Published: 20-May-2012
Word Count:
I was nervous, walking up the pathway to my sister's house. I guess I had every right to be. I was visiting to use her son as my lover, and I had no idea what to expect.
My sister Deanne was a couple of years older than me. She lived in a quiet part of town, pleasant houses and neat lawns. Nothing about it suggested here was a woman who would let me make love to her son, but then that was the way I wanted it. Deanna had known me all along, so I guess as she had seen me wear her clothes when I was young she understood what made me tick.
But even loving sisters can be surprised by the revelation that as much as I liked putting on her skirts and dresses and trying on her panties and training bra, I really wanted a small boy to wear them for me. I guess we are all a little weird in some way. Mine was wanting to have a boy lover.
As she had invited me to visit, I presumed that she had gotten over her surprise that I was turned on by wanting to have a small boy as a lover. But it still made me kinda nervous to make my way to her house.
Let me explain about Deanna. She had no husband, so anything I did at her place wasn't going to be a problem with anyone else. Deanna was 29, still a pretty hot woman though I am sure you understand that apart from her clothes I had no great desire to fuck her. She had a brief, pretty disastrous affair with some guy and little Stevie - who was now eight - was the result. Cute, the way small boys can be.
As Deanna was almost three years older than me, about the time she was starting to fill out her first bras I was getting horny over thinking I ought to be wearing them. She had taken it pretty calmly when she caught me all dressed up, in fact I am pretty sure without her eagerness to do my hair, put make-up on me and try all her clothes on I might not have been as interested as I was.
But I also knew, when I was dressed up and pretending to be little Kelly Ann, I was trying to picture someone else in those clothes. Me pouting at myself in the mirror was also me wanting to imagine another boy pouting at me in some hot little dress with no glass between us. I kept that part of it from Deanna though in truth I didn't really know quite how I felt then. Oh sure, I liked Deanne jerking me off in her panties to see how much boymilk (as she called it) I could make, but part of me wanted to have a boy do it to me. I just didn't know how much I wanted it back then.
Deanna greeted me at the door. She looked as good as she always did, but I wasn't here to admire her slim body in the low cut sweater and admire her long legs in a short, tight skirt. I did wonder if she wore them to say to me: "Hey, you might want little Stevie but how about fucking me instead?"
If she thought that she was barking not only up the wrong tree but the wrong forest entirely. Fortunately, she wasn't though even i could tell she had something on her mind.
Deanna, being my loving sister, gave me a hug on the doorstep and guided me in to her home. I landed a kiss on her full red lips and she looked at me demurely like she was saying: "Naughty!"
I glanced round, looking for Stevie. I wasn't sure what condition (or for that matter clothes) I'd see him in but he wasn't around. "Listen, honey.," said my sister, linking her arm through mine and taking me to the living room. "I have to talk to you about something."
Shit, I thought, bang goes my fun. She's had some sort of crisis of conscience. Funny really, as she didn't usually bother. She sat me down and placed herself opposite me, and as she leaned forward I got the perfect view down the valley of her tits. Like I say, if I was that way inclined I could have had then and there. But once was enough. Back when I was fourteen I tried her. Enjoyable, but not enjoyable enough, though I was wearing her black lace garter belt and stockings at the time.
"Honey," she said to me. "I know you are really looking forward to having Stevie as your little lover and I guess I'm pretty excited too. But I've been thinking."
I tried not to register disappointment, but I needn't have worried. "My son's all ready for you in his bedroom and I have to say he looks real cute. I spent quite a bit of time and money on him to make him look just right for you, and if you don't get a woodie when you see him you ain't trying, brother." She grinned at me and nodded at the front of my pants, which were already showing a healthy sign. "But my things is - and I never told you this - I need to be there too."
I sat up and my stiff pecker started to dip. The last thing I wanted was my sister interfering, maybe even telling me I shouldn't fuck the little darling. "Oh stop looking so damned worried," she said. "I am not, repeat not, going to get in the way. In fact, bro, I want you to make sure I don't do anything to stop you. You don't know this but I have started to have a thing about being tied up. Yeah, you may well look surprised. Gagged too. So I figure if I am in there but all bound and gagged you can do it in front of me."
My sister paused and laughed. "In fact, think about it. I get to be all helpless while you do what you want to pretty little Stevie and I can't do a damn thing about it."
I nodded and felt my cock reassuringly get back some of its strength. "Would be kinda fun to have you there, but I warn you sis - I will tie you hard, and when I gag you trust me you stay gagged." I couldn't really see what Deanne was going to get out of this but maybe sheer frustration and helplessness was enough. Like I always say, I might dress in a woman's things but that's as far as it goes when it comes to understanding them. "Okay," I agreed. "let's do it."
I followed Deanne to her son's bedroom. Of course I knew where it was. My sister might not have known that I had slipped in there a few times, to corner the boy and play with his small dick. Kiss him too, which was always nice.
Anyway we went straight in and there was the most heavenly sight. Little Stevie was stood on a stool, dressed in a yellow and pink spotted dress, with a short flared skirt and little puff short sleeves. He had white ankle socks on with pink lace tops and cute polished mary jane shoes. On his wrists he had little bangles and bracelets and round his neck a cheap, glittery necklace. The sort little girls like. Best of all was his face: perfectly made up with bright red lips, glossed, and lots of blue eye shadow and mascara. His eyebrows had been plucked into a feminine arch and on his earlobes were two large, pearl button earrings. His hair, normally a tousled mop of blond, had been combed and styled into a fabulous little girl's hairstyle, with bangs and two small pink bows in his hair, one on each side.
My cock had been semi-erect but it almost tore through my pants now. "Fuck," I said as I saw this vision. I could have rushed over to him right then and there and drilled him with my aching cock.
"Hi Uncle Willy," said Stevie, giving me a small coy wave from where he stood and the bangles on that wrists made a pleasant tinkling sound.
"Lift your skirt, sweetheart," said the boy's mommy over my shoulder. "Show your uncle your panties."
Little Stevie giggled like a girl and lifted the hem of his skirt, revealing the most divine pair of pale pink panties covered in bands of blue lace. I couldn't see the boy's small cocklet in there but I knew it was waiting for me. I gulped loudly in appreciation.
"But me first," said Deanna. "Tie me to this chair here, please."
I saw the chair. It was a straight, hard back chair with a pile of ropes next to it. Deanna settled herself on it and put her hands over the back. As much as I wanted the boy, I had agreed to this so I set to work, lashing my sister to it. I really got into it too and soon had her pinned tightly to it, shoudlers straining back and tits out, legs bound wide apart. I asked if it was tight enough and she groaned in pleasure. It was the last sound she made for a while as I tied a knotted scarf in her mouth and then taped it over. When I asked her how she felt again, she made a real indistinct noise. I patted her head. "You're done, sis," I said.
I even gave her tits a squeeze. Not out of friendliness or erotic pleasure, but a sharp reminder of pain. As I squeezed hard I twisted her boob sharply. She made an "unnnth" sound into her gag. I did it to first one and then the other. I swear a tear even appeared at the corner of her eyes.
I walked over to Stevie who was watching wide eyed at what I had done to his mommy. But I wasn't bothered about what he thought, only what I was going to do to him.
I took the boy in my arms and planted a huge kiss on his red gloss lips, pushing my tongue into his little mouth. He made some strange sound in his throat, which I took to be pleasure. Stevie sure was a good little kisser and we enjoyed the intimacy for a good few minutes. I opened my eye and caught a glimpse of my sister, all trussed up, staring at us in a kind of wild-eyed "make me cum" way. I hoped she was getting what she wanted out of this: I know I sure was.
My hands roamed over my nephew (he had his arms round my neck) and I was feeling his cute little butt though the panties. I was sure I could feel his tiny little erect penis against my belly too, and gyrated my body a little so the friction would rub on it.
The stool the cross-dressed boy was standing on was just the right height and I flipped my hard cock out to poke it between his bobby-sox ankles. I could have shot my load then and there all over his polished shoes and his socks but I resisted the urge.
I hoisted the boy up and dropped him on his bed. His little skirt flew up and he made no effort (very unlike a real girl, I thought) to push it down. I tore my clothes off and turned the kid over on his face, tugging at his panties to get them down to his knees. Behind me I could hear the watching Deanna moaning in frustration, which somehow increased my determination to give Stevie's little ass a good humping in front of her.
"Wait, Uncle Willy," said the boy, craning his head round over his shoulder.
"What?" I said.
"Please," the kid begged. "Can you tie me up like my mommy? So's I can be like her."
"Stevie, I can't tie you to a chair 'cos I can't get at your asshole."
The boy grinned. "I know, Uncle, I know. But you can tie me face down, can't you?"
I was desperate to spear the boy and though he was right, he was also wrong. I could tie him face down, but not this time. "Nah... later," I said, holding him down and pressing my rigid cock to his tight little back passage. "Hold still, girl," I said. "This will hurt."
"Yes sir," he said. "Please gag me with your hand."
It was the least I could do, clamping my hand over his rich red lipped mouth and sliding my thick cock up into him. Deanna had lubed his back passage for me in readiness but it would still make the kid yelp. I even tried to position myself so that Deanna, tied to the chair, could see my shaft entering her son's ass.
Stevie howled and cried and struggled, as indeed did his mom watching, but I was soon getting up a good rhythm, driving my rigid dick in and out of his butt, feeling my balls slapping against his cute little rear and getting ready to help pump my thick cum into the pretty boy's tight ass. With care I could keep this going for ten minutes easily and I had every intention of trying for fifteen. It was just about the best fuck anyone had ever had...
When I had filled him with cum and I was done I lay, cuddling the child, consoling him as he sobbed gently from the pain. That's when I decided on the next course of action. I lifted the lightweight boy off the bed. "Hey Stevie, time to hurt your mom some, huh?"
The little boy looked at me in surprise. He may have known his mom would be tied up but not that he'd get to hurt her. He wiped his tears away and smiled. I guided the boy over to his mother who was looking at us wide eyed, the kid waddling as he still had his panties round his knees. "Okay, lover boy, this is what I want you to do. Now, see your mommy has tits?" I reached out and seized one and gave the sharp twist I had done before, but harder this time. The female almost exploded in pain. "Now, your hands aren't big enough to do this but look here." I took my leather belt from my pants and showed it to the boy. "You're going to use this on her tits. Don't worry, lover, it won't hurt you. Only her."
"Okay, Uncle Willy," said Stevie as he took the belt. I showed him how to fold it over and where to hit his mom's tempting boobs. My sister was mmphing into her gag in panic. Guess she hadn't thought of this eventuality. Well, she'd learn.
Stevie's first efforts at swiping at those mammaries wasn't great, but with practice he began to hit them most every time. "Do it harder," I urged the boy and in a few moments he was lashing them hard. Tears were rolling down his mom's face and she was howling anew into her gag. I stroked her hair as her son beat her sore tits. I didn't want Deanna thinking I didn't care. I also, with my other hand, rubbed the little boy's dick through his pretty dress. It got surprisingly hard and he clearly was enjoying this.
"Okay, that's enough for now, lover," I said as I stopped rubbing him up and took the belt off him. Stevie looked disappointed.
"Okay, Uncle Willy," he said. "Will mom be alright?" He asked, looking at the way tears were falling from her face.
"Of course she will, she loves it really," I said. "I wouldn't do anything to really hurt her, would I?" Then I laughed. "Though you might."
"Sure," said the boy with a chuckle.
"When you are bigger and I do this you can even shoot cum on her tortured nody. Now, that'd be fun, right?"
The boy nodded eagerly. "Now can we fuck some more please Uncle?"
"Okay, with you tied down?"
The little boy nodded more than before and as I was ready for some more action on my cock I couldn't think of anything I'd like better.
There was enough rope left over to bind the boy spread eagle and face down, a pillow under his front to raise his ass up. I gagged the boy this time as I wanted both hands free and set about slowly riding him, hearing him sob with the pain of another severe invasion from my thick, hard cock.
I didn't make it last as long this time and soon had shot my load in him, leaving him lying crying on the bed while I went to make myself a drink and catch up with the afternoon TV shows.
It was later on when I went back and untied Deanna's arms but not her spread legs, and as she could see clearly her son all tied up on the bed her hand rushed up her skirt to finally bring herself off. When she had finished and I removed her gag she gasped: "That was fucking awesome, brother."
"Did your little boygirl hurt you?"
"Damn right he did. God it was painful but I came so hard."
"Well, thank Stevie. He's going to be good at punishing you and I have to say he is the best little lover a man can have."
"Oh yes," gasped Deanna, frigging herself as fast as she could.
I moved right in a few weeks later. Little Stevie wears pretty little girl clothes all the time now and he really knows how to dance on the end of my cock. Well, we get plenty of practice. He also gets tied up and thoroughly enjoys being fucked bound and gagged. As I well know, there are lots of ways to do that and I am sure we can think of some more.
As for Deanna, she's getting used to wearing chains when she's not tied up and we are making good progress torturing her. I think Stevie will make an excellent torturer and already has some good ideas. He likes her in a small cage overnight and my sister even goes and locks herself in it. Good slut, we say to her when she does it.
For my part I'm just happy to relax in my new home, fuck some and enjoy life with my nephew, my lover.
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