot when we found our seats on the plane. It was amazing how comfortable she made me. I answered her questions and asked a few of my own. She told me that we were staying at a private retreat in Negril, Jamaica right on the beach. She explained that we were going to do a swimsuit shoot on the beach. It all sounded so exciting. She explained everything I needed to know and that there would be a couple other girls my age at the retreat as part of the shoot but not to worry since I was her primary target. The way she said that seemed like there was more to her meaning. She explained that the beach was clothing optional and our beach house was located overlooking the scenic beach.

"Clothes Optional?" I innocently questioned.

"Yes, my dear," Laura spoke so softly and lured me into her further, "We will wear swimsuits during the shoot, but afterwards, we are free to roam the beach naked."

For some reason, I found this to be exciting. I'm not really that immodest, but there was some other feelings that were calling to me telling me that it would be really awesome to walk a beach naked with Laura. I smiled at her with acceptance and anticipation of being naked on the beach. Her face lit up showing her bright white teeth and a bright glow.

"We can do everything naked, except for the shoot, if you like."

"Okay." I replied without hesitation.

The rest of the plane flight and the hour drive to the beach house was more chatting like long lost friends. There was something about Laura that had butterflies in my stomach. We arrived and got settled into the beautiful little beach house. I went into the bedroom to find a single huge bed. The shower in the bathroom was enormous.

"Doesn't this look like fun?" Laura whispered in my ear blowing soft warm air around my ear lobe and softly caressing my shoulders.

"Oh yes!" I exclaimed. "I love it."

With the formalities of getting settled, and it being early enough; Laura pulled out a few really beautiful and sexy bathing suits from a special box. She gave me one to wear and told me to bring the other with us to the beach. She asked if I minded if we both changed in the bedroom, which I told her that I didn't mind at all.

With that, Laura peeled her jeans and silk shirt off reveling the most beautiful body I ever saw. My mouth fell open as I stared at Laura. Her breasts were full and well rounded, and faint-red large nipples accentuated her upper body. Her extreme firm legs just melted into the flat torso except for the smooth, bare pubic hump that showed a little vertical smile with a tiny tongue just peaking our of her lips. Clearly noticing my stare, Laura nonchalantly turned around to expose her well-defined bum. Her perfectly tanned body looked so incredible. Her bum had a very nice shape that curved under and between her legs.

Now I was getting jealous and disappointed since my body looked nothing like hers. Yes, I was still young compared to the 26-year-old Laura; but I didn't have any shape to my bum and my breasts barely had any form. I looked down in a little disappointment of my body. Laura came up to me and hugged my naked body to hers.

"Sweetie, I think your body is exceptionally beautiful..." She whispered in my ear as her breasts pressed against my face and neck.

I started to breathe heavy and my vagina was getting wet. I broke the hug and slipped on the bikini bottoms that fit perfectly. I beamed at Laura as she dressed in a bikini as well.

There was something definitely weird about the way I was feeling.

We went out to the beach, which was incredibly gorgeous. The water was so crystal clear and the sand was like powder. I didn't notice until Laura pointed it out that there were a couple young women lounging on the beach in their birthday suits. It looked so natural. There were two other girls in bikinis like I was wearing sitting right by the water. Laura told me that I was doing part of the shoot with these girls. It was kinda funny that they looked very similar to me. Even our hair looked alike. Laura did the introductions and we started off to the far end of the beach for the shoot. With a lot of the guidance Laura gave me on the plane, I tried to act as natural as I could. We shot several pictures in various positions and different groupings. It was hot and I was getting a little tired. Laura must have felt the same as she called for a quick bite to eat and drink...then we were right back to it. This time she had the three of us take our tops off and just wear the bottoms. She took a ton of pictures with us in all kinds of poses. When she had the three of us get really close and my breasts were rubbing against Trina's breasts, I felt that funny tickle again. During one group of pictures KC was rubbing my bum and squeezing it every now and then. It felt really good and it seemed KC was doing it on purpose. We changed into other suits right on the beach. I felt a little self-conscious about it but Laura's look of admiration melted my concerns and I dropped my bikini bottoms. I did look...and watch the other two girls change and was intrigued by the sparse brownish pubic hair between Trina's legs. KC was totally bare and seemed to be really focusing on me. We continued the shoot like we started and removed the tops half way through the new suits. This time Laura had us do action shots in the water with the three of us playing. It was a lot of fun and I had more hands all over me than I ever thought I would. KC's hands were all over my breasts and she was actually getting me very excited. I was kinda confused about the excitement but my body was feeling really good, so I just let KC do what she was doing. Laura let us play for a while as she shot some pictures. When all was said and done, I was pretty tired. Laura gave KC and Trina instructions for tomorrow's shoot and sent them on their way. She helped me back to the beach house and out of the wet sandy suit. Guiding me into the shower she made me shower while she did a few things in the bathroom. The whole time I was in the shower, I don't think Laura took her eyes off of me. It felt good to have her watch me. Drying me off, she put me in the bed and told me to take a little nap because it was going to be a long night. Her eyes twinkled as she said it. Since I was tired, I agreed and fell into slumber really quickly.

I awoke to a soft kiss on my cheek. My eyes opened to a dream. Laura stood in front of me wearing an incredibly beautiful... and sexy, sundress. The light blue satin barely covered her body but it did it in such a way to add a touch of class to her appearance. Her hair was done up nicely and the soft scent of perfume permeated the room. I smiled and got out of bed. For some unknown reason, I went right up to her and wrapped my arms around her in a nice hug. My naked body on the sating felt so nice. Her breasts were pressed against my face again and I could feel her nipple protruding the material. Taking me into the front room, Laura gave me a sexy sundress to wear as well. It was made of satin as well. She helped me put it on my naked form and it fit very nicely. As I looked in the mirror, I turned to see that the dress actually clung to my bum giving me a nice curve. Laura smiled and nodded approvingly. It felt really nice, especially on my nipples. Every step I made rubbed the material over them making them stick out as much as my little ones would.

We made our way to a nice little restaurant on the beach with a table facing the sunset. Laura and I talked about everything in this romantic setting. She asked me about sex, in which, I explained to her that I was a virgin and actually naïve about the feelings of sex. I told her about the weird exciting feelings I had during the shoot and a couple other times. She said it was very natural and should be expected. She told me about her first experience with her nanny and how they made beautiful love together. She went into incredible detail about her experiences and how her thirty-year-old nanny made her into a woman and showed her the art of lovemaking. I listened totally entranced. The vivid details, descriptions and the way she spoke was... turning me on very much. I could feel my whole body becoming electrified and my vagina was getting very wet. I felt like Laura was doing to me what her nanny did to her... Well, I wanted to share that with her. I wanted to partake in everything she was telling me. I was so excited and Laura just kept feeding me more and more details. By the end of dinner I was in my own world and I was... turned on... I rarely thought of sex, but never, ever thought of it with a woman or a girl before... Now, I just wanted a female and I wanted Laura. By dessert, we were feeding each other pieces of ultimate chocolate cake and totally oblivious to our surroundings. Following her guidance, Laura and I walked hand-in-hand along the totally secluded beach in the final wisps of a violet-orange sunset. Then just before we walked into our beach house, Laura pulled me into her and our lips met. Being so turned on with the atmosphere, dinner conversation and the sultry way Laura communicated; I let her take me and show me how to kiss. Our lips together were exhilarating. I started to try to forcibly kiss back, but Laura eased me down and took control. Our lips moved to the sound of the waves in the background. Tender and soft, Laura held my head just right to allow the most contact between our lips. I was feeling my knees turning to jello, among other feelings...

She broke the kiss and I gasped for air. I realized that I wasn't breathing through the kiss. A little dizzy, she guided me into the beach house and right to the bedroom. In my dazed state, Laura lit candles all around the bed, turned on a soft-sounding CD and sprayed an aromatherapy mist all around. It was the perfect setting.

There was a gentle breeze blowing through the beach house as Laura slowly and meticulously disrobed both of us. I was very excited, yet I was scared. Not that I was about to be made love to, but that I didn't have any idea of what to do or what I could do to Laura to make her happy. Like a good mentor, she took her time and brought my naked body onto the bed and positioned me with a pillow under my head and one under my lower back just above my bum. Hands of a skilled surgeon, she let her fingers leisurely dance over my entire body. From my inner thighs, where it really felt good, all the way up to my face and back down; she caressed me with soft finger touches. Her lips found mine in a sweet lip lock that seemed to last forever. I did breathe, although it was slow. When her tongue glided into my mouth I was taken aback a little not expecting it...but she was the teacher and she could do anything to me as she pleased. It felt different. I started to enjoy her tongue probing. I was also enjoying her hand as it found my right breast. Her hand cupped my small breast. Parting her fingers slightly, she slid my now-erect nipple between the fingers and rubbed gently. Talk about sensation! I have rubbed my breasts before, but never to the fire that was burning in them now. I had to let out a moan into Laura's tongue-probing kiss. Happy with her results, she moved to the left breast and did the same thing. I cooed utter happiness from the incredible sensations I was receiving.

Leaving my mouth slightly parted, Laura moved to my neck and ears as she nibbled and sucked each part. I was in heaven. Not only what she was doing with her mouth and hand, but feeling her naked body on me was incredible. Her breasts on my side, her long sexy legs wrapped around mine where her vagina was very wet and leaking on me; the mutual body heat really electrified both our senses. Not knowing what to say from all this pleasure I just moaned out little nothings. Just when I thought it couldn't feel any better, BAM! I was hit with an inconceivable wave of pleasure. Laura's mouth had closed onto my breast.

"OH, MY!" I called.

Talk about totally new experiences and feelings... this was unbelievable. Soft motion of her tongue encircled my nipple causing it to stand out further and accept the ministrations willingly from Laura's sucking mouth. I called out more happiness as she moved to my other breast. It was beautiful! In the background the soft music permeated the room with all my new feelings. An eternity of Laura's lips on my breasts was bringing a new wave of pleasure that I couldn't define. It was building up, but it felt more like my whole body wanted to shudder. It was a slow build up and I felt like I was losing control of my body. Laura on the other hand knew what she was doing and was taking her sweet time savoring the experience; I think more for me... or maybe she knew something...

Kissing her way through my tummy and down my legs, it seemed like each wet kiss was sending waves of shock into my body. If felt so nice when she sucked on my toes. I never experienced that before and it felt awesome. She made her way up into my inner thighs kissing and nibbling merrily and very gradually. When she approached my hairless vagina...oh, pussy... I felt the pleasure wave take more hold of my body. I wasn't sure how to react. Since Laura knew what she was doing and wouldn't hurt me, I let it come. Her hands were caressing their way around and up my legs. She reached the top of my thighs and her hands parted my thighs as wide as legs would move. Her gentle fingers went into my vagina folds and opened my little pussy. I have looked at my pussy before in a mirror and it is a small little opening with pinkish sides. I tried to put a finger into the orifice but it wouldn't go in very far and I got a weird sensation from it, so I stopped. I don't think Laura was going to stop what she was doing to me... nor did I want her to. My whole body was extremely aware of every move she was making and that building wave was taking more and more of my body. Looking up at me through my parted thighs and smiling a million words to me, I knew she was going to do something mind-blowing.

Then it hit as her mouth fell on my pussy and her tongue slid between the folds.

"WOW!!!!!!!!!!!!" I screamed/moaned out.

It was like the most amazing feeling was taking over my body from having her mouth on my pussy. That powerful body wave was now cresting on me and I felt like any second it would totally envelop me. Not to be disappointed, Laura's tongue hit a spot between the folds and I erupted and convulsed from the awesome power of this feeling.

"Aaaaaaaaarrrrrrrrgggggggggggggg.....ooooooohhhhhhhhhhhhhh...aaaaaaaaahhhhhhh...!!!" My body spasmed and literally jumped out of the bed. If it wasn't for the grip Laura had on me, I would have flown off the bed. Not letting go with her mouth sucking on my pussy, she continued to tongue-fuck and suck on my pussy. My body wouldn't stop its convulsion fits. It felt totally incredible and I never wanted it to stop. Another commanding wave poured onto the first one and had me screaming for more...

"Yes.. Laura!!!! Ohhhhhh......yes..."

Sweat building all over me, nerves being taken to the farthest extreme and my whole body experiencing something totally new; I was becoming a woman... and I LOVED IT!

Then my body went numb. I could barely feel anything. I thought Laura had stopped her pleasure. I looked down at her with very blurry eyes to see her licking away. Over-sensory load! As if timing it just right, she looked up into my eyes, told me to prepare and smiled into my pussy.

She was right, she sucked in my button and I felt everything again in overwhelming force.


And this feeling didn't stop... It was going on and on and on... I had lost total control of my body. I was a melted heap of flesh seeping into the bed. Never in my life have I ever felt so... alive! It was so incredible and the overpowering sensations were everywhere. I was drenched in a sweat like never before. Even tingling feelings in my bum were inconceivable. Climbing up on me like a warm blanket, Laura covered my body with hers. I was exhausted. Smiling down on me she spoke softly.

"First orgasm, eh?"

Nodding agreement she placed her head on the same pillow as mine.

"Good... there are plenty more coming tonight. I will let you rest for a few minutes before I enter you and electrify your body even more." She spoke with the most devilish and playful voice.

Taking heed because I wanted everything from her. I let my body rest. I couldn't help feel that my bum was sitting in a pool of water. Oh well, I was too numb to move.

I didn't fall asleep but I was in oblivion. It was blissful. I don't know how long I was lying in my mellow state letting all my senses run free but that changed as Laura woke up and kissed me passionately.

"Are you ready for more?" She asked playfully.

I nodded my head yes even though I really couldn't move.

"Are you ready to lose your virginity?" She spoke in a question that was more like a command.

There was too much going on within me to mind or care, but I told her freely to take me. Virginity has never really been something that I cared about and neither did my mom. We had 'that' talk a while back and she didn't really see it as an all-important thing. Just as long as I did it when I really knew I was ready and to be very careful not to get pregnant... Well, I doubt there would ever be another perfect time like now and there was definitely no way of getting pregnant. I looked over as Laura was stepping into these panties that were like a belt. She called it a harness. Then she showed me her deflowering tool.

"This is Cherry Breaker." She said grinning and mounting it to a hook of sorts. It looked like a weird screwdriver-like tool with a very thin tip, getting a little thicker down the tool. It was about six inches long and candy-apple red. The thin end was about ½ inch thick with the thick end being about an inch. It looked cool when mounted onto Laura. It made her look like she had a red penis sticking out of her panties. With her tall stature and endless supple legs, she looked incredible prancing around the room sizing up her prey. I smiled begging her to take me. With a little positioning, Laura arched my back with the pillow and placed my legs very wide open. She seemed to be perplexed a little.

"Kathy... you have an incredible pussy. It is really tucked down between your legs good; not to mention the small nature of your love canal."

I really didn't know what to say. I just wanted it to happen.

"This will hurt at first... and it may hurt a lot for about five seconds, but afterwards you'll be filled with incredible warmth and new feelings."

I hesitated slightly at the thought of pain, which Laura picked up. She took her time to explain what she was going to do and how it will all happen. I listened intently as she relaxed next to me caressing my body with those extraordinary fingers. I kept staring at her red penis and almost salivated at the way it made her look. Finally comforted, Laura fixed herself between my legs. She put some type of coating on the tool and then positioned it right at my pussy. A few seconds of body positioning and she was touching my slit. With her fingers parting the way, the red penis moved into the lips gently. I felt the tool entering me immediately. It wasn't a bad feeling. I was looking into Laura's eyes as she pressed on. Then the tip hit something and she stopped. "As I told you want it quick and fast or should I take my time?" she asked me in her sweet concerned voice.

I opted for the quick and fast method. I just wanted to get the pain over as fast as possible. Warming me with her smile she told me she would count to five and then press hard. I nodded and told her to go.



"Yeeeoooooooooooooooowwwwwwww!" I screamed at the top of my lungs.

But it was only a few seconds before it subsided. It was a very full bizarre feeling between my legs. The tears from my eyes drained down my face. But it was over. I was going to ask Laura about it when she spoke.

"Sorry Kath, I did it so that it would be unexpected... and I just barely went in when your hymen broke on me."

Lifting my legs open wider, she slid out of me as I felt the ooze of fluids pour out of my pussy. Then mounting in my lips again, Laura pressed into me again little by little this time. I could feel my pussy lips stretching to accommodate her cherry breaker. Then I really got a pussy full when the larger end entered my vagina. It was incredible and I felt so full. She was gliding into me gradually and smoothly. No pain... Weird feelings inside my bum tickle pleasurably. It wasn't till she was all the way in, at least what I thought was all the way in, when I started to feel that wave again. Using only her hips, she retracted leisurely from my stuffed vagina and lit the fire within my pussy walls.

"Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh..." I moaned.

Laura was extremely methodical as she pulled in and out of my pussy. I just kept moaning pleasure and more pleasure at her. It was like my whole body was on fire and the entire bottom half of me was stuffed full. I was beyond exhaustion, beyond feeling myself, and definitely on an incredible sensual high. It was clear that Laura was too. She was enjoying every little thing she did to me. The fucking she was giving me was icing on the cake and she seemed very lost in her own world. Her eyes were rolling in the back of her head and her hips were gyrating in a more hastened mode. Her cherry breaker was now moving fluidly through my pussy walls, pumping in and out of me at a good speed. I was entirely numb except for the orgasmic wave that Laura was thrusting through my saturated pussy. Then, without warning, Laura screamed out in raw animalistic ardor.

"Yeeeeeeesssssssss!! Oh, Kathy!!!!! Yesssss.....fuck yes!!!!"

Her hips were grinding me at lightning speed and I was erupting with the intensity as before.


She lightning-fucked my pussy through her orgasm and into mine. I was screaming and my legs were flailing as I spasmed into a heap of melted sexually satisfied girl... woman on a very sticky bed. Laura came tumbling on me with her penis still buried inside my abused pussy walls. Our lips met and there was more to the kiss than previously experienced. It was... more... meaningful.

I wanted to make her feel good too, but I was too sore and wasted to try anything. I wanted to try to fuck Laura like she just did to my pussy. I wanted to taste her fruits and nibble on her nipples. I wanted to share everything with her... I was not in any shape to do anything and Laura knew it. Leaning into me again with a playful kiss on my cheek, she blew into my ear, "You'll have your turn to take me later today. And I will guide you on everything, sweetie."

I smiled at her.

"Just think, right after the shoot, we will really get to play for hours and hours and hours."

With that, she kissed me passionately again and went to sleep.

I turned to see the clock saying 3:41 am and fell asleep as well in my sticky cocoon.

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