Published: 13-May-2012
Word Count:
"So that's the choice, Lenny," said the man sat next to the boy in the car. "You're either a Pansy, a Pretty or a Punished."
"Choice? I thought you said they decided," the 13 year old boy asked.
"Sure," the boy's Uncle Harry grinned at the boy alongside him. "They do the choosing."
Lenny nodded. "An' I have to do what they say." He thought for a moment, staring out the windshield at the large building in front of them. The big house where his life would change. Where he'd be one of the Ps. "Uncle... what do you think they'll choose for me?"
The man shrugged. "Guess I can't rightly say, Lenny. You're a good looking boy, maybe they'll think you'll be nice as a Pretty, just paradin' round with nothing on 'cept for a little makeup and a pink lace collar."
"And Prettys, they just have to look nice," the boy was repeating what his uncle had told him earlier, when they set off for the Club as he called it.
"Yep. Prettys just are, well, nice looking. Just so the men who go there can be excited by you and maybe cuddle up to you, kiss you and stuff. Like we do." He almost said "did" because from now on Lenny would be out of his hands, most of the time.
The boy nodded, perhaps even understanding what hadn't been said. Lenny continued: "The Pansys just dress up as girls, right?" He looked uncomfortable saying that, but only because his experience of wearing dresses and stockings and high heels had resulted in some painful experiences when he had to bend over and flip up his skirt so his Uncle could take advantage from the rear.
Harry recognised the look on the kid's face and guessed his distress. "Not all of them want to do things to Pansys, mostly you could be just serving drinks, cleaning up... the kind of things womenfolk do." The middle-aged man paused. "You'll be kind of like a young woman in there, maybe wearin' a bra and stuff. If that's the Club's choice."
Lenny blushed a little. "A bra," he said quietly. "Like my mom has, but she's got tits."
"Well, some of the Pansys get to have tits too, so I guess they need to have bras then. Once they've had the operation."
The boy nodded, still looking ahead. Whatever he thought about being converted into a part-boy, part-girl he hadn't brought himself to talk about the Punisheds. Maybe he couldn't, Harry thought. He had been tied up by his Uncle and even spanked. But that was play, not punishment. Even though it hurt at the time Lenny hadn't thought he was being punished.
"You want to know about the Punisheds?" Harry asked gently, breaking the silence.
"I guess if that's what they choose I'll find out," said the boy. He wriggled a little in his seat, fidgeting because his hands had been tied in back for over an hour while they drove here. It hadn't been strictly necessary for him to be bound hand and foot (he had ropes round his ankles too) and not from the start of the drive over. But Harry saw no reason not to bind his nephew when he collected him. Except that he couldn't wave goodbye to his mother like that.
The man smiled and tousled his nephew's hair. "You'll be okay kid. If I was a gamblin' man I'd say a Pretty if ever I saw one." He wasn't sure the Prettys got things any easier, what with all the cock sucking and swallowing they had to do, but maybe the boy would think that better than being turned into a half-girl or even put in the cells. The Prettys always looked more or less free, Harry had decided since joining the Club ten years ago.
Joining on the strict understanding that one day he would, like all members, provide a boy for the Club to enjoy.
Harry started the car up and they eased forward, down the winding road that led to the gates of the big house. Towards a decision about Lenny.
The boy sat staring at the wall of the room, perched on the edge of a table with his hands now cuffed in back and a neck chain dangling down his front and attached to a ring fastened round his small penis and scrotum. He was naked and there were several faint marks on him where he had been subjected to an examination. Harry wasn't sure what to say to the disconsolate boy, other than: "I still think you'd have made one hell of a Pretty."
Lenny shrugged but didn't answer. He looked morose, and Harry wasn't sure how he could cheer him up. He didn't have to, but it seemed that's what family should try and do. "Listen, it won't be so bad... I know some real nice boys who-' But the word boys sounded hopelessly inappropriate. It wouldn't be too long before he stopped being a boy as such.
"Lenny, it could have been worse. I mean a Punished has a tough time in the cells, what with the whippings and tort-"
"Stop it, Uncle," glowered the boy. "I might as well be tied up and chained up as a boy instead of having to wear a skirt." There was a bitterness about him. Understandable, given the resentment he felt against females. After all, his mother hadn't stopped him going with his Uncle, had she? She hadn't intervened, never said her brother couldn't have the boy for all these games.
Now he was on the verge of being a female, of a kind.
"You don't know what they'll do to you," soothed Harry. "Not all Pansies have their cocks taken away, and some of them don't get tits."
"I know" said Lenny, a fraction less testily. "They showed me some. Pictures and a movie. But I don't know if it's better to have a cock under a skirt, or not have one at all."
"Some men here like boys in women's clothes. Just boys as they are." It was the best Harry could offer, now Lenny was out of his hands.
Well, not quite. He checked his watch: he had an appointment in ten minutes with a Pretty, down the hall in one of the bedrooms. A latino with big dark eyes and a wide grin who sucked cock really great and loved rimming a man's asshole. But Harry had a few minutes to comfort Lenny.
Harry perched on the table next to the boy and put his arm round the young teen. He looked down and saw that the scrotum ring the boy now wore was in turn attached to the table, which disappointed him. He had been hoping to lift the boy up on to his cock for one last fuck. But then Lenny's ass would be sore from the examination and what they put in him. Perhaps it was a good job he couldn't lift his ass off the table, Harry thought.
He kissed Lenny on the cheek. The boy's skin tasted salty, from the tears he had shed while being brutally examined, while the Club made its decision about him.
"They hurt me, Uncle Harry," the boy whispered.
"Has to be done, kid," smiled the Uncle, leaning round and kissing the boy's lips. It wasn't a long kiss, but it was tender and Lenny welcomed it, opening up for his Uncle's tongue. They kissed for a short while and then the man broke it. He checked Lenny's small cock, now bigger and with his balls bugling forward because of the metal ring, looking even sexier than usual.
It made harry hard to see such a delightful sight, but he wasn't going to waste cum here. Not with that boy waiting for him. Gently Harry reached down and took his nephew's semi-hard cocklet. "Want me to make you cum?"
"Course I do," said the boy, breathing a little harder now. He never could resist his uncle's hands on him and he didn't blame him for the the Club had decided. It wasn't his doing was it? The man had merely delivered his nephew there, not made any decisions.
"Okay, one more time for good luck." Harry began rubbing the small cock between his thumb and forefinger, making it grow hard as he exercised it.
Quietly, the man moved his free hand up so he could cover the boy's mouth, just in case Lenny wanted to make any whimpering noises. Harry knew full well the house was full of sounds of boys cumming, or men cumming into boys, or boys begging or pleading or crying or even screaming at what was being done to them. But this room was quiet and the man didn't want to spoil the silence. Anyway, Harry always liked the idea of pinching the boy's nostrils closed just as the kid shot his small load out.
Lenny was used to being smothered as he came, and made no effort to resist his Uncle's grip, closing his mouth tight and then having his nose pinched shut. As usual, Harry slowed his masturbation of the boy so the boy was soon wriggling and struggling, desperately trying to cum and get his breath back.
"Hush, soon be there," whispered Harry, wanting another kiss but knowing it would have to wait until he heard the small patters of the boy's semen on the floor beneath them.
"Hmmmth" whimpered Lenny into the hand that sealed his lower face. Already his eyes were bulging, his body twitching with pleasure and fear. His palor was changing too. Harry chuckled and slowed his jerking even more. After all, he should make this moment last: if things went according to plan Lenny might not have a cock to do this to again. Maybe it would be his last climax.
But that was the future and he should think about the now. In a moment Lenny, twisting against his cock restraint and helplessly kicking his legs and making panicky noises in his throat, managed to cum. His thin semen jetted out and splattered on the hard floor, making Harry grin. With a sigh he released his iron grip on the boy's face - but only after the last pulses of cum had stopped, leaving a small puddle on the table top between his legs.
"T-thankyou," gasped Lenny as he clawed his breath back
"See, it isn't so bad after all, is it?" Harry leaned in as the boy shook his head and kissed those pretty lips, which would he knew look so much better with slut-like collagen implants. The man ran his hand over the boy's chest, thinking what it would be like to feel little tits on them, imagining too how the boy would look with no cock and balls. Just a hairless slit between his legs as he teetered round on five-inch high heels with his butt shimmying in that sexy little way only converted boys can manage. The thing that drove most men to instant erections.
But then he didn't doubt it would happen to Lenny. The Club had followed all Harry's recommendations so far, and as President he had no reason to think they wouldn't do exactly what he said.
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