Published: 17-May-2012
Word Count:
Jack Miller stood in the doorway of the living room, unable to believe what he was seeing. The female bound to a hardback chair and so well gagged might have been his wife Jane. A younger version of his 33 year old wife.
But it wasn't Jane, all trussed up as the man liked to see her. It was their only son, Bobby.
For a moment the man didn't know what to do, finding Bobby like this. His instinct, as father, should have been to rush to the pre-teen boy and free him, get his gag out and demand to know what had happened. But the part of him that loved bondage and sex wanted to drink in this sight for as long as he could, feeling his cock harden in his pants at the vision.
It was quite a vision too. The 12 year old boy was sitting perfectly still in his mesh of tight ropes, arms fastened behind him and knees tightly bound together, wearing one of Jane's black skirts and cream satin blouses with the all too obvious bumps of large breasts beneath. The boy wore dark stockings and polished black high heels - Jack could see them under the intricately woven ropes tied round Bobby's feet to keep them on. Despite the ball gag the boy looked extremely feminine with plenty of make-up: beautifully made-up eyes, a little rouge on his cheeks and red glossy lips stretched round the black rubber ball in his mouth.
Even the boy's hair was identical to Jane's. Chestnut red curls, falling to his shoulders, and at the boy's throat Jack could see the gleam of a pearl necklace. The expensive necklace Jack had bought Jane for their last wedding anniversary.
Had it been Jane bound and gagged like this it would be, as far as Jack was concerned, the perfect welcome home after a hard day at the office. A surprise, but one he dreamed of. What he could see here was very much a surprise too, and as Bobby looked so much like Jane perhaps the next best thing. Especially as the boy was so docile, not struggling or crying or trying to shout.
Jack took in the sight of his son, looking like his wife, and then walked over to him. He took the envelope pinned to the front of Bobby's blouse - the one with big red letters on it saying: "Important: Read this First" and opened it.
Bobby sat quite still and silent as Jack began to read the letter inside, one obviously from his wife's hand.
'Dear Jack,' the letter began. 'I guess this must be quite a surprise for you, coming home and finding Bobby like this. It has taken some arranging to all this right but I am pleased with the effect and I hope you are too. Whatever your instincts though please read all this letter through carefully before releasing Bobby. Don't worry about him in his bondage: he understands perfectly.
'In fact, I would think he would be disappointed if you untied him and told him to go and take off my clothes without reading all this letter and thinking things through.
Jack gulped as he read on. 'Bobby has been very good and co-operated throughout my training him. Training him for a purpose.
'You see, I have decided to leave you and let Bobby take my place. He can, with patience and understanding, become the perfect copy of me - the woman in your life you always wanted.
'I am sure this is a shock to you but it's only right that I let you know why I decided to go. I have left you for a woman I met some time ago. You don't know her but she has proved to be a perfect lover for me. We will be relocating to California but please don't try to find me: I have a new identity and new look and I won't be coming back.
'Being married to you Jack was hard for me. I had a secret longing for a female lover and Susan took some finding. A lot of trial and error, all kept from you I am sad to say. But you wanted a wife who dresses sexily, wear high heels all the time, loves bondage and enjoys being screwed in the ass and mouth. Oh yes, and one who kept herself looking young and innocent. I knew I could never meet those ideals, and didn't want to meet them.
'Seemed to me however that we could both get what we wanted, thanks to Bobby, who has been perfect.'
Jack looked at his feminized son and felt his cock swell again at what he was seeing. Yes, the boy did look wonderful like this and all kinds of dark and delicious thoughts stirred in him. The man went back to the letter. 'I trained Bobby for almost nine months, after I found him trying on my clothes one day. You never knew because I made Bobby promise to do what I said. I told him if he did things my way, then you wouldn't find out and ground him for a year or whatever and he could carry on wearing my things. Or the sexy things, anyway, which pleased him.
'I trained him to be the new me. He wore lots of my clothes when you weren't around, practiced walking in high heels, got used to putting on a bra and hooking nylons to a garter belt, knows how to do his hair (a wig at the moment but his will grow) and even does the housework. It's surprisingly easy to educate boys to be docile housewives if they are allowed do the washing and ironing and cleaning in high heels, stockings and lingerie!
'By the way, you will have noticed his boobs - you can hardly miss them! I have bought silicon filled false tits for him to wear in his bra, boobs that can be glued to his chest if needed and look quite realistic. They are, of course, rather bigger than my real boobs and I guess you will be fascinated by them being so large. Happy feeling up, Jack!
'More than anything you will be pleased to know I also trained him to be good in bed. Susan provided me with a strap-on dildo and Bobby learned to take it in the ass - and I taught him to suck it as if it was a real dick too. The two ways you most wanted me to perform for you and I found it so difficult.
'Also I trained Bobby to appreciate bondage. You know I wasn't happy with being bound and gagged by you (though Susan does it to me and I find that incredibly different and utterly arousing) and our son took to it well, I have to admit. I tied Bobby in all sorts of ways when he was in my clothes and believe me, what you see in front of you is tame compared with some of the ways I bound him up. He even had his ass paddled when he didn't do some task properly, so he understands the need for discipline you'll be pleased to know.
'But like I say, Bobby is the new Jane. New and improved as the advertising people say.'
Jack took another look at Bobby, wondering how he missed all this secret activity and training, but he had been away on business a lot and often out at weekends. The two of them - three if this Susan was involved - had plenty of time to get all this done. The man went back to the letter.
'So the next stage is up to you Jack. You can free Bobby, let him resume being a boy and go and find a new wife. I won't contest any divorce and want nothing of my old life with you. Or you can allow him to be the female he wants to be, and more important the female you want him to be, right down to his little lace panties.
'I have left all my clothes (my tight dresses and the short skirts and see-through tops and of course all that lingerie and underwear you bought me, plus the high heels) and a lot of makeup. You may even want to take him shopping for more sexy clothes: I have done and he makes a totally convincing young woman. Hell, I could have got him a couple of dates at the mall from very interested men!
'I have every reason to think Bobby will make you the perfect wife, and that includes being in bed. You see, I may not love you Jack as I thought I once did but I do want you to be happy after the years of disappointment with me. Bobby, as your new wife, can do that.
'On this marital thing one more point. When Bobby is sixteen he can become your real wife. There are a couple of places that have a local law allowing a man to marry anyone 16 or over, and I hear that includes young males. I would think by then though Bobby would have proved to be an outstanding female and no one would ever know in any State, but you might want to keep it totally legal. Like I say, all this is up to you, though I imagine you still find wedding dresses a turn-on and may want to see Bobby suitably attired in virgin white for his big day. Maybe with ankles chained under the long lace-trimmed dress, as you wished I'd been obliged to wear on our wedding day thirteen years ago.
'You may wonder at this point how you will cope with your mom and dad finding out about all this: well, to put your mind at rest, they already know. Your mom and dad have been great, met Susan (and like her, especially your mom who I think has quite a leaning towards strong, domineering women too) and they both want me and you to be happy in our own ways. They have seen Bobby dressed up and acting as me and thoroughly approve, indeed your mom has some good ideas about teaching Bobby to be an even better wife and has got him cooking and working in the kitchen. She also has taken him to the mall and got him appointments at the corset shop - not because Bobby needs it with his slim waist but because it's another way for him to be restrained.
'Your mom thinks submissive young women should be well strapped up under their clothes and likes the idea of Bobby encased in a tight pink corset - well, each to their own I guess!
'On that subject I must tell you that your pop surprised me (and very much surprised Bobby) by wanting to lift his skirt and smack his ass. Seems he always wanted to do that to me and I imagine slapping the back of Bobby's legs and his derrière when he's in my clothes is a good substitute for doing it to me. Several times your father came round specially to spank Bobby's ass and it seems to have done the boy good to be handled so strictly by a mature man. Incidentally, your father made a fine set of heavyweight manacles (they're on a shelf in the garage if you need them) which Bobby wore from time to time as a punishment when doing the housework. Believe me, it all helped.
'I have to say your mom and dad have been astonishingly supportive in all this and I guess I will miss their friendliness and enthusiasm. You are lucky to have such good parents, Jack. They will help a lot over the coming weeks and months, I know.
'So that's all I can tell you, Jack. Bobby has been trained, likes to be disciplined, wants to be female and put to good use. I don't even think he'll miss me, so don't worry on that score. Oh yes, I have taken care of his education needs with home learning which you may want to continue, unless you want to send him to school as a girl. Up to you from now on, though if he dates another boy you may get jealous!
'Okay, I have to go now. I will, by the time you read this, be a long way from you - in both body and spirit. Susan I know will want to tie me up and spank me for spending so much time and effort with this letter but I don't mind. Funny how I see her doing it to me as preferable to you doing it!
'Take care, Jack, and look after your new wife, Bobby.'
It was signed by Jane, of course, with a PS: 'One last thing. When you look under his skirt you will find I have provided him with a butt plug and his cock and balls are in a little stainless steel chastity cage, the key for which is in the bedroom. I think you will agree however that keeping his small cock locked out of the way both increases his feminized state and doesn't spoil the line of even the tightest skirt with a little bulge, though seeing that swelling may turn you on.
'I am sure you will soon realize there may be issues over letting Bobby cum. My advice, if I can offer it, is to let him out of his cock cage once a month if he has been good and allow him to jerk off, probably while looking at some fashion catalog with women in their underwear. Or maybe pictures of himself, dressed up for sex. I am sure you will decide what's best for him. Incidentally I allowed him to look at pictures of you, photos from our vacation down on the beach, while he whacked off - with a two minute deadline to climax. It helped get him to think of you as the one he should please and admire, and it was also fun watching him with his skirt held up, panties round his knees and masturbating furiously to cum quickly, before I locked the cage back on him.
'Okay, that's really it now. Goodbye and good fucking. J.'
Jack folded the letter back into the envelope, aware that Bobby was watching him. Certainly the boy wasn't distressed in any way. If anything it looked as if he was enjoying this, and his big pretty eyes were bright and full of hope.
The man briefly thought about his wife and this Susan female, wondering where they were. But Jane was right: she was gone, and it was time to move on. In some ways he would miss her, but not many ways. Not if Bobby here lived up to the all the things his wife had written about.
The man stepped up to the chair and straddled the boy, facing him. He could smell his wife's perfume on the boy and he smiled. Every detail was perfect. Jack reached behind the boy's chestnut hair and undid the gag, easing the rubber ball out of his lipsticked mouth.
Without a word he slipped his stiff cock from his pants and slid it into the waiting open mouth, sighing as Bobby closed his lips around the thick, veiny shaft and expertly began sucking while licking the sensitive underside of Jack's cock.
Jack groaned with pleasure. The boy was good - no, make that his new wife was good. In a few minutes of this careful tonguing and sucking he would cum down his - or her - throat. Then he could use his new, sexy wife any way he pleased. Untied, spanked, taken upstairs and be tied up once more and fucked in the ass on the big marital bed.
The man thought about all the things he would do, the dressing and tying and fucking. Yes, Bobby would be a perfect wife. No, make that Bobbi, the man grinned as he came like never before.
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