Published: 28-Aug-2012
Word Count:
"But I CAN'T have sex with my own Brother!" Marcia's objection SOUNDED reasonable enough . . . unless you knew that the four of us were stark-naked, and had been "fooling around" with each other for over two hours. Both Marcia and I had sucked BOTH guys off twice in that time; never bothering to even care if the guy's prick squirting thick white baby-juice against our tonsils was our sibling's, or our boyfriend's. The four of us have been getting into and out of trouble together for longer than I can remember. Once we reached puberty though, things had rapidly progressed from just kisses and hugs, to our present involvement, where nothing was off-base except doing "the real thing", and Mike and I were working to remove that last barrier. Marcia always was the naive one of the group though, and I figured it was up to me to get the little girl ALL the way into what Mike and I had started about a week ago, when it was too snowy to leave the house. Only I planned on a little "surprise" for Marcia that she didn't expect.
For once, my cute little cousin would be FIRST in doing something, instead of me. Only she just didn't know it yet. Even Dan was in on it, though it had taken the threat of watching me and Mike "get it on", while he only got to watch, to bring him around. Still, I had only sucked him off twice since then; telling him he wasn't fucking ME, until he did it "properly" with his little sister. I guess seeing Mike's prick sliding up in my seemingly bare cunny; squeezing on my brother's prick like no hand or even mouth COULD do, convinced him. Besides, it wasn't as though any of us would be abandoning Marcia; as Mike fully expected to marry her two years from now, the moment she became "legal" at 14; just like Dan and I planned on getting married next year, when I became "legal".
Stupid-assed laws about how old, and who you could marry . . . If it had been up to us, all four of us would have married each other a year ago, and already be raising kids of our own. Only they have these stupid laws about "incest" and "statutory rape" that make it almost impossible for a gal to find a decent guy to marry. Thank goodness they allow cousins to marry in this state, or we'd probably all be in BIG trouble.
"Why not?" asked Dan. "Mike and Sherry do!"
Marcia didn't even bother to look at us to see if we agreed with her brother. I guess she knew the ring of truth when she heard it. Besides, it sounded just like something we WOULD do (and had too).
Abandoning THAT line of defense, our little cousin blurted out the thing that really bothered her "But what if I get pregnant?" she almost wailed; seeming to be more worried about NOT being able to have sex with her big brother, like I was, than at the prospect of having his baby in her belly. "I mean I just CAN'T get pregnant by my own brother, can I? Mom and Dad would just KILL me." Here Marcia looked hopefully at Mike and me, as if we might have a solution for her problem, since WE seemed to not be bothered by the prospect of an impeding swollen belly with Mike's baby kicking and squirming inside me. We did.
"Here," I said, holding out the box of a dozen condoms that Mike and I had spent the day preparing. (We had spoiled three of them, but both agreed it looked like we had been using them ourselves that way.) "Use these. I'll put one on Dan, while you lie back and get ready, OK?"
"Are you SURE it's OK?" whimpered Marcia; obediently lying back, and spreading her legs. "Mom would just KILL me, if she found out I let my own brother get me pregnant."
Even Dan shivered a little; but we had already discussed this. If (when) Marcia showed up with her big brother's baby in her tummy, Mike was going to say it was him who "got her in trouble" . . . just like Dan would do if Mike and I slipped up (fat chance).
"See," I said; rolling the latex sleeve down my boyfriend's swollen prick, "these new condoms are so tough you could drive a nail through them, and they wouldn't split." The very reason we had chosen THEM, over the more "sensitive" latex kind. Mike and I had spent the afternoon yesterday using a leather-punch to punch a tiny circular hole in the tip of each one, before sealing it back in the foil with a heated wire. The tiny hole was almost invisible, but when we tried them, the holes matched up almost perfectly with the piss-slit on Mike's (or in this case Dan's) prick. When Dan ejaculated his seed in his little sister's belly, almost every drop would squirt right THROUGH the condom, and into the girl's vagina where it belonged.
"See," I said; holding Dan's prick up, so my fingertip hid the end (not that the tiny hole would be visible, unless you were looking for it), "now you don't have to worry about a thing." Yeah, right . . . except what size dress she was going to wear in about six months or so.
If it sounds like I'm a really NASTY person, setting up my little 11-year-old cousin to be knocked-up by her own big brother, I'm not. Marcia and I have been friends for YEARS, and have always pulled little pranks on each other. Heck, I wouldn't have been all THAT annoyed, if I found out she had pulled a joke like this on ME. I mean, the thought of carrying my own brother's baby in my tummy wasn't all THAT bad; even though I planned on marrying Dan as soon as we could, that is. So I knew Marcia wouldn't be THAT mad at me, if she found HER brother's baby stretching her belly, just like I wouldn't be at her if I did.
It wasn't until Dan actually slid his condom-covered prick home in my cousin's belly though, that I knew we were home free. By the time Dan has used up the eight or nine specially prepared condoms, it would be all over except the cry of the baby, and the celebration after my cousin gives birth to her own niece or nephew.
Sure enough, when Dan pulled out, after shuddering and groaning on top of his sister for several minutes, very little sperm was trapped inside. Almost every drop of the boy's potent seed was planted firmly inside his little sister's cute belly where it belonged.
Afterwards, Mike and I put on a show of him fucking me, with NO condom stealing any of his sperm from getting inside me.
"Oh my God," croaked Marcia, once she saw my big brother's bare prick sliding up inside me. "You're going to get pregnant, if you don't watch out."
"That's the idea," I groaned, as my orgasm overtook me. I might know about the diaphragm tucked away neatly in my vagina, where my cousins couldn't see it, but that didn't mean the idea wasn't as erotic to me, as it obviously was to them, by the sudden resurrection of Dan's prick, and the highly erect nipples on Marcia's titties.
"That's the idea," agreed Mike, as my brother jammed his thick prick to the root in my belly, before sending flood after flood of incestuous cum squirting inside me. We could tell that both of our cousins were fascinated by the sight of his sperm leaking out of what THEY thought was my unprotected sex. Before Mike even finished cumming in me, Dan and Marcia were one big nasty themselves, as my boyfriend jammed his now bare prick to the root in his little sister's belly. My little act it seems, had worked out better than I even hoped.
"God, I can't wait to see Sherry's tummy get big," groaned Marcia, as her big brother's movements became erratic, and he began filling the little girl's womb with incestuous seed . . . this time without even a holey condom to get in the way of his sperm wriggling its way up inside her; looking for an egg to fertilize.
"Well, it'll probably be a pretty long wait," I giggled, as I snuggled up to Mike, while his thick prick slowly wilted inside me. The feel of my own brother's lusty seed inside my vagina was SO comforting. "I've at least got a diaphragm in my vagina, unlike some girls I know who fuck their brothers bareback, and don't even check their condoms for holes when they do use them."
"Um," said Marcia . . . smiling at me MUCH too pleasantly for a girl who's just had a fast one pulled on her. "Have you checked YOUR diaphragm for holes lately?" she asked sweetly. "I did mine."
Oh shit.
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