Published: 29-Nov-2011
Word Count:
There was a distinct bubblegum pink, next to a baby blue, then a lime green and a banana yellow and a purple that seemed to glow. The diagonal thin stripes on the young girl's knickers were utterly mesmerising.
Corinne Naylor couldn't tear her gaze from them as she sipped her revolting coffee. A dishwater drink with a nasty after taste, but she told herself if you will consume such slop in a shopping mall food court what can you expect? And from a plastic cup too, just to make her feel even more dissatisfied.
A wise person would have abandoned the drink then and there, but then not every wise person gets to see what Corinne could see and she didn't want to break the vision.
Seeing the candy stripe knickers peeking out from the top of the ten year old's shorts was more than adequate compensation, so Corinne stayed where she was and sipped the coffee and allowed herself a repeated glance at the girl's bare back above the waist band of her denim shorts - and of course those wonderful candy stripes. So perfect the way they curved with her little rear, the hollow of her back.
Tasty enough to eat, she smiled to herself. Casually, she slipped her mobile phone from her handbag and pretended to check it for calls. In reality, she was lining up a sneak shot of what she could see. She would go home later on and when her dear, stupid husband was distracted, the woman lie on the bed among the various little girl's knickers she had collected over the years and masturbate as she looked at candy's panties.
Candy. Yes, that was what she called this girl in her mind. Not Lacy or Cotton or even Rose, but Candy. And later she would make herself cum thinking of Candy as she looked at her picture and dream of licking the crotch of them. Worshipping the aroma of pre-teen pee and perhaps a little cummie juice.
Corinne had made cummie juice when she was ten herself; a faint dribble that got her hooked on the act and the smell. Now, whenever she could, she made lots of cummie juices.
Across the table from Corinne was her husband Lenny, who was sipping his coffee and going on about buying a new camera. He scorned the camera facility on his wife's mobile phone, though she was very careful not to show him the pictures she had taken. Pictures of young girls bending over with their delightful little skirts riding up and showing their panties. Sneak shots in dressing rooms where little girls were trying on a new dress. Even, and this as the most perverted, photos of displays of little girl knickers in stores. The sort of exciting, perverted photo that made Corinne feel helpless and wet and excited. Right now, he had his back to Candy so was oblivious to the presence of three girls on the table behind them. Two teenagers in black padded puffer jackets as was the latest fashion -- a dirty-blonde girl and an almost magenta-haired girl with flashy gold earrings -- both who seemed to be accompanying the younger brunette Candy.
But whoever the girl was she was the prettier of the three, at least she looked it in profile when she turned her head from time to time. She had the look of being the dirty blonde's younger sister, but nicer and softer looking. Corinne wondered if the older sister, 15 she estimated, was wearing similar knickers. But even if she did they couldn't be as sweet as the younger one's panties.
To Corinne's delight she managed to snap two pictures of Candy showing her knickers. This would make, she was sure, the perfect masturbation session, particularly as she had a new pair of stolen panties from a neighbour's washing line and wanted to pull them over her head and breathe through the crotch -- sadly clean but better than nothing -- and cum as she did so.
Lenny had decided he would go and check out the cameras at the other end of the mall. Check out being a euphemism to buy. Corinne smiled and said she would go and put her new dress in the car and then come back and window shop some more.
"I'll be an hour at least," said Lenny. "It isn't easy choosing from so many models," he said. A way of saying he would be trying every damn camera in the shop and discussing it with the salesperson unlucky enough to get his attention. Bore them to death, thought Corinne, but she assured her husband not to worry. She was happy to wait.
So here they were, both of them at 39, with no kids and 16 years of an ordinary, one-holiday-and-six-fucks-a-year marriage behind them. None of those girls behind him would have been born when she had said "I do," thought Corinne, a tad bitterly at what her life had become. And that futile attempt at an affair with Don from the office, she reflected, was before Candy here was born. But even fucking, fun though it was occasionally, couldn't match the joy of looking at pictures of knickers, sniffing them, stuffing them in her mouth as if they were a gag and she was being made to do this by some naughty pre-teen girl.
And her favourite line in her head whenever she came was always: "You will obey me, slut Corinne, and worship my little cute knickers every day and clean them with your tongue!" Already Corinne's cunt was pulsing with the excitement of the prospect.
Lenny was getting up, leaving his half-drained cup. Something else for Corinne to tidy up after him, she thought. Behind him, the girls got up as one. Candy girl's knickers disappeared from view as her shorts got back their rightful place on her skinny waist.
No, there was still a little hint of them, Corinne could see. She stared at the backside of the girl, ignoring what her husband was saying. Something about not spending too much on any clothes as he was about to slide away to spend five hundred or more on a new camera. Pig, thought Corinne, but what did she expect? The narrow waistband of the knickers was claiming all her attention, and the swell of the young girl's bum fascinated her.
The three girls were chattering and one of them, magenta-hair, caught her eyes for a moment. Then they were up and gone but the look from magenta-hair bothered her for some reason. Then pig Lenny was heading off too. Corinne sighed, put her phone away and cleared their table before she went off to put her new dress in the boot of the car.
The car was in the far corner of the mall car park and Corinne picked her way through the cars, still thinking about Candy. At her car she opened the boot and carefully laid the dress in, and never saw the three girls loom behind her.
"Bitch," said the older two in the black jackets as she and her friend, magenta-hair, took hold of Corinne's arms. One on each side, like they knew what to do. "You were staring at my little sister Beth, weren't you?"
"You a pervert or something?" Asked magenta-hair, glaring at Corinne, who was utterly shocked at this assault.
"No I am not! Get off me!" Corinne struggled but the grip on each arm was strong.
Beth -- the Candy girl -- was stood a yard or two away, watching. She was giggling.
"Listen, perv," said dirty-blonde. "Tell us what you were looking at back in there. What you were take' a picture of."
"I wasn't looking at anything, for God's sake!" Corinne redoubled her efforts to get free but the two teens were hanging on to her. "I was having a drink with my husband. He'll be here in a moment!"
"Nah he won't," said magenta-hair. "I saw him going that way." She nodded towards the far end of the long mall building. A five minute walk away and no one was approaching.
"You shouldn't do this," Corrine snapped, still trying to free herself. "We are probably on closed circuit television right now, so there will be trouble--"
"Don't be fucking stupid," said magenta-hair. "Those things are dummies. No one gives a fuck here."
"I give a..." the woman stopped herself through modesty. "I haven't got any money, if that's what you want."
"Not money," said dirty-blonde.
"'Sright," agreed Beth, the first time she had spoken. "Wanna know why you were looking at me bum. An' taking picture of it."
"I wasn't! I am a married woman," Corinne protested, still trying to get free. She hoped her husband had abandoned his selfish plan to test every camera known to man and would come back and save her from these crazy girls. "I was not doing anything!"
"Oh you were, you perv," said magenta-hair, pushing her face into Corinne's. Chewing gum on the teen's breath. "That fucki' camera phone of yours... you were taking photos of us."
"An' you married women make the biggest pervs," snorted Beth's big sister.
A car a couple of lanes away moved off, but it didn't see the group. Or if it did it hurried on and didn't want to be involved.
"An' the biggest cunts," giggled Beth, not looking nearly so innocent now.
"Fucking hairy I reckon," said dirty-blonde. She almost spat the words out.
"I'm not hairy--" began Corinne and wished she hadn't.
"Ooh, a shaver," laughed dirty-blonde. "Bet your you're all bristly and your old cunt lips dangle."
"Let's see what you bought, whore," said magenta-hair, changing the subject. Still holding Corinne with one hand tight she reached into the car boot and pulled out the clothes shop bag. Unceremoniously she tipped it up and blue satin-look dress fell on to the car park tarmac at their feet.
"My dress!" Protested Corinne, shock in her voice.
"Yeah, cheap tat," said Magenta-hair. She shook the bag again and a smaller bag fell out. "See what's in that, Beth."
Beth did as she was told and laughed as she opened it. "Look," she grinned. "Whore knickers." She held up a pair of red lace panties. Ones with a small black bow at the front.
"Oh wow, our little perv gets off on sexy underwear." Dirty-blonde pronounced it "sexeeee" for sneering effect.
"No," said Corinne but she blushed. It was just one of her little pleasures, masturbating in tight new knickers in the quiet of the bathroom, as if they were little girl panties. It was something she could do while Lenny lay in bed reading camera test magazines at bedtime. "Look," said Corinne desperately. "I don't know what you want but this is wrong--"
"Shut the fuck up," hissed dirty-blonde. "We'll tell you when you can speak, slut."
Corinne's face burned bright red. She didn't object.
A voice, a man's voice, cut in. "Hey, you okay you lot?" A young man, car keys in hand, staring at them from a few cars away. A young woman was with him, equally concerned.
The girls turned to stare back at the man and Corinne broke free of their grip at last, but she didn't run. She felt warm in her face and looked at the man, sensing his alarm, as if he was seeing a fight about to happen.
"You okay," he repeated, looking at Corinne directly.
Corinne bent down and picked up her dress, shook it. This was her chance. She took a deep breath. "It's fine thank you. We are playing a game, that's all. Just some fun, my girls and me."
"Well if you're sure..." said the young male guardedly. His girlfriend, a girl of about twenty four with short black hair, had her mobile phone out, making it obvious. Looking ready to use it to call someone, as a deterrent in case things got out of hand.
"I am sure, but thanks again for asking," smiled Corinne, every fibre in her screaming what are you doing, woman? Tell him, go with him! Run!
Corinne didn't run. She didn't do anything but smile. She carefully put the dress back in the bag and heard the man say, "Okay Liz, let's go." Liz put away her mobile, the couple climbed in a car and drove off, slowly and looking back. None of the girls at Corinne's car moved as Corinne dropped the bag in the boot, pausing to wave to the departing car.
"Why do you do that, cunt?" Dirty-blonde was looking at Corinne, forehead furrowed. "You coulda run, bitch."
Corinne had no idea why. Perhaps, she would think later, it was because she was staying near Candy. perhaps, it was a forlorn hope, that they would let her see this little girl's panties up close. "Could have, but you would have chased me," she said, knowing it was a poor excuse.
Magenta-hair laughed. "We got a fuckin' perv here."
"Yeah," said young Beth. She lifted the red pants again and grinned. "You like knickers, cunt?" she asked.
"Well... I-I just think they're nice," Corinne said, blushing. She hadn't been abused like this since she was at school and three big girls cornered her one playtime to demand money. Either that or eat them out. Eleven year old Corinne hadn't got any money that day. And one of the girls was in her period, the cow. But she had got down on her knees and done it while they laughed at her.
She had masturbated often over the memories of that day. Removing those thick, green standard school knickers, smelling the piss and young teen cum juices on them, a trace of shit or recent fart perhaps. And the period stains, making the green crotch brown too. Bitches! Making her do it several times that term and taunting her as Corinne Piss, not Corinne Pitt as she was.
"Oh I know," chortled the little one. "You saw my stripy knicks din't you? Where we were sat." Without hesitation she turned and bent so her short jacket rode up, her little shorts were tugged down by the move. She was showing her bare back and her candy stripe panties once more. "It's these innit?' she said laughing over her shoulder.
God, thought Corinne, she knows. How could she be so smart? How could I be so stupid? I thought I was being clever, she told herself. "Please, I have to go," she said, trying to claw back what little hope she had left to save her pride. They weren't holding her, so surely she could run or scream or... But she simply stood still, head bowed, looking at Beth's candy stripes. Dear God, was the child pulling her shorts down that little more?
"No, said dirty-blonde, "you have to do what we want. First of all, show us the pictures you took of us on your phone." The girl held her hand out for it.
"I... I can't" whispered Corinne.
"Fuckin' well can," said the one with magenta hair.
Corinne felt near to tears, but she dug in her handbag and brought it out. The dirty-blonde snatched it from her and flipped it on. It took her all of five seconds to locate the picture store.
"Fucking hell slut!' Laughed dirty blonde. "Look at these, girls." The other two crowded round and burst out laughing. They were scrolling through a couple of dozen pictures of little girls bent over or inadvertently showing their panties, and even the ones sneaked in shops with hangers laden with girls' knickers.
"That's a nice one of me bum," chuckled Candy, who had stood up now and giggled when they got to the most recent ones.
"Got us a real pervert here," said the dirty blonde with a smirk. "We'll keep these. Go on, get in your car, slut."
Corinne wanted to demand her phone back but it had all gone too far. She did what she was told, opened the car, got in the back seat as told, the teenagers in their black padded jackets and black trousers either side of her, trapping her. Beth had skipped into the front of the car, between the two seats, kneeling up as she looked at the trapped woman and laughing. "Kes, can we make her do things?" Fings, she said, her cute round face in a big grin.
Dirty-blonde was Kes and she smirked. "Oh yeah sis, we will."
"Fuck, yeah, we can make her taste your knickers," suggested magenta-hair. "Gerrem off Beth and give them 'ere. I'll stuff them in her fat mouth."
Panic welled in Corinne, surely not here? Someone would see them, maybe Lenny would come back. There was moment of relief when Beth frowned. "No," the little girl pouted.
A sense of relief flared in Corinne, and then faded. "They're my knicks so I gotta do it," said the child, already tugging her shorts down.
"B-beth, Kes, please... this is silly, dangerous," whispered Corinne. "You wont want to do anyth-"
Kes's hand came up and clamped over Corinne's mouth, silencing her.
"We wanna do it, bitch," she said face close to Corinne's ears, the girl's tongue suddenly flicking at the woman's silver dangling earring. Went in her ear, too. A shudder of excitement went through Corinne.
Corinne blinked, not knocking the hand away. She did nothing when magenta-hair put a hand on her breasts and laughed as she started to pull at them, saying the whore'd got hard nips here like some on-heat cow. The woman's attention was on little Beth, shorts now off, all the candy stripes on show. Perhaps a wee bit too tight, the merest hint of a tiny camel foot.
Behind the hand holding her silent, Corinne whimpered at the view, helpless as the magenta-haired hands worked on her breasts with their hard nipples poking her shirt front obscenely, Kes's other hand working between the woman's open legs. God, thought Corinne, why am I spreading my legs for this? Thank heavens I have trousers on.
Like that made any difference to Kes as she tugged the zip down and skilfully flipped the button open. Corinne to her shame even sucked her belly in to make it easier for the dirty-blonde. There was only one thing going to happen here and Corinne knew it. They all knew it.
Beth was shucking off those candy stripe panties and giggling, her little hairless slit coming into view. "You like it, bitch, yeah? You like me cunny?" She chortled, hips pushed forward in a brazen gesture. All Corinne could do was whimper and moan as hands worked her tits and twisted those painfully hard nipples, the hand between her legs was in the waistband of her own lemon yellow panties, Kes saying something about hey the bitch is fucking-well shaved down here, the wet cow.
Wet? Oh fuck yes, groaned Corinne as those little candy panties were being rubbed on Beth's slit, worked into those small folds, all those lovely colours getting dragged across that delightful young pussy. Then the panties were offered, the child reaching into the back as Kes relented her grasp on the woman's hot face, telling Corinne she better get her fucking fat ugly mouth open wide. Or else.
The balled-up candy stripe panties went in the woman's mouth so easily, just as if they were made to fit, the taste of the child's little pussy on them. Corinne emitted a low cry in her throat as magenta-hair squeezed her pained tits harder and Kes's tongue went in her ear and her hand was right in her sopping wet hole -- brutally in deep -- her other hand dragging Corinne's hair back and even Beth was toying with that bare little slit in front of her. Fingering herself.
Of course it couldn't last. Not long enough if truth be told. Corinne came inside a moment with a muffled scream and all the girls laughed at the poor bitch with the candy stripe knickers in her open mouth. The way spit was dribbling from her packed mouth, the way she looked like someone who had just had the most shattering orgasm ever.
End of part 1
Sadistic Daddy
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