Special Playtime, Part 1

[ Mg, 1st, cons ]

by Flynn


Published: 17-Jan-2012

Word Count:

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This work is Copyrighted to the author. All people and events in this story are entirely fictitious.

As the school bell rang at 3:30pm little 7 year old Cindy James jumped up from her chair and gathered her little Hello Kitty backpack as fast as she could, and before her teacher could even say goodbye she was out the door and hurrying to the school gates. She was smaller than most of the girls in her year, and with her light brown hair, gorgeous brown eyes and perfect features she was easily the cutest little girl in her class.

Today wasn't a special day by any means, it wasn't her birthday as that was a month ago and it wasn't the end of school term either. The only reason for her eagerness to get to the school gate was that her daddy was waiting for her, and as she approached the gate she could see him standing there, tall and strong, with his big muscular arms just waiting to pick her up and hold her close to him. Her heart started beating just that little bit faster the moment she saw him and daddy's heart was beating faster too, while his cock was stiffening as always on seeing her.

He started to get hard the moment he got in the car to go pick Cindy up and his erection was growing more and more. As he saw her running towards him he knew what was coming, she would jump into his arms and he would pick her up and twirl her around at least once all the while she would giggle and squeal the way only a little girl can. Cindy had no idea about daddy's erection, infact she had never even heard the word before, let alone seen a cock, but daddy was about to change all that. Little Cindy had a very exciting evening ahead of her.

8 years previously Bill James was, on the surface, just a normal 33 year old man with a lovely new wife and a decent career. He paid his taxes and gave the impression to anyone that knew him that he had a strong moral compass and was an upstanding man. The reality however was a little different as Bill James had a weakness, just like most men, and his weakness was for little girls. He never tried to fight against it, it was too powerful and gave him far too much enjoyment, but he did learn to hide it well.

His wife Claire had no idea and for Bill he had come to the conclusion that it would always be a desire that he kept purely in his mind. He would fantasise, occasionally read a story or share a conversation online, but he would never actually do anything that might get him in trouble. And then one day he was sitting in the doctors office and a man with a smile on his face was saying those fateful 3 words. 'It's a girl'. And little Cindy was here. Her early years were uneventful and proceeded just as any new parents would hope, with Claire and Bill taking care to ensure their baby was healthy and happy.

But around the time Cindy turned 5 Bill started to very slowly notice something about his baby girl. He'd seen many other daddies with their girls and Cindy was definitely different. She was so attentive with him and she loved his affection far more than mummy's, but most thrillingly she was always seeking contact with him. Hugs, kisses, sitting on his lap to be read a story and if she needed tucking in at night she would always want daddy to do it. Bill knew that his little girl worshipped her daddy and he decided he was going to show her all the many ways a little girl can show her love for her daddy. He was going to be patient, and if he did it right then his fantasies might actually become reality.

Soon after she turned 6 years old Cindy was sitting on her daddy's lap and daddy asked Cindy if she knew what keeping a secret meant?

'No daddy what does it mean?' she replied.

'Well baby girl if you are with daddy and he wants whatever happens to be just between the two of you, then you have to never tell anyone else. Can you do that baby?'

'Yes I think so' Cindy replied.

'If daddy says that mummy or your teachers or your friends at school can never know our little secrets then you must never tell baby girl.'

'I promise daddy. I would never tell.'

'Good girl' replied daddy, leaving it there and not pursuing the idea any more that day. He had begun training her mind, and over the coming months he would learn that his little girl was very easily led and very eager to please her daddy. He started testing his little girl to see if indeed she could keep secrets. He gave her a special Barbie necklace (Cindy loved anything Barbie) and told her she must only wear it for him and not tell mummy she owns it. Months later she had never told a soul about it and Daddy was very excited about his little girls obedience.

He tested her also by sitting her down and talking to her about men and women. He explained about the roles men and women have, though of course his version of events was not exactly the same as society generally goes. In his version, men are the dominant and superior sex and a girls role is to be obedient, compliant and always do as she's told. A man takes care of the girl and makes all the decisions, and the girl in turn does everything she can to please the man, and she never ever says no to him.

'The most important thing to remember baby is to do as a man tells you, and the most important man in your life is your daddy.'

'Ok daddy I promise, I will always be a good girl' Cindy replied.

It took every ounce of strength for Bill not to unzip himself and bury his cock deep inside Cindy's mouth at that point. But he stayed vigilant, now was not the time to rush. Every answer that Cindy gave increased Bill's optimism about the girl she would become. He wanted a submissive, compliant, eager little daughter, and he was shaping her nicely.

After the conversation ended daddy said she must keep what she knew secret, as girls don't usually learn this till they were older but daddy was sharing these secrets with his little girl as she was so smart and mature. Cindy smiled a big beaming smile on hearing this and never mentioned a word of the conversation to anyone. Daddy was very pleased.

Claire was a nurse at a hospital about 15 miles drive from home and worked late 4 late shifts a week at the community hospital, meaning she wasn't home till around 9pm. Her team leader had asked her to change to this pattern a year before and Claire had suggested to Bill that she turn it down, assuming the extra responsibility he would have would be a burden. But to her surprise and delight he had told her to take it.

'The extra money is useful, and I can take care of Cindy each night, some daddy/daughter time will be fun'. He struggled to keep the smile from his face as he said these words. So Claire began her new shifts, and Daddy Bill had all the time he needed.

'Did you have a good day at school baby?' Asked daddy as he drove her home.

'Yes daddy we read a pirate story in the morning and then painted some animal shapes after lunch and Miss Jamieson says that she thinks I can be an artist one day.' As Cindy repeated this her daddy was shifting his gaze whenever he could to the view he had in the passenger seat. Cindy wore a skirt that was a little shorter than the other girls in her class, not by accident either as he had picked it out himself when he took her shopping last month, and right now that skirt hem was riding quite high up the soft little thighs of his baby girl and giving him a very nice view.

Cindy had the softest skin Bill had ever touched, it was warm and inviting and whenever he held her he made sure his hands came in contact with her skin. That was the thought he was having right now as he glanced at her legs, her feet didn't touch the floor of the car and she was knocking her shoes together absently while he drove. Claire wasn't due home till late and that gave Bill around 5 hours with his baby, 5 hours to start teaching her how to be a good little girl.

As Cindy bounded into the house her daddy followed her upstairs. Cindy always got changed after school, and daddy wanted to make sure she had the right outfit on for tonight. 'Here baby wear this today, daddy wants you to look extra pretty' Cindy looked at her daddy and smiled one of her biggest smiles. She loved it when daddy picked out her clothes, and the outfit daddy was holding was one of her favourites. She held the small pink and white skirt up in front of her and admired the soft feel of it on her skin, and it felt even nicer when she was wearing it. Daddy had picked out her favourite Barbie girl tee shirt as well that he knew she always wore with the skirt.

'Daddy is so smart' she thought as she watched him exit to allow her to change.

As Cindy walked in the living room she saw her daddy sitting on the sofa, not watching TV, or reading, or anything else for that matter, and it seemed like he was waiting for her.

'Come sit with daddy' he told her and as she moved to sit next to him.

'Nope not there baby, come sit on daddy's lap, I have something I want to show you.'

'Ok daddy' Cindy answered and she climbed up and sat on her daddy's lap just as he told her. She never hesitated or doubted that she should do just as her daddy says. Afterall a good girl always does just as daddy wants.

As she sat on her daddy's lap with both her legs draped sideways over him, she felt warm and safe and happy, just like always with daddy. As they sat, Bill felt his erection starting to rise, and he knew this time he wasn't going to be taking care of it in his bedroom, today would be different. He placed his hand on Cindy's left thigh and slowly started to run it up and down, over he knee, his fingers softly caressing her warm skin, his entire hand could grip her leg if he wanted, such were her dainty little girl features, and his caressing caused Cindy to look up at him with big brown eyes.

'That feels nice daddy.'

'Mmm it's alll going to feel baby' was his reply.

'Daddy is going to teach you about something very special today. It's called special playtime. And it's very secret and very exciting. So you cant ever tell anyone about it ok?'

'Ok daddy I promise'.

On hearing the words special playtime she immediately became curious and excited and her mind started to wonder just what daddy had in mind. She couldn't wait to find out.

Daddy became more and more confident and began to move his hand higher and higher up Cindy's thighs, and as he did this he began to whisper in her ear 'good girl Cindy, that's it open your legs a little, let daddy's hand go higher' as he whispered that Cindy, without even thinking, opened her legs a little to allow Daddy to do just what he wanted. Daddy's hand was now at Cindy's panties and he moved his fingers to the thin elastic holding them to her waist, with one small little pull they were now sliding down her thighs, his hot breath still whispering in her ear as he pulled them slowly down her legs, and over her cotton socks.

'Mmm baby that's better' Said daddy as he dropped her panties on the floor, and then moved his hand back under her skirt. Cindy was feeling a mixture of excitement and curiosity as daddy moved his hand back under her skirt, though it didn't stay there long as soon he was tugging on the hem of her skirt.

'Lift yourself up a little baby' said daddy as he pulled his sweet little baby girls skirt down exposing her soft cunny for the first time.

'Remember baby, special playtime is our little secret.'

'Yes daddy, I wont tell anyone I promise'

Daddy loved hearing her say that and each time she said it his cock throbbed, and right now it was leaking precum into his underwear. As his hands caressed and explored Cindy's little cunny he moved in and kissed her on the lips. Cindy had kissed her daddy before but never like this. His lips were wet and there was more force than usual. He started to push his tongue into her mouth and Cindy pulled back and looked at her daddy.

'When I kiss you baby I want you to open your mouth and copy what I do ok? That's how a girl should kiss'

'Ok daddy' came her reply, there was excitement in her voice and an eagerness to please that sent a thrill through Bill's body. Daddy and Cindy kissed for about 5 minutes, with Cindy's lil tee being removed after a little while and her socks being slowly taken off. Her little toes were tingling and she loved the feel of daddy's hands on her.

She was now fully naked and daddy couldn't wait anymore. He picked her up and stood her in front of him and then stood up himself. Her head was almost level with his waist and the bulge in his trousers was massive.

'Do you want to make daddy happy?' Cindy was asked. 'Yes daddy, always' came her reply.

With this Bill unzipped his trousers and told Cindy to remove them along with his shoes and socks. She did this instantly and when her gaze returned to daddy's waist she saw his bulge properly now for the first time. Daddy saw her staring at it and he took his underwear off, letting his daughter see his sticky throbbing cock for the first time, but definitely not the last. Her reaction was perfect in his eyes, everything he had dreamed of. She couldn't take her eyes off it, and her mouth was open, almost like she was drooling. Before she even had time to speak daddy held the back of her head and guided his cock to her mouth. 'Suck it baby, pretend it's the sweetest lollipop you ever had' and with that he felt those soft lips encircle his cock for the first time.

The pleasure was unlike anything he had ever felt, any doubts about his actions were gone. Long gone. Nothing in the world would feel as good as his little girl slurping her wet lips over his cockhead, the feel of her tongue lapping at him. He could have jizzed all over her right then but he wanted his first time inside Cindy to last. And she needed guidance as her efforts on his lollipop were understandably naive and she needed to be told what to do. 'Use your lips more baby, move them up and down my shaft, yea that's it, lick my cockhead and suck it and then move your mouth back over it and in and out'.

She was a fast learner and soon daddy could feel it building inside, his balls were so full as he hadn't cum in days, as he was saving it for his baby and she was about to get it. He instructed her on how to use her hands while she was sucking, and even though she could barely get her hand around his cock and needed to use both, the effect, combined with the feel of her lips, was creating swirls of pleasure all through Bill's body, he knew it was here and he gripped Cindy's head while she sucked and said.

'You're being such a good girl baby, daddy is so close and he's going to give you a special sticky treat in your mouth for being good'. 'Don't let any spill out baby' daddy said as his baby's eyes met his.

Cindy couldn't reply as right now daddy's cock was moving in and out her mouth guided by his hands as the gripped the back of her head, but even then she wasn't prepared for what happened next.

She felt daddy grow extra hard in her mouth and felt him tense, and then it happened. Daddy pulled his cock back a little so just the tip was inside Cindy's mouth and he let out a guttural animal sound unlike anything Cindy had ever heard as Bill jetted 5 thick ropes of cum onto her lips and tongue. Cindy's tried to do just as daddy had told her but her mouth was too small for all daddy's cum and some of it dribbled out of her mouth onto her chin. Daddy's grip on the back of Cindy's head eased and he took his cock from her lips, his breath returning to his body and the afterglow of the best orgasm he ever had was washing over him.

'You were such a good girl for daddy' he said as he looked deep into her eyes, the look back was of a wide eyed little girl uncertain of what to do next, with a mouth full of warm daddycum and lots more of it all down her chin. Daddy took his finger and scooped up the cum from Cindy's chin and pushed it into her mouth. Cindy's lips parted and daddy looked into her eyes once more.

'Ok baby, swallow it all down. That's it yes, into your tummy where it belongs' Cindy took a big gulp as daddy said this and felt his warm cum go down her throat and into her tummy. As she looked up at daddy all she could think of was how happy he was with her and how much she loved being called a good girl. And she wanted to hear it again and again.

Bill felt elation surging through him as he looked at his little girl. Her face wasn't one of fear or doubt, but love. She loved her daddy, and she loved his touches and his kisses. Daddy took his shirt off and was now naked just as his daughter. He took her hand and led her through the living room to the stairs. His big warm soft bed was calling them, and he some learning to do of his own. He was going to lay his baby down on the bed and explore every inch of her little body, from her soft little mouth to the tips of her toes.

Special playtime was just starting. And daddy had so much planned.


This is my first story so feedback and comments are very welcome.

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houston exhibitionist cpl

Awesome! Keep it 'up'. We loved it

Greg & Brenda


I love your story and I wish you were my daddy.


Wonderful story.Vert well written and I hope that you will continue with it.Thanks,Shelly


Beautiful tale. I love how you are teaching your little girl how to be a proper fuck toy. I can't wait till you bulge her tummy from the inside out when you get that gristle up her womb!


Flynn, this is a great story! I hope there is more to come. Keep up the great work!


Good story. I cant wait for part two.


Thanks for the feedback, i'm writing the next part


Very good story - well written. Love it. Keep it up!!!!!


Good story. I wish I was Cindys daddy


super story looking forward to more

Grandpa Fuchs

I love this style of story, a pretty little girl who loves to please dirty old men and loves the taste of cum.


Too many of the stories here have violence included. It was nice to read yours without. Great story line. More please.


Great story .....look forward to more


Very good story done nicely. Keep it going and have her be daddy's little sex toy

daddy loves his girls

love the story please continue

old perv

i loved this story. she's a good little girl too. swallows the lot and then tells daddy she can keep a secret. wow, mmmmmmm.

The reviewing period for this story has ended.